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How to congratulate a friend on his birthday in an original way.


Tips on how to congratulate a friend in an original way: You can always call a friend on his mobile phone. Fortunately they exist now Cell phones

, which make life much easier. You can call at any time convenient for you and wish whatever you want. Many guys love sports, especially football. If your birthday boy is one of them, then as a birthday gift you can give him original gift . And they will be - new soccer ball , on which you will write for your friend your sincere and sincere congratulations

with name days. On each piece of paper that makes up the ball itself, write down your wishes and compliments for it. Try to make them original and funny and make the birthday boy smile. In addition, you can present tickets to a match of his favorite football team. He will be grateful and simply happy. Phones, tablets, laptops, the Internet - things without which modern life is almost unthinkable. And thanks to the available opportunities, you can choose a cool and unique gift for our birthday boy. One of the options for such congratulations is voice congratulations

sent to the phone.

Remember that an important element of congratulations, in addition to the gift itself that will be given to a friend on his birthday, is your congratulatory speech, which you will definitely make when presenting the gift. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the words that you are going to say to him on this holiday, what you would most like to wish him to achieve or do. Perhaps you will decide that a comic toast will be just right, by the way, and will not only amuse the guests present at the table and the birthday person at the table, but will also surprise everyone with your originality.

It’s even more convenient to congratulate a friend via SMS. After all, you may not know whether your friend is busy or not, and late in the evening or early in the morning an SMS will come in handy. It won't hurt and will pleasantly surprise you. funny incidents what happened to you, the jokes you made at that time. Then, choosing the best and most fun, compose an original greeting card. Your friend will be incredibly surprised by this turn of events; this is probably the first time he has been given a card of this kind. Re-reading the contents of the postcard together will give you another hearty laugh.

If you can't think of a suitable one funny toast, then you can simply say a few warm and pleasant suggestions from yourself. The main thing is that you say exactly those words that will show your sincere attitude and joy for your friend on this holiday. Perhaps he has certain goals or aspirations in something that you know about, wish him to achieve them and achieve them.

Plan a surprise party for your friend. This is, of course, a great congratulation that requires a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it! You can arrange it at your home, or at a friend's. You can take him to a club or cafe and have an event right there.

To wish your friend a happy birthday, team up with your mutual friends. Instead of a traditional congratulation, give him a collage of photographs in which you and your friends depict different letters with your bodies. All these letters add up to words of heartfelt wishes and compliments for the birthday boy. To make your photos look original, dress in bright clothes, tie bows on your head or create interesting hairstyles and don’t forget about your sparkling smile. Paste all the photos onto a large sheet of whatman paper, and write your congratulations around each one or draw a cute and funny drawing.

“What’s in your name?!” - the words of the great poet. Our names contain a secret that accompanies us throughout our lives. And on your birthday, you can use your friend's name to wish him the best possible success. Nowadays, many services have been created that allow you to send various audio greetings to your phone. Here is one of them for you.
Select below musical congratulations with your friend's name

It’s hard to surprise a modern person with something, but you can try, especially if your friend’s birthday is approaching. This is both an exciting and enjoyable holiday. Because a friend is a piece of the soul, without which it is difficult to imagine your life. On this day, you need to use your imagination as much as possible and present an unexpected surprise, which is filled with pleasant and long-awaited gifts and emotions! To do this, you just need to imagine what you would like to receive on this day and where you would like to celebrate it! After all, real friends have similar tastes, and your ideas will appeal to a friend who will positively perceive everything that happens!

How to congratulate a friend on his birthday - make it a holiday

The surprise is not in the gift itself and the celebration in the restaurant. You need to do everything in such a way that the birthday person has no idea about your plans. To do this, you need to call all the invitees in advance and choose a place for the celebration after the surprise is presented to your friend. Be sure to warn everyone that the birthday person does not know about your plans.

A surprise in the form of a big cake, party hats, balloons and firecrackers will definitely please your friend. And the main thing in all this is the complete absence of any congratulations, so that the main hero of the occasion would think that everyone had forgotten about him.

To do this, you need to instruct a person to bring the birthday person to the specified place. This could be a work colleague who informs him that there will be dinner with partners in a cafe. And everyone invited will greet the birthday boy with joyful rejoicing and congratulations. The birthday boy will definitely like this surprise.

