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We prepare acne scrubs at home. Is it possible to use a scrub for acne or is it better to avoid this procedure? From blackcurrant and flour

An amazing organ is our skin. It consists of a large number of cells that change and renew themselves at an amazing speed. Millions of skin flakes fall off every day to make room for new ones.

If we were to see this process under a microscope, it would look like a continuous fall of tiny dust.

That is why you need to carefully care for your facial skin and not neglect daily cleansing procedures.

Caring for problem skin

If your skin is problematic and prone to acne, care should be taken especially carefully.

There are many different products - creams, washing gels, foams, masks, lotions, tonics, gommages, peelings, scrubs. We will pay special attention to the latter.

Our skin is divided into main types: normal, oily, dry, combination. People with oily skin are more likely to be upset by the appearance of acne.

Of course: increased sebum secretion and enlarged pores provoke facial pollution.

Under the layer of sebum, dirt, germs, dead scales and cosmetic residues accumulate - as a result, the pores become clogged and acne appears.

That's why This type of skin needs to be cleansed very thoroughly to help her get rid of dead cells. In such cases, it is recommended to use scrubs. In addition to the main function - cleansing - they get rid of acne.

How to choose

Before purchasing, carefully study the composition.

The effectiveness is evidenced by the presence in the product of such components as salicylic acid, Activated carbon, natural clay, healing mud, herbal and plant extracts.

It is better that these substances are not listed at the end of the composition - this means that they are contained in low concentrations. The first five positions of the composition are the most effective, the first ten deserve close attention.

It is very important what the scrubbing particles are made of. and what size they are. As an example, let's compare scrubs Russian manufacturer « Clean line"and the French company "Yves Rocher".

In these products, the active ingredient is the same - crushed apricot kernels, they are quite coarsely ground, while in Yves Rocher they are crushed to the finest powder.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the first product is more suitable for scrubbing the feet (which it does successfully), but for the face it turned out to be too rough. The second product delicately cleanses the skin of the face.

How to make at home

Here are recipes for homemade acne scrubs depending on your facial skin type. Frequency of use: once or twice a week.

For dry and sensitive skin One application per week will be enough. Focus on personal feelings.


  1. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a blender, add an egg yolk and a drop of honey.
  2. Grind the rice in a blender - a tablespoon is enough, mix with milk or sour cream until it becomes a thick paste.

Rice peeling scrub:

For normal:

  1. Mix a teaspoon lemon juice with semolina and half a teaspoon of honey.
  2. Grind a tablespoon in a blender oatmeal, add a little milk or kefir and a chopped small piece of banana (read more about oatmeal compositions).

Scrub mask with banana and soda:

For combined type:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of sugar with honey and lemon until a thick mass is formed.
  2. Yeast, mix a teaspoon with a tablespoon of kefir.

Light scrub made from sugar, buckwheat and olive oil:

For oily:

  1. You will need the finest salt. To avoid skin injury, mix it with sour cream.
  2. You can prepare it - you need to use coffee that has been drunk - it is softer. Mix a teaspoon of coffee grounds with cosmetic oil, it is better to take avocado oil (the valuable properties of which are also used for hair) - it is suitable for oily skin.

Ground coffee scrub:

It should be remembered that salt and coffee grounds- These are quite rough scrubs.

Try preparing a remedy for combination skin, you might like its effect.

Branded cosmetics

Cleansing gel from the French company Yves Rocher Pure System. It's called a gel, but in fact it is a gentle scrub consisting of the finest apricot kernel powder, which gently removes impurities.

The composition contains salicylic acid, which relieves acne, moisturizing aloe leaf juice, and additional emollient components. The packaging states that the gel can be used daily: apply to damp skin, lather and rinse with water.

Price on the website - about 390 rubles, but the company often runs promotions: you can buy the product at a discount, or choose it as a gift with your order.

Exfoliating scrub for acne and blackheads from Garnier “Clean Skin Active”. This product costs approximately 210 rubles.

The main active ingredients are salicylic acid and activated carbon.

