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What to give your wife for the New Year. New Year's gift for wife

IN winter holidays The theme of gifts is one of the main things to give a woman for the New Year 2019. After all, December is already looming behind autumn, and autumn is just around the corner, hinting at the approach of the New Year. What to give to your beloved women for the holiday? This question should concern you ahead of time: you need to have time to purchase suitable gifts for your mother, grandmother, sister, wife, girlfriend.

But running around shops and clothing markets is not always justified, because you can make a good souvenir with your own hands and present it as an exclusive item. Or give impressions - bright and unforgettable, the kind the hostess of the next year loves. Women also love individual attention, so you should take into account their character, hobbies and lifestyle.

Business people prefer:

Household women will be happy:

Creatively minded people will be delighted:

Ladies who want to take care of their appearance will be grateful for:

What to give a girl for New Year 2019

The girl is young in nature, so there is no need to present her with bathrobes or bath accessories. Signs of attention in the form of players, necklaces, all kinds of bracelets and rings, as well as headphones or flash drives will be much nicer. But if you want to convince a person that he is dear to you, give expensive things:

If you are not ready for such luxurious options, limit yourself to small ones. These can be inexpensive cute little things that will evoke a good-natured mood in the hostess of next year and will please the hearts of your loved ones. Such attributes include:

What to give mom for New Year 2019

Mom needs to give excellent gifts for the New Year holidays, because their organization lies precisely on her shoulders, worthy of a soft stole made of fine wool, a boa, a warm hand-knitted scarf. In addition, the theme of keeping warm in the winter cold, which the hostess of the year will really like, can be continued with such budget options as:

They will also serve as a wonderful souvenir: a personalized apron, a set of plates, boxes for handicrafts or jewelry, a photo frame, a unique mini-sculpture (maybe a monkey), a purse. No less interesting are the original gifts: the “Best in the World” medal, a T-shirt with words of gratitude, a figurine “ Best mom in the world" and so on.

All of the above are budget gifts that even minor children can make. But if you are an adult and we have income, it is preferable to focus on more significant options:

What to give grandma for New Year 2019

Grandmothers are the kindest people in the world! Usually they are the ones who raise their grandchildren, freeing up the time we need, so they deserve wonderful gifts for the New Year - kind, warm, heartfelt. The good-natured grandmother will like this, because she is also an excellent nanny. Suitable gifts include:

On the one hand, such gifts give warmth, on the other hand, a pleasant pastime and hint at the need to relax. On cold evenings they will warm you not only physically, but also mentally.

What to give your sister for New Year

In this case, age must be taken into account. If your sister is small, you can pamper her with a book beautiful drawings, a girl's cosmetic set, bows and hairpins with a picture of a funny monkey, an ultra-modern sled and other affordable souvenirs.

The teenager should be presented with something more significant:

If your sister is already an adult, you can expand the range of gifts by adding household appliances, cosmetics, perfumes, soap sets self made, figurines, panels. But you shouldn’t give shoes as a gift - there is no certainty that the gift will fit your feet.

What to give your wife for New Year 2019

A spouse is a support that will help out at any moment, support, cheer up, and fill with confidence. Therefore, New Year's gifts must be of an appropriate level. But everyone has their own price ceiling, so the range of holiday gifts can include everything. The main thing is that the offering is to the taste of both her and the hostess of the coming year.

Therefore, when choosing gifts, focus on the entire palette of red shades, a good-natured charge of surprise and an incendiary mood. What could it be? Everything that inspires joy and gives warmth in the midst of winter frosts:

Of no less interest are technical products, which include curling irons, hair straighteners, phones, smartphones, and tablets. In part, you can give preference to kitchen appliances - multicookers, bread makers and the like.

Gifts-impressions with the effect “Is this all for me?!” are in favor. This includes:

The hostess of 2019 will like such gifts, because she is a lover of bright performances, spectacle, and warmth. I wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year! We hope that next year will bring you plenty of them!

The year is rapidly approaching the end, and many representatives are thinking about gifts for the women closest to them - their beloved wives. Choosing a New Year's gift is not only a pleasant and exciting thing, but also a responsible one. Every man wants the holiday to bring his beloved an exceptionally pleasant experience, which means that the gift should be thought out and chosen without fuss. The idea of ​​the right presentation is a difficult task, so you need to formulate options for yourself, and then go shopping.

