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How we will relax for the New Year. Holidays in quarters

If you want to plan your vacation for the future for 2017, then it will be useful for you to find out what vacation days await all residents of Russia in 2017.

Let me make a reservation right away that the information about how we relax in 2017 is initially relevant for those who work a five-day work week. If the employment contract establishes a different work schedule, this information does not apply to such situations.

In relation to issues of vacation planning in 2017, I will specifically draw your attention to a circumstance that employers are often silent about when providing vacations to their employees. Employees often either don’t know about this or forget.

The point is that, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer must have a vacation schedule, according to which employees both have the right and must take annual paid leave. The vacation schedule must be formed and approved by the employer no later than 2 weeks before calendar year. And the vacation schedule is mandatory for both parties to the employment contract: the employer and the employee.

Therefore, if you now already know what days of rest are planned in 2017, then you will have enough time so that by the time your employer approves the vacation schedule, you will be ready and have a clear idea of ​​when it will be convenient for you personally to schedule your annual vacation.

Rest days in 2017

(including all transfers).

1. January 2017
from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2016 inclusive

New Year holidays will begin on December 31, 2016, which is a Saturday. From January 1 to January 6 and January 8, 2017 there will be New Year holidays, and January 7, 2017 will be Christmas Day.

— day off, Sunday, January 1, 2017 is moved to Friday, February 24, 2017,

In 2017 after the New Year first working day - January 9, 2017.

Those who are especially attentive should have a question: what about January 8, 2017, since it is both a day off and a non-working holiday? About this special occasion you can

2. February 2017
From 23 to 26 February 2017
3. March 2017
March 8, 2017
4. April 2017

Non-working in April holidays no, only regular weekends, Saturday and Sunday.

5. May 2017
from April 29, 2017 to May 1, 2017 inclusive, from May 6 to May 9, 2017 inclusive.
6. June 2017
from June 10, 2017 to June 12, 2017 inclusive.
7. July 2017
8. August 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

9. September 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

10. October 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

11. November 2017
From November 4 to November 6, 2017 inclusive.

— November 4, 2017 — Day national unity, a non-working holiday coinciding with a day off, Saturday.

12. December 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

The weekend at the junction of 2017 and 2018 will begin on Saturday, December 30, 2017, and will most likely last 9 (Nine) days, until January 7, 2018 inclusive.

Detailed information about weekends and transfers of rest days in 2018 is described in the article “POSTPONEMENTS OF REST DAYS IN 2018, OR ALL WEEKENDS IN 2018”.

When they get close new year holidays, many are beginning to wonder about how we relax on New Year 2017. Previously, in the USSR, citizens were not tormented by such a question; the New Year holiday officially lasted only one non-working day - January 1. In Russia, holidays increased noticeably in January, and last years their number varies slightly every year. Therefore, the question of how to relax for the New Year 2016-2017 in Russia is quite appropriate.

How many days the weekend lasts for the January holidays is important for many Russians. A state employee wants to know when his work will begin, a student wants to know when the session will begin, parents of schoolchildren are wondering where they can relax for the New Year in order to return in time for the end of the holidays, which usually end with the holidays.

Holidays 2017 (with transfers)

Every year, by decree of the Government of the country, the number of weekends and holidays in the coming year is determined and the Ministry of Labor informs citizens.

Over the past few years, when discussing the list public holidays There have been repeated proposals to add the last day of the year to January 1 and make it an official holiday when Russians legally rest. But, perhaps because the majority of those making this decision are men, December 31 is still a working day.

In 2016, we were all lucky and the last day of the outgoing year falls on Saturday, so the New Year holidays will last about the same as before: nine days from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2017.

Despite the fact that the entire country cannot have all 9 days off at the same time, according to the Labor Code, the number of working days and holidays for, for example, all state employees should be the same, regardless of work schedule. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the production calendar for January, which legally determines their number.

Of the New Year's holidays, only two have the status of public holidays: January 1 - New Year, and January 7 - Christmas. They fall on weekends in 2017, but they will be moved not to January, but to other months, joining other official holidays, creating several more mini-vacations throughout the year.

In January 2017, according to the Government decree, we will have a rest from 1 to 8 inclusive, returning to work on January 9. In accordance with the production calendar for 2017, in the first month of the year we will rest for 14 days, which includes eight days of New Year holidays and six days of regular weekends. Of the 31 days of January, 17 remain working.

List of public holidays, memorable dates and holidays is approved in the country at the legislative level, and is replenished from time to time. For example, in 2011, Pushkin Day of Russia or Russian Language Day appeared, which is celebrated on June 6.

Or more recently, in 2014, the State Duma of the Russian Federation established the Day of the Unknown Soldier on December 3. But not all holidays and memorial days included in this list are non-working days. On some of them, work awaits us, as on other weekdays, but they are celebrated with various festive events.

