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Happy birthday to the warehouse manager. Happy birthday greetings to a woman storekeeper

Our dear storekeeper,
On this birthday
Keep it as you used to
Our congratulations.

We wish you in life
A warehouse full of love,
To joy and good luck
You were able to find it on the shelves.

Let there be no shortage
Neither in work, nor in friends.
We wish you happiness
And success in business.

Happy birthday to you,
We sing your praises today!
May your life go smoothly,
Everything will be fine at work.

Your work is not easy,
And there are no trifles in it.
Accounting, report and documents,
And touchy moments.

Universal specialist
And you are a unique person!
Everything in your warehouse is excellent.
Let it be the same in your personal life!

Chief warehouseman -
Everyone should know this.
But today is my birthday.
So, he will congratulate.

We wish you prosperity,
Less stress and problems,
At work - only order
And don't quarrel with anyone.

Let life be sweet, sweet,
And health and success,
And everything will be smooth in the family,
And good laughter flows!

Our dear storekeeper,
Happy birthday to you.
Cool, you keep records -

Let life be bright
Bright and simple.
We wish you to enjoy
Happy destiny!

In the warehouses of memories
Let it be full
Laughter, happiness and fun.
Live like in a movie.

Less stress, turmoil,
More beauty
May order always reign
On the shelves of fate!

Our dear storekeeper,
Even if sometimes uncontrollable,
You are a wise, obliging person,
Both hardworking and attentive!

We congratulate you on your birthday,
And we wish you good health,
And great success to you in your work,
May you always be lucky, everywhere!

Happiness in your personal life to the sea,
Let grief bypass
Let prosperity grow
Life moves forward confidently!

Happy birthday
You, storekeeper,
Today I congratulate
Leave the goods in the warehouse,
Then you will count them.
I wish you that the expense
Always got along with the arrival,
And unaccounted for goods
On the shelves so it doesn't gather dust.
I wish you to sleep peacefully,
And let the auditors never dream,
Let there be order in the warehouse,
And the house is a full cup of happiness.

Birthday is coming
And he brings gifts,
He brings a lot of laughter
Wishes for success,
Joy, love, victories,
So that they don’t know troubles at all,
Longevity and happiness,
So that the bad weather goes away quickly,
So that the sun is above your head,
It gave warmth and peace,
So that the warehouse is in order,
And the working day is easy and sweet.

Chief warehouseman -
Everyone should know this.
But today is my birthday.
So, he will congratulate.

We wish you prosperity,
Less stress and problems,
At work - only order
And don't quarrel with anyone.

Let life be sweet, sweet,
And health and success,
And everything will be smooth in the family,
And good laughter flows!

Happy birthday, lord
All storage facilities and warehouses.
The sea is for you today
Kind and beautiful words.

We wish you positivity
Don't get sick and grumble,
His patrimony, as before,
Masterfully manage.

Happy birthday to our dear storekeeper! We wish there was less turmoil and unpredictability at work. Let everything always be in the right quantity and of the right quality! Good health, great opportunities, pleasant moments, soulful gatherings and a great feeling of fulfillment in all areas of life! Goodness and prosperity!

Our dear storekeeper,
On this birthday
Keep it as you used to
Our congratulations.

We wish you in life
A warehouse full of love,
To joy and good luck
You were able to find it on the shelves.

Let there be no shortage
Neither in work, nor in friends.
We wish you happiness
And success in business.

You clearly have it in stock
You are an excellent storekeeper.
Ship more happiness
Directly to your personal warehouse.

Happy birthday,
Happiness, peace and goodness
May it bring you joy
Fate is in storage.

Happy birthday.
We wish you happiness in life.
You are held in high esteem in the team,
You keep good records.

What's in the warehouse, where is it?
What is subject to shipment -
You keep an eye on everything personally
Everything is fine with reporting.

I wish you today
Neither more nor less,
So that your favorite job
To keep your warehouse in order
And didn’t get cluttered
To this order
Everyone was surprised
So that income and expenses converge,
The movers didn't drink
And the bosses so that you
Much appreciated!

