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How to get your husband to work and earn money? Advice from psychologists. Read a work plot for your husband at home

A woman is the keeper of the hearth and the protector of the family in all nations and at all times. The desire for prosperity and confidence in the future among representatives of the fair half cannot be called mercantile. Not needing money, providing an education and a good foundation for your children is a natural desire.

It’s quite difficult to look at a man who suffers from unfulfilled ambitions and plans. Especially if you love him and want only the best. If a streak of failures and career troubles befalls a husband or son, a woman can try to help him. “Household magic” will strengthen spiritual strength, give a special energy message and support at the level of prayer spells. It is not for nothing that they say that the person for whom they pray grows wings behind his back and the hand of the Lord remains over him in all his deeds.

Important to remember! Conducting ceremonies and rituals to strengthen male spirit, do not forget about your mental balance. Support the breadwinner in all his endeavors, pray for him. Despite disagreements and quarrels in the family, always bless him before going to work by simply crossing him.

All rituals must be carried out with certain preparation. You can’t tell anyone that you are planning to make a strong conspiracy so that your son will find Good work. Even home magic requires discipline and observance of the sacrament.

Briefly about the rules

  1. It is recommended to carry out a conspiracy for the husband to find a well-paid job at the very beginning of the work week.
  2. It is advisable to read all conspiracies and rituals during the waxing moon. Otherwise, you may get the opposite result.
  3. During the proofreading period, try to think positively.
  4. You need to believe with all your heart and soul that good luck will come and fortune will smile on your family. No doubt is allowed.

Handkerchief plot for the success of your beloved

To carry out a ritual conspiracy, a woman will need a new white handkerchief (you can buy it the day before or take one that is already in the house). People say that this conspiracy was passed down to people from Vanga herself. Above the scarf you need to say the following words:

“I whisper and whisper. I'm telling a conspiracy. The servant of God (name of husband or son) will have good luck in all his paths and achievements in his work. Wherever he goes, he will find work everywhere. There is no word for him not to hear denials. 3 times Amen."

After reading the prayer over the scarf, put it in your husband’s pocket. This month he will be promoted to his desired position or offered a new job.

We ask the moon for help

On the new moon, buy a new wallet, which you then need to give to your husband. Place 3 banknotes of any denomination in your wallet. At night, when the moon has risen, stand by the window, press your wallet to your lips and say the following words:

“Let there always be money in your wallet, the servant of God (husband’s name) lives in abundance. Let him be valued and honored at work, I conjure him with God’s word, no one will unlock him. Amen!"

The following ritual can be done by the wife for the husband or by the husband himself. You need to put some change in your pocket, go out onto the porch of your house at exactly midnight and look at the new moon. Slowly cast the spell 3 times, going through the coins in your pocket. Spell text:

“Grow a month, grow up, and give God’s servant (name) work and money. Let it be so. Amen".

Plot for a desk chair

If you need to overcome one of the steps of the career ladder, then before you sit down on your workplace, can be said in a whisper:

“Your house, your roof, and I am higher!”

After a short time, the person will move to a more suitable position. The plot will be more effective if, for some time before this, the husband drinks holy water.

Helping our man

To carry out the ritual you will need a candle, a blank sheet of paper and a regular pencil. We write our cherished desire (“to help my husband find a job”, “so that my son will stop being unemployed”) on paper. Remember: the more specifically you describe the desired result, the more accurately it will come true.

Then you need to set the leaf on fire. At this time, we whisper what is written on it (we repeat the wish out loud). We collect the ashes and scatter them to the wind. It is advisable to spend it late at night during the waxing moon.

