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How to use a glance to put a person into a trance or subject him to hypnosis. Special techniques for training the eyes and developing a hypnotic gaze that can hypnotize

Modern psychological practice welcomes completely different methods of influence: consultations, art therapy and even hypnosis - video sessions with correct use hypnosis can even be viewed online.

However, before you begin to master the basics of real hypnosis, learn the secrets of the magnetic gaze and try to apply them in Everyday life, remember some rules.

  1. Of course, in order to hypnotize a person, we it is necessary to have his consent. The only way. Your ward must trust you completely, otherwise it will not be possible to establish contact.
  2. Use hypnosis only for positive purposes. Of course, it won’t be difficult for a real professional to put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep in just 2 seconds. However, a special license is required to use hypnosis for medical and psychological purposes. At home, we can put a person into a state of superficial trance, when he completely begins to concentrate on his internal sensations. Yogis use a similar practice.
  3. Remember the main rule is to do no harm. Teach a person how to get out of hypnosis correctly.

Hypnosis is an altered experience of consciousness.

It should not be confused with a dream. During hypnosis, the characteristics of the imagination are structured based on suggestion. As you know, almost anyone can be hypnotized. The one who is most susceptible to hypnosis is the one who is in a relaxed state. So, before you hypnotize a person, you need to relax him. This process occurs during the first stage of hypnosis.

As soon as you establish contact with your client, ask him about previous experiences with hypnosis, and make sure that he is ready to follow your commands.

So, let's move on to the initial stage of hypnosis - relaxation. Ask the person take a comfortable position in a darkened room. Make sure in advance that no one disturbs you. You need to prepare not only your partner, but also yourself for the transition to the relaxation stage. Namely, choose phrases with which you will immerse your client in relaxation, train your voice, and control intonation. You can learn all this on your own. Delve into the relevant literature, after which you will be able to operate with words and sentences that can relax any person.

However, to hypnotize a person, relaxation alone will not be enough. Gradually yours the voice should become more impressive, you will have to switch your partner's attention to immersion in hypnosis. The central feeling here remains peace and quiet. Your phrases should be inspiring, and your voice should sound monotonous and natural.

Hypnosis and recovery from it

The next stage is hypnosis itself. In such a state a person loses the ability to look at things critically. At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you're not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing a cat.

There are different techniques:

  • you can pet an animal and it will gain trust in you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal during a jump, grab it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods impact: the cat looks at washing machine or on a watch, etc.

There are a sufficient number of videos on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that for every person individual phrases and methods work influences during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or do anything illegal.

You will be notified by him that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis. uniform breathing and a peaceful appearance. Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Don't speak too quickly, but don't drawl your words either.

A relatively small stage will be the exit from hypnosis. Take the man out slowly but surely. For example, count out loud to five and ask them to open their eyes. Remember to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to talk about how they felt.

How to learn hypnosis: simple exercises

Sessions after sessions, but the question remains unsolved: how to learn hypnosis? They will help you with this simple exercises with a drawn dot, which needs to be looked at every day.

Since the simplest method is to hypnotize with a gaze, we will learn to control it. Have you ever observed how a person can stop an attacker with one glance or pacify an angry animal? There is nothing fantastic about this, it just lends itself to such a skill as magnetic look. And you can easily develop it in yourself.

To start draw a dot on a piece of paper, the diameter of which is two centimeters. Hang the leaf at a distance of 2-3 meters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on this point, try to look at it for 5 minutes without blinking. When you start to get better at it, increase the time.

Further make the exercise more difficult– move around the room and look at a point on the wall. If your eyes suddenly water, then continue to look at the point in a static position. Repeat the exercise every day and you will succeed. After some time, place several sheets of paper with dots drawn on them on the wall at once. After this, you need to concentrate your gaze on each point alternately.

Through daily exercises, you will learn to focus your gaze and be able to hypnotize a person to follow orders. Of course, the concept of an order is conditional - they must be clear and simple. Don't force a person to do something you wouldn't want for yourself.

To master hypnosis, you should learn methods psychological impact and find candidates to hone their skills. It is important to figure out how to hypnotize a person without harming him. All attempts to master consciousness can threaten not only the health, but also the lives of people.

When learning hypnosis, it is important not to harm the person it is aimed at.

Features of the method

Hypnosis is a directed influence on human consciousness through certain actions of the hypnotist. They can be various movements, sounds and eye contact. You can also go into trance on your own. By its nature, this is a superficial sleep, a relaxed state, complemented by distracted attention to surrounding conditions.

