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What clothes are needed for a girl's baptism. What kind of dress is needed for a girl's christening?

The baptism of a child is an important moment in the life of parents and their child. Every family wants this day to be perfect and to remain in their memory for a long time.

One of important points organizing this ritual - choosing clothes for the baby. In our short review, we will talk about what things you need to take with you to church and why, what baptismal sets are best to choose, and what clothing requirements for your baby you need to know.

Rite of Baptism and choice of clothing

The rite of Baptism itself is a difficult event, as it is connected with religion and church laws, so you should remember certain traditions and rules that must be followed.

In order to understand how to dress a baby for Baptism, it is worth knowing.

The godparents bring the baby into the church and approach the font. The father takes the baby in his arms and dips him into the font three times. After bathing, the priest applies church oil to certain places - forehead, ears, nose, mouth, eyes, legs, arms, chest.

After the rite of anointing, the priest hands the child over to the godparents, and they dry him special towel for baptism(in the old days it was called kryzhma).

There are usually various shops near the church where you can buy kryzhma (with embroidery in the form of a cross, angels or other attributes). You can also buy kryzhma in advance in online stores or in children's departments, or order from craftswomen (with hand embroidery, lace).

In addition, you can use a regular towel, but it should be light or better white. Traditionally, the godmother must purchase the kryzhma.

After wiping, the priest puts a cross on the child.

From the above it is clear that the baby should be dressed in such clothes that will make it easy to perform the ritual of bathing and anointing.

Regular children's clothes for the baptism ceremony

If you wish, you can do without regular children's clothing- a light sundress or dress for a girl and a simple T-shirt for a boy. A bodysuit or slip with no legs would also work well. The main thing is that the clothes can be easily removed or unbuttoned in the right places.

Often very young children are left naked, covered only with a sheet - this is also very convenient.

It is advisable to choose a light color of clothing with minimal patterns.

Christening outfits for children

Nowadays they are increasingly buying for the rite of Baptism. special clothes or baptismal kits, which contain everything you need. You can sew the outfits yourself, order them or buy them in a store.

Christening shirt, both for infant boys and girls, a long one is sewn - up to the toes.

For boys the robe can be decorated with embroidered church symbols, for girl additionally decorated with lace (but in moderation so that it does not bother the child or prick), satin braid and also embroidery.

Very often, lace and satin can be seen on a baptismal shirt for a boy, this is a tribute to old fashion. It was in these shirts that children were baptized in the past.

The baptismal dress or baptismal shirt must be white (light cream, beige, milky shades are also allowed) and new.

The modern market offers and already ready-made baptism kits. Typically, such a set includes: a baptismal dress or shirt, decorated with lace, interesting braid, embroidery; the set may also include elegant socks or booties, a cap with lace, panties or panties for a diaper, a baptismal towel (kryzhma). Quite often, a set for a girl can be complemented with a headband or scarf with embroidery and lace.

When choosing ready-made baptismal clothing You should definitely pay attention to the quality of the material, seams and additional accessories (lace, braid) - all this should be made only from natural fabrics (linen, cotton) so that the baby is comfortable and not hot. The quality of the clothing is also important, since, according to tradition, the baptismal attire must be kept for life.

Let's summarize what clothes you will need for your baby during the Baptism ceremony:
1. Clothes for the ritual of anointing (should be easy to remove, it is better light shades, without picture): regular or special.
2. Kryzhma (light towel).
3. Booties, socks.
4. Cap, scarf (optional).

Simple tips on choosing baptismal clothes for a child will help you make your choice. Let the rite of Baptism be held in a special and very festive way.

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The birth of a child is an incredible joy for new parents, their family and close friends. Already from the first days of birth, they think about when to carry out the baptism ceremony of the child?

The main thing in the article

Child baptism: the need for ritual

Since ancient times, our ancestors received a guardian angel protecting them from harm after the baptism ceremony. Initially, it was carried out in a river or in a nearby body of water. Nowadays, this sacrament is performed exclusively in the temple. There are no specific age restrictions, because it is never too late to join God! But they still try to do this as early as possible, so that the personal guardian angel protects the baby from illness, the evil eye and damage.

A child at baptism receives not only God’s blessing and a guardian angel, but also godparents who are responsible for their godson or goddaughter before God.

