Good afternoon It depends on how you look at his health. After the accident, an iron plate was sewn into his leg, which, of course, needs to be removed, but it takes money and time and the postoperative period, he is not ready for this, especially since it does not seem to bother him. He even began to wonder whether it would be necessary to remove it at all, but for this he wants to get a consultation with a good doctor, and puts everything off. And so, he leads a normal life, walks without a cane, does not limp, although his arm, after the accident, also does not fully straighten, but this cannot be corrected and does not bother him either.

Time to rest, ....... no, we practically don’t go anywhere, neither to visit, nor to the shopping center, he’s mostly at work, and now he’s also started going away overnight to another city, these are business trips, and he’s leaving in the morning to work, in the afternoon he calls that he has gone, then in the evening that he has done everything and is staying there overnight, and in the morning he goes back to work in the office (and not home!), and calls from the office, home only in the evening, as usual with work, i.e. he has been gone for more than a day. And the next day back to work. This is what I tried to discuss in the last conversation, because... my patience has come to an end, and we’ve actually agreed to where I started the story.

There is no one to leave the children with, my mother sometimes helps out, but she works and I myself don’t like how she copes with it, she spoils the children a lot, does not follow certain rules of our family, and on the contrary, she can question our rules. For example, he doesn’t approve of all the sections for his eldest son (gymnastics, development school, swimming pool), he doesn’t openly declare it anymore, but he constantly turns the child against, I feel it. She doesn’t go anywhere herself and believes that she should only stay at home; she doesn’t even like to walk with her children. We have no one else to turn to except her, firstly, there is no such person to whom we would entrust our children, it’s scary to search through advertisements, but of course it’s possible, but somehow all attempts are interrupted, the question of finances immediately arises, the mother sits for free - This is probably the main thing for now.

We had a joint hobby - alpine skiing, many years ago, and then he began to engage in other sports, I could not keep up with him, he always does everything easily, but I take a long time to learn. So recently he returned from Egypt, went kite riding with a group, I thought he would take a rest - a new, fresh person would arrive, but he, on the contrary, arrived aloof.

He finds reasons for all my proposals for a family vacation, even last summer we went to a pond where he skated, and I ran along the shore collecting the children so that they wouldn’t get into the water, it was forbidden to swim there. In general, I endured it, thinking that it was okay with my family. And then I began to refuse to travel; it was easier for me to walk in the yard with the children. He even sent me to Egypt before his trip with the words “people should take a break from each other.” I went, had a good rest, the first time I went completely alone, only upon arrival I began to understand, when he began to talk about his trip, why he sent me - to lull your feelings of guilt. Because he already went there for a ride several years ago, when we only had a little son, about a year old, and I stayed with him alone. And then she didn’t let go, if you can call it that, we already had 2 children. And when I expressed to him my vision of the situation, he was offended and said that he was sincerely happy for me that I would go on vacation.