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Abstract of the GCD for the application “House” for the second junior group. Lesson summary "Applique" for the second junior group "House" lesson plan on applique, modeling (junior group) Paper applique house templates

Paper appliqué can be an excellent decoration for the home where a child lives. Paper applique- This is an accessible and exciting creativity that both children and their parents can engage in. After all, making things with your own hands for children, and especially when there is a restless little helper nearby, is pleasant and fun. This can become a joint family hobby.

Paper applications are in demand now. Both in kindergarten and in development centers, where parents rush to send their babies almost from the cradle, they are engaged in appliqué. And they do it right.

After all, it is the manual production of all kinds of crafts and applications that have the best effect on the mental activity of the baby. It has a beneficial effect on its development.

It’s not for nothing that directors and employees of Silicon Valley giants: eBay, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard send their children to school without computers. This school has a very simple, old-fashioned look - blackboards with crayons, bookshelves with encyclopedias, wooden desks with notebooks and pencils. For training, it uses familiar, unrelated the latest technologies tools: pens, pencils, sewing needles, sometimes even clay, etc. And not a single computer. Not a single screen. Their use is prohibited in classrooms and discouraged at home.

We need to do the same, do more handicrafts, crafts, appliques, drawing and so on with children. To do this, on our website we tried to make and select interesting “developmental games” for you and your children.

This publication invites you paper applique house . This application is for children 5-6 years old, schoolchildren primary classes who know how to handle scissors and glue fluently and can easily make an applique. To make such a craft in kindergarten, for younger children, of course, adult help is needed.

How to make a paper house applique.

All you need to do is download and print the applique templates, cut them out and paste them onto the background image. The background can be anything you want.

Good luck and interesting discoveries to you and your kids!

Applique paper house for children

Applique paper house for children

Gohar Galstyan
Lesson summary for the application “Colored House”

Program content:

Continue teaching children to use scissors - "approximately" cut wide strips of paper into cubes ( "squares") or bricks ( "rectangles").

Show the technique of dividing a square diagonally into two triangles to obtain the roof of a house.

Arouse interest in creating a composition from self-cut elements.

Developed eye, sense of form and composition.

Develop independence, confidence in your skills, and accuracy.

Materials, tools, equipment:

For the teacher: Options applicative compositions« Colored house» from "cubes" And "bricks", scissors, glue, a sheet of paper for the background, wide strips of miscellaneous paper colors(width 3-4 cm, length 12-15 cm, paper napkin and cloth.

For children: Wide strips of miscellaneous paper colors(width 3-4 cm, length 12-15 cm, sheets of paper of different background colors, scissors for child labor, glue and brushes or glue sticks, paper and cloth napkins, oilcloths.

Progress of the lesson:

1. The arrival of a game character with a request. (pig)

Preliminary conversation.

I'm looking for a sandbox...

I'm dragging you by the rope

Truck full of nails

Cubes and bricks.

I will build a dacha

On the hot sand.

The piglets ask us to build them houses from cubes and bricks. We have nowhere to live, we are very cold.

2. introductory conversation with examination of samples and illustrations.

What is a house made of? What is it like? Why do we need a house?

3. Demonstration of execution techniques.

Take two strips of different paper colors. Let's use this for our own house cubes, and from this bricks. We cut one strip into approximately equal cubes,

And the second for bricks. Fold in half and cut along the fold - bricks.

Fold the short strip in half. Cut along the fold into cubes.

4. Physical education moment.


Children pronounce words in chorus and perform the corresponding movement:

Quickly stand up, smile,

Stretch higher, higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders.

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched knees.

Sat down - stood up, sat down - stood up

And they ran on the spot.

5. Independent work:

Cut out cubes and bricks

Lay out the details. Admire what happens

Perform gluing


Individual showing:

1. Show children an illustration

2. Demonstration of execution techniques

Individual advice.

The teacher approaches the children and gives individual tips and advice.

Showed it only on my piece of paper.

Playing off the results obtained.

The piglets are very happy. Now they live in a safe house.

