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How to make garlands of hearts with your hands. Garland of hearts: how to make it yourself and what materials to use

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From paper

A paper garland is quite simple to make; it can be made for a child’s birthday or simply to decorate a room for any holiday. Making the brightest and most spectacular paper garlands is not at all difficult - the instructions will help you do it in literally a matter of minutes.

We make a garland of flowers with our own hands.

Stylized flowers

Funny roses

Another garland of paper flowers - this time it's stylized roses. Making such a flower garland from paper with your own hands is quite simple - draw it yourself by hand or print out templates for cutting, and trace them on any paper (by the way, you can use paper with a pattern).

Make a lot of roses - you need to cut out a spiral and then glue an original rose out of it. When there are enough flowers, string the roses on a rope, and your DIY paper garland for a wedding or birthday is ready!

or you can cut out a spiral with a wave, you get a flower like this:

Printable template:

From felt

It is very easy to make a garland with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt (it is better to take pure shades);
  • lace, ribbon or braid;
  • sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine(or thread and needle).
A DIY felt garland is made like this:

If you already have a flat garland, and now you want to make voluminous ones New Year's garlands, then you will love the butterfly garland.

Make this original garland Christmas tree is very, very simple:
  1. we cut the blanks (you can use diagrams - you can download them for free, you can cut them by eye);
  2. we collect bow ties - we sew a large rectangle with thread across it, pull it together, tighten the knot and close it with a small jumper;
  3. we string the butterflies on a thread or a beautiful cord; you can also use twine or ribbon for the garland;
  4. straighten the butterflies - your DIY wedding garland is ready!

From hearts

Garlands made of hearts look very impressive - they can be used for any holiday, you can make your own decoration for a wedding or simply decorate an apartment or office for Valentine's Day.

How to make a garland of hearts using colored paper and a stapler:

You can make a one-color garland - for example, in red or pink tones, or you can use paper of several shades (by the way, double-sided colored paper is good for a printer).

There is another option for a garland of hearts made from paper yourself. We will need colored paper, a cutting template (you can download and print), a pencil (to transfer the template onto paper), scissors and a sewing machine.

This DIY heart garland is made like this:

By the way, a garland of paper circles is made using the same principle - circles of colored paper are folded in pairs and stitched. You can stack three or four blanks, then you will get multi-colored paper balls.

From checkboxes

A flag garland looks very elegant - it can have an inscription happy birthday, or welcome, and a garland of flags can be used at any party or children's party.

How to make a garland of flags for a children's birthday with your own hands? Three simple steps: Simple, isn't it?

For those who want a little more complexity, a garland of flags and fabric. So, we already understand how to make a garland of flags with our own hands, but at what stage should we add fabric and what kind? Again, it's simple.

It is clear that paper garlands are not very durable - they will last a maximum of one or two uses, but what if you want to make something more durable? For example, for kindergarten You can make a flag garland from fabric.

How to sew a garland of flags step by step:
Decorative braid with flags made in this way can be used at home and in the kindergarten, you can make special decor for the street (kids especially like this for the New Year).

for the new year

Making New Year's garlands is fun and exciting! To make a beautiful and original garland you will need small candle lamps, narrow tinsel and a couple of jars of paint - special for glass or regular acrylic. The light bulbs are dipped one at a time in paint and dried on a cardboard stand (the bases can be wrapped in cling film to prevent them from getting dirty). Then the light bulbs are glued to the tinsel in a chaotic manner, and the unusual Christmas tree garland is ready!

Making another Christmas tree garland is also not too difficult - the main thing is to stock up on a template. Can be used immediately for printing colored paper, or you can make one general template and copy it onto paper of any color. Printed or redrawn templates must be cut as shown in the diagram and strung on bright twine.

A garland made of felt balls looks very cozy and very Christmas-like. You can do it together with your child - you just need help. In order to make such an interior decoration, you will need felt balls. No, not even that - A LOT of felt balls.

Making them is quite simple - take a little wool for felting in your palm, wet it under the tap, and then lightly roll it into a ball. Add foam or soap and continue rolling. When the ball starts to form, you need to apply a little effort.

