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Applique house made of colored paper presentation. Lesson summary "Applique" for the second junior group "House" lesson plan on applique, modeling (junior group)

It’s very easy to make New Year’s houses out of paper using templates. Thanks to bright colors and festive decorations, the houses look bright and positive, lifting the mood on the holidays.

Children will be delighted with the activity itself and the result of their labors.

Materials for work:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue stick, scissors, simple pencil;
  • Figured composter;
  • Any New Year's decor (beads, sequins, stickers).

DIY fairy-tale New Year's houses made of paper

A simple and cute classic house. To create it, use the template. The photo shows a template of the house and roof.

Print the template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard. Make neat window slits. This step is probably the most difficult, especially if the house is small. It is convenient to cut out small windows with nail scissors.

Make the necessary folds: on the side to glue the house and on top, where the roof will be attached. You also need transverse folds after each square part of the house.

Apply glue to the side and glue the house together.

Cut out a rectangle from colored cardboard and fold it in half, this will be the roof.

Glue the roof in the designated areas at the top of the house.

The winter house made of paper is almost ready, all that remains is to cut out the doors from cardboard, draw tiles on the roof, and paste them with any winter decor. I liked the snowflakes, they look interesting and wintery. I made them using a shaped composter, and for a larger house you can cut out a variety of beautiful snowflakes, there are plenty of templates for them on the Internet.

This option is the simplest, despite the apparent complexity of the roof. But making such a house is very easy and quick.

Print out the house template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard.

In the photo of the template, the fold lines are marked with dotted lines.

Bend them to one side. That is, folds are needed after each square, on the side and in the roof area. On the roof you need to do this carefully and carefully so that even triangles are formed when folded. To do this, you can use a ruler, a protractor, or a plastic card.

Glue the side of the house.

And then a long, pointed roof.

Then everything is simple, because you don’t need to cut out the windows. Cut rectangles out of yellow colored paper, draw cross lines on them and glue the resulting windows. Cut out the doors, paint the roof. Decorate the house with any decor - snowflakes, beads, sequins.

You don't even need a template for this house, it's so simple.

Cut a strip of colored cardboard and glue the edges together to make a tube. Width and height do not play a special role, everything is at your own discretion.

Cut a circle out of cardboard so that it is a couple of centimeters larger than the circumference of the tube and cut it in half.

Glue it into a cone, which will be the roof of the house.

The roof can be decorated with tiles. To do this you will need circles of colored cardboard. Their size is not so significant, but you need to remember that with small circles there is a little more work.

Glue the circles onto the roof, starting from the bottom.

The roof can be plain, striped, like mine, or even variegated, if you alternate the colors of the circles in each tier.

Apply glue (it’s better to use PVA for this) on the rounded edge of the tube and glue the roof. Cut out paper and glue a round window and doors, decorate with decorations and your fairy-tale paper house is ready.

This is how the New Year's houses made of paper turned out, bright, childish, fabulously Christmas-like.

Gohar Galstyan
Lesson summary for the application “Colored House”

Program content:

Continue teaching children to use scissors - "approximately" cut wide strips of paper into cubes ( "squares") or bricks ( "rectangles").

Show the technique of dividing a square diagonally into two triangles to obtain the roof of a house.

Arouse interest in creating a composition from self-cut elements.

Developed eye, sense of form and composition.

Develop independence, confidence in your skills, and accuracy.

Materials, tools, equipment:

For the teacher: Options applicative compositions« Colored house» from "cubes" And "bricks", scissors, glue, a sheet of paper for the background, wide strips of miscellaneous paper colors(width 3-4 cm, length 12-15 cm, paper napkin and cloth.

For children: Wide strips of miscellaneous paper colors(width 3-4 cm, length 12-15 cm, sheets of paper of different background colors, scissors for child labor, glue and brushes or glue sticks, paper and cloth napkins, oilcloths.

Progress of the lesson:

1. The arrival of a game character with a request. (pig)

Preliminary conversation.

I'm looking for a sandbox...

I'm dragging you by the rope

Truck full of nails

Cubes and bricks.

I will build a dacha

On the hot sand.

The piglets ask us to build them houses from cubes and bricks. We have nowhere to live, we are very cold.

