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Homemade masks for dark circles under the eyes: a simple solution to a complex problem. Anti-bruise masks

Dark circles under the eyes are a very common problem.

Often the cause of the appearance is a hereditary predisposition. This is how blood vessels and capillaries are visible through the skin.

Those with a slightly thicker skin membrane are luckier. For those who have thin, sensitive skin, very early age have to face the problem of dark circles. Other reasons may also aggravate the situation.

Poor sleep or lack thereof, increased fatigue, stress, exhaustion (both physical and mental), lack of vitamins, life in a metropolis (rhythm and ecology) - all this leads to the appearance of unfortunate bruises. It is in your power to correct the situation a little and restore the beauty of your look. There are several ways to do this.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes, simple rules

Firstly, you can try to reduce the level of “attack” of negative provoking factors and follow several simple rules to prevent bruising.


  1. Of course, a good night's sleep . Surely you have noticed that in case of acute lack of sleep, your face looks “bruised” in the morning, your gaze is gloomy and foggy. If the problem of lack of sleep becomes chronic, this only worsens the state of affairs.
  2. Provide your body with fresh air . To ensure that your sleep is complete and you are not overwhelmed and depressed in the morning, ventilate the room every evening. A 20-30 minute walk before bed won't hurt either. This will refresh both you and your skin, and at the same time help improve vascular tone.
  3. Proper nutrition . It has already been said that a lack of vitamins provokes the appearance of bruises under the eyes. You can balance your diet yourself or start taking vitamin complexes (as prescribed by your doctor).
  4. Try to give up bad habits . Smoking and consumption alcoholic drinks by definition, has a negative effect on the condition of the skin.
  5. Moderate your fluid intake at night . This is another rule that will help prevent the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Of course, all these simple rules are “complicated” in only one way. In order to get rid of bruises you need not only to remember, but also to adhere to constantly.

By virtue of various reasons sometimes this causes difficulties. And therefore, home cosmetology recipes offer you to cope with this problem in your own way.

2-3 masks/compresses a week – and your eyelids will return a fresh, relaxed look. Eye compresses will improve local blood circulation and prevent lymph stagnation.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes, folk recipes

Recipe No. 1. Cosmetic ice for bruises

It has been found to improve vascular tone. Rubbing the skin with ice cubes every day helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

You can make ice either from ordinary purified water or use decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile or cornflower flowers, sage leaves). To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 200 ml. hot water, infused, then filtered and frozen.

Recipe No. 2. Tea compresses

In the form of a compress, use ordinary brewing of high-quality black tea without additives. 1 full teaspoon of tea leaves is poured into 70-80 ml of hot (70º-80º) water. Using a cotton swab, apply a warm compress to the eyes for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times until the tea leaves have cooled down.

Recipe No. 3. Sour cream eye mask

To prepare the mask, mix 2 teaspoons of full-fat sour cream with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. “pack” in a gauze bag and apply to the eyelids for 5-8 minutes. Then rinse the skin with cool water.

Recipe No. 4. Curd mask for bruises

You can add a little sour cream to 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese (or you can do without it). The mask is ready for use. In a similar way, the curd mass is placed in a gauze bag and applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe No. 5. Herbal compresses

The first of them is warm, when they use a strained decoction that has not yet cooled completely.

The second is contrasting, when one part of the broth is cooled to room temperature, the other is left warm. The contrast compress begins and ends with a cold decoction, change the compress (cold - warm) 5-7 times. The duration of each compress should not exceed 2 minutes.

Recipe No. 6. Potato mask

Actively used in home cosmetology. It's not only effective method remove dark circles under the eyes, but also a rejuvenating agent for the skin. To prepare a compress, raw potatoes are thinly peeled, grated on a fine grater and applied to the eyelids using a gauze bag.

Finally, we note that the sudden appearance of dark circles under the eyes and the inability to reduce their appearance long time may be a symptom of a chronic disease. In this case, the rational decision would be to consult a doctor and have your condition diagnosed.

