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Style guide Alexander Rogov read the city. Alexander Rogov - style guide

I want to look fashionable, it gives me some self-confidence. But what should girls who don’t understand fashion do? What if you don't have a sense of style and don't know how to combine different wardrobe items and accessories? It is worth seeking help from knowledgeable people. Alexander Rogov wrote “Style Guide” just for those girls who do not understand fashion, but want to learn it.

From this book you can glean information about the basic elements of a wardrobe; comments are given separately for each. It is important to be able to choose the right clothes, focusing not only on the situation and fashion, but also on your figure, height and age. The author of this book will share information on how to correct figure flaws using clothing. The book also talks about how to store clothes and accessories, how to choose something decent if you don’t have a lot of money in your pocket. Alexander talks about makeup and hair care, tells how to learn to look expensive. The topic of trends that are discussed in glossy magazines is also raised here. Are they appropriate in everyday life?

The book contains a large number of photographs with examples of stylish images. The information is given exactly as much as needed. Along the way, the author gives answers to questions that readers may have. And he knows what questions arise most often, since he conducts master classes throughout Russia. This book is a good opportunity to understand fashion and learn how to look stylish in any setting and situation.

The work belongs to the Guide genre. It was published in 2017 by Eksmo Publishing House. On our website you can download the book "Style Guide" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.86 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

To start life with a clean slate, you need to audit your wardrobe. This can be done in three stages.

1. Select items that are basic for you personally. These are the things that suit you, that you feel and are happy to wear.

2. Sort out any clothes you have stored. Probably, forgotten things will be found that can be matched or brought to mind.

3. Throw away unnecessary things. These are clothes that are out of fashion, plus the fact that you are hopelessly too small or too big and clothes that are out of order.

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If we want to be integrated into society, we need to take it into account. When you go somewhere, you should think about what is expected of you and choose clothes according to the situation. Relevance will never be superfluous; it will allow you to make the right impression when applying for a job, charm your boyfriend’s parents and not lose face at a party.


The rule of proportionality is that accessories and decor on clothing affect the visual perception of the figure, so they should not be out of proportion with your body. If you are a fragile girl, you should not choose an everyday bag that is too bulky, because in thin hands it will look like a bag for the gym or for travel. The same goes for belts, prints, and the width of the stripes on the vest.

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Carelessness is no longer just a hot trend, it is the path along which modern fashion is moving. In no case should your appearance indicate that you dressed up very carefully and carefully thought through every detail: your handbag matches your shoes, your hairstyle is hair to hair. For a fashionable person, any look looks as if she pulled on the first thing that came to hand and fluttered out into the street.


The neutralization rule helps achieve the negligence sought. The secret is simple: any basic item, be it a denim shirt, a white T-shirt or a simple gray crew-neck sweater, can neutralize a dressy one.

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Sport chic

The essence of this technique is the combination of things of a sporty nature with those of the opposite nature - light, girlish or partly classic. Sports chic allows a girl to feel comfortable while remaining a girl, and adds irony to the image.

Color blocking

Color blocking is another technique beloved by stylists, the name of which hides its formula. This is a combination of things in bright, so-called block colors - for example, bright yellow, blue, red. For novice users, it is better to take things in three contrasting colors. The main thing is to remember: to create color blocking, things with a minimum of details and decor, as simple as possible, are used.

How to look expensive

You don't have to be an oligarch's girlfriend to look expensive. It is necessary to ensure that things are in perfect condition - without snags, stains, ironed. Pay attention to the accessories - good buttons give clothes an expensive, status-like look. And one more important rule - things should fit you perfectly!

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Attitude to trends

Analyze trends with a cool head, mentally trying them on yourself, fitting them into the wardrobe you already have, and checking the boxes. Some highly relevant item can become a cool acquisition for many seasons, and some can simply be a reason to rejoice at the designers and their wild imagination.

The ODRY publishing house is publishing a book by one of the most authoritative and sought-after stylists of our time - Alexander Rogov. "Style Guide" is a complete guide to creating a spectacular image - from the basics to aerobatics.

