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How to kiss correctly: useful tips. How to be baptized correctly for Orthodox Christians

Let's talk about “adult” kisses. Every person wants to appear before their lover in the best light, to show that you are capable of much, and sometimes you can even surprise. After all, if the Casanovas are trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, ordinary mortals who want affection and tenderness, or about those who have not yet experienced the dizziness and sweetness of a kiss?

Few people noticed that she kisses a couple of times a day. From early childhood until the end of our lives, we kiss loved ones, children, our parents and even animals. With the help of a kiss, we try to express our gratitude, tenderness, affection, passion, love, declare a truce, express our consent, in general, all kinds of feelings.

People want to learn how to kiss properly to satisfy their natural needs. These needs are as important as love, drink, food, constant Internet connection...

This need for the need to touch someone, for passion. Everyone wants to embrace their loved one. The desire for contact with another person occurs at the behest of instinct; it cannot be explained, since it comes naturally. Despite all this, kissing technique can be learned and improved. And anyone can do this.

What should you do to ensure that the first “adult” kiss leaves a perfect imprint on you and your chosen one?

  1. 1. Just don't be shy. If this is your first time, this doesn’t mean anything. The fact that your palms are sweaty, your knees are shaking and your head is dizzy are just signs that you are in love. This is nothing compared to the physical and emotional pleasure you will get from the kiss itself.
  2. 2. If you can, make the setting more romantic and intimate. Dim lamps or candles will help you with this.
  3. 3. Be mindful of your breathing. Bad breath can discourage a guy or girl from kissing. If you forgot or didn’t have time to brush your teeth, a few sprigs of parsley, an apple or chewing gum will help you.
  4. 4. When you start kissing, don’t freeze in one position. Gently stroke your partner's back, shoulder, touch his ears, run your hand through his hair.
  5. 5. There is no need to remain silent. Just because you started kissing doesn't mean you should remain silent. Say something nice and tender to your loved one.
  6. 6. Be relaxed, don't tense up. If your lips are tense, it can only push your partner away, or he will think that you are unpleasant.
  7. 7. Don't stop at just one type of kiss. Most men love the “French” kiss (“wet”). Believe me, gentle sucking and biting your lips can add even more excitement.

How can you tell that a girl is ready for a kiss? In most cases, she herself burns with impatience and does not understand why her chosen one cannot dare to kiss her. Most often this happens when a guy cannot gather his courage, he puts himself in invisible boundaries and creates uncomfortable situations. When a girl looks you straight in the eyes and doesn’t look away, she’s trying to let you know that she’s ready and you shouldn’t delay.

Girls, which is not always true, think that by kissing they can determine the character of a guy, how worthy he is and whether he is suitable for them. But never be afraid to show your feelings and go for it!

How to determine if you know how to kiss?

The most important thing is monitor your partner's reaction. This applies more to guys than girls. When a girl is contentedly carried away into another world or moans quietly, you can see it right away, and you can understand that you are doing everything right. But when she looks like she’s sitting on steam, it’s worth thinking about what you can do to get her started! You need to achieve the desired result through trial and error. If the first time you were unable to show what you are capable of, then the second time you should take into account all the mistakes and kiss her so that she explodes with pleasure... Girls love to deceive and pretend, but when they start kissing, they forget about their abilities and cannot hide their feelings.

TeachEto recommends paying attention to “signs” that may tell you that you should learn to kiss. For example, if a girl tries to close her mouth, looks away, is distracted - then this is a clear sign that indicates that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the political situation in the country or something else, it means you missed the mark. But don’t be upset, turn on your imagination and go ahead – practice, practice and practice again.

The biggest mistake when kissing

The most important thing is training and practice. Everything will come with experience. Your imagination can sometimes do such things that even you will not immediately understand that everything that is happening is not reality, but only imagination.

So, relax, imagine your ideal in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through his (her) hair, and how you start kissing. It is important to invest more feelings and emotions.

And, in the end, Teach This to do with you alone important point! It's not enough to just learn how to kiss on the lips. The weaker sex has a lot of erogenous points. Thanks to sociological researchers, we know that 97% of girls are instantly aroused by kissing the neck. All it takes is to hug your beloved tightly from behind, brush back her hair and kiss her passionately. When she feels a man’s hot breath on her neck, kisses and light bites, she will be ready to dissolve in your arms!

A kiss is when the souls of two people in love unite. Don't be afraid to experiment. Kiss your lover (beloved) as your heart tells you. You will always have memories of such kisses in your memory. . The community has more than 58,000 subscribers.

