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How to make a rooster from foamiran with your own hands. Foamiran rooster: master class and do-it-yourself photos, patterns on how to make, MK with a toy and Christmas tree template

Foamiran quickly won the love of needlewomen. If the material is heated, it can be given any shape, which it retains perfectly. Flowers and toys are made from foamiran, which will be excellent handmade gifts. The symbol of 2018 according to the Chinese calendar is the Fire Cockerel. Let's try to make it ourselves!

Doing something with your own hands is pleasant and useful.

If a child is busy with needlework, it develops him well. fine motor skills and teaches perseverance and patience.

Crafts made from foamiran are easy to make, and even a beginner can handle them perfectly. On the eve of the New Year or during the long winter holidays, you can make real masterpieces with your own hands.

Options for crafts with a winter theme:

  • New Year's Christmas tree decoration(balls, cones, stars - everything you can decorate a Christmas tree or house with);
  • Christmas trees (one of the main symbols of the New Year and Christmas);
  • Symbol of the year.

Many people place a figurine with the symbol of the year on New Year's table, and leave the figures on the shelves as a symbol have a nice year. It's nice when this handmade craft brings joy all year round!

Preparation before making a foamiran rooster yourself

Before starting work, imagine the final result. What kind of cockerel is this? What color will it have? You can make an unusual, fairy-tale or realistic cockerel with an accordion. Or maybe it will be cockerels that look like they are made of caramel?

All this is necessary to select the right materials for further work.

If the cockerel is bright, you will need foamiran different colors. You can add feathers. This will give the craft a voluminous look. You can make a shiny cockerel as a decoration for a Christmas tree. Add beads, sparkles or sequins to the design. The lights from the Christmas tree garland will shimmer fantastically in such a toy. You can make a magnet for the refrigerator. To do this you need a magnet or magnetic tape.

Materials required for work:

  • Foamiran ( color scheme determined in advance);
  • Foam rubber (you can use a figurine of a cockerel made of foam);
  • Glue (hot gun or super glue);
  • Scissors;
  • Decorative jewelry (beads, sequins, feathers, buttons);
  • Toothpick or sharp wooden stick;
  • Pattern.

Everything you need should be prepared on the table, and it should be within reach so that you don’t have to look for anything at the right time.

Beautiful rooster made of foamiran: patterns, drawings and templates

For the pattern you will need thick paper. You can immediately draw a cockerel on it.

But, if the artist’s talent has bypassed him, then you can always print out the finished pattern.

It will be much more interesting to choose a drawing of a cockerel from your favorite children's book and transfer it to paper. This can be done using tracing paper, or use carbon paper. When making a pattern, do not forget about the indentations for gluing the parts.

It is better to cut out the pattern details separately:

  • Torso;
  • Scallop;
  • Goatee;
  • Beak;
  • Wings;
  • Feathers for the tail.

You can also make a toy template from polystyrene foam or cellophane and tape. The base is also made from aluminum foil (if a child is making the craft, then this method will be easier for him). We make a tail and paws from thick wire. Such a base will simply need to be covered with foamiran.

How to make a rooster from foamiran with your own hands

When all the materials are prepared and the pattern is ready, you can start working.

Let's try to make a bright cockerel in a step-by-step way:

