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Summary of educational lesson “Life is given once. Summary of an educational lesson in elementary school “It’s not difficult to be polite Synopsis of an educational lesson

1. Everything is in your hands (eastern parable)

A long time ago, in an ancient city there lived a Master, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

Tell me what kind of butterfly I have in my hands: alive or dead?

He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student’s hands, the Master answered:

All in your hands.
2. Choice

There is very little time left and you will graduate from school.
Ahead lies life with all its joys and problems. You are now faced with a difficult question: “How to build your life further?”
You need to decide on your choice of profession, learn how to build
relationships with people, understand what you want to achieve in life
-You know that every person has freedom of choice.
And this choice should be reasonable.

Choice exists every day, every minute. Equal in severity, unequal in consequences. To step or not to step? Keep silent or answer? To endure or not to endure? To overcome or to retreat? Yes or no?
Every day and every minute we make a choice about what to be: honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, lazy or hardworking? And what we choose is what we will reap.

Parable "What is life"(student talks)
-An old grandfather explains to his little grandson what life is.
OLD MAN: “You see, life is a constant struggle between two wolves inside you. One wolf represents fear, hatred, evil, hostility. And the second wolf represents love, respect, kindness, joy."
GRANDSON: “Which wolf wins in the end?”
OLD MAN: “The one you feed...”

Strange things are happening in this world: on the one hand, we boast about the achievements of science and technology, and on the other, we are forced to talk about immoral and shameful actions that should not take place in life.
-It’s good when a person hears the voice of his heart, the most accurate and impartial witness of our actions.

Test: Are you kind?

So, are you a kind person? A test will help you understand yourself and these qualities of your personality.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for your friends?

2. A comrade talks about his hardships and troubles. Will you let him know that you are not interested in his problems, even if you are?

3. Do you often say nice things to people around you just to cheer them up?

4. If your partner is bad at chess or another game, will you sometimes give in to him in order to please him?

5. Do you like cruel jokes and practical jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you listen patiently even to something that doesn’t interest you at all?

8. Do you know how to put your abilities into practice?

9. Do you quit the game when you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent’s arguments?

11. Are you willing to fulfill requests?

12. Would you make fun of someone to make others laugh?

I hope you were open and sincere in your answers. Then start counting your points. You can count one point for answering “yes” to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and for answering “no” to questions: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12.

4. Martynov’s poem “Trace”:

And you?
Entering any house -
And in gray
And in blue
Entering the steep stairs,
The apartments are flooded with light,
Listening to the sound of keys
And giving an answer to the question,
What mark will you leave?
To wipe the parquet
And they looked askance at the trail,
Invisible lasting trace
In someone else's soul for many years?

Regional state educational state-financed organization“Special (correctional) boarding school”
(OGOBU SKSHI village Leninskoye)
Educational lesson
Topic: “Life is given once”

