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It is beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck. Fashionable ways to tie a neckerchief - headband

A stylish look is a harmoniously assembled capsule, a pleasant combination of colors and exquisite accessories. Among the latter, belts, handbags, jewelry, scarves and, of course, neckerchiefs are popular. Made from fine silk, satin, crepe de Chine or exquisite expensive cashmere, they transform women, making them more mysterious, elegant and stylish. It turns out there are more than a hundred ways how to tie a neckerchief, which gives scope for bold experiments and interesting solutions.

Neckerchiefs: what they are and what they are needed for

If the neckerchief has not yet been used when creating stylish bow, then you should first understand the types, colors and requirements for this accessory. And having already made your choice, find out how to tie a small neckerchief and what can be done with its larger brothers.

  • 40 to 40;
  • 80 to 80;
  • 90 to 90.

These are the dimensions that are considered when creating fashionable patterns and they make a video about such accessories “how to tie a women’s neckerchief.” For beginners, medium-sized products are recommended - they are easy to tie and fit most knots.

As for colors, their patterns and tone directly depend on the style preferred by the fashionista.

Each image dictates its own rules:

  • Strict business or office dress code - products in calm and seasoned colors with minimal patterns or plain ones. You can choose from silver-gray, blue, pink, white and beige colors.
  • or preppy style. If the image is free, casual and not very bright, then accessories for it are selected in contrast or to match. Any ornaments and patterns that fit into the general concept of the style are allowed.
  • Youth or bright (, hippies and others). They allow you to use all your creative imagination and choose solutions with original and unusual prints when creating capsules. The overall color scheme matches or contrasts with the image.

Understanding your style and the requirements for its creation, it is much easier to figure out how to tie a small women’s neckerchief and choose the appropriate solution for a specific look.

How to tie a neckerchief: the most beautiful solutions

A scarf will never spoil the created image. On the contrary, it will give it a peculiar charm and add elegance. Even if you have only one option for a silk or viscose product, you can create new images every day, changing mystery for coquetry, business style for romantic, casual for hippie.

To do this, you just need to understand how to tie a women’s neckerchief correctly and choose several optimal solutions.

The most beautiful options are considered:

  1. French knot. The scarf needs to be folded along the axis until a strip 5 centimeters wide is obtained. Then the product is wrapped around the neck symmetrically, so that both ends are in front. A single knot is tied. Then the scarf is shifted slightly to the side and secured with a second knot. The image is flirty, but not frivolous and is suitable even for a business style.
  2. Ring tourniquet. The solution is suitable if you want to figure out how to tie a neckerchief beautifully. Having rolled the product into a wide and long strip, the scarf is tied around the neck with a single knot, leaving one end much longer than the other. The long part is wrapped around the base of the scarf, and when finished, tied with a small, easily hidden knot. The twists are evenly distributed over the scarf until an aesthetic effect is achieved.

  1. Complex tourniquet. Suitable for extravagant ladies. A scarf folded into stripes is worn around the neck, ends first. The ends are twisted simultaneously and in one direction until a tight rope is obtained. The ends are then tucked behind the back and tied with an inconspicuous knot. The spectacular twist is ready.
  2. Ascot. If you have a small neckerchief, this knot will teach you how to tie it. The scarf is folded into a triangle and placed at an angle in front, bringing the ends back. They are crossed behind the back and brought forward again, tying them into a knot. The result is a strictly elegant solution for business or urban style.

Original solutions for experiments are possible with special fittings. This could be a figure eight, a special buckle or a narrow ring. To learn how to tie a neckerchief with a loop, you should understand one principle - the ends of the product are passed through the fittings, fixed on it, and this is what gives the knots and windings greater severity, accuracy and elegance.

Neck scarves are not limited to their intended use. Women's fantasy has expanded the range of variations and proposed trendy solutions for scarves with their placement:

  • on the head;
  • at the waist;
  • on the hips.

Particularly daring ladies create tops and skirts from scarves that are worthy of the work of famous fashion designers.

