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How to send him off by correspondence so that he gets offended. How to beautifully blow off a guy by correspondence with polite and rude phrases

He likes all your photos, tirelessly writes SMS and reads the classics with expression. With all his merits, one thing confuses you - you don’t like the guy or even dislike him. If you don't like it, throw it away. You can make a “lapel” competently without offending anyone.

I'm not worthy of you

no vacancies

if "ex" came back

a friend suddenly appeared

complete ignore

scandal girl

let's get married

your problem

How to send a guy off beautifully: by correspondence, on the street, everywhere

reel in a web fishing rod

hey passerby, come in

refuse him a date

universal formula

Selection of a dating site

How to refuse a guy in a relationship: strategy and tactics

It's good that you're wondering how to turn a guy off without him being offended. Many people do not think about this, believing that refusal is an everyday matter. Like, this is how nature works. Spring follows summer. After the rain the grass turns green. The guy proposes, but the girl refuses. Indeed, you don’t have to bother and be like everyone else. There is another option - to send the guy off properly.

I'm not worthy of you

Moreover, the guy is not bad. He looks after, tries, is economical. Not gay. In the cafe he pays himself. Irons shirts. But it’s in the throat and that’s it. In every sense, an exemplary guy needs to be turned off gently - by laying out straws, picking up the right words without hurting your pride.

Refusing a guy gracefully means retreating in the style of “I’m not worthy of you.” Let him know that such an exemplary man as he is worthy best girl in the world - not you. Insist that the best option for developing relationships is friendship. This good guy Surely, with all his inherent heroism and dedication, he will try to “dissuade” you. Be unshakable: “You are an example of an ideal man. And you deserve a loving and devoted girl. I'm not that kind of girl. It's better for us to remain friends."

No vacancies

Another option to send a guy off nicely is to throw in “My heart belongs to someone else” between compliments. Lawless Heart. I love, they say, one - a slanted and lame one. And you, of course, are a guy in great demand. This is how a man should be left - full of confidence, energetic and inspired. True, there is a danger that the “ideal” one will try to compete for your heart, that is, he will turn from a sluggish suitor into an active one.

If the "ex" returned

It happens that the “ex” come back - they are sad, remembered, impatient. The exes usually return beautifully - with repentance, an armful of flowers and a picture of a bright future. And exactly at the very moment when you finally stopped crying and decided to start new life. Whether to give a second chance or not depends on the situation. If the situation is unwatchable...

Option one is gentle. You can politely tell off a guy who was once run over by a tank like this: “Thank you very much for leaving. It was only thanks to this that I met the person I fell in love with. Sorry, there is no place for you in my life."

Option two is tough. Coldly and distantly, with a feeling of barely concealed boredom, say: “You know, you weren’t much of a lover. Only after comparing did I understand the difference. Now I won’t settle for anything less.”

A friend suddenly appeared

If a friend suddenly turns out to be an underground admirer who mustered up the courage and was taken aback by a proposal to date, use maximum diplomacy.

You already know that refusing a guy a nice relationship means raising your self-esteem. Invite a friend to a private meeting, take your hand, look into their eyes and say, “I value our friendship. There can be a lot of guys. Friends like you are one in a million. Let's continue our friendship. We did it so well. Moreover, there is no passion between us.” Don’t have any illusions - you’re unlikely to remain friends. By the way, are you really sure that friendship is not the basis for a relationship?

Nietzsche wrote: “A good marriage rests on friendship.” Indeed, the foundation of relationships is trust, understanding and respect - in essence, friendship. Psychologists call a connection caused by emotions, attraction and passion a delusion. These are fleeting feelings that are not enough for a strong union.

How to get rid of an annoying guy: all means are good

If a guy is not impressed by the refusal either the first or the tenth time, but continues to stick to his line, put diplomacy in a box.

Complete ignore

If you can’t turn the guy off gently and persuasively, turn on ignore. Penetrates the impenetrable. Live as if he doesn't exist, and he will pretty quickly cease to exist for you. You can count the number of heroes talking to walls on one hand.

