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Sadistic girls spent half a day tormenting a girl their age, forcing her to drink urine and kiss their feet. “Thrown out of the window, forced to drink urine”

The brutal video shows the girls beating their victim, forcing him to kiss sneakers, eat a bug and drink urine.

When 15-year-old Tanya A. remembers
what did her peers do to her, her hands are shaking...

“I was accidentally hit by a ball”

On the evening of May 15, Lyubov A., a resident of Dedilova, Kireevsky district, came from Tula from work and, making sure that her daughter was sleeping peacefully, also went to rest.
Seeing Tanya in the morning, the mother gasped - the entire left side of her daughter’s face was a complete bruise!
“Mom, don’t worry, the guys were playing football and accidentally hit me with the ball,” the 15-year-old girl reassured her mother. “It only looks scary, but in fact it almost doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Lyubov found out the true cause of her daughter’s bruises and scratches only a week later.

Clarity was brought to light by a friend whose daughter studies at the same school as Tanya. As it turned out, the girl downloaded a cruel video starring Tanya from her classmates’ cell phone.

Still images of a creepy video. They pulled Tatyana by the hair, hit her in the face...

The adult didn't help

“Take it off, Natasha,” one of the youngsters says to her friend with a mobile phone, while others surround their victim with shouts of encouragement.
- After these two times, there was f... gossip that I f..., f... was in the dining room! – one of the schoolgirls screams shrilly. Frightened Tatyana tries to ask what she has to do with it, but she is not allowed to say (from the very beginning of the viewing, by the way, it is clear that no one is particularly interested in the answers). They grab the girl by the hair, throw her to the ground and then beat her several times. Including a knee to the face.
“Why are you beating her?” someone asks off-screen.
- She's starting rumors. That I’m fucking in the dining room... And it pisses me off! – one of the girls answers.
A few seconds of continuous swearing with insults, and Tatyana is again kicked in unison by the whole crowd.
“I want her nose to bleed,” someone says.
“Look, my leg is red, I’m the one who smacked it like that!”
“Girls, please forgive me,” the victim begs.
“Kiss your feet,” the sentence immediately follows. After cruel humiliation, someone giggles disgustingly: “Now back in the heel.” A second later, there is a pull on the hair, and the victim lies on the ground again.
When the whole company, squealing like a dog pack, moves to another place, the “fun” is suddenly interrupted by an adult male voice off-screen. The man is interested in what is happening, although it is not difficult to understand that there are five people beating one. Just look at the victim’s face, covered in mascara and tears.
“Beauties, go to another place,” the man suddenly says and... leaves!
And the “beauties” obeyed. The phone camera regularly recorded all further abuse: the beating, the order to eat a cockchafer, drink urine from a glass and strip naked. The frightened and shocked victim obediently performed all this with a guilty smile on her face - so as not to show her offenders how painful and scared she was from what was happening. And so that it doesn't get any worse.

The girls forced the victim to kiss their feet and beg their forgiveness.

Everything happened on the school grounds

In total, the girls “judged” Tanya for more than half an hour. And all this happened on school grounds! Which, by the way, also has a watchman. Perhaps it was he who approached the “beauties” with a request to leave.
But the school director and head teacher unanimously insist that everything happened on Saturday, so no one heard anything. And I didn’t see it.
“We are taking measures against a group of students,” Gennady Yurischev, director of the Dedilovskaya school, told Sloboda. – Including educational ones. There is nothing more to comment.
The director modestly kept silent about the fact that the prosecutor’s office recently submitted a proposal to his school “to eliminate violations of the legislation on the prevention of juvenile delinquency.”
– We discussed what happened on the line! The actions of these girls were condemned by 11th grade students! – the head teacher says, breaking into a scream.
Deputy's manner of communication The director is also amazed: in the presence of journalists and Tatyana’s mother, the teacher almost did not lower herself to the tone of a normal conversation. Constantly grabbing the girl’s hand, she repeated: “It’s your own fault that you didn’t go up to the watchman and complain! Remember?! But the girls asked you for an apology! And then you asked the guys from the class to erase this video after talking with the director!”
The head teacher did not think about the fact that the 15-year-old schoolgirl could barely stand on her feet from horror and pain and that most of all at that moment she was afraid of continued bullying.

