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How to attach a strap to an acoustic guitar. How to Attach a Guitar Strap

You can attach the buckle to the belt different ways. Some use rivets or belt screws. Or you can use a needle and thread. Moreover, it is necessary to sew it by hand, since a machine seam is less reliable than a hand one. Below, we discuss in more detail the method of securing the buckle using a hand stitch.

There are many types of harnesses, saddlery and leather belts that require buckles and leather loops (trench). Hand sewing is more durable than machine sewing and is often the only way to sew on buckles and loops.

Preparing the belt blank.

Buckle side.

A. Cut a strip of leather to fit the width of the buckle and the desired length. From the bakhtarma side, make a bevel according to the thickness of the leather. Do not cut to the edge of the skin.

B. Cut a hole for the buckle tongue, about 4 cm from the edge.

C. Moisten the leather at the folded area, fold the leather. Wetting prevents the leather from cracking at the bend.

D. Cut a seam notch along each edge of the strap as shown. Cut the channel 2 stitches beyond the edge of the folded piece.

E. Fold the strap around the buckle. Use a stitch marker to mark the seam indentations.

Belt end side.

F. Cut a strip of thinner leather to make a loop. This cut is called a “loop strip.” Make the strip width 1.5 cm for a belt blank 2 cm wide. Trim the edges and sand.

G. Wrap the loop strip around the strap to determine the length of the loop.

H. Allow an allowance equal to one strap thickness (beyond the edge of the loop strip) and cut off the excess.

I. Trim the two corners a little. These corners will be adjacent to the buckle tongue.

It's finished! You bought such a desired camera! We opened the box, took out the camera, twirled it in our hands, took out the strap... How to secure it correctly?

It would seem - take the instructions for the camera you bought (which some people don’t even read) and fasten the strap according to the instructions in it. Usually the instructions describe a method, the obvious disadvantage of which is the protruding tail of the strap, which will prick and tickle you at the most inopportune moment. :) Is there an alternative to this method that eliminates this drawback?

Eat! We do it in order in the following sequence.

1. Straighten the tail of the strap.

2. Insert the tip of the strap into the eyelet of the camera from the outside inwards, the outer side of the strap should be turned down.

3. Thread the tip of the strap through the plastic ring on the strap.

4. Loosen the belt at the buckle to create a loop. So far everything is exactly as the instructions suggest.

6. Now we thread it through the near edge of the buckle from the inside.

To our social network page came with a question about how to hang a guitar on a belt.

We answer.

Crusader Westerns are most often equipped with one button - on the lower ring. Expensive guitars may or may not have two buttons, but come with one. It all depends on the mood of the line master. We ourselves do not fully follow the logic of the plant.
Classic Crusader guitars come without buttons at all. It is assumed that classical music is not played standing up.
But circumstances, as you know, can be different, so let’s look in detail at how to attach a strap to a guitar.
For example, we took two classical guitars - Crusader CC 120 FM and Crusader CC 220 FM EQ. One was supposed to show how to fasten a belt with one button. On the other - two.
So here are our pure, virgin classics.

Let's start by going to a music store, where we will buy - for pennies - these buttons.

These are the simplest buttons, without any undercuts. They are also the cheapest.
Let's not argue about tastes. Buy buttons that are pleasing to the eye. We took golden ones - to match the color of the tuning mechanics.
Often buttons are sold with screws, but we will assume the worst. Let's assume that they didn't give us any screws.

We screw the bottom button onto a small wood screw - right in the center of the case. Small is the key word here. There is no need to take a healthy fool to split the dumpling (namely, it is located in the center of the bottom of the shell) in half. Black ones of small diameter are just right. If they are sold with washers by default, it is better to buy simple screws. A wide hat will get in the way.
If a fabric washer came with the button, that's very good. If not, you will have to cut it yourself from any available material. Suede is fine.
Screwed in?

We can stop here.
Let's look at the belt.

A standard acoustic guitar strap has leather (or conditionally leather) ends with a hole and slots.
Press the button into the slot with force.

This is where it begins The first way to secure the belt: button + cord.
Insert the cord into the other end of the belt. If the cord did not come with the belt, take a regular shoe lace. There is no fundamental difference between them.
The cord is tied on the head of the guitar - above the saddle. The node type does not matter. Knit however you like, the main thing is to knit securely.
The photo shows a tied neck of a classical guitar.

The heads of acoustic guitars are made without spans, but the principle itself does not suffer from this. You need to tie it strictly above the threshold. Make sure that the ends of the cord do not touch the bar. This will kill the sound to death, which we certainly don't want.