Compiled by:
teacher of grades 9-10
Manokhina I.I.
Leninskoe village, September 28, 2016
Corrective educational lesson
on crime prevention
for students in grades 9-10 on the topic
"Life is given once"
Goal: - prevention of juvenile delinquency;
- developing skills for independent decision-making;
- developing skills for critical analysis of complex situations;
- developing in students an understanding that when they commit an offense, they not only violate the Law, but also cause pain to their relatives and other people.
Objectives: - develop ideas about the consequences of illegal acts;
- cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s actions;
-promote the successful socialization of minors through their acceptance of norms and rules public life;
- organize children’s knowledge about offenses, familiarize them with the types of violations and punishments for them;
- develop communication skills, the ability to express your views, lead a discussion;
Form of conduct: Conversation - reasoning using TSO tools; involvement of a school social worker.
Date: 09/28/16
Materials and equipment: ball of thread (2), presentation, videos “Such is life. Juvenile Delinquents”, “Criminal Responsibility”; cards for assignments in group work.
Steps Contents Note
1. Organizational moment.
Goal: creation psychological comfort and setting students up for communication in class.
Task: greet the guys and guests; set students up for a calm, working environment to work in class;
develop ideas about the consequences of illegal acts through watching videos
2. Introductory part.
Goal: activation cognitive activity by determining the purpose of the lesson.
Objectives: to provide motivation for learning; include a visual analyzer in children’s perception by showing and comparing a person’s life with a thread;
develop communication skills, the ability to express your views, lead a discussion
3. Report the topic of the lesson.
Goal: updating the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Objective: to create a clear idea of ​​the type of activity in the lesson.
Purpose: relieving fatigue and tension; introducing an emotional charge; improving gross motor skills; development of clear movements in interaction with speech
4. Main stage.
Goal: activation of cognitive activity; development of communication skills; developing skills for critical analysis of complex situations
Objectives: - give concepts to three types of violations; organize children’s knowledge about offenses, familiarize them with the types of violations and punishments for them through analysis of situations;
5. Final stage.
Goal: developing the ability to self-analyze one’s activities; Forming in students an understanding that when they commit an offense, they are breaking the Law.
Objective: to create a favorable emotional atmosphere conducive to self-expression and adequate self-esteem.
Goal: logical conclusion of the lesson.
Task: thank the guys for their active work in class.
- Hello guys, let's welcome our guests. Before we start our conversation about such a serious topic as life, I suggest you watch the plot of the video clip. After watching, you will answer me a few questions.
- Guys, what is this movie about? (about juvenile delinquency)
- What do you remember most about this film? (children's answers)
- Did this film scare anyone, make you think about your life?
The teacher asks two students to come to the board and gives each a ball of thread.
As you can see, the guys have two balls of thread in their hands.
(one has a straight thread, the other has a twisted and tangled thread)
- What can these threads be compared to? (with life)
- And if now we can find the end of a straight thread, what could this mean?
(1 lesson: our life flows easily and smoothly.)
- What happens if the thread is tangled?
(Lesson 2: it’s hard to find the ends)
Voz-l: this happens in our lives.
Imagine that the life of any person is our thread, and any knot can lead to serious consequences. Guys, you are entering the difficult but interesting age of 14-16 years. There are many temptations around. And therefore you must choose the right path! But often teenagers can turn to crime due to various reasons(psychological and social) How? (From the lack of money, education and conditions, to the pursuit of easy money.) Vos-l: However, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, and a deliberate violation leads to serious consequences.
- You probably already guessed what we are going to talk about? (about juvenile delinquency).
Today we have gathered to talk about one important problem in education that worries all adults - offenses that teenagers commit due to their inexperience and do not think about their consequences.
The theme of our lesson is “Life is given only once.”
The topic “crime and teenagers” is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts they commit, which lead to serious and difficult to correct consequences. Every year, teenagers commit crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies (EC), special schools, we saw about this by watching a video at the beginning of the lesson.
- Why do teenagers commit crimes? Anyone who watched the film carefully, give examples.
Today we will try to find out why, despite conversations and meetings with prevention specialists and police officers, teenagers continue to commit crimes.
And therefore, the important task of our lesson with you is to warn you about the dangers of playing with the law.
-Are you probably tired?
- And so everyone stood up.
They stretched their necks together
Turn, tilt, jump
Smile, come on, buddy
Jump again: one, 2, 3!
Look at your neighbor
Hands up and then down
And sit down again!
Now we will look at three concepts, three types of violations: “Misconduct. Offense. Crime". Let's try to understand these concepts, find the difference from each other and give a definition to each type. And the guest of our social meeting will help us figure this out. teacher of our school, Iskandarova R.A.
Work in groups.
Assignment: select the appropriate concept for the definitions.
Checking the task (each group reads out its answer, then checks it on the slide)
A misdemeanor is a violation of the rules of conduct; defiant behavior.
A misdemeanor is a violation of the law for which punishment is provided for adults and adolescents from the age of fourteen.
A crime is a serious violation of the law by adults or minors who have reached the age of criminal responsibility.
Social teacher gives several examples (one for each) from the life of a student. our school - students must determine the type of offense)
Social teacher: It is no coincidence that we often talk about crime prevention, we hold meetings with the traffic police inspector to warn you about the dangers of playing with the law, but often teenagers break the law, which leads to criminal liability. To prevent trouble from happening to you, we suggest you mentally imagine yourself at an appointment with a lawyer. (Watch the video “Criminal Liability”)
- What is the lawyer warning us about? (on responsibility from the age of 14 for one’s misdeeds)
Reflection. Summarizing.
Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to take stock.
- What did we talk about today? (about juvenile delinquency and its consequences)
- What three concepts have we considered? (crime, misdemeanor, misdemeanor)
- What is a crime?
- What is a misdemeanor?
- What is an offense?
- At what age does general criminal liability for all types of crimes begin? (from 14 years old)
- For what reasons do teenagers commit crimes more often? (children's answers)
The final part.
Time passes, and each person chooses his life path. But one thing needs to be remembered is that the person himself is responsible for his actions.
Guys, I really want to believe that you will do only good deeds so as not to hurt your family and other people. Your whole life is in your hands!
1 min.
Video “Such is life. Juvenile delinquency"
9 min.
2 balls of thread
5-7 min
slides No. 1-2
Slide number 3
5-7 min
conducted by student
Slide number 4
Cards with definitions and concepts into 2 groups
Slide number 5
(check definitions on slide)
5-7 min.
v/video “Criminal liability” 5 minutes