The book contains all the necessary tools for developing a style, as well as answers to the most common questions from participants in Alexander Rogov’s master classes. The guru suggests starting with sorting out your wardrobe. This is a necessary stage that will allow you to identify weaknesses and outline a plan for further work.

Next comes tips on storing clothes and accessories, ways to correct your figure using the right items, recommendations on how to look expensive without going over your budget, and many more useful topics covered with specific examples.

Today we will introduce readers to a chapter from the book of the famous stylist, where he talks about the basics of a basic wardrobe.

White shirt

A white shirt should never be perceived solely in the context of an office “white top/black bottom” combination. Of course, no one is belittling the role it plays in a business wardrobe. A white shirt that fits you well - fitted for some, straight for others - is the first thing you should buy if you work in an office. But at the same time she is capable of more!

Firstly, a white shirt is a very correct thing for everyday life, an alternative to loose and shapeless knitted sweaters. Wear it with your usual jeans and sneakers while going about your business, and your everyday look will immediately become collected and meaningful.

This is because a white shirt adds elegance to the usual comfortable clothes for every day, and on the contrary, with elegant ones, it acts as a universal neutralizer (I talked about the neutralization rule above), which can balance a bright, eloquent bottom.

In addition, a white shirt can handle multiple tasks throughout the day. Imagine a working day in the office, after which you go on a date or meet a friend. Put on a white shirt in the morning and an office pencil skirt to go with it - you’ll get a win-win business outfit.

And in the evening before leaving the office, paint your lips with bright lipstick, put on long earrings, casually roll up the sleeves of your shirt and unbutton the top couple of buttons - here you have a unique look for going out. Moreover, like a white T-shirt, a white shirt in the evening will protect you from the most terrible fashion crime, a fashion crime called “I put on all my best at once.”


Photo: courtesy of Eksmo Publishing House

QUESTION: But a white shirt is so impractical!

ADVICE: Yes it's true. It is important to remember that a white shirt is an indicator of how neat you are. Theoretically, we wear it only once - and after that we send it to the wash. But you can cheat: today wear it with the collar open, and next time - tightly buttoned, so that the possible consequences of yesterday's wear are not visible.

Many people also don’t like shirts because they are difficult to iron - but I assure you, this is a matter of training. Those who iron shirts for their husband, son, or boyfriend every week have a head start. I'll share a secret with others. Excellent shirts are sold in the Uniqlo store - there is a separate series of shirts that are practically wrinkle-free, “easy care”.

Also good are those made of cotton with a small addition of elastane; they fit well, wear well and behave well in the wash. And they cost quite reasonable money. I advise, in addition to white, to buy several shirts in pastel shades - blue, pale pink.

But first, a few words about Alexander Rogov himself: he looks mannered, sugary, cutesy, with slick hair and feminine movements. 36 years old, single, no children, obsessed with appearance. Our “hero” with his entire appearance and lifestyle confirms the well-known story that 90% of male fashion designers are homosexuals. This is a real statistic, as others in this business are not favored, and there are certain reasons for this. There is no open information about Alexander in this regard, but judging by indirect signs, the probability is high.

His path to “success” looked like this: starting with regional television in Tula, where he made reports on club parties and concerts, combining this with his studies at a pedagogical institute, Rogov soon moved to Moscow. He graduated from television school there and began working for central Russian television channels. Having received his first serious experience in Germany while creating the show “Hunger” (one of the analogues of “House 2”), Alexander was hired by, where he continued to work in the reality show industry. Then there were also the MTV and STS television channels, many glossy magazines and the work of a TV presenter in such programs as “Shopaholics”, “Cinderella. Reboot”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Catch up in 24 hours” and so on. Today he can regularly be seen as a TV presenter, expert, stylist or guest of honor of some new show. And in 2017, Alexander matured into his own book - “Style Guide”, undertaking to teach not only TV viewers, but also unscrupulous readers how to dress “correctly”.