2. introductory conversation with examination of samples and illustrations.

What is a house made of? What is it like? Why do we need a house?

3. Demonstration of execution techniques.

Take two strips of different paper colors. Let's use this for our own house cubes, and from this bricks. We cut one strip into approximately equal cubes,

And the second for bricks. Fold in half and cut along the fold - bricks.

Fold the short strip in half. Cut along the fold into cubes.

4. Physical education moment.


Children pronounce words in chorus and perform the corresponding movement:

Quickly stand up, smile,

Stretch higher, higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders.

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched knees.

Sat down - stood up, sat down - stood up

And they ran on the spot.

5. Independent work:

Cut out cubes and bricks

Lay out the details. Admire what happens

Perform gluing


Individual showing:

1. Show children an illustration

2. Demonstration of execution techniques

Individual advice.

The teacher approaches the children and gives individual tips and advice.

Showed it only on my piece of paper.

Playing off the results obtained.

The piglets are very happy. Now they live in a safe house.

Crafts made by children are the best decor for a room. The "House" applique can become a painting, a cover for a notebook, or a gift for grandma.

The benefits of crafts

Creativity for a child is an important element of his development. Crafts involve imagination, fine motor skills, and teach how to use scissors and glue. Emotionally, creative children develop much better.

At these moments, parents will be able to establish contact with their child and have a pleasant time during the process.

House made of colored paper

A craft for a child should be simple and easy. The application will help your baby learn colors and geometric shapes. If a child does not yet know how to use scissors, parents should help him. First, let's prepare materials for creativity:

  • white and colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Get to work in a good mood! So, how to make a house:

  1. On a white sheet of paper we draw the outlines of the house. We draw the roof, window, doors. You can “plant” a tree nearby.
  2. Using scissors, cut out shapes that fit the shape from colored paper. The roof is a triangle, the base of the house is a square. Imagine with your children.
  3. Then we glue the blanks along the contours of the drawing. Let the application dry.
  4. We complete the necessary elements with a pencil.

Winter craft

Application in the younger group of kindergarten is characterized by ease of implementation and availability of materials. Children must cut out the pieces and glue them on themselves. For crafts in the form you will need:

  • white and colored paper;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • sparkles and rhinestones optional.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Let's take a white sheet and draw a schematic picture.
  2. We begin to cut out the roof of the house, the base, the crown and trunks of trees, the sun and clouds, one by one, from colored paper.
  3. Glue all the elements and give them time to dry.
  4. Then we make snow. The first method: cut a lot of white pieces and stick them chaotically on trees and the roof of the house. Second: divide the cotton wool into small pieces, roll into balls and glue them.
  5. If desired, we decorate with sparkles; you can make stars from rhinestones.

The "House" applique is very simple to make. Using your imagination, you can make a series of pictures based on the seasons.

Felt house

The nursery is made quickly and easily. Felt is a very soft material with a rich range of colors. To make the “Colored House” applique neat, prepare the following:

  • felt of various shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • any decorative elements.

How can you make such a house with your children? The process is very simple:

  1. The cardboard will be the basis for the picture. For small children, you can draw the outlines of the house with a pencil.
  2. We cut out geometric shapes from felt - squares, triangles, rectangles. They will become parts for the “construction” of the house.
  3. We glue each element with glue. Older children can sew felt to cardboard with thread.
  4. We decorate the picture with clouds and sun if desired.

Any crafts are aimed at the development of children. Applique is the easiest and most understandable way for kids to learn how to use scissors and glue.

House in the forest

Crafts should be varied. Application in the younger group - This is an integral part of the educational process. At any time of the year you can make a house in the forest. The following materials are prepared for its manufacture:

  • colored paper;
  • white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • various additional materials, such as pieces of fabric, thread, buttons.

The application "House" is very simple:

  1. On white cardboard with a simple pencil we draw a house, the sun, trees, clouds.
  2. Select the paper colors you like and cut out the details for the applique.
  3. Glue all the elements to the drawing.
  4. We make rays of the sun from threads, from red buttons we make apples on a tree, pieces of fabric can become grass.

Each craft will have its own personality. In the process, the child will be able to learn colors, geometric shapes, fruits and berries, and seasons.