Attached files

Summary of educational lesson for junior schoolchildren"Advantages and disadvantages of man"

Subject: Advantages and disadvantages of a person
Target: To give concepts about the advantages and disadvantages of a person through gaming activities.
- Creating conditions for education interpersonal relationships.
- Developing in children the ability to see and understand other people, their strengths and weaknesses.
- Contribute to the formation and development of students’ motivation for ethics classes.
- Formation of skills and habits of moral behavior of students.
Form of the event: conversation, ICT.
Equipment: drawing of a man, strips of paper, white and black cards, presentation “Human Strengths and Disadvantages.”

Progress of the event

Educator. Hello guys! I wish you good health and success! May you feel good and comfortable in our classes. I see that you have changed. Many of you began to smile more often. And this means our mood has improved. It is very nice. Thank you!
Psychological exercise"Mood barometer".
I suggest that children show their mood (like a barometer shows the weather) with their hands: a bad mood - palms touch each other, a good mood - arms spread apart.
Educator. Guys, all people are different: big and small, fat and thin, cheerful and angry. Every person has good qualities- these are called advantages, but there are also bad qualities - these are disadvantages. To understand these qualities, let's look at this little man (slide: drawing of a little man divided lengthwise into two parts, painted black and white). Why is one half of this little man black? (Children's answers). We see everything bad in black, and everything good as light and white. Let's help the little man become pure and white, that is, become good. To do this, for each bad quality or disadvantage we will select a good quality or advantage that is covered with leaves. Let's remove the first leaf. What is written?
Children: modesty.
We glue the white piece of paper onto the dark half of the man and do this until the man’s body turns white. I will briefly describe each quality. Children also say the names of qualities out loud.