Any cosmetic defects cause women psychological discomfort, but most of them can be eliminated at home. The use of masks against dark circles under the eyes guarantees getting rid of these shortcomings. In addition, thanks to them, the face becomes fresher and skin aging slows down, so these products can be used at any age, but they will be most useful for the fair sex over 40 years old. The use of masks is also recommended for young girls suffering from fatigue if this affects their appearance.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most common causes of dark circles under the eyes are the following:

  • Individual characteristics. Some people have bruises throughout their lives. This is explained by the fragility of the vessels, which are often damaged when using makeup removers;
  • Injury. When struck in the area of ​​the eye or bridge of the nose, swelling and bruising are formed. They can be removed by applying ice or any cold object within an hour after the injury;
  • Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect the appearance and condition of blood vessels, so bruising is the most common problem among smokers;
  • Lack of sleep. Dark circles are characteristic feature chronic fatigue and, if a person sleeps less than 6-7 hours a day, will definitely appear. For some, after a week of sleep disturbances, for some, immediately after a sleepless night;
  • Kidney diseases. Pathological diseases negatively affect the eyes , because vasodilation occurs;
  • Diabetes insipidus. With this syndrome, there is increased urination, thirst and the formation of dark circles. It is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Cuperosis. The capillaries expand and form a mesh, which is visible through the thin skin near the eyes;
  • Violation of venous outflow;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Wrong diet


Important! There may be other reasons, but in any case, before using masks, they must be found and eliminated, otherwise cosmetology will be powerless.

What components will help solve the problem?

Masks with cucumber are considered the most effective, because... it has a cooling and anti-edematous effect. Other components may also be used:

  • Parsley;
  • Potato;
  • Sour cream;
  • Nuts;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Bread;
  • Herbal decoctions;
  • Starch.

The use of a specific face mask depends on your skin type. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to carefully study the recipe, choose the one that suits you and become familiar with the contraindications.

The best recipes for masks against dark circles under the eyes

To properly use masks against dark circles under the eyes at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations:

  • The products are applied to the periocular area with gentle movements. Friction is not allowed;
  • Do not allow the composition to come into contact with the eyes;
  • It is best to carry out the procedures before bedtime. If the composition contains cooling ingredients, they are used in the morning.


The cucumber mask is considered one of the best: thanks to the cucumber it contains, it perfectly cools and relieves tension from the eyes, and also removes dark circles. There are several variations of use:

  • Grate the cucumber pulp and apply it to the periorbital area. Wait 15 minutes and remove with a napkin;
  • Cut 2 slices of cucumber and apply them to the eyes so that they cover the upper and lower eyelids. Leave for 15 minutes and remove.


This anti-bruise mask uses two cooling ingredients - cucumber and sour cream, but the latter also has a whitening effect. Preparation takes a little time:

  • Grind a fresh cucumber using a grater, mix the pulp with fresh cool sour cream;
  • Apply the resulting paste to the area around the eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • To remove, use a napkin and wash with cold water.

You can even use this product every day, preferably in the morning.

From parsley

Plants are also used in cosmetology, and parsley is no exception: it perfectly whitens the skin, relieves swelling and signs of fatigue. The composition is very simple to prepare:

  • Chop the parsley as finely as possible;
  • Add a little to the gruel olive oil, mix;
  • We process the problem area;
  • Wash off after 20 minutes.

The recipe is perfect for those with dry skin, because... Olive oil has moisturizing properties. You can use it at any time of the day.


If you want to get rid of cosmetic defects, you can use any version of the mask for bruises and bags under the eyes:

  • Using a grater, grate the peeled fresh potatoes. Apply the paste to the periorbital part, hold for 15 minutes and remove;
  • Mix the grated potato mixture with chopped herbs - parsley and dill. We use it in a similar way;
  • Grind the peeled raw potatoes using a grater, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply the area around the eyes and leave for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove it using a napkin, then go wash.

The recipes are ideal for any skin type. You can use them at any time of the day. If stress relief and cooling are required, the potatoes should be cool.


Few people know, but walnuts are also able to effectively combat external signs of fatigue:

  • Grind nuts in a coffee grinder, 2 tbsp. l. We combine the masses with 1.5 tbsp. l. slightly melted butter, add a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • After thorough mixing, lubricate the problematic part;
  • Remove after 10 minutes.

Important! The composition uses lemon juice, so it should not come into contact with the eyes.