Targeted impact on the psyche leads to inhibition of brain function and partial blocking of consciousness.

The peculiarity of hypnosis is that the brain of the hypnotized person can only receive those signals that the hypnotist sends to him. Following the immersion in trance, the suggestion of information is used. It can have any character. After awakening, a person may not remember anything about what happened, but the information inserted by the hypnotist will remain in his subconscious.

Basic techniques

  1. Hypnosis techniques are numerous and accessible to everyone. This is where the danger lies. Hypnosis is often used to treat pathologies of both physiological and psychological nature. There are also frequent cases of attackers acquiring such skills in order to inspire their victims with the need for certain actions. An ordinary person can make attempts to master consciousness in order to relax and solve personal problems. Despite the features of application, only 3 methods of hypnosis are recognized. You can enter a hypnotic state in one of the following ways:
  2. Classic hypnosis. Characterized by processes of inhibition of brain function. The influence on consciousness is carried out by gaze, voice or monotonous sounds. It is necessary to induce fatigue and immerse the hypnotized person in a trance state.
  3. Ericksonian hypnosis. It depends on the personal perception of the information received or on the activation of one’s own thoughts (immersion in memories, etc.). The hypnotized person focuses on his thoughts and gradually loses control over the outside world, falling into a trance. The method has a weak effect on consciousness.

Gypsy hypnosis. Copying of behavior, verbal influence and tactile tricks are used to master the consciousness of the victim. Highly qualified professionals of gypsy hypnosis also have access to the skills of quickly introducing gaze hypnosis. For good purposes, you can learn classical (direct) and Ericksonian (hidden) hypnosis.

The effectiveness of such techniques depends on the skills of the hypnotist.

Definition of Gypsy Hypnosis

Methods of influence

To hypnotize a person, it is not necessary to have a firm and confident voice or a magnetic gaze. Anyone can learn hypnosis. It is important to hone your skills and gain control over consciousness gradually, implementing the acquired knowledge in practice.

For reasons of safety for human health, methods of influencing only the superficial consciousness are allowed. Complete mastery of a psychological state is dangerous.

This method is very complex and requires certain skills. The hypnotist must have the ability to suggest information with his gaze.

  1. You should attract the attention of your interlocutor with some kind of story.
  2. As the dialogue begins, try to concentrate on the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose.
  3. If the victim of hypnosis does not notice close attention, you should mentally give a command (“scratch your nose,” “fix your hair,” etc.).

When trying to concentrate on the bridge of the interlocutor's nose, it is important to do so inconspicuously. If a person turns away or looks away, you should relax and also distract yourself. Once eye-to-eye contact is established, you can proceed further.


You should alternate between fast and slow speech, jump from one story to another, etc. It is important to draw the attention of the interlocutor, confuse and disorient him. In practice, such actions are easy to use with friends. How to hypnotize people with your voice:

  1. At the time of hypnotization there should be no strangers or distractions.
  2. It is necessary to attract the attention of the interlocutor. There is an interesting story to tell.
  3. You should speak quickly without pausing.
  4. Having told one story, quickly move on to telling the next one.
  5. Gradually the interlocutor gets tired and relaxes. This is what the hypnotist should take advantage of. You should take the person's hand, wrapping your fingers around the wrist area.

As you continue to tell the story, you should specifically insert special words or commands into it.

With tactile contact, the information received remains for a long time in the subconscious of the interlocutor. For hypnosis to be effective, it is important to formulate your thoughts accurately and clearly.

Application of the classical method

Having decided to master the skills of hypnosis, it is important to pay attention not only to theory, but also to practice. The first step is to find someone who would be interested in performing this procedure. It is better to choose a candidate from friends who do not have signs of mental and psychological disorders.

You need to find a quiet place to conduct the session. The partner must feel comfortable and relaxed for the hypnosis attempt to be successful. Having provided dim lighting, seated your partner in a comfortable chair and eliminated distractions, you can begin the session:

  1. Staying calm. The session begins with a slow and quiet speech from the hypnotist: “You are safe, there is calm and tranquility around you. Relax."
  2. Breathing to the beat. You need to ask your partner to breathe slowly and deeply. The hypnotist must adapt to him so that the procedure for introducing him into a trance is easy and quick.
  3. Focus on the subject. You must ask to focus your attention on any object (you can use a medallion, pocket watch, etc.). The partner's gaze should be focused.
  4. Complete relaxation and introduction to trance. If a person wants to close his eyes, let him close his eyes. If not, you should give clear instructions in a slow and quiet voice: “Relax, let your eyelids close. You fall into a calm and peaceful trance.”
  5. Repetition. Slow repetition of phrases helps to switch off consciousness. The words “immersion and relaxation” would be appropriate.
  6. Hypnotic staircase. When the body is relaxed, you need to ask to imagine a staircase in a warm, cozy house. Mentally, the partner must go down it.

