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What is the best gift for a friend on March 8th?


The simplest solution is to ask your friend what she would be pleased to receive as a gift. But in this case there will be no surprise. Therefore, you should think about choosing something extraordinary. Consider whether yours loves jewelry. If so, your task becomes much easier. Today it is quite easy to purchase some original trinket, since fashion news appear in various stores on the eve of the holiday in large quantities. It’s better to take care of the gift in advance so that you don’t have to rack your brains a couple of days before 8, when there are too many people in the stores.

You, like no one else, know what is missing in your friend’s house, because you probably visit her house often. Remember how long ago she changed the tablecloth, whether she needs a new blanket or pillow. Perhaps your friend recently mentioned that she doesn't have enough towels in the kitchen or it's time to change some accessories in the bathroom. All these little things will become a good gift on Women's Day.

A new coffee pot will be a great gift for your friend if she is used to this drink. You can attach a small brochure with recipes for baking with coffee to the Turk. If your close friend is a good housewife, you can buy her new cookie cutters, an ice cream maker, or a deep fryer.

Today it is not a problem to buy beautiful yarn; buy it as a gift if your friend loves to knit. You know her taste, and choosing a color will not be a problem. Pack the yarn in a pretty basket, complete with the latest fashion magazine.

Another gift option could be a certificate for the purchase of cosmetics or perfumes; your friend will be happy about this, since she will have the opportunity to choose what she likes. You can give a massage course or a subscription to the pool, of course, provided that she is not against it. For that friend who loves to dance, a certificate for visiting the dance hall would be a great gift.

An excellent option for a gift would be another handbag, because there are never too many of them. Any woman will be delighted if she receives an umbrella or a beautiful belt for trousers as a gift; a large number of accessories will diversify her wardrobe.

The spring holiday of March 8th is a great occasion to pamper your girlfriend with gifts and once again tell her about your love. And, of course, it’s not just to hear a polite “thank you” from her, but to see real joy in her eyes from the gift she received. To do this, it is not at all necessary to give very expensive gifts; it is much more important to approach their choice with maximum responsibility, attention and love.


If you really want to please, then give her what she dreams of. There is no shame in asking her a direct question, but if you want to surprise her and make a surprise, then try to remember what she told you about lately, ask her friends or family. In the end, ask her to help you choose a gift for your mother (sister, relative) and carefully watch her in the store - perhaps you will be able to understand what she would like when, when looking at this or that thing, her eyes light up with a special sparkle.

An always popular and relevant gift is jewelry, because it is difficult to find a girl who would be absolutely indifferent to them. Ring or earrings, pendant or bracelet – the choice in modern jewelry stores is so wide that you will certainly find what you need. The only “but” is that such a gift can hit your wallet very hard, so soberly assess your capabilities and don’t be upset if you can’t afford such a gift yet.

If your loved one remains a child at heart, please her with a cute soft toy. Just don’t choose huge two-meter “monsters” - they take up too much space and become excellent dust collectors. But if your girlfriend is practical and does not like various sentimental things, it is better to refrain from such a gift.

On March 8, as on other days, gifts made by your own people are relevant. If you are on friendly terms with the computer, consider creating a beautiful slide show for your loved one with her (and your joint) photographs and recordings. If she loves all sorts of small souvenirs, make a beautiful photo frame or an elegant keychain, and these things will always remind her of your love.

Many men give their girlfriends perfumes and other perfume products, and this is a really good gift provided that you know her tastes well. However, when deciding on such a gift, be prepared for the fact that you may not get the scent right. To avoid disappointment, try to go to the perfume store in advance (under the same pretext of choosing a gift for your mother or another relative) and, as if out of idle interest, ask the girl to show you what scents she likes.

Of course, on this day you cannot do without flowers. Surely you have already found out what flowers your beloved is partial to, so be sure to try to find the bouquet of her dreams.

Other gift ideas include various accessories (scarves, gloves, bags, jewelry), beautiful clothes (however, you can only decide on such a gift if you know well the size and tastes of your chosen one), books and interior items. The main thing is that the gift is chosen and given with love.

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  • gift for a girl how to choose

International Women's Day is a truly unusual and long-awaited holiday. Both men and women prepare for such an event. Every representative of the fairer sex dreams of hearing from her chosen one pleasant words love, admiration. But, unfortunately, not every man knows how to surprise and please a lady, what to give his beloved on March 8th.