Materials for children's creativity

Products for children must be of high quality and safe. The most popular materials for children:

  • Colored paper. It has a wide range of colors, a fairly low price and is suitable not only for appliques.
  • Felt is a very soft material. The rainbow of colors makes it perfect for kids' crafts.
  • Buttons develop fine motor skills and help learn geometric shapes.
  • Threads, yarn, ribbons. These available materials can complement any children's applique and make it come alive.
  • Corrugated paper is suitable both for gluing individual elements and for creating flowers and trees.
  • Glue is an important element in children's creativity.
  • Pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens will help complement the drawings and make them brighter.

The "House" applique is a good opportunity for children to develop creatively. It's quite simple and easy to make. Even children in the younger group of kindergarten can handle making a house. Older children can complement their pictures with more complex elements and additional drawings.

State educational institution "Ploskoshskaya special boarding school"



Compiled by: Kirillova

Tatyana Nikolaevna


p. Ploskosh

Subject: Application made of colored paper and cardboard “House”.

Lesson objectives:

    Continue working with colored paper and cardboard, learn how to make an applique house.

    Strengthen the ability to distinguish paper by color.

    Develop spatial orientation; sound; visual attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills.

    To cultivate accuracy in work, perseverance, interest in work and construction professions. Ability to operate tools correctly and follow safety regulations.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time.

Good afternoon, good hour

I'm so glad to see you

They looked at each other

And everyone sat down quietly.

2 . Guys, today we have an open lesson, guests came to our lesson, and you will find out who they are by guessing the riddle.

Nose – round heel

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground

Small crochet ponytail

Instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three piglets).

How many of you recognized these guests?

That's right, these are the heroes of the Russian fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.” Who remembers what their names were?

Nif - Nif. Naf - Naf. Nuf - Nuf.

(Attach nicknames).

Let's now remember what kind of house each of these piglets built for themselves?

(Straw, wood and brick).

Guys, what do you think the heroes of this fairy tale could do? And who remembers what the smartest pig offered the brothers at the beginning of the fairy tale?

(He proposed to build a big house for all the piglets).

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today in class we will help three piglets and each of you today will build a large house for the piglets, that is, we will complete the “House” appliqué.

(Sample showing).

Vocabulary work: App lication.

    Attention task.

On the desk are: scissors, a needle, a hammer, an awl and a cup.

What's extra?

(These are tools, they are needed for work, and a mug is needed for drinking).

What tools will we use?

(With scissors).

    Safety regulations.

A. Use scissors carefully!

b. Do not hold the scissors with the sharp ends facing up.

V. Pass the scissors rings forward.

3. Analysis of upcoming work.

A. What parts does the house consist of?

(Foundation, walls, roof, door, windows and chimney).

What is it made of?

(Made of bricks).

What shape are the bricks?


What color are they?


What shape?


What colour?

What shape?


What colour?

d. Window, door, pipe.

What shape and color?

Where do you think we will start our construction?

First we will glue the walls, that is, the square.

(Operation card on the board).

    We glue the walls of our house in the middle of the cardboard.

2) In the second stage, we glue the bricks. The bricks are glued offset. They serve for the house foundation.

3) After the bricks we glue the roof of the house. Overlapping with the house itself.

4) Glue the door, windows and pipe to the house.

5. Practical part.

    Warm up for fingers.

We clench our fists tightly

We strain our fingers

So that your fingers never

We wouldn't be afraid of work.

Independent work of students, individual assistance.

    Physical education minute.

In the morning the piglets got up

And they began to do exercises

We pulled our hands up

Instantly they became taller than everyone else

One, two, three - jump in place!

We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our hands higher,

We don't lower our heads

Breathe evenly and deeply

Do you see how easy it is to walk?

Whose house are we seeing?

Who, who is the master in it?

This is a piglet's house

You see, the tails are sticking out.

Continued independent work.

6 . Summary of the lesson.

1) What did we do today?

2)Who did we do it for?

(For three little pigs).

    What did we make the house out of?

(Cardboard and colored paper).

4) Now we will look at your work. Exhibition of works. A gift from three little pigs.

