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Castor oil for hair and scalp. How to use castor oil for hair? Hair masks with castor oil

For several decades, the fair sex has been using castor oil for hair as an effective remedy for luxurious and thick hair. This tool is considered a folk healer and a professional cosmetic product in one bottle, and its use will turn your hairstyle into a dream come true.

Hair treatment with castor oil was very popular even in ancient Egypt. The product has a cloudy and viscous structure of yellowish color, and has a specific smell. The latter often scares away the fairer sex, but the problem can be easily solved. You just need to heat the preparation in a water bath, and then wrap your entire head in a towel.

Applying castor oil to hair, the benefits will be noticeable immediately. It contains many useful components, for example, such fatty acids as:

  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • stearic;
  • ricin oleic;
  • linoleic.

Castor oil for hair has the following "magic" properties:

  • gives your curls shine, prevents brittleness, restores the structure and nourishes the hair;
  • increases the growth rate of hair and even eyelashes;
  • prevents hair loss and strengthens the roots;
  • helps to get rid of the eternal problem of men and women, like dandruff and peeling;
  • regulates the sebaceous glands and eliminates excessive oiliness of the hair;
  • gives curls silkiness and smoothness;
  • due to its organic structure, the oil does not cause allergies;
  • helps to transfer perms, highlighting, coloring and so on less traumatically.

Does castor oil help hair growth?

The negative factors of our ecology, fatigue, poor nutrition and much more adversely affect any organism, and are reflected in your appearance. The curls of women become brittle and dry, split and fall out. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to take castor oil for hair growth. Our grandmothers also used it, so the treatment with this remedy has been tested for centuries.

The active components of the oil penetrate deeply into the inner part of the follicle, help the formation of keratin in it, which sticks together and accelerates the growth of scales, and also strengthens the hair structure. Castor oil instantly moisturizes curls, makes them obedient and pleasant to the touch. Regular use of the product guarantees women's hair volume, splendor and incredible density.

Does castor oil help with hair loss?

This natural product has a positive effect on both your scalp and curls. Castor oil against hair loss is used undiluted or with the addition of various components that have a similar effect. This remedy has an irritating effect on the scalp, thereby causing blood flow to it. Thanks to this, the roots are nourished with oxygen, a protective film is created on the hair, which supplies it with the necessary elements.

Castor oil for split ends

Women who often use electrical appliances and various paints sometimes experience such a nuisance as trichoptilosis. Apply universal castor oil to the ends of the hair by applying the product to the split curls. This procedure must be carried out regularly and processed only 2-3 cm, without touching the roots, and the result will be visible almost immediately.

Women are often interested in the question of how to properly use castor oil for hair, its use is possible with the addition of identical products that help improve the result of the effect. It can be:

  • various vegetable oils: olive, grape, burdock, sunflower, camphor, jojoba and so on;
  • raw eggs;
  • 90% alcohol or cognac;
  • dairy products;
  • onion or garlic juice and other components.

How to apply castor oil on hair?

This tool is relatively inexpensive, therefore it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Answering the question of how to use castor oil for hair and achieve the maximum effect, a few basic rules should be said:

  1. The product is difficult to rinse off, so it should be warmed up before application to reduce the viscosity of the oil.
  2. Castor oil is applied to the roots of the head, rubbed well, then distributed over the entire length.
  3. After that, you will need to create a greenhouse effect, that is, wrap your head with a film, and put on a warm hat or wrap it with a towel.
  4. After a certain time, apply shampoo to your hair and rinse it off, repeat several times.

This procedure should be completed by rinsing the curls with plenty of water, at a temperature of + 36 ° C to + 38 ° C, with the addition of herbal decoction or diluted with lemon juice. Dry the hair naturally or with a hair dryer on a gentle mode. Apply castor oil to hair at night or for a few hours during the day. It is necessary to make a mask from this product from one month to six.

For the prevention and treatment of various diseases of curls, you can use this natural remedy. Today, a large number of women use castor oil for hair, the method of application is of several types and depends on the situation:

  • like a mask;
  • as a compress;
  • as an additional ingredient.

Apply this remedy at least once in seven days. Using castor oil for hair at home, its recipes are very different and depend on the condition of the curls, their neglect and the desired result. They are divided into:

  • activating;
  • nutritional;
  • moisturizing;
  • medical;
  • preventive.

Hair growth mask with castor oil

The huge popularity of this tool was brought by its property to activate the growth of curls. In this case, hair castor oil is used in its pure form and applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes. The most effective recipes are:

  1. You will need a teaspoon of squeezed aloe and oil, a tablespoon with honey. The mixture must be heated, then applied to the roots of your hair, hold for about 40 minutes and rinse with shampoo and water.
  2. For the next mask, you will need an egg yolk, a decoction of herbs (parsley, nettle, bay leaf) and castor oil for hair growth. Mix all the ingredients together, heat and apply to your hair. Hold for at least 60 minutes.
  3. If you're not worried about smells, then try castor oil (about 15 drops) with crushed garlic (half a teaspoon). The mixture is rubbed into your scalp and left for 30 minutes if you don't feel a strong burning sensation before.
  4. An unusual recipe for a mask with seaweed (50 grams), purchased dry and ground by you in a coffee grinder, with the addition of a tablespoon of castor oil. Hold on the head for at least half an hour, after which everything must be washed off with shampoo.

Hair loss mask with castor oil

If you decide to use castor oil for hair loss, then the most effective masks for this problem are:

  1. Take a tincture of hot pepper and castor oil, in a ratio of one to one. The mixture will need to be spread over the entire length of your hair and left overnight if it does not bake. This mask should be applied twice a week until complete recovery and strengthening of curls.

  2. You will need 200 ml of herbal decoction (linden, sage, chamomile), two teaspoons of oil, egg yolk and one piece of black bread. Rub this mass into your scalp and wait 60 minutes, and then rinse.
  3. Castor oil for hair is used along with onion gruel. You will need two large spoons of these ingredients, they will need to be mixed and applied to your roots. Keep at least 30-40 minutes.
  4. Take natural henna and castor oil in a 3:1 ratio, dilute the mixture with warm water and apply to the entire length of the hair. Keep it for 60 minutes.

