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How to clean a mink coat at home. How to carefully clean a mink coat yourself

You bought an expensive fur coat, you bought fur vest or snatched a hat at the annual sale, but after a while the fur of the product became shiny and lost its shine and color? Well, it happens to everyone! But knowing how to clean fur at home, you can very quickly restore the presentation of your “fluffy wardrobe.”

Before starting work, decide on the type of fur, because each of them has its own cleaning methods. Let's talk about them in more detail!

Arctic fox and silver fox

Fur coats or vests made from Arctic foxes and silver foxes can be easily cleaned at home, if, of course, you stock up on any of the products described.

Method 1 - ammonia

Method 2 – hair shampoo

To thoroughly clean the natural fur of the Arctic fox, use your own shampoo. An alternative would be pet shampoo, wool and silk detergent, or pure gasoline.

Chinchilla, muskrat, otter

The animals themselves clean themselves with sand. So why don’t you and I use this method?


To clean mink fur, you can safely use the following recipes.

Method 1 – vinegar and alcohol

Method 2 – ammonia, gasoline, water

  1. Combine 3 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  2. Treat the shiny parts with a swab.

Rabbit, goat, nutria and wolf

Rabbit fur will withstand any cleaning just fine. To restore your presentable appearance, choose any of these recipes.

Method 1 - alcohol and vinegar

Method 2 – bran (suitable for cleaning a white rabbit)

Method 3 – knock out the dust

How to clean white fur?

How to clean yellow fur from white fur? Be very careful not to spoil the pile and natural shade. First, try the product on an inconspicuous area, and then move on to cleaning the surface of the fur coat. Gives a good effect:

Be sure to hang your fur item in a well-ventilated area to allow it to dry completely.

Important! If you spill wine, juice, sauce, coffee, tea on a fur coat, vest or sheepskin coat, take it to the dry cleaner! Don't take risks with a home remedy to avoid damaging your fur.

Artificial fur

Modern faux fur is made so beautifully that it cannot be distinguished from natural products. For “fox”, “raccoon”, “mink” - the cost of such products will be much cheaper. But this does not mean that faux fur does not require any care! Remember a couple of recipes that will help you clean it from dirt.

Method 1 - glycerin, alcohol and water

Method 2 – starch and dish liquid

  1. Fill the starch with dishwashing gel.
  2. Apply the paste to the faux fur and spread with a brush.
  3. Wash off any residue with a clean sponge soaked in warm water. You can also leave the product until it dries completely, and then simply shake it off or brush it off.

Method 3 – machine wash

Unnatural fur coats can be washed in a machine on a delicate cycle. Spin cannot be used! Faux fur takes a long time to dry, so hang the product on a balcony or in a room with open windows. Make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. However, this also applies to natural fur. The sun will make the pile brittle. It will also lose its shine and may turn slightly yellow.

Method 4 - gasoline for greasy stains

Glossy pockets, sleeves or fur collar wipe with a cotton swab dipped in pure gasoline. An alternative to it would be a liquid for cleaning carpets and upholstery. In this case, follow the instructions on the package.

Important! The products will have to be washed off with water or a damp cloth!

Method 5 – powder and water

This is the safest and easiest way to clean faux fur!

  1. Prepare a soap solution by mixing washing powder (1 tbsp; should not contain bleaches) and 1 liter of water.
  2. Cool this liquid and apply it to the fur using a cotton swab or a regular washcloth.
  3. At the end of the process, wash off the foam with a clean cloth soaked in warm water.

Now you know exactly how and with what to clean fur at home. But don’t forget about the nuances, because they are very important!

  • Do not dry the fur item by hanging it on a radiator, ironing it or blowing it with a hairdryer;
  • For natural fur, washing is strictly prohibited. The flesh should not get wet!
  • Vinegar is contraindicated for faux fur;
  • Do not use sawdust from coniferous trees for cleaning - they contain resin;
  • Do not comb the astrakhan fur, just shake it well;
  • If the fur has lost its shine, soak a cotton cloth in glycerin or table vinegar and run it through the pile. Apply alcohol on top and comb the fur with a comb. Do not repeat too often - vinegar makes the fur hard;
  • To prevent the base of the fur collar from becoming rough over time, regularly treat it with a glycerin solution (1 part water and 1 part glycerin).

Video: bio-cleaning of fur:

Clothes have the unpleasant property of getting dirty while being worn. If we are talking about T-shirts or trousers, they are easier to clean than, for example, mink coat. All fur products require careful care and compliance with certain precautions. Mink is not as easy to clean as it might seem at first glance. At the slightest failure to follow the instructions, there is a risk of irreversibly damaging the product.

Cleaning a mink with sawdust

If we talk about production enterprises, mink products are cleaned there using sawdust. The method is effective, so take a closer look at it first.