“In the morning I’ll get up and braid my hair. I will say a prayer to God and say to the Mother of God: Mother, don’t you know how much I love (my husband’s name) and wish only good things. Give me that scroll where everything about him is written. I will burn it and write again - who he is and that he has countless riches. Whatever work he desires, that is what is destined for him. Amen"

We read the plot over the candles

Mother’s prayers are the most powerful energy shields and blocks that protect a person from evil. The text is strong and you need to carry it out only with good thoughts and without getting angry with your child. Light a candle and read the words:

“Let my son, the servant of the Lord (son’s name), not hear refusal and renunciation. Not today and not tomorrow. Not on any day or year. Wherever his foot goes, everywhere there is praise and honor. Amen"

Ritual for a high-paying job: real experience

When the crisis began, my husband lost his job. He is an educated person and understands the business, but he is not very pushy. Very constrained. And he began to fade before our eyes, so worried about his unemployment. I am a believer and I’m afraid to get involved in rituals or deal with candles. Although my friend has long advised me one way. When things got really bad, I decided too.

For the ceremony, it was necessary to take a seedling and plant it. During boarding, think about nothing but the new job and the success of your son. So, I did. I carefully looked after the new tree and prayed near it. As soon as the tree became strong, the son brought the good news to the house. And everything went well for him. The stronger the tree became, the higher my husband's financial condition.

Help of prayer

Not every person feels the strength and ability to practice magic and use spells. In this case, you can simply pray, sending the necessary emotions. The chosen prayer must be read every day, directing all your thoughts to the only desire - for your husband to work and have a good income.

Prayer should always be read with faith in the heart, without extraneous thoughts and desires. It is necessary that no one interferes or distracts during the process. You need to pray quietly, without fuss and haste. This ritual needs to be repeated for several months. Sometimes, the result appears after a week, but it can take several months. Strengthen your spirit, believe in your man and wait for good news.

Every man must raise a son and build a house in his life. But besides this, he still has a direct responsibility to provide his family with everything they need. And when the husband has difficult times at work or has to look for another place of employment, the whole family, willy-nilly, finds itself in a difficult financial situation. It’s also good if there is help from parents and the woman in the family contributes a significant part of the family budget. But in the case when she is in maternity leave or is also temporarily unemployed, then both adults and children have to experience serious hardships and lack of income.

In such cases, you have to urgently look for a job, even though this moment there are no suitable options. But just how can I explain this to my husband, who for some reason does not want to fulfill his direct duties right now and run headlong after the “prey” and look for at least some source of finance?

Why does the job search take so long?

It’s not easy for wives in such situations, because all the “disadvantages” of not working are experienced by children to the fullest. After all, they need to be well fed, clothed, shoed and paid for for various clubs, sections and additional classes. In addition, it is much more difficult for young children to explain why their mother suddenly won’t buy their favorite ice cream or candy today and why they have had to eat only potatoes and pasta for a month. After all, logically, everything is simple, if you don’t have enough money, then you just need to go and find a job. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so easy.

The search is being delayed for many reasons. And here it’s different for everyone in their families, some of the husbands really go out of their way to find at least some kind of income option, while others just pretend that they are looking for work, but in fact they are perfectly happy with this situation business

The main reasons for temporary difficulties in finding work for men:

  1. A man wants to immediately find a decent option with good pay and a convenient schedule, and not get by on hard and worthless part-time jobs.
  2. My husband is completely satisfied with the situation when he seems to be looking for a job, but in fact spends most of his time at home. Because the wife herself has learned to “get out” of a difficult situation, she asks for help from her parents or friends and will never leave the family to go hungry.
  3. The man has a bad experience with official employment. Perhaps he already had a good job with decent pay, but for some reason he had to quit or because of some unpleasant situation he was forced to quit. And now he is afraid of repeating previous mistakes and is looking for alternative forms of income.

Way out

In fact, temporary financial difficulties arise periodically in every family. Most often they are associated with moving to another city or quitting an old job and looking for a new one. But only some of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity know how to quickly find a way out of the current situation, while others simply prefer to take a “time out” and relax. And in this case, all responsibilities for providing the family with food and everything necessary fall entirely on women's shoulders. What should a wife do in such a situation, and how can she convince her husband that he needs to pull himself together as soon as possible and find a source of income for the family?