How to congratulate a friend on his birthday - congratulations

A great way to congratulate your friend is to send multiple congratulations. To do this, you need to contact your friends with a request to send a text to a certain number with the words: “Happy Birthday to the best comrade.” The birthday boy will be pleasantly surprised by such a number of messages from unknown numbers. For a long time he will not be able to guess who was the initiator of such an idea.

To increase the number of messages, you need to use a social network where people react very quickly to such posts. It is important that the birthday person does not see your surprise earlier than necessary, because otherwise it will not be successful.

How to wish a friend a happy birthday from your favorite singer or band

Another surprise, which is quite difficult to implement, is congratulations from your favorite actor or singer.

Of course, you know your friend’s idols. To contact one of them, you can see his tour schedule on the official website. Ideal option There will be an artist coming to your city for a friend’s birthday! To do this, you need to contact him to personally congratulate your friend. If he is far away, then you can ask him to make a voice message with in beautiful words. Such surprises have never left anyone indifferent.

How to congratulate a friend on his birthday - party

If the birthday person has invited guests to celebrate his birthday, then you need to make every effort to ensure that the party does not turn into an ordinary feast. So, a great option would be to create a mini-concert. To do this, guests need to prepare their rooms.

Surprise the birthday boy!

  • Any gift will be unforgettable and original if presented in an extraordinary and unusual way. So, writing a song can be a great idea. Such a surprise will remain in the memory of the birthday boy for a long time.
  • You can also choose an unusual gift in the shop unusual gifts. For example, a glowing alarm clock, a mug with an inscription, or interesting interactive things.
  • Your friend drives to work every morning and listens to the radio, then he will be pleased to hear congratulations live.
  • A banal, but very effective congratulation, written in chalk on the asphalt. Your friend will look outside and see a sight that will pleasantly please him.

In general, the best gifts are bright and sincere words written on a simple card. Surprise your friend original congratulations quite difficult. But if you use all your imagination, you can organize a gorgeous surprise. The main thing you need on your birthday is to know about the wishes of the birthday person. And only then will this day remain in his memory for a long time!

Close friends are those people whom you want to please and surprise, especially if it is their birthday. Of course, you want your gift to be remembered most of all. Cool voice congratulations on your mobile phone can be ordered for a friend in advance. But there are still many ways to distinguish yourself with a gift and cheer up on this holiday.

Make the gift unique

If you know for sure that your friend has a sense of humor, you can make a very original and cool gift. It could be toilet paper with wishes printed on it, board “alcoholic” games (for example, roulette with stacks), a chest with predictions for each day of the next year, an interesting draw. Happy birthday greetings from Putin will also be sent to your phone original idea, especially if you do not have the opportunity to congratulate the birthday person in person.

DIY gift

It can be a useful thing, for example, a unique painting or a comic caricature, a collage, home decor, a knitted scarf and hat, beautiful embroidery, decoupage, a toy, etc. But if you have already chosen and purchased a gift, it should be supplemented with some - a trinket, and believe me, perhaps it is this, and not the present, that the birthday boy will remember more. Cool birthday greetings to your phone - you should not forget about this if you haven’t found a worthy design for your gift.

Collective congratulations

Of course, if you have a large group of friends, you can and should congratulate the birthday person collectively. Plan in advance how you will congratulate your friend, think about where to hold the celebration, what surprise or gift to give. You can wake up a friend in the morning by writing congratulations under the windows in large letters or decorating the entrance or yard with balloons. Or you can arrange a festive dinner, gathering all your friends, and under some other pretext invite the birthday person to a restaurant, but in such a way as to create the effect of surprise and make a real surprise that is not expected.

This is a mega-sophisticated and most natural tea bouquet in bags
The latest and only declassified developments only in 2011, in which Nina took a direct part, collecting herbs.