  1. You will need, respectively, sawdust and medical alcohol. It is better to purchase sawdust from pet stores; it should be made from oak, aspen, maple or linden.
  2. Prepare a container, place sawdust in it and pour alcohol. From some sources you can find out that gasoline is suitable for filling. But after it the unpleasant smell will remain for a long time.
  3. Mix sawdust with alcohol. Lay the fur item on a table or other flat surface. Sprinkle with the prepared mixture.
  4. Gently begin to knead the fur with your hands so that during the manipulation the wood absorbs all the dirt. Then shake out the fur coat and comb it with a special brush for fur products.

Cleaning mink with shampoo

Often stains appear on fur products that need to be eliminated first. In this case, sawdust will not help; a radical approach is required.

  1. Choose a shampoo with maximum moisture so that the product does not dry out the skin of the product. Prepare a bowl of water at room temperature or bring the liquid to a maximum of 30 degrees.
  2. Pour in a capful of shampoo and mix with your hands. It is important to get a dense foam. Take a second container and fill it with clean (soft) water without impurities.
  3. Spread the fur coat on a flat surface, arm yourself with a sponge. Dip it into the solution and walk over the area of ​​the fur that needs cleaning.
  4. Do not wet the fur too much so that the fur coat does not become too wet later. Try not to touch the leather part at all.
  5. After wiping, wipe with a clean cloth soaked in warm water. Then get rid of the moisture on the fur coat using a paper towel or napkins.
  6. Finally, comb the fur with a thin comb or a special clothes brush. Leave the fur coat to dry on hangers in a well-ventilated area.

Cleaning a mink with sand

The method is environmentally friendly and safe. To clean a mink coat, follow the instructions.

  1. Collect river sand, then rinse it under the tap several times. Additionally, pour boiling water over it and allow excess moisture to drain.
  2. Prepare a frying pan, put all the sand in it and heat it over the fire to a temperature between medium and high.
  3. Spread the mink coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with warm sand. Touch only the dirtiest areas of the product.
  4. Wait until the sand reaches room temperature. Then shake the fur coat and comb it.

At home, you can clean a mink coat using regular powder or talc. The composition is famous for its ability to absorb excess dirt and grease. Especially effective way turns out to be for a mink white.

  1. Before you start working, equip yourself with thin medical gloves. Choose a flat surface and spread the fur product on it.
  2. Sift the talc, then sprinkle it over the entire fur coat with contaminated areas. There is no need to spread the powder, as they say, in a heap. Just work the pile thoroughly.
  3. When the powder covers the entire fur coat, begin to slowly rub it into the surface. After this, take the product out into fresh air and shake gently.
  4. You can additionally work on the item with a hairdryer using cold air. This way the powder is blown out of the product cavity faster. Finally, comb your fur coat.
  5. Talcum powder can be purchased at a pharmacy. But if you don't have this option, use regular corn or potato starch. The processing technology is identical. The main thing is to comb your fur coat well at the end.

Cleaning a mink with semolina

Semolina is one of those inexpensive food products that are also widely used in everyday life. Choose a high-quality composition and follow the instructions.

  1. Semolina returns shine to a fur coat and perfectly absorbs dirt. To begin manipulation, select a flat surface and spread the product.
  2. Semolina copes with dirt on pockets, collars, and cuffs. It also removes yellowness, which often appears on white fur products.
  3. Sprinkle dry semolina onto the contaminated areas and rub in gently with your hands without pressing hard. After this, shake out the item of clothing well and comb your fur coat.

How to clean stains from a mink fur coat

All of the above methods, with the exception of cleaning with shampoo, refer to dry processing. To remove stubborn stains from the surface of a fur product, you will have to resort to the wet method.

Soap solution

  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 degrees into a basin, add a little baby shampoo or liquid soap. Beat until foamy.
  2. Spread the mink product on the table, dip the sponge into the solution and walk over the contaminated areas.
  3. Do not wet the leather part to avoid causing dampness. After cleansing, treat the fur coat with a damp, clean cloth and comb the fur.

Table vinegar

  1. The solution is used to add shine to white and dark fur products. Arm yourself with vinegar with a concentration of no higher than 6%. Soak a cotton sponge in it and squeeze out.
  2. Spread the item on the table and carefully walk over the stained area. If the fur is short, move against its growth. For long movements, they are carried out according to height.
  3. To avoid damaging your favorite product, be sure to squeeze out the cotton pad. Vinegar should not penetrate the skin of the fur coat.

