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Christmas tree bottle made from ribbons. Christmas tree made from a bottle of champagne and sweets


Christmas tree made of champagne and sweets- This is an unusual and amazing gift for the New Year, which you can easily make with your own hands. Such a gift will not leave your friends indifferent, because they cannot imagine celebrating the New Year without champagne, and the kids will immediately take the candies from the New Year’s tree.

An unusual Christmas tree made of champagne and sweets will be an excellent gift for work colleagues. You can decorate yours workplace with such a Christmas tree a week before the New Year, and on the eve of the holiday, open champagne and enjoy sweets.

Making such a New Year's miracle is not so difficult; you just need to acquire auxiliary accessories and elements.

    • In order to make a gift tree from champagne and sweets at home, you need the following:
    • felt, green satin ribbon and organza - for decoration;
    • thick cardboard and corrugated paper - for the base of the tree;
    • wire, stapler, glue gun - for attaching Christmas tree elements; decorative beads, New Year's tinsel

and mica - for decorating the Christmas tree and holiday packaging.

As you can see, all the accessories can be purchased at any store, and if you look carefully in your husband’s tools, you can find a glue gun, wire, and a stapler. By creating a Christmas tree from champagne and sweets, you can create endlessly. To decorate it, you can use a variety of materials and decorative elements, embodying your design ideas and fantasies. The step-by-step master class, which is presented below, describes each stage in detail. Therefore, you can easily create a fabulous Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne and sweets that will decorate any New Year's table

and will be a wonderful gift for friends, and for your beloved mother-in-law, and for work colleagues.


    Cooking steps

    You will need all these accessories to create a Christmas tree from champagne and sweets.

    Take thick cardboard and draw a circle with a diameter of 23-25 ​​centimeters. Carefully cut out the circle.

    Fully straighten the corrugated paper and cut out a rectangle measuring 60 by 30 centimeters.

    This piece should completely cover the cardboard circle on both sides.

    Turn the circle over to the other side and apply a little pressure so that the paper “seizes.”

    Cut the paper in a circle, making a small indent relative to the cardboard circle.

    Pull the corrugated paper slightly and glue it along the edges of the cardboard base.

    Cover the entire circumference with it and remove any remaining glue with a dry cloth.

    Now apply hot glue evenly onto the cardboard.

    Carefully place the second part on the circle corrugated paper and press a little.

    Trim the excess paper strictly along the circumference of the cardboard.

    Now let's start creating a champagne bottle holder. To do this, we will use wire, winding it several times along the diameter of the bottle. Instead of wire, you can take a piece of foam plastic or a thick cord.

    Wrap the wire, twisted several times, with green electrical tape or floral tape.

    Glue the base for the future champagne tree in the center of the circle: this will greatly simplify the process of creating it.

    Now let's start decorating our Christmas tree. We will use green felt and organza as needles. Instead of these materials, you can use transparent mica or mesh.

    We need to form a lot of decorations that resemble bows. Cut the material you chose into squares measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. The larger these bows are, the more magnificent your Christmas tree made of champagne and sweets will be. However, you should not be too zealous in this regard. If the bows turn out uneven and asymmetrical, there is no need to be upset: after all, this is a DIY Christmas tree. To create a champagne Christmas tree you will need about two meters of felt and one and a half meters of organza 50 centimeters wide. Take better material a little with reserve. In this master class we will make white-green and pure green bows.

    Take two squares and place one on the second one diagonally.

    After this, bend the squares in half.

    Fold both sides inward.

    Fix the squares with a stapler in the narrowest place, as shown in the photo.

    As a result, you should end up with a lot of these green and white-green bows.

    Wipe the champagne bottle with alcohol to degrease it a little. Attach a satin ribbon at the base of the bottle neck.

    Let's start decorating our Christmas tree. Take a glue gun and apply glue directly to the bows, then start gluing them from the very bottom of the bottle, moving a few centimeters from the edge. But before you start working with a glue gun, remember that the glue is very hot and can burn you, so you need to work with it extremely carefully. You also need to work as quickly as possible, since the glue hardens in a matter of moments.