The gift should not only please, but also surprise your wife

How to choose a gift for your wife?

In order for your wife to be truly pleased with the gift, you need to act tactically, thinking through one of the options:

  • think about your wife’s hobbies: a gift that relates to your favorite hobby is always a win-win option;
  • remember if any of her necessary things like a hair dryer or curling iron broke, if her favorite bag became unusable, if her laptop began to “slow down” and if the mobile screen was cracked;
  • listen to the conversations - perhaps your wife herself will suggest the idea for the desired gift. If she complains that she hasn't had new dresses for a long time or mentions that her favorite perfume is running out, then this is a 100% clue.

Idea No. 1: We give impressions

Anything can be a New Year's gift - the main thing is that your wife gets a boost positive emotions. Perhaps she has long said how she wants to break out of everyday life and routine for at least a couple of days, so you can become New Year's wizard and realize this desire. Come up with a surprise trip - for example, a trip to, to warm countries or to a comfortable recreation center.

A flight to one of the ancient European cities or a mini-trip to some patriarchal town within your native country is possible. A completely acceptable option is a gift in the form of a certificate for a vacation in a spa salon or cosmetic procedures. Think about whether your wife has said that she would like to start going to a swimming pool or sports club. In this case, you can present her with an annual subscription.

An addition to the gift should be pleasant evening in your company!

Of course, your wife has her favorite performers, so going to a concert together will be a pleasant surprise for her. Watch the tours of famous theater groups or circus troupes - such a gift-impression will remain in your memory for a long time. A great option would be to go to a restaurant together. New Year's Eve. And to make the gift unforgettable, first go shopping with your loved one and take part in the selection, and rent a car for a trip to the restaurant.

Idea #2: Girl's Best Friends

If your wife loves and wears jewelry, you can buy her a beautiful one jewel as a New Year's gift. It must not only be chosen, but also presented correctly! The ring can be placed in a rose bud, and a chain or necklace can be presented as the heroes do: take your wife to the mirror and put the jewelry on her neck. If you decide to present a bracelet, ask your spouse to close her eyes, gently take her hand, kiss her and quietly close the clasp of the bracelet.

Idea No. 3: Cosmetics and accessories

Cosmetics are an excellent gift option, but only if you are clearly aware of which brands and specific products your wife prefers. Check the dressing table and write down the names and numbers cosmetics– then you can go to the right store and buy a whole cosmetic bag of the necessary products as a gift for your beloved wife. And she, in turn, will certainly appreciate your attentiveness.

Give it to your wife New Year her favorite perfume or cosmetics

You can take a simpler route: if your wife loves a specific perfume, but usually buys it in small quantities, then give her a large bottle that will last for a whole year. If you are still afraid of making a mistake, then pay attention to cosmetic accessories - for example, expensive manicure set or natural makeup brushes.

Idea No. 4: A reason to update your gadgets

A modern gadget is universal gift, without which we cannot do in our dynamic life. If your wife loves to read, give her a modern e-reader. To demonstrate your knowledge of her literary taste, upload your wife's favorite works. Is your spouse looking through family photo albums? Buy a photo frame as a gift, filling it with photo moments from trips together.

If she constantly carries with her a lot of flash drives with the necessary information, give her a large flash drive made of metal. The New Year is a great reason to upgrade your spouse’s smartphone or buy a good tablet or laptop. If your budget doesn’t support such an expensive gift, you can also update the accessories for your wife’s favorite gadget. If she listens to music on the way to work, then buy quality headphones. See if it's time to replace her phone case or laptop bag.

Gadgets will become not only a pleasant, but also a useful gift.

Kitchen appliances and home appliances also fall into this category, but be careful. Women are not too fond of receiving gifts that are purely practical during the holidays. However, if you know for sure that your wife dreams of a bread machine or microwave, then the New Year will be an ideal opportunity to make such a wish come true.

Idea #5: Nice accessories

A stylish woman will be happy to receive a new accessory as a gift. It is possible to purchase a new wallet in a set with a business card holder and a key holder. In winter, warm gloves or a snood scarf complete with a hat are relevant. If you want to show your wife that you love her in any way, go shopping and choose cozy pajamas, a robe and beautiful slippers for her. Want to emphasize that you haven't lost your love interest? Go to the store and pick up a set of expensive lingerie!