Of course, you need to look for an approach to your husband based on the situation. We do not consider cases where the husband is sick or temporarily unable to work. We only admit the fact that the husband is healthy, full of strength, but for some reason stubbornly refuses to go to work.

  1. The first thing you need to do, if you see that your husband is being a philanderer and is in no hurry to look for a job, stop dragging everything on yourself. Do not look for additional help from parents and relatives in the form of food and finances. Present the situation in fact and say that today the family will be left without dinner because there is simply no money for food. Believe me, after 2-3 days of eating only pasta, the husband will at least begin to think about looking for additional temporary income.
  2. If there is a situation in your family where there is enough money thanks to a good salary or the wife’s earnings, and the husband sees that everything is fine and there is no rush to go to work, then offer him a fair option. Since he is sitting at home and has a lot of spare time freed up, let him completely take care of everyday life and raising children. He will do the cleaning, prepare dinner and learn homework with his daughter or son. It is unlikely that a self-respecting man will agree to remain in the role of a housewife for a long time and will quickly rush to find a more worthy occupation.
  3. Male psychology is very subtle, so you should convince your husband that he is the only breadwinner in the family and all hope is on him, but this should not be done intrusively. You should not openly criticize and scold a man for not being able to provide for his family. On the contrary, he should feel your support and respect. Be sure to take part in resolving the issue. Help him search suitable option, writing a resume, etc.
  4. Avoid the phrases “you must” and “you must.” They will only aggravate the situation and strain your relationship to the limit. It’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband and find out what he would like to do and what he is ready to do for this.

Helping a man find a job quickly is only possible if he himself understands the seriousness of the problem and takes at least some action to correct the financial situation. Here the wife can very easily influence the husband’s behavior. And if the understanding that the family needs to be fed and adequately provided with everything necessary does not come to a man, then it is worth thinking about whether you need a head of the family who is not at all concerned about the needs and happy future of his relatives.

Sometimes in your personal life certain difficulties, which need to be solved competently and comprehensively. What to do if your loved one absolutely does not want to go to? What to do in this situation? Of course, we should not forget that a man is an individual with his own requirements, principles and views, so you should not put pressure and try to humiliate. If you truly value your loved one, you will never reproach them.

We will talk about those couples who live together, but have not yet officially formalized their relationship. In a couple, both people always compete. Sometimes this happens on a subconscious level, because the desire to prove one’s superiority will constantly haunt both men and women. Therefore, if your loved one does not want to bring money into the house, he will try to show his leadership in the relationship. This is where problems arise, because only a few women want to listen to reproaches and discontent. Let's first look at the reasons for the behavior of such men.

Why doesn't a man want to work?

1. He accepted his defeat and gave in to his girlfriend, so he doesn’t want to go to work. It often happens that both members of a couple work, but after a while they understand: they need to live together, start a family and make plans for the future. If a woman, after a certain period of time, has proven herself to be a higher-paid specialist than her beloved, then the man’s self-esteem can go to zero. Most likely, in this case, he will quit his old job and sit at home all day.

Over time he understands, which cannot in any way overtake you in the ability to make money and simply gives up. There may be a lot of excuses regarding the search. new job: low salary, uninteresting type of activity, lack of team cohesion, etc. He will try with all his might to stop competing with you, even on a subconscious level.

2. Believes that existing vacancies are not what he deserves, so he does not want to get a job. In this case, the problem is in upbringing, because many years ago his mother constantly insisted that he was the best and should get everything from life. Often such men, even in childhood, made incredible plans, impossible tasks and dreamed of transcendental happiness.

Time has passed and your beloved young man faced various life difficulties and obstacles, but cannot understand that this is inevitable. This is where various depressions, worries and fears begin. Of course, most vacancies seem ridiculous to him, because few people will be attracted by a clear work schedule and a small salary, but sometimes even the most romantic representative of the stronger sex needs to come down from heaven.