Hair mask - kefir and castor oil

If suddenly you have oily curls, then to treat this problem you need to use kefir and castor oil for hair. To prepare such a mask, take:

  • 100 g of kefir;
  • 10 g castor oil.

Heat the fermented milk product and pour the oil into it. Then rub the mixture into the roots of the curls and distribute with a comb along its entire length. Wrap your head with cling film or polyethylene, and wrap it with a terry towel on top. Keep this mask for 40 to 60 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. You will need to carry out this procedure about 2 times a week for several months until the hair returns to normal.

Hair mask - castor oil and egg

A hair mask with castor oil is ideal for dry hair. At the same time, in addition to the main component, one chicken yolk and a teaspoon of table vinegar and glycerin are added to it. The total mass should be lukewarm, but not hot. It is most convenient to heat the oil, and pour the rest of the ingredients into it. Keep the mask for about 50 minutes, and the hair is dried only in a natural way.

For oral administration, castor oil was prescribed as a laxative. External use has proven to be an indispensable tool for solving hair problems.

From our article you will learn how to treat hair with castor oil and whether castor oil can be used to wash your hair.

Remarkable Properties castor oil for hair have long been noticed precisely when applying it to the scalp. With the help of oil, you can easily solve the problems of brittle and dry hair. It is unlikely that anyone will deny that castor oil is good for hair.

It gives:

  • hair nutrition; ensures their strength and shine;
  • glues the scales;
  • eliminates dry dandruff;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • strengthens the hair follicle.

The simplest recipe castor oil for hair, which does not require the skills of insisting and mixing - use purified castor oil for treatment. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Castor oil hair mask can work wonders with your hair. Before use, it is better to heat the oil for 15 minutes in a water bath so that it becomes even more effective. Warm oil should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, into the scalp, distribute it along the entire length of the hair. Then the head should be covered with cellophane for about one hour. It is enough to make such a mask once every two weeks. It is better to wash off the mask with a mild shampoo.

Castor oil for hair loss today it is used in close connection with aromatherapy. To do this, you need to add a few drops of the essential oil to castor oil that you like and which is most suitable for solving problems with your skin and hair. Applying such a fragrant mask, you will not only help your hair, but also cheer yourself up and relieve stress.

Castor hair oil for dry hair used with many components of folk recipes:

  • egg yolk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • onion juice;
  • aloe;
  • sour cream;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions.

Apply these masks according to the standard scheme: rub castor oil into the hair, hair roots, scalp. Cover with plastic wrap and a towel for 30 minutes. Wash off with clean warm water and a mild shampoo.

Kefir mask. Castor oil for oily hair you can cook with half a glass of kefir. Kefir should be slightly warmed up in a steam bath, mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil and evenly applied to the scalp. We put cellophane and a soft towel on top. The mask is on the head for 30 minutes. After that, it should be washed off with warm water and a mild shampoo.

Mask for strengthening hair from castor oil and onion juice. Oil and juice must be mixed in equal proportions. Onion does not lose its effectiveness, but on the contrary, it becomes more burning and useful. The mask is applied to the scalp for 30 minutes. Castor mask for hair growth will help you avoid many of life's problems and worries, and make your hair irresistible.

Aloe mask. Castor oil for hair loss mix well with aloe juice. And if you add a little vodka or alcohol here, then this will be a truly powerful tool in the treatment of baldness. By the way, it is better to take alcohol and castor oil in a ratio of 1: 2.

Mask with egg yolk. We take one egg yolk and mix with one spoonful of castor oil. We rub it into the hair roots, wrap it with polyethylene and a towel, after 30 minutes we wash it off with warm shampoo. Try castor oil for thick hair and you will see how two hairs grow from one hair follicle! Do not use the recipe for longer than 40 minutes, otherwise your head may ache and your hair will be covered with a “shell”.

Castor-burdock mask. Let's make a castor oil mask. It has a wonderful effect on the rate of hair growth. Let's make a mask of burdock oil and your hair will become thicker. Now you need to alternate these masks, and your head will quickly be covered with a thick hat of hair. Burdock and castor oil for hair- This is one of the best options for making an excellent mask.

Mask-collection of grass and flowers. In half a glass of castor oil, stir in a spoonful of nettle, St. John's wort and chamomile. Insist for a week in a dark, cool place. Apply the mask to the ends of the hair. Keep for about an hour. Rinse thoroughly with clean warm water and shampoo. One or two procedures are enough for a week. This mask of grass, flowers and castor oil for hair ends suitable for any hairstyle.

You can buy castor oil at any pharmacy. Its price ranges from 30-50 rubles.

However, before using it, it is better to go to the clinic and get a full consultation about the condition of your hair from a dermatologist.

A little about "castor oil"

This oil, which is of plant origin, is obtained by mechanical pressing of castor bean seeds. Then the logical question arises, why does the oil have the name "castor"? The historical fact is likely that it acquired its name as a result of being a substitute for a beaver stream (castor in Latin).

The color of the oil is almost transparent, pale yellow liquid with either a mild odor or none at all. Its important components are ricinoleate, oleate and linoleates. Castor oil is popular as a main ingredient not only in the cosmetic formulation process, but also in the manufacture of cold plastics, lubricants, brake fluids, waxes and pharmaceuticals.

Due to the content of a large number of essential vitamins, the oil has become known both among professional dermatologists and cosmetologists, stylists, and among girls and women of various ages who seek to restore beauty and restore “undermined” hair health with improvised means that are available in the home arsenal. First of all, it will be useful for those of you who are desperate to gain the length of the strands or struggle with the problem of active hair loss.

The structure of castor oil for hair includes ricinoleic acid, which is a natural antifungal and antibacterial component (it is not for nothing that castor oil is deservedly considered the main and favorite component of soap manufacturers).

Due to the content of omega-9 fatty acids, it is able to be absorbed and assimilated by the keratin cells of the hair structure. As a result of this influence, the nutrition of the hair follicles and pores is several times more intense than it would be when washing with a simple shampoo. By the way, also due to deep penetration into the hair structure, their growth is noticeably activated.

