Health Pregnancy beauty

Pregnant women 6 weeks can sleep on their side. Proper organization of sleep for a pregnant woman

Proper sleep is very important for a pregnant woman, it is needed not only for recuperation, but also for the proper development of the child. Until the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman does not feel much discomfort during sleep and can be located in any position.

But as soon as the tummy increases, the expectant mother has problems choosing the right position.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs? What position is the safest and most comfortable? More on this later.

Correct sleeping position for pregnant women

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can sleep in any position. But doctors recommend accustoming yourself to proper sleep in the early stages. It is undesirable to sleep on your back for women who already have a rounded stomach (for some women, the stomach increases from the 13th week of pregnancy). Starting from 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is prohibited for medical reasons.

The most correct sleeping position is on the left side. With a transverse presentation of the child (the fetus lies across), it is recommended to lie on the side where its head is located. But the most comfortable and beneficial for mother and child is the position on the left side. However, sleeping in one position all night is quite difficult, so it is recommended to do 3 to 5 flips per night (from left to right side).

Train yourself to sleep properly as soon as the tummy has grown. If you are used to sleeping on your back, then get used to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Roll over to the left side, and to stay in this position during sleep, place a pillow under your back.

Perfect Pose: Lie on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place it on a pillow. Advantages of the left-handed position:

  • Improving blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients in sufficient volume;
  • The work of the kidneys is not disturbed;
  • There are no edema of the extremities;
  • The liver works normally;
  • Does not hurt the back and pelvis;
  • The heart and blood vessels function normally.

As for the arms, bend the left at the elbow, and place the right on the pillow above the stomach. Do not put your hands under your head or pillow, in which case they will become numb.

Effects of sleeping on your back in pregnancy

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, sleeping and even just lying on your back is prohibited for medical reasons. In addition, this position causes physical discomfort. The uterus, which has greatly increased during this time, presses on the back and internal organs.

Sleeping on your back provokes fatigue and severe pain in the lumbar region. And due to stagnation of blood pressure decreases and the pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Another dangerous consequence is that the fetus receives too little oxygen and oxygen deficiency occurs.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is still small, and therefore does not compress the inferior vena cava, as a result, the blood circulates normally. But every day the embryo grows, the spine is loaded, the vena cava is compressed and blood circulation is disturbed.

The size of the uterus increases, and it compresses not only the vein, but also the internal organs. As a result of sleeping on your back, a pregnant woman may develop varicose veins. Due to the deficiency and stagnation of blood, the uterus grows more slowly - this is the main reason for the prohibition of sleeping on the back.

If the expectant mother at the 6th month of pregnancy sleeps on her back, then the enlarged uterus will compress the inferior vena cava. As a result, the blood will stop flowing in the right volume to the heart, the pressure will decrease, and this threatens to faint. Due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids occur.

In addition, there is a risk of squeezing the enlarged uterus of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. As a result, due to sleeping on the back in the last trimester of pregnancy, the work of the entire body of a woman is disrupted - this is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.

If a woman woke up due to pain in the lower back, side or lower extremities, then it is necessary to change the position. If that doesn't work, see a doctor. Special pillows for pregnant women will help to regulate the load during rest.

Many doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to sleep on the right side, as the overall blood flow of the mother and fetus is disturbed. A large uterus compresses the arteries, through which, along with blood, nutrients and oxygen are transported from the mother to the child.

Many women who have tried to sleep on their right side note that the fetus reacts to this position after 15 minutes. Due to oxygen deficiency, the embryo nervously moves its limbs and pushes the mother. If you notice such signs, roll over to your left side.

Expectant mothers, regardless of the term, are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomach! To protect the child, refuse not only from long sleep, but also from temporary rest in this position. If you are used to sleeping like this, then accustom yourself to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, you will harm not only yourself, but also the unborn baby.

So let's recap the main points:

  • How long in pregnancy can you sleep on your back? - up to 12 weeks;
  • At what point in pregnancy should you not sleep on your back? - from 28 weeks, for medical reasons;
  • Can you sleep on your back during pregnancy? - yes until 12 weeks, no after 28. In the period from 12 to 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is undesirable, but acceptable;
  • Can pregnant women lie on their back? - yes, if you lie on your back for a while - it will not harm either you or the fetus.