If the fur is capricious, try changing the water temperature several times - after a couple of changes with cold water when hot and back, the fibers begin to fall off. The future ball must be thoroughly rinsed from soap. The ball is ready when it becomes hard.

Make a lot of these balls - they can be the same color (then it is better to take a contrasting thread for stringing) or different shades, and then just string them on a thread and a needle, and your cozy winter decor is ready. By the way, with such balls you can decorate a Christmas wreath on the door and christmas tree.

Christmas tree patterns:

Well, I’ve infected you with my handicraft enthusiasm and you already want to make all kinds of garlands from flowers, felt balls, flags and other things? Then it's time to see what other decors are available.

For example, you can make chic wedding garlands with your own hands.

How to sew a garland of artificial flowers in half an hour on a machine? There's an answer. By the way, if you want, you can make butterflies out of paper and alternate them with flowers.

The ability to turn a weekday into a holiday is worth a lot, and the ability to create beauty from scrap materials is truly priceless. If there is an important occasion coming up, a meeting anniversary, a wedding anniversary, a non-trivial romantic date, then you can have a hand in creating a miracle called a “garland of hearts.”

Necessary materials

To create a paper version of a garland of hearts, you can use any available waste paper, including old newspapers and magazines, they will give the room the elegance of a vintage gloss. Now in fashion using a texture with a monochrome gradient and font variations. Such a garland novelty will successfully fit into an interior that is stylized as modern or high-tech; it is suitable for both light and decorated dark colors registration

List of necessary equipment to create a garland of hearts:

  • Scissors.
  • Glue (PVA or Super).
  • A skein of strong thread.
  • Paper.
  • Cardboard (for creating a heart pattern).

The creation process is fascinating; it consists of stringing hearts on a thread and then securing them. For convenience, stationery glue can be poured into a saucer, and you can use a brush or sponge to apply it to the desired segment of the thread.

There will be room for your imagination to run wild, because you can alternate hearts with a font, with multi-colored hearts, and also interesting decor option, in which contrasting colors are selected. The basis of the heart is a cardboard pattern, however, for lovers of creativity and painstaking work, an option with two patterns is suitable different sizes.

Felt fabric garland

To create a primitive garland branch you will need pieces of multi-colored felt. Even a schoolchild can successfully cope with this task, and what can we say about an adult, the result will be magnificent. You can use not only purchased fabric, but also existing fabric that was carefully stored in a closet or put aside in reserve in your grandmother’s chest.

Before starting work, it is advisable to cut out a pattern from thick cardboard in the shape of a heart with symmetrical halves. The size of such a cardboard pattern can be anything, it is limited only by the imagination of the creator. The idea of ​​​​creating a garland chain of hearts of two alternating colors, for example, white and red or green and yellow, is interesting and easy to implement; however, you don’t have to limit yourself to such a meager color scheme. Bicolor, tricolor or a variety of color palettes: The brightness of the garland is determined by the supply of fabric you have.

Volume craft

For those who like to work hard on the design, a garland with hearts, reminiscent of delicious butter cookies, is suitable. Before you start working with fabric, you need to create two patterns in the form of a large and small heart, which will subsequently overlap each other. It is better that the distance between the hearts is approximately a centimeter, so ready product will take on a spectacular look.

On a beige heart bigger size a heart of red or Pink colour, for strength they can be fastened together with superglue. You can achieve the cookie effect by sewing a blanket stitch around the edges of each of the hearts selected for garland decoration.

Between the layers of fabric, inside the resulting pocket, you can stuff padding polyester or holofiber to give additional volume and make it look like custard on a cookie.

A voluminous garland of hearts is made in this way: a pattern of a large heart is placed on fabric, duplicated, cut out, the edges are overcast, and synthetic insulation, cotton wool, and scraps of material are stuffed inside.

A loop is pulled between the halves of the heart and secured so that the resulting decoration can be connected according to the link principle.

Weightless decoration made from paper hearts

This decor option would be appropriate for your beloved boss’s birthday. Such leisure time will be an excellent emotional release and will help unite the team. Implementation creative project the joint efforts of the office staff will give the boss an idea of ​​the smooth functioning of his structure.

