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How to choose the best of men. What kind of man is better for creating a family? The best qualities of a man for a family

Dreaming of a happy future family life, at the very beginning it is important to approach the choice of a partner correctly. At this moment, you need to be attentive to your own thoughts, feelings, sensations. If you are wondering how to choose a man, then it is worth determining what you expect from a potential husband and what you are ready to put up with. A life partner is not just a husband, but also a friend, the future father of your children, support and support. While being aware of the possible disadvantages, pay attention to the advantages. Home repairs at a predetermined price will be done by experienced craftsmen from the “Hands” service.

So, what is important to choose?

How to choose the right one from two partners

Some girls are tormented by the question of how to choose one man from the two partners they meet. To choose a life partner, renounce emotions, consider two candidates impartially, objectively, strictly. Remember that moral qualities and character are much more important than appearance. The choice must be made in favor of the stronger partner, the winner of the two.

Family life is very different from the period of love and courtship. To choose the right partner, remember that the husband must have the following qualities:

  • patience - to calmly experience some features of the female character;
  • wisdom - to make decisions according to which the family will be strengthened, and not vice versa;
  • industriousness - to perform numerous tasks around the house without unnecessary complaints;
  • fidelity, readiness to make compromises and concessions - so that a woman feels behind a stone wall;
  • the ability to provide for the family at the proper level.

To make your choice, consider each in turn according to these criteria. Try to be with your chosen one in different situations and take off your rose-colored glasses to look at reality, because you choose your life partner, and a mistake will cost a lot.

Also consider that the chosen companion can become the father of your children. Will he be strict within reasonable limits, will he become caring, good dad? Do his character traits indicate his ability to be a father? To choose a man, you can make a list of the positive and negative qualities of each - this will not let you get confused.

How to choose a man for a successful marriage

To choose a partner, a woman should first look at his family. We adopt the ideals and foundations of the family, as well as the behavior of the parents. From an early age, a child imitates his mother and father, learns from them. Get to know the man's parents if you want to understand him better.

An important aspect in choosing a guy is the presence of common interests, hobbies, the similarity of everyday behavior. To put it simply, you should not be bored together. If you like active pastime, and the guy likes lying in front of the TV, then it becomes clear that a happy future with this person is not waiting for you.

How to choose a man for yourself? It is important to know the sexual temperament of a man, which will be verified experimentally. The pleasure in this business should be inexhaustible and mutual. A man's attitude towards money will also tell a lot about his character. The partner must be thrifty, responsible, but at the same time generous towards the woman, this will come in handy in the family. A man must also know what he wants from life.

The best qualities of a man for a family

How to choose a partner and not make a mistake? Below is an approximate list of the qualities that a man must possess in order to choose the right one:

  • A responsibility. An adult man has a sense of duty to a woman. He is looking for ways to protect the family from trouble, to provide for it. A wise partner will never be dependent on a woman, if a successful vacancy does not turn up, he is ready to unload the wagons, if only it would bring some money.
  • Decency. A real man will not reproach, insult, humiliate a woman, argue with older people, offend the weak and younger, assert themselves at the expense of others.
  • Unselfishness. A man should be able to contribute to society without paying attention to obtaining his own benefit.
  • Wisdom. The ability to forgive, smooth out sharp corners, suggest is a value in terms of family life.
  • Self control. The ability to control oneself is one of the first places when choosing a man.
  • The ability to negotiate, give in, understand, help like a man in everything is the key to a happy life.

Character traits of unsuitable men

To choose the right and suitable man, you need to evaluate the partner in this moment and not in perspective. Remember that people rarely change. Due to the heightened degree of romance at the beginning of a relationship, we easily rush into the abyss of passion, not paying attention to such moments in the long term as the possibility of personal development and compatibility.