Scandal girl

Or vice versa - concentrate on what sticks. Demand, be jealous, throw tantrums. Bring down all the unbearable weight of character on him - and all that will remain of the annoying one are heels sparkling on the horizon. And if you didn’t run away, grab this treasure and take it to the registry office.

Let's get married

By the way, about the registry office. Tell the obsessive that you dream of a bunch of pink-cheeked kids. That you want to live in a big house with all your relatives up to the third generation. That you sleep and see your husband chirping sweetly in the kitchen with your mother. Guess where the annoying boyfriend will be tomorrow? On the opposite side of the earth.

Your problem

My mother's apartment needs urgent repairs. A sick grandmother needs care. The salary is only enough for food, but it would also be necessary for treatment at the dermatovenous dispensary. The vast majority of guys won't be able to handle that kind of load. And if you can stand it, cynically draw the line: “You know, I need a man who will solve all my problems. Yes, I’m a materialistic piece of trash, so stay away from me.”

How to beautifully blow a guy off in any situation: from correspondence to the street

Refusing a guy without offending him is, in principle, simple. And this can be done in any situation, except for the one where the guy doesn’t get it quickly.

Reel in the web rod

The rating of which you can find at the link is a unique thing. It’s convenient not only to get acquainted here, but also to part ways. You can cool down your web partner's ardor with the message that you have a boyfriend. To the question “Then what have you lost here?” answer “I’m talking to my friends.” You can beautifully send a guy off by correspondence with various white lies: “Sorry, I realized that I’m a lesbian,” “Mortgage and three loans – can you help?” “I am undergoing treatment from a venereologist.” Write whatever you want. Or don't write at all. Anything is possible on a dating site.

Hey passerby, come in

Now you will learn how to turn off a guy who, having become skilled at pickup truck courses, intends to meet you on the street, in a shopping center or other crowded place. First of all, a reference to haste and busyness: “Sorry, I’m in a hurry.” If the persecution continues, involve the “male shoulder” in the matter: “You think for married girl is it permissible to meet guys on the street?”, “Are you sure you want to meet me? I have a great boyfriend - handsome and muscular. I can introduce you." It has been proven that assorted suitors disappear as quickly as sugar dissolves in boiling water, sensing the spirit of a potential boyfriend. At worst, you can pretend to be transgender or crazy.

Deny him a date

You can refuse a date to a guy on the grounds of being busy: “Unfortunately, I’m busy with school (work, raising a child, volunteering at an orphanage) and don’t go on dates right now.” The tactic of being always busy works with the same effectiveness as ignoring. The format of an exclusively business relationship can be described as follows: “I would be happy to have lunch with you, but I spend dinners with my boyfriend.” You can limit yourself to a neutral phrase: “For a number of reasons, I cannot accept the invitation.” And no “Maybe next time.” He will decide that he was not persistent enough.

Universal formula

And we come to the “lapel” formula, which every girl needs to memorize. This is a universal answer to the question of how to refuse a guy so that he doesn’t get offended. Remember: “Compliment. Program. Compliment".

“You are beautiful and smart (compliment). But I can't go on a date with you (program). I’m sure a lot of girls dream of going on a date with you (compliment).” Merge beautifully, leaving behind you not broken, but filled with delight hearts.

How not to refuse a guy: 3 popular mistakes girls make

Everyone makes mistakes, but a girl who tells off a guy should behave like a sapper in a minefield. At the very least, you definitely shouldn’t make these mistakes:

  • speak rudely;
  • say one thing and do another;
  • talking, like writing on water with a pitchfork.

He bares his soul to you, and you were rude to him? An offended guy is dangerous. It’s good if revenge turns out to be just gossip behind your back. Now you know how to refuse a guy without him being offended. Through a compliment.

You say, “There can only be friendship between us,” but you wink your eye playfully and playfully twitch your leg? Of course, the search for phrases on how to beautifully blow a guy off will become endless. Be consistent in your words and actions.

“You know, I like being alone. It nourishes and inspires me. And what is the feeling of freedom worth! Inspires. Independence is my life principle. I chose this path and am walking this road.” If you try to get out of an awkward situation through “a lot of beech”, you are pulling the cat by the balls. More plot into the text.