Cottage cheese has anti-edematous, moisturizing and whitening properties, and a mask based on it is prepared as follows:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. medium fat cottage cheese, add a few drops of olive oil;
  • Apply the paste to the skin around the eyes;
  • Remove after 15 minutes.


It is very easy to prepare this composition:

  • Pour the white bread pulp with milk at room temperature;
  • Apply the mixture to the eyes and leave for 10-20 minutes.

Are there any contraindications for use?

The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the ingredients. For example, the use of lemon juice is not allowed if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

To avoid a severe allergic reaction, it is recommended to test before using any recipe: apply a small amount of the composition to your wrist and wait 15 minutes. If there are no negative changes, the product can be used on the face.

The most optimal frequency of using masks against dark circles under the eyes is every other day. The specific recipe is selected individually, based on skin type. Compositions with lemon juice Not recommended for girls with a dry type, the rest are considered universal and suitable for everyone.

Video: Effective mask for under eye circles at home


The first results of using masks against bruises can be seen after just 1 session:

  • The severity of circles decreases;
  • Swelling goes away;
  • The tension is relieved.

The skin around the eyes is the most capricious part of our face. And the wrinkles are there first, and swelling is always ready, and bruises appear immediately as soon as the woman breaks the regime. In such cases decorative cosmetics practically powerless - if it helps, it doesn’t last long. What to do if there are shadows under your eyes? A mask made from simple ingredients against dark circles under the eyes will definitely correct the situation!

Where are the shadows on your face from?

Some people are naturally prone to puffiness around their eyelids. Even in a normal state, they have bags under their eyes, not to mention those days when they drank an extra cup of tea at night or suffered from insomnia.

Disordered health also does not decorate: diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract and generally painful conditions make a mark on the face, “decorating” it with shadows.

How you spent the evening and night is the older the woman, the more important. Try to refrain from:

  • salty and spicy foods;
  • drink plenty of fluids (just eat an apple);
  • alcohol (it takes all the prizes as the cause of severe swelling on the face);
  • tears.

Apply the cream under your eyes correctly - place small spots of cream around the eyelids away from the eyelashes. Overnight, the cream will spread on its own and reach the edge of the eyelashes. In this case, the product will not get into your eyes and they will not turn red.

In addition, it is forbidden to sleep with your face in the pillow. Train yourself to fall asleep on your back - this is a good prevention of wrinkles and swelling.

The computer, smoking, stress, staying up late with a book are not pleasing to the eye. Not only do all these joys tire the eyes, they unbalance the nervous system (except for books, of course).

Prevention without procedures

This is what we know and stubbornly neglect - nutrition, healthy sleep, proper drinking. To saturate your body with vitamin B, you need to treat yourself to fish, legumes, eggs, meat, fresh vegetables (cabbage, beets, asparagus), and mushrooms. What else? Kefir, nuts, liver, sprouted wheat, bread with bran or whole grains are very useful.

Healthy sleep begins long before 12 o'clock at night. There is an opinion that the longer a person sleeps until 24.00, the better his body rests. Therefore, it makes sense to fall asleep not at 23.30 but at 22.00 - and your nerves will be stronger and your beauty will be more intact! A walk before bed, aromatherapy, massage will help you relax and cure insomnia.

To expel excess fluid from the body, arrange fasting days with watermelon, parsley decoction, pumpkin, and strawberries. And in order to strengthen blood vessels, eat everything that contains vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwi, berries, apples...

Remedies for bruises and swelling (memo)

Anti-bruise masks

Masks for the delicate skin under the eyes are quite effective. Their peculiarity is that you need to lie down with the mask “under the eyes” for at least 20 minutes.

Every zealous housewife can find the components that make up the masks. Therefore, preventing “bags” is nothing more than a legitimate reason to rest and relax.

Potato eye masks

A very successful component is potatoes - fresh or boiled.

The simplest “raw” mask

Wash the tuber, peel and cut into circles. Place potato circles on your eyelids or just under your eyes. Relax, lie down.

The simplest warm mask

Peel the tuber, boil and mash. Add milk. Form cakes from the warm mixture and apply to the eye area.

These two masks remove dark circles well, smooth out wrinkles, and refresh.