To create affordable jewelry from improvised materials, stock up on the following arsenal:

Sheets of paper (white or multi-colored) are cut into wide strips more than two centimeters long. Bend the strips inward and fix them with a stapler so that a tiny heart is formed. The rest of the process is similar in steps to previous descriptions of how to make a garland of paper hearts with your own hands.

Variety of options

To make a garland of hearts more festive, you can brainstorm and come up with a fresh decorative idea. The paper garland can be made from a world map cut into hearts or an old road atlas. The volume is achieved by inserting the heart to the heart perpendicularly, that is, a slot is made in one part of the product into which the second part should be inserted.

A stylish solution for a wedding arch, which uses a paper garland: hearts alternate with doves, snowflakes or flowers.

The decor with buttons of different sizes along a heart-shaped garland looks interesting, and steampunk lovers will like the option of a garland decorated with clock mechanisms, hands, and gears.

Experienced knitters can add woolen pieces to a garland of hearts with their own hands; however, it will not be difficult to sew guipure, sequins, and bugles to the hearts. The finished garland composition can be attached not only to the ceiling, cornice, but also to the doorway. Any of the considered options for making a heart garland will delight the eye with a variety of colors, budget and the awareness of involvement in the creation of a decorative masterpiece.

Attention, TODAY only!

A wedding is an important event for a couple in love, and it must be beautiful. There are many options for decorating a festive hall, and they are all good in their own way.

If your head is spinning with a lot of thoughts, but you still don’t have a ready-made idea, you can choose a decoration method using garlands. They are made from different materials, have a wide variety of shapes, and this allows you to focus on your taste.

A wedding garland is a wonderful festive attribute that allows you to show your imagination. The main task of such decor is to give the room a festive look and lift the mood.

Paper garlands are the most popular. Their relevance is primarily due to their low cost, which does not in any way affect their beautiful appearance.

Decorations of this type fill the space with lightness and romance. There are many craftsmen who can easily make any of your ideas, but it is much more pleasant to make a garland with your own hands, putting love and tenderness of feelings into the work.

The main advantage of this type of decor is that it can be made to your liking. Handmade is unique and inimitable, which means that no one can replicate the same decor, the maximum is to create a similar one.

Everything that is done with one's own hands is done with soul. Not a single thing purchased will be as valuable as something made with one’s own hands.


There are a large number of varieties of paper garlands that can be used to decorate a wedding celebration. Among them, the most popular ones are:

  • Garlands using cut out geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rhombuses, circles, etc.);
  • Garlands of bright hearts - the atmosphere will be filled with bright colors, the mood will be at the highest level;
  • From . This option looks great - it creates a certain airiness and lightness;
  • From figures made using the origami technique (for example, cranes, angels, etc.);
  • From the newspaper. At first glance, this idea may seem a little old, but in reality it looks good and original;
  • From, folded in the form of an “accordion”, light and uncomplicated figures are obtained.

Let's consider a simple, but at the same time effective type of decor - pom-poms. They are easy to make. You will need corrugated paper, scissors and tape.

From corrugated paper prepare 8 squares measuring 25x25 cm. We stack all the squares on top of each other and form a neat “accordion”.

Having found the middle, we tie it with ribbon. There is no need to cut the remaining piece of tape - it will be useful for fastening.

The next step is to give the desired shape to the edges. It's best to make it round. This process is not easy: the layer of paper is quite thick and you will have to make an effort, but the result is worth it. Then you just need to straighten the pompom.

This must be done carefully, without stretching the paper too much, because the corrugation is easily deformed.

DIY heart garlands for a wedding – master class

Make from paper a beautiful garland it won't be difficult. To do this, you don’t need to have any special skills, you just need to show your imagination and create your own unique masterpiece. As an example, consider an interesting master class.

The product is based on figures in the form of symbolic hearts, radiating love and tenderness.

So, to work you need to have two colored paper different colors that go well together, for example: red and white or pink and red. It all depends on the desired result.