It's nice to be in demand. So return the favor. Boost the self-esteem of the guy who boosted your self-esteem with his attention or feelings.

How to turn a guy off gently, so as not to hurt his feelings or cause aggression on his part? After all, very often men perceive a woman’s refusal as coquetry and continue to make attempts to win her. But what should a girl do if she realizes that a person is not suitable for her at all? Young guys react especially painfully to a negative answer. It’s not easy to refuse an acquaintance or relationship to an adult man without offending him. Difficult, but still possible.

Common failure mistakes

Psychologists identify several types of mistakes that girls make when refusing guys. If you are being pursued by an obsessive boyfriend who you have repeatedly made clear that there is nothing special to count on, you may be making one of the following mistakes:

  1. You are not specific. This means that the girl has long conversations and confused explanations of why they cannot be together. You can turn a guy off culturally with a few well-chosen words. If you don't like the guy's type, say so, but without going into details about what kind of man you like. If you don’t want to go on a date, then you don’t need to invent reasons, just say “no” is enough.
  2. Your words and behavior don't match. Turning a guy off and smiling at him at the same time is the most common mistake. Often a woman is pleased to have admirers and she is in no hurry to get rid of them, keeping them at a short distance. In addition to the fact that it is dishonest to the man, such behavior will constantly force the woman to come up with new and new excuses. If you have firmly decided that you do not want to start a relationship with this guy, then you need to avoid smiling, supposedly friendly trips to any places and any other actions that may give your admirer hope for the possibility of a relationship.
  3. You want to remain close friends with your ex-boyfriend. You managed to end your relationship with the guy relatively painlessly, but he is dear as a friend, so you continue to communicate. Unfortunately, if you were the initiator of the breakup, then most likely the guy may still have feelings for you, which means friendship will be painful for him. In this case, he will constantly remind you of the days spent together and try to revive faded feelings in you. If a breakup has occurred, it will be better for both to distance themselves from each other.
  4. You stoop to insults. By calling names, humiliating, and saying harsh words, a woman can anger a man, which is fraught with unpredictable actions on his part. In addition, often a harsh word can cause psychological trauma, which will further affect the man’s other relationships. Avoid offensive words. There are cultural ways of rejection that you should use to turn a guy off.

How to turn a guy off culturally without humiliating him or offending him? There are many ways to correctly refuse. However, a lot depends on who the girl is with the young man. It’s one thing when he meets her on the street or in a cafe, and quite another if suddenly a childhood friend is inflamed with tender feelings for his friend.

If a guy meets on the street or in a cafe

Often in such cases it is enough to firmly say “no”. No need to go into explanations. A dry, laconic answer will be the best way get rid of an obsessive boyfriend. However, if the guy does not give up his attempts, hoping to still win your attention, then you can tell him that you already have a boyfriend or even a husband. The same answer option will work well and will not offend a man if the acquaintance took place on the Internet.

If the boyfriend is particularly persistent, some experts recommend pretending to be crazy: start screaming, crying, or otherwise causing bewilderment in the man and, as a result, stop trying to get acquainted. Maybe sometimes it can be effective method, but only if no others helped. This method should be used last.

If a guy meets you on the street, you should categorically exclude harshness or rudeness. By offending him, you can incur anger, and how a man will behave in this case is very difficult to predict.

If the guy is a good friend or work colleague

It is not easy to culturally reject a guy if you have further communication with him, because you are connected by a common company or work.

If a guy insists on a relationship, then he should very briefly tell him that you don’t see him as your partner. young man. Further, in communication, you should adhere to maximum correctness, coldness and ignore any hints that something might connect you in the future.

It should be especially noted that accepting gifts or any other material tokens of attention should be avoided. All this will give the guy hope that, perhaps, after some time you can soften and give in.

If you want to end an existing relationship

It often happens that love passes. How to explain to a man that you can no longer be together, and do it without him being offended? The task is not easy, because for him you still remain loved and desired. For guys, like girls, breaking up a relationship is associated with suffering and painful experiences.

