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Where is Vanya Barzikov from home 2 now. Ivan Barzikov and his pages on social networks

Zodiac sign: a lion

City:Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Ivan Barzikov is a bright and even scandalous participant, because he is for such a short time created incredible chaos and "commotion" among the girls. The guy does not get tired of breaking women's hearts and does it quite skillfully.

Ivan Barzikov - Biography

The guy tells little about his childhood, it is immediately clear that Vanya Barzikov does not like to remember his youth and the place where he grew up. After all, for all this time he could not stand out either in science, or in music, or in sports merits. He grew up in an ordinary unremarkable family.

Ivan Barzikov DOM-2

Ivan comes to the TV project DOM-2 in 2011 and immediately claims his rights to Wenceslas' soulmate - Katya Tokareva. Then Vanya becomes Liber's boyfriend, but throughout this relationship there are constant scandals. I wanted to meet with Rita Agibalova.

Ivan Barzikov on Love Island

Vanya was among the discoverers of the island. He came to the Love Island project season 1 to win a million, which of course he succeeded. Having created a couple with Irina Pinchuk, Ivan Barzikov won the hearts of viewers, the couple successfully reached the final and received the main prize. After the Island of Love, Vanya and Ira went to live in the glade of Doma-2, where they plan to continue participating in the show.

Member Name: Ivan Barzikov
Age (birthday): 7.08.1991
City: Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Education: Secondary vocational, cook
Height and weight: 1.73 m, 72 kg

Ivan Barzikov in social networks:
In contact with:

Ivan Barzikov is considered the brightest member of House 2. The young man was remembered by everyone for his scandalous antics. But everything is in order. He was born on 08/07/1991 in Ukraine in the city of Zaporozhye. Education young man has only secondary special. The young man does not like to talk about his childhood. All we know today is that the guy is from the simplest family. Therefore, he was like everyone else and did not particularly stand out among his peers.

In the team on the show, rumors began to circulate that upon arrival in Moscow, the young man earned his living by dancing in a bar. But he danced a striptease. He also provided sexual services to women. But the man tried his best to refute these rumors. And he explains his appearance, including a toned body, by the fact that he goes in for sports in order to keep himself in shape.

Ivan came to the show back in 2011. He really wanted to take the girl Ekaterina Tokareva away. But she, at that time, met with Vecheslav.

But the young man did not succeed. But despite this, Ivan was not upset and began to build his relationship with Liber. These relationships cannot be called ordinary. After all, the couple constantly argued, cursed. Many participants were inclined to believe that this couple is not real. Young people are just playing the role of lovers.

At its core, Ivan is a very demonstrative person, his actions were not always subject to healthy logic. He often participates in intrigues and adventures, thereby arousing interest in himself. He behaved very extraordinary. What is his communication with his mother Irina Aleksandrovna. He communicated with both the mother and her daughter at the same time. The girl's mother really wanted to unite young people, but, alas, nothing good came of it. During his presence on the program, the young man turned the heads of all the girls. He constantly flirts with the fair sex. Thus, thickening over a paint. Sometimes it seems that a young man simply enjoys his own behavior and actions.

Ivan had a vivid romance with Marina Afrikantova. Which didn't last long. The guy suppressed the suspicious girl.

Barzikovka had a piquant story with Sasha Kharitonova. Rumor has it that Sasha, in a fit of passion, gave a blowjob to a guy in the car.

He maintains the image of a scoundrel, and does not want something good to be associated with him. The man loves the night life. Him beautiful body, which not only girls stare at. The young man was involved in fights, so he left the project a couple of times. But all these times he returned again to the show. The young man twisted love with many girls.

But his relationship then began with Irina Pinchuk. They ended with the humiliation of the girl, and the fact that she left the program.

The proposal of the hand and heart of men was made by Elizaveta Polygalova. The girl agreed to the guy's proposal. But a lot of quarrels between young people lead to Lisa leaving the House 2 project. Soon Ivan decides to leave House 2 in order to build relationships with Lisa outside the perimeter. After a few months of dating outside the perimeter, the couple decides to expand.

Now the guy is in active search. He is very active in commenting on what is happening on the House 2 project. Ivan also pleases his fans with frequent social posts.

Ivan Barzikov is an elusive and charismatic guy who made a lot of noise on the Dom-2 project. During his participation in the scandalous show, he won the hearts of not only the participants, but also many viewers.

Scandalous macho: who is he

Where the seducer of the fair sex came from is known, but what happened before that remains a mystery.