How to make sleep comfortable and correct

After the expectant mother has decided on a safe and comfortable position, you need to take care of organizing a bed. And therefore, a pregnant woman cannot do without an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. Only such a sleeping surface will repeat the curves of your body, support the spine and provide a comfortable sleep for you and your child.

If a pregnant woman sleeps with her husband, then you need to buy a mattress that will not be very springy. After all, intense vibrations during turning guarantee unpleasant sensations during sleep for the mother and the unborn baby.

Give preference to a double bed or a sofa. Only in a spacious bed a pregnant woman will be able to fully relax.

The second important item is a pillow for pregnant women.
Sometimes it happens that the fetus is nervous even when the mother sleeps on the left side. To increase comfort, you can overlay pillows on all sides, but it is much easier to buy one product with a special filler.

It can be a pillow in the shape of the letter "U", which perfectly supports the body on both sides. Thanks to her, the back relaxes, and the stomach is gently supported. Perfectly support the stomach and increase comfort during sleep on the left side of the compact pillows in the shape of the letters "C" and "I".

To fully relax, follow these rules:

  • Nutrition should be correct, complete and timely. Do not overeat, eat more often, but in small portions. The last meal should occur 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the stomach will not have time to digest the contents and the body will not be able to focus on rest.
  • Do not drink tonic drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa. Replace sweet soda with compote or still filtered water. Before going to bed, drink warm milk with honey.
  • Exercise daily: moderate physical activity will ensure sound sleep. Perform gymnastics for pregnant women in the daytime so that the body has time to relax after the load.
  • Intense mental activity (reading books, complex calculations) prevents proper rest. Only calm, quiet music will help you relax.
  • Be disciplined, follow the schedule of the day. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time. Daytime naps can cause insomnia.
  • Doctors recommend walking before bed. In the meantime, you are on a walk - open the window in the bedroom to ventilate the room, and you are guaranteed a sound sleep.
  • Before going to bed, take a bath, the water temperature should not exceed 37 °.
  • You can get rid of insomnia with the help of aromatherapy. Dry lemon balm, hops, thyme or rose, placed in a cotton bag near the pillow, will soothe and relax. If you have an aroma lamp, use lavender oil.
  • Wear loose-fitting pajamas or a cotton nightgown at night.

Sleeping pills are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

Women are wondering how to sleep during pregnancy from the first weeks. At the end of pregnancy, a woman can be tormented by heartburn, insomnia, as well as night cramps in the calf muscles. Therefore, the choice of posture is very important for normal sleep, as well as for the comfort of the mother and fetus. How to sleep properly so as not to harm the child? Sometimes you have to radically change your habits, especially at the 9th month of pregnancy, for this you can use the help of special pillows for sleeping and other devices.

The daily routine and proper preparation for sleep have a positive effect on the normal state of a pregnant woman in the morning. A broken state, as well as insomnia and lethargy, negatively affect the physiological processes that occur during this difficult period in a woman's body.

  1. You can't overwork. The expectant mother should take care of herself, because her fatigue affects the baby too. In addition, the result of such fatigue can be insomnia. Sleep badly and those who are tired too.
  2. Try not to sleep during the day. This is necessary so that the night's sleep is not disturbed. It is important that a woman understands that not only I sleep, but also my child.
  3. Physical exercise. Taking care of yourself does not mean sitting in one place all day. It is necessary to move, but for this it is advisable to choose moderate physical activity. Special exercises for pregnant women are suitable, as well as gymnastics and swimming. An obligatory walk in the evenings will help you relax before going to bed.
  4. Proper nutrition. No need to eat heavy and fatty foods, and before going to bed it is better to use an apple or a glass of kefir - this is good nutrition. A full stomach does not contribute to normal sleep.
  5. Taking a warm bath. Ideally, add essential oils or soothing herbs.
  6. Do not drink liquids. During childbearing, a woman has to empty her bladder more often. To prevent this from causing poor sleep, try drinking less before bed and more in the morning.
  7. Massage. Foot massage before bedtime is especially effective if you suffer from cramps.

If you follow a normal sleep schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle, sleep problems may not occur. By the end of pregnancy, the inconveniences appear more often, but it is also easy to deal with them. Most importantly, if you can't sleep, go to the doctor and don't prescribe sleeping pills for yourself. This can negatively affect the health of your baby.