What can you do to soften the blow as much as possible? Thank him for the time you were together, be sure to tell him that your separation was no one’s fault. It’s just that feelings have a way of passing, and they can no longer be returned. Be firm and do not give in to persuasion to try to save the relationship in any way.

You also need to remember that delaying the moment of separation can have the most negative impact on your state of mind.

If your ex-boyfriend wants to reconnect

How to gently explain to a guy that you can’t step into the same water twice, and your relationship has exhausted itself? It may be worth remembering the reason for the breakup, indicating that it has not lost its relevance for you. Try to choose soft, understandable words, because once you were connected with this man by something more than just an acquaintance. Offensive behavior or a harsh word can hurt him.

So that the refusal does not seem particularly offensive, you can say that you already have a relationship, or you simply have deep romantic feelings for another man.

If you refused a guy and regretted it

What to do if you managed to gently turn the guy off, but after some time you yourself fell in love with him? All people make mistakes, and most of them are not fatal, which means they can be corrected. If you like a man, you should talk to him and explain what caused your previous refusal. If at that moment your behavior was not offensive to him, then there is hope that the man’s feelings are preserved and he will agree to start a relationship with you.

How not to offend a guy by breaking off a relationship with him or refusing him? You need to be consistent in your decisions, be as specific as possible, and respect the feelings of the other person. With this approach, the man will have no reason to be offended by your words.

What words to choose to tell a guy off tactfully and politely? Being rude is useless and sometimes even dangerous. And in general, I would like him not to be offended, because this young man is very vulnerable, and God knows, he will suddenly decide to do some kind of self-harm to himself, and love will still be unrequited for him.

If you are an attractive girl and always look beautiful, then most likely you have a lot of guys vying for your hand and heart. Perhaps you are quite experienced in weeding out unwanted people and can give advice yourself.

If you really need to brush off an annoying young man, then first study his character, at least slightly. And we will help you figure out his psychotype. This way it will become clearer to you how to kick him away from you very carefully, without shaking the poor fellow’s nervous system. “Put on” at least a mask of delicacy, even if your nerves are to hell.

In general, when starting a correspondence with a person you don’t know, always be careful: you yourself understand that in our time there are so many scammers and charlatans under the guise of “ardent Romeo.” Therefore, no hasty dates if you don’t want to bitterly regret it later.

When to stop texting:

    When there is continuous banter and trolling, and you already feel that they are just making fun of you.

    When you realize that you are bored communicating with this person and have no common interests.

    When you feel aggression in words and phrases, the guy demands a date, and even feels a certain threat towards you.

    When, almost from the second correspondence, he sends you a message that he has fallen in love with all his might, so much so that he cannot live without you.

That's all. Make a point. Do not agree to any date with this person, reduce correspondence to a minimum, but very delicately, and reduce it to nothing. If he gets impudent, put him on the blacklist. Be glad that you escaped with a slight fright.

Let's say you agreed and met a man by correspondence. And at first glance I was horrified: not mine. And he had a photo on a page from 20 years ago, and his voice was disgusting, and he was dressed stupidly, and you imagined him to be completely different.

It is better to break off the relationship immediately. Of course, don’t be indignant and don’t run away, but do it competently:

    Refer to urgent matters, pleasantly exchanging a few friendly phrases with him.

    Stay silent all the time, nodding your head at his words, but not maintaining a dialogue - this way he will understand that it was much more interesting for you to communicate virtually, but nothing works out in person.

The main thing is that the first date turns out to be so crumpled that it turns into the last. And then think for yourself - whether to communicate with this person in in social networks, or simply remove from friends.

How to get rid of a guy who is obsessive for a long time

You already know your annoying admirer very well, although you have not given him a reason for a serious relationship. Or you had a little affair, but your interest in him quickly disappeared. But he doesn’t stop pestering you: he calls you, bombards you with SMS messages, tries to call you out on a date, and constantly arranges “random” meetings. It’s impossible to gently hint at a breakup—the person simply doesn’t understand it. Yes, and it won’t work to refuse sharply either - he will be offended or enraged.