Through the popularization of such individuals and their creativity, the “right” style of clothing is promoted to the masses. Someone may ask, why do this? The meaning is simple - there is always a direct connection between the outer shell and the inner filling. By accustoming society to certain norms in clothing, you thereby influence both the thoughts and behavior of people. Roughly speaking, if you are used to dressing like a prostitute, then with a high probability you have become one step closer to this profession. But in order for women to want to become “moths of the night,” even if only outwardly, they need to present it elegantly, outlining it in beautiful words, and convincing them that this is the only way they will look irresistible and find their feminine happiness.

The fashion industry has long been no longer aimed at decorating a person or making his life more comfortable. It was still possible to find advice in Soviet magazines on how, for example, to brighten up some natural flaws in appearance with the help of clothes - to disguise excessive thinness or to narrow broad shoulders. Today, fashion publications are increasingly suggesting that you look ridiculous and clown-like, making a person’s appearance caricatured or even absurd. Whether Alexander contributes to this process out of malicious intent, or simply due to the peculiarities of his personal development, is of secondary importance. It is more important for us to see the mechanisms for implementing this process in order to understand how to counteract it.

Do all fashion trends need to be followed?

“Fashion is not needed to pretend to be someone else - if you make friends with it, it will help you become the best version of yourself,” Alexander Rogov teaches us from the pages of his book. The author will take the liberty to disagree with the end of this phrase and evaluate some established fashion trends for their moral component, showing that following fashion in most cases leads to the opposite result - making a person “the worst version of himself.”

Negligence, or schizophrenia to the masses!

“Carelessness is no longer a hot trend, this is the way modern fashion is moving. The worst crime against style is when your appearance shows that you dressed up very carefully and carefully thought through every detail... () If you are a fashionable person, then each of your looks should look as if you, without bothering, pulled on the first one, whatever came to hand, and fluttered out into the street. It is clear that behind this slight impression there can be titanic efforts.” “Carelessness is jeans cut off with your own hands with hanging threads.”

One important feature that gives trend analysts food for thought is pop culture. Fashion, in fact, is part of pop culture. “My favorite Kate Moss always looks careless - or rather, as if I returned from a party in the morning, slept for a couple of hours and went outside».

"Short haircut with effect yesterday's styling will instantly make a classic look rock and roll.” “In the same dress you can look like a lady today, tomorrow rocker's girlfriend, and the day after tomorrow - a Parisian student..." Kate Moss, a prominent representative of "heroin chic", recommends:

“...jeans are forever. They are comfortable. They are guaranteed to add to the look negligence..." "The so-called relaxedboyfriend'sjeans, which slightly distort your figure, but this is their main feature: it looks like you took them from their man's wardrobe, pulled it on and went about their business, and it looks very easy and carelessly».

“There are denim fans who wear jeans after purchasing them, without washing for six months- so that the fabric does not fade evenly during the first wash, but is wiped and faded during life, making this pair unique. A “fingerprint” from a mobile phone or car keys in your pocket is considered especially chic.”

“Some fashion trends are momentary, they become obsolete within a season. And others stay with us for a long time and become mainstream.”

These are valuable diamonds of the rich experience accumulated by Alexander over the years of his stay in the television and glossy crowd. In order to understand what they are really worth, a short but succinct statement is enough: “Untiliness in general is now raised to the top. Skirts with a skewed hem or even in the form of rags, holes in jeans, deliberately, artistically torn heels of stockings, shirts sticking out from under sweaters or deliberately buttoned with the wrong button, saggy T-shirts, three-day stubble... But untidiness is also one of the clinical symptoms. Or more precisely, one of the most important indications of schizophrenia. A chronic psychiatric patient tends to forget whether his clothes are buttoned, how long ago he washed his hair or shaved... Such obvious disfigurement of his appearance is called in medicine “damage to the image.” It happens with very serious mental disorders. But if you look through the latest fashion magazines, it becomes clear who is inducing madness among the general public.”