    First glue the bows on the sides.

    After that, at the same level, glue one bow on the front and back.

    And glue one bow between them at the same level. You should have 8 glued bows in the bottom row. To ensure that all the bows hold tightly and do not suddenly fall off during the presentation of the New Year's tree, glue a thin ribbon over them, as shown in the photo.

    Glue the next row of bows so that the top ones cover the gaps between the bottom bows. Before gluing, step back one and a half centimeters from the bottom row.

    There is no need to skimp on glue: apply it liberally to the spout of the prepared bow.

    After you have made several rows of green bows, secure the chocolates perpendicular to each other.

    First glue the candies on the sides, then glue one on the front and back of the bottle.

    In the same way, cover the entire bottle of champagne with bows and candies, alternating a row of bows with a row of candies. In the top rows, glue the bows with the nose up.

    You need to paste over the bottle until you reach the satin ribbon. Secure the top bows together with thin green ribbon.

    To keep the Christmas tree strong, glue the bows of the top row with the bows of the nearby bottom row.

    Take a small piece satin ribbon or any other that you like. Make a small bow out of it and glue it to the neck of a champagne bottle.

    The most solemn moment has arrived: decoration Christmas tree! To do this, you can use any decorative elements: beads, Christmas tree tinsel or rain. Attach the ornaments to the Christmas tree using hot glue.

    Place the champagne and candy tree on the previously prepared stand. If desired, you can pack it in transparent mica. Well, just like the real thing New Year's gift! This is the beauty you should get! A bottle of champagne decorated with chocolates - what could be New Year's? Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

    Bon appetit!

Useful tips

On New Year you can surprise your friends and family by giving them beautiful gift, made with your own hands.

Since the Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of the New Year, it is ideal as a gift.

You can make just a beautiful Christmas tree, or you can decorate it with candies, so you get not just a decoration, but a useful element of the New Year's sweet table.

On our website you will also find:

Here are some of the most interesting ways to do christmas tree made from sweets with your own hands:

Christmas tree made of candies and bottles of champagne

You will need:

Empty bottle of champagne or wine


Lots of small candies

Bright ribbon.

1. Place a piece of tape on each candy.

2. Start sticking the candies to the bottle using tape, starting at the bottom and working your way up to the neck of the bottle.

*Make sure that one end of the candy touches the end of the adjacent candy.

3. Glue each next row slightly higher than the previous one so that the candies overlap each other - this will make the tree more magnificent.

4. There should not be more than 4 candies on the top of the head. You can also add a bow or tape a star on it.

5. Pull the curled ribbon down from the top of the tree.

Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel (master class)

You will need:

Double-sided tape

Regular tape

Small candies

Cardboard and scissors (for making a cone)

1. Using simple tape, glue candies to the cone, leaving small spaces between the rows of candies for tinsel.

2. Place double-sided tape in the gaps between the rows of candies and begin gluing tinsel to it.

3. Glue 3-4 candies to the top of the cone and also wrap them with tinsel.

DIY golden Christmas tree made from candies (photo instructions)

You will need:

Cardboard and scissors (to create a cone)

Double-sided tape or glue (PVA or hot glue)

Candies wrapped in gold foil (other candies if desired)

Beads on a string.

1. Cut out part of a circle from cardboard, twist it to form a cone, and secure the ends with glue.

2. Using double-sided tape or glue, begin gluing (from bottom to top) the golden candies to the cone. They should fit closely together to hide as many empty spaces as possible.

3. The gaps between the candies can be covered with beautiful beads on a string or tinsel of a suitable color.

4. You can make a star, and, if necessary, paint it or cover it with foil. You can add a bow.

DIY chocolate candy tree (master class)

You will need:

Thick cardboard and scissors (to create a cone)

Glue (PVA or hot glue) or tape


Chocolates (truffles) in shiny wrapper.