What is he like, the guy you unhappily rejected?

If he is a nurse

It is very difficult to get rid of boring melancholic people. But you still have to act correctly with them; they are even prone to suicide. The best thing is to turn him away from you in his own way: by boring him. Melancholic people need ears and someone else's vest in which to cry. And apparently before that you spoiled him with your attention. It's time to take action yourself:

    Get him out. But not a word about personal relationships. Complain that something hurts there, that the weather is bad, that there is apathy towards everything, because all men are assholes. In this way, make him a “friend on duty”, whom you will annoy with your whining.

    Call him at the wrong time - at night, early in the morning before work, when he can't talk to you, bombard the guy with stupid SMSs. In general, call and write at a time when it will infuriate him.

    Remain deaf to his complaints about unrequited love. It’s as if you don’t notice his groans. Don’t react in any way, direct your attention to your problems. And more whims. For example, in a cafe: “I want a cocktail” - he bought it - “I don’t want a cocktail.”

Surely your admirer will run away soon. He will stop seeing in you the girl who was attentive to him before and who he fell in love with initially. The guy himself will not want to date you anymore, and will look for another object of his adoration, and you are free.

If he is a cheeky romantic

He's not boring, but he's not particularly dangerous. He feels in his gut that you are going to blow him off, since you refuse dates and don’t pick up the phone.

But at the same time, the impudent man stops at nothing: he takes it impudently, continues to call and flashes before your eyes at every opportunity. Threatens your supposed suitors, advises you not to stand in his way. At the same time, he looks at you with the eyes of a beaten dog.

Well, how to behave with such a culture? You can get away with it with cunning. Discourage him from the desire to see you as the one who initially struck him on the spot, try a different role. For example:

    Of course, without humiliation, but try not to please his friends. Make comments to him (any of his actions), behave a little inappropriately. The fact is that men don't like to be put down in front of their friends, and you will benefit.

    More selfishness and whims, without promising anything in return. He carries flowers and gifts himself - his business, let him shake his wallet so that you have nothing else to offer him. Just don’t ask to buy anything yourself - you’ll really owe it.

Yes, these are cruel measures. But it will be easier for this person to break up with you when he gets tired of your nagging and demands. To sharply refuse with words and immediately break up with him is to hurt him, but to get bored and disgust him is another matter.

If he is some kind of maniac

He may not be a bloody homicidal maniac, but his murky behavior is alarming. At first he seemed like a simple guy, interesting and sociable, and it was a pleasure to meet him. But then suddenly you began to feel his influence on you: he began to tell you what you needed to do, who to be friends with, and to break off relations with someone.

It is very important how you behaved initially: if you humbly accepted his conditions, then it will be more difficult to get rid of him; if you refused immediately, then you will push less. And all the same, this person is dangerous for you. If this person threatens you with violence, you need to seriously think about his words.

What can be done:

    Never obey if he sets conditions. Refuse any of his demands immediately, even if you are scared yourself.

    Constantly be surrounded by friends, and best of all, muscular guys. Let more people know about his threats - even his parents.

    It is best if your heart is no longer free and you are seriously dating someone else who can protect you.

    Don't brag to others that you have such a fan because you are so stunning to everyone - he is really dangerous for you.

    If you feel that he can really move from threats to actions, record all his words on a voice recorder or on social networks. It's time to file a police report.

And in advance, keep in mind that everyone’s dependence on love manifests itself differently - “from snot” to mania. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with rejection later, carefully study who you fall in love with.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any problems in your relationship at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

Some young people can be terribly obsessive. They don’t give way, they call often, they hang out in clubs.

Some young people can be terribly obsessive. They don’t give way, they call often, they hang out in clubs and parks. And it would seem that everything is simple: if you don’t like a person, tell him so directly, but...

  1. Firstly, not all guys are understanding enough to immediately make a retreat after a firm “no”.
  2. A Secondly, sometimes you just don’t want to offend a person, especially if the guy is not bad, but, unfortunately, not your type.