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A person close to the Lord constantly performs the same ritual, but does not think about its meaning. While in church or at home, all believers are baptized, but few people know how to properly baptize Orthodox Christians. Before we talk about the rules of baptism, we should remember a little history and find out where this tradition came from and what it means.

How to be baptized correctly, historical background

Today's way of crossing oneself was formed certain time. Catholics and Orthodox do this differently, because they are based on slightly different religious traditions.

In the initial stages of their origin, Christians crossed themselves with one finger right hand, touching the forehead, chest and lips. And they did this before reading the Gospel at every Mass. A little later, they began to use several fingers and even the whole palm to cross.

Looking at the image of Jesus Christ, you can see that on the icons he is represented with two fingers raised (middle and index), and the remaining phalanges are closed, so priests often use just such a gesture.

When the Orthodox branch of Christianity was formed, believers began to baptize the forehead, left and right shoulders, and also the navel. Only in 1551 the navel was changed to the chest, justifying this by the presence of a heart in this part of the body.

Then in 1656, in the book “The Tablet,” the statement was first put forward that one should cross oneself with three fingers, placing them on the forehead, stomach and shoulders. Anyone who did otherwise was called heretics. And only several decades later, two-finger and three-finger baptism was accepted.

How to be baptized correctly by an Orthodox Christian, from right to left or vice versa

You can often hear various arguments about how to cross yourself from left to right or from right to left, and how many fingers to use. The tradition of crossing oneself from right to left, touching first the forehead, then the navel and shoulders, with three fingers closed, came from Byzantium. Three-fingered means the Christian’s faith in God the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, that is, in the Holy Trinity. This is how you can attract the grace of the Lord to yourself and your loved ones.

Each gesture during baptism has a symbolic meaning:

  • by touching the forehead, a person sanctifies his mind;
  • By sanctifying the belly, the believer blesses all his internal organs;
  • moving to the shoulders, the whole body is sanctified.

The right shoulder always comes first, then the left. According to legend, it is the right side of a person that is the best. Angels sit on the right shoulder and to the right of the person is the entrance to heaven. The left side is perceived as hell, so the right shoulder is baptized first, then the left. Thus, the believer asks for salvation and admission to heaven.

Sometimes triplets are interpreted differently:

  • forehead - sky;
  • belly - earth;
  • shoulders - the Holy Spirit, which connects all living things.

After the Orthodox has crossed himself, he should bow low as a sign of gratitude to the Lord for all his blessings.

If you need to cross another person, for example a child, you need to place the cross on him as if he were doing it himself. If the child is standing with his back, they cross from right to left, if he is facing, from left to right. This is exactly how the melting sign of the cross will emerge.

How to be baptized correctly by an Orthodox Christian in a church, basic rules

Let's describe detailed diagram How Orthodox Christians are baptized:

  1. you need to cross yourself with three fingers;
  2. three fingers - thumb, index and middle - are folded at the same level as a sign of equality. This gesture symbolizes the Trinity;
  3. little finger and ring finger placed on the palm. This means faith in the humanity of the Son of God;
  4. putting his fingers to his forehead, saying: “In the name of the Father”;
  5. then they descend to the stomach: “And the Son”;
  6. crossing the right and left shoulders, they finally say: “And the Holy Spirit.”

Thus, the correct crossing procedure occurs. This is a very significant ritual. Therefore, before you carry it out anyhow, you should study why you should be baptized.

You need to be baptized correctly, starting from entering the temple. They do this three times, each time accompanied by a low bow. This is how a person openly declares his faith in Jesus Christ. In addition, the believer is baptized at home, in front of icons, before going to bed and waking up in the morning, after eating and at the sight of a sacred building.

Proper baptism is of great importance. You need to do this slowly and mentally turn to God. The bow after the sign should be done only when the hand is lowered, so as not to break the cross painted on the body.

If the sign of the cross is made quickly, with the entire palm, it is considered blasphemy and a great sin. This shows disrespect for the Holy Father and pleases the evil spirits. Therefore, before crossing yourself, you need to mentally understand the importance of this procedure and do it as correctly as possible.

May the Lord protect you!