3. He simply doesn’t want to spend his precious time “wiping his pants in the office” for a meager salary, so he doesn’t want to. In fact, sometimes it’s just a matter of laziness of the person with whom you started a relationship. Sometimes women try to find an excuse for their beloved boyfriend or husband when it turns out that he is simply too lazy to go and earn money. In this case, it is difficult to change anything significantly, because you need to start with discipline and a clear regime.

4. He can't recover from his previous job. It often happens that a person is fired with general disgrace. Often this situation leads to the appearance of serious complexes among representatives of the stronger sex. In this case, it is worth waiting a couple of months until your loved one recovers from the terrible situation and finds new strength for work. If the symptoms of anxiety do not go away after a while, you should contact a professional psychologist.

How to solve the problem of a loved one’s lack of desire to work?

- Take some time away from work or If this is not possible, say that you are collecting money for something. This way, you will limit the guy financially and let him know that it’s simply hard for you to carry two adults on you. In the end, any working woman has the right to an expensive purchase, if it is her own earned money. Sooner or later, a financially strapped man will understand that he needs to do something and not sit at home waiting for a miracle.

- Help your loved one find a job. You need to show maximum patience and understanding in order to achieve success in this matter. Often a man deliberately ignores interesting profitable vacancies, delaying the time to go to work. To notice this pattern of behavior in time, be sure to take part in the search for a suitable vacancy. Visit a newsstand and buy a magazine with advertisements, arm yourself with the phone numbers of friends who could theoretically help and register on sites with a list of vacancies in your city. If you fail to find a job within a few days, apply for the newsletter to immediately receive information about interesting vacancies.

- In the event that a man claims that with his education there is no possibility of finding a decent job, invite him to attend courses. Women often forget that there are specialists who can help in acquiring new knowledge. Today there are a lot of different electives, courses and trainings. Find out in advance exactly what knowledge your loved one lacks to go to work, and feel free to start looking for suitable courses.

- Reconsider your attitude towards him. It often happens that a woman, with her reproaches and demands, simply destroys all male pride and honor. If you want your loved one to work and feel like a breadwinner, you will have to put up with a small salary, late arrival home and a not very proud sign on his office door. Women who have learned to give a man inspiration and help with their support often inspire serious actions. Learn to respect his choice of profession, modest salary and inability to react with aggression to the boss’s reproaches. If you allow him to prove his superiority and success, he will do it. All you need is time, your love and understanding.

- And finally, if he is a simple slacker who does not respect his beloved and himself, then just gather your strength and break up with this person. A man who forces his woman to bring money into the house, while he watches TV and surfs the Internet all day, is not worthy of either respect or love. Reconsider your views and try to understand what a real man will not allow himself such behavior.

You love your man, but some of his habits and character traits can not only irritate you, but even drive you crazy. For example, laziness or irresponsibility. An adult man, who should be the head of the family, can do everything free time spend playing computer games. A representative of the stronger sex refuses to work on the grounds that he cannot find a suitable position. work? Read about it below.

Find the reason for laziness

A person is a rational being, so if a person does something or does not do something, he has reasons for this. Laziness is never without cause. You can look for a long time for a way to make a man work, but you won’t find it until you can realize true reasons idleness. What could they be? A person who has lost his job may become disappointed in people. He will think that if he was kicked out of his favorite workplace once, this story may repeat itself. A man may not find himself and his specialty. Don’t be surprised, not all people even by the age of 40 know what they want to be when they grow up. Therefore, think about why your loved one spends his free time lying on the couch and not doing business. If the situation was different a year ago, then the reason must be sought in this period of time. But if a man has never been hardworking, the cause of laziness must be sought in childhood.