Sleep is the key to the health of both mother and child. Therefore, it is important to establish it well and observe all parts of a healthy lifestyle, you can do light gymnastics to raise your tone and mood. Pregnancy yoga may be the best option. It is important to know how not to sleep during pregnancy, this knowledge will help keep the body in good shape.

Each trimester of pregnancy is marked by its own characteristics. That is why sleep is different. The position of the body also affects the fetus differently, because the fetus itself grows and can be located in different directions. The position in which you successfully fell asleep and slept soundly earlier may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. How to sleep during pregnancy depends on the trimester.

  1. First trimester. Until 12 weeks pregnant, a woman may not even know she is pregnant. In the first trimester, there are no special changes, at least visible ones. How to sleep, too, does not think. During early pregnancy, the uterus is not yet enlarged enough to interfere with sleep. The size of the fetus is also very small. True, breast sensitivity may already be manifested. In any case, you can sleep in any position, it will not harm your child in any way. But, nevertheless, if you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, you need to unlearn it in the early stages, since then it will be more difficult to do it. It is worth noting that the period of the first three months is characterized by constant drowsiness, since the nervous system is depressed.
  2. Second trimester. In this trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is already enlarged and the stomach is visible. This means that the size of the fetus increases. This starts to happen at 15 weeks pregnant. At the same time, the general well-being of the expectant mother is improving. Nausea disappears, mood returns to normal, while there are still no problems with weight and pain in the spine. In order not to crush the baby with your weight, you must refuse to sleep on your stomach. How can you lie on your stomach, understanding that your baby is inside? For many women, this position itself becomes uncomfortable, and they easily refuse it. In the second trimester, the position on the back is considered ideal, since the weight of the fetus does not yet cause discomfort to the mother. When the 2nd trimester ends, with a strong increase in the weight of the child, as well as with the appearance of the first movements, you should lie on your side.
  3. Third trimester. How to sleep at 9 months? The most uncomfortable period for a woman in terms of sleep. Sleeping on your back is undesirable, so you need to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on the right side can be uncomfortable for the fetus. So sleep as well for both. Sleeping on the back is contraindicated, since the large weight of the child can lead to back pain and the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. Mom falls asleep more and more difficult, often wakes up. It also lowers blood pressure and may cause problems with the intestines and digestion. This happens due to squeezing during sleep on the back of a large vein. You should also focus on the reaction of the fetus. If the child begins to push intensely, it means that he is uncomfortable or lacks oxygen. This is an indicator - the pregnant woman should roll over. Most often this situation happens if you sleep on your right side. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby may well be born. It will be a premature birth, but the baby can be born quite healthy. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, children appear in multiple pregnancies. In order not to provoke this process yourself, you should be careful. At the 35th week of pregnancy, training contractions may begin, which are preparation for childbirth. This may interfere with sleep. Also, at the 8th month of pregnancy, heartburn, lower back pain, and disturbing thoughts appear. All this leads to poor quality sleep and frequent waking. This characterizes the eighth and ninth months. At the 35th week of pregnancy, childbirth can already lead to the birth of a completely healthy baby.

In what position to sleep during pregnancy should depend on the position of the fetus. If the fetus lies across, then you should fall asleep on the side where the head is located. If the child has a breech presentation, it is also advisable to sleep on the left side. How to sleep during pregnancy with twins? Exactly the same, just a little longer. In such a situation, recovery time is required more. Is it possible to sleep in the usual position, intuition will answer you, since in most cases a woman herself feels the correct position, depending on the location of the baby, for example, on the right or left.

In any case, when you go to sleep on your side during pregnancy, it is important to consider not only your comfort, but also the safety of the baby. Your well-being also depends on the correct position of the body. It is better to sleep on your side during pregnancy, preferably on your left, but if you are more comfortable sleeping on your right side, this will not hurt either.

Sleeping in early pregnancy is not as difficult as it is late at 33 weeks pregnant. Most mothers say: “I can’t” precisely in the last weeks.

In order to make you feel comfortable in any trimester of pregnancy and to learn to sleep in a comfortable position, you can choose a special pillow. You can sleep with such accessories, and then use them during the day to relax and feed your baby.