Also watch the video in which Schemamonk Joachim tells how Orthodox Christians should be baptized:

Legends can be made about the importance of a kiss in the life of a couple. Thousands of films have captured on camera the tenderness of the moment when lovers touch their lips and dissolve in each other. A kiss is a consequence of warmth and tenderness; with its help, people show feelings and express sympathy. However, not everyone knows how to kiss; some experience enormous discomfort at the mere thought of it. Let's look at the types of kisses and find out which type will be appropriate specifically in your situation. Let's look at the main features in order and give recommendations.

How to learn to kiss: a classic of the genre

There is a certain technique that will fully teach you the classic version of showing tenderness. The technology includes 2 stages: the first is expressed in preparation, the second describes the kissing technique.

Stage No. 1. Preparing for a kiss

  1. Not a single kiss is complete without preparation, because well-groomed lips are the key to success. It is with the help of this body tool that a girl makes a guy want more. Take care of basic care, perform a scrubbing procedure, removing dead skin particles. Moisten your sponges with chapstick or balm. Avoid chapping and scales.
  2. It is important to prepare in advance for a possible kiss, we are talking about bad breath. Buy a compact air freshener or make it a habit to carry chewing gum in your purse. Don’t neglect going to the dentist, get your teeth treated on time. Ladies who smoke are advised to quit addiction or exclude it while you are with your partner.
  3. Preparing for a kiss affects not only the lips, but also the body. Your body should be relaxed; under no circumstances should you tense or cross your arms over your chest. Pay attention to the gestures, it is important to perform them smoothly without fussing. Show your partner openness and kindness, smile more. If you hear something unpleasant, hide your emotions and smile. Get rid of negativity and possible complexes.
  4. The “fine” aspects of preparation include the touch barrier. The essence of the procedure is to create maximum comfort for the partner. Your companion should not feel awkward the moment you touch him. To do this, come from afar, start with unobtrusive tactile contact (arm, shoulder, fingertips, etc.). After this, hug your gentleman as a joke, forcing him to trust you. Try not to focus on your own body movements; actions should be carried out unobtrusively.

Stage No. 2. Kissing technique (common version)

  1. After careful preparation, we move on to the main stage - the kiss. Choose the right time and place, create a romantic atmosphere if possible. Make sure you won't be disturbed. Choose a calm topic for conversation, bring the dialogue to its logical conclusion (the atmosphere is closer to intimate).
  2. Begin to slowly lean towards your companion's face, closing your eyes. Look at his lips, then press yours to them. Stretch your lips, while trying to leave them relaxed, plump, thirsty. After contact, close your eyes completely and focus on the sensations you experience.
  3. Evaluate the taste of your chosen one. To do this, gently touch his lower lip with both lips and pull it into your mouth. Suck, lightly bite and show pleasure to everyone possible ways. Your companion must understand that you find it “delicious.” After about 10 seconds, slowly pull away, maintaining a 3cm gap between each other's lips.
  4. Slowly open your eyes, look up at your partner’s eyes and evaluate the effect produced. Carefully monitor the reaction, it will show whether you should stop or continue further. To understand your partner's reaction, watch your smile. Its presence will tell you that the gentleman liked everything.
  5. A young man satisfied with a kiss can look down and to the side (diagonally), thus expressing embarrassment. In cases where the guy grimaces a little or moves away from you as if from fire, you should stop what you started.
  6. If you are sure that the young man liked the kiss, continue the manipulations. Start kissing his upper and lower lips alternately, suck, bite, and make slightly perceptible moans.
  7. Pull back periodically and watch your partner's reaction. It's important to make sure everything goes according to plan. Don’t take the situation into your own hands, leave the young man room to maneuver. Allow yourself to be kissed back, do not tense your lips under any circumstances.

It is known that depending on the type of kiss, the technique also varies. We've sorted out the light (classic) version, now it's time to move on to heavy artillery. There is a French (with tongue) and a gentle kiss, let's look at each of them in order.

Preparing for a kiss
Before any kiss, careful preparation is necessary. This applies not only to the oral cavity, but to the body as a whole.

  1. Exfoliate your lips. To do this, massage them with a scrub of cane sugar and honey mixed in equal proportions. Apply balm to your skin to prevent flaking. Try pulling your lips out like a tube, while keeping them relaxed.
  2. Learn to be seductive. Review your wardrobe, throw in the trash everything that doesn’t fit perfectly. Buy heels and lipstick with a shimmering effect (this move will help emphasize the lips). Practice smiling, shooting with your eyes, and feminine laughter.
  3. Follow nonverbal gestures, these include the body language of the young man. If he tries to stay close to you, he likes you young man. Proceed with plan “X”, casually touch your companion’s hand. You and he shouldn't feel awkward about this display of affection. Otherwise, the kiss will turn out ridiculous.
  4. Don't avoid eye contact, it is the basis of a successful kiss. At the same time, periodically lower your gaze to the young man’s lips, making it clear that you are interested in the further development of events. Don’t forget to smile sweetly, get your face as close to the guy’s face as he will allow.