Firstly, a woman is always waiting for a surprise, so try not to ask your lover what she dreams about. Such questions should be asked long before the wonderful spring holiday.

Secondly, you should remember that any gift that you would not buy for your lady should be unique, original and useful.

Thirdly, do not neglect holiday packaging, because it is always nicer to receive a gift in a beautiful box with a bow. A lady will definitely appreciate something like this creativity. You must realize that colorful packaging is a testament not only to your attention, but also to your well-thought-out preparation.

Fourthly, it is advisable to complement any gift with a bouquet of flowers. As you know, no woman can resist such a small gift.

List of original and useful gifts for women:

  • Gift Certificate. Practice shows that certificates are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising. Women can be given a certificate for any service, for example, a visit to a beauty salon or a parachute jump. It all depends on your lady's preferences.
  • Romantic dinner. If the first option does not completely satisfy you, then try organizing an unforgettable evening for your loved one. You can prepare your own dinner or pre-book a table at a luxury restaurant. Your goal is to think through every little detail, to give your beloved the sea positive emotions, an evening of romance and intrigue.
  • A trip to warm countries. If you are not limited by finances, give your loved one a trip to a warm country. Believe me, any woman will be delighted with such a surprise, because who doesn’t dream of additional rest.
  • Shopping. Unfortunately, not every man will dare to achieve this feat. Many representatives of the stronger sex will prefer to allocate a certain amount of money, avoiding a “walk” through boutiques. Only you must remember that women expect from you not only money, but also participation in choosing their wardrobe. Once a year you can tolerate it.
  • Jewelry. Finely crafted jewelry is a win-win gift. As you know, you can never have too many accessories, and today the assortment jewelry allows you to choose something original and truly chic. You can give preference to earrings, pendants or chains. If you want the gift to be more valuable, add engraving to it.
  • Tickets for your favorite artist. If your lady’s favorite singer performs in your city, then order tickets for his concert. This gift will delight your loved one.

Now you know what you can give to the fairer sex for their long-awaited holiday. Good luck to you and have a nice holiday!

A friend, just like any other loved one, can be given gifts just like that, for no reason. Well, since March 8 is just around the corner, let’s prepare for this holiday as needed. Let's choose something beautiful and find the perfect gift for a friend. By the way, this list of ideas can be used for any other holiday. To make it easier for you to decide, we have divided the gifts into categories. Look for what suits you best.

For the closest ones

  1. If your hands grow from right place and you love and know how to draw beautifully, you are incredibly lucky! This universal gift to almost any loved one. No, tell me, who wouldn’t be happy with their own portrait? Draw a picture of your friend (or you together) and frame your drawing in a beautiful frame.
  2. Not good with pencils and felt-tip pens, but ready to hang out on the computer for hours? " " is your option. All you need is yours joint photos and fantasy. You can make a cute collage or a series of funny memes, like in comics.
  3. Another option for those who like to do things with their own hands. A bracelet or choker made of rubber bands or floss or beads is a gift that every girl should give to her best friend.
  4. Cook her something delicious. Muffins, pizza, burgers or even a whole cake! You will still eat this delicious thing together :)
  5. Buy a headphone splitter. A very useful thing that will help you enjoy your favorite music with four ears.

For a shy friend who has not revealed her Inner Goddess

  1. Give her a sexy choker that she eyed in the store but never decided to buy. And make sure this shy girl wears it!!! At least for your joint parties.
  2. Or . The same scheme as with the choker. To put on makeup immediately after unpacking the gift.
  3. The book "50 shades of gray". You know that she will read it under the covers with a flashlight so that mom doesn’t burn it.
  4. . Yes, yes, yes, we are serious here at Elle Girl. And there’s no need for “ugh” here. In fact, this gift is also one of those that should be given to everyone. Just don't tell your mom :)

For the crazy fan

  1. Obviously, the doctor himself ordered fans to be given fan stuff. So go to aliexpress and look for posters, phone cases, mugs, T-shirts and anything and everything related to her idol or her favorite TV series, movie or book series.
  2. If staff seems like a banal gift to you, then order a life-size doll of the star your friend is crazy about. Just imagine that in her room there will be an almost real Harry Styles, Justin Bieber or Cole Sprouse.
  3. A ticket to a concert if her favorite band happened to be in your city.
  4. Headphones. Because no fan will refuse headphones!