With oatmeal

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and mix with oatmeal (oatmeal) in a 1:1 ratio. Dilute a little with milk. Apply to eyelids and allow yourself complete rest for 20 minutes.

With vegetable oil

Masks for bruises under the eyes vegetable oil very convincing. After all, oil is extremely necessary where the skin suffers from excessive dryness. For thin epidermis of the eyelids, this is what you need!

Grate raw potatoes and mix with vegetable oil (2:1). Lubricate your eyelids with oil and apply a mask. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse your skin with strong green or black tea, diluted 1:1 with water.

Exquisite eye masks

Don't want to deal with potatoes? Well, you will definitely like exquisite eye masks made from unusual ingredients!

Walnut mask for eyelid skin

Grind the walnuts in a blender. Mix nut flour (2 parts) with butter (1–1.5 parts) and add 2–3 drops of pomegranate (lemon) juice.


Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Mix cucumber puree, chopped cilantro or parsley, sour cream (1:1:1).

From parsley

Mix grated parsley (1 tbsp) with cottage cheese (2 tsp) and milk. Try replacing milk and cottage cheese with sour cream.

From white bread

Soak white bread crumbs in milk and apply the paste to your eyelids. This paste is good because after a week or two it removes dark circles under the eyes without a trace. Of course, if the bruises are not associated with health problems.

Mallow petal remedy for eyelids

Lightly crush the freshly picked mallow petals and soak them in cold milk. Apply to eyelids.

Bruise cream

Crush the parsley, grind one tablespoon of puree with 2 tsp. butter. Store in the refrigerator, apply before bed, combining with massage.

Traditional recipes for dark circles under the eyes

  1. Curd mask. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and apply to the eyelids. Rinse with cold brew.
  2. From tea. Brew tea in bags and apply to eyelids for 20 minutes.
  3. From milk. Soak cotton pads in milk and also apply to the eyelids.
  4. Prepare a decoction of sage. Freeze part of the broth, heat part well. Make contrasting lotions for the skin of the eyelids using cotton pads and the resulting cosmetic ice.
  5. Contrasting skin lotions made from a mixture of chamomile and dry dill (as in recipe No. 4) are also good!
  6. Compresses from parsley decoction (as well as simple rubbing with ice).
  7. Compresses from a decoction of cornflowers (2 parts) and rosemary (1 part) + boiling water (1 glass), leave for 20 minutes. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Use as in recipe No. 4.
  8. Cosmetic ice: brew (1 tsp) + boiling water (glass), brew, leave, freeze. Wipe your eyelids every morning.

There are a great many recipes for eyelid skin! Women have a lot to choose from - whether you want a budget option or an expensive one. Caring for the skin around the eyes is very simple. This is very useful, because the beauty of the face begins with the beauty of the eyes. Wrinkles and bruises have no place here, do they?

Mask for dark circles under the eyes: Video

Nature has decreed that the tissue around the eyes bears a colossal load associated with the protective function and features of facial expressions. But the dermis in this area is so thin and delicate that it takes the blow first age-related changes. Therefore, especially strict requirements are imposed on masks for the skin around the eyes. What products are suitable for delicate epidermis? How to use them correctly?

Young beauties rarely pay due attention to caring for the skin around their eyes. The young epidermis glows with energy and health, framing a mischievous, clear look. But while we admire our reflection in the mirror, the vitality and beauty of the skin is undermined by a lack of moisture, active facial expressions, poor ecology, bad habits, poor diet, scorching sun, severe frost and many other factors. To and in mature age preserve the charm of youth, provide decent care to the most vulnerable areas on time.

Introductory information: rules of use

In order to enjoy the radiant reflection in the mirror for as long as possible, you need to start caring for the skin around your eyes before it is affected by age-related problems. And those ladies who have already encountered wrinkles, bags and other troubles should be doubly attentive to the delicate epidermis. First, you should remember the rules for using homemade masks.