Method No. 1. tender kiss
This kiss option is one of the most sensual and pure, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. We recommend getting closer to a young man using this technique.

  1. Make sure that the environment is favorable for the manipulation to begin. Close your eyes slightly, come close to the guy and open your mouth slightly. Touch the gentleman with your lips, extending them slightly forward. It is important to act casual and confident, otherwise your awkwardness will be passed on to the young man.
  2. Very gently move from the upper lip to the lower one, spending 5 seconds on each, no more. After the first contact, pull away, rest your forehead against the guy’s chest, wait a while, raise your eyes. Look at the young man, evaluate his reaction. Make a languid look, showing that you want more.
  3. Smile gently. If the guy smiles back, proceed to the next step. Now more persistently press your lips to your partner’s lips, pull one of them into your mouth. Bite, but not until it bleeds. Repeat the steps with the second lip, then let the young man do the same.
  4. If you can't grasp the meaning, practice on your index finger. Squeeze it with your lips, controlling the force of compression. You can use medium and index fingers, their surface is close to the size of the lips. Suck, bite the pads, vary the strength of the muscles.

Method No. 2. French Kiss
The French kiss is called loving, adult, passionate. The technique involves the use of a tongue that penetrates the partner’s oral cavity. As a result of a kiss, sensitive areas awaken, they help the guy and the girl feel each other better.

  1. In an appropriate environment, approach the guy’s face and touch the boy’s lips. Squeeze his upper lip and touch it with the tip of your tongue. This way you will send a signal to your companion that you are going to kiss him passionately. If the young man interrupts the kiss and moves away (does not understand the maneuver), postpone the action until next time.
  2. If the guy agrees to continue, slightly open his lips with your tongue and penetrate inside. Actions should be very gentle, smooth, do not strain your lips and tongue. Achieve the effect where the tips of your tongues touch and begin to intertwine.
  3. Alternate between tongue penetration and sucking on your partner’s lips. The general scheme looks like this: alternately squeeze your partner’s lips with your lips, create an interlocking of tongues, suck the lips of the young man. In this case, your tongue should not penetrate too deeply, 2-3 cm is enough.
  4. During the kiss, do not forget about hand movements. Gently touch your gentleman's cheeks, clasp his neck, and spare no attention to his shoulders and chest. Let out sighs, feel free to moan if it feels good. Periodically suck and bite your lips, creating a “sucker” effect.
  5. Your main goal is to show the guy that you experience true pleasure from kissing. Don't overact, act as naturally as possible. Finish the manipulations with a slower pace and gentle hugs. Thus, you will leave your companion partially insatiable, thirsty for new caresses.

  1. To fully enjoy a kiss, try to relax and get rid of embarrassment. Trembling hands, weak knees and sweaty palms indicate falling in love. Surely your partner is no less worried. Have fun, forget about complexes.
  2. If possible, prepare thoroughly for the kiss. Create a romantic atmosphere by using scented candles or dimming the lights slightly. Prepare delicious dinner, turn on relaxing music.
  3. During the kiss, do not try to stick to one position, change your body position. Don't keep your hands down, explore your partner. Stroke his back, shoulders, cheeks, touch his neck. Bite your earlobe, don't be silent. Don't skimp on tender words, show your partner how good you feel with him.
  4. Alternate between gentle, classic and loving kisses, add variety. Do not tense your lips and tongue, otherwise your partner will think that you are unpleasant. Always keep your mouth clean, resort to gentle care only after brushing your teeth.

Many young ladies think about how to please a guy and let him know about his intentions. Kissing is considered an excellent show of tenderness, so this art must be learned. Consider classical technique, kiss your partner passionately or add sensuality with the caresses of your lips.

Video: how to kiss deeply

Kissing is a kind of romantic game for girls and guys. She occupies a special place in the relationship. After all, with a kiss you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not love kissing?

Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so ordinary and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How should you kiss with your tongue? How to kiss on the lips correctly? How to kiss without tongue?

Today we will quickly teach you how to kiss a guy or girl correctly, and most importantly, beautifully.