During use, this Garnier product acquires a whitish tint, and after the cleansing procedure it pleasantly cools the face.

Berry Beldi for washing from the Spivak company- a real hit. Beldi is a thick soap brewed in African traditions, it contains essential oils, which remove inflammation, heal and dry the skin, and deeply cleanse the pores.

It contains pieces of real fruit, which provides an exfoliating effect.

Before the cleansing procedure, you need to lightly steam your face, apply Beldi to your face with massaging movements, and rinse with water after 2-3 minutes.

Price only 166 rubles for one hundred grams of berry pleasure.

L’OREAL Pure Zone “Absolute purity 7 in 1”. This remedy promises to get rid of all the problems faced by owners of oily or problem skin.

The product is very economical and foams well. The abrasive particles provide gentle cleansing and are medium in size.

Contains 2% salicylic acid. It can be used every day - you need to apply it to damp skin, paying attention to the areas of the nose and chin, and rinse with water.

Price - about 320 rubles.

Scrub for blackheads from Propeller Immuno. This - budgetary means, price - about 160 rubles, manufactured according to GOST. In addition to combating imperfections, Propeller refreshes the complexion well and evens out the texture.

The disadvantages include the fact that the foam is not formed well enough compared to other products to which we are accustomed. Maybe this is not so bad, it means that the composition contains less SLS - not the most useful foaming agent.

The product is used twice a day: foams in the hands, applied to damp skin, and removed with water.

How to use

It is important to remember the following things: The product should be used no more than twice a week.

If possible, it is better to choose to avoid unnecessary stretching and trauma to the skin (yes, this is a delicate organ, and you need to treat it with care).

Due to mechanical action, old cells were removed, but new ones did not have time to appear. Tomorrow you use the scrub again - but your skin is not ready for it. As a result, we have microtraumas and risk drying out the skin.

Even oily skin can be dehydrated, which causes the early appearance of wrinkles and other troubles, let's not forget about this.

It is not advisable to use a scrub when your face is literally “blooming.”- there are pimples that are about to burst or have burst recently.

Scrub particles can injure pores or get into them, leading to inflammation and irritation. Products are best used for preventive purposes.

But try not to touch the pimples, wait until they heal. All skin types need daily care which includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Using cleansers we help her get rid of dead particles, dirt and fat.

If you exfoliate once or twice a week, you can get rid of acne and prevent its appearance, moisturize your skin and improve its texture.

Take care of yourself, be beautiful and healthy.

I was making a scrub mask on my face, my son came up, looked and asked: “Maybe I should do it too?”

I didn't know what to answer. The fact is that he has a very “bad” face now. The guy is seventeen years old, covered in acne. No matter what he does, nothing helps as much as we would like.

What do you think: can the scrub be used for acne?

The scrub should not be used on acne as it will damage it. Open wounds can easily become infected and the acne will spread even more.

Agree. Scrub for acne is contraindicated. You definitely need to see a dermatologist. Pimples don't just happen. You definitely need to get treatment. Facial cleansing should only be done in beauty salons.

I don’t recommend store-bought scrubs (I tried it on myself). By the way, for a good and fresh skin condition, you need to drink carrot juice. Carrot juice is the king among vegetable juices. I also recommend using folk

advice - the same scrubs that can be made at home and they are much healthier for the face than all these store-bought ones.

Here are the ones I tried:

Salt scrub for acne: mix two tablespoons of sour cream with a teaspoon of regular cooking water. Mix well and apply an even layer to your face. Massage the mixture on your face for a minute, then leave for another couple of minutes, rinse cold water. Do not leave the mixture on your face for more than five minutes. This scrub should be used no more than once a week. It should not be used if there are open pimples on the skin.

Milk and oatmeal acne scrub: Add six tablespoons of full-fat milk to three tablespoons of oatmeal. You should get a creamy mass. Before the flakes swell, massage your entire face with them. Leave to absorb and rinse off after ten minutes.

Of course, it won’t help right away, but the skin will become soft and beautiful. I also recommend it for irritation on the face baby cream use!