  1. From foam rubber finished pattern The body is cut out - 2 oval parts. We glue the foam parts together. The thick paper pattern remains between the foam parts.
  2. From red foamiran we cut out the comb and beard of the cockerel. The beak is thick yellow. For the body you will need white or beige colour foamiran.
  3. We cut out a ribbon from blue or light blue foamiran. Width 1 cm. Cover the lower part of the body with this tape. This strip hides the foam. Apply glue to it exactly in the middle. We trim the edges that protrude to the level of the foam rubber. We glue the ends to the foam rubber.
  4. The “shirt,” a body made of white or beige material, is glued to the top of the foam. There is no need to glue everything completely. Glue is applied only to the edges. We also glue the upper edges of the “shirt”.
  5. From green foamiran we make blanks for the lower part of the cockerel’s body - 2 small ovals. We make an insert from a flesh-colored or beige material and glue the yellow wings on top, overlapping.
  6. We glue the green ovals onto the foam body of the toy. Next, we glue parts made of flesh-colored or beige material and yellow wings.
  7. On the top white part, this will be the head of the cockerel, glue a red beard. There should be 2 parts. We glue them symmetrically on both sides.
  8. We spread a beak made of thick yellow foamiran with glue and attach it to the red beard and the white part of the shirt.
  9. We glue the comb in the same way as the beard. Both parts must be symmetrical.
  10. At the bottom of the toy we stick a toothpick or a sharp wooden stick. This will be the rooster's leg.
  11. From foamiran of various colors we cut out circles, 2 or more, or hearts. Glue them together. We make a hole in the center into which the toothpick will be attached. Pour glue into the hole and insert a toothpick.
  12. We glue feathers from multi-colored foamiran onto a thick wire. Use a toothpick to draw stripes on the feathers. We attach the wire to the body of the cockerel.
  13. The eyes can be made from beads or a small button.

The cockerel is ready!

Such a bright cockerel will be a good gift on New Year, which you can do yourself.

Making a rooster from foamiran: master class for children

It will be easier and more convenient for children to paste over a ready-made base. Even the smallest children can make such a craft, of course, with the help of adults.

Master class for the little ones:

  1. First we make the base for the toy. From cellophane, you can take a bag or cling film, make a head and torso. We wrap everything with tape. You can also use foil, this option will be even more convenient for little creators. We wrap the body with thick wire and form the legs. For the tail we attach 5-6 wires. Right there on the blank we make a beak and a comb from dense foamiran. We cover the legs with red material.
  2. Making feathers. They need to be made in two sizes. Large ones for the whole body, small ones for the head. If the entire base is 10-12 cm, then the large feathers will be 7-9 cm, and the small ones 3-5 cm. In order for the feathers to bend, they need to be heated, for example with an iron. Place them on the soleplate of the iron and wait until they bend. The edges of the feathers need to be cut a little so that they look shaggy.
  3. Glue the finished feather onto the wire. Let's start with the ponytail. We attach the feathers with an overlap so that the new feather rests on the base of the previous one. Thus, we glue the entire tail.
  4. Now we glue the body. You also need to start from the tail. Glue the feathers so that the base is not visible. Glue the base up to the head.
  5. We design the head in the same way, only the feathers should be directed not towards the tail, but towards the beak and in a circle.
  6. We cut out wings from foamiran and glue feathers on them. It is good if the feathers are of a different color so that they do not merge with the body.
  7. We make eyes from beads or buttons.

The cockerel is ready.

Christmas tree and cockerel made of foamiran for children

For such a craft, any color scheme can be used. Children usually choose bright colors and are happy to work with them.

If the cockerel seems like an impossible task, then you can always do Christmas tree. It's simple: a cone made of paper, like an accordion, is covered in a circle with strips of green foamiran, on which cuts are made on one side. To make the Christmas tree fluffy, the foamiran is shaped. Hold the strips on the soleplate of the iron. The needles will be fluffy and voluminous. You can decorate such a Christmas tree with beads, shiny ribbons and sequins. This craft will give New Year's mood everyone in the house.

Foamiran cockerel: master class (video)

These crafts are great for developing children, and if the child likes this technique, then in the future you can make various crafts with him. In winter you can prepare for the New Year, in spring you can please with a flower made of foamiran and teach your child to make one with his own hands.

Foamiran became famous not so long ago, but we can already observe many interesting works. How many unusual things can be created with its help. For example, a rooster made of foamiran, the master class of which I decided to present, can be used as a pendant or simply as decor for a child’s room. By the way, last time we showed weaving.

So, if you are wondering how to create such a cockerel from foamiran, let’s first see what material we needed in MK:

- Blue foamiran,
- Red foamiran,
- Orange colored foamiran,
- White foamiran,
- Black foamiran,
- Glue gun,
- Scissors,
- Pencil.

And let's get to work. First of all, we need a pattern - a template for this cockerel. You can print the template that is offered to you below, or if you do not have such an opportunity, simply redraw the pattern from the monitor screen.