They come in several forms, each of which is convenient in its own way:

Not only can these pillows help you control your sleeping position, but they can also be great for breastfeeding your baby after giving birth. If by the end of pregnancy there are problems with heartburn, then it is advisable to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This is convenient if you have a high pillow.

Pay close attention to the mattress you rest on. Firstly, it should be of medium hardness, and secondly, for pregnant women, it should be orthopedic so that you can sleep and relax as much as possible. If, during an interesting situation, the expectant mother continues to sleep with her husband, then when choosing a mattress, you need to pay attention to its filler. When the spouse moves, the mother should not be uncomfortable.

Sometimes for a good sleep, you just need to choose the right accessories, including clothes made from natural materials. This is quite enough to relax as much as possible.

For the proper development of the fetus, as well as for the full restoration of the mother's strength and preparation for childbirth, it is necessary to rest. How best to sleep these nine months?

To do this, you must follow a few basic rules:

A walk, a warm bath, and a stress-free bed before bed can help you get a good night's sleep. The main thing is not to eat fatty foods, but also not to go to bed hungry. At the end of pregnancy, there may be problems with falling asleep, and even insomnia. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Proper sleep organization will help you get enough sleep and contribute to the full development of the baby.

Pregnancy is a joyful event, but for the proper development of the child, you need to monitor both nutrition and sleep, as well as compliance with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep is very important for a person, especially for pregnant women. After all, the healthy development of the fetus will depend on how much better a woman will feel in a position. During pregnancy, the female body is constantly faced with increased stress. Healthy and sound sleep will help restore strength. However, expectant mothers should know how to sleep properly in order to get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

It is sometimes difficult for a woman in position to fall asleep, and then get a “quality” sleep. The reason for this discomfort is the difficulty in choosing a position for sleeping. Any person has his favorite postures that help him sleep soundly and calmly.

If a woman is in position, it will be useful for her to know which position is best to choose in order to easily fall asleep without harming the unborn baby. Some pregnant women will have to give up their favorite body position for a while. It is necessary to give preference to safe positions that will not harm the health of the unborn child and the mother herself.

Preferred Options

For a pregnant woman, the best position is when her body lies on her left side. It is this position that will not interfere with natural blood circulation, and the fetus will not compress the liver. This is the only way to avoid back pain.

At night, during short awakenings, doctors advise changing the position of the body. Turn over from one side to the other 3-4 times a night. In addition, you need to know not only about comfortable positions, but also how to get out of bed correctly. First of all, you need to turn first on your side, then slowly sit down. Such an action will save the expectant mother from unwanted uterine tone (which can lead to an increase in the likelihood of miscarriage).

It is allowed not only to lie on the left side - you can also lean back a little, leaning on the spine. For this purpose, you need to put a thick roller rolled up from a blanket behind. You can spread your legs without bending them too much at the knees, put a special sofa cushion between them. All these actions will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

What positions are prohibited

Up to three months, pregnant women are allowed to sleep in their favorite positions. However, over time, you will have to rebuild in a safer position. Some postures will have to be forgotten for the duration of the gestation.

This is especially true for the 3rd trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period it is strictly forbidden to sleep lying on your stomach or back, because:

  • baby has grown noticeably
  • the uterus compresses the intestines with the lower back,
  • occludes a vein from the system that supplies blood to the lower body.

In addition, due to the incorrect position of the body during sleep, a pregnant woman may then experience dizziness, heart palpitations, and respiratory problems will appear. Due to the lack of oxygen, the unborn baby will begin to kick and push hard. That's why mom needs to know how to sleep properly during pregnancy.

Many experts and accomplished mothers give a lot of different advice on how to sleep properly for the child and herself. First of all, before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room. This will ensure a good rest.

Sleeping in such a cool room, wrapped in a warm blanket, will be pleasant and easy. For those women who follow such advice, it will be easy to fall asleep, since their fetus will constantly receive plenty of oxygen, this will lead to a general recovery of both organisms. Before going to bed, it is also advisable to check the night pajamas, whether they fit comfortably. Wish it was a few sizes larger. There are times when women develop insomnia for this very reason.

During rest, you need to use an elastic pillow so that the head does not fall through, discomfort does not appear. Similar products can be purchased at the store for expectant mothers. Each woman can choose a model that will meet her taste requirements. Today, a diverse range of products is sold in stores: body pillow, mother pillow, U-shaped and wedge-shaped pillows. All of them differ in filler, size, colors. These products are used to support the abdomen and back, relieve stress on the legs.