Later, when a person lives his life and his soul leaves the body, baptism plays a huge role. After all, according to the laws of Orthodoxy, only baptized people can perform funeral services and escort them into another world!

When to baptize a child?

As mentioned above, there is no specific framework for baptism, as well as age restrictions. But still, most parents, understanding the importance of this ritual, strive to baptize their child as early as possible.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to carry out the baptism ceremony within 40 days after the birth of the baby. This is due to the opportunity for a woman in labor to visit the temple. After all, for 40 days from the birth of a child, his mother cannot enter the temple, as she is in the process of “purification.”

1 month is the best time to perform the sacrament: both the child will grow up and the mother will get stronger. A week later, the mother must come to the temple to receive prayer and bring her child to “church,” after which the baby receives communion for the first time.

Who should I choose as my child's godparents?

Couples ask this question long before the birth of the child, and by the time of baptism it has long been closed. Most people choose their closest friends or relatives with whom they are likely to communicate throughout their lives.

If you look for answers in Orthodoxy, then Orthodox people (necessarily baptized in Orthodoxy) should become godparents, who will take care of their godson or goddaughter all their lives, expressing their love through prayers and spiritual care.

There is a superstition about the choice of godparents: they say, one person should have one godson and no more. Whether you adhere to this statement or not is up to you to decide. But if you turn to the laws of Orthodoxy, then there are no such restrictions! How many children a person should baptize is chosen by him, based on his personal spiritual capabilities.

People who cannot become godparents to a child:

  • Spouses or couples planning to legalize their relationship in the future.
  • Parents cannot baptize their own children.
  • Unbaptized.
  • Mentally ill.
  • Belonging to a different faith.

The role of godparents in the baptism of a child

Another name for godparents is spiritual parents! The duties of the “godfathers” are not at all to give gifts for holidays and birthdays, but to provide assistance in the spiritual development and upbringing of the child.

Godparents must visit the temple with the child, tell him about God, give instructions in solving problems, set an example with their behavior and help in difficult times.

Baby's baptismal name

When a child is brought to church to be baptized, the baby already has a name - which his parents gave him. During baptism, the child receives a name in honor of a specific saint. It is chosen in accordance with the one the parents named, but there are exceptions: for example, when the child was given a non-Slavic name and there is no such saint in the Orthodox calendar. In this case, the priest independently selects the name of the saint, who will become a guardian angel for life.

You will also learn at baptism the date of celebration of “Angel Day” - this is the day when Orthodoxy honors the saint after whom the baby was named.

Rules for baptizing a child

Many people believe that fathers and mothers cannot be present in the church during baptism, but the priests allow the father to be nearby, but the mother should not be present in the church.

The godparents bring the child into the temple. The baby must be undressed (in most cases, with the exception of diapers) and wrapped in a white diaper.

If the baptism takes place in winter and it is cold in the church, you have the right to ask not to completely immerse the baby in the font. In this case, the child’s clothes should be white with free access to the feet and arms, as well as the chest, neck and head.

During baptism, godparents hold the child in their arms. They read or repeat after the priest the “Creed” prayer and renounce the devil, making promises to fulfill all the commandments of God.

After this, the priest dips the child into the font three times or washes his head with water from the font.

Together with the rite of baptism, the rite of anointing is carried out so that the Holy Spirit descends on the baby. Crosses are applied in oil to the child’s eyes, ears, arms, legs and chest with the words: “The Seal of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After the rite of anointing, the baby is carried around the font three times, completing the baptism.

What is needed to perform the baptism ceremony?

To perform the ritual you need:

  • cross,
  • kryzhma (godmother’s first gift),
  • white clothes for baby,
  • an icon of the saint after whom the child is named.

Naturally, godparents must be decently dressed. This applies more to the godmother, who should wear a skirt no longer than the knee, and a blouse without deep necklines or an appropriate dress.

Christening outfit and towel for baby's baptism

The towel for the baptism of a child acts as a kryzhma, which can be purchased with crosses already applied. Buys kryzhma godmother as a first gift.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to buy kryzhma, then a towel or white diaper will do instead.

Kryzhma is not a simple cloth in which a child is wrapped after dipping into the font. This is a very important attribute that a person must maintain throughout his life until the moment of death. It is used to cover the child in moments of illness so that he recovers faster. Kryzhma accompanies a person during the transition to another world, as a symbol of a pure soul from original sin.

The baptismal attire must be white. Basically this is a baptismal shirt. Girls wear an additional cap.