Further actions are aimed at instilling information in the patient. It is better to work with real problems that bother him (unfavorable news, memories, etc.). Everything that is said will remain in the partner’s subconscious.

It is important to get out of trance correctly. If the hypnotic ladder was used to introduce hypnosis, it is also used to remove it. The person should be told that he should climb an imaginary ladder. You can use the command: “When I count to five, you will return to consciousness.”

Training exercises

You can become a good hypnotist if you have a strong and confident voice, charm and inner strength, as well as the ability to win people over. Studying the theory of eye and voice hypnosis and regular practice will allow you to gain the necessary skills.

Provided that hypnosis techniques are used at home for amateur purposes, they will be within the control of every person who learns to properly concentrate their attention. To do this, it is important to do several practical exercises:

  1. It is necessary to stop eye contact on the subject. The task of a novice hypnotist is not to take his eyes off for 5 to 15 minutes, even while moving around the room.
  2. You should draw a ball on a piece of paper, hang it at eye level and move away to a distance of 2 m. You need to concentrate on the drawing (10-15 minutes).
  3. You should sit in front of the mirror and concentrate on your reflection. It is better to choose one point: the bridge of the nose, lips, button on a shirt, etc. Exercise time – 15 minutes.

You should sit on a chair, relax and say quietly and calmly phrases that will help you enter a state of trance: “I feel good, I’m relaxed and peaceful, my eyelids are getting heavier and I’m sinking deeper into a trance.”

To practice, you can look at yourself in the mirror, concentrating on one point


Selecting a candidate for practical application knowledge of the impact on consciousness, it is important to adhere to some rules. Treatment with hypnosis is prohibited:

  • people with signs of impaired consciousness;
  • people suffering from mental disorders;
  • persons with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • people with severe symptoms of intoxication;
  • pregnant women.

Doctors do not recommend using hypnosis without appropriate education and experience. Cases where mental state correction is necessary are dangerous. Any actions of a therapeutic nature are prohibited. They can be done by qualified psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Fans should avoid such actions.

Impact protection

  1. The best way to avoid being hypnotized is to avoid it. People often hypnotize not through direct methods of influence, but through hidden methods (NLP techniques). An unexpected meeting with a stranger, a normal conversation with him, can result in post-hypnotic amnesia and the loss of money and valuables. You need to understand the peculiarities of practical psychology so as not to succumb to the tricks of attackers. If contact cannot be avoided, you should:
  2. Do not look your interlocutor in the eyes.
  3. Keep your distance from him.
  4. Instill in yourself that the mind cannot be influenced.

Try to end the conversation by any means. According to psychologists, one of the the best ways

protection of your consciousness is the “hypnotic wall”. A person can imagine a thick brick wall in front of himself and the hypnotist, which will protect him from any influence.

Conclusion To learn how to hypnotize a person, it is important to do several things: acquire sufficient theoretical knowledge about hypnosis, learn to concentrate your attention and move from theory to practice. With the right actions, skill can help achieve the maximum relaxing effect, instill the information a person needs, etc. It is important not to try to correct psychological condition

Hypnosis is a short-term state of slowed-down consciousness of a person while maintaining a sharp focus of attention and high suggestibility. In such a state, a person can be instilled with beliefs that are far from his usual view, which is what hypnotherapists use when working with patients. However, almost every one of us at least once in our lives wonders whether it is possible to hypnotize a person without possessing any unique abilities?

Hypnosis with a glance

It is not enough to simply know the technique of how to hypnotize a person with your gaze - you need to develop in yourself this very magnetic gaze that can put you into a state of trance. To work out this hypnotic gaze Still, you have to work on yourself by doing a number of simple exercises:

  1. Concentration of gaze. To perform the exercise, you will need a white sheet on which a clear circle with a radius of 1.5 cm is drawn with a compass. The sheet is attached to the wall, after which every day you need to look at the circle from a distance of two meters for five minutes, trying not to blink. If this succeeds, the exercise time should be gradually increased.
  2. Endurance training. To perform this exercise you need a mirror. Standing in front of him, you need to direct your gaze to the center of the bridge of your nose and look for three minutes. It is recommended to increase the exercise time by one minute every day.