Gasoline for lighters

  1. Gasoline for refilling lighters is considered the purest, and therefore is suitable for removing complex contaminants from fur products. This option is only suitable for dark fur coats.
  2. Dampen a clothes brush, then brush the item with it. Do not exert strong mechanical influence, move with a “light hand”.
  3. Finally, leave the fur coat in the fresh air to air. The main thing is to avoid direct exposure ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, stains will appear on the item.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

  1. Often, after a season of wearing a fur coat, the fur remains almost clean, which cannot be said about the lining. To carry out the manipulation with maximum benefit, it is recommended to tear off the fabric. Use a special tool, do not damage the product.
  2. After carefully performing the manipulation, wash the fabric. Determine the type of lining in advance and set the appropriate mode on washing machine. If the fabric is made of polyester or silk, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. If the lining is made of cotton, the temperature may be higher. After washing, the product must be rinsed thoroughly. This way you can avoid streaks when drying. After the last step, iron the fabric thoroughly and carefully sew it back onto the fur coat.
  4. Not everyone decides to take such a responsible step. If you doubt that you can sew the lining properly, peel it off the fur coat. Please note that in this case the manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should you wet the bottom of your fur coat.
  5. To properly clean the lining, it is recommended to saturate the sponge with foam and distribute the soap mixture over the inside of the fur coat. Next, the fabric must be cleaned with a clothes brush. The soap solution is removed with a damp sponge. After this, blot the lining with a cloth.
  6. Hang the fur coat on a hanger in a suitable place, the temperature should be at room temperature. Please note that there should not be high humidity in the room. It's no secret that in wet weather in winter, a fur coat gets dirty from the bottom most of all, so it is recommended to sew on an additional lining in advance.

Precautionary measures

In order not to spoil an expensive product, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Remember, a fur coat should not be washed under any circumstances. As a result, the fur becomes irrevocably deformed and deteriorates.
  2. Do not try to dry the product near radiators, open fires or heaters. The fur also deteriorates.
  3. If you find yourself in adverse weather conditions and your fur coat gets wet, hang it on a hanger. Dry the product in a room at natural temperature.
  4. Do not even think about ironing the fur, even at the lowest temperature. In any case, you will not be able to get rid of severe wrinkles without consequences.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to store the product folded. If this has already happened, hang the fur coat on a hanger. After some time it should stretch out.

  1. Clean fur only when necessary. Look at the degree of contamination of the product. Due to frequent dry cleaning, the pile loses its original structure and begins to crumble. Make it a habit to use the services of professionals.
  2. On average, mink coats can withstand up to 5 dry cleanings. It is prohibited to keep fur coats in plastic bags. This material highly electrifies the pile. In addition, the fur deteriorates due to lack of oxygen.
  3. Every time you leave an item for long-term storage in a special room, make sure there are no pests. To prevent the fur coat from being damaged by various insects, it is recommended to treat the room with special products.
  4. IN people's councils A simple newspaper has worked well in pest control. Stuff the sleeves with paper; the printed ink repels insects (moths). In addition, the fur coat will maintain good shape. It is prohibited to store other fur items nearby.
  5. Remember that fur products perfectly absorb various odors. Therefore, the room must be thoroughly ventilated before storage. You can put a special bag with pleasant incense in the room.
  6. It is forbidden to spray perfume on a fur coat; the cosmetic product often leaves stains. The latter cannot be removed even with dry cleaning. Do not try to constantly carry a bag on your arm or shoulder. In this place, the fur will soon simply be erased.

If your mink fur coat is not too dirty, resort to dry cleaning methods. In this case, semolina, unscented talc, and hot sand are suitable. To remove complex contaminants, you will need sophisticated artillery in the form of gasoline for refilling lighters, vinegar solution, and shampoo with water. Be sure to follow safety precautions when working with fur products.

Video: cleaning a white mink coat

To clean a mink coat, you need to correctly determine the cleaning method; this will help avoid damage and restore the natural shine of the mink. Important points The choice is the type of pollution and the color of the fur.

Loss of color and attractiveness occurs as a result of the accumulation of dust and small debris among the fibers, as well as the appearance of other types of contaminants. Their detection indicates the need for cleaning.

From the dirt

The easiest way to remove dirt from a mink coat is dry cleaning. First, the product must be hung on hangers and dried thoroughly at room temperature. It is not recommended to use heaters; this will only worsen the situation. When the fur is dry, you need to arm yourself with a special brush and comb it in the direction of the pile. After the final shaking, the fur coat will be free of dirt and will return to its previous appearance. If dust and unpleasant odors bother you, you can use semolina:

  • the product is laid out on a flat surface;
  • sprinkle generously with cereal;
  • then wipe thoroughly with a brush;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour and finally shake.

More difficult stains can be removed by wet cleaning with soapy water. Shavings laundry soap need to be diluted with a small amount of water and stirred until smooth. Alternatively, you can use a thick detergent. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • moisten the brush in the solution;
  • Wipe off contaminated areas;
  • Remove any remaining product with a dry cloth.