The number of official holidays that are non-working days in Russia in 2017 remained the same, the same as in 2016.

The list of non-working official holidays remained unchanged, but thanks to the practice that has developed in recent years, postponing weekends if they fall on them official holidays, for other days of the work week, the calendar of holidays changes slightly every year.

The fact is that every year non-working holidays fall on different days weeks and it doesn’t always make sense to postpone weekends in order to combine them into small vacations. So, for example, in 2017, March 8 fell on a Wednesday and they did not move Saturday and Sunday to it. Russians will celebrate it with a day off in the middle of the week. But with the rest of the holidays they did it differently.

  • The holiday on January 1 was moved to February 24, thanks to which we will be able to celebrate February 23 for four days from February 23 to February 26.
  • May 1, as we see, is Monday, so we will celebrate it for three days from April 29 to May 1.
  • January 7, which fell on a Saturday, gave us an additional day off on Monday, May 8, thanks to which the weekend was able to join Victory Day, and this gave 4 days of rest from May 6 to 9.
  • Summer will delight us with a three-day weekend from June 10 to 12.
  • The last series of non-working days awaits us in November: from November 4 to 6.

During the holidays, we have the chance to properly manage our own time in order to spend it wisely and with pleasure.

New Year holidays for Russians are one of the most long-awaited events. After all, it’s true that in the middle of the year you can relax for a few days, fly to warmer climes, enjoy time spent with your family and, of course, receive a lot of gifts.

It is not customary to work on New Year's Day: relaxation and fun are what are valued. But at the same time, those organizations where revenue can reach its peak these days do not miss the chance to work an extra hour and make a good profit during the entire New Year holidays.

First working day in January 2017 For the majority of the population it will be January 9th. This means that the holidays will last for 9 days: from December 31 to January 8. Stock up on groceries, gifts, good mood and enjoy every day of your winter holiday without thinking about problems!

These are not all the surprises from the government for working citizens. So, the list that is subject to transfer was recently approved.

In 2017, they were installed in the following sequence:

  • January 1, 2017 (Sunday). This holiday day off was moved to February 24, 2017
  • January 7, 2017 - Christmas Day (Saturday). The holiday has been postponed to May 8

As you can see, due to the fact that the holiday weekend was redirected to another date, additional legal weekends are preserved, only they will appear in other months.

The approved schedule is extremely convenient and practical, because it allows you to rationally use work time during the New Year holidays, so that people have a good rest, gain strength and readily begin to fulfill their official duties.

By the way, now you can start thinking about your New Year holidays, discussing holiday program with family and friends. Perhaps one of you will decide to go on a long trip to hot countries - during the winter holidays you can do whatever you want, fortunately, the number of days off allows this.

Features of the work schedule in January

Despite the fact that the January holidays are approved by law, for some workers whose work activities are somewhat different from the generally accepted ones (shift work), the first working day may come several days earlier or later.

Labor legislation provides for such a state of affairs, provided that the work schedule is agreed upon with the employee himself, and he agrees to perform his job duties during the New Year's period.

It is worth noting that such working days must be paid at an increased rate and the employee has the right to an additional day off at any time convenient for him. This decision must also be agreed upon with the administration.

Benefits of a long weekend

Many of you probably already know the main advantage of a long weekend - proper rest. But besides it, there are some other factors that make long rest valuable and, at times, necessary:

  • The body is restored, replenished with new strength, new rational ideas appear
  • Prevention of mass diseases, primarily influenza
  • Good earnings from taxi drivers, restaurateurs, travel agencies, cultural institutions
  • Opportunity to visit distant countries.

Shortened working days in January

Exiting the holiday marathon becomes a difficult challenge. It takes several days for the body to get ready for work and return to its previous work routine. Therefore, January 9 cannot be considered a full working day. As a rule, this day is spent talking about who spent the holidays, people exchange emotions and photographs.

By the way, most employers also do not immediately get involved in work, so they understand that it is unrealistic to achieve major production results on the first day after the New Year holidays. On January 13, the Old New Year begins - this day will be shortened at many enterprises in the country.

January 19 (Thursday) is one of the most significant days for the Orthodox Church. It's coming. On this holiday, people are accustomed to following the ancient custom of swimming in an ice hole. What kind of work is there when all thoughts are hovering around the ice font...

Long holidays due to weather conditions

As a rule, there have not been low temperatures in Russia for a long time. winter periods, but the weather is unpredictable in this regard. It cannot be said that “Epiphany frosts” will not occur in 2017.

If temperature regime drops below 20-25 degrees, many institutions close. Then workers, children and students have additional time to relax. In addition, some work cannot be carried out at low temperatures (construction, repair work), so employees are forced to stay at home and wait for warmer weather.