Volumetric paper applique for primary schoolchildren

Master class on handicrafts. Paper applique

Application “Village house”

Author of the work: Svetlana Grigorievna Basanova, teacher of the extended day group “MBOU Secondary School No. 16”, Chistopol Tatarstan
The master class is designed for younger children school age, teachers and parents.
Appointment of the master class: interior decoration in an after-school group.
Target: development of artistic and creative abilities through manual labor.
Developmental: develop artistic taste, sense of composition; Creative skills;
Educational: learn to design from paper; develop skills in working with scissors, glue, paper, napkins; promote development fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements; form and develop manual labor skills;
Educational: cultivate independence and accuracy in work.
Materials and equipment: colored paper, cardboard, paper napkins, scissors, compass, pencil, PVA glue, ruler.

Progress: Oh, this village house,
Where the distance froze outside the window...
It's like God's grace here -
The soul so wants to fly.
1. To make a panel, prepare a sheet of cardboard. Let's decorate the background with green and of blue color.

2. From yellow paper, cut out the silhouette of a house 14 cm high and 10 cm wide.
Now we also cut out strips 4 cm wide from yellow paper. 9 strips 10 cm long, one strip each 9 cm, 8 cm, 7 cm, 6 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm, 1 cm.

3.Then, using a pencil, we roll up the tubes - “logs” for our house and glue them on one edge.

4. We begin to build a house. Apply glue to the silhouette of the house and place the tubes from bottom to top, gluing them tightly to each other.

5. We decorate the roof of the house - cut out two red stripes 1.5 cm wide and 12 cm long. Fold the strips in half along the longitudinal line and glue them along the roof slope.

6. Let's make windows in our house - cut out 3 red rectangles 3x2.5 cm and three rectangles white 2x2.5 cm,

glue the white ones onto the red ones. Then we make frames from thin strips. We glue the windows to the house.
8. Guess, guys, an unusual riddle:
The green lady dressed herself in needles,
Standing alone in the forest on a hill.
I put on earrings for fun,
Hiding nuts in earrings for the squirrels. (Christmas tree)

To make a Christmas tree, take a sheet of green paper, fold it in four and then in half, draw the outline of the tree, and cut it out.

Separate the Christmas trees and glue them together only at the fold.

10. Let's make a sun. From yellow paper we cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 5 and 2.5 cm and 1 circle of red color with a diameter of 3.5 cm. We also cut out 8 rays - triangles with a height of 2.5 cm.

11. This is what sunshine it turned out to be.

12. Making clouds. Fold a white napkin in four and cut out an oval. Then we make cuts along the edges of the oval with scissors.

Glue all the layers of the napkin together in the center and fluff up the clouds.

13. Guess the riddle:
I look like a cloud
You will find me in the meadow,
My caftan of curls,
And my name is...... lamb
Now we will make a curly lamb. Cut out the head, legs, torso and tail from white paper.

On the head we draw a mouth and an eye. Cut out a rectangle 11 cm x 3 cm, making cuts on both sides.

14. Now, using the rod from the pen, we wind each strip and make curls.

15. Glue the finished curls onto the body. We also design the head.

16. Glue the finished parts onto the cardboard.

17. Guess another riddle:
Tall and green
It will be beveled.
Sheep, goats and cows
There is always it ready.
Let's make grass out of green paper. We randomly cut out strips of paper. We make cuts along the entire length from one edge.

It’s very easy to make New Year’s houses out of paper using templates. Thanks to bright colors and festive decorations, the houses look bright and positive, lifting the mood on the holidays.

Children will be delighted with the activity itself and the result of their labors.

Materials for work:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue stick, scissors, simple pencil;
  • Figured composter;
  • Any New Year's decor (beads, sequins, stickers).

DIY fairy-tale New Year's houses made of paper

A simple and cute classic house. To create it, use the template. The photo shows a template of the house and roof.

Print the template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard. Make neat window slits. This step is probably the most difficult, especially if the house is small. It is convenient to cut out small windows with nail scissors.

Make the necessary folds: on the side to glue the house and on top, where the roof will be attached. You also need transverse folds after each square part of the house.

Apply glue to the side and glue the house together.

Cut out a rectangle from colored cardboard and fold it in half, this will be the roof.

Glue the roof in the designated areas at the top of the house.

The winter house made of paper is almost ready, all that remains is to cut out the doors from cardboard, draw tiles on the roof, and paste them with any winter decor. I liked the snowflakes, they look interesting and wintery. I made them using a shaped composter, but for a larger house you can cut out a variety of beautiful snowflakes, there are plenty of templates on the Internet.

This option is the simplest, despite the apparent complexity of the roof. But making such a house is very easy and quick.