Despite Tanya's requests, the beating continued for more than half an hour.

Mother is threatened

“I didn’t spread any rumors about them,” says Tatyana. “They came up to me before and said that I was making up nasty things about them.” And when I offered to bring the person who heard this, they replied that they would not bring anyone...
“Tanya is holding up well,” says her mother Lyubov A. “Despite the bruises and terrible appearance, she goes to school.” I didn't miss a single day. I get very tired after work, and now she needs someone who will always be there. That's why I allowed her to take the kitten. They say cats calm you down.
Journalists tried to talk to the schoolgirls' parents. They eagerly commented on what had happened, telling nasty things about Tatyana’s mother and the girl herself. And when asked to repeat the same thing with a tape recorder and on camera, they said that they didn’t want to embarrass themselves. But what is there!
According to Lyubov, the parents of the children who participated in the abuse of her daughter offered her money. As a compensation. And the stepfather of one of the girls even tried to threaten: “Like, I’m almost a stranger... But you’ll ruin their lives... We didn’t sit still either. We have connections and money...”
– And I asked them what they would do if the same thing was done to their children?! – Love clenches her fists. – I was brought up in a boarding school, and we never had anything like this, although anything can happen there...

There seemed to be no end to the humiliation. And in the end the sacrifice
forced to undress in front of a cell phone camera.

> Expert opinion

Will both teachers and students be punished?
“Now the police are conducting an investigation under the control of the Kireyevsk prosecutor’s office,” says Vadim Pyatov, assistant to the Kireyevsk interdistrict prosecutor. “If signs of a crime are established, we will definitely initiate a criminal case.” In addition, the effectiveness of the work of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency is checked.
In addition, as Sloboda learned, on May 24 a complaint was made against the director of the Dedilovskaya school. As it turned out, the participants in these events were two girls who study at the Dedilovskaya school. The teachers knew that parents abused alcohol, but did not report this to the prevention authorities.

> There were cases

The cruelty of children knows no bounds!
> In the Irkutsk region, schoolchildren beat a 73-year-old physical education teacher and posted videos of the atrocities on the Internet. A week later, everything was repeated: the teacher suffered from sclerosis and did not remember anything. The emergency would have remained a secret, since the school management, parents and education officials were not interested in the scandal. The high school students themselves were “burnt”: the video was popular and soon attracted the attention of the police.
> In Zhukovsky (Moscow region), investigators are completing an investigation into a school teacher who brutally tyrannized her students. The teacher forced them to write papers under their desks, while she filmed the bullying and posted the videos on the Internet. The basis for the prosecutor's inspection was a collective appeal from parents of students in grade 5 "A" at school No. 2 in the city, who complained about teachers' violation of their children's rights.
> Two years ago in Mogilev (Belarus), teenagers beat their peers, and scenes of violence were recorded on a mobile phone and distributed via the Internet, one of the Belarusian state TV channels reported. To the surprise of investigators, all participants in the “fight club” are from prosperous families. In particular, one of them is the son of the school principal.

Live footage from the ATC press service. About how he robbed a freight forwarder,
the suspect spoke during the investigative experiment.

The driver organized the robbery of the forwarder

The loot of the attacker and his accomplice was 200,000 rubles.

Last week, Tula operatives detained two men who, in the Bogoroditsky district, organized a robbery on a car transporting proceeds from retail outlets to Tula.
“The attackers chose the place to commit the crime in advance: there is thick greenery around the road, and from the bridge from the bushes the entire highway is clearly visible,” the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tula Region reports. – The driver of the company was driving the car and he is also the organizer of the crime. He was required to slow down at an appointed place under the pretext of feeling unwell, and then, as they say, “a matter of technique.”
“I open the door, spray a gas canister into the cabin, and the forwarder leans back. I wanted to pull him out of the salon by his legs. I had a screwdriver in my hand, but he kicked it out and stabbed me. A fight ensued. I threw it aside and jumped into the car, took the bag with the money and ran away,” a 25-year-old accomplice of the organizer of the robbery said during the investigative experiment.
Criminal investigation officers began searching for the thief. It turned out that the attack was organized by the driver of the company himself. During interrogation, he revealed the crime scheme to the police and said that his accomplice was in Vladikavkaz. The man was soon detained.
Currently, the money has been returned to the rightful owner, and the robbers are facing prison sentences.

