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How to remove an unpleasant and musty smell in an apartment. How to get rid of solvent odor quickly and effectively? How to remove odor

Those who have small children or animals at home often face a very specific problem - the unpleasant odor of feces, which is quickly absorbed into clothes, the surface of upholstered furniture (sofas) and carpets. The most obvious way to get rid of the smell of feces is to take the affected item to the dry cleaner or use special odor neutralizers (they are available in any hardware store). However, if the smell is not old, home remedies that any housewife has in stock will be of great help.

  • Trying to “overpower” the smell of feces with perfume, eau de toilette or deodorant spray.
  • Use gasoline or turpentine: these substances do not erode well and leave stains if used incorrectly.
  • Try to remove the smell from a dirty surface: first vacuum upholstered furniture or carpet, wipe wooden or plastic furniture with a damp sponge, and wash clothes.

When working with caustic substances (vinegar, bleach, etc.), do not forget about the safety rules: use household gloves and a respirator, do not leave products accessible to children or animals.

How to remove fecal smell from a sofa or carpet


  1. First of all, remove excrement from the surface (upholstered furniture, sofa or carpet).
  2. Wipe the affected area with soapy water (both baby and laundry soap, washing powder, dishwashing gel will do).
  3. Rinse off the foam cold water, blot the surface with a clean sponge, collecting any remaining moisture. Dry well.
  4. If the smell remains, use one of the options below.

Absorbents. Fresh stench from feces is easily removed by absorbents. Sprinkle a dark-colored surface with crushed activated or charcoal, ground coffee, and tea leaves. Absorbs well unpleasant odors dry mustard: dilute mustard powder with water (to a paste), apply the mixture to the contaminated area and let dry. Remove any remaining mustard with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Soda or salt. Baking soda“with a bang” it copes with odors that have not yet had time to “take in”. Mix baking soda with a little water. Gently spread the resulting paste on the surface and leave until completely dry. Remove the remaining soda with a stiff brush, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Use table salt in the same way, and for greater effect, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to it. Please note that this composition is only suitable for smooth wooden or plastic surfaces that do not absorb oil.

Iodine or potassium permanganate. Iodine (15 drops per liter of warm water) or potassium permanganate diluted to pale pink. Soak a clean towel or piece of rags in the solution, then wring it well and place it on the contaminated area. Leave for 30 minutes, repeat soaking if necessary. When the smell disappears completely, dry the surface.

Potassium permanganate and iodine may slightly stain wood, plastic or fabric. Do not use them to remove odors from furniture or light-colored carpets.

Vinegar or lemon acid. It’s easy to remove the smell of feces with vinegar: dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar in two glasses of water and add a few drops of dishwashing gel. Rub the solution into the surface or spray with a spray bottle. Leave for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure. After another 20 minutes, rinse off the remaining mixture with cold water and dry the area with a towel. In the same way, treat the affected area with lemon juice diluted with water (4:1 ratio).

Bleach or peroxide. For white surfaces, chlorine-containing bleach is suitable: rub a small amount of the product, after 20-30 minutes, rinse with water and dry.

Mix hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1 ratio), add a little soap or dishwashing liquid. Apply the solution to a surface previously treated with table vinegar (9%) and sprinkled with baking soda. Leave for an hour, then remove the remaining solution with a brush.

Test the effect of bleach or hydrogen peroxide on an inconspicuous area first. To enhance the effect, “inject” upholstered furniture with peroxide (use a syringe for this).

Unfortunately, people tend to get sick and get old, and sooner or later, most residents of our country are faced with the problem of the unpleasant odor of human urine indoors. Often, this situation can be observed when there is an elderly and sick person in the house who is simply not able to go to the toilet on his own. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of how to eliminate the smell of human urine in the shortest possible time and without using drastic measures.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Which neutralizer will help remove urine odor? Human urine is a product of nutrient processing, and therefore, in its composition, appearance and smell can diagnose many ailments. It is the development of diseases that often causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

  • with inflammation of the genitourinary system, for example the development of cystitis or pyelonephritis, the smell of ammonia can be observed;
  • if suppuration or a fistula has formed in the genitourinary system, the urine will smell rotten;
  • during development diabetes mellitus you will smell acetone;

Already based on the above facts, it should be concluded that as soon as urine becomes pronounced, bad smell You should immediately consult a doctor who can identify the physiological cause of this problem.