When we have all the details of the pattern on a sheet of paper, we can safely cut them out along the contour. Then take a toothpick or a tangerine stick and, using it, lightly pressing along the contour, trace the patterns on a sheet of foamiran. Let's cut out the parts along the “drawn” lines. And we’ll start gluing, or rather “assembling” our cockerel. First, use a glue gun to glue the eyes from white foamiran, as seen in the photo.

Then we glue the pupils cut out of black foamiran.

We glue the beak part made of yellow material and immediately after it we glue the red part.

We also glue a comb made of red foamiran in the center of the head from the wrong side.

Of these small parts, we only need to glue on the legs. Glue them at the bottom along the edges.

Then we cut out two small strips from the remaining foamiran.

Glue one of them to the wrong side of the base of the rooster's head, as seen in the photo.

Then glue the second side of the same strip to the inside of the base.

We will do the same with the second strip.

Christmas tree toy – DIY Cockerel. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Author: Denshchikova Natalya Vladimirovna, technology teacher, MKOU “Svetlopolyanskaya secondary school”, Kurgan region, Ketovsky district.
Purpose: Christmas tree decoration.
Description: The master class can be used by teachers and parents when organizing a New Year's workshop in primary schools.

Target: development of fantasy, creativity, careful attitude towards one’s own work.
1. Develop creative imagination and aesthetic taste.
2. Cultivate aesthetic taste and the desire to decorate the Christmas tree with handmade toys.
Materials and tools:
For work we will need:
- scissors,
- porous rubber or foamiran different color;
- Christmas ball, any diameter;
- glue.
Cockerel template.

Step-by-step execution works:

Prepare templates according to the diameter of the ball. It is better to transfer (draw) details onto the rubber using a toothpick; it leaves a mark very well and does not stain the work.
Breast – 1 piece,
scallop - 1 piece,
paws - 2 parts,

Eyes – 2 details,
wing (large part) – 2 parts,
wing (smaller part) – 2 parts,
tail three parts different sizes(you can make more parts if you wish - 4-5),
beak – 2 parts,
beard – 2 parts.

Place the breast on a heated iron and heat for 2 seconds, remove and place on a Christmas tree ball, thereby giving it a concave shape. (Porous rubber, when heated, easily takes on the desired shape.)

We carry out a similar procedure with all the details, giving the necessary head start after heating - beak, tail, wings, scallop.

Glue the breast at the top of the pendant.

We glue the 2 parts together and attach them to the breast approximately in the center.

Glue the eye sockets and place them the way you like.

Then we attach the pupils (these can be small beads, buttons, rhinestones or porous rubber).

We glue the comb, you can also play with the attachment point and experiment as you like.

Now you need to secure the beard.

We glue the paws (the paws can be made from foam rubber, or you can bend it from furred wire or from wire threaded into a hollow textile cord).

We connect the tail and attach it to the cockerel from the back in the center, do not forget to focus on the breast, so that everything is even and symmetrical.

As I already said, for the paws, as well as for the tail, the following material can be used - furred wire. (It exists both independently and in such branches as a decoration).

And lastly we glue the wings, first the wing bigger size, then onto it in a smaller size.

Now our Cockerel is ready, we hang it on the Christmas tree.

Petya the cockerel. Making toys from foamiran. Master class with step by step photos.

Shishova Svetlana Gennadievna
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 197", Barnaul
Goals: creating crafts; development of aesthetic sense.
Purpose of the material: the proposed material will be useful to educators and teachers additional education, creative people.
Rules for safe work with scissors
1. Keep your work area tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors.
4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended

Red Petya is a cockerel!
He came to our matinee,
In patent leather boots,
With gold clasp
He came to us for a reason,
He hurried from afar
Soon, on a beautiful bright day,
The Year of the Rooster is coming!

The cockerel, the making of which is described in this master class, was made by me for the competition of New Year's cockerel toys for a large street Christmas tree. That is, the product turned out to be quite large and double-sided. The two sides of the product are identical, that is, they have the same image. In the master class I give a description indicating the dimensions and number of parts for just this option.
Materials for work: foamiran 1 and 2 mm thick. different bright colors, scissors, toothpick or orange stick, Secunda glue.