Our wonderful storekeeper
I’m used to keeping everything strictly,
He always keeps track
Nothing will be lost.

On your birthday I wish you
Let happiness know no boundaries
And the bosses appreciate your work,
Giving out a lot of prizes!

Happy birthday to you,
We sing your praises today!
May your life go smoothly,
Everything will be fine at work.

Your work is not easy,
And there are no trifles in it.
Accounting, report and documents,
And touchy moments.

Universal specialist
And you are a unique person!
Everything in your warehouse is excellent.
Let it be the same in your personal life!

Who keeps records in the warehouse?
What's on the shelf and what's behind?
Our dear storekeeper,
And today is only your day.
Happy birthday, Happy Bezday,
Throw away all your sorrows.
Relax, have fun,
Put down your work, smile.
We wish you happiness
May you be lucky in life often.
There was order in my personal life,
Your wealth has increased.
Always be on top
Both in career and in family.

Happy birthday, storekeeper!
I wish you on this holiday,
So that you get used to success,
And summer reigned in my soul!

I wish you large sums,
To be on the accounts,
In any endeavor
May victory await you!

So that your experience is valuable
All the bosses respected
And, to raise the mood,
Gave out a lot of awards!

Magic abilities

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers given from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which may be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

You are the best manager in the world!
There is no one more beautiful than you, more reliable and nicer!
Today is a birthday on air!
Today is the best of wonderful days!

We wish you health and luck,
Miracles around and joyful people!
Let inspiration never leave you
For creative, rich ideas!

May management be easy for you
And the team supports you!
Let them dance and sing on this day,
And may you live like this every hour!

To manage, to lead -
Hard work,
After all, you need to be very strong,
Taking care of yourself.

Therefore we wish you
Energy and vigor,
Strive forward, conquering
All the problems and difficulties.

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always be such a blooming and cheerful woman, smile even more often and fill every day with new victories! Let love, prosperity and harmony always reign in your home! May luck always accompany you so that all your dreams and desires come true!

happy Birthday
And we wish you with all our hearts
All wishes come true,
Let your everyday life be good.

So that subordinates appreciate
And they respected you very much
And you were fair to them,
And you would have strength in reserve.

Good health, prosperity,
Only big victories in life,
So that everything goes so smoothly for you,
And there were no problems at all.

You have a great responsibility,
You have to keep track of everything.
You, resolving all questions,
Always answer what to do.

Our support and support,
You are with us every hour.
And we are very glad that soon
We will be able to congratulate you.

We want everything to be wonderful:
In work, in life...
The manager is the best, honestly
We wouldn't be able to find it.

Let life play with bright colors,
I wish you success and good luck!
Let what were only dreams
It will be celebrated today, on your birthday!

Always remain as sweet as you are
I sincerely wish you clear days!
Smile as often as possible in life,
To make your soul even warmer!

I am sending you congratulations today,
I wish you happiness, long years,
Goodness, health, inspiration,
Good luck, a bouquet of joy!

I wish you to move forward
And constantly develop,
And bloom like a rose,
And smile radiantly!

Happy birthday congratulations
A team has gathered for you.
The manager and I
Our work gives positivity.

We want to wish you success
Your job is not easy.
So that any of your goals
We reached it and walked like a river.

May health give you joy,
Never fails.
May your home be a full cup,
The family was happy.

It's a huge ocean:
How to build a work plan,
Where to get it, then get it,
What to give and what to receive,
Be knowledgeable about all problems...
This is what it means to be a manager!
Because from the team
We wish you a beautiful life,
So that there are fewer problems,
So that your work loves you
And she didn’t create any interference!
So that fate spoils you,
Protected from bad things
And she rewarded me with health.

Our friendly team
You have the power to manage.
We wish you a lot of strength,
To win in life.

Be the head of the classroom
This is who you are now.
Good luck to you, various successes,
Happy bright birthday to you!

The manager has a holiday,
Birthday has arrived
We wish you wonderful days,
Bright, like a carnival!

To your charm
Fascinated everyone
And in work so that efforts
It brought great success!

So that every year wisdom
Everything was accumulated in reserve,
And my whole life turned upside down
Right now for the better!