Greed is stinginess; a greedy person does not like to share with friends.
Anger is a sharp and very negative feeling.
Stubbornness - intransigence, intractability.
Intolerance - unwillingness or inability to tolerate someone or
Arrogance. This is when a person begins to inflate his price.
Modesty. This is when a person, even having many advantages, behaves simply and inconspicuously, without sticking them out or boasting.
Honor. These are moral principles and human qualities worthy of respect from society.
Physical education minute
The sun is shining brightly above me,
Light breeze blowing.
I breathe in his clean fresh air.
Birds proudly circle above me.
I feel good and pleased.
I'm very glad to be surrounded
Good, kind people.
Game "Black - White"
If the quality is good, we raise the white card; if the quality is bad, we raise the black card.
Educator. Guys, look at the slide and read. What qualities are collected here? (children's answers). That's right, a person's good qualities or virtues. I wish that these qualities will always be with you and help you grow beautiful and good people!
Take care of each other,
Warm with kindness
Take care of each other,
Don't let us offend
Take care of each other,
Forget all the quarrels
And in a free moment.
Stay close to each other.
Reflection. Circles are glued to the stand in the zone that corresponds to the opinion and state of the participants: It was useful... It made you think... It gave you pleasure... It left you with your own...

INeducationallyekeep busye"Unfamiliar Me"


educational– fostering a sense of tolerance, creating a situation of success for the child;

Tocorrectional and developmental– correction emotional sphere; development of self-esteem skills;

Oeducational— formation of skills and abilities to correctly assess one’s character traits.

Equipment: presentation “Treasury of Good Deeds”, individual cards – hearts for reflection, projector, laptop

1. Organizational moment.

Good evening! Today we have an unusual activity; we have a lot of guests! They are an unexpected joy for us. Now you will turn to them, smile, make friends!


Children, please each take a piece of paper and tear off a piece of it, whichever one you want. Fold it in half and tear off a piece again.

(Children do this operation three to four times, depending on the thickness of the paper.)

Now unfold the leaf. See for yourself and show each other. What happened. Take a closer look to see if you have the same leaves. Why are they so different?

(Children explain.)


I think that you have noticed that in life, in nature, two absolutely identical objects, flowers, stones are very rarely found. Even houses built according to the same design differ from each other. Moreover, people are not alike. For example, all of you, although you have the same name – “students”, are still not alike in some ways. You are all different. How do you think people differ from each other?

Hair color, height, name, character, clothes.

2. Main part.

Yes, all people are different, but everyone calls themselves: I

The topic of our lesson is “Such a stranger I am.”

When you grow up a little, there will come a time when you think about yourself: “What am I?”

This happened with the hero of Agnia Barto’s poem “In the Mirror”.

The prepared student reads the poem:

I don’t look in the mirror, There are more important things to do! I’m not handsome, I’m not ugly, An ordinary guy: An ordinary nose, an ordinary mouth. What kind of eyes? Brown......I was playing hockey in the yard, I ran into an old lady. Well, it happens in the game - She was hit with a stick. The old lady began to scold our entire generation, I argued with the old lady Until the white heat. She said a word, and I said a word - We have a war in in full swing. Suddenly I see a face in the mirror: A big-lipped, angry guy!

They brought a mirror to the neighbors, And in broad daylight it distorted me so much! An ordinary nose, an ordinary mouth, But it turned out that I was a freak! I began to look in the mirror in the evening and during the day. But every time I see myself differently in it. I caressed a lame cat by chance on the boulevard, I’m walking home past the mirrors, I look: a handsome guy! An ordinary nose, an ordinary mouth, Either I’m handsome, or I’m ugly! No, mirrors reflect Not only our faces - And our thoughts and deeds Can be reflected in them.

- “An ordinary guy...” It’s so good that the boy began to take a closer look at himself in time! They say that man is a mystery. And not only for others, but also for yourself. Today we will try to reveal this secret. You already started doing this when you were preparing your portraits for the educational lesson. I'd like to know a little about you. And to make it easier for you to do this, I suggest using a kind of “guide.” Questions are posted on the board.

First name, patronymic, last name...

My friends…

My hobbies…

It makes me happy...

It upsets me...

I'm dreaming…

Children attach portraits to the board and comment.

– You are all different: someone is good-natured and calm, but if you offend, beware! Like a bear! But someone is mobile, alive, and cannot sit still - like a bird. What animal would you compare yourself to?

The children answer.