To get a full and healthy sleep, you must also carry out a daily “relaxation” procedure. Sleeping after the “relaxation” ritual will become much more pleasant. You should do the following exercise to help relax the body: lie on your back, close your eyes tightly, and just focus on breathing. Then you need to stretch your neck, pressing your chin to your chest, and at the same time lower your shoulders. To feel your breath, you need to put your palms on the lower abdomen. Such an easy exercise can be performed throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Before falling asleep, it is recommended to take a soothing shower. To ensure a good rest, a pregnant woman should adhere to the correct daily routine. It is not allowed to eat and drink a lot 3 hours before bedtime. However, if a woman is constantly tormented by evening toxicosis, it is useful for her to drink a cup of herbal tea an hour before bedtime and eat a couple of crackers. Any active physical movements before going to bed are prohibited, but you can take a walk on the street.

To avoid cramps in the legs at night, you should perform a massage before going to bed. By pinching, you can quickly relieve fatigue of the muscles of the legs. If a woman is worried about fears or is worried about something, she needs to consult a specialist. The doctor will give useful recommendations so that the nightly rest of the expectant mother becomes calm.

So, healthy sleep is the key to the correct course of pregnancy, as well as normal childbirth. Insomnia can cause various complications, chronic fatigue, which ultimately will negatively affect childbirth, disrupt the health of mother and child.

Let's start with this, since we spend about a third of our lives in the literal sense of the word in a dream. In addition, many of us like to lie on the couch in front of the TV or with a book in our hands.

The first question to be discussed is whether a pregnant woman can lie on her stomach. The non-pregnant uterus does not go beyond the level of the pubic articulation - beyond the pelvic bones, therefore, when you lie on your stomach, the uterus is protected by non-deformable bones. The uterus is shown from behind the womb only after 12 weeks of pregnancy, so during the entire first trimester of pregnancy you can safely lie on your stomach.

The optimal sleeping position is lying on the right side. It is not recommended for pregnant women to lie on their backs starting from the 4th month, since by this time the uterus has reached a significant size. In the supine position, the enlarged uterus compresses the large vessels passing next to the spinal column. In this regard, the blood flow to the vessels of the placenta decreases, the baby experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients. In addition, due to the compression of large vessels in the mother, blood pressure may decrease and dizzy, up to fainting.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in order to make your time in bed as comfortable as possible, use plenty of pillows that can be placed under the lower back, under the knee, between the legs.

If you feel heaviness in your legs in the evenings, you have signs of varicose veins in your legs (spider veins, bluish "worms"), or if you already had varicose veins before pregnancy, then pillows can also be placed under your legs: the raised position of the legs promotes the outflow of blood from veins, elimination of stagnation. If you want to relax quickly, in 15-20 minutes, you can lie down with your legs up. During this short time, you should also not lie on your back. It is possible that during pregnancy you will have to learn some skills that you have not used before: in particular, you can only put on a bandage in the supine position, as well as compression stockings used for varicose veins.

After giving birth, you can lie down as you like, but at first it is rational, if you are in bed, to spend as much time as possible in the prone position: at the same time, the contents are easily released from the uterus. Otherwise, if the outflow of contents from the uterus becomes difficult, conditions are created for the development of infectious and inflammatory complications.

I especially want to talk about how to get out of bed. If you were in the supine position, then before you get up, turn on your side, shrugging your shoulders slightly forward and bending your knees. After that, lean on your elbow and tuck your legs in, so it will be easier for you to transfer them over the edge of the bed and sit up.

we sit

The expectant mother also needs to be able to sit. Despite the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy, changes in the figure and the load are insignificant, already at this time you need to get used to sitting correctly.

Prolonged sitting leads to the fact that some muscle groups are constantly working, while others are constantly relaxed. At the same time, the back muscles do not experience stress, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in the spine. In addition, in a sitting position, the load on the intervertebral discs is much greater than in a standing or lying position. All these negative factors can cause the appearance of osteochondrosis, a herniated disc, which provokes pain in the back, arms, legs, and headaches. It should be noted that in the second half of pregnancy, when the load on the spinal column increases due to the growing uterus, a long sitting position provokes the appearance of pain in the lumbar spine. With a long stay in a sitting position, stagnation of blood in the small pelvis is also associated. Given that during pregnancy, an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity and a deterioration in venous outflow provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, we can say that a long sitting position exacerbates the situation.