If you also encountered similar situation, and you didn’t manage to competently send off your obsessive boyfriend, then they will help you our proven methods.

How to properly tell a guy off so that he doesn't get offended

First, let's figure out what type your gentleman belongs to. There is the following classification:

  • "sticky stranger"
  • just an acquaintance who likes you;
  • a good friend with sudden feelings;
  • your ex trying to woo you again.

Let's look at how to start turning off a guy who falls into any of these categories.

  • You've probably heard that the male half of the population is simply in awe of unavailable and slightly bitchy ladies. A true conqueror would definitely want to have such a trophy in his collection. Therefore, if you come across this type of stranger, then get rid of phrases such as “Girl, let’s get acquainted?” and “Can you give me your phone number?” it won't be easy.

But, fortunately, such guys are found a little less often than ordinary “clingers”, who most often simply have nothing to do.

Therefore, it is better to pretend to be hard to touch when a young man who is unpleasant to you at a disco tries to treat you to a cocktail or follows you around in the supermarket and says various nonsense.

Don't put up with him, but it’s better to immediately say directly that you are not alone, or better yet, that you are married, that you don’t want to, and that’s all.

Only no coquetry! To turn such a guy off, you need to speak dryly, firmly and without a smile! Usually such serious and even slightly angry girls do not make you want to continue the conversation. And, if, after all, he is the same conqueror of women’s hearts who does not give up, act rudely: say that you are now going to start screaming loudly, because you are an unbalanced mentally ill person or that you are ex-man who has undergone successful sex reassignment surgery, etc.

Yes, this will shock the overly intrusive guy, but he will quickly “rewind the fishing rods.” Very effective in such situations.

  • In the second case, just say “no” won't be enough. After all, you are already at least a little familiar with this young man. This could be your brother's classmate, work colleague, or upstairs neighbor. First, decide for yourself, do you even need any kind of relationship with this guy? Will he suit you as a friend?

If you don’t want to maintain any contact with him at all, then point No. 1 here will work no worse than with an ordinary “sticky” stranger. But, if you still need to maintain a good or business relationship with a person who shows sympathy for you, then it will be enough to have one or two conversations with him in a calm atmosphere, to send the guy off, so to speak, in a pleasant atmosphere...

Explain to him calmly and politely that his advances are pleasant to you as a girl, but your heart is not free. Or say that you are not in a romantic relationship right now. Usually a normal young man immediately understands what this means, but there will be no offense.

  • The situation is more complicated: you have been friends for several years now, and your relationship has never gone beyond friendship. It is possible that you know his family, and he visits you quite often, you share secrets with each other, and you no longer perceive him as a guy. He's like a brother to you. And then, out of the blue, his confession and attempts to transform your friendly idyll into a novel...
  • If you are absolutely sure that you can only be friends with this young man, then you need to decide to have a serious conversation. Take your time and prepare a short speech. After all, you're not just trying to blow off a stranger. You need to maintain your friendship. You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. The main thing is that you are not disturbed...

Take his hand, look him in the eyes and gently explain that he is a great friend, and you don’t want to lose such a friend. Don't hide your emotions speak honestly. He's yours close person and will be able to discern the falsehood. Tell what friendship is everything what can you offer him?

If he can handle your refusal, then most likely in a couple of weeks or months he will call you and offer to have a party with his friends. If this deeply hurts him, then it is unlikely that your friendship can be continued. Be prepared for this outcome.

  • Well, such courtship is familiar to almost all girls. Alas, some young people simply “kill” with their illogicality. Having once said goodbye to his girlfriend on his own initiative, such a guy often flares up feelings for her again. And you just finally stopped crying over his photo and decided to go on a date with your new gentleman! And your plans do not include the reunion of your couple. In this case, you should not meet with him. Why reopen old wounds?

Talk to him on the phone or text him. Without unnecessary lyrical digressions, tell him that everything is fine with you, that you are just terribly happy and thank him for leaving you. After all, otherwise you would not have met your soulmate. Many young people it hurts, and they back down.

If this only provokes him, and he decides to launch a frontal attack, he will have to act differently.