Aleksinsky collectors are suspected of kidnapping

For extorting 400,000 rubles, employees of a collection agency risk going to jail.

The Aleksinsky MRSO Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tula Region, during the investigation of a criminal case, charged 38-year-old Alexander Muratov. He is accused of extortion causing grievous bodily harm and kidnapping with violence,” says Vladimir Timoshin, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor’s Office at the prosecutor’s office.
According to investigators, in May 2010, the accused kidnapped 26-year-old resident of the city Aleksin from his apartment and, using violence dangerous to life and health, held him in the office of a commercial company and one of the apartments in the city, demanding payment of 400,000 rubles.
The victim was released by Aleksin police officers. Currently, the criminal investigation is ongoing, and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen against Muratov.
As Sloboda managed to find out, the person accused of kidnapping works as the head of one of the collection agencies. Let us remember that such organizations are usually engaged in “knocking out” bank and private debts from people or organizations that, for various reasons, cannot pay off their creditors.

An eighth-grade student in one of the schools in Roslavl, Smolensk region, 15-year-old Masha (name changed), “ordered” the rape of her friend, 14-year-old Katya (a different name is also used). The Readovka portal reports this.

As noted, Catherine valued her friends very much, and Maria was no exception, since the life of a schoolgirl cannot be called sweet. Even at a very young age, she buried her mother, and her father, after the death of his wife, went on a drinking binge, the girl gradually immersed herself in her own world. A few years ago she had an accident; she was hit by a foreign car at a pedestrian crossing. After this she remained disabled.

The rape story began when eighth-grader Masha became jealous of her friend’s boyfriend. Katya denied any intimacy, but this did not become an argument. There is only one thing left to do - teach a lesson. She turned to her friends - 13-year-old Grisha and 15-year-old Sasha and Vanya (the names of all three have been changed) with a request.

In a sense, the teenagers were lucky: Grisha’s parents left, and the apartment was completely at his disposal. The girl was taken into the room, and young men abused her for two days: they locked her in the toilet, tied her to a chair, forced her to drink urine, raped her, stuffed her with a comb and everything that “fit.” Deciding to teach a lesson, she filmed it all on camera and threatened that if anyone found out about it, the video would end up on the Internet.

None of the guys saw anything terrible in what was happening. They were just joking. For them it's funny. The girl who “ordered” all this was not detained - there is no reason. After all, only the guys claim that she “forced” them, says the publication’s source familiar with the situation.

The girl, raped “to order,” later told her psychologist these terrible things. She was just undergoing her scheduled six-month examination after the accident. The case reached the investigators, and all three were detained, but then 13-year-old Grisha was released, since the young man had not reached the age of criminal responsibility. The other two were arrested, and the sadistic girlfriend is a witness in the case and is now under house arrest. The criminal investigation continues.

An eleven-year-old Khmelnytsky woman arrived in the village to visit her grandmother for a week. She wasn’t particularly friendly with anyone, she only communicated with the little girl next door. That day, a city woman of the same age approached them on the street, introduced them and suggested they take a walk in the village a little further from their homes.

Near a rural pasture, local youth built a small room from discarded boards and plywood where they gathered during the rain. Another local resident, also the same age, was already waiting for them near the lodge. When the townswoman noticed that it was time to go home, the initiator of the walk, allegedly playfully, put a knife to the girl’s throat and began to threaten to stab her.

The victim was very scared and began to cry, but this only added to the heat of the young criminals. Another new friend joined the cruel game and they took turns intimidating the girl, stabbing her with a knife, pulling her hair, blocking the exit from the lodge. Her friend only silently watched the actions of the robbers, afraid to make comments, so as not to also find herself in the role of a victim. Then the girls ran out of the hut and locked the victim in the dark, threatening to leave her there forever, and when they saw that a woman with a cow was heading in their direction, they ran back and forcibly covered the unfortunate woman’s mouth so that she would not call for help.

The cruel girls came up with a more sophisticated execution: they promised to let the townswoman go if she drank their urine instead of water. Both one and the other “went” into a dirty jar and forced the poor thing to drink its contents. But even this sadism seemed not enough to them, so the girl, in order to finally get out of the stuffy closet, had to lick and kiss the tormentors’ feet, because the girls suddenly felt like princesses, and she was a “plebeian.” After this, the tearful and frightened girl was sent home, but was still “walked” in the fresh air for some time so that she would recover from the horror and humiliation she had experienced. Finally, they threatened not to tell anyone about how “interesting” she spent her time.