If the wedding style does not involve a combination of colors, you can limit yourself to one tone.

You will also need thread to match the paper, scissors and a round object that can be traced as an outline. Now we trace the outline on paper and get an even circle, the diameter of which will set the size of the hearts. Next you need to fold geometric figure"accordion"

And the last “touch” is to fold the “accordion” in half in the middle. The end result is a very cute heart. In the same way, we make the required number of figures and string them on a thread, alternating colors.

Another wonderful option for making a garland looks like this: on paper desired color Even hearts are drawn, then they are cut out and assembled onto a thread. The assembly process can be simplified by simply machine stitching all the hearts. The length of such a garland can be any.

This video will teach you how to make wedding garlands from hearts:

The closer the figures are to each other, the more interesting the composition will look.

Garland of fresh flowers for a wedding

Fresh flowers are a mandatory attribute of a wedding; they add special chic and nobility to the event. A garland of real fresh flowers looks amazing. It's hard to take your eyes off such beauty.

Decorate flower arrangements photo zone, entrance to a restaurant or cafe, table of the bride and groom, arch, etc.

Of course, no one cancels all other types of jewelry that are classified as “artificial”, but living harmony, real colorful moments and naturalness cannot be compared with anything.

Therefore, we can say with complete confidence that decorating the hall with fresh flowers is The best way, which has no competitors. A light floral aroma will add a special charm, which will later be associated with the holiday.

Types of flower garlands:

  • vertical - attached to a fishing line, creating an imitation of flower rain;
  • horizontal – attached to various objects (table, chairs, arch, etc.);
  • only from buds;
  • from flowers on a stalk;
  • from blossoming flowers.

It is necessary to periodically spray the flowers with water so that they keep their shape better.

From fishing line and buds

To decorate your wedding with such a flower garland, you don’t have to hire a professional. The manufacturing process is more than simple. Only the heads, the buds, are cut off from the flowers. They are strung on a fishing line at an equal distance. This composition is made on the day of the celebration, not earlier.

This design looks very nice on wedding arch. You can only imagine how beautiful the photographs will turn out against the backdrop of such a composition.

The main property of buds is that they do not fade quickly.

Flowers on ribbons

Flowers tied to ribbons made of satin fabric look incredibly beautiful. Such original idea will turn any holiday into a royal one.

Lightness, tenderness and a certain magic - this is what everyone present at the wedding ceremony will feel.

Satin itself is a noble fabric, so it is recommended to choose ribbons from it. Alternatively, you can string beads onto ribbons.

Decorating a wedding hall with flower garlands - master class

If fresh flowers are chosen as the main wedding decor, then they should evenly fill all the empty space of the room. Of course, there should not be an overabundance of flowers either.

Most often, carnations are chosen for compositions, since they are the most persistent and do not have a strong odor. But you can also use roses, they also look decent.

It is important to make sure in advance that none of the guests are allergic to floral scents.

The presence of a flower garland is mandatory - it is best if it decorates the edge of the table. To make such a composition, you need to use a well-bending wire to connect all the flowers to each other, while filling the voids with beautiful green branches or leaves.

This video will tell you how to beautifully decorate a wedding with flowers in a couple of hours:

You can decorate chandeliers with flowers: to do this, just tie them on satin ribbons place the required number of flowers on the legs and evenly decorate the lighting fixture with them. But it is better not to place such a structure above tables with food.

The figures look great wedding rings, braided with fresh flowers. To do this, you need to prepare a frame and attach flowers to it in a circle, securing with ribbons.

With not much effort, you can create unique creative decorative elements, like in the photo, that will amaze with their beauty and originality. Garlands for a wedding are the right and successful choice; they can transform any unsightly area of ​​the hall and give it a new wonderful life. The bride, groom and everyone present will be able to fully enjoy festive atmosphere, take a lot of bright and interesting photographs against the backdrop of homemade scenery. How do you like this wedding design option?

Do you want to decorate your cozy apartment or country house? romantic holiday- ? Then use detailed master class about creating an amazingly beautiful and unusual garland from multi-colored paper hearts.