Calmly tell him that your feelings have already faded away and everything has long been forgotten. And you wouldn't want to see him again.

Try to be slightly detached, as if this conversation is absolutely uninteresting to you, boring, and you are in a terrible hurry to get there. important meeting. Coldness and indifference will play into your hands.

How to tell a guy off without getting offended?

Let's take a closer look at the methods of polite refusal, because they no less effective than rudeness and impudence, but do not humiliate the young man and do not offend his feelings.

In order not to offend a guy you know or even a friend, it is important not to say that he is not suitable for you, because he will understand this as the fact that you consider him unworthy of you.

Therefore, it is better to say: “You and I are too different,” “You deserve to be loved, but, unfortunately, this is not me.”

To blow off a guy you don't know well, but you don't want to offend him, it will be enough to simply remain silent to his attempts get to know you. Smile at him a little apologetically, say, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to talk, and continue going about your business. Normal person He will immediately understand that he has come to the wrong address.

Politely refuse offers to accompany you or treat you to a cake in a cafe. For this suitable phrases:“I’m terribly tired and want to be alone. Sorry”, “Sorry, I can’t. I still need to pick up my child from kindergarten,” “Excuse me, but I don’t think my husband will understand this.”

Remember, there are young people who may react unexpectedly rudely to your polite refusal. It is not recommended to respond to rudeness.

It’s better not to piss off such inappropriate people. To preserve your dignity, you can respond to any rude statement addressed to you: “I don’t care about your opinion. All the best".

If a simple polite refusal does not penetrate the armor of misunderstanding, you can use beautiful and effective solutions.

Guys are simply overwhelmed by talking about money. Ask him if he has a car, how much he earns, who his parents are.

Ask if he can buy you one small thing as a gift, for example, the gold earrings that you have dreamed of for so long. Usually such conversations immediately discourage them continue acquaintance.

Another effective way kick the guy off - talk a lot. And talk only about yourself. Tell us where you get your nails done, what TV series you like, what kind of boyfriends you had, what a wonderful mother you have and much, much more. interesting facts from your life. No man is capable of listening to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

Or you can act in the opposite direction - answer his questions with short phrases such as “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t want”, “I won’t”. Don't say anything, don't look into his eyes. Be very distant. This attitude stresses a man out. Therefore, he is unlikely to continue the conversation.

An excellent solution would be to try to show yourself as highly intelligent and boring. There's a lot to talk about smart words, constantly interrupt and correct. Acting like a crammer is also encouraged. This option can only suit the same bore and smart guy.

How to turn a guy off culturally?

In principle, to turn a guy off culturally, it’s enough just not to be rude, not to accuse him of anything, not to raise your voice and behave with dignity. If this person, to put it mildly, is “annoyed” with his advances, you should subtly hint to him about it, but in such a way that it is clear that you do not like it.

It is always better to talk about such topics in private, so that the guy does not get the impression that you are going to blow him off in public. He must understand that you do not want to humiliate him, you are sincerely sorry that you cannot reciprocate, and you feel the same awkwardness as he does.

You should explain your choice firmly, without coquetry or guile. You shouldn't have the impression that you're just trying to sell yourself too much.

Don't try to smooth the corners too much, otherwise you may never get all the i's dotted. Express your thoughts clearly so that he understands what you are trying to convey.

How to turn a guy off, effective phrases

And finally, here are the most effective phrases that will help you get rid of your annoying boyfriend:

  • "Oh! Will my son finally have a dad!”
  • “I’m going through such a difficult period in my relationship right now... can you treat me to a cocktail?”

Among representatives of the male half of humanity, there are individuals who categorically do not accept a woman’s refusal to further communicate. Moreover, men perceive a lady’s “no” as a signal for even more active and assertive actions. And here it is the girl who has to resort to all sorts of tricks in order to get rid of the annoying admirer in a civilized manner.

We bring to your attention an excellent selection of options on how to gently and without compromising moral health send off a bored guy.

Guide to action

The honest “no” method does not always work, since it is the fault of the women themselves; it is perceived as a signal of coquetry or a desire to continue flirting.