The bouquet smelled delicious and, as it turned out, it made a very aromatic, pleasantly relaxing tea.
There was candy in the small box, and the main gift in the bag.
I REALLY LOVED it))) Nina, once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

photo 7darov

And check it out again - as soon as I have a DSLR, I will be able to please myself and everyone around me with such stunningly harmonious photos!

photo 7darov

Immediately in the context of this tea gift, I’ll remind you of the idea of ​​writing congratulations and wishes on improvised labels for tea bags instead of a postcard.
Read more about this gift idea

Photo for collage

Congratulation gift idea number 2. And here is a gift given to one to a good person, who is always a pleasure to go hiking with.
We wanted to buy him a new karemat (tourist rug) to replace the lost one. And by chance it so happened that the idea of ​​a carpet was intertwined with a man’s long-standing dream of an airplane carpet.
I ask everyone who still does not believe in the existence of this phenomenon to take a close look at this photo. And this is a real flying carpet! No Photoshop!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 3. Go ahead. In the photo is a gift from Olya, who gave me the starry sky (that’s how it was)

It’s a pity that I was in a hurry and the gift wasn’t photographed during the process, but I’ll tell you everything now.
Inside, the gift is wrapped in several layers of paper (in some ways it reminds the Diamond Hand of how the main character was given a cast with jewelry), on each of them there are cards with wishes.
The pictures were selected from the Internet, this time all from my favorite blog natalist.livejournal.com
I will tell you in detail how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes.
You can also use your own photographs, which is much more interesting, because they can turn into something so wonderful.... a mega gift)) More about this in detail

And let's return to the gift for Olya)) The key idea of ​​​​the congratulations was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

photo 7darov

You've probably seen these: you hit it or shake it hard and it starts to glow.
And the wish is: “Whatever happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and internally perceived with ease! Let everything grow, be for the good and increase the light of your smile and your soul! Rain - don’t go to the sea, and okay, it means something else more interesting will turn up, and so on"

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 4. And this is how we wished Happy Birthday to a wonderful man and friend this time Maxx, with one of the gifts connected with a very interesting story

Maxx knew what he wanted this time, so... The main theme of the gift was determined - these are two sticks of RAM. Boring. In the sense that you can’t scare a pear anymore and you can’t give some big and useless nonsense (just kidding, kidding!)

What did we come up with? At the suggestion of my colleague Olya, whom I just told you about, we came up with this. I’ll start the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun this way.

As a gift, the birthday boy received a tattered, incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, tearing the box from quality shoes turned out to be a more difficult task than we expected)

photo 7darov

I opened it, and there was a bunch of pieces of paper, from which, one by one, all kinds of junk were fished out, strange things, circuit boards, keyboard halves (we also “crushed the keys into the box”)

On every subject there are wishes and jokes - I like to write notes, what can you do - if creativity rushes, it’s difficult to stop

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photo 7darov

Item after item and... hurray! power supply (while we are technically silent, of course)
But Maxx himself guessed: “I hope the gift is not in the power supply.”

photo 7darov

However, hopes were not realized

photo 7darov

The power supply was disassembled and a long-awaited gift was found in it! Ta-da-am! CONGRATULATIONS!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 5. And this is one of the “ingredients” of the gift that the girls with whom we practice wushu gave me. Meet the chocolate angel.

And although angels themselves are unusual creatures, this one is of a special kind. This is a guardian angel. You need to eat it and it will protect you from the inside, in general, more reliably))

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 6. By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to post a congratulation in capital letters. And it came true))

This is what the gift for Marina looked like: congratulations and a little candy

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The photo shows the happy owner and eater of the candy))

photo 7darov

On your birthday, I wish you bright emotions, unforgettable meetings and a flight of the soul, because life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by the moments when you take your breath away!

Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person - sympathetic, kind, brave! I wish you to remain like this throughout your life, and then Lady Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty Love will always live in your heart, and Her Highness Happiness will never leave you!

Spaniards like to wish their friends and relatives good health on their birthday, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity in order to have time to enjoy it all. I wish the same for you! Happy birthday, amigo!

Friend, hello! Today is your birthday, which I wish you to celebrate well. I also want to wish a kilogram of money, 10 kilograms - good luck, a hundredweight - happiness and tons of love! Happy holiday!

You never know who you'll meet on life path. Will this person bring sadness or bestow joy and warmth. Therefore, I am immensely happy that I was lucky enough to know you. After all, such a wonderful friend is very difficult to find in our world! And I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy!