Using the technique of creating this garland, you can decorate any room in the same way for other holidays. For example, to the International women's day decorate with a garland of paper flowers, for the New Year with a garland of paper snowflakes, for Defenders of the Fatherland Day with a garland of stars, for Birthdays with a garland of candles or balloons.

To make a garland of paper hearts you will need the following materials:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • thin but strong thread;
  • scotch.


First of all, you will need to cut out a huge number of paper hearts of the same size but different colors from colored paper. Make a cardboard blank or any mold that you can trace to create paper hearts.

We used 6 different colors in our paper garland. The variety of colors made the garland bright and festive, a real decoration of the room.

After you have made a lot of paper hearts, you will need to lay them out on the floor in strips. Try to make sure that the hearts are located at the same distance from each other, then the garland will turn out neat.

Now stretch the thread and attach it to the hearts that are lying on the floor. It is advisable to have someone help you - keep the thread taut. If there are no helpers nearby, you can tighten the thread yourself - tie one end of the thread to one chair, and the other end to the opposite chair.

Now you can start gluing the thread to the hearts. This must be done using tape. Use small pieces of tape so that they are not so noticeable and do not ruin the entire look of the garland.

Hang the finished garland from the ceiling. Make the rest of the garlands in the same way. The number of garlands made of paper hearts depends only on your patience and aesthetic taste.

Such an unusual and easy-to-make decor will allow you to decorate any room for the holidays and give a lot of positive emotions to your loved ones and family.

Anyone, even a child, can make a garland of hearts with their own hands. You just need to choose suitable option, find materials, apply a little patience and skill. These garlands can be used to decorate a room on the eve of Valentine’s Day, birthday, or the Eighth of March, because the heart is a symbol of love.

Heart garland

"Double" hearts

Fold a sheet of colored paper in half. You need to cut out the figures, starting from the fold of the paper, so that they are connected in the middle. Prepare a beautiful thick thread (you can use knitting thread). Apply glue to the inside of the hearts, thread them onto the thread, and glue the two halves together. This garland will not only look very cute, but will also last a long time.

If you often have to make garlands of hearts with your own hands from paper, purchase a cutting plotter. This simple device will allow you to cut out complex shapes without any effort. You can cut hearts using a plotter different forms and sizes, and then connect them together using tape. Figures consisting of several elements look beautiful: small ones are glued into the middle of large ones. You can glue the entire surface, or you can connect only the middle to obtain a multi-layer effect.

An office decoration option, for the manufacture of which there are enough materials that can be found in every office. Take paper and a stapler. Cut strips of paper. The width of the strips is 1-2 cm, the length is 10-15 cm (optional). Bend the edges of the strips so that they form hearts and fasten the entire structure with paper clips using a stapler. Simple, affordable and tasteful.

We use fabric

Fabric garlands are a more durable option that can be hidden at the end of the holiday and stored until the next celebration. Soft, gingerbread-like hearts look “tasty” and original. They look appropriate not only in a “love” room, but also in a New Year’s interior. Soft felt it's very cozy and homely. So, take a piece of felt, stuffing material (cotton wool or synthetic padding, whatever you can find), thread, needles, pencil. Cut out squares from fabric that are suitable in size for future figures. Fold the squares in half. Draw one heart on each piece. Then sew a seam along the drawn outline, leaving a little space to push the stuffing inside. Stuff the fabric and sew up the gap. Now take scissors and cut out the hearts, stepping back approximately 1 cm from the drawn edges.

You can make “gingerbread cookies” from thick felt. You just have to choose the colors so that the “gingerbreads” look appetizing. You will need at least two pieces of felt: for the “dough” and for the “glaze”. Cut out the hearts for the “dough” from brown or sand-colored felt. For the “glaze” - from pink or red felt. The brown hearts should be slightly larger than the pink ones so that the “batter” can peek out from under the “icing”. Place the pink pieces of fabric on top of the brown ones and sew them together with an overlock stitch. The seam should look so that no one doubts that it is truly “handmade”. On the top you can make a “sprinkling” of seams, small buttons, and beads. Use braid to secure the garland.