To prevent these phenomena during a long stay in a sitting position (at a computer, when reading at a table, etc.), the optimal position of the body is in which the back and neck are straight, the legs are on the floor and bent at the knees (at a right angle) , arms bent at the elbows - also at a right angle. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  1. The chair you are sitting on should have a back and armrests, and a height that allows your feet to rest firmly on the floor. (The backrest will allow you to keep your back straight, the armrests will give you the opportunity to rest your arms, the correct position of the legs will not interfere with blood circulation in them.) Use a footrest.
  2. The location of things you frequently use should, if possible, not lead to a long stay in a bent state or to tilt to the side, especially to lift heavy objects (it is with such a tilt that the probability of damage to the intervertebral disc is very high).
  3. If possible, you should limit a long stay in a sitting position and constantly intersperse work with breaks (work for 45 minutes - rest for 15 minutes, and not just be distracted, but stretch, get up, walk around, or even go outside to take a breath of fresh air). And in 45 minutes of continuous work, change your position at least 3-4 times: shake your shoulders, move your legs, shake your head - all this will help you avoid fatigue. Special exercises will also help you. They can be the simplest: for example, head tilts and turns improve cerebral circulation and are a good prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. At the same time, avoid rotation in the lumbar spine while tilting forward. If you travel by train, car, plane, you should also periodically change your position, if possible, walk around.
  4. If the need to sit for a long time is related to working on a computer, place the monitor directly in front of you so that its top point is directly in front of your eyes or higher. (This will keep your head straight).
  5. In order not to waste time, while working in a sitting position or just riding in a vehicle, you can do exercises that will help you prepare for childbirth: squeeze your vaginal muscles as if you want to stop urinating. Do this counting to 10, then rest for a few seconds, repeat 3-5 times several times a day.
  6. In any case, do not cross your legs. First, it causes too much overload on the spinal column, bending the pelvis forward and can increase back pain. Secondly, at the same time, due to the compression of the vessels, the blood supply to the pelvic organs, including the uterus, the fetus, worsens. You may feel that the baby began to move very actively - this is a consequence of the fact that he lacks oxygen. It is worth changing an uncomfortable position, walking around or lying down, as the baby calms down.

leaning over

During hand washing, a woman has to be in an inclined position for a long time. Staying in this position is contraindicated for pregnant women - and here are the reasons. Due to the growing belly, the center of gravity shifts and the load on the spine increases. In a bent position, the spine and back muscles experience even more stress, which leads to fatigue, to lower back pain. If it is so necessary, you can try to wash while sitting on a chair (preferably with a back - you can periodically recline on it), and put the basin in front of you on a slight elevation.

If you need to pick something up from the floor or fasten your shoes, then you need to approach the floor or fastening by bending your knees, not by bending forward and bending your spine.


A long stay in a standing position not only causes general fatigue, but also provokes the appearance of edema in the legs, leads to the occurrence and progression of varicose veins. Even if your work is not related to a long stay on your feet, but you had to, for example, stand in line at the fitting room, holding the new clothes you choose, remember that it is better not to stand still, but try to walk. If the size of the room or the situation does not allow this, then you need to shift from foot to foot, take 2-3 steps. In addition, you can try to stand by placing one foot (alternately - left and right) on any elevation. This promotes blood flow to the ankles, which reduces their swelling, leg fatigue.

If your job involves standing for long periods of time, try to sit down for at least 10-20 minutes every hour. If you still had to stand for a long time, then to improve blood circulation in your legs, try doing simple exercises: tighten your toes and then relax them, stand on your tiptoes and shift your body weight from one foot to another.

From mothers and grandmothers, you can hear that in a standing position you can’t raise your hands up, for example, hang underwear or clothes on a hanger - supposedly this contributes to the umbilical cord wrapping around the fetal neck. In fact, there is no relationship here. Although, of course, you should not stand with your hands up for a long time, for example, in a subway car, holding on to the upper handrail. After all, it is inconvenient for the expectant mother to be in this position, this can affect her well-being, as a result, the fetus is worse supplied with blood and oxygen, it can begin to behave more actively or, conversely, calm down.