Employees of the children's service department of the Gorodotsky Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Khmelnytsky region claim that the girls who carried out illegal actions against the victim were not characterized in the village as exemplary, but there was no negativity as such either. They themselves don’t pay much attention to this - they say it’s just an ordinary role-playing game.

Their parents will be responsible for the criminal actions of children. According to Part 4 of Article 184 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, for minors committing acts containing signs of a crime, liability for which is provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, if they have not reached the age at which criminal liability begins, they will have to pay a fine in the amount of ten to twenty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

Anastasia Gnedinskaya. “The landlady stabbed a guest to death on “ in the list" in Ulyanovsk". "Fourteen-year-old schoolgirl raped at youth party". News from the so-called “ entries "- teenage apartment dwellers - crime reports are updated monthly. Just last week during such “ party" two deaths occurred. In Nizhnekamsk, a college student was allegedly thrown out of a window; in Moscow, a schoolgirl took her own life after drinking with friends for almost a day.

RIA Novosti tried to figure out how to stop the series of deaths in teenage eyes closed from adults.” meetings”.

In Moscow, the tragedy took place in a two-room apartment in the southeast - here 15-year-old Olga (all names of minors in the material have been changed) lived with her father and aunt. When the parent left, the schoolgirl invited friends to her room. Events developed according to this scenario on September 28.

The girl’s aunt, who was in the next room, told RIA Novosti that her relationship with her niece was not going well: “We lived like neighbors - I was on my own, she was on her own. Periodically, Olga invited company home. Girls, guys, often strangers came. I couldn’t do anything, because I had no influence on her.”.

The agency's source in law enforcement agencies said: the teenagers spent almost a day in a room behind a closed door - they drank. A relative of the schoolgirl tried to disperse them, but they simply did not listen to her. A serious conflict was brewing. Then the aunt, not knowing how to influence the company, decided to call an ambulance. The girl's friends immediately dispersed. Olga, who was intoxicated, began to go hysterical. The girl escaped from the hands of the adults and committed suicide.

"An investigation is being carried out and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided", - explained senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee for Moscow, Yulia Ivanova.

According to local media, the tragedy ended and “ entry" in Nizhnekamsk - party participants allegedly threw 16-year-old Sonya out of the window of a high-rise building. The girl was born in a small village in the Alnashsky district of Udmurtia, but decided to enroll in Nizhnekamsk. This was her first independent year in a big city; Sonya studied at a pedagogical college to become a physical education teacher. “She was never into drinking, she wasn’t flighty, she was dating a guy. Well, she couldn’t of her own free will end up on “ in the list", - Sonya’s former classmate is sure.

Her words are partially confirmed by a RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies in the region: "It wasn't" entry". That same evening, the girl met some young people on the street and went to their home. What happened in the apartment is still unclear. The version of violent death has also not yet been confirmed. It is possible that it could have been suicide.".

Tragedies on “ entries" happening with alarming frequency. A year ago, 16-year-old Kira died in a teenage apartment in St. Petersburg - she had gone too far with drugs. When the girl began to choke, her friends did not call an ambulance. Instead, they took the body outside, returned to the apartment and continued drinking. Passers-by found Kira on a bench at the entrance - she no longer showed any signs of life.

In June of this year, a similar story happened near Smolensk - an eighth-grader died on “ in the list" from a drug overdose. At first, the schoolchildren sniffed laughing gas, then switched to pills. When David passed out, his friends thought he had simply fallen asleep. But they couldn’t wake him up in the morning either. In panic, the schoolchildren called an ambulance; the arriving doctors could only confirm the death of the teenager.

However, perhaps the most shocking incident occurred in Magnitogorsk - a schoolgirl was killed and dismembered after a party in a cottage. Katya met 18-year-old Vladimir on the Internet. Almost immediately he invited the girl to “ party", she agreed. After voluntary intimacy, the young people quarreled. When the guests left, Vladimir strangled Katya, then dismembered her body along with his friend. They scattered the remains throughout the forest.