After the cleaning procedure, the mink coat will need to be dried and combed through the pile. In addition to ordinary dirt, this method will be effective against traces of juice, coffee and tea stains.

From fat

If greasy stains appear on a mink coat, talc or starch will be an effective remedy. They absorb fat well, and when used skillfully, completely remove traces of it and help eliminate odors. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with rubber gloves:

  • the fur coat must be laid out on a horizontal surface;
  • sprinkle talcum powder on all grease stains;
  • lightly rub the product into areas of contamination;
  • then shake off the powder and comb the fur.

When using starch, you should be especially careful and carefully remove it after cleaning. Otherwise, when wet, it will damage the fur even more.

In difficult cases, you can use more radical methods:

  • 6% vinegar solution, medical alcohol and water are mixed in equal proportions and applied with a brush or sponge for half an hour;
  • with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2 with the addition of a teaspoon of salt, treat the fur along the pile;
  • Purified gasoline, using a cotton swab, disk or cloth, is applied to the stain until completely removed.

After cleaning the fur in this way, the mink coat should be wiped with a dry and clean cloth. Remaining odors are removed by ventilation. Vinegar, alcohol or gasoline can have a negative effect on the condition of the fur, so it is better to first check the reaction in inconspicuous areas.

From yellowness

The main reason for yellowness is sunburn; another factor is abuse. essential oils and perfumes. There are several simple and available ways that will help get rid of this defect.

For white color, sprinkling with hot wheat bran is used:

  • the bran is preheated in a saucepan with constant stirring;
  • clothes are laid out evenly on a horizontal surface with the pile facing up;
  • then sprinkle with hot bran and brush.
  • the ingredients are mixed until a thick, homogeneous paste;
  • the mixture is applied to the site of contamination;
  • After drying, the product is swept away with a brush, the fur is combed along the pile.

Another method involves mixing gasoline with sawdust, the mixture is used in a similar way.

Many small spots on a mink coat are cleaned with a mixture of shampoo, soap and powder, which should not contain dyes:

  • the components must be mixed in equal proportions;
  • lay the product on a flat surface;
  • apply the solution to a soft sponge and gently clean the pile;
  • After removing stains, the fur should be combed with a special brush.

You can quickly remove yellowness with a solution of ammonia and peroxide: add a teaspoon of peroxide and a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water. The moistened cotton wool is inserted into a wide comb and the product is cleaned by combing along the pile.

By color

When choosing products for caring for a mink coat, especially at home, you need to take into account the color of the product. Solutions that successfully clean dark-colored fur can be harmful.

White (light)

This extremely easily soiled product must be cleaned with dye-free products. Dry cleaning with talcum powder or powder is suitable for this purpose, as well as wet cleaning using solutions based on peroxide or ammonia.

  1. The fur coat is laid out on the table, the dirty areas are moderately sprinkled with talc or powder, after a few hours the product is removed along with the dirt, then the pile is combed.
  2. A tablespoon of peroxide is diluted in a liter of water, a cotton pad moistened and wrung out is used for cleaning, with long fur, move along the pile, with short fur, against the pile.
  3. A tablespoon of ammonia and three of the same tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 1 - 2 liters of water and the fur is cleaned in a similar way, after drying, combing is performed.

When using peroxide or ammonia, do not allow the solution to get on the base, this can lead to a mink coat and the impossibility of further wearing it.


You can restore color and remove stains from a blue-colored fur coat using blue dye. The product must be mixed with water until light blue shade. Gently work the pile with a dampened sponge, dry it, then comb it.


Most of the listed methods are suitable for removing stains and other contaminants from a black mink coat. However, to restore shine, the most effective recipe is using bran and walnuts. First, cleaning is performed with bran heated to 65°C until all contaminants are completely removed. After this, the walnut grains are ground to flour, tied in a gauze bag and the pile is processed from root to tip. The oil released by the nut will give the product its original shine.

How to dry clean a mink coat

If you have doubts about the effectiveness and safety of self-mink care methods, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Professional cleaning of such a fur coat is carried out in two ways.

  1. Treatment with a special organic solution.
  2. Debonding with sawdust or organic granules. This will allow you to get rid of stains, yellowness, and remove abrasions on the mink coat with minimal risk of damage.

To insure yourself against defects and defects, you need to describe in detail the condition of the product in the service contract and indicate the contamination that needs to be eliminated.

Cleaning a mink hat

Most of the listed methods are suitable for a mink hat. But the most effective and safest cleaning will be using shampoo for fur products:

  • a small amount of shampoo is poured into the basin;
  • pour water, foaming the composition with a shower head;
  • use a sponge soaked in foam to clean the fur;
  • Remove excess foam with a clean and slightly damp sponge.