Exposing the female body

We are talking about jackets and trousers: “In the first case, you can wear this set over a shirt with a tie or a beautiful silk bow, in the second - with a lace top in the style of lingerie or even on a naked body, if your figure and moral principles allow you. Believe me you will create a wow effect» .

“... this seemingly serious thing will add to your image madness and rock and roll. Because, oddly enough, Chanel is always rock and roll.”

Trench as a dress:

“Fashionistas running from one show to another during Fashion Weeks simply throw it (the coat) over their shoulders, for greater negligence turning up the sleeves is considered a special chic.”

Linen style:

There's not much to comment on here. Unless you remember the quote “If you want to defeat the people, corrupt their women.” In modern vocabulary, this is usually called “getting rid of unnecessary complexes” or “feeling free.” What the promoters of such clothing styles always keep silent is a simple truth: if you try to attract the attention of others with the help of sexual stimuli, then you will find yourself a lustful male, with whom you will then suffer yourself.

Borrowing from the men's wardrobe. Transgender

In his book, A. Rogov, for example, suggests buying perfect white shirts exclusively in the men's department.

Here are some more examples of borrowing.

Exactly the same mechanisms work for men. Nobody pays attention to fitted shirts and T-shirts for men or skinny jeans anymore.

Cigarette pants: “No one needs a special introduction to cigarette pants. Their cut is reminiscent of cigarettes, because their trouser legs are just as straight and thin.”



Clothing is a system of signs. Behind every fashionable “look” lies a certain image, a message that a person sends to the world. Unfortunately, the above established fashion trends program consumers into the following behavior patterns:

  • Availability, promiscuity;
  • Transgender (erasing gender differences);
  • Untidyness, sloppiness, degradation;
  • Depreciation, reduction in price, simplification of established norms (“It is now common to treat classics as carelessly as possible”).
  • "Sex, drugs, rock and roll." Literally. After all, the word “rock and roll” appears on the page of the mentioned book almost as often as the word “carelessness”.

So that the average person does not have too many suspicions and questions, of course, such openly soul-corrupting trends (and the behavior patterns behind them) are “diluted” by relatively decent and harmless styles. Such, for example, as:

Parisian chic (vest, beret):

Floral Print:

However, the presence of individual creative moments only makes such books even more dangerous, because under the cover of something neutral, perverted ideas about what is “beauty” and what is “the norm” are implanted.

We all live in a society, and as long as our society remains easily manipulated under the influence of large media, giving way to figures like Alexander Rogov, fashion will develop not in a natural way for the sake of beauty, neatness and convenience, but in an unnatural way, imposed as times through such people with distorted ideas about reality and even about their own gender. In this situation, following fashion trends means becoming one of those crazy people who are always so happy to be shown on television as role models. In a word, critical thinking is useful everywhere, and when choosing clothes too. If things are created in order to make our lives better, let's think about what purposes they serve, and are these goals ours? And it’s better to start by deciding who we see in the mirror, a woman or a man, and what qualities our clothes should reflect. To prevent it from happening like this:

PS: There are two women in the photo...

What does Elle magazine teach?

Current page: 1 (book has 2 pages in total) [available reading passage: 1 pages]


100% +

Alexander Rogov
Style Guide

Stylist assistant Katrin Kostina

Photographer Lev Efimov

© Rogov A., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

* * *

“Fashion is not about pretending to be someone else—if you embrace it, it can help you become the best version of yourself. Surely you yourself are interested in meeting this person!”

IN THIS BOOK you will find my tips on how to properly sort out your wardrobe, go shopping, a list of my favorite stylistic techniques and life hacks, as well as a list of things that make up a basic designer wardrobe - when you put it together, the problem of “nothing to wear” will cease for you exist. In addition, there are two chapters that hairdresser Elena Nemtseva and makeup artist Alexandra Kiriyenko helped me write - together we do the show “Catch in 24 Hours” on the STS channel - the girls know much more about makeup and hairstyles than I do. While working on the book, we decided to make it even more useful. Each chapter dedicated to a specific item of clothing is accompanied not only by photographs on the pages, but also by a selection of pictures in a mobile application that can be downloaded and installed on your smartphone, or use the website - it includes many more illustrations, than the format of the printed publication allows to fit.