In Roslavl, Smolensk region, an eighth-grader “ ordered” rape of a friend. A place to perform “ sentence" chose again “ entry", where 14-year-old Olya was invited. The girl was abused in full: she was beaten, raped, forced to drink her own urine, and was not allowed to leave the house for several days. Investigators “ girlfriend " explained that she was jealous of Olya for her boyfriend and decided to teach her a lesson in this way.

Listings” invented by hippies. “Flower children” traveling around the world needed to stay with someone for the night - "to fit in ". Most often these were strangers who, in exchange for cheerful company and wine, offered a roof over their heads. Over time, the word migrated into the vocabulary of teenagers. Just now " entry"- not a haven for those who have nowhere to sleep. Now this is a youth party in an apartment or cottage with unfamiliar people.

A typical invitation looks like this (spelling and punctuation preserved):

"There are four bottles of champagne, a hookah, a hut. There are two of us, young, beautiful. Let's ride in a black jeep:) Girls, write..."

“I’m having a send-off and the booze is just huge! We need a lot of girls, hot and cheerful, who love to hang out! Don’t be shy, write! We are handsome guys, I personally vouch!”

The weaker sex is not far behind: “We’re looking for a few guys to arrange registration. No older than 22 years old. You’ve got a house, money for booze and food. We’re in a good mood.”. At the end of the ad there is a smiley face in the form of an imp.

We met Anya in one of the thematic communities. She's 17 now, at “ registrations" she has been going since she was fifteen. "To get to the party (that's what the girl calls "party" "), you just need to leave a message on the wall in the group. Offers pour in immediately. Usually we have 20-30 different options", - Anya introduces the matter.

She never travels alone - she takes a friend with her. He says it's safer.

“Why do I go there? Well, because it’s fun. I like to drink and smoke, especially for free. When I have nothing to eat at home (the girl lives alone), I also look for “ registrations".

Anya says that at some parties there is a paid entrance: guys pay one and a half thousand rubles, girls - 500. This money is used to buy drinks and food. But he and his girlfriend never pay.

“The guys pay money for us. That’s what I write to them: I’ll only come for free. If it’s far away, we ask you to pay for a taxi. We don’t buy anything in stores either. On the contrary, we set conditions: buy this, buy that.”.

Our interlocutor understands perfectly well what the young people who invited them are counting on. But he assures that he usually manages to turn them off: “We never stay overnight. As soon as they start to give up, we say goodbye and leave. I say: “You invited us to sit, we came and sat. What else do you want?”

However, dangerous situations cannot be avoided even with her fighting spirit. Anya recalls how one day the owner of the house where “ entry", closed the door with the key and hid it. But she took a bottle of champagne, hit him on the head, and then climbed out through the first floor window.

The most unpleasant situation, according to her, is "when you're blowing off a guy, but you don't have money for a taxi and you're on the other side of town". Her friend on “ in the list" raped while Anya was sleeping. The girl tells this story somehow casually, as if we are not talking about a dangerous crime: “She wanted to set the police on him because she was underage. But I advised her to get money out of him. In the end, she took 15 thousand rubles from the guy and wrote a receipt that the sex was consensual.”.

According to Anya, among the party organizers “there are very wealthy people”, age 21 plus: “We were driving to one of these from the other end of the city, and he paid 900 rubles for our taxi alone. He had a two-story house with a swimming pool.”.

If she doesn’t like the company, she sits for half an hour “for show” and leaves for another party. “Usually we go to three places a night. We drank here, we drank there...”- Anya describes her everyday life.

You can see how the parties go in the same groups on social networks. The videos are posted by the participants themselves. Here are girls who don’t look like they’re even sixteen yet, passing a bottle of vodka around. Drink from the throat without a drink or snack. After another sip, one of the participants “ fun" turns away, she feels sick. In another video, friends roll a drunken teenager into cling film.

Anya admits that bullying those who have had too much to drink is quite common: “I know that for many people, their experiences end in tears. Someone is undressed, filmed, and then sent to all their friends. But I only saw one relatively harmless incident, when a girl had her eyebrows shaved and a stripe shaved on her head.”.

Usually in invitation messages to “ registrations" stated: "only for girls 18+". Party regulars claim that they even check passports.