  • To choose suitable option, avoid candidates with serious character flaws, because this is the foundation of personality, the result of thousands of decisions that have shaped a person from who he is at the moment.
  • Candidates among men with bad habits also need to be weeded out. Chronic dependence on alcohol, drugs, gambling govern a person's life and leave an imprint on those who are close to him.
  • Urgently leave should be those men who have no ambition. Such candidates do not strive for anything, do not care about material wealth, which causes tension and stress in relationships. A smart woman will always distinguish a lazy and unmotivated man from one who is in harmony with himself.
  • The circle of communication of a man characterizes him in many ways. Some try to believe that the beloved is not the same as his friends. But in most cases, your chosen one is just trying to seem better, and we actually look like friends in many ways.
  • To choose the right partner, beware of significant differences in lifestyle if you want to live with him for many years.
  • If the partner does not excite you, then do not choose such a man. Refuse rapprochement if attraction on a physical level does not come. Sex is an important part of the life of a woman and her chosen one in the family.
  • Be careful with height: a man who is too tall will look very contrasting if the woman is petite (although this rule is not necessary if you are ready to laugh off friends and buddies who have noticed this feature of the couple).

Psychological test: what kind of man do you need

The answer to the question of how to choose a suitable candidate can be given by the following test. What do you expect from men?

  • What actions do you expect from your man when you are sad:

A - will be able to determine the cause and eliminate it;

B - a distracting maneuver from sadness on the part of a man;

B - manifestations of tenderness;

G - be able to make laugh;

D - leave you alone with yourself.

  • When a quarrel with a girlfriend, how can a man help?

A - reconcile you with a friend by calling her;

B - will explain to you the reasons for the quarrel;

B - be able to console;

G - will arrange a party for you and reconcile;

D - will say that everything will pass.

  • How should a man act when you can't choose an outfit?

A - to say that he is ready to buy all the outfits that he likes;

B - give advice in choosing a dress;

B - to make a compliment so that you are always beautiful;

G - laugh at a woman's whim;

D - wait for your choice calmly.

  • What actions do you expect from a man during general cleaning:

A - move furniture;

B - will begin to wipe the books and read one;

B - will not allow you to do hard work;

G - will not allow cleaning on a holiday;

D - will do everything completely to the end.

  • What game would you like to play as a man?

A - sea battle;

B - chess;

B - strip cards;

G - role-playing game;

D - tic-tac-toe.

  • What can't a man do? The wrong gift in your understanding looks like this:

A - food processor;

B - book;

B - serenade under the balcony;

G - ticket to the concert;

D is money.

  • If you're in the hospital, what shouldn't your man do?

A - turn the entire compartment upside down;

B - read information about your disease and tell you about it;

B - give a lot of flowers and gifts;

G - spend time with friends in your absence;

D - visit you, as expected, but silently sit by the bed.

  • During a quarrel, the guy does not want to listen to you. What actions or words will make you swear more?

A - an attempt to hug tightly;

B - mention of PMS;

B - a compliment about your beauty when you are angry;

D - an offer to forget about everything and dance;

D - unwillingness to talk to you in person, sitting at the computer.

  • What do you think a man should not make a mistake when meeting his parents?

A - give advice to your father about repairs;

B - long and tedious talk about your favorite movie;

B - an excessive manifestation of love for you and respect for your mother;

D - interrupting the conversation of parents with a proposal to tell an even funnier story;

D - silence and taciturnity.

  • Type A (most answers are A) - a man is like a stone wall: he earns money, fixes everything in the apartment, you can lean on such a shoulder and fall asleep without hesitation. Reliable and indispensable in case of trouble. However, it has one drawback - predictability. Next to him, a woman likes to feel fragile, defenseless, dream about happy family. But some ladies may not be ready to give the leading role to a man when they are used to deciding for themselves.
  • Type B (most answers B) - intellectual: constantly thinking, reasoning, very smart, can give clarifications on any issue. Its plus is intelligence, and its minus is corrosiveness. Next to such a man, expect help if you dream of writing a dissertation, understanding art, or studying something. However, for women who like to be in control, or who like to keep things simple and fun, this type is not suitable.
  • Type B (most answers are B) is a romantic. The obvious advantages of a man are tenderness, dreaminess, but monotony interferes. This type of man will appeal to princesses who are sure that the rest should guess their desires. But a romantic may turn out to be not a king, but a page, some of whose features will dispel all the pink haze of romance. Such partners repel women who are accustomed to seeing a man as a real man, and not a gentle weakling. But it may happen that romantics are capable of harsh adventures.
  • Type D (most answers are D) - charming. It will always distract, entertain, teach you to rejoice, but a man treats important things superficially. Such a man repels serious women who, after the celebration of life, are waiting for work, study, and solving important problems.
  • Type D (most answers are D) - phlegmatic. It will not become a hindrance to you in your affairs, it will not disgrace, it is unobtrusive, but it lacks ideas and desires. This type attracts independent, active natures who are used to doing everything their own way and a submissive partner will suit them. But women who advocate equality will obviously not be happy with this option.