Vanya Barzikov was born on August 7, 1991 in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. There he graduated from 11 classes of school and learned to be a cook. For some time he worked in a restaurant in his specialty, while playing sports at the same time. But the young guy dreamed of more and left to conquer Moscow.

This is all reliable information about his life before joining the project. The newly-made womanizer does not cover his childhood, parents and friends. No one has yet been able to shake out even a drop of details.

If you believe the gossip for a moment, then Vanya, after arriving in the capital, got a job as a dancer in a strip bar. The rumor did not originate empty place- it turned out that the guy with whom they came to the project together works in a ladies' club. Barzikov himself does not confirm this, but explains his inflated body with love for sports.


In the fall of 2011, the guy came to the Dom-2 project with a specific goal - to beat off Ekaterina Tokareva. At that time, she was the girlfriend of Wentz, and the arrival of Ivan caused him a storm of negative emotions.

The athletic, bright young man was clearly a leader, and it seemed that Katya would choose him, but despite the sympathy and signs of attention, their alliance with Wenceslas did not fall apart.

This did not upset Vanya, and he outlined the next victim - Liber Kladon. The novel began to develop, but to call it a relationship can be a stretch. Young people quarreled all the time.

At the end of 2012, they had to leave the project at the request of the presenters. Barzikov and Liber were forbidden to be together on the show. They rented an apartment in the Moscow region, lived only six months and broke up.


Apparently, the “Ukrainian Casanova” was not going to retreat, and in 2103 he returned to the project again. He did not last long, was seen in a fight with another participant and left the show a day later.

After that, Barzikov lived and worked in Thailand for two years, holding weddings and organizing holidays.

The last "return of the prodigal son" took place in the summer of 2016. Then there was a shooting of the project in the Seychelles, which became an analogue of "The Bachelor". Vanya and one of the contenders Irina Pinchuk reached the final and won the main prize - one million rubles.

On the native land the relationship did not pass the test, and the girl left the project. It was not possible to stay alone for a long time, at the right time Liza Polygalova turned out to be nearby.

Social networks

Ivan is an active Internet user, constantly uploads photos to Instagram. Despite the fact that the infamous participant does not have an official website, he can be found in contact.

  • Real page:
  • Instagram page:

On the this moment it is known that the couple formed on the project did not break up. Young people make joint plans. And Vanya, in addition to love, also creates a business related to Thai cosmetics.


Ivan Barzikov was born in the summer of 1991 in Zaporozhye. After graduating from school, he received the specialty of a cook at a vocational school. Way forward Ivan Barzikov remains a mystery even to his fans - it is only known that he worked in a restaurant, went in for wrestling, gymnastics and regularly visited the gym. There are rumors that Ivan Barzikov made a living dancing striptease at a local club.

Personal life of Ivan Barzikov / Ivan Barzikov

November 11, 2011 Ivan Barzikov first appeared in the perimeter of the television project "Dom-2". He came with the intention of fighting back Ekaterina Tokareva her young man Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky . Despite the fact that Katya liked the new member, she was never able to break off her "non-standard" relationship. Ivan Barzikov used all his charm, including his fists, but eventually turned his attention to the black girl Liber Kpadona .

She responded immediately Ivan Barzikov reciprocity, but their relationship began with mutual reproaches and scandals. The guy accused his girlfriend of being rude, careless and addiction- smoking. Nevertheless, their couple is distinguished by excellent choreography - the striptease in their performance looks very harmonious.

When Ivan Barzikov and Liber Kpadon were just starting to meet, the participant was greatly influenced by the advice of the main wise mentor of the Dom-2 project Irina Alexandrovna. As a result, in one of the preliminary voting Ivan Barzikov chose her youngest daughter Margarita Agibalova, who came to her senses after a high-profile divorce.

Liber Kpadonu made every effort to eliminate rival in the fight for the heart Ivan Barzikov. She even quarreled with her best friend Oksana Strunkina, who also liked this young and athletic guy.

Liber never doubted her feelings, and even forgave Ivan Barzikov an incident with a broken arm - thus, he tried to wean the girl from smoking.

Many participants in the reality show "Dom-2" were sure that the relationship Ivan Barzikov and Liber Kpadonu are fictitious. However, shortly after Liber became the Person of the Year - 2012, Ivan again showed his violent temper. This time, however, he defended the honor of his girlfriend. He fought with Oleg Miami, and Ksenia Borodina, stating that she would not allow anyone to violate the rules of the project, announced the decision of the hosts: Barzikov must leave the project for an indefinite period. Liber some time later stated that she sees no point in being on the project without her young man. In addition, they continued to communicate on social networks, called up and talked outside the perimeter. As a result, in September 2012, Vanya came for his girlfriend, took her from the TV set and they began to live together. However, outside the perimeter, the couple nevertheless broke up: it happened in March 2013, which Vanya announced on his page on VKontakte.