Masks that are based on castor oil to strengthen hair will be an excellent option for girls with damaged and dry strands. They can even be used as a preventive measure - in this way, you protect the curls from environmental influences and overheating when curling and drying curls.

With the regular correct use of castor oil for hair, there is a high degree of probability of their full cure without unnecessary chemicals and drugs.

How to cure hair with castor oil?

If you urgently need to put your hair in order, and there is nothing nearby but castor oil, then you can put a couple of drops on your hands and fix your hair with them.

If you have split, split ends, then you need to try the following recipe: apply oil along the entire length of hair growth, not forgetting the tips and roots. At the next stage, we warm ourselves with a bag and a towel (this will help useful nutrients to be absorbed deeper, which means that the effect of the procedure will be more noticeable). Leave the applied mask for 45 minutes, and then wash it off with your regular shampoo.

Uses of castor oil for hair growth

In a castor oil mask for active hair growth, coconut or olive oil is also used along with it - coconut oil is more viscous and will be more difficult to wash off. You can also choose any other type of oily liquid, the main thing is to keep the proportion - 50 to 50.

We mix both types, divide the hair into equal parts and then carefully distribute the mixture evenly on each of them. To achieve the desired result, the mask should be kept for at least three hours and do not forget to insulate with a plastic bag and a towel. After 2.5-3 hours, wash off the mask with running water.

You will get soft and obedient curls that actively grow and do not fall out. In order to increase the length of your hair as much as possible, we strongly advise you to use castor oil for hair growth about once every two to three days for a period of two months.

There is another popular recipe based on honey (only natural) and castor oil, which will increase hair growth and effectively deal with the problem of hair loss. Mix two tablespoons of honey with a couple of drops of oil and apply the resulting mixture to slightly damp hair immediately after hygienic water treatments. Do not forget to warm it with a cap, and after 25 minutes the mask can be washed off with running warm water, after washing them with shampoo. Beauticians suggest using the proposed recipe to replace the conditioner or hair rinse.

If you want to make your hair shade darker, but do not want to resort to products with harmful chemicals, then you should try a castor oil mask as a natural dye. For this purpose, you will need some of your mousse or hair conditioner. Mix them with oil and spread over the entire length of the hair.

Using castor oil for dry hair

Those who dream of adding shine and vitality to dry hair should write down the recipe for a mask that has been forgotten by many. Thoroughly mix 50 ml of oil, 40 ml of warmed honey and 1 fresh chicken egg to a paste. Then apply this mass on curls, wrap tightly with a towel over a plastic cap and rinse with water after an hour with the addition of a mild type of shampoo for dry, damaged hair. Already after a couple of months, you will notice that they have become much softer and more obedient, have acquired a natural, lively shine.

For the next recipe for hair treatment with castor oil, you will need to take 25 ml of this component, 25 ml of olive oil, 50 ml of honey and 1 chicken egg. Mix the ingredients and leave the mask to soak in for half an hour. And do not forget to insulate your head for deep penetration into the hair follicles and skin. Then rinse it off with warm water until you feel that the strands become squeaky, which means clean. After that, wash your hair again with shampoo.

What to do with oily hair?

Above, we have listed the main problems in the presence of which you can treat your hair with castor oil. However, there are a number of women who suffer from excessive oily scalp. This is due to the uncontrolled process of sebum secretion. Curls quickly become dirty and become sloppy. A mixture of castor oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice can help fix the problem. To form the composition we need for the mask, mix 50 ml of castor oil and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Distribute into slightly moistened strands and distribute along their entire length. Part of the composition should be carefully massaged into the skin of the scalp. The exposure time is 30 minutes. This is followed by shampooing as usual.

Chemical dyes, frequent blow-drying, constant stress and other negative factors inexorably affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, almost any woman sooner or later faces the need to return her curls to a well-groomed appearance. This can be done with the help of castor oil - a natural cosmetic product that has a lot of useful properties, as well as an amazing effect on the hair and scalp.

Castor Oil: What is it?

Castor oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the castor bean. The resulting oil is approximately 80% composed of ricinoleic acid, which, in fact, is its main active ingredient. Externally, the product is a thick and viscous liquid, colorless or slightly yellowish. The tool has a specific smell, which sometimes confuses those who decide to use castor oil for hair. Reviews about the use of the product are usually positive, so the only small drawback is easily hidden behind the mass of advantages.

Some manufacturers obtain castor oil by hot pressing or extraction. These methods of extracting oil are undesirable, as they significantly reduce the quality of the product. Only cold pressing can guarantee the maximum preservation of useful substances in the product, and also helps to eliminate toxins from it. That is why experts recommend purchasing castor oil in a pharmacy, after reading the inscription on the label.

Beneficial features

Many women have repeatedly proven the benefits of castor oil for hair. Reviews on forums and websites dedicated to self-care are direct proof of this. Castor oil is endowed with a mass of miraculous properties, namely:

What happens if you use castor oil

Long-term use of castor oil gives a noticeable result: the curls become thicker and stronger. Many women note an increase in hair pigmentation, so blondes should be especially careful with this cosmetic product.

Due to the antifungal action of ricinoleic acid, castor oil hair treatment can be successfully carried out. Reviews of women who have tried this method on themselves confirm its effectiveness. After regular use of castor oil, problems such as oily and dry dandruff, seborrhea disappear, and even severe hair loss disappears. Owners of long curls with the help of miraculous oil can get rid of split ends. In addition, the hair ceases to be brittle, gain elasticity and shine.


As a natural cosmetic, castor oil does not have to be used in its pure form. It is quite acceptable to combine it with other components. For hair care, this product is used in the form of masks and wraps. The first method involves applying the product to the hair and scalp for a certain period of time. In the second case, the same steps are performed, only the mask is additionally wrapped with a warming cap or towel.

There are many recipes that include castor oil for hair. Application, reviews of which speak of the popularity of the remedy, should be systematic. Otherwise, you should not hope for a result. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to follow a few tips:

  • Before the procedure, you can spend 5 minutes massaging the scalp to increase blood circulation.
  • If castor oil is slightly heated, it will be easier to apply to the hair. In addition, it will speed up the metabolism that occurs in the skin cells, which means that the effect of using the product will increase significantly.
  • Depending on the type and condition of the hair, castor oil can be diluted with various useful vegetable oils: burdock, argan, jojoba, etc.

Castor oil against hair loss, reviews on use

The problem of excessive hair loss is now more relevant than ever among the beautiful half of humanity. It is probably not even worth considering all the factors that lead to this. But it would be more appropriate to try to solve the problem in a proven and safe way - using castor oil.

A mask with onion juice noticeably fights hair loss. To prepare it, you need 2 tbsp. l. put the castor oil in a bowl and heat it up in a water bath. In a warm remedy, add the same amount of onion juice. The mixture must be immediately applied to the root zone of the hair. It is better to distribute the mask over the curls with light massaging movements, rubbing it into the scalp. After a couple of hours, the composition must be washed off with a mild herbal shampoo. The water must be warm.

You can make your hair thicker and stop its loss by using castor oil with pepper for hair. Reviews about this mask are filled with the admiration of women, as it brings simply amazing results in a short time. Warm castor oil mixed with an alcoholic tincture of red pepper is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed in a circular motion into the scalp. The longer you keep this mask, the stronger the effect will be. The minimum duration of the procedure is half an hour. The disadvantage of this recipe is that pepper tincture can cause a burning sensation on the scalp. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with the duration of the procedure and focus on your feelings.

Hair growth stimulation

For many of the fair sex, long hair remains just a dream. A mask of castor oil and egg yolk will help change this. With regular use, it makes curls strong and healthy. In addition, the tool increases the density of the hair. This is seen by many ladies using castor oil for hair growth. Reviews of joyful women speak for themselves: the mask really works. Recommended proportions for the preparation of the product: 30-40 ml of castor oil per 1 yolk. The volume of the mask should be adjusted depending on the length and density of the curls. To enhance the effect, you can pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. l. vodka or cognac. The mask is applied to the root part of the hair, wrapped with a warming cap and aged for at least 3 hours. Wash off the composition with warm, but not hot water.

You can also prepare a vitamin mask. It helps not only to improve the curls and give them a lively shine, but also significantly accelerate their growth. True, such a mask is recommended to be used 1 time in 10 days. More frequent treatments may backfire. To prepare the product, mix burdock and castor hair oil. Reviews of many women confirm that when used simultaneously, they give the maximum result. Then the composition must be heated to a slightly warm state. To do this, it is better to use a water bath. Then you need to add a few Aevita capsules to the mixture and apply to your hair. The head should be wrapped in a towel for several hours. If desired, you can leave the product on your hair all night.

Castor oil mask against dandruff

Dead skin particles that remain on the hair do not color any person. Dandruff is very insidious: it often appears for no apparent reason, and then it can be very difficult to get rid of it. In this case, a hair mask with castor oil will come to the rescue. Reviews about it do not lie: the tool is very effective in fighting dandruff.

The most popular mask among women is prepared on the basis of castor oil and alcohol tincture of calendula. The first component, due to the ricinoleic acid contained in it, has an active antifungal effect. As for calendula, it perfectly soothes the scalp, and also makes the sebaceous glands work normally. The ingredients must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio and applied evenly to the root of the hair. Then you should perform a head massage with light finger pressure, rubbing the composition into the skin. The mask must be kept on curls for about an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

Fighting Split Ends: Castor Oil Mask

Sometimes even a regular visit to the hairdresser does not help to make the ends of the hair well-groomed. From constant styling, they quickly become frayed and dry. Perfectly moisturizes and restores split ends castor oil for hair. Reviews of many beauties indicate that literally a few procedures are enough to achieve a visible effect.

The easiest and most unpretentious way to treat split ends is to apply castor oil directly to the lower third of the hair half an hour before shampooing. You can mix it with almond or burdock oil for a more noticeable result. If you carry out such a procedure systematically, then after a couple of weeks the tips will become well-groomed and neat. It is best to abandon the hair dryer and ironing for this period.

Wraps for split ends

Severely dry and lifeless hair ends can also be helped to regain attractiveness. To do this, castor oil should be used in the form of wraps. It is necessary to apply it to the ends, and then, having collected the hair in a bun, wrap the head with polyethylene. It is better to leave the mask on curls all night. The result will make itself felt after a couple of procedures: you will not recognize your hair after castor oil. Reviews of women who used this tool are unambiguous. In 100% of the young ladies, the number of split ends was significantly reduced, and with regular use of the mask, they disappeared completely.

Restoration of dry and damaged hair

Dull and lifeless curls can be the result of external factors, as well as a lack of vitamins. Therefore, they must first be saturated with useful substances. Castor oil itself has strengthening and nourishing properties, however, for the treatment and restoration of dry strands, it must be combined with other components.

It is known that fermented milk products contain proteins necessary for the growth of healthy hair. In addition, they perfectly cleanse the cells of the scalp from toxins. Castor oil for hair, reviews of which literally blew up the Internet, and homemade yogurt - the perfect recipe for a mask for dry hair. It is best to warm up the product before use. To prepare it, you need to mix castor oil and yogurt in a ratio of 1: 2. The composition should be gently lubricated with hair along the entire length. After 30-50 minutes, the mask must be removed from the hair with warm water or any herbal decoction.

Mask for colored curls

If the hair has been damaged as a result of dyeing, you can restore its former softness and elasticity with castor oil, glycerin and milk (1: 1: 2). All components must be placed in one bowl and mixed. Then the product is heated in a water bath. The finished composition is applied to the hair and aged for about half an hour. In the same interpretation, you can use castor oil for hair loss. Reviews say that the curls become not only elastic, but also strong.

Castor oil for oily hair

The versatility of castor oil is that it can be used for any type of hair. Unlike most other healthy vegetable oils, this product not only nourishes the curls, but also regulates the level of sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. In other words, castor oil has a therapeutic effect along with a cosmetic one. That is why this miraculous oil can be successfully used to care for oily hair.

To add volume to the hair and allow it to stay clean longer, it is recommended to use a honey-egg mask. It relieves the scalp of excess sebum and promotes accelerated growth of curls. The mask recipe is as follows: you need to combine the egg yolk with just one spoon of honey. Then you need to add castor oil to the mixture in the same amount. For hair (reviews on how to use the product focus on this), the mask is used depending on the fat content of the curls: the fatter they are, the less it should be kept. It is optimal to withstand the composition on the hair for at least two hours. Procedures should be performed weekly. The course of honey-egg masks is 2 months, after which a break is taken.

The hardest part about applying castor oil masks is rinsing them off. The problem is primarily due to the consistency of the product. Castor oil itself is quite thick, which makes it difficult to remove it with water. In addition, it does not dry out, but forms a small film. This also aggravates the situation. However, women continue to use castor oil for hair. Reviews of many of them contain tips on how to properly rinse this product. So, you can facilitate the process of removing castor oil from hair if:

  • Add egg yolk to masks (it will reduce the fat content of castor oil).
  • Do not wet your hair before applying the shampoo.
  • If possible, dilute castor oil with other vegetable oils.
  • Use mild and well-foaming cleansers.

Do not be afraid to use castor oil for hair: reviews of trichologists in relation to it are unanimously positive. Experts agreed and recommend the use of masks based on this tool. Castor oil helps to get beautiful well-groomed hair without extra money and time.

Castor oil for hair - has a lot of advantages compared to other folk methods. Its essence lies in the impact on the causes of problems with curls, so the first results are visible after a few applications. And thanks to the cumulative effect, the hair remains beautiful and healthy for a long time even after the product is discontinued.

The basis of this oil is fatty acids, which give the product a thick and sticky texture, the remaining components are vitamins that play an auxiliary role. The main healing effect still belongs to acids.

Most of the oil contains recinoleic acid. It makes the hair elastic, soft and manageable, improves blood circulation in the root zone, thereby stimulating hair growth and increasing the anagen phase (i.e., the life span of the hairs). Thanks to this, the visible density of the hair is achieved. Another advantage recinolic acid is an antibacterial effect. No wonder it is prescribed in the treatment of seborrhea.

It's important to know! At the beginning of the use of castor oil, a sharp loss of hair is possible. So the body gets rid of obsolete follicles in order to open the way for young and strong ones in the future.

The second most important are stearic and linoleic acids. Together, they contribute to the deep hydration of curls from the inside, and also create a protective film on the outside, which not only protects the shaft from moisture loss, but also helps to seal thin and brittle hair. In addition, the acid barrier perfectly copes with the aggressive effects of the external environment: bleach, salt, solar radiation, temperature changes, exposure to curling irons or irons.

Oleic acid performs an equally important function. It activates cellular metabolism in the deep layers of the skin and hair shaft.

And one of the main components, without which the miraculous effect of castor oil would not be so noticeable, is palmitic acid. It serves as a conductor for all useful substances. Thanks to this ingredient, large oil molecules can penetrate cell membranes and act directly on the causes of various problems, whether it is a lack of moisture or a lack of proper hair nutrition.

It is worth noting the vitamins that make up castor oil. Indeed, even the minimum content of tocopherol (E) and retinol (A) can add seductive shine, smoothness and elasticity to the hair.

Features of use

Castor oil can be applied to both clean and dirty hair. The main thing is that they are dry, because fat will not be able to overcome the water barrier and the procedure will be of little use. To minimize hair loss (this is a normal reaction to stimulating blood circulation), they must be thoroughly combed before applying masks. And so that the curls continue to remain obedient and do not get confused with each other during the application of the product, you need to separate the strands with a special comb with a thin handle.

The main secret of using castor oil is that it must be applied in a heated form, otherwise the beneficial components will not penetrate deep into the hair and will not have the desired effect.

If the composition is rubbed into the roots, then it is better to do this not with a brush, but with your fingers, using light massage movements.

After all the hair has been processed, it is recommended to cover it with a plastic bag or a bath cap and wrap it tightly with a towel. The mask itself must be kept from 20 minutes to 8-9 hours. The time depends on the speed of action of the ingredients. The frequency of application is 1-2 times a week. At the end of the procedure, the residue must be washed off. Moreover, the shampoo should be lathered in a separate container and rinse the hair with foam.

Balms or conditioners do not need to be used. But rinsing with decoctions of herbs, for example, from chamomile flowers, nettle, calendula or St. John's wort, will only fix the result of the mask.

Depending on the desired result, the oil in its pure form or as part of a mixture can be applied completely along the length of the hair or selectively on individual zones.

  1. The use of castor oil on the roots and scalp - stimulates the growth of strands, strengthens hair follicles, reduces the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis, reduces dry skin, and is also used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of dandruff.
  2. Application according to hair growth provides protection of each rod from mechanical damage during combing, drying, wearing hats, and using chemicals. It also protects the strands from environmental influences: water, temperature changes, sunlight, wind, etc. In addition, the hair becomes more manageable and elastic, which makes it easier to style.
  3. The use of oil on the tips - protects them from excision or further delamination, gives a healthy look, moisturizes. Unfortunately, no remedy will make the split ends grow back together. But the application of warm castor oil after a haircut can be compared with the effect of hot scissors: it seals the cut edges and prevents air molecules from penetrating into the hair structure, which is why they retain their integrity longer. At the same time, trips to the hairdresser are becoming less and less frequent.

An important factor in choosing the application area is the type of hair. If the strands are oily, then it is better to refrain from frequent use in the root part. Otherwise, sebum production will increase, and the hair will look dirty. To avoid this, the composition of the mixture, which must be applied close to the skin, should include drying components: alcohol, mustard, citrus juice, clay.

In general, dermatologists do not recommend applying castor oil in its pure form, because it is very difficult to wash off. It gives the best result in the composition of less thick oils, such as burdock or coconut, as well as other components that enhance the conductivity of nutrients in the middle of the hair, such as dimexide.

Recipes for hair masks based on castor oil

It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely get rid of hair problems in one session, but regular use of castor oil-based mixtures can improve the appearance and internal structure of even the most depleted hair.

For the treatment of dandruff

To kill the bacteria that live on the scalp, as well as get rid of the hated scales, you need to rub the composition of castor oil and calendula tincture. The components are taken in equal proportions, mixed with each other, slightly warmed up and rubbed into the roots with massage movements. After half an hour, the mixture is removed with water. The course of treatment is 10 sessions no more than 1 time per week.