For the smart girl from whom you cheat, and also your best friend

  1. Obviously, . You can casually ask what she would like to read. Or buy her a gift edition of War and Peace, which she was the only one in the class who read from cover to cover.
  2. . Important - smart! So the Beer Roulette set is definitely not suitable.
  3. Office. So that she has even more pens and markers to underline subheadings and write letters in her notes. And she feels good, and it’s nice to write off.

For a creative person

  1. Sketchbook. We're sure she already has one, but you can never have too many sketchbooks!
  2. Brushes and paints. If your friend is into painting, then she’s probably already been buzzing your ears about which brush is missing in her set. Your task is to catch the seller, so as not to get confused in these shelves with drawing supplies, and choose exactly what you need.
  3. Machine for making rolls. Or for making popcorn, ice cream, hot sandwiches, smoothies. When you stay overnight with her, you won’t regret giving such a gift.

All women in our country look forward to the gentle spring holiday of March 8th. And this is natural! After all, it is on this day that men surround them with care, pamper them with attention and, of course, gifts.

But the most interesting thing is that on this holiday women can play two wonderful roles at once: accepting gifts and presenting their gifts to mothers, grandmothers, friends and sisters.
Therefore, on the eve of March 8, the question of what to give to your loved ones torments not only men! After all, you don’t just want to make a routine present, but really make your loved one happy.

And here there are some nuances. It turns out that the same prepared gift may please the mother, but not at all please the beloved friend.

To avoid such an oversight, we suggest using our options for possible gifts, depending on who they are intended for.

March 8 gifts for mom

The first step, where it is better to start preparing for the upcoming holiday and accordingly have time to choose a suitable gift, is to decide who it is being bought for.
If we are talking about mom, then here we can consider some functional things. It must be something truly beneficial.
Let's consider several options for such gifts.


When a man chooses a gift for his wife, then he definitely needs to forget about the banality. First, it’s worth a little analysis of the tastes of your other half, her preferences, and think about what exactly she needs on the eve of the holiday.
If nothing original comes to mind, you can use our tips.


A gift for the youngest participants of this spring holiday should also be made with an emphasis on the fact that in the future the little girl will grow up real woman. Therefore, about such ordinary gifts for a daughter as a doll or soft toy It's better not to stop.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the girl’s age.
Let's consider several interesting options.

To my sister

In addition to mothers, wives and daughters, we must not forget about sisters. They deserve attention on such a day and they also need to show your love and care. A gift given to a sister may be inexpensive, but sincere. It should emanate with kindred warmth and love.


When choosing a gift for their beloved grandmother, many people overdo it and buy things that are too difficult to use with all sorts of technical equipment.
Grandmothers, especially those of the old school, are very far from such household items and they do not at all want to get to know them better.
Therefore, a March 8 gift for an elderly loved one should be simple, necessary and useful.

To my beloved girl

On the eve of March 8, guys face a difficult choice who want to simultaneously surprise their girls and at the same time tell about their warm feelings with the help of a gift. But here, too, there are proven options that should win the heart of any young lady.

To a friend

March 8th is another good reason to remember strong female friendships and give your beloved friend a small heartfelt gift.
Any useful things can be used as a gift.

International Women's Day Gifts for a Female Colleague

Why is March 8 so loved and awaited by all women? Yes, because on this day it is customary to congratulate everyone, be it at home or at work! So, not a single female colleague will be left unattended on this wonderful holiday.

But for some reason, choosing a gift for a colleague is the greatest difficulty for many.
If the choice is difficult for you too, you can choose from the options below.

  • Anti-stress pillow. A great gift for a female colleague who works hard and is constantly stressed.
  • Automatic heating cup, - after all, there are often situations when the enjoyment of aromatic and hot coffee is interrupted by an urgent call or errand (650 rubles).
  • Wall calendar With comic wishes or useful tips(from 400 rubles).
  • Original soap self made . The gift will undoubtedly please your colleague and will be useful not only at home, but also at work.
  • Set of beautiful pens. A practical gift that will free your colleague for a long time from the need to purchase constantly used stationery.
  • Original night light. It will become indispensable if a colleague has a habit of constantly staying late at work.
  • Beautiful personalized diary. A useful thing that will undoubtedly please your colleague.

What to give to a teacher on March 8

We must not forget to congratulate women teachers on such a day, whether they are teachers at school or at an institute. Here you could get by with standard flowers or sweets, but you need to learn to stand out and approach the choice of a gift as something that the recipient would really be pleased to receive.