As an alternative to special shampoo, you can use shampoos for woolen products or liquid soap.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to clean a fur coat with carpet and upholstery cleaning products?

The listed compositions are only suitable for artificial fur, it natural analogue too sensitive. It is better to use other means with a more delicate effect.

Why is it better not to use semolina when cleaning a mink coat?

Semolina is a good abrasive natural origin, so it is recommended for mink care. However, during such cleaning, care should be taken to remove every grain. Residues of cereals can become limp under the influence of moisture and damage the condition of the fur.

Is it possible to steam fur if it is wrinkled?

Fur with creases is a common occurrence, usually the result of long and careless storage. It's better to try to fix the defect naturally, that is, let the product hang, then comb it with a special brush. But, if this does not help, you can use steam treatment, but do not allow the pile to get wet; the distance to the steam source should be at least half a meter.


Because of small stains and dirt, you don’t want to take your fur coat to the dry cleaner. Moreover, it can easily be spoiled there, and not all points accept it. Cleaning your fur coat yourself will require a little patience.

When to clean your fur coat

First, let's figure out when to clean your fur coat. Everyone knows that the service life of fur products is quite long. The rabbit deteriorates the fastest, its warranty period is 4 years, you will wear the arctic fox for up to 7 years, the mink will delight you for 12 years, but otter and beaver fur is considered a true long-liver among similar products - their warranty period reaches 2 decades.

The main signs of wear on a fur coat:

dust contamination with plaque;
loss of shade uniformity;
the presence of debris among the villi;
the presence of tangled knots, lumps, split ends on the villi.

What manipulations are prohibited with fur coats:

wash, wash, moisten with water and detergents of any type;
Dry over a flame, near a radiator or heater. After getting wet outside, the fur coat is dried in a ventilated room, but not where there are drafts, and not near the radiator;

Remember the rules for handling fur products in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Ironing fur is strictly prohibited. Such advice may look strange, but based on statistics from dry cleaners, many girls bring fur coats that have been ironed on the lining. It seemed to them that the fur coat was wrinkled, so they decided to iron it. This cannot be done!

Cleaning a fur coat from dust with your own hands

After being in the closet, even if there is a cover, the fur coat becomes dusty. To clean a fur coat from dust, you need to gently shake or beat it.

Someone cleans using a vacuum cleaner, but this is not the most the best option, because direct air flows are undesirable for the pile.

It is excellent to clean a fur coat using a coarse brush for the hair of cats or dogs. A similar metal comb is available in every pet store, so if you have a fur product, buy this accessory.

It is important to comb your fur coat at least 2 times a month, because any fur and pile require careful care.

Cleaning a fur coat at home

Let's consider options for cleaning fur coats at home from different types fur:

Arctic fox coat.

To care for the fur coat, you will need a solution of ammonia: about 1 tsp. alcohol, 3 tsp. salt and ½ liter of water. Moisten the cotton wool with this mixture and comb the fur to remove stains. The final touch is drying the fur coat.

Mink coat.

The process of cleaning mink fur will help add shine to the fur. And this is the main task in this situation. The shine is lost due to the leaching of fat, which is introduced as follows:

100 grams of fat (fish or pork) and 10 grams of soap are dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water;

Each type of fur has its own characteristics, so it is important to know what products are suitable for cleaning each of them.

constantly stirring the ingredients, pour in 12 drops of ammonia;
cool the composition to 35 degrees and lubricate the fur coat with a brush.

Rabbit fur coat.

The initial cleaning of rabbit fur is done with a comb. Then take a cotton swab moistened in 5% vinegar or 5% peroxide. It is used to treat the villi in the direction of growth. After this, the remaining cleaning products are removed with slightly moistened cotton wool, making sure that the leather base does not get wet.

Astrakhan fur coat.

If gray astrakhan has turned yellow, then it is lightened by using a 3-5% peroxide solution - proportion 1 tsp. for 1 tbsp. water, plus a couple drops of ammonia.

Otter or beaver fur coat.

Fur coats made from this type of fur are cleaned with heated dry sand. Place the fur coat face up on a flat surface, cover it with sand and rub it with your hands. Dirty sand needs to be shaken off and clean sand poured in again. Repeat the manipulations until the fur is completely cleaned.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning fur

So let's consider detailed instructions How to clean a fur coat yourself:

First, carefully but thoroughly beat out the fur coat, and then clean it with a brush moistened with gasoline. Light-colored fur, so that it does not turn yellow, is lubricated with peroxide mixed with water (1 spoon per 1 liter). If the fur has turned yellow, then wipe it with a solution with a higher concentration, but along the top of the pile;
If the fur coat is wrinkled, then lubricate it with a slightly moistened sponge to wet the lint. Then comb the fur in the direction of growth and let it dry. After drying, knock it out;
The sheepskin coat is cleaned with a solution of soap and ammonia with frequent changes of water. Buy ammonia and dilute it in a ratio of 1:5 with water. Soak a cotton swab in it and walk over the greasy area. Afterwards, go over with a sponge moistened with vinegar and water (1 tsp per 1 liter). Now carefully blot the moisture with gauze and dry naturally. After the sheepskin coat is completely dry, wipe the surface with an eraser. The final step is to wipe the item with a suede brush;
Potato peelings are not always worth throwing away. Sometimes they help a lot. Rinse them with water and grind them in a meat grinder, pour a couple of drops of ammonia into the composition. Rub with the mixture old fur and put away the suede. Apply to dirty spot and brush over it, and then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. Dry after this at normal temperature;

Subject to simple rules cleaning, your fur coat will always please the eye with a pleasant appearance and maintain its quality for a long time.

if light fur gets too dirty, then gasoline and starch will come to the rescue. Starch must be mixed with filtered gasoline. The resulting product is used to treat the villi and leave to dry. Afterwards the fur coat is thoroughly shaken out;
In order to restore the softness of the fluff of a fur coat, yolk, glycerin and petroleum jelly will help. Grind the yolk with 1 spoon of Vaseline, pour in ½ liter of heated water. The product is lubricated on the base of the fur, dried and kneaded, stretching in different directions;
in order to restore elasticity to the product, the base leather is treated with glycerin, which is diluted in clean water;
To get rid of the hardening of the flesh, you will need to moisten it with a vinegar solution (2 spoons per 1 liter of water), knead it and carefully pull it in different directions. Repeat the manipulations 2-3 times with an interval of a couple of hours. After this, stretch the coat and dry it. Then knead again and treat with a fat emulsion (100 g of castor oil and 20 drops of ammonia per 1 liter of heated water). Then the fur coat needs to be kept folded for 4 hours, then unfolded again and dried;
greasy dirt from light-colored fur is removed with a mixture of ammonia, salt and water (1 tsp, 3 tsp and ½ liter);

To achieve a pleasant and lasting shine of the pile, wipe it with a cloth moistened with vinegar essence. Another option is ground walnuts, which you need to pour into 2 layers of gauze and lubricate the fur with such a swab. The fur coat absorbs and gets a beautiful shine;
Products made from artificial fur are sometimes sprayed with an antistatic agent. It will help avoid contamination and remove static electricity which attracts dust;
You can clean artificial fur by creating a soap solution. About 3 tablespoons of synthetic product are mixed with 1 liter of water, whipping into foam. Then it is picked up on a brush and the pile is wiped with foam. Residues are removed with natural cloth.

Dark fur coat

In order to add beauty to a dark fur coat, you need to purchase bran (dietary additive) and take ½ tbsp. walnuts. The bran is heated in the oven or microwave to 65 degrees. Now rub the product into the fur, making movements as if washing by hand, until the bran absorbs all the impurities.

Now grind the nuts into flour and tie them with a double layer of gauze. Use this “bag” to wipe the pile from root to tip. The oil will nourish the hairs and they will get a beautiful shine.

Light fur coat

Home remedies help clean light fur coats quite effectively. For cleaning you will need semolina and starch. This is sprinkled on the fur coat and combed thoroughly.

Alcohol solution, vinegar-based compounds, peroxide - all this effectively removes stains of dirt and grease. But use on real fur similar means associated with considerable risk. If the proportions are exceeded and the mixture gets on the inside, the product noticeably deteriorates.

Some people recommend using dog shampoo to clean a light coat. The idea is, of course, interesting, but it lacks common sense. Let's consider 2 methods of cleaning light fur:

First option.

The best option is starch. They thoroughly cover the fur with it and wipe it until all the dirt is collected with the powder. After the manipulations, the fur coat is thoroughly shaken out and combed. If a very gray powder comes out of the fur, then the manipulations are repeated.

Features of cleaning dark and light fur differ. Consider this point when choosing a product.

To clean old sheepskin, starch is also used. Then, from a spray bottle, the edge is sprayed with a solution based on laundry detergent, and the composition is smeared over the wool with your hands. After the composition has dried, you need to brush it off, shake it and comb it with a slicker.

Second option.

You can clean dirty fur yourself like this: sprinkle the lint with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Wheat or rye bran or dried sawdust from deciduous trees are suitable for this purpose. Another option is semolina, potato flour and starch. The fur is gently rubbed with your palms so that the dirt is absorbed into the product. Afterwards, shake it off and carefully clean the pile with a brush.