They only dream of peace!

There is a special category of workers for whom rest for the New Year holidays can only be imagined in a sweet dream. Ambulance, police, fire service, military and transport workers - this is the main layer of specialists who do not sleep even when it’s New Year’s Eve. But their ability to work is compensated by cash bonuses and extraordinary days off during quieter times.

Whatever your New Year holidays are - long or short - try to spend them with benefit not only for yourself, but also for those around you. At this time, you can visit your relatives who live in another city; you can help your wife with the housework or finally finish the renovation. There are a lot of interesting and useful activities that allow you not only to relax, but also to do good!


As you know, it is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer. It is better to plan your holidays during the New Year holidays in advance. Information about how we will relax during the New Year holidays in 2017 will help us with this.

Labor Code on holidays in January

Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists non-working holidays, incl. falling on New Year's holidays.

January non-working holidays include:

  • New Year holidays - from January 1 to January 6, as well as January 8;
  • Christmas - January 7th.

Rules for transferring days off

If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, then this day off is transferred to the working day following the holiday. This general rule, enshrined in Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, it does not apply to non-working holidays in January. From January holidays coinciding with weekends, the Labor Code allows only two weekends to be postponed. This transfer procedure is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and is aimed at the rational use of weekends and non-working holidays.

Let us explain what this means with an example. With a five-day working week, the employee is entitled to two days off (Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As a rule, this is Saturday and Sunday.

In January 2017, 3 non-working holidays fall on Saturday and Sunday - January 1, January 7 and January 8, 2017. However, only 2 holidays will be transferred to working days.

How to relax in January 2017

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/04/2016 No. 756 “On the postponement of weekends in 2017”, January 1, 2017, which falls on a Sunday, is postponed to Friday, February 24, 2017, and Saturday, January 7, 2017 - to Monday, 8 May. The third holiday that falls on a weekend - Sunday, January 8, 2017 - will not be postponed.

Thus, the New Year holidays in 2017 will last from January 1 to January 8, 2017, and taking into account the fact that December 31, 2016 is a Saturday, we will rest from Saturday December 31, 2016 to Sunday January 8, 2017. The first working day of the new year will be Monday, January 9, 2017.

As the New Year holidays approach, the question of how long the January holidays will become increasingly relevant. After all, for a good vacation, you need to make plans in advance to buy or consider a trip to, visit your parents and friends, attend children's matinees, ice shows or concerts. For Russia, the January holidays, which combine the New Year and Christmas, have long become a tradition. Usually, after the postponement of weekends and holidays, Russians get the opportunity to rest for ten days. Let's see what you can expect in January 2017.

How long will the winter holidays 2017 be?

To date, State Duma deputies have not yet made a final decision on postponing the weekend. Every year, representatives of the Ministry of Health make an appeal to parliamentarians, in which they voice a request to reduce the length of weekends, since the people’s “time for alcoholic libations” is prolonged.

Traditionally, the New Year holidays are combined into a single period

The ministry believes that three or four days off will be quite enough, appealing to the experience of European countries. The final decision will be made in the summer of 2016, when deputies agree on the order on the production calendar. For now, we can only guess how rest days will be distributed in 2017, and how transfers can be made.

Estimated New Year holiday schedule

Traditionally, New Year and Christmas days receive the status of national holidays. Moreover, in the new year both of these days fall on weekends. January 1 is a Sunday, and January 7 falls on a Saturday, so Russians will receive several days of compensation. Most likely, the government will decide on New Year holidays lasting nine days, since December 31 is a Saturday, and January 8 is a Sunday, that is, a legal weekend.

Let's summarize the preliminary results of the weekend that Russians can count on in 2017:

  • December 31, 2016– Saturday, day off. Residents of Russia can plan a calm preparation for the New Year.
  • January 1, 2017– public holiday in honor of the New Year.
  • January 2, 2017 – January 6, 2017– the time from Monday to Friday will most likely be a rest period.
  • January 7, 2017– public holiday, Christmas Day.
  • January 8, 2017- Sunday afternoon.
  • January 9- going to work.

Presumably, the New Year holidays 2017 will last until January 8

Possible transfer options

Next, you need to figure out how holidays and weekends can be rescheduled. Deputies will have to pass an order to postpone the 1st and 7th, which fall on Sunday and Saturday. There are two possible scenarios here:

  • Option 1. The most likely dates for the transfer can be considered Friday, March 9 (this will allow Russians to rest for four days during the March holidays - from 8.03 to 11.03) and Monday, 11 June (in this case, there will also be a long weekend in June - from 9.06 to 12.06).
  • Option 2. This is an option that assumes that postponing the weekend will extend the time for Russian residents to take a mini-vacation from 1.05 to 6.05.