See a Psychotherapist

Can’t figure out the soul of a person on your own and find the root of laziness? See a psychotherapist. You will not be able to independently answer the question of how to make a man work until you understand the complex spiritual catacombs of your lover. A specialist will be able to understand in a few sessions how a man lives, what he wants and why he is unable to achieve his goals. You can talk to a therapist after each session. The doctor will give you instructions on what to do. Thanks to simple techniques, you can revive in a man the joy of life and the forgotten desire to realize his potential. A man is stubborn and doesn’t want to go to a specialist? Think of your lover as a child who is wandering and does not want to take a bitter pill. The unemployed will not want to listen to the truth and will resist it. Convince the person that they need to work on themselves, otherwise the situation will only get worse.


Any woman can become a muse for a man. Therefore, if your lover is depressed and does not want to get out of bed, know: this is also your fault. How to make a man work? Motivate him. How? A girl who loves her man, is proud of him and encourages him in every possible way, instills confidence in the young man. Give your man well-deserved compliments, be kind and courteous to him. Don't let your beloved spend all his time at home. Take your man for walks. Walk in the park, go to restaurants. Try to ignite the fire of feelings that burned within you in the first months of dating. When you can provoke a response from a man, get him to admit that he is ready to do anything in the world for you. And after this phrase, say that you want him to find a job. A similar phrase, said without reproach and casually, will help a man concentrate on his goal and satisfy your desire.

Raise your self-esteem

Why does a person become depressed? His self-esteem decreases and he loses faith in his strength. How to make a man work and earn money? You need to prove to your faithful that he is the best of the stronger sex living on the planet. A girl should encourage the guy, give him compliments and help him in every possible way to get rid of depressing thoughts. Tell the man that you love him and list why exactly. Don't flatter, tell the truth. Tell them that everyone has difficult moments, that without falling it is difficult to feel the true taste of victory. Don't let the guy complain about life and himself. Nip such conversations in the bud. Which people are most likely to experience depression? The unemployed. If a person has the opportunity to lie on the couch and reflect on the meaninglessness of existence, then soon he will begin to feel melancholy. Give your man different tasks. Let him go to the store, nail shelves or fix something. Praise the young man for every action performed. The more a man works, the faster the realization will come to him that it is time for him to get down to real business, and not the work of an apprentice.

Help me find a job

How to make a man work? Advice that will help a girl will be very simple. Take the first step yourself. Go to one of the popular sites and post a man’s resume on it. It is advisable to do this with the consent of the guy. If a young man cannot write a resume on his own, complete this stage of the work for him. You will be able to kill two birds with one stone: you will raise the guy’s self-esteem by describing all his character strengths, skills and abilities, and also create a good profile for employers.

You can also go to the website where vacancies are posted. See what suits your man from the proposed options. Show your spouse all the options, and let him criticize them one by one. A man may fundamentally disagree with what you found for him, and not he himself. But the first step will be taken. If you were able to find suitable vacancies, then so can he.

New acquaintances

Don't know how to make a man work? The psychologist's advice will be very simple: play on the thin strings of a man's soul. How to do it? Make new acquaintances and tell your guy about them. Describe in detail the man you met. Tell him that he is smart, handsome and makes good money. You can introduce your new friend to a guy. By causing jealousy, you can take your man out of his comfort zone. He will understand that you are interested successful people, which means that a little more time will pass and the guy will lose you. A sense of ownership is developed among all representatives of the stronger sex. Therefore, you will soon be able to observe changes in your loved one. He will get himself in order, start going to interviews and find a normal job.

If you don’t want to make your lover jealous, you still need to introduce him to the social circle of successful men. Let the faithful feel their awkwardness while being around them. This will help him come to his senses faster in the future and earn the respect of nice people.

Limit spending on your husband's needs

How to make it work young man? A woman should not support her family, and if she is forced to do so for a long time, then you should rebel. Did the man sit on your neck and dangle his legs? Don't let yourself be treated like this. What should be done? Take control of your overall budget. If you are the only one who brings money into the family, then you are the one who should spend it. Reduce a man's pocket expenses. Want to drink beer with friends or go to the stadium? Let him go to work. Argue your position with the fact that you urgently need to get your hair and manicure done, and also buy a new dress. There is no extra money in the family; all that is available is the necessary expenses for food. Having endured hardship for a month, a man must come to his senses. No one will judge you for such behavior. You don't starve a man and pay for a roof over his head. Does the faithful want more? Let him go earn money.