In such a situation, we proceed as follows:

  • Openly tell the person that he is not attractive to you as a friend, interlocutor or lover. Before you blow off a guy in this form, you don’t need to compose long, convincing and ornate phrases in your head. Tell your boyfriend everything you think about him this moment, this will calm your conscience and will little offend your interlocutor;
  • When puzzled by the problem of how to gently eliminate an unwanted candidate for a permanent partner, remember the amazing female ability to come up with all sorts of excuses. These could be phrases like: a lot of work, tiredness, nothing to wear, or a bad horoscope for today. And even if all this did not succeed in turning the man off, and he is still waiting for you at the entrance to the entrance, insist on the terrible illness of your beloved turtle;
  • One of the options for not turning a guy off too rudely is to completely ignore him. Moreover, you need to ignore not only gifts, calls or attempts to get closer, but also the applicant for the heart, upper limb and more intimate parts. Usually, after numerous attempts to break through the wall of indifference, a person himself begins to look for a more flexible and accessible object for his sighs;
  • You can use the following method on how to culturally send off an obsessive guy. Just pretend to be a chronically nerdy, busy, terribly smart and boring girl who rarely leaves the walls of the library and doesn’t understand what “Sex on the Beach” is. The only disadvantage of this method is that it will not work on a man obsessed with study or science. Fortunately, such specimens rarely demonstrate importunity towards the female sex;
  • If you feel that your boyfriend is not going to leave you alone in an amicable way, feel free to start pretending to be crazy: shout that you are being robbed when he asks for a phone number, or tell everyone around you about your opponent’s violent intentions. Yes, from the outside you will look frightening and strange, but the gentleman will be blown away by a strong wind;
  • Are you puzzled by the problem of how to competently and delicately send a guy off? It's simple: tell him how good he is compared to you, how unworthy you are of him, and that he needs to strive to conquer the ideal. During this tirade, pick your nose, belch beer fumes, or thoughtfully chew your dirty nails. Sometimes illustrative examples work better than persuasion;
  • Obsessive men are sometimes stopped by the fact of having a rival, so try to dryly and formally inform your boyfriend that you already have a permanent partner. Holder of a black belt in martial arts.

We sew correctly

This is all well and good, but when it comes to actual practice, it turns out that one guy is completely different from the other, and each of them has to find a different approach. So, for example, an imaginary marriage will allow you to get rid of a stranger, while a similar trick will not work with an old friend.

That’s why below are options on how to politely and carefully turn a guy off, depending on who he is to you:

  • You can politely inform a stranger about your children and husband who are waiting for you at home, about your Botkin's or Parkinson's disease. Also try to pretend to be crazy, or start insisting that he immediately meet your parents;
  • An acquaintance who has been in love for a long time will have to be treated delicately and with extreme caution. Try to have a frank conversation, during which it will become clear that you don’t like the applicant, that you have just started a relationship with another young man, or that you have bad habits and addictions;
  • You are unlikely to be able to rudely reject a close friend who has suddenly decided to confess his feelings. Therefore, don’t get fancy, just have a heart-to-heart talk, tell him that you are unworthy of him, and you need to give weighty and truthful arguments. But before you do this, make sure that your feelings towards this person are true. It is enough not to meet for several days in a row to understand whether contact with this guy is necessary;
  • It’s especially difficult to solve the problem of how to beautifully blow off a guy you’ve been dating for a long time, but you’re pretty tired of him. The fact is that such a person is already ready for your antics, but not for the appearance of a competitor. Therefore, feel free to get a fictitious or new partner;
  • If your main communication comes down to exchanging SMS, then you can get rid of your boyfriend only through dry and meaningless messages;
  • Become even more annoying, bombard him with voluminous SMS messages in which you describe how every second of your life passed without him. It’s a rare man who can withstand such a flow of unimportant information;
  • Use humor. Tell him what beautiful children you will soon have, who to invite to the wedding, or just send the guy a postcard with humorous content.

It doesn’t matter which of the above methods was recognized by you as the most successful and effective, you need to think about whether you are so disgusted by the candidate who showers you with rose petals.