The second method: kpoka + button.
The second is to attach the second button to the heel of the bar. We at Synthesis Audio have heard nuggets who argued that the classical guitar should not be raped so subtly. That the heel of her neck is somehow exquisitely delicate and may not tolerate such treatment.

This material provides photo instructions for attaching a belt for carrying a machine gun to a machine gun and adjusting its length.

Carrying belt serves for carrying the machine gun in combat and traveling position. The carrying belt consists of a belt strip 35 mm wide, at one end of which a carabiner is attached using a metal plate and ring, the other end of the tape is made in the form of a loop with a metal buckle and loop. Thanks to the loop and buckle, the length of the belt can be adjusted to accommodate individual characteristics machine gunner

1 - belt loop; 2 - loop; 3 - buckle; 4 - carabiner

1. Prepare the machine and belt:

2. Prepare the belt by unraveling it from the buckle, with the buckle facing “up”:

3. Thread the free end of the belt into the rear swivel (on the AK stock):

4. General view (belt buckle facing up):

5. The free end is threaded into the belt loop:

6. The free end is threaded through the belt buckle:

7. And it is secured to the front swivel of the machine gun with a carbine:

8. The wearing belt is fastened and adjusted to the length of the fighter:

3 basic rules when working with tension belts:

  1. The load to be secured must be firmly positioned on the platform. If necessary, use additional means to stabilize the load (mats, spacer bars or blocking bars).
  2. Do not load the belts above the load limit (LC) indicated on the label.
  3. Do not use the tie belt as a lifting or towing device.

When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  • type, dimensions, weight and shape of the load, coefficient of friction between the load and the load surface (see Appendix), method of securing the load, angles of fastening the belts;
  • type and design of fastening means;
  • the presence of an information tag (label) containing information about the manufacturer, the length of this part (if the belt consists of 2 parts, each of them must have its own information tag); Load Capacity (LC), Pretension Force (STF), and Ratchet Handle Maximum Force (SHF)

The minimum quantity for the “snap-on” fastening method is 2 pieces.

The minimum quantity for the “anchor” fastening method is 4 pieces.

Before each use, tensioning belts should be inspected for damage. Do not use damaged belts! Typical damages are:

  • cuts on the belt tape
  • damage to connecting seams (stitching)
  • deformation and corrosion of metal components (hooks, ratchet)

Temperature conditions for using the belt: from -35 0 C to +100 0 C.

When transporting goods with sharp edges or rough surfaces, additional protective equipment (pads, protective corners, etc.) should be used.

Hooks must only be attached to the specially designated attachment points in the vehicle body. The neck of the hook must be in full contact with the attachment point so that the main tension load falls on the neck of the hook.

Method of tensioning and releasing the tape in belts with a ratchet mechanism:

When using tension belts, it is strictly prohibited:

  • bending or twisting of the tape;
  • hook hooks onto tape or onto other hooks or sides of the vehicle that are not equipped with special eyes;
  • use highly active chemical components to clean the belt;
  • use a belt if there is visible deformation of the steel elements of the lock and hooks, their corrosion or deformation;
  • use a belt whose tape or fibers are damaged more than 10% of the total belt width;
  • use belts with damaged seams or the tape itself as a result of exposure to temperature or chemical elements;
  • use belts with knots or tangled tape;
  • use belts with missing or illegible information tags.

Only fully functional tensioning belts are allowed for use!

Remember! Improper securing of cargo can result in death of people, animals, or damage to other people's property.

For reference.


  • LC (Loading Capacity) - the maximum permissible working load on the belt is the maximum permissible force that can be repeatedly applied to the belt without subsequent deformation. When securing the load using the cap method, this value doubles. Maximum Working Load (LC) - This should not be confused with the pre-tensioning force (STF) from the tensioning mechanism, which is used in load securing calculations.


  • The pre-tension force refers to the tension force transmitted from the tension element (ratchet mechanism) to the tensioning belt. The EN-12195-2 standard characterizes the pretension force as the force remaining in the tensioner after the ratchet handle is released. The lever transmission of the tension element generates the necessary tension forces. The tension force (STF) must be indicated on the tension belt label. It should be a minimum of 0.10 LC (10% of the working load) and a maximum of 0.5 LC (50%) of the tension belt. Values ​​exceeding 0.5 LC are not permissible. Tension force values ​​are given in daN.


  • SHF is the nominal belt tension force. The EN-12195-2 standard prescribes that when manually servicing tensioning elements, a manual force of 50 daN is transferred to the fastening belt. Physical force is used to achieve the necessary fixation and pre-tension forces. Based on the requirements of ergonomics (the science of interaction between man and machine), the expended force is determined to be 50 daN. The standard hand force is indicated on the strap label.