Think about whether you have turned your husband into a housewife?

Modern girls are very power-hungry natures. They want to command and be the leader in relationships. Weak men break down and adapt to your desires. And then it turns out that this is not what you wanted at all. No girl would appreciate the presence of a henpecked man in the house. How can you tell if a guy has become a housewife? The man does everything homework, washes, cleans, feeds the children, prepares dinner. Before you scold him for this and reproach him, think about whether this is what you wanted? Are you worried about what people will think? Is this important?


How to get a man to work and earn money? An effective, but very risky method is blackmail. You can tell the man that you will leave home if he does not find a job in the next week. Such a phrase should be pronounced calmly, and not in a fit of passion during the next scandal. Thoughtful decisions made in a quiet tone are always more frightening than angry statements during an argument.

Life for weak-willed men is very bad. A man’s boss forces him to work outside of work or longer than expected, but he agrees? You cannot prohibit your husband from taking extra work home. But still hint that you want to spend more time with him. Let him decide what is more important to him - career or family. Everything is good in moderation.

Starting a joint family life, the vast majority of women believe that the main breadwinner will be a man. And often everything turns out exactly like this. However, there are couples in which the woman provides the main income. If this happens on her initiative and suits both spouses, there is no problem. But what if a woman is forced to become the “financial head of the family” because her husband is unemployed and seems to be quite happy with life? How to get your husband to work and earn money?

If this situation is painfully close and familiar to you, we advise you to read this article. From it you will learn:

  1. What type is your man?
  2. what to do if the husband does not want to work;
  3. what pitfalls can await you on the way to solving the problem;
  4. in which cases it is possible to act, and in which it is useless.
  5. Finally, we will point out the reasons that most often lead to men’s lack of initiative in finding a job.

“Carefree unemployed” - psychology on the classification of unemployed men

To determine the right direction of action, you need to understand what exactly your husband is like. After conducting a series of studies, psychologists have found that men who do not want to work belong to one of 5 types. This:

  • Misanthrope.
  • Melancholic.
  • Sissy.
  • Careful.
  • Narcissus.

"Misanthrope", aka “Unsociable”. This guy doesn’t want to work not because he’s lazy - he just doesn’t like people. Yes, it happens! The reasons are psychological trauma, character traits and simply temperament. Such a man suffers physically and emotionally, being surrounded by work colleagues. It’s not that they are unpleasant to him, but rather that he is stressed by the need for constant communication. He doesn’t need this, he is completely self-sufficient and is not going to let “extra” people into his life.

Unfortunately, misanthropes don’t try to hide their feelings either. They are not loved for this, and they often turn out to be “pariahs” with the corresponding attitude. Of course, this does not make a man more willing to go to work. Therefore, he subconsciously (or consciously) begins to want to be fired and successfully creates a suitable situation. In a number of cases (for example, management does not want to lose such a valuable employee), the misanthrope leaves on his own, without explaining the reasons.

"Melancholic". He is also a “Romantic-Sentimentalist”. This is a sensitive type of man who experiences all his previous failures extremely painfully. Including professional ones. Most of them react sharply to any criticism and comments from management. Due to prejudiced attitudes towards people it is difficult to find mutual language with work colleagues.

Even if they find themselves in a good team, they can “wind up” themselves to such an extent with the imaginary ill will of the employees that they feel “in the enemy camp.” Because of all of the above, they rarely stay in one place and each time they become more and more reluctant to look for a new job. They are sure that life is unfair to them and “I won’t succeed anyway.”

"Sissy", aka “Eternal Child”. An infantile type, accustomed to his mother (or parents) doing everything for him. Having stepped into adulthood, he begins to expect the same from his wife.