After two or three months of training, you can try to test a method of how to hypnotize a person with your gaze. First of all, for this it is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere: talk with the person on topics close to him so that he can relax. For the same purpose, it is recommended to listen to the voice of the interlocutor and adapt to his timbre - this will help to instill trust at the subconscious level.

There are special techniques for training the eyes and developing a hypnotic gaze that can hypnotize. What is known as the "magnetic gaze" is the expression of a strong mental demand by means of the eyes, the nerves and muscles of which are adapted for such a firm, persistent and prolonged gaze. How to use a glance to put a person into a trance or subject him to hypnosis

The following exercises are very important and I trust the reader to complete them. Through these exercises you will be able to a short time develop a gaze that will be felt by others, and by continuing it you will develop its power to such an extent that few will be able to withstand your gaze. This is a most interesting exercise and you will be pleased to notice the increasing power of your eyes over those people with whom you come into contact.

You will also soon notice that people become restless and confused under your gaze, and some even show signs of fear if only you focus on them for a few moments while looking at them. When you achieve such complete perfection and acquire a strong magnetic gaze, you will not exchange such a gift for anything else.

Of course, you should not be satisfied with just doing the exercises below, but you should constantly practice in life and try the influence of your view on other people you meet and notice the results. You can achieve complete perfection of knowledge regarding the power of gaze only through experiments in “live” communication.

Exercises for the hypno gaze

I. Take a sheet of white writing paper of regular A4 size, on which draw a circle approximately the size of a five-ruble coin. Then shade this circle with ink so that the spot stands out sharply against the white background of the paper. Attach this drawing to the wall at the height of your eyes when you are sitting. Place your chair in the middle of the room and sit directly opposite the paper.

Direct your gaze intently at the black spot and stare firmly, without blinking, at it for one minute. When your eyes are rested, start the exercise again, repeating it five times.

Leaving the chair in the same place, move the paper to the right a meter from its original position. Sit down and fix your gaze directly on the wall opposite you, and then, without turning your head, cast your gaze to the right and look steadily at the spot for one minute. Do this four times.
Then, placing the paper a meter to the left of the original location, again look intently at the spot for one minute. Repeat this five times. Continue this exercise for up to three days, then increase the looking time to two minutes.

After another three days, increase the time to three minutes and continue this way, increasing the time by one minute every three days. He who can hold his gaze for fifteen minutes can still direct as strong a gaze as one who has reached thirty minutes.

This exercise is extremely important, and if you follow it exactly, you will be able to look decisively and firmly at anyone with whom you speak. It gives the eyes a strong, convincing expression and makes it possible to cast a gaze that few people can bear. Dogs and other animals will begin to cower under your gaze, the effect of which will be detected by others. different ways. It is clear that these exercises are boring, but everyone will be sufficiently rewarded for the time and effort spent on them. In addition, the eyes will appear larger as the distance between the eyelids increases significantly.

II. You can complement the first exercise by making some changes in it to avoid monotony, and also by teaching yourself to look others in the eyes without confusion.

Stand in front of the mirror and look intently at the reflection of your eyes as indicated in the first exercise. The time here, as before, should be increased gradually. This exercise will teach you to tolerate the gaze of others, as well as the ability to give your own eyes best expression, which will be useful for you in other ways.

In doing so, you will be able to notice the development and desire of a characteristic expression in your eyes as they acquire a magnetic gaze. You should try to carry out this exercise systematically. Some people prefer this exercise to the previous one, but in my opinion, the best results come from combining both exercises.

III. Stand in front of a wall about a meter away. Tape a piece of white paper in front of you at eye level. Keeping your eyes focused on the spot, you begin to rotate your head around. Since this exercise forces the eyes to rotate, while at the same time keeping the gaze fixed on one point, it therefore gives significant development to the optic nerves and muscles. The rotation of the head should be changed in different directions. The exercise should be done very slowly at first, without tiring the eyes.

IV. Stand with your back to the wall, looking straight at the opposite one, and begin to quickly move your eyes from one point of the wall to another - right, left, up, down, zigzag, in a circle, etc.

This exercise should be stopped immediately as soon as your eyes begin to get tired.

Before finishing this exercise, it is best to stop your gaze at the point at which your eyes will calm down from the previous movement. This exercise is designed to strengthen the nerves and muscles of the eyes.
V. Having acquired a strong opinion, you need to develop confidence in it; To do this, persuade one of your friends to let you try your look on him.