Friendship is a 24-hour concept, because at any moment you may need advice or help! You - a real man and a great friend, together we can handle anything! I shake your hand and sincerely wish you health, happiness, a pleasant atmosphere in the house and great luck!

Do you know, my friend, how dear you are to me? So much so that I simply cannot express it in words. And today is your birthday and I wouldn’t be so happy even if it were my own birthday. May the wish you make today by blowing out the candles come true as soon as possible!

Happy Birthday! To you, my friend, I wish to live without knowing grief, troubles, misfortunes. May your endeavors always end well and successfully, and may your dreams certainly come true, giving you joy and happiness! Be an open and honest person and then only worthy people like me will meet on your way!

Oh, if you remember how much we had during our friendship! There are not enough words and fingers to count and describe everything. Today, my friend, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you only positivity, good luck and success! You are worthy and strong man, and I am sure that you will achieve everything in this difficult life!

My dear friend, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you courage and perseverance. Take everything you can from life, because we were given all this for a reason. And remember that life is not given twice and live cheerfully and carefree, but don’t forget about business. Happiness to you.

Friendship is the purest and holy word Happy is the one who has a reliable, faithful friend. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones, because I also have a faithful friend. We have been friends for a long time, and our feelings have been tested. Dear friend, I wish you a happy birthday with all my heart. May luck always be by your side, may fate be favorable to you. All the best to you in life, prosperity and prosperity. May you always be lucky in everything, be confident in yourself and happy. May the angel protect you.

Shoulder to shoulder, you and I have been walking along the same path for many years. You are my best, most a true friend. You and I have eaten more than a pound of salt. We share all the sorrows and joys in half, we help each other with advice and deeds. Today is your birthday. Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy personal holiday. I wish you a great mood, great happiness, good luck in all your endeavors and all the best. Let beautiful love will definitely meet you, may all your cherished wishes come true.

Only true male friendship gives us confidence in life. If you have a reliable friend nearby, no problems are scary. I am fit to be my friend, and on my birthday I want to wish you great luck, cloudless happiness and all the best. May all your wishes come true, may every day bring joyful news. Always be energetic, fair and honest. I wish you good health and all earthly blessings. May friends visit your home, may all bad weather be spared, may everything work out for you as best as possible.

My friend, accept the most warm congratulations on your birthday. I wish you great success in everything, good health, peaceful skies. May fate be favorable to you, and may fortune often smile. May you be surrounded by reliable friends, may your dreams come true, may all problems be solved easily and simply. Let life be pure, like spring water, let all doubts go away from life. I wish you good health, real luck, peaceful skies and all earthly blessings. May the Lord give you blessings and protect you from all failures.

A birthday is a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart that you, dear birthday boy, exist in the world. That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and simply love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

I will never stop thanking fate for the day when we became friends. There weren’t many gifts in my life, but the gods were generous when they gave me such a comrade. I can always count on your understanding and your support, and you know that I am ready to come to your aid with just one call. And yet I want there to be as few such situations in your life as possible - let only happiness and good luck warm it!

My friend! I wish you a little, may the road be bright, so that you go through life without interference. So that the love you meet in life will be forever and forever. I also want to wish you creative success on the path of improvement and creation.

Happy Birthday! I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends - like me - and remain the same wonderful person!

I wish you unbridled fun, joy and a smile on your lips every day. Let those around you make you happy, and let your loved ones pleasantly surprise you. Let life be rich and full positive emotions and unforgettable impressions captured on camera film. May you be able to do what you want more often, and what you need less often. Well, and finally, as they say, may we only dream of peace! Live life full!

Today I congratulate you - from pure heart, I fly to you with my kindest thoughts, my brightest feelings. I wish you great luck and luck - these capricious “ladies” are simply obliged to understand that they cannot find a better companion in life than you! I want all your plans to work out, all your dreams to come true. And the main thing is that you should never be afraid to set great goals for yourself and achieve the impossible!

I know that I will never meet friends like you again in my life - they don’t “make” such unique people anymore. On your birthday I just want to tell you a few things simple words- sincere, kind, just like you. Worthy of you! Just be happy - and don’t be afraid that luck will change your mind. Just believe in yourself - and everything will definitely work out! Just hurry to love - and never forget that in this world you are loved too!