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A short toast for the boss's birthday. Oak barrels

On corporate holidays I have to offer toasts to the leaders. Sometimes such a responsibility may fall on the shoulders of one of the employees, among whom you may be. It's no secret that many, as soon as it comes to saying a toast to their immediate supervisor, begin to get lost and often do not find the right words. To avoid agonizing over your speech, use standard executive toasts that are sure to please your management and may be better suited for any celebration.

In a beer stall in Sukhumi, a buyer hands money to the seller:
- Katso, I have 3 bottles of beer.
He takes the money and gives change, which greatly surprises the buyer:
- Katso! What I see? Are you giving change?!
To which the seller gloomily replies:
- Beer... they didn’t deliver it!
In my opinion, this is a very interesting idea, taking money for something that is not there, something that was not delivered! I propose to drink to resourceful people!

The boy tells his mother:
- Mom, do you know the news? In dad's company...
“You need to speak not in the company, but in your mouth,” interrupts his mother.
“So,” the son continues, “in dad’s mouth... the soldier hanged himself!”
There are military men among us. Their life is far from sweet. And worse things happen than what’s in that dad’s mouth. Let's drink to the military!

Schiller wrote:
One honors science as the goddess of supreme pleasure.
The other is a good cow that supplies oil.
So let's drink to the fact that our beloved goddess also feeds us well!

One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? I sent a telegram to my wife that I would come home on the tenth. I arrive on the tenth and... find her in bed with a man! Here's a prostitute!
“You shouldn’t think badly of your wife,” says a friend. - Perhaps she... just didn’t receive your telegram!
Let's drink to postal workers! Sometimes the fate of the family depends on them!

After a hearty breakfast, the husband sat down in a chair and began to look at the latest newspapers.
- Are you not going to work today? - asked the wife.
- Oh shit! I thought I was already at work.
Let's drink to the wives who know how to create a working atmosphere at home!

In ancient times, two villagers went to the city to the market to sell wine. Their path was not close. They sat down to rest and eat, and then one of them began to daydream:
- It would be nice to drink some wine now!
- What are you talking about! We bring wine for sale! - the second one was indignant.
Then the first one began to rummage through his pockets. I found a piece of money and handed it to my neighbor:
- On the! Pour some wine into my pocket! The neighbor took the coin. I poured wine for my neighbor and became sad...
Then I realized:
- You're wearing a spot back! Pour me some wine too! The nickel passed from hand to hand for a long time... Finally, both wineskins were empty. Both neighbors got drunk and fell into a joyful sleep.
These were the first Russian businessmen.
I propose to drink to today's businessmen! For businessmen!

Schumann said that small minds produce, great minds create.
So let's have a little drink, and then we'll do something!

At the court hearing, a witness is being questioned.
- Tell me, witness, how did you guess that it was the thieves who were taking the goods out of the store?
- Yes, at first I thought they were just movers. And then I looked closer and understood everything. They worked too fast!
Let's drink to us, true masters of our craft!

One lady got married for the fifth time. And this time it was successful! Her new husband- a worker, and before that there were a scientist, a lawyer, a doctor and a businessman.
- I'm so pleased! - says the newlywed. - Now I will marry only workers!
I propose to raise a toast to the workers! Both the country and women desperately need them.

They say. What memory is for limited minds is capital without circulation.
So let’s drink to ensure that our capital not only is constantly in circulation, but also provides high guaranteed profits!

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    Despite the fact that you need to make a toast and the fact that your immediate supervisor is in front of you, remember that you are not in a work environment, which means that you are addressing him rather than as a manager, but as a person you know. Therefore, you can speak relatively freely, but still maintain a certain distance. If a person holds a leadership position, then he will probably be pleased if you remember this in your toast or wish him further advancement. But at the same time, try to make your speech look not like flattery, but like a competent and good compliment, which your manager will probably appreciate.

Happy birthday to you,
I drink to your health,
I respect you very much
I want to wish you happiness!

You are the best boss, really
From the bottom of my heart, earthly blessings to you,
So that everything works out for you,
To live a prosperous life!

It's good when the boss is strict but fair. This helps subordinates to be more responsible and, at the same time, not be afraid of unreasonable reprimand. And when the bosses are happy, the light from this happiness illuminates everyone. So let's drink to the incredible wave of positivity from our beloved boss.

Chaos, unfilled reports and disrupted work process, confusion and malicious neglect of one’s responsibilities. This is all this and much more that would happen if we didn’t have a boss like you. In addition to your professional qualities, you are also a wonderful person, and I wish you to always keep this mark of having nerves of steel and excellent health! Happy birthday!

You are the best boss
You are a good person
Now comes the opportunity
May we drink to you!

We wish you health,
Always be on top
So that all dreams come to life,
Don't let trouble happen!

I drink to your health,
I want to wish you happiness
You are a good boss,
Peace and understanding reign!

Joy, kindness, warmth to you,
So that all matters are resolved,
So that all dreams come true,
And so that the nerves do not end!

It’s hard for a boss to want material things; he probably has everything he wants. Wish you love, happiness? Not professional. I wish you health, because this is something that money cannot buy, good luck, because this is something that is hard to keep. And the existing professionalism and intuition will help you conquer the planned peaks.

I want to drink to you today,
You are the best boss with us,
I wish you great health,
So that your fuse does not go out!

To make plans come true,
So that things only go uphill,
So that you don’t regret anything,
And they were always in good shape!