There are two reasons for this behavior:

  1. Overprotection in childhood. His mother did not give him freedom, preferring to force him to do what she considered best for him. Such upbringing breaks the will and destroys initiative. TO adult life such a man turns out to be absolutely unprepared - he needs a reliable shoulder on which he can lean. As a rule, this shoulder belongs to his wife.
  2. Indulging all desires. Your man was pampered beyond measure as a child, fulfilling every whim and not demanding anything in return. Growing up, the “Eternal Child” is sure that he will get everything, free of charge and right away. Earning a decent living on your own is out of the question, as is thinking about the answer to the question of how much a man should earn. Especially if parents continue to financially care for their older child, regularly giving him money.

"Careful". He lives by the principle: “You need to think carefully so as not to make mistakes.” The most interesting thing is that such men really rarely make mistakes - since they practically do nothing. The deep reason lies in self-doubt and fear of committing the wrong actions. This usually comes from childhood, when parents scolded the child for the slightest offense and did not praise him for the right actions (“Why?! Doesn’t he really understand?”).

As a result, an intelligent and hardworking man is simply afraid of committing another “stupidity” and paying for it with moral worries. Therefore, his potential job is often given to a less experienced, but more confident and ambitious competitor.

"Narcissus". There are very few such “handsome guys” who make good money. Life motto: “I am smarter than everyone in the world, more beautiful and more valuable than everyone!” I am absolutely sure of this, even if the situation is exactly the opposite. He considers himself a top-class professional, to which others still have to grow and grow. Therefore, he often fails to cope with his responsibilities and loses his job. Without doubting that he was underestimated, he goes to look for another, preferably a leading one. Thanks to his self-confidence, he does it quickly enough and... loses it just as quickly.

As a result, he comes to the “objective” conclusion that “everyone is a fool and they envy me.” Therefore, there is no point in looking for a job: anyway, they will not understand him and will not appreciate the full depth of his professionalism. After which, with a clear conscience, he collapses on the sofa with a newspaper or sits down to play computer games, leaving his wife to decide financial issues herself.

Only extreme need will drive “Misanthropes” to regular work. Therefore, they are prone to irregular earnings. If your spouse falls into this category, encourage him to find a remote job. Freelancing is gaining momentum and high earnings on the Internet are by no means a myth.

In the case where your spouse has “golden hands”, he may well work for himself, as a private entrepreneur. Or take up farming in earnest: grow popular berries and fruit crops, poultry or animals on your personal plot. All this brings good money. In general, there are a lot of options.

“Melancholic people” need regular praise and moral support. Do you want to know how to make your husband earn money? Praise him, often tell him what a smart, capable and independent person he is. Remember his previous achievements and do not let him “slide” into a discussion of failures and shortcomings. And NEVER make fun of someone for their mistakes. He already knows everything perfectly well, and your reproaches may well become the “last straw” in which he will finally “drown.”

Do you feel like you're not stretching? This is fine. In this case, try to convince your husband to see a psychologist - professional psychological help will be a huge plus. Once the man gets a job, you will again have to encourage and inspire him as needed.

The only condition is that you don’t turn into a “mommy” for your husband. Once you get used to this role, you may lose your newly confident spouse (at your expense, by the way!). Remain for him a loved and desired woman, strong, but in need of protection and support.

WITH " Eternal Child"The tactics are different. To make a man work, he needs to constantly instill in him the idea that he is an adult, independent person who has great responsibility (your family). And he is quite capable of dealing with it. Besides:

  • Tell your husband more often that he is reliable and responsible, that in difficult situations you can always count on him.
  • Gently mention how much more options your family would have when you have some extra money in your budget. Beautifully tell what you plan to spend the money you earn on, of course, taking into account the interests of your husband.

Important! Don't insult a man by reproaching him for his inability to find a job! Most likely, he will withdraw into himself and it will become much more difficult to “reach out” to him.

With “Cautious” husbands, you need to act decisively. But to do this you will have to delve at least a little into the scope of his activities. This is the only way you can advantageously describe all the advantages of the new job (as a rule, he always has 2-3 employment options in mind). Be sure to say that he is an excellent specialist with great potential and will successfully cope with the responsibilities assigned to him.