Manufacturing procedure:
On foamiran 2 mm thick. Using a sharp stick of different colors, draw the tail of a cockerel - 1 piece, as well as the body - 1 piece, comb - 1 piece, beak - 1 piece, large and small beards - 2 pieces each. Made from foamiran 1 mm thick. cut out 2 parts of the head, 2 parts of the wing, 2 parts of the eye, as well as several strips of a contrasting color for the feathers of the wing and tail, 2 pieces each.

Cutting it out (even children can help do this work) preschool age). And then we start connecting. On the base - the body, on one side we fix the comb and beak with glue.

We cover the gluing places with the head piece, on the other side of the body - the head is simply glued on top. Like this.

Glue the small comb to the large one, and then to the head on both sides. Glue on the eyes.

We glue the feathers to the tail part, then attach it to the body.

Glue to wing parts colorful stripes, then we fix it to the cockerel. On one side the wing will overlap the place where the tail joins the body.

Let's finish drawing the eyes. Our cockerel is ready.

Good luck! With coming!

It’s already autumn on the calendar, and the New Year is coming very soon. In this regard, the time has come to think about New Year's gifts. What would make a great holiday present? Of course, a rooster made of foamiran, which will appeal to both adults and children.

After all, foamiran is a material that is similar to plastic suede. Its advantages include environmental friendliness, the ability to easily change shape when heated and complete “indifference” to water.

Moreover, foamiran has a wide range of colors, which allows products made from it to acquire maximum similarity to natural prototypes (for example, flowers).

What secrets should you use when creating crafts from foamiran? In fact, there are no special secrets, you just still need to stretch this material quite carefully, since excessive tension can lead to rupture of the part.

Foamiran rooster, master class

To create a bright, attractive and, of course, fabulous cockerel - the symbol of 2017, take:

  • foamiran of various colors (be sure to take red and white);
  • foam;
  • hot glue gun;
  • toothpick;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

Process of creation:

  • draw a rooster of the required shape and size on paper, cut it out;
  • cut out the future body of the cockerel from thick paper;
  • attach the body blank to the foam rubber and cut out 2 identical parts from it;
  • glue the foam rubber and thick paper together so that the paper is in the middle;

Important: to get a craft that is as close as possible to the description, use the patterns and photographs below to create your rooster from foamiran.

  • using a stencil, cut out a comb and beard from red foamiran, a beak and wings from yellow foamiran, a breast and additional inserts from white or flesh-colored foam, and the lower parts of the body from green;

Moreover, if the comb, beard, beak and body should be separate parts, then the wings, additional inserts and lower parts of the body should be connected to each other by a small “isthmus”. This is necessary so that the finished foamiran rooster, seen from the front, looks like a complete product.

  • cut a small strip from the craft material and cover the lower part of the cockerel’s body with it;
  • stick his chest on the upper part of the body;
  • glue the lower parts of the body to the sides of the workpiece;
  • glue the wings;
  • glue additional inserts on top so that they extend a little onto the wings and a little onto the lower parts of the body;
  • glue the rooster's beard to the sides of his chest;
  • glue the beak;
  • glue the comb so that both parts come together and create the desired volume on the top of the head;
  • cut feathers from material different lengths and different colors for the tail of the craft;
  • glue a medium-length wire to each feather;
  • stick the wires into the foam until you get a chic tail on the back of the body;
  • insert a toothpick into the lower part of the body;

😛 Important: this must be done if, as planned, the cockerel should stand on one leg. 🙂

In the same case, if a rooster made of foamiran with patterns will be used as a hanging decoration, then this stage should be changed to the stage of securing a rope or ribbon in the upper part of the rooster.

  • cut out 2-3 hearts or circles of different colors from foamiran;
  • glue them together;
  • make a hole in the workpiece that is the size of a toothpick;
  • Apply a little glue to the toothpick and insert it into the base.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the information presented in the section: “Rooster from foamiran, master class” is advisory in nature and should be used only as a basis. For example, when making your own toy, you can add additional blanks to create volume in the wings, or you can put the cockerel on two legs.

After all, only in this case will you get a truly exclusive New Year’s gift, and not just a banal copy of someone’s work.