We walk

If you didn't exercise before pregnancy, then walking can be a worthwhile way to keep fit. Hiking tones the muscles of the legs, preventing the risk of varicose veins, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Of course, you can walk if there are no medical contraindications for this.

  • Increase the load gradually. During one lesson, walk no longer than half an hour. Start with a very slow pace.
  • Walk with a straight back, but do not tense your upper body. Step from heel to toe. You should feel a slight sway as you shift your weight from heel to toe, and a slight push as you place your foot on toe. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and swing them back and forth rhythmically to maintain pace. Do not cross your arms over your chest so as not to lose balance.
  • Mark your path on the map. For safety and for more enjoyment, find a walkway away from traffic, with pleasant scenery. Do not try to overcome the intended distance by all means. If you feel tired, unwell, you need to rest or stop exercising.
  • It is pleasant and useful to walk in the company of a husband or with the same future mother.
  • If you find it difficult to find time for exercise, set the time for your walks and make it a habit. Write them down in your daily plan.
  • Let walking become part of your lifestyle. Make it an integral part of your day. Walk during your lunch breaks, park your car further away from home, or get off the bus one stop before yours and walk the rest of the way.
  • Remember to wear comfortable shoes while walking.


During the period of bearing a baby, it is better to exclude running - both as one of the ways of physical activity, and as a “necessity” when trying to catch up with a bus or trolley bus. The fact is that when running, the body shakes, and this can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, when you catch up with a bus, you are not specifically preparing for "physical exercise", so shoes and clothes are most often not suitable for a run, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of falling.

Our pregnancy does not always go smoothly, and not all expectant mothers will be lucky enough to spend all nine months at home or in vigorous activity. During my pregnancy, I had to lie on conservation three times, observing bed rest. Many of the expectant mothers also visited the hospital during pregnancy, where they were assigned strict bed rest, which could be different in duration and severity. The type of regimen and the degree of its severity is usually determined by the pathologies that lead to its appointment, but in order to know exactly what is meant by the word "bed rest" and how to properly organize it, let's talk about it today.

What's next for a woman.

Usually, hospitalization in a maternity hospital is offered to those expectant mothers who have a real threat of miscarriage or significant complications develop during pregnancy that can affect the growth and development of the baby, which can adversely affect his future health. If the state of health is relatively satisfactory, and the deviations during pregnancy are not very pronounced, the doctor can issue a sick leave to the woman and send her to a home regime with a lot of rest, without overloading with housework.

Many women are very afraid of the word "hospitalization", believing that they will have to stay in the hospital for the remaining months before giving birth, without leaving home at all. But such situations are very rare when it is necessary to constantly lie down until the end of the entire pregnancy in order to save the child. In the vast majority of cases, only a temporary restriction of the movements and activity of a woman is necessary so that the threat of termination of pregnancy is over.

As a rule, those women who have already been in the hospital for conservation, talk about the fact that the main indications for putting them in the hospital were: the threat of termination of pregnancy with high uterine tone and abdominal pain, bleeding or bloody discharge from the genital tract , insufficiency of the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) or the threat of placental abruption, placenta previa. With such indications, one can spend quite a long time in the hospital, although the threat, if it has passed, allows the woman to lead a more free regimen.

Often women talk about the fact that the regimen can differ significantly even in the concept of bedding - “some women in the ward were allowed to get up and even take a short walk, while others were not even allowed to get up to the toilet.” Of course, the prospect of spending the entire pregnancy in the hospital, bedridden, does not please. But in fact, the regimen during pregnancy during hospitalization may be different. There may not be so many situations with the appointment of strict bed rest and such a regimen is prescribed either for a few hours after various operations, or with threats of abortion, or spotting, the threat of pregnancy detachment (may be prescribed for several days or a couple of weeks). Then doctors, as the threat decreases, will allow you to sit up in bed and get up for a while. Let's talk in more detail about the types of regimes and the methodology for their observance.

Bed rest options.