Why doesn't my husband want to work? He is simply afraid of “not justifying.” Try to explain more gently that mistakes are part of life. And NOBODY is safe from them. That it is NORMAL and NATURAL to make mistakes at times. And this is not a death sentence, as they tried to convince him in childhood. If you do everything right, your spouse will get a good job very quickly. Be prepared for the fact that an already employed man may need psychological support.

In the case of “Narcissus”, the advice is cruel, but unambiguous - do not indulge his desires and weaknesses. This means that you need to stop supporting this parasite at your own expense. Even if the wife earns more than her husband. Want to eat more than just vegetable soup, porridge and bread? Let him look for work and earn money for sausage, cheese, meat and butter. Feeling embarrassed to wear old jeans and a T-shirt? No one bothers you to find a job and dress in fashion boutiques. Do you want to drink beer with friends or go fishing? No problem! But only for my earned money, not for yours.

And remember, such a man will start looking for work in one single case - if he really loves you. There is no use in forcing him.

If all actions come down to phone calls and promises “I’ll definitely do this tomorrow”, rest assured that you will continue to bring money to the family alone. And you will be treated like a wallet and “ comfortable woman" If this scenario doesn’t suit you, it’s better to break up.

What do you need to be prepared for?

Faced with her husband’s reluctance to work and starting to do something, a woman may find herself face to face with openly unpleasant things. Don’t be afraid to find out which ones, because “forewarned is forearmed!” So:

  1. It's your own fault that your husband doesn't earn enough money. Most insecure women try with all their might to get love and gratitude from a man. All means are used: delicious food, sex, cleanliness in the house and protecting your beloved spouse from all discomfort. Including work. " It’s okay, I can do everything myself, but my husband won’t leave me! After all, I do EVERYTHING for him"! This is what such a wife thinks, working hard at two jobs, polishing the floor in the apartment until it shines, ironing a shirt she bought for her husband with her own hands, and stirring truffle julienne with Roquefort cheese. And then he sincerely does not understand why he left her and went to the “bow-legged misunderstanding”, whom he joyfully “plows from morning to night, can you imagine?!”, and even carries her in his arms. Yes, that’s why he left because he was tired of feeling like a pet, and not an adult, independent man!
  2. Your husband doesn't love you - he's just using you. This is painful and unpleasant to realize, especially if you have lived with him for many years and you have children together. How is this found out? It’s very simple: this man doesn’t want to work. He wants to sit on your neck, whine, shout and even beat you (this happens too). He doesn’t want to get off of it either - they feed you, dress you, and “walk” you out into the world. I got used to it, after all. If, despite all the efforts on your part, the man is still unemployed, think about why? Most likely, he does not consider it necessary to work for you. In his opinion, you are not worth such sacrifices. Now think - WHY do you need such a man?
  3. Most likely his relatives will take up arms against you. The classic situation with husbands “Daffodils” and “Mama’s boys”. Of course, you have encroached on the sacred! Make your beloved child work! Be prepared for attacks and even intrigue. Here you will need the support of your husband.
  4. You'll have to show character. Pity is a bad adviser, and its helper is even worse. Do not feel sorry for a man in the usual sense of the word: you are doing him a “disservice.” Your pity will turn him either into a “weapon”, incapable of stable income, or into a tyrant. You will find yourself guilty and, as practice shows, most likely alone.
  5. And another unpleasant “surprise” may await women who want to learn how to make a man earn more: inability to organize a budget. Moreover, female inability. The husband earns a normal amount of money, but the wife literally squanders it on nonsense, demanding more and more.

We really hope that our article will help you find the right solution in the situation with unemployed husbands and get out of it with the least losses. After all, building relationships is not easy and sometimes you need to take certain risks and sacrifices. But if there are sincere and deep feelings between partners, all this pays off many times over and only strengthens mutual affection and respect.