Universal gifts for women

There is a category of gifts that will delight any woman on March 8, regardless of her age and status. This is a choice for those who are completely lost among the variety of products and cannot decide on a purchase.
Here are some options for traditional gifts that any woman will like.

Cool gifts

If you want to surprise a girl or woman on a March spring day, especially if the person herself is not deprived of a sense of humor, then you can look the right gift among cool things.

Handmade gifts

To completely charm any woman on March 8, you can choose a handmade gift as a surprise.
Here are some great ideas.

March 8 is not such a grandiose holiday as a birthday, so it is rare that anyone gives any expensive gifts. Most of the girls who answered the question on my LJ said that they would like to get something from the Tiffany cosmetics store ( eau de toilette, powder, eyeliner, new limited-edition shadows, etc.) or a purchase certificate to choose yourself. There were also those who dreamed of having their windshield wipers changed for them, buying cool floor mats for their car, or finally installing an alarm system.
We most often expect some little thing from our girlfriends like a scarf, nail polish, etc.

So, I tried to make a list of what you can safely give to your friends when the budget for everything about everything is no more than 1000 rubles, or better yet even less :)

1. Flowers in pots

On New Year's Eve, everyone could be given hyacinths in pots; they bloom very beautifully and smell amazing, while being absolutely easy to care for. Now in Ikea you can buy colanchoe, narcissus, hydrangea (which blooms so large beautiful hats in European gardens or an orchid (you can buy it all year round, it is on permanent display there).

2. Automotive business card

The set includes the card itself and numbers. Suitable for girls who are polite drivers who leave their phone numbers when parking in a bad place. I have a phone number printed on A4 sheet, but I would be very happy with just such a thing :)

The sign is sold in Artemy Lebedev studio stores for 150 rubles.

3. Nail polish

Red and gray are, of course, a win-win option. One of these definitely never hurts. In general, watch what color your friend paints her nails, maybe you should give her a regular transparent or black one :) Nail polish of any more or less pretty color is never superfluous

4. Cool earrings or pendant

I always find something to wear with a given bracelet or earrings. Specially for such cases, “Bestsellers” sections appear on websites, and sometimes they actually display what sells best. Fashionistas from are now into crosses, feathers in all their forms, animals and just big things. For me, all these pendants are the same theme as varnishes, they are always necessary and there is always somewhere to wear them.

As an example: brooch with deer in Clique Boutique - 400 rubles. or an openwork key at Bling Blings - 560 rub. with discount

5. "Stationery" or books (certificate)

I’m sure that every girl loves to collect notebooks (precisely collect, because most often we buy what we really like, put it on the shelf and admire it; it’s a shame to write it all over). Give any cute diary (

What to give a friend on March 8

Most women like to give gifts to each other, and if it is a gift to March 8, then the fairer sex does this with special pleasure and inspiration. After all, the first autumn holiday is the ideal occasion to bring joy to your beloved girlfriend with a pleasant surprise.

Choosing gifts is always a difficult and troublesome task, especially if you don’t know the person very well. With a present for a friend, things are completely different, this close person about whom almost everything is known, so it won’t be difficult to bring joy, given the fact that real friends know each other’s hobbies and preferences very well. Of course, the founder should prepare for the choice of a gift and it is better to buy it in advance, so that in the pre-holiday bustle you do not jostle among the men who are literally attacking store shelves.

Before you tell us what to give your friend on March 8, it’s worth listening to some tips on choosing a spring present. To surprise your friend and bring her real joy, you need to put a piece of your own soul into the gift, gratitude for everything she does. So the girlfriend will be happy, and the donor will give herself pleasure.

The second tip is that it is never too early to purchase a gift; this can be done long before the holiday. After all, even in December you can see something that your friend will definitely like, which means you definitely need to buy it.

All women love surprises, and therefore you can present your friend not just one gift, but several. This advice will certainly help those who are limited in the amount they can afford for a gift. So, as a surprise, you can present a basket of fruits, complemented by a bottle of good wine or a basket of sweets. In this case, it is important to take into account the tastes and preferences of your friend. Many will say that such a gift is far from a real and serious present, let me disagree. It's better to give a modest gift, but to be absolutely sure that it is he who will please her friend, will cause her a sea of ​​​​delight, than to give an expensive thing, doubting that the gift will be to her liking.