Communication Specialist and interpersonal relationships Steve Nakamoto knows what women want and can answer many other questions that concern them. He tells how to weed out unsuitable candidates and make right choice.

Honest male look: personal life will not work out if you choose the wrong partner. In addition to mutual attraction, you need to consider other factors in order to understand whether a person is suitable or not suitable for you for a long-term relationship. Before succumbing to emotions, be sure to assess the psychological maturity of the prospective partner, your compatibility, the degree of mutual attraction and the possibility of personal development. Otherwise, you will encounter relationships that will not suit him or you.

A wise woman will prefer a winner to a loser if she wants to have every chance of success in a love relationship. Of course, there are many more subtle variables that can be taken into account when choosing a leader in any given situation, but nevertheless, men have some common features, the presence of which, most likely, will lead to a complete failure in a relationship. It is these traits that you must distinguish in the first place, so as not to waste time on someone who will not become a winner for you.

Separate the winners from the losers

Thanks to the convenience and popularity of online dating, some women date more seemingly worthy men than ever before. After all, it is not at all difficult for a man to create an attractive profile and maintain a pleasant conversation in real time. A wise woman who is looking for true love understands that on the basis of such communication it is very difficult to determine who is in front of her - a winner or a loser.

About this, a girl recently wrote to me about this: “What does it mean when a guy says that he likes me, but he does not feel a spark? A young man with whom I have been dating for several months, at the very beginning of our relationship, said that we had a strong attraction to each other, and now he says that this is nonsense. What does he mean? Does he like me or not?"

Very often a woman, describing her affair, asks me if the man she is dating is interested in her. Of course, assessing a man's interest in a woman is paramount, but every time I remind my readers that it is equally important to determine whether a given man is suitable for a particular woman.

By assessing whether a man is genuinely interested in you and whether he is a good match, you are more likely to not fall in love with the wrong person and ultimately avoid disappointments and relationship failures.

Don't count on people changing - especially men!

Avoiding the wrong candidates is no easy task. Because most of us are so hopeful of love and so rarely meet potential lovers along the way, many of us are eager to take advantage of almost every romantic opportunity that comes our way.

A few years ago I was introduced to a nice girl who was fourteen years younger than me. I remember once I heard her say to a friend: "Steve is a great guy, he has so much to offer." This was especially true of the young people who surrounded her. But it didn't take long for her to see me in a better light—a mature, calm, financially secure person.

During the “honeymoon” of our communication, it seemed to her that I was the embodiment of the best male qualities. But after a month this Young lady began to perceive me differently. My "maturity" began to remind her of the behavior of "daddy". I was no longer "calm", but "lazy, old and tired." And "financial stability" has turned into "stinginess" and "pursuit of money."

Looking back, I can say that the difference in age, interests and life goals made me a failed candidate for this girl. Not surprisingly, after two months of communication, we broke up.

Avoid Unsuitable Candidates

It is important to remember that people rarely change. Therefore, it is wiser to evaluate your potential partner based more on who he is at the moment, and not on what he will become in the future. Due to the very nature of romantic relationships, we easily get carried away and rush into the abyss of momentary passion, not paying attention to such important points in the long run as compatibility and the possibility of personal development. But wise women carefully evaluate these aspects at the beginning of the game, before they become imbued with serious feelings for a man. In this way, a long-term relationship with the wrong person can be avoided.

Beware of men with bad habits. If your intended partner is chronically addicted to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, the smart thing to do is to avoid romantic contact with them. Bad habits govern the life of a person and the lives of those who are close to him. Many women have already acquired this painful experience by wasting time, energy, feelings on unworthy candidates.