A person has different qualities . Let's take a look and see how many good deeds a person can do. (Work with the presentation “Treasury of Good Deeds”)

Nobody knows us better than ourselves. We know ours best sides and thenwhat we can do well.


Things are getting out of hand... (shaking head, shaking hands)

But all is not lost yet, (they throw up their hands)

If there good friend. (turn to face each other)

We can handle this together (they shake hands)

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - (take a deep breath, exhale)

Let's lift the mood (bend over and slowly straighten)

And shake off the dust! (shake themselves off)

You have cards on your desk - small hearts. We will paint over them if there is at least a particle of compassion, attention, care, responsiveness, KINDNESS in your heart.

Solving moral problems:

Task 1. Umbrella pedagogy.

If you had more than just an umbrella from the rain or sun in your hands, it would turn out to be magical, how would you use it, what good deeds would you do, who would you protect? (Children express their answer options)

Let's think about whether a magic umbrella or some kind of Magic power in order to help the weak and sick. Good deeds are done openly, independently, without demanding reward. Difficulties and weaknesses can be overcome without magic. If you want to be strong, capable of good deeds, you will become one.

So the first veil over your secret has been lifted, you have found out what you are capable of. Please fill in your heart card with a piece of care, cordiality, and KINDNESS.

Task 2. A scene is played out.

Who hit who first?

He me! No, he me!

Who offended whom first?

He me! No he me!

You used to be such friends!

I was friends! And I was friends!

Why didn't you share?

I forgot! And I forgot!

What did this scene remind you of? Even if you quarreled or were rude, one needs to be able to apologize, and the other needs to be able to forgive, one needs to be kind and merciful.

Think about whether there is a piece of KINDNESS in your heart, the ability to forgive, not to hold grudges and evil, paint over it.

Task 3. Game “What is good and what is bad”

Please tell me, is greed good or bad?

And some believe that greedy is thrifty, this

Greedy is good. Greedy is bad.

(teacher) (children)

Everything remains with you. Greed makes a person evil.

I'll get more. Greed is harmful to health.

You don't have to give anything to anyone. No one will be greedy

to be friends. And without friends it’s bad.

There is no need to share with anyone, it’s not interesting to communicate with a greedy person.

others are jealous that you are greedy and never with anyone

everything is. shares.

Of course, the greedy have a lot of everything, but even if the greedy accumulates something, he will lose much more, because the greedy have no friends. When you share, you bring joy to another person and you yourself receive pleasure.

And another secret of your heart has been revealed. Color in the heart card a piece of your generosity, selflessness and KINDNESS.

Task 4. Game » Give good words»

Guys, what do you like more: when you hear kind or angry words addressed to you?

Do you know how to say kind words to each other?

Have you ever noticed that the better and kinder you treat your peers or elders, the more friends you have among them? Remember how often you say GOOD, pleasant words friends, rejoice in their successes.

Please note, not flattering ones, as the Crow said to the Fox in Krylov’s fable, but kind ones, because there is definitely something good in every person. Let's stand in a circle and with our warm palms give KIND words to each other.

Now sit down and paint over another small part of your heart - the ability to say kind words to each other.

3. Reflection

Today we tried to understand ourselves and answer the questions: What am I? What is my heart like?

Show your heart models.

What qualities do your hearts have?

(My heart is kind, caring, attentive.

My kind heart knows how to forgive.

My heart is generous and kind

I know how to say good, kind words to a friend.

I a true friend, I have a lot of good, kind friends.)

Summarize. Close your eyes for a moment and look inside yourself. Try naming a positive character trait and then a negative one. I guess that everyone would like to have only positive traits. But “there are no purely white or purely black people - people are all colorful.” Sometimes our opinion of ourselves does not coincide with the opinions of others. What matters is what actions we commit, what character traits we want to develop in ourselves, and which we need to get rid of.

And now each of you will put your heart in our magic piggy bank, the piggy bank will remain in our class, and you can replenish it with your wishes.