The mode of activity restriction can also be very different. In this case, there may be various options for the mode:
- strict adherence to bed rest, in which a woman can neither sit in bed nor get up from it;
- extended bed rest, in which you can sit several times a day, ranging from five to fifteen minutes;
- ward mode, which means being in bed half the time, and the second half you can be half-sitting or sitting, you can also move at a slow pace no more than one hundred or two hundred meters a day;
- free mode of stay in the hospital - this is an acceptable movement on the stairs, walking up to one kilometer with periodic rest every two hundred meters;
- sparing mode, it can correspond to normal life, but with more frequent periods of rest - this is the most common mode among pregnant women, even quite healthy ones. It also comes with a free training mode, which also means medium physical activity, it is acceptable for women who went in for sports before pregnancy and were physically trained.

It immediately becomes clear that the hospital does not always mean strict bed rest for all nine months, because as soon as the threat to health passes, the regime expands and the woman will be allowed to move around, to behave quite actively. This is understandable, long-term strict bed rest is not very useful and is fraught with health complications, they try to prescribe it after operations, after serious interventions, or in really serious conditions in the fetus and expectant mother. Bed rest, if it is very strict, leads to a lack of movement in a pregnant woman and a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to their atrophy, impaired joint mobility, leaching of calcium from bones and the development of osteoporosis, and this is already fraught with fractures. Therefore, doctors will not keep you motionless for a long time and will allow you to move as soon as it becomes possible without endangering the baby.

Proper lying techniques.

Lying in bed during pregnancy is also a whole science. The entire first trimester, up to 12-14 weeks, with a small size of the uterus and a low standing of its bottom, any position of a woman in bed can be allowed. The uterus will not disturb the blood circulation of other organs and will not squeeze them. In terms of 14 to 28 weeks, when the uterus already occupies a sufficient part of the abdominal cavity, you can afford to position yourself on your back, with a raised head end, or on your side (right or left).

From a gestational age of more than 28 weeks, when the uterus reaches its maximum size and occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity, women should not lie on their backs - a large uterus squeezes the vessels and can cause inferior vena cava syndrome - a violation of blood flow to the heart and brain. As a result of the development of this syndrome, the blood flow in the uterus itself, the kidneys and the placenta also suffers, and the blood circulation of the fetus is disturbed. In addition, there may be a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness may develop, and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, it is necessary to lie on the left side, or on the right, alternating position. So you can normalize blood flow and ensure blood flow to the uterus and the baby receives nutrients and oxygen.

Doctors will recommend that pregnant women take a special position in bed if the baby is in the wrong position. For example, if the fetus is in a transverse position in the uterus, in order to influence the change in its position, it is necessary to lie on its side, where the baby's head is turned. If the presentation is breech, you need to toss and turn from side to side at least three to four times every ten minutes at least three times a day. If a woman is shown bed rest with restriction of movement, it is necessary to perform special exercises in bed to keep her muscles in good shape. In addition, it is worth consulting with your doctor about how long you need to lie down.

Indications for bed rest.

There are many reasons that force a woman to drastically limit physical activity. They can be divided into two groups:
- reasons that are associated with difficulties during pregnancy itself;
- causes associated with the exacerbation of general or chronic diseases of the woman herself, provoked by pregnancy.

And then not in all cases it is necessary to stay in bed strictly all the time, in many cases you just need to rest more and be under the supervision of doctors, while you can both lie down and recline and sit in bed. In case of incorrect positions of the fetus, doctors will put you in special positions and send you to special training.

Bed rest will be indicated if there is a threat of miscarriage, especially with bloody discharge from the uterine cavity. Any movement and walking, housework change intra-abdominal pressure and can contribute to detachment. Over longer periods, these same actions can provoke premature birth. When lying in bed, the muscles are relaxed and the contractions of neighboring organs and vibration from movements do not affect the fetus.

It is shown to lie with presentation and abruption of the placenta. Then it is necessary to create complete rest so as not to provoke placental abruption - this will lead to the death of the child and bleeding, and the very possible death of the mother. You will also need bed rest for severe toxicosis and gestosis, with leakage of amniotic fluid and the threat of infection of the fetus, with pathologies of the pubic symphysis.

In any case, the condition of the woman will be monitored by doctors and the question will be decided - how long the woman will lie down, whether it is already possible to decide on the issue of delivery, or what drugs should be used to treat her condition. But as the woman's condition improves, the regimen will be expanded so that she does not stale, because without movement, the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrition.