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Cold paraffin for hands: how to use? What is cosmetic paraffin and how to use it.

Paraffin therapy is one of the most effective ways care for the skin of hands and feet. In addition to the traditional paraffin therapy procedure using a special bath where paraffin is melted, there is an alternative method of paraffin therapy, does not require warming up paraffin bath . This method is called - cold paraffin therapy.

Cold paraffin therapy also allows you to get rid of dryness, peeling and cracks in the skin of your hands. Cream paraffin is the main and key tool in the cold paraffin therapy procedure. And to achieve the greatest effectiveness of the procedure, additional means are often used.

We will look at the line of cold paraffin therapy products from Aravia.

For the procedure we will need:

  • Cold cream paraffin
  • Soft scrub with peach oil
  • Cream " Nourishing Care"with collagen
  • Tonic for cleansing and moisturizing the skin
  • Disposable polyethylene gloves for paraffin therapy
  • Paraffin brush
  • Terry mittens

Preparation for the cold paraffin therapy procedure

First we need to prepare our hands before the procedure. To do this, we use “Tonic for cleansing and moisturizing the skin” with mint and chamomile. The toner contains mint essential oil and chamomile extract. Gently cleanses, moisturizes and tones the skin, enhances the protective functions of the skin and cell regeneration, and also has a cooling effect and gives a feeling of freshness. The bottle has a convenient sprayer; only 4 pumps are required on both hands. After spraying the toner onto the skin of your hands, you need to spread it with massage movements until completely absorbed. The toner has a pleasant fresh mint scent and is quickly absorbed.

We continue the preparation stage. We use “Soft scrub with peach oil”. The scrub is used to gently remove dead skin cells using soft abrasive particles. This promotes more effective penetration of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial components of the scrub into the deeper layers of the skin. At the same time, the scrub perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the hands, thanks to its creamy texture. Apply a small amount of scrub and distribute it over the skin with light massage movements until the cream base is completely absorbed. The scrub has a very unobtrusive, pleasant peach scent. After this, remove the remaining abrasive particles using a paper napkin. There is no need to wash your hands after this!

The main means of the cold paraffin therapy procedure is cold paraffin (in this case, Aravia brand paraffin cream). This cold paraffin contains cotton oil and milk proteins, intensively softens and moisturizes the skin, restoring its hydrolipid balance, restores firmness and elasticity, and helps smooth out fine wrinkles. It also has a regenerating effect and strengthens nails, preventing their fragility, and perfectly softens the cuticle. Cream paraffin has a dense, thick texture and is almost odorless.

How to use cold paraffin

Take a paraffin brush and distribute the paraffin cream over the brush. Apply a thick layer to your hands.

We take disposable plastic gloves and put them on our hands. Then we put on terry mittens. We relax and wait 15-20 minutes.

After time has passed, we remove the terry mittens and plastic seals, and we see that most of the applied product has been absorbed into the skin of our hands.

Remove the remaining paraffin cream with a paper napkin.

This concludes the cold paraffin therapy procedure. Hands look very well-groomed, moisturized, and the feeling of dryness disappears. This type of paraffin therapy is very convenient, as it does not require the use of special apparatus for melting paraffin. And it takes less time than the traditional method of hot paraffin therapy. Another important advantage of the cold paraffin therapy procedure is the availability of its use by people who are contraindicated in the traditional method of hot paraffin therapy, namely those who have varicose veins or high blood pressure. And, of course, all lovers of paraffin therapy will like it. Make yourself happy and be beautiful!

Cold Paraffin Therapy. Hand and foot care

A woman’s hands, like her face, are often “traitors”, as they clearly reveal her age. And in order to prevent this from happening, we women try our best to ensure that our face and hands are always “at their best.”
Care is especially important in winter time years, when the wind and cold cause the skin of the hands to become rough and dry. Therefore, today I want to offer you a relatively new type of care called cold paraffin therapy.
Hot paraffin therapy has been known for a long time; even the rich ancient Roman patricians used paraffin wraps to warm up and relax muscles. Already in those days, pundits paid attention to unique property retain enough paraffin for a long time warm. And what’s interesting is that even heated paraffin (up to 75-80 degrees) does not cause any burns or unpleasant sensations, and it warms the skin underneath by 2-3 degrees, while softening and opening the pores in its upper layer.

In Russia, hot paraffin began to be used in 1929. Even then, doctors noticed that when using a paraffin heat compress, the healing process of wounds occurs much faster and more efficiently, and then they began to use such heat compresses for muscle strains, the treatment of arthritis, dislocations, arthrosis, and during the rehabilitation of various injuries. Today, the miraculous properties of paraffin are used with success not only in surgery, but also in dermatology and aesthetic cosmetology.

Cold paraffin therapy “works” where any hand creams are powerless. In terms of its actions and magical results, this procedure is no worse than procedures with hot paraffin, except that there is no thermal effect. And all paraffin creams are flavored (chocolate, lemon, tutti-frutti, magnolia) and thanks to these additives, in addition to the procedure itself, you can also get a pleasant relaxation.

Among other things, cold paraffin cream is advantageous in application, so the benefits of cold paraffin therapy are as obvious as they are convenient and comfortable.

First, we save on a special bath (and it costs a lot!), in which you need to melt the paraffin. Secondly, you don’t have to worry about the procedure of heating paraffin, calculating the optimal temperature for the procedure. Third, you don’t have to wait an hour and a half (that’s how long the paraffin melts) to start the procedure itself. Fourth, the cold paraffin procedure is hygienic, since cold paraffin cream is applied individually each time, and hot paraffin is used repeatedly. Fifth, there is no need to suffer by removing the thick layer of paraffin that has formed after the procedure.

The ability to do these procedures at home in a calm environment is the sixth advantage of cold paraffin therapy.

And the seventh, very important advantage is that the procedure itself takes about half an hour, and the effect lasts up to 2 weeks.

Well, tell me, what cream can do this?

Of course, the hot paraffin therapy method improves skin breathing, promotes skin regeneration, and improves blood circulation, but this method has contraindications, and there are quite a few of them. These include heart and vascular diseases (including high blood pressure, atherosclerosis), and diabetes, and cirrhosis of the liver, and bronchial asthma and varicose veins, and ovarian cysts, and infectious diseases, and rosacea, and epilepsy, and increased hairiness, and the second half of pregnancy and lactation. Also, hot paraffin is not applied to damaged skin with open wounds and abrasions. Agree, quite a solid list of contraindications!

There is nothing like this in cold paraffin therapy; there is only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the cold paraffin cream. There is, perhaps, one more “BUT” - cold paraffin cream is not used for facial care!

This procedure is the most popular in cosmetology today, since the result and effect of “velvet arms and legs” exceeds the expectations of the most demanding fashionistas. The skin becomes elastic, soft and moisturized, skin tone increases, peeling and cracks disappear, the nail plate is strengthened due to the presence of wheat germ extract and more natural ingredients in cold paraffin essential oils. It is natural essential oils that protect nails and cuticles from dryness and brittleness. In addition, due to the denser structure of cold paraffin, the cosmetic effect on the skin lasts much longer and is more effective in results.

Now let's move on directly to the express recovery procedure itself.

1. Remove all jewelry from your fingers and treat the skin with lotion.
2. Apply a peeling scrub to the skin of the hands (legs) and remove dead particles with light massage movements, cleansing the skin for further nutrition and hydration.
3. Apply cold paraffin cream and distribute it over the skin using massage movements. You can also use a brush to apply the cream.
4. For greater effect, we put plastic gloves (bags) on our hands and feet, and thick terry mittens on top of them. If there are no specialized terry thermal mittens and thermal socks, then you can temporarily use cotton or warm gloves and socks.
5. After half an hour of forced idleness, we take off our “warm uniform” and carefully remove the remaining cream with warm water or a paper napkin. wash everything off with warm water. You can carefully wipe off the residue with a paper napkin. (doing nothing)
6. At the end of the procedure, for a stronger effect, apply moisturizing cream to the hands (feet).
By doing this procedure regularly, you will improve blood microcirculation, slow down the aging process of cells, give the skin additional nutrition and hydration, and ensure the disappearance of swelling and microcracks in the feet. Also, thanks to natural additives, your nails will have a lot of fun, strengthening their structure, forgetting about brittleness and delamination. Literally after the second use, your increased dryness, sagging and flaking of your skin will disappear, you will forget about rough feet, corns and calluses.

This pleasant procedure is so wonderfully soothing and relaxing that after applying cream paraffin, you can lie down for half an hour to relax. And if you plan to carry out this procedure closer to bedtime, then it is guaranteed that this event will “drag on” until the morning.

So, with the help of such simple techniques, we will put our hands and feet in order, returning them to their former tenderness and elasticity. Moreover, we are guaranteed to get a lot of fun.

Paraffin therapy- This is a kind of heat compress that softens the top layer of facial skin and helps open the pores. Open pores absorb better cosmetic product, applied under a paraffin mask. After paraffin therapy, the skin is intensively moisturized and cleansed of toxins and harmful substances.

Cold paraffin for paraffin therapy (paraffin cream)

Cold paraffin for paraffin therapy is also called cream paraffin, as it has a creamy texture and is applied to the skin like a cream. The effect of using cold paraffin cream is the same as using hot paraffin, the procedure is just done a little faster.

Cream paraffin used for paraffin therapy of hands or feet, it is not used on the face. The most popular cold paraffin - from Beauty Image. Second most popular - cold cream paraffin Arabia professional (Arabia).

How to use cold paraffin? First you need to cleanse the skin with a scrub or peeling, apply a toner or moisturizer to the skin. Then cold paraffin should be applied in a thick layer to the skin, wrap your hands (or feet) in plastic bags, put on terry mittens (socks) on top or wrap in a terry towel. Paraffin should be kept for about 15-20 minutes, then removed with napkins. After the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with a rich nourishing cream.

Hot paraffin for paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy procedure at home

Standard paraffin therapy kit : paraffin, paraffin bath (wax and paraffin heater), protective bags, terry towel(terry mittens or socks) and cream.

Paraffin must first be melted. While the paraffin is melting, the skin needs to be cleaned with a scrub or peeling, lubricated with an active cream, serum or lotion. If you have a bath for paraffin therapy, then your hands (or feet) need to be immersed in it (5-6 times); if you have a heater, then paraffin should be applied to the skin with a brush (also in 5-6 layers). After each layer of paraffin, wait 15-20 seconds and let it harden slightly.

The skin with paraffin should be wrapped in plastic bags, and terry mittens or socks should be put on top (you can simply wrap it in a towel). Paraffin should be left on for 15-30 minutes, then removed. The procedure must be completed using a fatty nourishing cream.

Apply similarly paraffin on face.

A paraffin therapy session in a spa can be compared to something relaxing and renewing. And all this is not only thanks to the work of the cosmetologist, but also to the material that is used in such a procedure. The quality of cosmetic paraffin must be adequate for the session to be successful and meet expectations. The availability of this product allows you to enjoy pleasant spa treatments even while at home.

What is cosmetic paraffin?

It will not be possible to perform paraffin therapy using a melted paraffin candle. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, and natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale, the cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of different weights and types. Suitable for use at home and beauty salon.

Salons offer the use of paraffin containing natural bee products. Since they can cause allergic reactions in humans, using such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for the following thermal procedures:

  • applications for face and body;
  • masks and baths for hands and feet;
  • wraps.

By correctly using a cosmetic product, you can solve many skin problems: from hydration to rejuvenation.

Composition and beneficial properties

Cosmetic product under simple name"paraffin" is not so simple. In its composition you can find the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, they are the ones that are able to transform solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter – makes paraffin plastic and pliable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E – skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts – necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals – responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold-pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, and dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit; it is better to avoid them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out paraffin therapy sessions has the following positive effects:

  1. skin nutrition. Even after the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, giving it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of the heat that paraffin gives off, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, thoroughly moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. When the warm mass comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to use cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not cause discomfort to their client. But in home use You can make a lot of mistakes: make it too high or low, melt the paraffin in insufficient or too much quantity, etc.

The most common uses of cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique for applying them is different, but the final result depends on it. Paraffin can also be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, hips, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To tidy up your hand skin, you can use the “hot bath” method or make a mask from special cold paraffin. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is radically different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home equivalent - two pans of different diameters so that you can make a water bath;
  • 150-200g paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (an alternative is bags);
  • mittens or warm towel.

Before use, paraffin must be melted. This is done in a special bath, or alternatively in a water bath. It is important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, it can already be used. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be between 50 and 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, just wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, instead of washing, hands can be treated with disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your hand skin with the prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip your hands into a saucepan (special bath) with melted (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops your hands up to the wrist.
  4. Remove your hands from the saucepan (bath).
  5. After the paraffin on the skin begins to become slightly cloudy, put polyethylene on your hands, and then mittens.
  6. You need to keep this mask for at least 20 minutes, but do not exceed 60 minutes.
  7. Hold for the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, and paraffin from your hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands together.
  8. Moisten your hands with cream after the procedure is completed.

You can also apply several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again into the melted product, which is in a liquid state.

Paraffin remaining unused in the saucepan can be poured into a bowl with a lid and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases where hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product looks like a familiar nourishing cream and does not require any action before application. If used in a beauty salon, the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use this paraffin, you should prepare your hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. The following process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing the skin of your hands, you can apply moisturizing cream. This is not necessary, since the cold product contains all the necessary beneficial components and moisturizing substances.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (a brush for applying face masks can be used) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Over time, it will practically be absorbed into the skin of your hands and leave a thin film on it.
  5. Remove any remaining paraffin with gauze or paper towel. There is no need to rinse off the product with water to prolong the beneficial effects on the skin.
  6. To make the result more lasting, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the procedure.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after a basic manicure has been done.

For face

Using paraffin on the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also effective remedy to improve skin condition at any age.

Paraffin therapy procedures using different materials– for melting or cold means. The stages of a cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid one needs to be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut out a mask from gauze so that its size is sufficient to cover the skin of the face, cut out holes for the eyes and mouth, make cuts to follow the contour of the nose. Next, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) with any in a convenient way and means;
  2. then apply a moderate layer using a brush liquid paraffin over the entire area of ​​the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. lay down the previously prepared gauze mask onto a layer of hot paraffin for her to immerse in;
  4. on gauze pad a couple more layers of the product are applied on top, after lightly drying the previous one;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just lift the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. Remove the remaining mask with a dry cloth and use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is spread on a gauze mask, and after removal, simply remove the remaining substance from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body in the following cases:

If cold paraffin is used, it will become a harmless alternative to hot paraffin for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is better to choose?

Choosing a quality cosmetic product is easy if you know what to look for when purchasing:

Having chosen the desired product, you can begin paraffin therapy and enjoy the results.

A woman is created to become a muse. Her task in life is not only to get married and raise children, but also to inspire everyone around, including her husband, to do bright deeds.
And not least of all is the desire to look good, to be younger and fresher. To accomplish this task, the first thing that comes to mind is to sign up at the salon for several different procedures to care for the face, hands, and the whole body.
Undoubtedly, this option is very good. There is a way out that will not affect your material income and will effectively solve skin problems.
Many women have probably heard about what cold paraffin therapy is. However, there are points that are important to know and consider when using it.

First of all, the active ingredient is paraffin. It is only capable of melting at a significantly low temperature, compared to normal. Various compositions of essential oils, vitamins and other additives are added to its composition.
Such paraffin itself is not hardened, but is similar to a cream. This makes it easier to apply to the skin. You can also do the procedure without fear of getting burned and without buying a special bath to heat the material.

Principles of the cold paraffin therapy procedure

Even for women far from cosmetic masks and other things, it will not be a problem to apply such a substance to yourself. There is a small limitation: creamy paraffin is not used for facial skin. But it is ideal for arms and legs.

The algorithm for this procedure is quite simple and consists of several steps:

1. Preparatory

First, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, use various tonics selected according to its type. They “invigorate” every cell, help to renew their layers more naturally and respond to irritating factors in a timely manner.
An additional “bonus” of all tonics can be considered a feeling of fresh coolness, which, combined with a delicate, subtle aroma, lifts your spirits.
With the help of peeling, the skin is rid of dirt that was not removed after applying the tonic. In addition, having an abrasive structure, scrubs promote skin renewal. The main direction of their action is cleansing of dead cells.
Thanks to these products, the skin can more effectively absorb all vitamins and other beneficial substances. But in general, scrubs smooth out its top layer well. Thus, the desired area takes on a fresh, radiant look.

2. Paraffin therapy itself

There is no need to warm it up using a bath. It is already ready to use. It is applied in a fairly thick layer. Then special bags are put on the treated limbs (depending on whether they are arms or legs), and mittens or socks are placed on top of them to retain heat.
Cold paraffin should be kept for no more than twenty minutes. It can be removed as easily as if it were hot. The principle of its operation is similar.
Using paraffin, a sauna effect is created. Only maintains its temperature own body. Due to well-expanded skin pores, all nutrients are absorbed much better. At the same time, with sweat released, the body gets rid of various toxins and metabolic products.

3. Hydration

In order to complete the full cleansing and restorative cycle of the skin, it is necessary to apply light cream. It should not feel sticky or greasy. This cream is immediately absorbed by the skin, making it velvety and soft, with uniform color and texture.

Materials for paraffin therapy

Naturally, you will need materials and tools for cold paraffin therapy:
1. Tonic.
2. Scrub.
3. Creamy paraffin.
4. Moisturizing and nourishing creams.
5. Plastic bags.
6. Terry mittens or socks.
7. Paper napkins for removing paraffin.
8. Wide brush.
A big plus of the procedure is its use for people with vascular diseases and those who suffer from increased body hair growth.
Exist beneficial features and contraindications to cold paraffin therapy.

Positive effects of paraffin therapy

Positive effects include:
1. Regeneration of dry, cracked, chapped hand skin.
2. Her rejuvenation.
3. Softening rough skin on the feet and corns.
4. Its noticeable improvement when cracks appear on the heels, elbows or hands.
5. Relief from the feeling of heaviness in the legs by restoring water balance. Consequently, the condition of edema caused by forced sitting or standing position is alleviated.
6. Paraffin is great for strengthening brittle, flaky nails thanks to the oils and other nutrients it contains. In addition, it can be used without problems by women with gel or acrylic nails, since it does not affect their structure and does not spoil their appearance.
7. Relaxation and a sense of emotional balance, peace. After the procedure, women feel invigorated, as if they had had a good night’s sleep.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is strictly contraindicated for the following defects:

1. Various cuts and abrasions on the skin.
2. Rashes like pustules.
3. Skin diseases of viral, bacterial or fungal origin.
4. Ulcerations.
5. Irritation caused by depilation.

Of course, with all its shortcomings, paraffin therapy also has a lot of advantages. With its help, you can bring your skin into excellent condition in a short time. The result is wonderful the first time. All that remains is to test it for yourself, and after 10-15 procedures, catch admiring glances.