  1. Cleansing. In order for the beneficial components of the mask to penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin, you must first remove makeup and additionally wash your face using a gentle foam.
  2. Accessories. To prevent the product from flowing down and getting into your eyes, use sponges or pieces cotton fabric. Just soak them in the nourishing composition and apply to your eyelids.
  3. Safety . The usual tolerance test may not be informative when it comes to the skin around the eyes. The composition should not be tested on the wrist or on the crook of the elbow. Apply a drop of the product near the outer corner of the eye and check the result after a quarter of an hour.
  4. Texture. Masks should have a uniform and soft consistency. Before applying the product to your skin, be sure to check that there are no solid particles in it.
  5. Removal. You need to wash off the mask with warm water, and perfect option- These are herbal decoctions.
  6. Hydration. After removing the mask, you need to apply nutritious cream or refreshing gel.
  7. Knowing of limits . Do not apply too much product to your skin. This is a big load for delicate tissues. The effect may be the opposite of what was expected. In addition, the product may get into your eyes.

The exposure time of the mask is determined individually. So, if this is just a caring or preventative procedure, 10-15 minutes will be enough. But if your goal is to correct wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and eliminate swelling, it will take at least 40 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes: recipe tables

Making masks for the skin around the eyes at home is simple and pleasant. Natural ingredients perfectly combat the problems of vulnerable skin. Most products are found in every kitchen, and therefore no major investments in beauty are needed.

For bruises and swelling

Not only mature ladies, but also very young girls suffer from dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. This can be caused by intense visual work, water imbalance, insomnia, hereditary factors and other reasons. Fortunately, salvation can be found in the folk remedies described in the table below.

Table - Preparation of masks for bruises and swelling

Compoundspecial instructions

- a teaspoon of cream;
- two to three drops of shea butter
- After the procedure, a gel with a cooling effect is applied
- A teaspoon of white clay;
- a tablespoon of sour cream;
- three drops of pomegranate oil
- Apply the mask through a thin paper napkin or gauze
- A teaspoon of apricot puree;
- half as much honey
- Honey must be liquid, otherwise it can damage the skin
- A tablespoon of grated potatoes;
- the same amount of finely chopped parsley;
- a teaspoon of kefir or fermented baked milk
- The mask should cover the entire area around the eyes, including the eyelids;
- after the procedure, apply green coffee oil

If, when you wake up in the morning, you notice terrible black circles under your eyes, and there is no time for complex procedures, use the express method. For a quarter of an hour, hold cotton pads soaked in warm milk on your eyelids. After this, wash your face cold water or herbal decoction and apply your usual cream.


With the appearance of even the smallest folds around the eyelids, the look becomes less clear and expressive. Folk cosmetology There are a huge number of masks for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. The most popular means are presented in the table below.

Table - Preparation of anti-wrinkle masks

Compoundspecial instructions
- A tablespoon of sea buckthorn puree;
- teaspoon hazelnut oil
- Apply in a thick layer;
- rinse with mint decoction
- A tablespoon of aloe juice;
- three drops of oily vitamin E
- It is advisable to apply the mask before going to bed and leave it on all night
- A tablespoon of pumpkin puree;
- six drops of wheat germ oil
- Before preparing the puree, the pumpkin must be baked in the oven;
- after the end of the session, apply gel or cream with hyaluron
- A teaspoon of carrot puree;
- the same amount of applesauce;
- five drops of oily vitamin E
- Apply through gauze;
- after the session, treat the skin with grape oil
- A tablespoon of gelatin;
- two tablespoons of warm green tea;
- four drops of borage oil
- Before applying, lubricate the skin with a small amount of wheat germ oil;
- remove with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion

The skin tends to get used to the components of the mask. If you constantly use the same product, each time the result will be less and less pronounced. Make it a rule to “shock” your skin with a variety of beneficial ingredients, constantly alternating masks.

For dryness

There are practically no sebaceous glands on the skin around the eyes, and therefore it is not surprising that unpleasant dryness is often felt in this area. This is one of the main reasons premature aging dermis. Will help fight dryness folk recipes, written in the table below.