1. Roll a cone out of cardboard and secure the ends. Cut off any excess so that the cone sits evenly on the table.

2. Using tape or glue, begin gluing the candies to the cone. Cover the entire surface of the cone with candy.

3. Start decorating the tree to your liking. You can use beads, tinsel, bows, ribbons, “rain”, and you can attach a star made of paper or foil to the top of the head.

How to make a Christmas tree from soft candies

You will need:

Foam cone

Lots of soft (jelly) candies of different colors


Use toothpicks to attach the candies to the cone.

You don't have to use the whole toothpick - you can break it into two pieces.

Simply insert one end of the toothpick into the candy and the other end into the cone and fill the entire tree with candy.

How to make a gift tree from candies with your own hands

You will need:

Several candies

Green cardboard


Red ribbon

PVA glue.

Text instructions after the video.

1. Cut a strip of green cardboard measuring 25 cm x 5 cm.

2. Divide this strip into three parts, which will then need to be bent - make marks for future folds at 8 cm, 16 cm and 24 cm.

Also divide this strip in half lengthwise.

3. Fold the strip in half lengthwise, apply PVA glue to one half and glue both halves together.

4. Using the marks made in step 2, fold the strip into a triangle. You have now created a frame for your future candy packaging in the shape of a green Christmas tree.

5. We make shelves for candies inside the packaging:

5.1. Prepare a strip of paper measuring 25 cm x 5 cm, and make marks on it every 2.5 cm (i.e. 2.5 cm, 5 cm, 7.5 cm, etc.).

5.2. Cut the strip in half lengthwise.

5.3. Cut one of the halves in half crosswise at the 10 cm mark.

You will have 3 stripes: 10 cm, 15 cm and 25 cm.

5.4. Fold each strip as shown in the image (zigzag) to create several triangles.

6. Insert your shelves inside the frame (Christmas tree): the long strip is folded into shelves for the bottom row, the middle one for the middle row and the small one is folded into a triangle and inserted into the top of the “Christmas tree”.

7. Start inserting candies into the cells of your Christmas tree.

8. Take a ribbon 45 cm long and tie it to the Christmas tree.

If you wish, you can make a trunk for your Christmas tree out of brown cardboard. You can also put sweets in it (see video). It can be glued using double-sided tape.

*You can decorate the Christmas tree as you like.

A simple candy tree (step by step photo)

You will need:

Paper cone

Corrugated paper


Decorations to taste (ribbon, beads, artificial flowers, Christmas tree decorations).

On New Year's Day, those who come to visit traditionally give champagne and sweets.

And a Christmas tree made with your own hands from a bottle of champagne and decorated with elegant sweets and tinsel can become a very impressive New Year’s gift.

Making a sweet Christmas tree from champagne and sweets is as simple as possible. Even if you go to the party today, you will still have time.

Materials you will need:

  • champagne
  • thick green tinsel
  • hot glue gun (colorless)
  • beautiful, bright, shiny large candies
  • optional - small colored Christmas balls

Hot-melt adhesive is good for crafts, especially candy bouquets, because it dries very quickly. Available in silicone rods and loaded into a special glue gun. It is connected to the network, when you press the trigger, the rod heats up to 200 degrees, the glue softens and begins to flow out of the barrel in droplets. You can buy hot glue in radio stores and construction markets.

How to make a Christmas tree from champagne and sweets

1. We need to wrap a bottle of champagne in tinsel with sweets. We begin to paste tinsel from the top. To do this, squeeze out a circle of glue over the cork and secure the garland, hiding the tail.

If desired, you can then attach a beautiful crown to this place - a purchased star or a small one soft toy in the form of a symbol of the coming year according to the Eastern horoscope.

3. Cut off the excess sparkling decor at the bottom and secure its tip so that it is not visible.

4. Let's start decorating. We spread glue on the candy and, slightly moving the tinsel apart, attach it to the bottle.

5. And we do this with all the candies prepared for this purpose. You can dilute the candy decoration of a sweet Christmas tree with small balls, bows, and gift boxes. Glue a star to the top.