"Now by" entries” Mostly there are youngsters who are unable to provide for themselves. They are looking for freebies,” Maxim from Krasnoyarsk opened up in a conversation with RIA Novosti. - Moreover, they deliberately trick guys into having sex, and then blackmail them. This is how a friend of mine got into trouble, picked up some girls, and they turned out to be youngsters, and from an orphanage at that. They issued an ultimatum: they say, feed and water us, otherwise we will go to the police and write a statement.".

Mikhail himself carefully monitors the age of his visitors after another unpleasant incident: “The girl said that she was 21 years old, but in fact she was only 16. Moreover, I learned this from her mother. We sat, then I fell asleep, and in the morning I didn’t find any money, no phone. I went to her house. It was then that her mother said that her daughter was only sixteen. She did not submit an application, since that girl herself turned out to have a “biography” - she was registered with the PDN. The incident with the theft of her phone was not needed at all."

Nadezhda Surikova’s sixteen-year-old son Evgeniy was killed after one of the “ entries ". This case is now being heard in the Supreme Court of Tatarstan. There are three young men in the dock. The owner of the apartment where the party took place was previously declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment.

It all happened on November 25, 2017. “Zhenya told my husband and I that he would go to a friend’s birthday party. He even handed the phone to his friend, who confirmed: yes, Zhenya will be with me,” Nadezhda recalls. “We weren’t worried, because he went to visit not alone, but with two childhood friends".

But in the end, the teenagers went to a completely unfamiliar apartment, the owner of which provided living space in exchange for alcohol. At the appointed time, Zhenya did not call his mother back. Nadezhda thought that he had simply fallen asleep and did not panic. However, the next morning the phone did not answer. They started looking for the teenager and attracted volunteers and neighbors. On the third day, Zhenya’s body was found in the forest belt - so disfigured that the parents could not identify it the first time. “We realized that it was our son only by the tattoos on his hand. Not long before that, he knocked out three seagulls for himself.”, - Surikov cannot hold back his tears.

What happened in that apartment is still not completely clear. “Zhenya was relaxing with his friends, then a group of guys much older than them came there - friends of the owner of the apartment. One found fault with our son and started beating him. And this happened in the presence of Zhenya’s friends. At the trial, they said that they wanted to take him away, but they couldn’t allowed this to happen. And they, frightened, abandoned their friend and went home.", - the mother of the deceased is indignant.

Then the guy was taken to a forest belt and there he was beaten to death. Nadezhda has an audio recording of a conversation with one of the defendants. Using a tape recorder, he told how Zhenya was put in a car and beaten, how they dragged him half-naked through the forest. “His legs couldn’t move anymore. The guys put him facing a log and started kicking him...”- here is just a small fragment of this terrible description. But, despite a lot of evidence, the defendants deny guilt. They claim that that night they simply took Evgeniy to his brother.

Many will say: “ registrations" have always been, they say, there is nothing new in this. But it is not so. According to the head of the center for working with teenagers “Crossroads”, senior researcher, head of the psychological service of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Kirill Khlomov, if previously at teenage parties there were only familiar people, then the participants “ entries " don't know each other. They get to know each other and arrange a meeting via social networks. This can partly explain such a large number of crimes and tragedies.

“There may be complete strangers in the apartment, whose behavior you cannot predict. Some, after drinking, behave quietly, others become aggressive. In some companies it is customary to swear, in others it is not. You never know in advance what kind of environment you will find yourself in. However, this is only one aspect of the problem,” the psychologist notes. “Many people wonder: why on “ entries" So often they mock drunk people and make videos with explicit content? Precisely because the partygoers have no pity for the target of bullying. They don’t know him, they see him for the first time in their lives.".

In addition, Khlomov adds, “ registrations"- this is a social ring where everyone strives not only to break away, but also to assert themselves. This often comes at the expense of humiliating others.

What should parents of teenagers do? Do not let go? The psychologist believes that this is not a solution: “Children will simply start lying, saying that they will stay with friends, and then go away to “ registrations". One of the surest ways is to inform the child, talk about the consequences of drinking alcohol and drugs. In addition, it is extremely important that the teenager goes to the party not alone, but in the company of a friend. Together it is easier to resist a negative situation. “The ideal option is when you know the address where everything will happen. If the child keeps it secret, at least agree on the time at which he will call back.”