Sit your friend opposite you on a chair, sit down yourself, starting to look calmly, intently and firmly into his eyes with a request that he, as far as he could, also look firmly at you.

You will notice that it will not be difficult for you to tire him and when he shouts “enough” to you, he will already be almost in a hypnotic state. Try also the power of your gaze on a dog, cat or other animal, of course, if you can get them to stand or lie still. But you will find that most of them will run away from you or turn their head away to avoid your gaze.
It’s clear that you can distinguish between a calm gaze and a shamelessly impudent one. The former indicates a person with powerful psychic power, while the latter is more characteristic of a scoundrel.

At first you will find that your persistent, steady gaze confuses those with whom you come in contact and makes those you look at uncomfortable, restless and awkward. But soon you will get used to your new power and will use it carefully, without causing embarrassment to others, but still having a strong effect on them.

I must warn you against all kinds of conversations regarding your exercises with the eyes, since all this will only arouse suspicion in people towards you and create in some cases a serious obstacle to your application of your knowledge. Keep the secret to yourself so that your strength is manifested in deeds, but not in words. In addition to these considerations, there are many other reasons why it is better to remain silent about your new abilities. Don't ignore this advice so you don't have any regrets later.

Give yourself a certain time for exercise and do not rush unnecessarily. Follow the laws of nature and develop your strength gradually but firmly.

Avoid blinking, squinting, or widening your eyelids unnaturally. You can free yourself from all this through your will and self-observation.

If your eyes get tired from exercise, rinse them cold water and relief will immediately appear. After just a few days of doing the exercises, you will notice for yourself that your eyes will tire less from them..

What is hypnosis and how to hypnotize a person? Hypnosis is one of the methods of influencing the human subconscious. It is used for medical purposes in order to get rid of various complexes, addictions and You can see hypnosis sessions that are performed on stage to make money. It is often used for criminal purposes by experienced swindlers and gypsies.

How to hypnotize a person?

There are many ways. But, first of all, to achieve results, you need to learn them. It is best to start hypnotizing a person who agrees to this.

What is needed for this? A person should lie down in a place convenient for him (it does not matter whether it is a bed, a sofa or the floor). Encourage him to focus on breathing slowly while relaxing his muscles. He should try not to think about anything, and if that doesn’t work, then only about one thing, driving away extraneous thoughts. When a person is completely relaxed, he needs to say so or give a sign that is agreed upon in advance. Gradually he will enter a trance state. It is necessary to carefully consider the words that you will pronounce, depending on the effect that you want to achieve. You need to speak slowly, confidently and deliberately. After instilling the necessary information, he needs to be brought out of this state, setting him up in a positive way.

How to hypnotize a person with your gaze?

In order to achieve this, you need to develop your “magnetic gaze” through exercises. First of all, you need to be able to concentrate. To do this, draw a circle with a diameter of about 2 cm on a sheet of white paper, which you attach to the wall at a distance of 2 meters. Look motionlessly at the circle for 5 minutes. Blinking is highly undesirable. Every day, add a minute, building up to a quarter of an hour. At first they may, but then it will pass. In the future, you will need to move around the room for several minutes without taking your eyes off the circle. Then make several sheets with the same circles, place them on the walls and look at them alternately, quickly moving your gaze in different directions until your eyes get tired, and then concentrate on one point.

Secondly, you need to develop a central gaze, for which you need to practice in front of a mirror, looking, without blinking, at the bridge of your nose for about 3 minutes, adding a minute every day. In the future, it will be necessary to practice looking at portraits of other people, also looking at the bridge of the nose. And then you can test it on people, starting with friends, having previously warned them about it.

How to hypnotize someone in public?

To project the power of your gaze in public, encourage everyone to relax and sit comfortably. Let them know you have something interesting to say. Then look into each person's eyes. Speak to the person you are looking at and in a loud, confident, hypnotic voice, suggest what is needed. Think about the fact that they trust you, they are interested in what you have to say, and everything should work out for you.

How to hypnotize a person quickly?

It must be remembered that in order to put a person into a trance state, it is necessary to evoke certain emotions in him. For example, the feeling of fear causes confusion in a person and increases the likelihood of suggestion. Most often it is necessary to do something quick, for example, put a hand on the back of the neck, press the palm of the second hand on the chin, as a result of which the criticality of perception is dulled, and then a suggestion follows with a voice. This method of hypnosis is rarely used in medicine, since a person experiences strong negative emotions.

So, in order to find in practice the answer to the question of how to hypnotize a person, you need to train a lot, be able to acquire and develop magnetism in yourself.