Avoid men with serious character flaws. Character is the foundation of every personality. This is the result of hundreds decisions taken which gradually made a person what he is now. Today, many women are increasingly meeting men with obvious character flaws, which, of course, cannot serve as a reliable support for love. Character is something that is formed over a long time, and it is very difficult to change it. That's why wise woman will rather avoid intimate association with men who have obvious character flaws than try to correct them.

Walk past men who have no ambition. For many women, this feature does not seem to be such a big disadvantage as others. But at the same time, a woman quickly gets tired of a man who does not know ambition. Without striving for anything, such a man does not particularly care about the material well-being of the family, which is an important cause of stress in relationships. A wise woman must distinguish a man who is in harmony with himself, from a man who is simply lazy and unmotivated, who in time will surely get bored with her.

Don't date men who don't turn you on. In a romantic relationship, there is no substitute for attraction or physical attraction. If the attraction never comes, it is better to refuse further rapprochement. Otherwise, you will be mired in a relationship without passion that will not satisfy either partner.

Say "No!" mean men. Women are often stumped by men who show affection one moment and hostility the next. Many women in the early stages of a relationship focus on the positives and turn a blind eye to the negatives. When you communicate with a two-faced man, sooner or later he will direct his aggression towards you.

Evaluate men in terms of their communication. For many women, this is a difficult task. For some reason, they want to believe that her lover is not at all like his buddies. But, most likely, he just wants to seem better. In fact, he certainly looks a lot like his friends. Keep this in mind, instead of relying entirely on his "advertising image".

Avoid men who absolutely do not harmonize with your personality. Some people just don't seem to be able to get along. Instead of complementing and mutually supporting each other, they quarrel over various trifles and find only the worst sides in each other. If you find yourself in such a difficult situation, soberly assess the situation. Don't make the mistake of trying to mend the relationship, for example by marrying someone who constantly upsets you.

Beware of extreme differences in lifestyle. The way we live is manifested in the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the things we buy, the food we eat, the words we say, the dreams we strive for, the friends we choose, the activities to which we dedicate free time. If you want to connect with someone life, it is wise to find a partner who shares your habits and views. People whose way of life differs from ours undoubtedly add color and variety, but, as a rule, communication and friendship with these people have to be limited.

Be able to recognize potential value conflicts. Values ​​such as courage, love, honesty, and family are ideals for which we have the utmost respect. When two people don't share common values, they often upset each other. For example, I was told about one woman who complained that her husband was constantly getting drunk with his boyfriends instead of doing something more suitable for a family man. Such conflicts of responsibility and entertainment are long brewing and often hidden until they develop into deep resentment. A woman who is looking for a new partner should avoid men who clearly do not share her values. Values, which are, in fact, deeply rooted priorities, can only change under the influence of very serious circumstances.

Stay away from men with unclear goals in a relationship. It is easy to fall for the bait of a man who claims that he loves children, but shows this love only in relation to other people's babies. A wise woman must distinguish between just talking about marriage and family and real commitment. True, some men openly say that they do not intend to start a family, and do not hide their aspirations for other goals. But a woman may fall into the delusion that such a person will change over time, and later discover that in fact his views on personal life have long been firmly established. A wise woman carefully assesses a man's life priorities and only continues the relationship if their goals coincide. Men who are ready to meet only from time to time are suitable for women with the same aspirations. As practice shows, it is useless in most cases to expect a person to change.

Comprehensively evaluating candidates for the role of a permanent partner, a wise woman will choose the man who has the highest chances of bringing victory to their love relationship. This requires, first of all, weeding out the obvious losers.

Decide right now what you don't want

Try to think of men in your life who fit the descriptions in this chapter. Perhaps you are with one of them. long time met, you just know someone, your friends talked to someone, and someone is a world-famous person: a politician, athlete, musician, TV presenter or film actor.

It is important to paint yourself a clear image of the wrong candidate for you. So you will be able to quickly, at an early stage, analyze your potential partners.


Unlucky in love when you meet the wrong person. But if a healthy relationship develops between two emotionally mature people Those who experience a strong mutual attraction and are truly suitable for each other will certainly be lucky in love!

Potential groom. The fact is that a man will always, on a subconscious level, try to build a family in the image and likeness of the one that his parents had. If it is considered in his family to hit his wife, then such a man will sooner or later do something similar. Of course, it happens that, for example, in a family of drinking parents, a child grows up with an acute dislike for alcohol. But this can also affect your attitude. Therefore, always pay attention to what kind of relationship is accepted in his family.