I am sure this additional information will be of interest to everyone. In addition, together with the Faberlic brand, we have released a clothing line, some of which are shown in the photographs accompanying the text. Using the application, you can not only see more pictures, but also buy the item you like from my collaboration with Faberlic - and buy consciously and carefully, taking into account all the tips from this book, having a clear idea of ​​what it can be combined with and where to wear it. The collection dedicated to the release of the book is a basic wardrobe at an affordable price, high quality and thoughtful.

Well, when the book was almost ready, I decided to introduce you to someone - on these pages my friends and acquaintances, interesting people from the fashion industry, shared their thoughts about style. You can follow each of them on Instagram - I'm sure one of them IT CAN BECOME YOUR FASHIONABLE GUIDANCE AND HELP YOU FIND YOURSELF.

The application "Faberlic 3D, Style Guide" is available in

0.1 Preface

I WANT TO START THIS BOOK with a little self-exposure - attention! The story of how I became a stylist. Those readers who follow my work, have seen my interviews, know that I do not have a professional education in the field of fashion - I grew up in the village of Rassvet, Tula region, graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the local pedagogical university and even managed to teach a little at school. He tried to conquer Moscow three times with varying success, and at the same time managed to work as an assistant to a creative producer on a reality show and then on the same project in New York.

But having finally settled in Moscow, I realized that I wanted to be in fashion, and my friend offered me an adventure. We created a legend that we were successful fashion stylists who worked in Berlin and came to Moscow for a short time to renew our visa. And while we are here, we are open to proposals for cooperation and glossy magazines can order us to shoot. The era of the Internet had not yet arrived, no one knew the word “Google”, and it was almost impossible to check us. But as proof, we had impeccable German (thanks to the Tula foreign language) and a luxurious portfolio. A beautiful leather book - album - was given to me by my model friend, who now lives in Paris - we turned it over, taping the name of her modeling agency on the back side (we are not from a modeling agency!), and placed photographs inside that we personally cut out from fashionable German magazines, carefully cutting out the “credits” with scissors - signatures with the names of the stylists, the real authors of the shoot. We started going to meetings with this fake portfolio, showing it to potential customers and putting on an air of pretentiousness.

The most interesting thing is that there were magazines that hired us to style several of their photo shoots. We had no idea how to do it, where to go, where to get clothes for filming - but gradually we began to build relationships with the fashion world. Yes, this relationship began with falsified facts - we passed off other people's photographs from German fashion magazines as our own. But we sincerely liked all the pictures that we placed in our fictitious portfolio and were one hundred percent about us, about what we ourselves would like to do. And literally in six months, all the false shootings in it were replaced by real ones - of course, their level was worse, but they were ours, and we already had the opportunity to work with famous photographers, invite professional models into the frame, and not just photograph friends in a rented apartment. In parallel with fashion shoots, I continued to work on TV - I was the editor-in-chief of the “Style Guide” program on MTV, was a stylist for the international project “Mothers and Daughters” on TLC, then followed by “Cinderella Reboot” and “Reboot” on TNT, where I was the presenter. And then we launched the show “Catch in 24 Hours” on STS.

If you feel like you dress terribly, if nothing in clothing stores fits you, this book is for you. I promise that once you finish reading her until the end, you will understand: style can turn from a headache into an exciting game.

If you dream of becoming a stylist, but don’t know where to start, this book is also for you. I want my story to inspire you and make you understand that nothing is impossible. Well, whoever you are - an aspiring stylist or a housewife - be brave, be adventurous, look at things more broadly and know that this is not only about style and clothes, but also about life!

special opinion

IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN STYLE - this means you can communicate with the world using clothes and accessories, colors and shapes. I think in images, snippets of films that are spinning in my head, frames of untaken photographs - and I try to broadcast my vision to the world. I hope that I manage to remain a reasonable and ironic person, because, as one poet I respect said: “It doesn’t matter what kind of thing you’re wearing, it’s important, mom, what kind of power you contain.” When I am asked to describe my style, I go through these definitions in my head: femininity, appropriateness, the ability to inspire. AND ROCK AND ROLL, OF COURSE.