There are a large number of types of kisses, and they all have their pros and cons.

Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting of them.

  • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner’s teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your loved one’s mouth.
  • Playful kiss. A characteristic feature of this caress is the guy’s gentle biting of his girlfriend’s lips, and at this time she fuels his passion by moving her tongue in his mouth.
  • A gentle kiss. The youngest and newly formed couples should start with it. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make it especially romantic.
  • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series of a large number of kisses starting from the neck and chest, to the inner thighs. It is capable of arousing hidden desires in both partners and creating a storm of emotions.
  • French kiss. One of the most famous and popular types of affection. The most important thing about it is the contact between the tongues, it can be stroking or biting, the choice is yours.

How to learn to kiss?

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Most girls and guys are very nervous before their first kiss. After all, for the first time we don’t know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of awkwardness may arise.

So if you want to make sure everything goes well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly bothers you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first let's start Let's deal with what might scare you.

  1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. To begin with, you should study the technique of kissing, practice a little, and that’s it. Remember that no one was immediately born a master of kisses and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
  2. You doubt your partner. If the person you're about to kiss doesn't appeal to you or there's something about him that turns you off, then don't rush into it. Perhaps you just don’t know him enough or he’s just not right for you. The main thing in this matter is to listen to your heart, so that in the end you don’t have to regret anything.
  3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange about this. We all do something for the first time. The first kiss is something everyone has to go through. So take it easy and try to enjoy this moment.
  4. Kissing technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kisses, just read the descriptions of one type or another and simply apply your knowledge in practice. It is clear that you will not experiment with your partner right away; for this you can use any soft vegetable or fruit that holds its shape well enough, for example, a tomato or peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of your loved one and start practicing.

How to learn to kiss without tongue?

A kiss without a tongue carries lightness and tenderness. So during training you should not act too decisively and harshly.

If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not become deformed and juice does not run out of them.

To kiss with your tongue correctly, in addition to the above tips, you can use a couple more.

  • Try it out various techniques tongue movements. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training it will also make the tongue more flexible.
  • Exercise with a ball. Try putting a small ball, such as a ping pong ball, in your mouth and pushing it out with your tongue. At first you may not succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving your tongue movement technique.

How to learn to kiss with tongue with your partner?

If you have already reached the point of training with a girl or guy, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. There is no need to move your tongue randomly in different directions or push it too far.

There must be moderation in everything. And after just a few attempts you will feel more confident.

What else should you pay attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple more nuances that you can pay attention to avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most loving guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of your face and lips. This is especially true for autumn-winter period when the skin may be chapped and dry.
  3. Don't freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if, like you, he is new to this matter.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will bump noses with your partner.

Kissing techniques

Kiss with tongue (or French)

  • It’s worth starting with light touches to your partner’s lips.
  • Afterwards, you should let your loved one know that you are ready by opening your mouth slightly.
  • After penetrating your tongue into his mouth, you should start with delicate stroking.
  • When kissing, you should not open your lips; they should interact with each other.
  • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

Kiss on a hickey

  • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
  • In this case, it is worth performing with the tongue circular movements, and then run it along the inside of your lips.
  • Then you need to start slowly sucking your partner’s lips, gradually increasing the pace.

During caresses, you should not focus your attention on the technique and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then everything will definitely work out for you.

The most common mistakes:

  • Do not open your mouth too much;
  • try to be more gentle and not dig into your loved one;
  • watch your salivation;
  • if you have to kiss someone, it is better not to use bright lipstick;
  • Don't be too active or too passive.

At what age can you kiss?

It's very individual. For some, their first kiss may occur as early as kindergarten, and for some in high school. If you haven’t found a suitable partner yet, don’t rush. So, if a guy or girl doesn’t know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It's worth remembering that learning how to kiss properly will take time, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.

1. Prepare your lips for a kiss. Lips should be smooth and pleasant, not dry, chapped and tense. Tips for preparing lips for a kiss will help both men and women make their lips attractive and seductive. Here are some basic principles:

* Exfoliate your lips using sugar. After this they will become very soft.
* Moisturize your lips to retain moisture.
* Relax your lips slightly, opening your mouth slightly.

Don't forget about your breath. Bad breath can discourage a girl from kissing. If you haven't had time to brush your teeth, chewing gum, an apple, a few sprigs of parsley or a cup of tea will come to your aid.