Idea #6: Focus on hobbies

It is quite possible that your wife is interested in something for the soul. If you see that she loves to knit, then copy the numbers and manufacturer’s name from the balls of wool, look at modern sets of knitting needles on the Internet and please your wife with a whole bag of warm balls dear to her heart and new hobby accessories.

The most win-win gift would be one related to her hobbies.

If in free time If your wife paints, she will certainly be glad to have a new easel and a set of quality paints. Are you interested in making jewelry? Go to a craft store and buy her some necessary tools and several beautiful books with diagrams and recommendations. A good option There will also be a purchase of master classes.

Who could be more beautiful than your wife? Therefore, the gift should be special, it should contain the mystery and beauty of your feelings.

Who could be more beautiful than your wife? Therefore, the gift should be special, it should contain the mystery and beauty of your feelings. Let this dress become an unexpected gift, in which your feelings for her and feelings are hidden under the artificial leather tender love! This may seem ridiculous for those who are accustomed to traditions and centuries-old gifts, but this is the secret of your gift!

You should not dwell on the standards of society, life is given to you and your wife for joy and love, so let you be laconic and be able to show through your actions: feelings of loyalty and inner love.

May you have a lot accumulated for the New Year, may there be many words not spoken together, may the fairy tale somewhere not work out, but you are the creators of your family together! Follow the link, find the size and make a choice as a gift for your wife.

Gift No. 2

You know that choosing a dress can sometimes be difficult, so you will give your wife a double gift for the New Year. The gift will be an unexpected surprise, and no matter your wife's body shape, this dress can hide her imperfections and make her look more elegant. Design solution from three-component material, gives a modest and ordinary dress, to create a model appearance for a woman.
Let new life sprouts from the old one, let the dress decorate the past days, it is important for a woman that you are nearby and take care of your fidelity! For the New Year, may your gift decorate with its beauty, your New Year's table and the beauty of family.

The Year of the Fire Monkey loves warmth and integrity in relationships, and this dress can help with that. There is only a moment left until the new year, which can fly by after many days, and you need to hurry to the link in order to make your purchase on time.

Gift #3

The New Year will always come with frost, even if it doesn’t come right away, but for the little wife, of course, the hat will come just right. The color is gray, black or brown, rabbit fur will decorate any woman. Let your wife have hats made of arctic fox, mink, muskrat and otter fur, but there can never be too many hats! Your woman, your wife will always look beautiful in this hat, especially in the coming year. The “fire” monkey loves fur, because it is its natural cover, as well as fidelity and integrity of relationships. Let there be three different gifts, and every time your wife puts on a new hat, she will seem like a stranger to you for a moment. New Year 2016 will test families' strength and give gifts with a riddle. Therefore, a fur hat will contribute to the favor of next year's symbol.

Take your step towards the New Year and choose a gift for your wife by following the link, and the symbol of the year will appreciate your contribution.

Gift #4

New hats combining cotton and fur will become popular in the new year. A woman wants variety, and such a hat can become her next favorite thing. Instead of a heavy and sometimes uncomfortable fur hat, your wife sometimes wants something light, warm and beautiful to put on her head. Depending on your wife’s and your preferences, you can choose from 20 hats of different colors, suitable for a New Year’s gift.

This hat is suitable for all women, especially those who love an active lifestyle and light clothes. A gift for a wife must be selected carefully; for a husband this is a difficult task, but his intuition can determine this by following the link the right gift and the required color.

Gift #5

This gift can be presented to your wife at the most solemn moment, an iridescent necklace with a pendant. The romantic design is represented by a collection of five necklaces, the basis of the composition of each is a heart-shaped pendant. The beauty of the rhinestones was selected by the jeweler in the spirit of eternal love. The sophistication of each stone in the frame can show the depth, purity and sincerity of the feelings of your beloved husband. Show your heart to your beloved woman with whom you once united, and this New Year's Eve you can take a new step together.

Titanic Neoglory is the ocean of your heart collected inside a pendant, to make a gift, just follow the link and choose a worthy necklace for your wife

May also be useful:

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How do you know what she wants?

You can always reach an agreement with your wife. For example, discuss buying gifts in advance and go on a shopping tour together to New Year's stores. The option “give me money - buy it yourself” is undesirable, it’s a family holiday!