(All this is verified from personal experience)

I tried a facial scrub not long ago, but I had never used it before, so I got the kind of pimples all over my face, like never before. adolescence did not have. I guess I shouldn't use it.

I would not recommend the scrub, because it is very traumatic for the skin, and if you have acne, they will only become more prominent and inflamed. It is better to make a soft peeling or clay mask.

I think it’s better to use a homemade scrub. And the recipe is very simple.

in a circular motion massage your facial skin for 1-3 minutes with a damp cotton wool dipped in regular salt or baking soda. I advise you to try it. The skin becomes smooth, enlarged pores are cleaned and tightened.

The scrub should never be used for any inflammation on the face, as this will spread the infection to the entire face. So if you have acne, don’t use a scrub, it will only make the situation worse.

The scrub is useful for adult skin, that is, it is not recommended for use by teenagers under 13-14 years old, and some older than 16-18, if the acne has not disappeared from the face or chest.

Do not self-medicate, much less use cosmetical tools. Go to the doctor. The “skin” doctor will prescribe treatment and in a month or two, your son’s face will recover. Many people make the mistake of believing that juvenile acne will go away on its own. This is also a disease that requires treatment.

I do not advise your son to use a scrub for acne. Since after its use a lot of inflammation will begin, and this unnecessary problems for a guy, both psychologically and externally. I advise you not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. You will be provided with qualified assistance, prescribed medicines, which will help quite quickly.

Go to the doctor, go to the doctor..... but there are only %%%%%%%%%%% “””””””””......, they don’t know anything and don’t know anything, they treat with medieval methods! I've been going to doctors for several years with this problem, but horseradish doesn't help.

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  1. 1

    Don't push

You cannot squeeze out pimples on your own - only a specialist will do this correctly under appropriate conditions, but you can provoke even more severe inflammation and, as a result,...

  1. 2

    Remember your age

If you are over 25 years old, then aggressive teenage acne and skin care products are no longer relevant. They are good for active regeneration and 100% healing ability, but after 25 they can already cause irritation and peeling. For the same reason, creams with a high content of retinol and azelaic acid are not suitable - they may not be suitable for adult oily skin.

  1. 3

    Avoid drying your skin

Avoid cleansers with high alcohol content. Dry skin will cause new problems, but acne will not go away.

  1. 4


Exfoliants effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells and also stimulate regeneration. Just choose the most suitable option.

  1. 5

    Be careful with cleansing

Washing the skin “to the point of squeaking” is a direct path to skin microtraumas, dehydration and worsening acne problems.

  1. 6

    Don't forget about sun protection

If you do not want to add pigmentation, burns, early wrinkles and other premature skin problems to your existing skin problems, age-related changes, be sure to use . The sun “dries out” acne and at first there are actually fewer of them, but, protecting itself from UV radiation, the skin begins to secrete more sebum and becomes even oilier.

  1. 7

    Forget about warming ointments

In medical practice, local heating has not been used for a long time to accelerate the maturation of pimples - often this only expands the acne area, causing additional inflammation.

Our tactics: how to defeat acne

Key prerequisites for beautiful skin - healthy image life, balanced nutrition and hygiene. But competent care and effective cosmetics are no less important. So, how to take care of problem skin so as not to harm it?

  • Twice a day, apply gentle but intense cleansing a product that contains antibacterial (oil tea tree, AHA acids, triclosan, piroctone, olamine) and moisturizing components, as well as keratolytics (hydroxy acids). They remove accumulations of dead cells that cause inflammation.
  • Apply cleansing and tightening pores two to three times a week masks based on white clay, delicate scrubs with adramatic synthetic granules.
  • Use twice a day (as day and evening care) moisturizing fluid creams.

They work well and salon treatments.

Neither salon procedures nor local remedies will eliminate the cause of acne. The problem cannot be solved without systemic competent care and, if prescribed by a doctor, special medications.

6 skin care products for acne-prone skin

Gel for deep skin cleansing Gel Pure Focus, Lancôme

Gently but intensively cleansing gel is suitable for oily skin - it controls sebum production, mattifies and makes the face velvety to the touch.

Micellar water Ultra range Effaclar, La Roche-Posay

A special combination of micelles, thermal water, glycerin and zinc, which has antibacterial properties, provides oily skin delicate cleansing and necessary care.

Exfoliating scrub against acne and blackheads “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

It effectively cleanses (the vegetable charcoal in the composition is responsible for this), has an exfoliating effect (salicylic acid does this), restores (blueberry extract does this), fights acne and prevents its reappearance.

In case of obvious inflammation, the scrub will only cause harm. It is best used when there are blackheads and clogged pores, then it will cleanse the skin and slightly prevent the appearance of new acne. For dry skin once a week or a week and a half, for oily skin use once or twice a week.

No, under no circumstances, you will spread the infection all over your face.

An alternative to scrubs - peelings with fruit acids.

Apply a thin layer to the face and then wash off.

Among inexpensive peelings for use at home, I can recommend a mask with fruit acids "Bark"

and peelings from the professional Premium cosmetics series.

Although in many lines for caring for skin problems, if there are scrubs, you should not use them.

Skin with acne is already problematic. It turns red easily, and wounds can quickly appear on it. And if such skin is additionally treated with a scrub, then the infection can go further

Yes, sometimes scrubs and peelings are still used. But only when it comes to post-acne. When there are no more inflammatory processes, but you just need to remove traces from the skin.

Then scrubs will do.

But if there is pus or pain, then it is better not to touch the skin again. You don’t even need to wipe it with a towel, just blot it with a napkin.

A scrub is the first cosmetic product that comes to mind when we want to cleanse our face well and deeply. Exfoliation is, of course, important for the health and beauty of the skin, but there are different ways to remove dead skin cells.

Why we don’t like to use facial scrubs, and what we recommend replacing them with, read this post.

What is the difference between a scrub and a peeling?

Peeling is the general name for cosmetic products and treatments that exfoliate dead skin cells.

  • enzymatic (based on enzymes or enzymes);
  • chemical (acid-based);
  • physical (based on exfoliating particles).

Scrub- This is a physical peeling.

How does the scrub work?

The scrub contains exfoliating particles - ground fruit seeds and nut shells, aluminum oxide powder, salt, sugar, coffee, honey.

During the scrubbing process, these particles tear off dead cells. The larger the particles, the harsher the scrub. The smaller the particles, the more delicate it is.

5 Arguments Against Facial Scrubs

Let's talk about the action of a facial scrub and figure out what harm it can cause to the skin.

What effect does a facial scrub give? Scrubs only work on the surface of the epidermis. They do not clean out the pores and do not reach unhealthy layered dead cells. Which means scrubs in best case scenario They remove surface contaminants, but do not clean deeply. If you are looking for a scrub to deep clean your face, there is no such product. And if you find it, know that this is a marketing ploy.

Scrubs are too harsh a cleanser for delicate facial skin. They act mechanically, tearing off dead skin scales. And together with dead ones, living ones can easily damage.

Common and popular scrubbing particles - ground fruit seeds, nut shells and aluminum oxide powder. Their texture is hard, rough, uneven, with jagged edges. While we scrub, these sharp particles scratch the skin, create microdamages in the upper layer of the skin, disrupt the epidermal barrier and open the gates for infections. Bacteria from the surface of the skin penetrate inside and begin to roam through the deep layers of the skin.

When we scrub, rubbing movements and constant pressure irritate the skin and provoke inflammation. Together with a damaged epidermal barrier, this leads to red spots, hypersensitivity, peeling, rashes and burning. Moreover, disturbed protective layer prolongs skin healing.

Facial scrubs often contain ingredients that clog pores. In addition, they contain harsh surfactants (surfactants), which further disrupt the epidermal barrier and dry out the skin.

Scrubs and problem skin

Can I use a scrub for acne? The answer is no. For many skin diseases (inflamed acne, rosacea, warts, herpes), scrubs are contraindicated. They can worsen the condition and intensify the problem.

Why you shouldn't use scrubs for acne-prone skin

If you are prone to acne, inflammation constantly occurs in the pores. Healthy pores are cylindrical in shape. And from inflammation, the pores swell, expand and take the shape of a ball. As a result, the edges of the pores close and trap bacteria inside, causing acne (p. acnes) in an oxygen-free environment. In such conditions, bacteria bloom lush color, and the body synthesizes more white blood cells to fight off invaders. The theater of war begins, which leads to even more rashes.

Acne cannot be scrubbed off. To prevent and treat acne, you need to unclog your pores. Scrubs do not penetrate pores and do not clean them. Using a scrub for acne, you only spread inflammation across your face and aggravate the situation. In this case, the pores remain clogged and a vicious circle results.

In addition, cream-based scrubs contain oils and potentially comedogenic builders, which can cause even more clogged pores (closed comedones) and inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis).

Scrubs can also lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Clogged pores, inflammation, and even spots on the face - do we need it?

Scrubs and dry skin

Dry skin is naturally thin and vulnerable. She has virtually no protection. If you scrub it incorrectly, you can completely tear off the epidermal barrier. And get inflammation, redness, peeling and hypersensitivity. And dry skin will take a long and painful time to recover.

Scrub for flaky facial skin

Dry, flaky skin is just aching to scrub. The temptation is great, we understand. But don't rush.

When the skin is so dry that it peels off in layers, it cannot be scrubbed. The epidermal barrier is already damaged, and the skin is practically defenseless against external influences. By roughly “tearing off” dead particles with a scrub, we deprive dried skin of its last protection. She becomes hypersensitive, and recovery is significantly longer.

Dry, flaky skin needs to be intensively moisturized and the epidermal barrier restored. Read how to do this in the post Caring for dry skin.

And remove peeling very carefully with your fingers or extra-soft cellulose sponges while you wash your face. Don't rub. Another option for delicate exfoliation is gentle gommages. But only after the skin has recovered a little (a couple of weeks after the start of regenerative care).

How to replace facial scrub

So, can you use a facial scrub? Scrubs are a suitable cleansing option for oily, thick skin with hyperkeratosis (increased keratinization of the upper layer). At the same time, you still need to use the scrub carefully and carefully monitor the skin’s reaction. If it begins to become even more greasy or sensitivity and redness appear, it means that the scrub is erasing the protective barrier, and you need to mercilessly part with it.

But scrubs are not suitable for most skin types. And one way or another, it is necessary to exfoliate dead cells. What if scrubs are not suitable for you? Replace them with chemical and enzyme peels. They act much more delicately, dissolving rather than tearing off dead scales.

Peels penetrate deeper than scrubs, exfoliate layered cells and cleanse pores. This means they can deeply cleanse the skin and really affect blackheads and closed comedones. Peels are a complete deep cleansing.

In addition, acids and enzymes have many wonderful additional properties that are beneficial for different types and skin conditions. For example, moisturizing, whitening, anti-aging effect. There are also contraindications. Read more in the peeling posts:

We don't like facial scrubs because they are harsh, indelicate, incomplete cleansing and threaten the skin's protective barrier.

Scrubs are contraindicated for many skin diseases. Especially for inflamed acne and dry flaky skin.

We prefer more delicate chemical and enzyme peels to scrubs.

What do you think about scrubs? Share in the comments.

Improve your cosmetic literacy, stay with us and be beautiful.

Hello regular readers and guests of our site. How often do you use scrubs? Most likely, with their help you are trying to cleanse your face and body of pimples, acne, and blackheads? Have you ever thought about whether you can use a scrub for acne?

It is pleasant and convenient to use, since one application to problem areas of the skin is enough to obtain the desired effect. An affordable product can be purchased here.

Let's return to the topic of this article. Today I will tell you what scrubs are, teach you how to use them and tell you in what cases it is not recommended to use them.

Why might problem skin need a scrub?

Problematic epidermis is not only acne. Many of us have mild acne, which are comedones - small white bumps. Have you seen these on your face? Surely you have seen it, since this is one of the most common dermatological problems.

Comedones, like other types of acne, appear due to blockage of pores, which, in turn, occurs for the following reasons: due to excess sebum and due to improper care (inappropriate cosmetics, creams, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules).

You can fight blockage with the help of abrasives (scrubs), peelings and anything else that will help remove the keratinized top layer of the epidermis. Scrubbing preparations, for example, remove dead skin cells, eliminate peeling, and open pores.

Thanks to this treatment, the top layer of sebum is removed, fat is pushed out of the pores and rejuvenates. skin covering.

What is a scrub?

The word “scrub” itself is translated from English as scrub, rub, clean, which is what it does, in fact, with our epidermal cover.

Such preparations contain abrasives of natural or non-natural origin. They deeply cleanse, renew the epidermis and allow young cells to develop. A scrub is a complex mixture consisting of two main components:

  • a softening base that moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis and protects it from damage during the procedure;
  • an abrasive that cleans pores and polishes the upper epidermal layer.

Manufacturers often add medicinal substances with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects to the composition. The abrasive in such a preparation can harm the skin, which is important to remember.

For example, if you have small pimples on your skin (the same comedones), then you can use scrubbing preparations. If the problems are more serious (for example, ulcers), then it is better not to damage or inflame the skin further.

This is what happens if you abuse it:

  1. Damaged skin can become infected;
  2. The protective top layer of the epidermis becomes thinner;
  3. Water-salt metabolism may be disrupted;
  4. The skin may become dry.

Choosing a scrub for a specific skin type

  • Normal

This skin looks fresh and elastic, and rarely develops serious acne. She only needs the prevention of acne and comedones. For prevention, you can use any type of scrubs. Abrasive preparations should be used once every 7 days.

  • Dry

Looks thin, matte, tired. This epidermis is prone to irritation, including blackheads and pimples. It must be additionally moistened, softened, and soaked in nutrients.

For dry types, I recommend soft scrubs with a rich, thick base. There should be very little abrasives. It is better if they are synthetic, for example, polymer. You can use the deep cleansing product for dry dermis no more than 3 times a month.

Often this type has greasy shine. Due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work too actively, the pores often become clogged. In place of clogged pores, various types of pimples appear. Such skin can be helped by removing excess fat and improving blood circulation.

Using the scrub correctly

Firstly, I repeat once again that such abrasive preparations cannot be used every day. There is a certain skin care regimen that will help you get rid of skin blemishes quickly and safely:

  • cleansing - we cleanse the face in the usual way (washing, lotion, tonic);
  • warming up - before scrubbing, the skin should be steamed with a warm towel, which should be applied to it for a few seconds;
  • applying the scrub - slowly, smoothly and measuredly treat the epidermal cover for 3-4 minutes in this order: from the nose to the ears, from the central area of ​​the chin to the earlobes, from the top of the forehead to the temples;
  • soaking - the scrub mass should be left on the face for several minutes so that the dermis absorbs the beneficial components;
  • rinsing - rinse with warm (not hot) water using patting movements;
  • final - apply a cream with a moisturizing or healing effect.

In what cases are scrubs contraindicated?

If after the procedure you feel a prolonged feeling of tightness, then the drug should be changed. If after changing the drug the symptoms recur, then it is not recommended to use it.

Under no circumstances should skin areas that are too inflamed (for example, areas where acne is localized) be treated with scrubs. Also, you should not carry out the procedure on areas of the dermis that are sunburned.

  1. Do not use the same product on your face and body;
  2. It is better to perform scrubbing in the evening, since after the procedure the skin needs to rest;
  3. You can enhance the effect of the scrub if you use it in a bath or sauna.

That's all, dear readers. Remember that the scrub must be used wisely. If you liked the article, share it on in social networks, and also subscribe to updates on our skin site. Good luck to you!

There has not yet been anyone born in the world who has not encountered acne in his life. Where does this disgrace come from? We all know that our skin tirelessly secretes a special oily secretion. Mixing with the remnants of cosmetics and dead cells, the fat released forms a substrate. This is an excellent habitat for pathogenic bacteria. They cause inflammation. The face needs cleansing. One of the best means for this purpose - a special facial scrub for acne.