The wise say that you should not go where the road leads, because you cannot leave a trace along a rough path! I want to raise this glass to our boss and wish him that the desire to leave his mark does not lead him to a dead end, let him not forget that we, his team, are following him!

They say that to be happy, a person needs to be busy with work. Let's raise our glasses to our boss, who can always keep us busy with work, but does not forget that for happiness we still need the mind to be filled with purpose, the memory with knowledge and skills. And that would always give us hope for a bright future!

You can endlessly contemplate the pristine nature, watch how hardworking comrades work, and listen to how our inimitable and irresistible boss holds meetings. I want to fill my whole day with this unspeakable pleasure. For the oratorical and organizational skills of the birthday boy!

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Three roles to play:
Wife, leader, mother.
And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on “five” -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.

Happy birthday greetings to the boss, No. 2

Let your dreams come true,
Beginnings boldly continue,
New ideas find their way to you,
And let it take a moment to relax!
Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let every new day become a real miracle,
A lot of kind words We also wish you
Because we love, appreciate, respect you!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss, No. 3

Anniversary and flashbulbs,
Toasts, cognacs, crystal,
The boss celebrates his anniversary,
He is active and not old,
Good health, peace,
Glory is only for labor,
We don’t create an idol for ourselves,
Happy birthday, dear!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss, No. 4

We would like to wish our dear boss happiness, luck, optimism, and respect on his birthday. Peace, prosperity, big deals, long-term partnerships. Love, kindness, care - at home, new experiences, major achievements in hobbies. We appreciate you very much!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss, No. 5

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.
We send good words- that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never be discouraged - that's five.
Multiplying everything you have is six.
Being attentive to everyone is seven.
Always be in normal weight- that's eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss, No. 6

Congratulating you on your bright anniversary,
Let's read the beautiful sonnet by heart.
Let your life shine with joy,
And may there be a lot of happiness in life.
Let joy bloom like a rose
Let love not fade away in the gardens of the soul.
Tears come from laughter, not from sadness
Let them sparkle with dew again and again.
We wish you years multiplied by two hundred.
With luck to live under the roof of one.
Sing songs of discoveries and accomplishments
And be happy with your wife.
We wish you happy changes,
May the businessman be cheerful in life!

Toasts to the director

Cicero said that “memory becomes dull from inaction.”
So let's drink to our memory, which simply has no time to be stupid!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

Here, Marya Ivanovna, I worked and worked, but I have to leave.
- Why?
- I don’t think we will work well with the new director. Here are the two previous ones - there were people. One respected hunting. The other fisherman was a noble one. Even hockey doesn't care about that. I don’t know how to approach him...
- Have you tried to get busy?
Let's drink to enlightened and democratic leaders!

Toast to the boss

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said: “We are people, born to help each other, as a hand helps an arm, a leg helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.”
I propose a toast to our mutual assistance, to our friendship!

Toasts for leaders

A sanitary doctor came to one enterprise. He was shocked by the abundance of flies in the workshops.
- Mr. Director, couldn't you at least buy adhesive tape?
- In this case, I would go broke.
- But why?
- Flies are the only thing that prevents my workers from sleeping at work.
So let's drink to non-standard solutions!

Birthday toast for boss

Toasts to the boss

In a restaurant at the station.
- Waiter! I haven't been able to chew a piece of this steak for 10 minutes!
- Don’t worry, they just announced: your train is three hours late.
For catering workers!

Toast to the boss

Some people work but don’t earn money, others earn money but don’t work.
So let's drink to the golden mean!

Toasts to the director

I do the hardest work before breakfast.
- What kind of work is this that can be done on an empty stomach?
- I get out of bed.
Let's drink to our official duties!

Toast bussu

Father ended up on the plane. As soon as we took off, he calls the flight attendant:
- Girl, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The flight attendant brings it. After a while he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the flight attendant brings it. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the flight attendant, walking through the cabin, turns to the priest herself:
- Shall I bring you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
“No, no, I can’t,” says the priest, pointing his finger up, “the boss is close.”
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, etc.). Therefore, we can drink calmly.

Birthday toast for boss

As ancient legends say, a Roman general had a daughter named Tarpeia. During the war with the Sabine king, this commander was entrusted with defending a fortress on a Caspian hill. However, the Sabine king managed to bribe Tarpeia. He promised to give her what the Sabine wars wore on their arms, i.e. Golden bracelets. At night, Tarpeia opened the gates to the enemies, but, fulfilling the promise, the Sabine warriors threw shields at her, which they also wore on their arms. Subsequently, the Romans threw Tarpeia from a cliff for betrayal.
Friends! The moral of this legend is: firstly, never betray your loved ones and partners; secondly, when concluding a deal, clearly formulate mutual obligations. Let's drink to that!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

A young man broke his arms in a car accident. However, he got to good doctors and the treatment is going well.
- Doctor, when my bandages are removed, will I be able to play the piano? - he asks.
- Of course you can!
- This is cool! - the patient rejoices. - Doctor, you are a magician! After all, I never played the piano before!
Let's drink to the doctors who can work miracles!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

Heine said: “What is music? It forms the middle between thought and phenomenon and constitutes an airy transitional stage from spirit to matter. It is akin to both of them and, however, different from both. It is spirit, which needs a measure of time; it is matter, but matter , which does not need space."
For the hero of the occasion, a real musician!