Important! Also, urine can have a variety of odors, such as sulfur, beer, mold, etc. Each such change will indicate the development of certain physiological disorders in the human body. Accordingly, the question of how to kill the smell of human urine will become increasingly relevant.

Urine odor removers

How to remove the smell of urine in a room? The cause of an unpleasant odor in a room can be not only sedentary or sick people, but also children preschool age. If you notice an “accident” that has occurred, you should resort to eliminating it as quickly as possible so that the urine does not have time to get old and the smell does not spread into the apartment.

Eliminating traces of fresh urine

To get rid of a fresh stain on the surface of a carpet or sofa, use one of the following methods:

  • Prepare a solution of citric acid with water and vinegar in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten a napkin in the resulting substance and place it on the stained area. do similar procedure Follow until the unpleasant aroma completely disappears.
  • To remove urine stains from the surface of dark sofa upholstery or carpet, it is best to use an iodine solution. This product is prepared to remove the odor of human urine by adding 14-18 drops of a medical solution per liter of warm water.
  • Any detergent Bring until foamy by mixing with water. Treat the fresh stain with soapy water, after which you can dry it with an iron and gauze.
  • An excellent assistant in the fight against the strong odor of urine is a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This is due, first of all, to the fact that manganese has strong deodorizing and oxidizing properties. Treat the stain with the solution until the unpleasant odor disappears completely.

Removing traces of old urine

If you managed to miss the moment when the trouble appeared, or the cause of the unpleasant aroma is an elderly person, then the following remedies can be used to solve the problem:

  • Laundry soap and water will help remove old stains. To achieve the desired effect, you should wet the problem area and soap it well using a household bar. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Prepare a vinegar solution in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Using this mixture, rinse off the soap, then rinse the contaminated area with water and dry thoroughly. This technology will allow you to easily remove the smell of old person's urine.

Important! It is very important to dry the fabric surface to prevent the development of mold and fungal growths.

  • You can get rid of the unpleasant odor of old urine using medical alcohol or ammonia. Wet the stain well with a medical solution and leave it in this condition for 30-40 minutes. Upon completion of cleaning work, rinse the fabric with water and dry thoroughly.
  • Chlorine solution also effectively combats unpleasant odors. However, such a product for removing the smell of human urine cannot be used on furniture with colored upholstery or in rooms with children and pets.

Important! When using a chlorine solution, it is very important that the substance does not penetrate deep into the material, since it will be extremely difficult to eliminate moisture from the upholstery.

  • There are also specialized chemicals to remove the unpleasant odor of old urine. You can buy such a substance at almost any household chemical store.

Important! If you have tried almost all the means, but have still not been able to remove the smell, then you can always turn to specialized cleaning services for help. Specially trained staff will quickly help you deal with the problem using suitable substances that are based on chemical destruction of the molecular structure of urine.

Video material

In this article, we have shared with you the most effective means of combating unpleasant odors, as well as ways to eliminate the smell of an old person’s urine. We sincerely hope that the recommendations offered will help solve the problem and fill your room with only pleasant aromas.

Smells surround us everywhere. They are at work, on the street, in the home. But it’s one thing to inhale the tart aroma of your favorite perfume or delicious pastries, and quite another thing is the strong smell of a trash can or urine. The smell in a room, namely in a wooden private house or apartment, can cause discomfort to anyone. In this article we will tell you what are the reasons for the appearance of foreign odors, how to remove them from the room mechanically, how to remove the smell of urine, and how to help in this matter. traditional methods and regular cleaning of premises.

Why is there a nasty smell in the air, even if you wet clean the area and ventilate it every day? Because a terrible smell in an apartment can appear not only from a strong-smelling object, but also from an ordinary thing that you would not even think about. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon.

One of the first can be called a rag for washing the floor. Over time, mold can appear on it, which is formed due to residual moisture. Such a substance inevitably begins to stink, and it is best to simply throw the rag away. The culprits of the unpleasant odor can be the trash can and ashtray. Even when they are empty, it is best to periodically rinse the insides with vinegar. But ventilation shafts and sewer pipes are also at risk. If you suddenly hear a stench from there, you need to get rid of it urgently. You should not do this yourself; invite specialists from the relevant service to inspect the systems.

Other reasons that can disturb the smell of your home are the stench from a dishwashing sponge, tobacco stench, residual aromas from frying fish, onions or garlic, odors from a pet's litter box, mustiness from a clothes closet, odors remaining after painting work. . Most often, unpleasant odors can appear in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, linen closet, come from animals, and hide in small things. You can eliminate the smell with a certain product.