Find out how jealous a man is. Of course, everyone is pleased that a man can be jealous of her from time to time, because it means that he values ​​​​her very much. But constant paranoid stalking, espionage, jealousy attacks are not in the best way affect family life.

Don't choose your complete opposite. Of course, opposites attract. Because getting to know a person who is not like you is an extremely exciting process. You are interested in a person because he reveals something to you, hitherto unknown to you. However, at one point you will definitely realize that you are looking in different directions with this person and you simply have nothing to talk about.

Stop believing in unequal marriages. Of course, there are such unions in which the husband is fabulously rich, and the wife was taken from a dysfunctional family, or the husband is over seventy, and the wife is twenty, and they are quite happy. But be aware that these cases are rare. Choose a companion from your circle, because in the event that you grew up in a different environment, if you have a different level of education and outlook on life, you simply will not find common ground in so many issues.

Don't judge by looks alone. Of course, a woman on a subconscious level is drawn to the image of a sort of macho, strong, stately, handsome, broad-shouldered. But think about how such a macho will raise your children. Can he become a good husband? And a good father?

Try to avoid weak-willed and weak-willed men. Of course, you should not go to extremes and choose a man as your companion who, with the help of a fist, is ready to establish his own rules in the house. But you definitely do not need a person who is easy to manipulate. After all, not only you can manipulate it, but also anyone who has such a need.

Do not forget that there is also love in the world. Perhaps your man is not perfect, but if you have real bright strong feelings, you can close your eyes to some things.

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“How difficult it is to raise a son alone,

Whom your mother-in-law gave birth to ... "

Hello, my beautiful and very charming readers! Oh, and well done for coming to our gazebo today. After the end of the conversation that will take place now, I am more than sure that your view on the problem of how to choose a man will change dramatically. Intrigued? Whether there will be more 😉 Started!

Read everything below and think about it. Try on for yourself. And you will see that you don’t need to go to the Internet in search of the characteristics of a guy for a successful marriage. As well as behind the monitor.

Remember how many times you or your girlfriends said that good and cool men were taken apart, there were ..., let's say, just men. Familiar? And like this: I know exactly who I want to see next to me, but, as a rule, I meet completely different people. Are you smiling? These are the most common topics of discussion, in the company of women there are more than one in number.

To create a serious relationship or family, you have a choice between two types:

  • Already an established man, with some significant achievements in life.
  • Consider the potential in an active, purposeful guy whom you yourself will direct in the right direction.

There is no third. You know, still the right types of men for life? Be sure to describe them in the comments.

With the first type, you will need to compete with your own kind. Plus, make sure that for your sake, he is ready to change his life, at least in the paragraph “permanent girl; wife". You need to purposefully fall in love, this will be a separate conversation, do not miss it, sign it into yourself.

But, I’ll point out one detail right away. Males of this segment, or very tight, but as life experience shows, do not want to change their habits and life principles that have been formed on the way to achieving all the benefits. Get ready to break yourself, under his life.

With the second, on the contrary. If the girl is smart, then she will steer them in the right direction, and make a “setting” for herself. Here, there are temporary difficulties. With the right choice of candidate, patience is required from you, and temporarily give up financial “kookies”.

Of these two, so to speak, types of guys, I will dwell on the second in detail. But more on that later.

Don't you dare miss it!

Let's think with you about the main factors under the influence of which or to which girls should pay special attention.

  1. Emotions, experiences, mood, feelings.

The first and poorly controlled criterion you use. Falling in love, sexual desire, and just an acquaintance according to the mood and situation. As the first positive experiences calm down, it turns out that the one you are next to is not interesting to you as a person. No, by no means, I don't mean that he's bad. It's just that you have nothing to talk about, you have no common interests, and you are, in fact, annoyed by his habits. Whatever happens, excruciatingly painful in the future, you part in the present.

  1. Habits, weaknesses, manners.

Immediately pay attention to what you are not ready to put up with. Make a list and discuss them with a partner. Either you immediately find a compromise, or go home. Forever and ever. In everyday life, comfort is important for both. Plus, manners and habits will be passed on to your children. Think about it.