From early childhood you need to work with your child, this develops hand motor skills and creative abilities. For kids there are simple applications on a winter theme. The results of the work done will delight the baby. Crafts can be constructed from improvised materials that are always at hand. They will not cause much difficulty, and will evoke a sea of ​​joyful emotions in children. After all, winter gives the greatest number of ideas.

Materials you will need: colored paper, scissors, thick cardboard, glue, cotton wool and cotton pads, as well as double-sided tape.

Winter house

A charming craft - a house under the snow. You can find and print any small house on the Internet for coloring. Cut the house out of white paper and paste it onto blue cardboard. You can draw smoke from the chimney in waves going into the sky. The snow is falling - small circles on the cardboard above the Christmas trees.

With colored pencils, let the child color the house: walls, door, windows. If there are Christmas trees or other trees nearby, color one tree with a light green pencil (felt-tip pen), the other with a dark green one. There is snow on the chimney of the house, the roof and around the house. It will be effectively replaced by glued cotton wool. The result is a voluminous and beautiful picture.

Winter picture with snow

The child must tear the white paper into small pieces in advance. This is useful for the development of children's motor skills and the release of negative emotions in the child.

For example, stick a house, windows, and a tree nearby on a blue sheet of paper. Cover the roof of the house, trees, and ground with white snow. It's snowing - that means there are pieces of white paper all over the sheet.

Little Penguin

Animals are favorite characters; you can add individuality and zest to each product. To do this, you need to cut out all the parts separately:

  • black body and wings;
  • red (orange) legs and beak;
  • white belly;
  • red mustache and cap;
  • white pompom and trim for the cap.

The eyes are sold separately, but you can make them yourself. To make the wings move, you can attach them to the body with small nails.


This is a beautiful three-dimensional craft. Application made of colored paper without glue, you will need 2-sided tape. The advantage of tape is that when children work there is a lot of garbage and dirt, but here it is clean and tidy.

Drifts are cut out of white paper in a semicircle, as in the picture. Attach snowdrifts and see how the overall picture will look.

Green Christmas trees are easy to cut out of colored paper. Fold a small piece of paper in half, draw half a Christmas tree, and cut it out. Glue a Christmas tree on top of the snowdrift using 2-sided tape, starting one at a time with the furthest trees on the side of the sheet. We glue the center of the second tree just below the first (closer) onto the snowdrift. The result is lush Christmas trees. There should be a large white snowdrift in a semicircle in the center.

For the snowman, cut out 3 white circles of different sizes. The largest is the base, the smallest is the snowman's head.

On the snowdrift, slightly retreating from the bottom edge of the sheet, glue the largest circle. The next one is located a third of the bottom circle. Glue 2 colored circles on the bottom and middle circles.

You can add a colored scarf for beauty. On the snowman's head there are black eyes, a carrot nose, and a mouth in a semicircle made of red paper. Glue a colored bucket hat onto your head. If desired + 2 thin strips or 2 matches will be handles.

You can cut out and glue 2-3 clouds from white (gray) paper. Snowball - small white circles between clouds and Christmas trees.

Snowman made of cotton pads

Cotton pads are popular in applications; they convey snow well.

Two disks glued side by side - a snowman. Glue a colored cap on the head (upper disk). Use a black felt-tip pen to draw eyes, a mouth and a red nose. There are 2-3 black buttons on the lower disc. The handles are matches, you can stick 2 colored strips between the disks on top - it will be a scarf.

Trees in winter

On a blue sheet of paper (cardboard), stick snow and snowdrifts at the bottom using cotton pads. Then cut out 2-3 tree trunks from brown paper, and let the top part rest on a cotton pad. Brown branches in different directions with glue on the disk. The result is fluffy trees in the snow.

You can beautifully cut out Christmas trees from green triangles. It’s better to have teeth around the edges for realism. Snowdrifts are cotton wool or cotton pads, and snow is circles.

Mittens and hat

Cut out mittens or a daddy from pink (blue) cardboard. They can be decorated to your taste (small flowers, sparkles, birds, animals, etc.). For realism, you can add decorations - fluffy pompoms around the edge. Cotton wool or pieces of faux fur will do.

For mittens, you can use small pieces of polystyrene foam, foam cardboard, or glass balls. If you have leftover pieces of felt from an old hat, you can use that too.

Interesting ideas for winter applique in the photo in our gallery.

Photo of winter applique