At the present time, there are no specific requirements for baptismal attire, the main thing is that there is access to the arms, legs and chest during anointing.

Buying a separate outfit or baptizing a child in a white suit is up to you.

Baptism of a boy and a girl: how are the rituals performed and what is their difference?

The differences in the baptism of boys and girls are minor.

According to the rules of Orthodoxy for girls it is possible to carry out baptism without a godfather, but there must be godmother , and for a boy - baptism is possible without godmother, but always with godfather .

I would like to clarify that after plunging into the font, it does not matter who exactly takes the child in his arms - the godfather or the godmother. This is not in the rules for baptism. As well as the one who carries the baby in his arms into the temple.

There are no more distinctive features that would be specified in the Orthodox charter in the process of baptism.

After baptism, the mother must bring the child to “church”; in some cases, these rites are combined. Then boys brought into the altar, and girls applied to the icon of the Mother of God.

What is customary to give for a child's baptism?

A mandatory gift for the baby for the godmother is a kryzhma and baptismal decoration, and for the godfather - a cross. Each godfather decides for himself to buy a cross with a chain, gold or silver, or maybe even a wooden one, based on his financial capabilities. There are no specific requirements.

Present silver spoon- this is not written down anywhere, but people say that you need to give!

It is better for guests invited to the holiday to buy or make something useful with their own hands: things, toys, walkers. Such gifts will become indispensable in the future and will make it easier for parents to spend on necessary for the child things.

The best gift for a baby and his parents will be warm, sincere congratulations and love from loved ones!

The birth of a child is the most important event in life for every parent. Spending time with the baby, mom and dad rejoice at the long-awaited meeting with him. After some time, many new parents decide to baptize their baby. But the rite of baptism is important not only for mom and dad. This event is also important for the godparents, who will be next to the baby at this moment, since in the future they will be considered the child’s second parents.

Clothes for godmother

Not all women know what to wear as a godmother for a christening. If you were invited to be godmother, then you need to find out in advance how the godmother should be dressed. Below are some tips to help you suit the occasion.

  1. Clothing for a godmother should not be provocative. It could be long skirt and a blouse with long sleeves and without a deep neckline, or a dress, also of appropriate length.
  2. Since it takes place in a church, the godmother is not allowed to wear pants or trousers.
  3. Some people believe that clothes should be light. You can, of course, also have a dark one, the main thing is that it is not very bright and provocative.
  4. The godmother's head must be covered with a headscarf or scarf, since a woman is not allowed to enter church without her head covered.
  5. In addition to clothing, it is worth remembering that you should not wear bright makeup or lipstick on this day, since during the ceremony the godmother will kiss the cross. Also, during baptism, the baby will be in the arms of the godmother, so it is better to avoid perfumes so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.

As you can see, the clothes for a godmother’s christening are quite simple and monotonous. I think that every woman has the necessary clothes for baptism in her wardrobe, and if not, then finding it will not be difficult.


Baptism is an important church ritual that helps a child or an adult become a member of the Church. This event plays an important role in the lives of both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. If a woman goes to church to baptize her child or as a godmother, then she must choose appropriate clothing.

What can women wear to a baptismal ceremony in church?

Suitable for visiting the temple long dress or a skirt. Clothes should be modest, without cutouts and short sleeves. Trousers and short skirts are not allowed to be worn to church. The color of the clothes does not matter, but it is still better if they are neutral shades. In addition, according to church rules, a woman cannot enter the temple with her head uncovered, so she must wear either a headscarf or a scarf.
It is best to visit the walls of the temple without heavy makeup, especially lipstick. The ritual includes the godmother kissing the cross, and doing this with painted lips is strictly prohibited. You also cannot wear jewelry in the form of bracelets, massive earrings, beads and other things; there must be only a cross on your neck. To fully enjoy the ritual, you need to feel comfortable and not be distracted by clothes. So, you need to go to church:
- in modest clothes, but not trousers;
- with a covered head and a cross;
- Without makeup;
- without decorations.

What clothes can a child wear for baptism?

According to tradition, the future godmother should take care of the child's outfit. Clothing for the ceremony must be new and preferably its color should be white or light colors. The outfit should include the fact that the baby’s arms and legs will need to be exposed for smearing. For girls, a dress in light colors and a headscarf is suitable, and for boys, a suit or shirt. If the ritual is performed infant, then it must be wrapped in kryzhma. This could be a white diaper or a towel with symbolic embroidery.