  1. Potential, opportunities, aspirations

And here we will linger longer. This is directly related to men from the second category.

Remember, instant status is not so much important as the future potential of a guy. Now he may be a student, but with great ambitions and a brilliant mindset.

About ten years ago, they showed an interview with a woman who was either a classmate of Roman Abramovich, or a neighbor, and refused to meet with him at that time, they say, she was unprepossessing. 😉 There are the same stories with the creator of the Facebook network and others, now famous and successful people. Do you understand what I'm getting at?

Not worth attention

Remove from the evaluation frame such items as:

  • lack of car
  • your apartment
  • expensive clothes
  • Iphone and i-everything in general (for example, I have the opportunity, by occupation, to purchase these products at times lower than the market value, but I don’t do it. Because I don’t like them and at the same time unnecessarily. But at the same time , if my wife wanted - for God's sake! - I'll buy it if she's high. This is an example of how a smart woman can influence her man, and the absence of any specific bright desired detail does not mean a lack of opportunity)
  • no permanent relationship
  • lack of style

All this and more, desired by you, can come to you together in the future. The task is to consider talents and direct the chosen one to an effective course of life. To become a well-organized logistics support for him, with partial functions of the CBU in quotation marks (combat control center), not forgetting to carefully release from the “district” directives on the uniform and instructions for the welfare of your family “unit”.

How to understand that he is the one?

I expected this question from you. Let's not beat around the bush, straight to the point. You need to see and evaluate the criteria below in order to increase the chance of getting a diamond from a kimberlite pipe as early as possible.

  1. Sociability, conflict-free, flexibility of thinking. The ability to get what you want from people, resorting only to negotiations. Aggressiveness and the desire to prove one's case by force is a dead end type of social interaction.
  2. Ambition for professional growth. The desire to work for yourself and have your own subordinates, and not be someone's line employee in a dusty office.
  3. The presence of responsibility for the tasks performed. As far as a person can take on the obligation to solve something before the result.
  4. Sense of humor. Try to spend a month with a person without one. What are your thoughts on this item? Write in the comments.
  5. Habits. What is closer to him: to work with passion, not noticing the time, or spend time on the couch, studying a TV program. Both will be very difficult to change. Lim X tends to 0.
  6. Passion for the process. Ability to immerse yourself in a realizable plan. Don't give up in times of difficulty. Focus on solving business problems.
  7. An optimistic outlook on life. The more he whines that everything is bad, the less he is needed. Plus how lucky he is and believes in himself.
  8. Who are the parents. Heredity is not the last evaluative indicator when choosing the right husband. Nobody canceled genetics. Here, at the same time, the relationship of his parents between each other is important, as well as the direct professional achievements themselves in their family.
  9. As about your chosen one, others respond. Friends, acquaintances, work colleagues. And in general. How strangers react to it. It's worth the attention, because they communicate with him without the strong feelings that you have. And it lubricates the real impression.


As you can see, the work you have to do is extensive, but the result will be worth the invested resources. And finally, the most important thing. Do you know what kind of man you need? From whom will you get high all the time? But I know, and I will tell you, as I promised at the beginning.

Hug you. I wish that what is written above materializes in your life, and you no longer have the question of which men women choose. Right Women choose husbands with potential, and help them reach heights.

Let's sign up!

“He told me that cabbage soup was not successful, his trousers were poorly washed and the apartment was dirty.

What a heavy man! How to drag a bag to the ravine, with it inside, drag something!

Every woman needs a soul mate to create a family and have children. Previously, the care of choosing a husband for a daughter fell entirely on the shoulders of the parents, but such an important factor as the presence of feelings was not taken into account. Now A woman is free to choose her life partner. We all know that love is irrational, and at the peak of emotions, you can make the wrong choice. Love is wonderful, but marriage is long-term and serious.

How to choose the right husband so that he suits you as a spouse and at the same time becomes a good father - the women's website will tell about this today.

How to choose a husband: 10 things to pay attention to

Suppose there is already a potential candidate for your hand and heart. In general, you have warm feelings and interest in him.