The second arrival of Ivan Barzikov in Dom-2 took place on September 23, 2013. The organizers of the project announced a "revolution" by inviting several "old" participants to the TV set at once. Liber came, and then Ivan. Only this time Barzikov stayed in reality for about two days. Once in the Polyana, Vanya decided to arrange hazing, having his eye on the bed he liked in the men's bedroom. Vasily Toderika tried to put him in his place. But already in the evening, Barzikov remembered Vasya's insult, provoked a fight and crippled his opponent, for which he was immediately removed from the project.

After that, Ivan Barzikov was engaged in organizing holidays. At least on his page on VKontakte, the status was indicated: "a professional host of holidays, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate parties."

He came to the project in November 2011 and since then has not disappeared from the field of view of fans.

Biography and participation in the Dom-2 project

Very little is known about Ivan's life before the show: his date of birth is 1991, native city- , education - secondary technical, by profession a cook, goes in for sports, previously seriously engaged in gymnastics and wrestling. From the stories of Ivan himself, it turned out that before the project he had a girlfriend with whom he met for 1.5 years, but the relationship came to a standstill due to the excessive jealousy of the guy.

He came to the project with his friend Nikita Datskov, who works as a dancer in a nightclub. According to Ivan, he met Nikita at the gym, although many believe that, most likely, the guys work together, and Ivan is also a dancer. This confirms that he dances beautifully.

Ivan Barzikov's relationship with girls on the Dom-2 project

Despite the fact that Ivan came to the House to Katya Tokareva, she did not reciprocate, so the guy had no choice but to find himself a new sympathy. He began to look after Liber Kladona. The girl attracted him with her bright unusual appearance and versatile talents: she has a strong voice, a plastic body, she loves dancing and jazz, she works as a go-go dancer. However, having fallen under the influence of Irina Alexandrovna, he soon began to show interest in, and then became close to Oksana Strunkina. This behavior of Oksana caused extreme dissatisfaction with her friend Liber Kladona, who, in spite of everything, hoped to create a strong couple with Ivan.

Relations and Ivan Barzikov on Dom-2

As a result, Liber and Ivan nevertheless became close and tried to build a serious relationship, although they often broke into screams and swearing. The reason for the quarrels is smoking Liber. Ivan never smoked and bad habit beloved girl could not reconcile. Ivan's anger is sometimes uncontrollable, so the guys in the House say that the guy broke Liber's arm during one of these quarrels. After that, the girl began to be afraid to be alone with him. As a result, after thinking, Ivan promised everyone to control himself in actions and words. Subsequently, the couple lived together and even opened a joint dance school.

Scandal due to which Ivan Barzikov left Dom-2

Having stayed in the project for almost a year, Barzikov left the House in October 2012 in connection with the high-profile scandal surrounding Liber. The girl actively expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that in the House she was allegedly forced to live according to the script, they were not given the opportunity to openly express her feelings. The emotional and difficult relationship of the guys ended in March 2013, about which Ivan wrote on his own on the Internet. Perhaps the reason for this was again the jealousy of the guy. This is how their friends comment on the breakup of a couple. The reason was the celebration of one of the leading shows, to which many participants were invited. The famous showman Mikhail Galustyan also came to congratulate Ksenia. He liked Liber so much that she began to openly flirt with him, forgetting about Ivan and not paying attention to those present. The reason for this behavior of the girl is called her excessive passion for alcohol. At the end of the party, Mikhail Galustyan, who did not appreciate the charms of the girl, went home, and another loud scandal occurred between Ivan and Liber.

In addition to quarrels and screams, Ivan could not prove himself in anything else on the project. Nevertheless, he does not let himself be forgotten, he is constantly in the spotlight, he is involved in various incidents outside the project. Spectators and fans associate this guy's behavior with his young age, because he came to the project at the age of 19. Not so long ago, Ivan was detained by the Moscow police with a scandal. Driving a car, the guy drove through a red light and refused to comply with the demands of the police officers who stopped him on the road. Having closed in the car, the guy sat in it for about 12 hours. Subsequently, he explained his behavior by the fact that he was afraid of police officers and punishment, tk. does not know Russian laws and is a citizen of another state. I must say that no traces of alcohol were found in the blood, the reasons for this strange behavior Ivan is incomprehensible. Like all other former members of Dom-2, Ivan tries to remain visible by participating in various parties, tours, performing in clubs, and actively corresponding with fans on social networks.

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