The master class on how to make a candy tree from a champagne bottle is over.

Beautiful crafts can become not just interior decoration, but also original decor festive table or creative gift. IN Lately The practicality of gifts is valued, so even at a wedding, newlyweds are given not flowers, but champagne and sweets. If you are going to visit or attend a wedding in winter time, then try decorating a bottle of champagne in the shape of a Christmas tree. It’s very easy to make such a craft, the main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination.

How to make a Christmas tree from champagne and sweets

To make this craft you will need:

- glue gun;

- a bottle of champagne;

- wire;

- tape;

- beads;

- candies;

- stapler;

- organza;

- corrugated paper.

Cut a circle with a diameter of 24-25 cm from thick cardboard. It will serve as a stand for the Christmas tree. After this, take corrugated paper and cut a piece so that you can decorate the circle on both sides. Glue it to the cardboard using a glue gun. After this, cut in a circle, but so that there is 1-2 cm left for wrapping on the other side.

Then take the rest of the paper, glue it to the circle, and cut off the excess. To make the tree stable, make a wire holder. Wind a wire around the base to determine the size of the retainer. The wire must be decorated with tape or any other material.

Now start making needles for the Christmas tree. You will need floral felt and organizaton. Cut the materials into squares with a side of 10 cm. After this, take two green squares of floral felt and fold them diagonally. Fold the sides to make an envelope. Secure the workpiece with a stapler. Combine felt and organza squares to make the craft original.

When you have a lot of blanks, start decorating the bottle. Start gluing the envelopes from the bottom with hot glue. The first row should take you 8 blanks, and then see for yourself. The main thing is that the tree turns out lush. You can additionally tape a number of envelopes for strength.

DIY Christmas tree on the table

After this, you can start gluing the blanks. Place the largest ones at the bottom and the small ones at the top.

As you can see, make a Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne and chocolates possible within one hour. Today there are so many craft ideas that will help you show your creativity.

Happy New Year! Please accept my best my sincere congratulations! May your deepest dreams come true this year and may your goals be realized. May you be surrounded by sincere, kind, beloved family and friends. Concerns to you, warmth and comfort in the New Year 2017!

And of course, I have prepared New Year's gifts for you!

My first gift for you is a master class

And my second gift is a master class

You can study both courses in video format.
Explore, create, delight with original delicious
gifts from family and friends, friends and clients:)

Happy new year friends!

With wishes of success, Anna Tyumerova, Suite Design Studio website

A champagne Christmas tree is a bestseller in many cities in Russia and other countries. On the eve of the New Year 2017, craftswomen are preparing sweet gifts.

How to make a champagne Christmas tree is a question that many lovers of suite design and creativity in general ask.

I share this secret with you. To make it more clear how to make a champagne Christmas tree, I offer master classes in two versions: photo master class and video master class.

Fruitful viewing and productive creativity!

Photo master class "Champagne Christmas tree"

We take corrugated paper in the color of the future Christmas tree. Cut out a piece of corrugation 20 x 20 cm.

We connect the edges of the corrugated paper using hot glue.

It turns out to be a kind of cylinder.

We put the corrugation on the champagne.

In order for our sweet beauty to be lush, we prepare mica pounds.

To do this, we fold a square of mica as in the photo. See more details on how to do this.

Glue the pounds onto the champagne as shown in the photo.

Glue a row of pounds.

Let's start gluing the candies. We also glue the candy by the tail using warm glue.

Glue a whole row of candies in a circle. Candies can be alternated Christmas tree toys, pine cones, bows, plastic tangerines...

We begin to glue the next row of pounds.

Now, again, candy and a row of pounds.

A row of sweets and a row of pounds.

Using tinsel, we wrap a “scarf” around the Christmas tree. We fix its ends with glue.

We attach Christmas decoration for tinsel.

Here it is a champagne tree!

As I already wrote at the beginning of this article, I am posting the master class not only in the form of photographs, but also in video format.

Video master class "Champagne Christmas tree"

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