Alternative recipe: for 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice add 2 tbsp. l. castor and olive oils. Mix everything, heat in the microwave and rub into the hair roots once a week. The action time of the components is from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

For hair growth

Mix 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and 10-15 drops of pepper tincture. Warm up in a water bath and rub into the hair roots. After that, wrap your head with a film and leave it overnight, and wash it off with shampoo in the morning. Repeat every 3-4 days for 2 months.

Important! Pepper tincture is a very aggressive remedy. If you feel a strong burning sensation, itching or discomfort, then you need to wash off the composition earlier.


In equal parts, combine castor oil and freshly squeezed onion juice. Apply the mixture to the roots, rubbing lightly into the skin. After an hour, rinse with shampoo and rinse with any herbal decoction. Apply once a week.

To strengthen hair follicles

Add 25-30 ml of castor oil to a glass of warm kefir. Stir and apply evenly to all hair, starting from the roots and ending with the ends. Wrap your head with a film and hold for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse with copious amounts of water.

Universal mask for all hair types

In equal proportions, mix burdock, castor and olive oil. Apply to dry strands, rinse with shampoo after an hour.


Finely chop the parsley. 4-5 art. l. chopped greens, pour 50 ml of vodka and add 30 ml of castor oil. Mix everything and apply to your hair. Leave for an hour and wash off.

For dry and dull hair

Combine egg yolk with 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, add 30 ml of castor oil. Apply to all hair. Keep for about 40-45 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Against split ends

In the evening, apply warm castor oil to the tips. You can add a couple of drops of any essential composition. Tie hair into a bun and wrap with cling film. Rinse with shampoo in the morning.

All masks are natural, so the only contraindication is individual intolerance to individual components. Any mixture must be kept on the hair for at least 30 minutes, while the head must be tightly wrapped. When washing off, it is advisable to use only water, but if the curls look greasy, shampoo can be used. It is best to dry your hair naturally.

Home lamination of hair with castor oil

The advantage of the procedure is to create a thin film that wraps each hair and protects it from various external damage. Due to this, the scales are smoothed out, forming a healthy core, and the tips cease to exfoliate. A lasting visual effect can be achieved in just a few procedures, but the result of such masks lasts for several weeks.

The advantages of lamination are the restoration of a healthy appearance of dry, damaged and dull hair; prevention of excision of the ends; convenience of daily styling, because the curls become more obedient and easier to comb.

Thanks to the variety of recipes, everyone will be able to choose the composition that is most suitable. The number of components is designed for medium hair, so if you are the owner of long curls, feel free to double the portion.

  1. Gelatin mask. Ingredients: 15 g of gelatin, 5 ml of castor oil, 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil. Pour gelatin with warm water and allow to swell, then add castor oil and heat in a water bath. Add flavor note and stir well. Keep on hair for 35-40 minutes, then rinse with water.
  2. Kefir mask. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. castor oil; 4 tbsp. l. kefir (natural yogurt); 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise; 1 egg. All components are well mixed, slightly heated and applied to the entire length. Keep under a towel for at least 30 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Honey-vitamin mixture. Ingredients: 1 egg; 1 tsp liquid honey; 5 drops of vitamins A and E; 1 st. l. burdock, castor and olive oils. Mix everything, heat and apply for 40 minutes. Wash off with clean water.
    The main rule of all masks is that the components should be warm, about 35-40 ° and thoroughly mixed.

You need to distribute the composition on clean hair, retreating a couple of centimeters from the roots. Particular attention should be paid to the ends. It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, because hot water can destroy the protective layer that has not yet strengthened. It is necessary to carry out lamination no more than 2 times a month, otherwise the effect may be the opposite: the hair will become heavier, which will weaken it even more.

Precautionary measures

The main contraindications for the use of castor oil is individual intolerance. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to apply a little pure oil to the elbow or wrist area. If after 24 hours no changes are detected on the skin, there is no allergic reaction.

Be careful not to get oil in your ears, mouth or eyes. If the trouble still happened - you need to gently rinse the affected area with warm water.

Do not use castor oil in large quantities to enhance the effect than indicated in the recipe. The same applies to the exposure time: more often or longer does not mean better. In addition, some components have a rather strong effect on the skin and hair, so it is not necessary to use the product in its pure form unless absolutely necessary.

When buying oil, pay attention to its color and smell. The aroma of the product has a characteristic ashy hue. But the color palette can be anything - from pale yellow to dark brown. It is better to give preference to light colors, because such an oil has undergone better cleaning.

Store an open vial with the product in a dark, cool place and do not use after the appearance of sediment or the expiration date.

Since you need to use the oil in a warm form, you should not heat it over a fire. Thus, it is very difficult to control the temperature and uniformity of heating, which can cause burns. It is better to use a water bath or microwave.

Castor oil is a cheap and effective remedy that helps fight many problems. As part of hair masks - it helps to accelerate their growth, strengthen the roots, prevent delamination of the ends, as well as increase the elasticity and elasticity of the visible part of the hair. From what curls look shiny and healthy.

In the article, we consider castor oil for hair, study its beneficial properties, master recipes for masks based on castor oil. By applying our recommendations, you can improve the appearance of your hair.

Castor beans are the raw material for the production of castor oil. Due to the high concentration of useful components, the product is successfully used for hair treatment.

Hair Benefits

Castor seeds contain acids that can nourish and strengthen curls.

In combination with vitamins and other beneficial substances, they provide a complex effect, namely:

  1. Protect from negative environmental influences. The oil creates a film on the scalp and hair.
  2. Strengthen curls. Castor oil affects the structure of the hair. It prevents brittleness, restores elasticity and smoothness to the hair.
  3. Nourishes hair follicles. The oil, rich in vitamins, minerals, saturates the follicles with the necessary substances for the growth of healthy and strong curls.
  4. Restore hair. Castor oil provides the formation of keratin, which glues split ends.
  5. Improve growth. Enhanced nutrition, activation of blood circulation stimulate growth.
  6. Have a beneficial effect on the skin. The oil restores normal fat metabolism, eliminates dryness, peeling, softens the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

How to use

Oil provides hair with a healthy look only if it is used correctly:

  1. Do not apply the product to clean hair, otherwise it will become much more difficult to wash them.
  2. Be sure to warm up the oil before applying. In the form of heat, the effect of nutrients is enhanced several times.
  3. After applying the product to your hair, create a greenhouse effect by wearing a plastic wrap or bag. Strengthen the effect by wrapping the curls with a towel. So useful components penetrate better into the epidermis and hair.