Table - Preparation of masks for dryness

Compoundspecial instructions
- Puree half a banana;
- six drops of oily vitamin A
- After the procedure, you can additionally treat the skin with vitamin A
- Two quail eggs;
- a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
- two drops of cocoa butter
- After removing the mask, you need to make five-minute warm compresses with rosehip decoction
- A tablespoon of olive oil;
- half a teaspoon of argan oil;
- starch to thicken the mask to the consistency of sour cream
- Remove with a sponge soaked in linden decoction
- Egg yolk;
- a teaspoon of yogurt without additives;
- seven drops of oily vitamin E
- Use in winter period for protection from wind and cold
- A tablespoon of sour cream;
- chopped fresh fennel sprig
- Rinse with green tea
- A teaspoon of honey;
- two large strawberries
- Rinse off with warm milk
- A tablespoon of watermelon pulp;
- the same amount of fat sour cream;
- oat flour(to bring the mask to a thick consistency)
- After the procedure, massage with a chamomile ice cube

To effectively combat dryness, you need to prepare your skin before applying the mask. To do this, make a decoction of a mixture of dill, chamomile and mint. Soak cotton pads in warm liquid and apply to eyes. After ten minutes you can begin the main procedure.

Masks by age: problems and their solutions

For skin care to bear fruit, it is important to develop a set of measures taking into account age characteristics. With store-bought cosmetics, everything is quite simple, because the tubes always have the appropriate marks. But choose the right one folk remedies based on reviews or your own experience.

25 years old: first age-related changes and plum cosmetics

The first signs of age-related changes appear after 25 years. This period is characterized by the following problems:

  • the first facial wrinkles appear;
  • former elasticity is lost;
  • dark circles appear more often and become more distinct;
  • the skin reacts to a violation of the regime of wakefulness and rest with swelling.

A plum mask for the skin around the eyes will help solve early age-related problems. The product will energize the skin, give it freshness and make it more resistant to external negative influences.

Recipe that will suit

  1. Remove seeds and peel from a couple of large plums. Mash the pulp with a fork or rub through a sieve.
  2. Lightly heat a tablespoon of whey or kefir and mix with the puree.
  3. Cut out fragments from cotton pads that will be conveniently placed around the eyes. Soak the cotton wool well in the prepared mixture and apply to the skin.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and perform a contrast wash.

40 years: visible wilting and cucumber mixtures

If at the age of 30 it is still possible to fight wrinkles using conservative methods, then after 40 years they become clearly visible. In addition, the following problems are observed:

  • regeneration processes slow down;
  • the production of your own collagen and elastin is inhibited;
  • muscle tissue and skin begin to sag;
  • fatty tissue collects under the lower eyelid, forming bags.

During this period, you need to pay special attention to self-care. It is important to use high-quality cosmetics with antioxidants, coenzymes, and hyaluron. You also need to make it a rule to go to a cosmetologist. Apply cucumber mask regularly homemade. The product will tone the skin and improve its shade.

Recipe that will suit

  1. Mix a tablespoon of cucumber juice with a teaspoon of aloe juice.
  2. Add a teaspoon of rice oil.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for ten minutes.
  4. Soak the sponges in the nourishing composition and place them on your eyes.
  5. After half an hour, wash your face with heated non-carbonated mineral water.

50 years: deep wrinkles and kelp care

The condition of the dermis after 50 years is aggravated by irreversible hormonal changes. The main problems of this period can be described as follows:

  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • the shape of the eyes becomes less clear and decreases in size;
  • wrinkles become deep;
  • painful reaction to any negative influences (external or internal).

The consequences of age-related changes can only be completely eliminated through surgery. Injection procedures will help improve the functional condition of the skin. For home care You will need concentrated serums rich in collagen, elastin and hyaluron. Has also worked well natural mask based on kelp. Algae nourishes the skin from the outside and stimulates internal regeneration processes.

Recipe that will suit

  1. A tablespoon of kelp powder should be poured with a quarter cup of warm chamomile infusion.
  2. After an hour, strain the mixture through a thick layer of gauze.
  3. Add a teaspoon of almond oil to the liquid.
  4. Soak sponges or pieces of cloth in the resulting mixture and place them on problem areas, without touching the upper eyelid.
  5. After an hour, remove the composition from the skin.

Regardless of age, you can look young and impressive. Using homemade masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years, after 40 years and even after 50 years, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients and saturate delicate fabrics vital energy. But you shouldn’t rely on masks alone. This is just a link in a complex chain of self-care. To overcome age-related problems, you will have to control your facial expressions, do facial exercises, eat right and regularly visit a cosmetologist. It is also necessary to give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and ensure a full eight hours of sleep every day.