Masha Kolosova,
stylist, blog author kykla_masha

0.2 Wardrobe clearance

TO START YOUR FASHIONABLE LIFE from scratch, you need to take the first step - audit what is already hanging on your hangers. I’ll tell you a secret: a wardrobe is a living creature that you need to make friends with. And first, understand what’s inside him. I bet you'll find a ton of skeletons in your closet when you start sorting it out. For example, if, to save space, you hang several things on one hanger, consider that those hidden below simply do not exist - they are not in your field of vision, they are erased from memory, and when you go to the store, you can buy, for example , a duplicate of a shirt you already own. I am against unnecessary spending, and you? I recommend checking your wardrobe at least once a season - firstly, for example, in the spring it is important to put away warm winter clothes and shoes so that they do not distract you, and put up-to-date clothes for the weather in the foreground. So, at the same time, you will go through your shelves and see what is there - suddenly you will discover an incredible artifact that you had already forgotten about!

I know that everyone is afraid to sort out their wardrobe - it’s scary to approach it. But in fact, this is a very simple matter that occurs in three stages. Well, let's get started? Then take this book in your left hand, place your right one on it and vow, firstly, to throw away everything that you no longer need, secondly, to save everything you need, and thirdly, to honestly make a list of what you need. needs to be purchased.

So, the first stage. Highlight items that are basic to you personally. These are the things that suit you, that you feel and are happy to wear. For example, if you are an executive or businesswoman, perhaps the pillars of your wardrobe are a pencil skirt, black or blue trousers with creases, a well-fitting jacket and a few shirts. So, this is your personal base, inviolable things that you always have the right to buy. That is, if you came to the store and found an analogue of your black pencil skirt in a different color or with an interesting detail, don’t be shy and think that you already have a similar one! Buy it. You are already familiar with it, you know how and with what her wear, which means it will be in action and will not hang as ballast. You can even make a list of “your” things - and next time you go shopping, feel free to buy an alternative to your favorite trousers, skirt or jacket. This way you will collect your ideal base for a long, long time. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself!

Stage number two. We sort out the clothes deposits. During this stage, it is quite possible that you will find things that you forgot to think about, and these are completely functional items in your wardrobe. Try these finds in front of the mirror and make sure they look good on you. Among them, there will probably be those that you like, but which need to be improved - shortening the sleeves, fixing the zipper - and those that you do not wear simply because there is no suitable pair for them - a sweater, shirt, shoes. The first is to revive it without delaying it. The second is to analyze and understand what needs to be purchased in order for them to return to service. Maybe that simple gray crewneck sweater is lying around because it's too casual for your liking? But as soon as you buy a flowing pleated skirt for it, it will find a second life. My advice will help you with this.

Stage number three. Throw away things you don't need. How to recognize them? These are clothes that have gone out of fashion. This is something that is hopelessly small or large for you. These are clothes that are out of order: a jacket with pills, a cardigan from which the buttons have come off and you have not been able to sew them on for two years. If two years have passed, you won’t be able to sew them on. And finally, artifacts that are hopelessly out of fashion. I call all these things wardrobe extras - they have been out of circulation for a long time, but at the same time they take up space in the closet, creating the illusion that you have a lot of clothes. And there’s really nothing to wear.

life hack

QUESTION: But what to do if the thing doesn’t seem to be needed, but it’s a pity to throw it away?