Print out the house template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard.

In the photo of the template, the fold lines are marked with dotted lines.

Bend them to one side. That is, folds are needed after each square, on the side and in the roof area. On the roof you need to do this carefully and carefully so that even triangles are formed when folded. To do this, you can use a ruler, a protractor, or a plastic card.

Glue the side of the house.

And then a long, pointed roof.

Then everything is simple, because you don’t need to cut out the windows. Cut rectangles out of yellow colored paper, draw cross lines on them and glue the resulting windows. Cut out the doors, paint the roof. Decorate the house with any decor - snowflakes, beads, sequins.

You don't even need a template for this house, it's so simple.

Cut a strip of colored cardboard and glue the edges together to make a tube. Width and height do not play a special role, everything is at your own discretion.

Cut a circle out of cardboard so that it is a couple of centimeters larger than the circumference of the tube and cut it in half.

Glue it into a cone, which will be the roof of the house.

The roof can be decorated with tiles. To do this you will need circles of colored cardboard. Their size is not so significant, but you need to remember that with small circles there is a little more work.

Glue the circles onto the roof, starting from the bottom.

The roof can be plain, striped, like mine, or even variegated, if you alternate the colors of the circles in each tier.

Apply glue (it’s better to use PVA for this) on the rounded edge of the tube and glue the roof. Cut out paper and glue a round window and doors, decorate with decorations and your fairy-tale paper house is ready.

This is how the New Year's houses made of paper turned out, bright, childish, fabulously Christmas-like.

Templates are a great help in making crafts. Nowadays you won’t find any templates on the Internet! Thanks to them you can cook many different beautiful works. So I decided to create a collection that includes all (or almost all) of the house templates you will need to decorate your home for the holidays!

By the way, have you already decorated the windows? If not, then sketch and decorate, because there is very little time left. And don’t forget to write with your child and prepare congratulatory cards. And it’s time to choose!

Cardboard (paper) house templates for cutting out, which can be printed on A4

Let's start with the houses, which we will print on an A4 sheet. You know, this collection provides quite a lot of options. beautiful crafts! With it you can build not one, but several in a short time. Yes, there are several! Whole street!!! No! The whole city is at your disposal!!! You and your kids will have fun working on architectural plans for your town!

If you are planning to make not just a house, but a whole village, then you will definitely need a church. . It can be made from packaging cardboard and decorated with glitter on PVA glue, artificial snow or foamiran.

Wonderful New Year's houses can be made from ordinary white cardboard, decorating some parts with glitter cardboard or foamiran. Of course, the decor can be entrusted to children. The templates are just below - under the master class.

I'm sure that with a brush and paint they will turn this modest hut into a palace. And if you put an electronic candle inside, it can also serve as a night light during the New Year holidays.

Here are the templates that you can download and print.

And using the example of the following houses, I will show how you can make windows like real ones, as if the light is on in them. To do this, simply glue multi-colored crepe or white paper to the wrong side, or regular colored paper. But the thinner the paper, the more impressive, especially if you place an electronic candle inside.

Here are some more cute and simple crafts. For the first and second houses on the left there is a diagram just below, but for the third it is not required at all. We simply glue the strip into a circle, and the roof is a cone covered with circles.

Here are the diagrams for them. You just need to print it on A4 or another format convenient for you, cut it out and glue it together.

Templates of colored houses for cutting out for the New Year 2020

When the houses are already decorated, it is much more convenient:

  • Both adults and children can easily handle such models;
  • the time required to make such a craft is much less;
  • you can work on it even “in the field”, that is, you need the minimum to prepare the product: a printer and a sheet of paper. You don't even need colored pencils!

And another advantage of this assembly is that you can choose both the color and model of the craft in advance.

I'll start with the most difficult multi-level house. It's really nothing complicated. Just cut and glue! .

Here the places of the parts are numbered to make it clearer what to glue where.

What I liked most were these colorful, truly festive houses (pictured below), the kind for a Christmas tree or a gift. There are 4 options for printing. .

There’s also this cottage, not exactly New Year’s, but also very beautiful! It is colorful, interestingly shaped - not just a box, with a bright blue roof. If the roof is decorated with sparkles or snow, then it may well become winter.

The second one is from the same cottage series, but in a different color.