If you want to make a surprise, watch your woman for a while. Surely she is trying in every possible way to hint at the desired gift. This could be conversations on a certain topic, sighs about running out of perfume, an out-of-fashion fur coat or an old hairdryer.

There are no hints, which means she is also waiting for a surprise. You'll have to spin yourself. This is where smart and crazy ideas come in handy. What to choose depends on the character of the spouse, length of service family life, the thickness of your wallet and the desire to enter the New Year in a good mood.

Gifts are significant

We will not consider cars, villas, personal islands and areas on the Moon. Not all of us are oligarchs, and this is absolutely no reason to feel disadvantaged. But confirming love not with words, but with deeds is very correct.

In most cases, fur and diamonds evoke the most vivid emotions in women. If your wife wants a fur coat, and you can afford it - give her the fifth, tenth or first coat in her life and that’s the end of it. The Snow Maiden is happy, Santa Claus will be covered in chocolate.

But the most expected and desired New Year's giftjewelry. Buying jewelry for your wife is simple and pleasant:

  • the ring will not be understood ambiguously;
  • you have an idea of ​​her preferences;
  • you can study and even photograph the contents of the box;
  • collect something that has not been worn for a long time and make it to order.

You don't have to buy a diamond the size of a pigeon's egg. Sometimes simple pendant or inexpensive silver jewelry is valued much more. The main thing is to present it with soul. Moreover, a pleasant bonus awaits you. Jewelry stores on the eve New Year's holidays They offer significant discounts.

The approach is practical: everything goes into the house

It would seem that it would be easier to donate kitchen utensils or household appliances. Don't flatter yourself easy solution, which is fraught with consequences. If your spouse has a character, you can hit her in the head with a frying pan. IN best case scenario, she will hold a grudge and find a way to take revenge.

You can buy household gifts with the personal approval of your wife or married couples with experience. An experienced woman will appreciate a new coffee maker or dishwasher. The young wife will consider this an encroachment on her freedom.

If your family budget is limited and you want the gift to be truly useful, give:

  • favorite perfume;
  • cosmetics of your preferred brand;
  • original flash drive or headphones;
  • new phone or tablet;
  • a certificate to a store with her hobby;
  • an interesting master class or psychological training.

You can act according to your interests:

  • for those who care about beauty – a trip to the spa;
  • counting every calorie - smart scales or a gym membership;
  • for a homebody - a cozy blanket;
  • what he loves, but does not allow himself often - elite chocolate, coffee, tea.

It is better not to give lingerie, especially erotic ones, on New Year's Day. There are other holidays for this - Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of dating.

Aerobatics - an emotional surprise

Things wear out, break, delicacies and sweets are eaten, and positive and extreme emotions leave a long aftertaste in the form of a surge of feelings, a new round of relationships, a sense of family as the main, indestructible value. Tempting? Choose a present:

  • portrait or cartoon of inscriptions, in the form of a mosaic, based on a photo;
  • tickets to a theater premiere, possibly in another city or country;
  • a trip to a memorable place;
  • a romantic dinner in a restaurant, alone, in complete darkness;
  • image consultation, shopping with a stylist;
  • a journey where imagination and finances call;
  • a ride in a retro car or vintage carriage;
  • a day at the spa together;
  • attending a real New Year's ball;
  • dance master class;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • dog sledding;
  • jazz evening for two;
  • participation in an exciting quest.

It is impossible to list everything. You just need to choose an emotional gift that matches your wife’s character, temperament and interests.

Our hands are not for boredom

A gift with your own hands is also on the list New Year's surprises. Naturally, you will have to do something in which you actually have at least the slightest experience. What could it be:

  • the dinner or birthday cake you prepared;
  • personally edited film;
  • recording a song or poem of your own composition;
  • footstool, book stand;
  • jewelry or ceramic product.

Faucet repairs, replacement of light bulbs and New Year's spring cleaning do not count. This is not a gift to my wife, but a feasible help. Only a tangible thing that you can create yourself will do.

Remember what it is better not to give to your wife:

  • gifts collected on the occasion of the holiday in the store;
  • New Year's symbols and other trinkets;
  • something that will be used by other family members;
  • items related to her personal, sometimes far-fetched, problems.

A gentleman's set of a bouquet, a box of chocolates and champagne is not a gift, but an addition or, if you like, a prelude. Better spend money on movie tickets and one rose.

The direction is set, you can act. And since men, unlike the weaker sex, have logic, you will succeed!