How to apply

  1. The product can be applied only to the skin (if you want to enhance hair growth, provide them with nutrition, eliminate dandruff, peeling), to the entire length (for elasticity, silkiness, shine) or to the tips (for gluing split ends).
  2. Masks with castor oil are recommended to keep for about 1 hour. But some products are allowed to be applied in the evening and left on the hair until the morning.
  3. For the treatment of oily hair, use castor oil once a week. For normal and dry curls - 2 times. Experts advise to continue treatment with castor oil for 1-2 months.

By adding various components to the oil, you can get the desired effect.

For hair growth


  1. Mustard (powder) -1 tbsp. l.
  2. Water - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Kefir (high fat) - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Dilute dry mustard with warm water. Mix kefir with castor oil. Add the mustard paste to the butter mixture.

How to use: Rub the mask into the hair roots. Preferably 60 minutes. But if the remedy burns unbearably, then wash it off ahead of schedule.

Result: Mustard irritates the skin, thereby increasing blood flow and metabolism. Kefir strengthens hair follicles and improves their nutrition.

From falling out


  1. Onion juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix juices with honey and castor oil.

How to use: Apply the product to the roots. Gently massage into the skin.

Result: Onion juice prevents hair loss. Honey strengthens hair follicles, restores hair structure. Aloe juice activates "sleeping" follicles and strengthens the roots.

For dry hair


  1. Yeast (live) - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Honey - 1 tsp
  5. Yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: In a separate bowl, dissolve yeast with warm water. While they swell, mix castor oil with honey and yolk in another container. Pour the mixture with fermenting yeast, stir.

How to use: Spread the yeast mask over the strands.

Result: The mask saturates the hair with useful substances, strengthens. It moisturizes dry strands and restores their natural shine.

For oily hair


  1. Fresh parsley (chopped) - 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Cognac (or vodka) - 1 tsp.
  3. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: To chopped parsley, add castor oil and selected alcohol.

How to use: Rub the mixture well into the scalp.

Result: The mask perfectly eliminates excessive oiliness, acting on its cause. The tool normalizes the production of sebum.

For split ends


  1. Castor oil - 0.5 tsp
  2. Olive oil - 0.5 tsp.
  3. Burdock oil - 0.5 tsp.
  4. - 0.5 tsp
  5. Lavender ether - 2 caps.

How to cook: Mix the oils in a porcelain or glass bowl.

How to use: Apply a mix of oils only on the split ends.

Result: The mask carefully cares for curls, provides gluing of hair scales, saturates it with vitamins.

For hair density (with vodka)


  1. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Alcohol (or vodka) - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix all the components of the mask.

How to use: Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave the mask until morning.

Result: The tool enhances hair growth, eliminates their loss. It improves the structure of the strands and increases their volume.

To strengthen


  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. Rosemary ether - 2 drops;
  4. Bergamot oil - 2 caps.

How to cook: Mix all oils.

How to use: Apply the oil mixture to your strands and leave it on overnight.

Result: The mask nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens the roots. It restores weak, thin hair and makes them silky.

Hair lamination with castor oil

Castor oil can be used to laminate hair.


  1. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Kefir - 4 tbsp. l.
  3. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  4. Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix the egg with castor oil. Add mayonnaise and kefir.

How to use: Spread the product evenly over the strands. Keep the laminating mask for 45-60 minutes.

Result: The mask gives the hair volume, density, and restores the natural shine to the hair.

Mask Recipes

For a complex effect on the hair, you can use the following masks.

With burdock oil


  1. - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Burdock - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Citrus oil (for smell) - 3-4 drops.

How to cook: Mix warm oils. To improve the smell, add a few drops of any citrus ester (lemon, orange, tangerine).

How to use: Rub the mixture into the roots. Using a comb, distribute the product over the strands. Hold on for an hour.

Result: A mixture of oils enhances hair growth, makes them smooth, silky, eliminates flaking and dandruff.

with egg


  1. Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Quail egg - 2 pcs. (if chicken, then 1 pc.).
  3. Honey (optional) - 2 tsp

How to cook: Lightly beat the quail eggs. Add castor oil. Add melted honey.

How to use: Apply the mixture well to your hair.

With honey


  1. Castor oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Honey (liquid) - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Warm both components before use and only then mix them.

How to use: Rub the mixture well into the roots. Gradually distribute it over the strands.

Result: The tool revitalizes tired hair, provides good nutrition to the roots, increases blood circulation. Honey will give smoothness and shine to curls, protect against dandruff.

With vitamins


  1. Vitamins E, A - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Initially, combine two heated oils. Add vitamins to the resulting mixture.

How to use: Apply the product to your hair. It is advisable to massage the skin to improve the flow of nutrients.

Result: The mask saturates with vitamins, provides silkiness and smoothness of hair. It restores weak dry curls.

With kefir


  1. Oil - 1 tsp
  2. Kefir - ½ tbsp.

How to cook: Warm up the kefir a little. Make sure he doesn't roll over. Mix the fermented milk product with castor oil.

How to use: Apply the warm mixture to your curls. Try to evenly saturate all the strands. This mask can be kept until the morning, but be prepared for the fact that the hair will become a little lighter.

Result: Kefir strengthens the roots, normalizes the sebaceous glands, therefore it is suitable for oily hair types.

with pepper


  1. Tincture of capsicum (red) pepper - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a special container. If you have sensitive skin, then reduce the amount of pepper tincture.

How to use: Apply the mask carefully. Follow your feelings. If there is a strong burning sensation, do not wait for the end of the procedure, rinse immediately.

Result: Pepper tincture activates metabolism, increases blood circulation. Hair follicles get the best nutrition. The mask ensures the rapid growth of curls and helps to restore the structure of the hair.