ADVICE: In such a situation, the folk wisdom works: out of sight, out of mind! Keep an old suitcase in your house that you don’t use, or a cardboard box and put everything in there that you don’t wear but don’t dare throw away. I promise - as soon as you stop bumping into these things in your closet, you will forget you ever had them. And after two weeks you can let them go with a light heart. Moreover, it is not necessary to send your former pets to the trash can! You can break up in a civilized manner. If you want, donate to charity, or if you want, organize a party with your friends to exchange things (this is a very fashionable topic now, called “swap parties”, from the English word swap - to change). Maybe one of them has always been jealous of your dress! If you want, create a page on Instagram or an account on the website Sell ​​everything you don’t need, even for three hundred rubles - as a result, you can easily run up a tidy sum. Which you will spend on something worthwhile.

0.3 Storage

SO, YOU HAVE DISASSEMBLED THINGS, got rid of ballast and freed up space - now it’s important to organize it correctly. Of course, if it is possible to have a dressing room, this should be done. But such luxury is available to few, and I am sure that you can properly arrange your clothes even in a small space. The main thing is to use logic. Establish an easy relationship with your wardrobe - in the morning, when you open the doors, you should not be overcome by fear.

And the rules for storing clothes are as simple as two. Firstly, I remind you that once a season we go through our things and put away what we won’t wear. Secondly, don’t store everything mixed up. I like to divide my closet into zones. Let you have several hangers in a row with trousers, then with jackets and blazers, then with dresses, and so on. If your wardrobe is organized logically, you don’t need to go through it entirely in the morning: for example, you decide that you are going to wear trousers - then you just have to find a suitable top in the area of ​​jackets or shirts.

This is why I insist that every item in the wardrobe should have its own hanger - this is the third rule. We don’t store ten things on one hanger - they will be wrinkled, caked, and you simply won’t see the bottom layer of this cake of dresses. In addition, knitted items are not stored on hangers - this causes them to stretch and become deformed. For knitted and knitted items, it is best to have a separate shelf: cardigans, jumpers, turtlenecks - everything goes there.

Shoes also need to be systematized - we store them in a separate place. Let the pairs that you wear all the time stand on a shelf near the front door. And for everything else, it is advisable to set aside the bottom shelf of the wardrobe or buy a small rack.

Well, the last, most important rule is to get into the habit of order. Chaos in the closet is a source of stress. Don't throw things anywhere. A white shirt after a long day of work goes into the laundry basket. Pants - on the same hanger from which you took them off in the morning, you can wear them the next day. The first day will be difficult, the second will be difficult - and then you will begin to wonder how you ever lived without putting everything in its place. I used to throw my clothes away too, but then I pulled myself together and follow this rule - now my wardrobe is in perfect order, every item hangs in its place, and it’s a pleasure to use.

life hack

QUESTION: Is it true that it is better to store shoes in the box in which they were sold?

ADVICE: Yes, this is a great way - this way each pair will have its own place, and the box will protect your shoes from dust. To identify them, take a Polaroid photo of the shoes and tape the photo to the box. No Polaroid - just label the box with a felt-tip pen and you'll know without opening it what's inside - brogues, slip-ons or heeled pumps.

Well, I store shoes without boxes, in a special rack with glass doors - firstly, it saves space, and secondly, everything is visible!

life hack

QUESTION: What to do with T-shirts? You love them so much.

ADVICE: I make an exception for knitted T-shirts - I have a great many of them in my wardrobe, because T-shirts in my case are my personal base, and I store everything on hangers. Because if I fold a T-shirt, there will be creases on it, I will have to iron it again, and I don’t want to spend time on this every day. To ensure that hangers do not take up much space, choose ones that are as flat as possible. Not wire hangers from the dry cleaner! It couldn’t be worse than them - such a hanger is guaranteed to ruin any item; even a jacket on it can become deformed. The best classic wooden hangers are sold at Ikea. They are perfect - not too wide, not too thin and not too expensive. By the way, Ikea has excellent sticky rollers for clothes. Ever since I got a cat, I have been buying them in abundance - and I recommend them to you. Especially if you have pets.

special opinion

ONE DAY I REALIZED: Either I quit my job, sew up my mouth, start losing weight and exercising, or accept myself for who I am. This means I must learn to cope with what I have and dress my large, by fashionable, shapes beautifully. I therefore carefully choose what I like and try not to compromise. The formula that always works is SNEAKERS TO GET SOMEWHERE, AND REPLACEABLE SHOES TO STAND NICELY THERE. Plus a dress.