2. Try to look seductive and friendly. You yourself may not realize that you are saying “I don’t want to kiss” with your entire appearance, so take advantage of these tips on how to appear friendly. Don't cross your arms over your chest, don't touch your face with your hands, look into your eyes and smile sincerely and sweetly. Try to also pick up on your partner's body language - does this person like you? Or is he embarrassed?

3. Regarding the situation If possible, make the environment intimate and romantic. It is necessary to overcome the so-called “touch barrier”. Lightly touch your partner's arm or shoulder when talking. Do it quickly, as if “by chance,” and don’t attach much importance to it. Another great way to overcome the touch barrier is to hold hands.

4. Your emotions: don’t be shy, control your excitement; the fact that you may have never had to kiss before doesn’t mean anything. Believe me, the fact that you feel dizzy, your knees are shaking and your palms are suddenly sweaty are just signs that you are really in love. This is nothing compared to the emotional and physical pleasure you will get from your first kiss.

During a kiss

1. Start your training by kissing your lover's fingers. Try touching your lips gently and lightly touching each finger with your tongue. Look for places that are most responsive to touch: the folds between the fingers, the pads, the sides of the fingers, the back side palms. Feel every cell of her skin for yourself. From time to time, bring her hand to your mouth. With all this, you seem to encourage the girl to kiss your hands. And then both will feel good.

2. Look at your partner's lips. Maintain eye contact and then look at your lips. After that, look into the eyes again and smile slightly. All this must be done quietly. Many people understand hints, especially if they also read articles that such actions can be perceived as intentions to kiss.

3. During a kiss, do not freeze in one position. Gently run your hand through your partner's hair, touch his ears, stroke his shoulders, back. Do not be silent. Just because you kiss doesn't mean you have to be silent like a fish. Tell your loved one (or loved one) something gentle and pleasant.

4. Move on: kiss the forearms, move to the neck, find, mark and remember the most sensitive places. A kiss can be a light touch, or it can slightly tighten the skin. But try not to leave bruises from hickeys.

5. Move from the chin to the lips, try rubbing lips against lips, then sucking her lips with yours and vice versa, when it is not clear which is whose, they are so intertwined. There are small tubercles under the tongue; if you irritate them, and the girl, in turn, does the same, the kiss will acquire a special taste, will be long and sweet.

6. Don't tense up, be relaxed. Tense lips can, on the contrary, push your partner away, or he will think that he is causing you some kind of inconvenience.

7. Kiss slowly and with pleasure. Try not to stop abruptly during the kiss, gently look into the girl’s eyes, then at her lips, and after a few seconds continue the kiss (your gaze is very important).

The kiss won't be good if your mind is busy with something else. Try not to think while kissing about “how do I look today?” or “what is he/she thinking?” or something like that. Don't engage in self-analysis, and in general, try not to think about anything while kissing. Instead, focus on the feeling of your partner's lips on yours and the pleasure.

Remember that not everyone likes it when their partner is too active. People who met recently don't often want to kiss with tongue right away. Watch your partner's gestures. If he constantly breaks the kiss when you try to French kiss him, he may just not like that type of kissing.

Don't use your tongue too heavily, especially during the first kiss. Never push your tongue into your partner's mouth unless you know each other well. Many people find it unpleasant when there is “too much tongue” in a kiss.

Be more natural when kissing, don’t freeze like a statue, tense up and remember what you read about the kissing technique, nature itself will tell you how to behave in this situation. Also, don’t stop there, any partner will like it if you thank him for the lessons and tell him that you enjoy kissing him.

Don't forget about your partner. This is when you kiss only for your own pleasure, absolutely not paying attention to whether your actions are pleasant to your partner. It is necessary to take into account the girl’s tastes and feelings and feel them.

How to be perfect in a kiss
Practice and practice again. At any free minute, in the morning, during the day, in the evening, at night, at every meeting, after eating, before bed, and after waking up. All comes with experience. The best way learn to kiss - your own imagination and, of course, feelings for your partner. Your imagination can sometimes do such things that you will not even immediately understand that these passionate kisses are not an amazing reality, but just your imagination.

So, sit back and relax. Imagine the object of your adoration in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through her hair, and how you begin to kiss tenderly. The main thing is to put more emotions and feelings into such fantasy. The brighter the picture, the better for you, all you have to do is approach your beloved, hug her tightly from behind, brush her hair back and kiss her tenderly. When a girl feels a man’s hot breath on her neck, strong hugs, his bites and kisses - she is just ready to melt in your hands!