With cognac


  1. Cognac (necessarily high-quality) - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Mix cognac with castor oil. Add yolk.

How to use: Gently rub the cognac mask into the roots. Then saturate all the strands with the mask.

Result: Cognac has an irritating effect, due to which it enhances metabolism, activates hair growth, and prevents hair loss. This mask is suitable for oily curls, as it normalizes the sebaceous glands.

With glycerin


  1. Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Quail egg (1 yolk is possible) - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Initially, mix castor oil with glycerin. Then add quail eggs.

How to use: With a brush, apply the mask to the strands, distributing evenly.

Result: The mask restores dry, color-damaged hair. Glycerin gives softness to curls, lightens them a little, eliminates dandruff.

With onion


  1. - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Bulb juice (or chopped gruel) - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Any essential oils (for smell) - 2-3 drops.

How to cook: Mix onion juice (or gruel) with castor oil. Add ether.

How to use: Spread the product evenly on the hair.

Result: Onion stimulates hair growth, stops hair loss, eliminates dandruff. Bitter juice reduces the synthesis of sebum, restores smoothness, shine and protects against premature gray hair.

With lemon


  1. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Add lemon juice to the oil mixture.

How to use: Distribute the product over the strands. Massage the roots well with the lemon mixture.

Result: The mask is suitable for oily hair. It reduces greasiness, improves metabolism in the scalp, activates blood flow. Lemon juice relieves seborrhea, dandruff, provides shine to strands. The component protects hair from falling out and accelerates their growth.

Hair treatment with castor oil is a long tradition. Mentions of the use of the strengthening and stimulating effect of castor oil on the scalp are found among the Greeks and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

Castor oil nourishes both the hair itself and its roots, stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and saturating the hair itself with useful substances. As a result, the structure of brittle and weakened hair is restored, the condition of the scalp improves, the growth and quality of the hairline is accelerated.

Composition and types of castor oil

The color of castor oil can vary from clear to dark brown.

Contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular - ricinoleic (up to 90% in the composition). In addition, castor oil contains stearic, linoleic, palmitic and eicosenoic acids. All these substances during hair treatment saturate the hair shaft, making it strong and elastic, and also moderately irritate the follicles, stimulating intensive blood supply and accelerating hair growth.

For the manufacture of masks, it is desirable to use only natural castor oil. The color of the product may vary from colorless to dark brown, depending on the degree of purification. It is advisable to choose castor oil as light as possible - this will reduce the likelihood of skin reactions.

Principles of treatment

Usually the roots of the hair are lubricated with oil.

As a rule, all recipes recommend oiling the roots of the hair. After applying the mask, it must be insulated with a film and a towel. Depending on the additional ingredients, the oil must be washed off after a certain time. Pure oil is washed off no later than after 1.5 hours. With longer procedures, undesirable skin reactions may occur - blockage of pores, irritation, allergic reactions.

The oil is washed off with a regular shampoo, dry the hair naturally, without a hair dryer.

Scope of castor oil in the treatment of hair diseases

Castor oil is prescribed for, since ricinoleic acid reduces the oiliness of the skin and prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

For dandruff, castor oil is prescribed in combination with tincture of calendula, and for hair loss, a mask with the addition of onion juice is used.

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If you add aloe juice to the shampoo, castor oil will be easier to wash off.

Any mask can be strengthened with dimexide - the substance increases the permeability of tissues for any accompanying components. However, dimexide can be added to castor oil masks only after the specific composition is “approved” by your skin. Otherwise, very severe inflammation can be provoked.

Castor oil is hard to wash off. A great way is to add aloe juice to your shampoo. This increases the foaming and adsorbing properties. In addition, aloe has its own range of beneficial qualities for hair. From ready-made products of this type, you can use Garnier's "Ultra Doux" shampoo with aloe.

Recipes for strengthening hair and treating the scalp

Kefir with castor oil - excellent ingredients for a mask

In half a glass of kefir, add from 1-3 tablespoons of castor oil, depending on the dryness of the hair, stir and heat the mixture a little. After heating, gently apply kefir to the skin and along the entire length of the hair. We stand 40 minutes. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a week. After 3 months of such treatment, the hair acquires excellent volume and elasticity, dandruff disappears. After a break of 2 months, the course can be repeated.

To prevent breakage and split ends, the following is recommended.

Mix dandelion root, mallow flower and chamomile in equal proportions. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 100 ml of castor oil, close tightly and insist in a dark place for 10 days. The resulting product is applied 2 times a week to the ends of the hair for 2 hours, then washed with cool water.

To moisturize dry hair, there is a recipe with glycerin.

Used 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 yolk, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (natural) and a teaspoon of glycerin (available at the pharmacy). Dilute glycerin in 2 tablespoons of boiled water. The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp, hair roots and along the entire length. This mask is applied to the hair 30 minutes before washing (can be dirty). Washes off with standard shampoo. If the hair is longer than 40 cm - increase the proportions. The method is applied up to 2 times a week.

Castor oil masks promote the penetration of vitamins

Castor oil is an excellent transfer for vitamins. This property is good to use in the autumn-winter period to maintain turgor and hair color.

To prepare the product, we use a mixture of castor and burdock oil (one tablespoon each), the contents of 5-7 capsules of Aevit liquid vitamins, essential oils - a couple of drops (any favorite). All this is mixed, and the capsules are pierced, and then squeezed out.

The mixture is applied along the entire length of the hair, after which it is left for 2 hours with insulation under the film. Wash off with warm water with a little aloe juice.

If it is not possible to purchase liquid fat-soluble vitamins, there is the following recipe.

We mix castor oil, honey and egg yolk, then apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair, under the film and wrap it with a towel. The duration of the mask is no more than an hour. The vitaminizing effect is not bad, but allergic reactions often occur.

Castor oil is a convenient and affordable way for everyone to restore the volume and structure of hair, increase their growth rate and prevent hair loss. If the scalp becomes inflamed after using the product, the procedure should be stopped and a dermatologist or allergist should be consulted. It is not recommended to use the product more than 2 times a week.

Video: how to use castor oil for hair treatment