Masha Fedorova,
editor-in-chief of Glamor magazine

0.4 The most important rules

NOW THE FASHION WORLD and we, together with it, are going through a very important stage: on the one hand, fashion dictates its rules to us, on the other hand, it absolutely clearly states that there are no rules. And it is true. If you want to wear sneakers with a dress and green tights, please do. If you want to wear your grandma’s vintage blouse with jeans and bright pumps, you can do that too. Fashion seems to say: don’t play by my rules, do as you want. Because now the most important thing is your uniqueness.

That is why in our time the stylistic vector is set not by the editors of glossy magazines, but by stylists and street style bloggers - they are cooler, bolder, they are not afraid to express themselves, and it is they who the entire fashion world looks up to, designers are inspired by them. The most fashionable thing now is to be yourself, understandable and at the same time misunderstood, not to be afraid to broadcast your Self to the world with the help of clothes. Nevertheless, I have identified three basic rules for myself that help to navigate the ocean of fashionable contradictions.

special opinion

MY PERSONAL FASHION HACKS: yellow solid gold (bracelets, hoop earrings) if you think you look rustic, and a slip dress for going out if you don’t know what to wear. I also like to buy things and accessories not in fashionable ones, but in highly specialized sports stores - it turns out cheaper and sometimes much more interesting. For example, REAL TRACKING BOOTS LOOK REALLY COOL, as well as ski overalls with straps or professional boots for equestrian dressage.

Polina Sokhranova,
editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Russia magazine

In this book, I decided not to analyze mistakes, because modern fashion is changing so quickly that yesterday’s categorical “no” today turns into a firm “yes.” Not all of them have one principle that cannot be violated. Appropriateness is what we should always be guided by. I'm not asking you to bend to a changing world, but agree, there is no need to show up to an interview in a cocktail dress with sequins or to an exam in a lace top.

If we want to be integrated into society, we need to take it into account. Therefore, if you are invited somewhere, and the dress code is not indicated in the invitation, this does not mean that there is none. He is. But it is your personal responsibility to analyze, think about what is expected of you, and choose clothes according to the situation.

If you go for a walk around the city in the summer, no matter how hot it is outside, you don’t need to wear a tunic dress designed to be thrown over a swimsuit on the beach. And in the city pool it is customary to appear not in a string bikini, but in a one-piece swimsuit.

I also don’t like it when people come back from trips wearing the same clothes they wore to the beach that morning. My dear vacationers! If you sunbathed today and then flew back to Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Moscow, please change into comfortable city clothes before heading to the airport. No need to fly on a plane in flip-flops, swim shorts and a straw hat.

In addition, you need to distinguish your trophies from distant travels from city clothes. Afghani pants, sari dresses, tiger tooth pendants and spilli slippers - all these things very rarely look adequate in urban conditions. Of course, if you are a bohemian person who wants to dress from head to toe in Goan artifacts, no one can stop you from doing so, but remember that, unfortunately, the appropriate conclusion will be drawn about you. I know only one person on whom all these baubles look cool. His name is Johnny Depp.

Relevance will never be superfluous - it will allow you to make the right impression when applying for a job, charm your boyfriend’s parents and not lose face at a party. At the same time, you can remain yourself even within the limits of appropriateness - with the help of nuances and details. Just train your imagination!

special opinion

I REALLY LOVE JEANS I can’t even say exactly how many of them are in my wardrobe. I combine them with elegant jackets and all kinds of sneakers; this style helps me feel comfortable and attractive. By the way, it’s jeans that tell me what shape I’m in: there are a couple of ideal models that I can clearly understand whether it’s time to go on a diet or not. I ALSO LOVE ARROWS ON THE EYES OR BRIGHT LIPS AS AN ACCENT IN A EVERYDAY LOOK.

Catherine Kostina,
stylist, assistant to Alexander Rogova

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