Proper storage of fur

Finally, let’s look at the rules for storing fur:

before storing a fur coat after winter, it needs to be thoroughly dried in the room or in the shade outside;
After this, gently shake or shake out the fur coat. A suitable storage method would be in a paper or polyethylene bag with anti-moth product included. But make sure air gets into the polyethylene cover. Otherwise, the fur will deteriorate;
so that the cover does not wrinkle during storage, it is not folded on a shelf, but hung in a closet;
because Light-colored fur turns yellow due to light, then the fur coat is stored in a thick case;
You should not hang things made of dyed and natural fur nearby, since dyed fur will fade;

do not hang a fur coat near a whitewashed wall, lime has a negative effect on the pile;
if the fur coat is wrinkled, then wipe it with a damp sponge, and then shake and dry;
It is best to store a fur headdress in a box or paper case.

How not to get your fur coat dirty

So that you don’t have to clean your fur product later, let’s look at tips that will tell you how to avoid getting your fur coat dirty:

Protect fur from direct exposure to the sun. In addition, the fur coat does not like bright artificial lighting. You've probably noticed that the products hanging in the store already look unattractive. Instead of a snow-white or milky shade, the fur becomes yellowish;

To avoid having to get rid of stubborn stains, take some precautions when wearing a fur coat.

save fur from pests. Moths and carpet beetles love to feast on fur, especially that which has been in the closet for a long time. You can protect your fur coat from insects the right way storage in a case with perforations and the addition of lavender sprigs;
Make sure that there are no stains from cosmetics and perfume. Perfumes and foundations are the enemies of fur. Apply perfume ahead of time, and only then put on your fur coat. Foundations no less dangerous. Wear a scarf around your neck to protect your fur;
Avoid contact with nubuck and suede accessories. If the bag is made from them, then it is important to ensure that they do not touch, and of course do not rub, against the fur. A light one will easily turn into the shade of the bag, while a dark one may simply lose its shine.

We looked at the most popular ways to clean fur at home. But remember that before using any of them, you should carry out a trial test on an inconspicuous area in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. In addition, you should not immediately try aggressive methods using peroxide, vinegar, etc. The wrong combination and proportions will greatly harm the fur product.

January 26, 2014, 18:30

After a long winter, with the onset of warmth, fur coats, fur hats, vests and boots are placed in the closet for a long time.

To extend the service life of products, it is necessary to store them correctly, and before storage, put them in complete order, clean, dry and comb thoroughly.

To rid your favorite fur coat or fur collar of dirt, it is not at all necessary to take the product to the dry cleaner, where it can be damaged.

And dry cleaning does not always undertake cleaning of natural fur, and if it does, it costs a lot of money.

Besides chemicals contain aggressive components and significantly reduce the service life of the item. It is much better to be patient and use very inexpensive means at hand in order to efficiently clean fur products without much effort without leaving your home.

Fur contamination is indicated by a dusty coating, loss of brightness or uniformity of color, debris in the hairs, stains of various origins, tangles, tangles and greasy hairs. But how to clean fur at home if it cannot be washed, dried near heat sources and ironed? In fact, everything is very simple - the main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

How to clean fur at home: from dust and dirt

You can check the degree of contamination of the fur by directing an air stream from a hair dryer at it. If the fibers easily scatter in the direction of the air, and then return to their place and shine, then dust has not accumulated in the fur coat and it does not need to be cleaned. When the fibers are stuck together, greasy and look sloppy, the product needs help.

Dust can be easily removed by wrapping the fur coat in a clean, damp sheet or any cotton fabric and beat out vigorously. It is more convenient to knock out by spreading a sheet on the floor, placing the product on it with the pile down.

Small items such as hats and detachable collars and cuffs can be easily cleaned using steam. To do this, you can use special steam cleaners or a steam jet from an iron, then the fur should be dried.

It cleans well of dirt and gives a well-groomed appearance and shine. lemon juice, diluted in equal quantities with water. The fur is wiped with a sponge soaked in the solution and wrung out well, after which it is dried and combed with a comb.

Cleaning a white fur coat

To remove dirt, you will need semolina, chalk, talc, baby powder or potato starch, which you generously sprinkle on the fur. The porous structure of the materials will absorb dirt, the substances will polish the hairs and give them additional shine. To clean the fur of a rabbit or hare, you can use rye or oatmeal.

Using gentle movements, the grain is rubbed into the pile, after which the fur coat needs to be shaken thoroughly. The remaining starch is combed out with a brush, first in the direction of hair growth, and then against it. Grey colour starch is a sure sign that the fur coat was really dirty. If the fur is very dirty, the manipulation should be repeated two or three times until the starch flows out white.

A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a glass of water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia will help return the product to its dazzling whiteness. This product should be sprayed onto the fur from a spray bottle and hung out to dry in the sun, but for no more than one day.

Dark fur products

Water, alcohol and vinegar mixed in equal quantities will help here. The solution is applied using a soft bristle brush or terry towel. For a better effect, you can wipe the pile several times, and then dry the fur coat on outdoors.