Selecting an abrasive component

It includes products containing abrasive components of varying severity, which have different effects on the epidermis (in addition to cleansing the pores).

Abrasive component Effect
Orange peel (zest) stimulates collagen growth, increases the elasticity of the dermis, rejuvenates the face
Crushed bones gently exfoliates, restores skin color, nourishes and moisturizes it
Ground coffee tones the epidermis, relieves fatigue, regulates blood flow, renews cells
Baking soda antibacterial properties, improves the color of the dermis
Salt strong antibacterial effect, exfoliates pores
Sugar softens the dermis, increases its elasticity
Almond stimulates collagen growth, moisturizes and nourishes the skin
Cosmetic clay increases blood flow, tightens pores, smoothes the surface
Rice gently cleanses, moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles
Chocolate chips soothes, nourishes, rejuvenates and smoothes the epidermis
Honey moisturizes, rejuvenates the face, anti-inflammatory effect
Cereals softens, moisturizes, removes dirt and bacteria

In addition to the abrasive, the scrub mixture also includes a base (various nourishing, softening and moisturizing additives). The healthiest way to prepare an acne scrub is at home. After all, all its components will actually be natural, without chemicals and harmful allergic additives.

Recipes for different skin types

Scrub is one of the most powerful cleansers. Penetrating deeply into the pores, the scrub mass rolls out all their contents, simultaneously clearing the way for young cells to come to life. With each procedure, acne becomes less and less. Don't believe me? Check it out! But, of course, you need to be able to select scrubs that are suitable specifically for your skin.

Dry and sensitive

And such skin also has acne. A careful, delicate influence is required. Homemade scrubs for acne should have a soft, nourishing base and work with the epidermis with extreme caution (read how to use the scrub correctly). Procedures should be carried out no more than 2 times a month.

Best Recipes

Fruity moisturizer

  • apple and banana pulp: 10 g each
  • liquid honey: 5 ml
  • whipped cream: 7 ml
  • semolina: 10 g

Mix all ingredients and apply to moistened skin. Massage for 2 minutes, hold on face for 5 minutes.

Oatmeal nutritious

  • grapes: 6 berries
  • ground oatmeal flakes: 3 g

Crush the grapes and mix them with the cereal. Scrub for 3 minutes, then leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

Honey soothing

  • oatmeal: 20 ml
  • milk: 1 tsp.
  • honey: 5 ml

Add the remaining ingredients to the warm porridge. Treat your face for 3 minutes, hold the mixture for another 5 minutes.

Oily and combination

Skin that is strong in structure will withstand more aggressive influences. To make an acne scrub for this type of facial skin, you need to use harder abrasive particles. You should scrub your skin every week.

Best Recipes

Sugar nutritional

  • cane sugar: 25 gr
  • milk: 1 tbsp. l.

Dissolve the sugar in the milk, but not completely. Its grains must remain. Massage your face for 4 minutes, then leave the scrub mass on for 7 minutes.

Lemon whitening

Stir the ingredients. Work on problem areas for 5 minutes. Then keep the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour.

Yeast for severely enlarged pores

  • bran: 2 tsp.
  • dry yeast: 3 g
  • natural lemon juice: 1.2 tsp.

Mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture turns out thick, add water. Massage the epidermis for 5 minutes, then hold the scrub for another quarter of an hour.

Scrubbing rules

It is necessary to treat the surface of the skin against acne with smooth movements (excluding the eye area), especially trying to work on problem areas. Follow these simple rules:

  1. Before the procedure, clean and steam your face
  2. Treat problem areas harder
  3. Massage the skin with smooth circular movements
  4. Remove scrub residue with contrasting water
  5. Finally, apply a nourishing cream to the epidermis.

If you have open, closely spaced blood vessels or infectious skin diseases, hold off on scrubs and treat your face first.

By following our advice and carrying out the procedures correctly, you will soon enjoy clean, smooth and healthy skin!