Video “Fighting the smell of urine”

From the video you will learn how to effectively remove the smell of urine from your home.

How to remove odor mechanically

It is possible to remove any stench using mechanical, chemical or folk methods. Many housewives prefer to achieve fresh air using a mechanical method. Sometimes simple ventilation helps, especially on a frosty winter day. On warm days, the unbearable odor can be eliminated by opening all the windows wide. When this method turns out to be ineffective, you need to think about how to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the apartment in other ways. Don't forget about regular wet cleaning. Temporarily, for example, before guests decide to come to you, it is permissible to use a modern neutralizer. It cannot remove aromas for a long time, but it can freshen the air in your home for a couple of hours. It is better not to use such a remedy when an asthmatic or allergic person lives with you. Air fresheners do not eliminate the very cause of the smell. Therefore, the bacteria that are its source remain in the air, renewing the violation of the harmony of freshness and harming human health.

Natural ones come to everyone's aid essential oils. For example, when vacuuming, it is recommended to moisten a cotton wool with mint, lemon balm or lavender oils and suck it in with the unit. It is possible to refresh your home without letting it become filled with the smells of the neighboring apartment by adding fir, spruce, or fir oil to a spray bottle with water. tea tree , citronella, lemongrass. Sanitation of the territory is carried out by adding products with the odors of fir, eucalyptus, spruce, najoli and others to the sprayer. This procedure is especially useful if there is a sick person in the home. The dosage is 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 5 - 7 drops of oil for 10 - 15 area. Products with scents of spruce, fir and others are recommended for use in aroma lamps. An electric aroma diffuser will also work. The smell of a Christmas tree, that is, spruce, cedar, fir, lemon, thyme, bergamot, will refresh the hallway. For the living room, the amber of mandarin, ylang-ylang, and grapefruit is often used. Bay, ginger, anise, cloves, and fennel are indispensable for dining. For the bedroom, choose patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot, incense and others. In the nursery, lemon, bergamot, and tangerine are used. Lemon, peppermint, and rosemary will help neutralize the smell in the kitchen. It’s up to you to choose the aromas of spruce, fir or herbs and flowers.

How to remove urine odor

We will not consider the situation when the neighbor’s cat or dog went to the toilet on your rug located under the door. Because it would be more relevant to tell you how to remove the smell of urine not from your neighbors’ pet, but from your own, which accidentally made a puddle on the carpet or sofa.

You should blot the stain, but do not rub it. If you cannot find the location of the emergency, you can use a black light lamp. In the dark, it will allow you to see the place where there is a problem. This area will be colored yellow. When there are no traces left on the surface of the napkin, it is recommended to use one of the methods. You can really kill the fresh smell if you mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2, combine soda with hydrogen peroxide and any dishwashing detergent, use a store-bought solution (for example, Zoosan or Odorgon), wet a cloth with a solution of potassium permanganate and treat surfaces. How to effectively remove the smell of urine using other means? Citric acid, laundry soap, and iodine solution (10 drops per 1 liter of water) will also be faithful helpers for any housewife.

Sick old people and children have the same problem - weak bladder. Sometimes you need to destroy the odors of human urine. To do this, prepare a solution of citric acid with water and vinegar at a ratio of 5 to 1.

It is permissible to treat a sofa with dark upholstery by adding 14 - 18 drops of iodine to 1 liter of warm water. A detergent with water will also help, which should be foamed on the problem area, then dried using gauze and an iron. Potassium permanganate has excellent oxidizing and deodorizing properties.

But how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in an apartment when the smell of urine in the house is old? In this case, it is possible to eliminate the bad odor by soaping the emergency area laundry soap. After 20 minutes, you need to wash it off with a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). A good absorber of unpleasant amber and chlorine solution. Cleaning with it is not suitable for furniture with colored upholstery or for rooms where small children and pets live. Many people prefer to use store-bought chemicals. In a difficult case, you can call a cleaning company specialist who can quickly remove the odors in the air.

Traditional methods

In the piggy bank folk wisdom There are a large number of ways to help eliminate any odors in a living space. People tried to kill the stench using coffee, salt, manganese, Activated carbon, herbs, oil concentrates, candles, regular cleaning. Let's look at the most popular ways to get rid of smell with your own hands.