Another tip is original and beautiful packaging, yes, the gift should be beautifully packaged. Some will think that this is an extra expense, but it is precisely such little things that will allow you to feel that festive atmosphere, which is given by the holiday of March 8th. The festive “clothing” of a gift will arouse interest, especially when there is no idea what is hidden under the bright wrapping.

The last piece of advice to listen to before you go shopping for a gift for your friend is to buy what you like. It is likely that you and your friend are not alike, have different hobbies, and work in different fields. However, when choosing a girlfriend, you should always be guided by one simple rule: “like it - don’t like it.” When choosing a present for your beloved friend, it is better to rely on your taste and inner feelings, so you can choose something really worthwhile.

Now you can talk about what gifts are best to give to a friend on March 8th. Cosmetics and perfumes are an integral part of everyone's life. modern woman. Since your friend’s tastes in this area are well known, you can safely go into the store and choose mascara, lipstick, perfume, eye shadow and other beauty paraphernalia. On Women's Day, it would be appropriate to give personal care products, body lotions, scrubs, facial toners and much more. You can purchase several different means one brand and beautifully arrange it all in a basket.

Any woman will be delighted to receive evening care and relaxation products from her close friend. Such a gift will be especially relevant for women who spend a lot of time at work, get tired and need basic rest at home. From this series of gifts: candles with a pleasant relaxing aroma, bubble bath with essential oils, an aroma lamp, face masks, pleasant and soft pajamas, a robe.

Next on the list of beauty gifts are the procedures themselves that make women beautiful and happy. A trip to a beauty salon or spa would be an ideal gift for March 8th. It is important to remember here that this should not be a gift certificate that specifies any specific service. The girls know what their friends want, what they have long wanted to try to do, but never got around to it. For example, this could be a chocolate wrap, an exotic massage session, a spa pedicure, a fish pedicure, hair care treatments, etc. It is better to give preference in choosing to non-standard procedures, even if it is a manicure, then let it be unusual.

Another good gift idea for March 8 would be a bath set; such gifts will delight bathhouse fans. If you and your friend love visiting bathhouses, then the choice of themed gifts can make your head spin. You can give anything that is in one way or another connected with the bath, from original bath caps to healthy herbal teas after all procedures. Also as a gift you can consider: towels, masks, scrubs, sets essential oils, spacious containers, cosmetic bags, a set of special jars, a thermos. The choice of option will depend only on the imagination and what imagination and money are enough for.

This may seem surprising to some, but on March 8 you can please your friend with... stationery, especially since modern manufacturers offer a huge number of the most different options. Women who spend most of their time working in the office will love the original pen stands, which will not only become a pleasant desktop decor, but will also arouse the envy and admiration of their colleagues. You can also present your friend with a stylish diary, a beautiful desk calendar with interesting drawings on each page, funny pencil sharpeners, phone stands, original holders for business cards. Another practical thing is a cup warmer, thanks to which the coffee will remain hot and tasty for a long time.

A wonderful gift will become an elegant box for storing jewelry. There is plenty to choose from; the most popular boxes are on sale. different sizes, designs, made from the most different materials, spectacularly decorated or classically strict. In this variety there is sure to be an option for even the most sophisticated.

To decorate the interior of an apartment, you should take a closer look at original candlesticks, flower vases, incense stands.

Nowadays, many women have their own cars. On March 8, you can give your friend gifts related to the car. These could be some minor items for the salon, or you can fork out the cash and purchase a certificate for a car wash complex. From a series of gifts for a car: a portable vacuum cleaner, a kettle powered by a cigarette lighter, a phone stand, curtains with suction cups, seat belt covers, clothes hangers.

If a friend travels often, then on March 8th you should please her with the appropriate paraphernalia, present for the holiday a comfortable thought pillow, a sleep mask, a croft for transporting clothes, a travel bag, a spacious cosmetic bag or several containers for cosmetics of different sizes from the same series.

For those who like to grow indoor plants, a good gift would be another “pot” with a rare specimen that is missing in the collection, or a book on plant growing. Speaking of books, it is worth noting that this gift option continues to remain in the ranking of the best gifts. You can give your friend several books by your favorite authors, or books of the genre that she prefers.

If your friend belongs to the category of people who “have everything” and you won’t be able to surprise her with anything, then a bouquet of multi-colored balloons, a huge greeting card and refrigerator magnets with joint photos can provide the most positive and joyful mood on the holiday.