You can also take advantage of the absorbent properties of rye or wheat bran, pre-dried in the oven, or fine sifted sawdust. Sawdust from coniferous trees contains resin, so they cannot be used. Wood litter is perfect for a cat's litter box. The absorbent along with the lint should be carefully rubbed with your hands, simulating hand washing, trying not to damage the hairs or wrinkle them.

It is not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner to remove bran or sawdust; it can damage the fur; it is better to vigorously shake out the product.

To clean items with coarser fur, such as otter, nutria or mole, you can use hot, dry sand. This will remove dirt from the undercoat, which is especially thick in these animals.

How to clean fur at home if it is greasy

To rid the fur of greasy stains, traces of sweat or a greasy appearance, you will need gasoline. Use a sponge soaked in it to wipe off the contaminated areas. Fresh stains can be easily removed by moving along the pile, while old stains can also be removed in the opposite direction. In this case, it won’t hurt to dissolve a teaspoon in a liter of gasoline. washing powder, which will double the effect and cleanse the fur even of very old grease stains.

To comb the pile in gasoline, you can moisten a brush instead of a sponge.

This method is equally good for products made from long and thick fur, as well as for suede or nubuck.

It is important not to neglect safety measures. Cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area and away from open flames.

Light or white fur may turn yellow from gasoline; to clean it from grease and grease, it is better to use table salt with ammonia, mixing them in a ratio of 1 to 3. Any wool detergent or shampoo for bathing pets is also suitable to get rid of dirt. The product must be thoroughly beaten in warm water until a thick foam forms, which is used to treat the product. The foam should be washed off by waiting a few minutes, wiping the fur with a sponge soaked in clean water.

It is important to prevent the skin from getting wet, carefully squeeze the sponge, moving smoothly only along the surface of the pile.

Ordinary vinegar will return a beautiful shine. But after treatment, it is better to hang the fur coat in the air so that the smell disappears.

How to clean fur at home: from paint and ink

If something as bad as paint or ink stains happens, it’s no big deal. In this case, gasoline mixed with starch to form liquid sour cream will also help. The product must be applied to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Then use a slicker brush to comb the fur along the pile.

Oil paint can be easily removed with sunflower oil. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or disk in oil and wipe the stain with it along and against the pile.

Unfortunately, long-standing stains from paint or ink can be removed without using chemical substances much more difficult and sometimes almost impossible. Small stains can be wiped with acetone, solvent, turpentine or special means"White Spirit". Afterwards, be sure to clean the area with water containing baking soda, wipe with a dry towel and dry.

If all else fails, then it is better to take the product to the dry cleaner.

How to clean fur at home: from sauce and ketchup

Quite often you have to snack on the go, and while eating, small accidents cannot be ruled out when sauce or ketchup spills on a fur collar or cuff. Of course, it would be nice to immediately wipe the stains with a damp cloth, but what to do when the stains have already dried?

To get rid of them, you need to mix equal proportions of water, vinegar and cat shampoo or carpet and wool cleaning liquid. Apply the solution directly to the stain and leave for a while, being careful not to wet the undercoat. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.

You can also apply glycerin to the stain, and after a few minutes wipe the fur with a sponge soaked in warm water.

How to clean fur at home without ruining it

It is important not to spoil the expensive and beautiful thing wrong actions, so during home cleaning you should follow some rules:

1. Before cleaning, the product must be placed conveniently on a flat surface, preferably on the floor.

2. Before applying any product to the fur, you should try it on an inconspicuous area (for example, under the arms) so as not to damage an expensive item.

3. Under no circumstances should the fur be completely wet, especially the flesh. The product may become deformed, skewed, become rougher, and even burst.

5. After any treatment, the fur coat must be dried in the open air, but not under direct sun rays. This will help get rid of unpleasant odor and ventilate the pile. You should also not dry your fur with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or near any other heat source.

6. There is no need to comb the astrakhan fur; just shake it after cleaning and air it.

7. You cannot clean faux fur with vinegar or acetone.

8. Do not use aggressive fur coats for cleaning. detergents designed to remove rust.

9. In order for a product to last for decades, its care must be comprehensive. It is not enough to monitor only the condition of the fur. The leather base is susceptible to cracks and tears over time. To prevent this from happening and to make the skin more elastic, it is necessary to lubricate it vegetable oil, melted pork or fish oil.

All of the above methods are effective, but require caution when used. If the fur product is too dirty, the stains occupy a significant area, then it is better not to take risks, but still use the services of professionals. An important role in preserving the beautiful appearance The product also plays a role in its proper storage. The item must be placed in a linen bag with a bag of dried geranium flowers and orange peels in it to protect the item from moths. The fur must be ventilated and brushed frequently.