This product is available in every home and perfectly absorbs dampness. It will get rid of persistent odor in the bathroom. You should pour a little salt into a container and place it in problem areas. How to remove an unpleasant odor from an apartment that has recently been renovated? It is recommended to dissolve a small amount of salt in water and place it in several places. You can treat painted areas or floors. Salt should be used when cleaning kitchen floors. It will do a great job of removing germs.


An invigorating drink that people prefer to make and drink in the morning can help eliminate the odors that the refrigerator emits. Just put a couple of spoons of coffee in different places inside, wait overnight. It is recommended to pour coffee residues down the drain and then rinse them with plenty of water. If neighbors, friends or relatives are going to come to visit you, amaze them with a new amber, complementing the smell of your home with the freshness of coffee beans roasted in a clean frying pan.


How to remove odor using herbs that have been proven over the years? Many people place hop branches in a container before washing the floor. After connecting with warm water, your floor will become clean and the air will be filled with freshness. Various herbs placed in fabric bags, such as lavender, which at the same time protect things from moths, will help get rid of unpleasant odors. It is recommended to place a branch of your favorite dried herb in the bathroom. An excellent alternative to herbs will be oil concentrates, which are used in aroma lamps, as well as applied to heating radiators, entrance mats, furniture upholstery, and towels.

How to remove mold smell? No problem! 20 working methods.

Many housewives are wondering “how to remove the smell of mold”, which sometimes appears in the refrigerator or on clothes, upholstered furniture and other household items, long time were in humid conditions. Here it is necessary to take into account the reality that if after removing the mold there is still an odor from it, it means that the mold fungi and their spores have not been completely removed. They may not be visible, but they remain.

There are many special chemical preparations, both for removing mold itself and the smell from it (anti-mold impregnations, antiseptics). Consult with a salesperson at a hardware store, and he will definitely recommend something they have in stock. But most often people prefer simple folk methods deliverance from this scourge.

Favorable conditions for mold formation are humidity and lack of fresh air. Therefore, in order to prevent mold deposits and the smell from it, it is necessary to eliminate the source of its formation - avoid the accumulation of moisture and constantly ventilate clothes, household items (not used refrigerator, washing machine should be kept open), household premises (kitchen, bathroom and toilet, basement).
How to remove the smell of mold using folk remedies.

Plain baking soda. Gradually scoop up soda onto a damp cloth and thoroughly wipe all surfaces that smell of mold. Leave for a few minutes, and then remove the soda with a clean cloth; the dishes can be washed. Baking soda is good because it is suitable even for children's things.

The same can be done with copper sulfate, but it is only suitable where it cannot be absorbed (plastic, glass surfaces, should not be used on metals). It should be used with caution and with good ventilation in the room.

To destroy mold and its smell, 9% vinegar works well - dampen a rag and wipe the places where it forms. This is a natural and non-toxic product that destroys about 80% of mold species.

To remove the smell of mold from old for a long time kitchen and tableware good remedy is coffee grounds. Rub and leave on the surface for a while, and then rinse.

Fresh also works well lemon juice(or citric acid), bleach, washing powder.

How to remove mold smell from bathroom

To remove musty and moldy odors, household premises (bathroom, toilet) or basement can be sprinkled with bleach and left for some time (preferably for a day). Then sweep it with a broom, wash it with washing powder and ventilate well.

A solution of borax (half a glass of powder per 1-1.5 liters of water) helps against mold. Borax is a natural fungicide. Its advantage is that the borax solution does not emit toxic fumes. After cleaning the surface from mold with a brush or sponge, you should wipe off excess moisture with a rag, but do not wash off the solution itself, as it prevents mold from appearing again.

An alternative to bleach is a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Being a good antifungal agent, hydrogen peroxide is at the same time non-toxic. However, be careful when using it, as it has a bleaching effect and may change the color of the surface. Try it on a small, inconspicuous area first.

Fur coats and clothes in summer are best dried and ventilated in the sun. Mold doesn't like this very much. If a musty smell of mold still appears on the clothes after storage, then after airing them in the sun, they should be washed several times, adding a sterilizer to the washing powder. If possible (the clothing care instructions allow it), then wash it on a gentle boiling cycle. After this, dry well, ventilate and iron (preferably with a steamer, if permissible).

It also gets rid of mold well onion(it can be easily washed off clothes after treatment).

Black spots of mold from leather items can be removed using washing powder against stains or laundry soap.