Schemes of volumetric paper houses

The scheme is the first step towards your dream! Making a house using a diagram is much easier and more interesting than buying a ready-made one. And I have already given a few above, and now I will give even more different designs.

First we glue the house, then we glue the roof, then the pipe. You can make a hole in the pipe from which you can hang the craft.

Your child and you will be able to actively participate in the process from the very beginning to the final steps. First, choose a house according to the scheme. Find or make your own template for this house. All that remains is to cut and glue the model. And here creative processes, deciding where and what windows there will be or what color the roof is, it’s nice to do it yourself!

Here are many more options that can be painted or used as a template for cutting out felt, foamiran, or dough.

Silhouettes of New Year's houses for cutting out onto windows

Compositions look very beautiful on windows, rather than solitary patterns. One of these compositions can be a house, or several. They fit perfectly into different scenes: winter, street and snowman. Or, another plot could be the celebration of the New Year: a mansion, and in the window you can see a Christmas tree and people who decorate it. How do you like this plot: a hut, it has a chimney, and none other than Santa Claus is trying to squeeze into this chimney!

The main thing is that in this assembly you will find the most important thing - the house. And from the rest of the assemblies you can pick up other heroes of the New Year's story. And put it all together into a single story!

DIY paper tube house for the New Year for children

I want to show how you can make a house yourself using simple and available means. By the way, we do it without a template; we’ll make it ourselves now. And then from the template we made we will model a hut in the snow.

We will need colorful stripes three colors measuring 3 by 19 cm.

Apply glue to their reverse side along the edge. Place a bamboo stick diagonally where there is no glue. And we wind a strip on it.

Remove the bamboo stick from the twisted strip.

Cut out a rectangle 7 by 21 cm. We divide the length of the rectangle into 4 parts of 5 cm and one part of 1 cm. We divide the strip width into 3 parts: 2, 3 and 2 cm.

We draw windows in the three middle sides of the rectangle and a door in one of them.

Above the side where the door is, in the upper part we draw a triangle - the roof. And we draw exactly the same triangle through one part. You can take the templates above, just paste them with tubes, as shown in this MK.

On all sides where the workpiece will be bent, we draw with scissors.

We make cuts on the bottom of the workpiece.

Cut off everything at the top except the triangles. We cut out window openings. And cut off the smallest rectangle (corner) at the bottom.

We bend the workpiece along the lines. We fold the workpiece and glue the lower parts, which overlap one another.

Glue the rectangle to the floor.

We cover the door with stripes. We cover the windows.

And we stick the strips on the walls of the house.

We glue the strips on the roof as well. Cut off the excess. We glue strips on the sides of the house.

Divide a 7 by 8 cm rectangle in half. We draw along the middle line with scissors. Bend the rectangle.

We cover this rectangle with stripes. We glue this part of the roof to the house.

Cover the cardboard with white paper. We glue this blank to the bottom of the house.

We apply spruce to the roof and bottom of the craft. We lower the house into small plastic foam balls so that they stick. The winter hut is ready!


Applique house made of colored paper - templates with dimensions

You can glue such houses on a postcard or on a picture for New Year's exhibition. But these applications also contain some challenging work. And those that are assembled from several parts: a separate door and roof. Then you become a real home architect. You can choose the location of some parts yourself. It turns out that making appliques can become a game!

I'll start with the applique, which I really like - the decor of the cotton wool roof. It turns out to be very beautiful snow, really.

We simply paint the house itself, and then add snow. Here is the template for it.

This is a template that can also be used to create a three-dimensional toy house. You know how on YouTube they glue a paper pocket with tape and stuff it with cotton wool - it’s called a paper squishy. The same can be done here. Of course, and flat applique This template is very easy to make.

I made a few more cute templates for you with different decor, stars, hearts, snowflakes. Cut and paste onto your picture.

And these are the elements of the whole picture; all that remains is to carefully cut everything out of colored paper and paste it onto a beautiful background.

Video on how to make an origami house

Have you tried to be a wizard? I'm sure you can do it with the video tutorial. You can turn an ordinary piece of paper into... a house! Listen carefully and repeat! And, if you like it, you can make many, many little houses or experiment with the sizes of the models!

Here are some more flat fold fold options for your home.

I don’t know if you are completely ready for the New Year? But I know for sure that with this collection of house templates you are one step closer to the holiday of your dreams! Share the link to the selection with your friends and give them the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve in a fun and interesting way!