However, if you want a strong and happy family, you will have to turn on mindfulness and analyze how it suits you. You won’t go far on one, the family should have mutual understanding, respect and similar interests.

So, what you need to pay attention to in order to choose the right husband:

1. Take a closer look at his family

We adopt a lot from the lifestyle of our parents, because children from an early age imitate their elders and learn from them. If you want to get to know and understand the man you are interested in better, get to know his family.

Looking at the relationship of his relatives, you can understand what model of family behavior is embedded in it. Values ​​such as respect for elders, mutual assistance, respect for a woman, the habit of sharing are most often instilled by parents. If they are considered the norm in his family, then there is a high probability of transferring these values ​​to your future family.

2. Match your social statuses

Modern history knows episodes in which a woman simultaneously received both a prince and a horse, and half a kingdom in addition! 😉 But still unequal status is one of the reasons for divorce psychologists say.

Social misalliance can lead to one partner being ashamed of the other if they "fall short". Moreover, we are talking not only about the financial situation, but also about the level of culture, belonging to different nations and religions.

Any misalliance can create difficulties in a relationship. Try to choose a person close to you in social status.

3. Attitude towards children

An interesting fact: the female mouse chooses a spouse for herself according to the degree of his care in relation to the offspring! And rightly so, you also need a man who will take responsibility for raising children on an equal basis with you!

But how do you choose a father-ready husband? Not all men dare to talk about it directly. However warm relationship with little nephews and godchildren will speak for themselves. And if they are not, let your friend invite you both to a noisy children's holiday. This is where you will see his true attitude towards children!

4. Genetic approach

Unfortunately, a pragmatic approach is indispensable, if you want to give birth to healthy offspring. When your relationship becomes more trusting, ask if your chosen one or his relatives have chronic diseases, does he often get sick (is his immunity strong), does he play sports?

Few people can boast of a complete absence of diseases, but here's the habit of looking after your health - already a good sign of a responsible and adult person!

5. Similarity of interests, hobbies and behavior in everyday life

It is said that opposites attract, but soon they may repel because they will not find common activities. If for him the ultimate dream is to sit in front of the TV, and you need to climb mountains with a backpack on your shoulders, then you will inevitably spend time separately.

There is no need to strive for absolute similarity of interests when choosing the right husband. Well if you have a couple of common hobbies, and so many different ones. So you can have fun together, but at the same time not lose your circle of friends and share different impressions.

It's very important to look how a man behaves in everyday life, because they often stumble on this couples. Accurate, accustomed to household duties? The best way find out - come to visit without an invitation 🙂

6. Sexual temperament

It is checked only experimentally! The main requirement is that mutual inexhaustible pleasure!

7. Attitude towards money

The site site knows for sure: a man’s attitude to money can tell a lot about his character. It is very flattering if he is ready to spend his entire salary on you in an expensive restaurant, but the attitude towards money of the head of the family should be responsible and careful.


  • Does he keep receipts after purchase?
  • Does it compare prices when choosing a product?
  • does it plan?
  • does it have a cash airbag?
  • does it invest?

8. Attitude to life

Silent question: how to choose a husband if he does not want to be a husband?

Before making a final decision, make sure your A man clearly knows what he wants in this life. Find out his plans for the future, what does he aspire to, does he want to develop as a person? Does he need a family?

If your attitudes in life intersect, then you can move forward together. If not - let go and leave the man his right to live the way he wants. Do not expect that you will be able to re-educate him.

9. Social circle

"Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are!" Did he introduce you to his friends? Take a closer look at them as carefully as a family.

Who are they? Restless bachelors or married men? Only require attention or help? Are you treated with respect? Draw your own conclusions!

10. You yourself

Reflections are indispensable! It is impossible to choose the right husband without understanding what you yourself represent next to him. If he makes you happy, inspires you, if next to him you become better and develop, so he has every chance to become your life partner! This point alone is worth the nine described above!

Alas, suitable husbands do not lie on the road - this is a fact! However, you don’t need to live with psychological portraits created in your head, because we all have flaws and there are no ideal people (especially husbands 🙂).

Strive to meet these points, work on yourself, and for each good wife there will certainly be good husband! Women's site site wishes you this from the bottom of your heart!

Julia Caesar - especially for the site - Beautiful and Successful

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