In general, mold damages fabric and ruins clothes, so to avoid the appearance of mold on clothes or linen, do not store them crumpled and damp for a long time before washing, and hang them up immediately after washing (do not leave them in washing machine). Dry the items well and then iron them.

If a mildew smell appears in your leather bag, and washing and drying it in the sun does not help, try placing a cotton swab soaked in vinegar essence inside. Then wrap the bag in plastic bag(so that the essence vapors do not evaporate) and leave for several hours. After the procedure, the bag will need to be well ventilated.

How to remove mold smell from furniture

You can wipe or sprinkle the inside of the bag with lemon juice or vanilla. They will cover up the smell of mold with their pleasant aroma. The same effect will happen if you hold bags with aromatic sachets inside your bag.

To prevent moisture from getting inside your leather bag or wallet, it is good to keep bags of moisture absorbers inside, which are usually sold with shoes or included in the packaging of some household appliances.

Against the smell of mold, you can try products designed to remove the “odors” of pets (“No smell,” for example).

You can try to remove the smell of mold from leather items (bags, gloves, jackets) using ground coffee. Sprinkle things with coffee powder inside and out, wrap them in a bag and leave them for a day.

A good remedy for mold is bleach (diluted with water 1:10). The chemically active substances contained in it remove not only mold, but also its spores, so surfaces treated with it remain protected from fungus for a long time. The use of bleach is effective on surfaces where there are no pores (glass, ceramic tiles). On soft porous surfaces (wood, fiberboard), mold spores and remnants (roots) hide inside and remain undamaged, so the fungus can soon grow again (moisture from the solution, absorbed into the material, promotes its development). When working with bleach, you need to protect your hands with rubber gloves, good room ventilation and caution. It is aggressive and can damage some materials.

How to remove mold smell from wooden objects

Ammonia also works well for removing mold on hard, non-porous surfaces, but never use it with bleach. When mixed, they release poisonous gas. On porous materials ammonia, like bleach, is not effective. To use it, you must dilute it 1:1 with water and wipe the moldy areas with the solution.

Treatment with a steam generator helps against mold and its smell. Instructions for its use should be contained in the attached manual.

Mold is not only unsightly to look at and unpleasant to smell, it is also very harmful to humans, as it is the source of many respiratory diseases. Prevent it from appearing in your home by using any means that prevent its formation. To prevent mold, you can periodically spray problem areas with some of the solutions listed above.

Each apartment has its own unique aroma: sometimes it is the smell of fresh baked goods and clean linen, but sometimes there are unpleasant notes in the air of your home that you want to get rid of. Neutralizing the unpleasant smell of cigarettes, mold, burning or dampness is not easy, but there are still ways that will help restore crystal freshness to the air in your apartment.

How to neutralize the smell? Air fresheners will not help unless the source is eliminated.

Eliminating unpleasant odors in the apartment

Neutralizing odor is easy if you know what is causing it. Odor neutralizing agents in aerosol form will help purify the air. Not to be confused with air fresheners!

What to do if the whole apartment smells? Perform general cleaning:

    Remove and wash or dry clean curtains, furniture covers and other textiles: fabrics have the ability to absorb and retain odors.

    Carpets should be thoroughly cleaned using special products.

    Unscrew the light bulbs from the lighting fixtures and wipe them with a damp cloth. Often cigarette smoke settles on the lamps; when they are turned on and heated, the smell spreads throughout the apartment.

    Check the ventilation grilles, change or clean the ventilation filters.

How to neutralize the smell of mold? You need to deal with the root cause: clean the surfaces affected by the fungus and treat them several times with special fungicidal agents.

Wet cleaning of the entire room will help neutralize the unpleasant odor.

Professional means to combat unpleasant odors

If general cleaning is powerless, they will come to the rescue professional ways fight:

    Dry fog treatment. Cleaning companies offer apartment cleaning services using special smoke, the aroma of which you choose yourself. The procedure takes no more than 2-3 hours, and there is no need to remove furniture from the apartment.

    Devices with photocatalytic filter. Such devices not only help eliminate odors, but also fight viruses and allergens. Photocatalytic filters are installed in high-tech air washers or medical recirculators. Both devices are safe and can be used in the presence of a person.

    An ozonizer is a device that generates active oxygen and eliminates unpleasant odors in the air as effectively as a photocatalytic filter, but you must leave the room while it is operating.

There are many ways to eliminate unpleasant odors, but remember: if you do not eliminate the root cause of their occurrence, any control methods will only give a temporary effect.