What clothes are suitable for baptism for an adult?

If an adult decides to undergo baptism, then he needs to purchase a long shirt or shirt loose fit. You can sew the robe yourself or purchase it from a church store. In addition, you will need a towel and rubber shoes, since the ritual involves immersion in water.
Clothing in which an adult or child undergoes baptism must be stored throughout life.

Having described the structure of services, it is worth asking one extremely important question - perhaps central to this book. The question was formulated by one of the readers of the first version of this book before its publication...

Baptismal clothing is deeply symbolic: so, White color The baptismal shirt symbolizes the spiritual purity and joy of the newly baptized. After the completed Sacrament of Baptism, his soul is completely transformed, cleansed, filled with Divine light and love. The symbol of all events that happen to a person during the Sacrament is the baptismal shirt. The Sacrament of Baptism is extraordinary significant holiday in the life of every person. According to ancient Christian tradition, it was necessary to baptize a child on the second day after his birth. Now, of course, this tradition has changed somewhat, but, as before, the sooner this Sacrament is performed, the better. After all, Baptism is not just an Orthodox rite, it is the birth of a child’s soul into eternal life, it is his complete rebirth. After Baptism, all his sins are washed away from the little person, and he begins to new life, illuminated by the light of the presence of Jesus Christ.

Epiphany Day is an exciting day not only and not so much for the child, but for his parents. After all, they are the ones who must ensure that all rituals and traditions are observed. An integral part of the Sacrament of Baptism is christening set for newborn . According to Christian tradition, the godmother should prepare such an outfit. In ancient times, the godmother hand-embroidered the baptismal robe for her godson. Now ready-made kits can be purchased in the store.

As a rule, a baptismal set includes a baptismal shirt (this is the main element in the set), as well as a scarf or cap, a diaper or a towel (kryzhma) to dry the baby before washing in the font.

According to ancient Christian custom, the baptismal shirt was kept in the family as the greatest family heirloom. And in the kryzhma - a towel, which was used to wipe the child after washing in the font; it was customary to bury the person who was baptized in it.

Now in many families the tradition of baptizing all children in the baptismal robe of their first child is being revived, but everyone should have their own kryzhma and should also keep it throughout their lives.

The baptismal shirt has a very ancient and deep history in Europe. This is how the baptismal shirt of Queen Elizabeth I of England, daughter of King Henry VIII, has survived to this day. She was born on September 7, 1533, and received baptism on her third birthday. The shirt was made of the finest silk, decorated with embroidery and lace, and was quite long.

In 1841, Queen Victoria's first child, Vicky, was baptized in England. This silk shirt, decorated with guipure, became a symbol of all of England. To this day, all princes and princesses of England are baptized wearing this shirt.

Wealthy noble people both in Europe and in Russia baptized their children in baptismal shirts made of the finest silk, decorated with guipure, magnificent lace, exquisite hand embroidery, and pearls. The common people used cotton as a material for baptismal attire and also decorated it with lace. self made, various ornaments, satin ribbons.

Everything about the outfit was symbolic: the length of the shirt spoke of a person’s longevity, but the beauty of the outfit symbolized a rich and happy life.

Those christening outfits of the princes and princesses of Europe that have survived to this day include long shirts, hats, booties, capes and scarves on which the initials of the crowned heads were embroidered.

The kryzhma was always made to match the baptismal attire, and it also had personalized embroidery, which consisted of the name of the person being baptized or his initials and the date of the celebration. Personalized embroidery made the outfit unique and sophisticated.

In Rus', the baptismal shirt also has a deep history. This is how A.S.’s shirt has been preserved to this day. Pushkin, it is located in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. The baptismal shirt of Tsarevich Alexy, the son of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, who was baptized in 1904, has also been preserved.

Children of crowned persons in Rus' were baptized in front of a large crowd of people: boyars, ministers, all ranks of the Duma, and foreign guests were present. According to tradition, the child was baptized on the eighth day. Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a whole “baptismal train” was sent to church - guests drove in a line to the church, and the metropolitan or patriarch sprinkled the road with holy water. According to custom, all guests, without exception, gave gifts to the baby, and the king arranged a gala dinner in honor of his Baptism, at which the most exquisite and luxurious dishes were served.