Head scarf: shocking or graceful?

When traditional solutions become boring, you want to understand the charm of other options. And the question arises: if you have a neckerchief, how to tie it in an interesting and unique way? As an alternative, consider a headband. Among the variety of knots – and there are slightly fewer of them than for “neck” variations – three deserve special attention:

  1. Bandage in . It looks almost like a headband, provides excellent hair support and is distinguished by sophisticated severity. Understanding how to tie a women's neckerchief in this style is simple: you will need a silk product folded into a strip and a figure-eight buckle. The scarf is placed on the neck with the ends first, which are immediately pulled through the buckle. The bandage is lifted onto the hair, the ends are tightened and tied under the hair. That’s it – the preppy-style headband is ready!

  1. Classic solution. Suitable when you have doubts about how to tie a neckerchief for a woman of not very young age. Although it is worth noting that young people also appreciate such options. The scarf is folded into a triangle. The wide part of the product is placed just above the eyebrows, and the ends are tied at the back above the “tail” of the scarf. It turns out stylish, neat and very feminine.
  2. Youth style. Another solution from the series on how to beautifully tie scarves on your head. It is recommended to use a small-sized product, since the result depends on this. The scarf is folded diagonally, with one corner protruding slightly from under the other. The scarf is then placed with the wide part above the eyebrows and tied at the back with a neat knot. It turns out very elegant and cute.

Fashionistas already have a lot of solutions on how to beautifully tie a small neckerchief, so you can switch to long options and be happy to experiment and get weird.

How to tie a neckerchief: working on a stylish look

If you watch different videos showing “how to tie a woman’s neckerchief”, you can find a variety of creative solutions. An ultra-fashionable option has become the use of a scarf as a belt or belt.

For this, girls who gravitate towards originality should get an extended solution and try it.

A correctly tied scarf around the neck affects the external image and characterizes the internal state of a person. Currently, there are many different ways in which you can emphasize your advantages or, conversely, hide existing shortcomings.

Fashion trends for light scarves

A scarf is a must-have attribute for any fashionista. Every year scarves become more and more relevant. Famous designers are increasingly presenting to the public new styles of clothing in combination with a tied scarf around the neck. This year's new design season was no exception.

In this article we will tell you how to beautifully tie a light scarf around your neck.

Methods of attaching a stole to the neck of female representatives can be either ordinary classic or spectacular. The fashion trend this season is casually tied light scarves.

This method did not leave anyone indifferent, as it has many advantages. Careless fastening is done in a matter of minutes, while the image with the help of a scarf looks stylish and original.

Scarf materials and sizes

Scarves are a unique product. With 1 scarf you can add different shades to your look. To do this, you just need to tie the product in a different way.

Currently, scarf materials are varied. This season the trend is absolutely incompatible neither in quality nor in color scheme, nor by the style of the product.

The most common types are:

When choosing a material, you need to start from your preferences in the style of the product. The choice of material is also influenced by the time of year. With the onset of the cold season, it is better to opt for thickened fabrics.

Note, what products are made from synthetic fabric will lose after a few washes appearance.

Viscose has been the most popular fabric for several seasons now. Products made from viscose do not cause allergic reactions when in contact with the skin, and are also affordable. The fabric itself is pleasant to the touch.

However, most lovers of stoles prefer materials made from natural fabrics.

These include:

  • silk- V in kind There are 2 types - tussah and mulberry. At the same time, Mulberry silk has no analogues;
  • cashmere– made in its natural form from mountain goat fluff;
  • linen is a plant that is also widely used for medicinal purposes. Has many varieties;
  • wool- a product made from animal hair. The most common is sheep's wool;
  • cotton– made in its natural form from cotton fibers.

Artificial materials are also in demand. Thus, acrylic products are particularly soft, but experts do not recommend wearing them in winter period.

Standard sizes are:

  • 40 x 40 (cm) – for neckerchiefs;
  • 45 x 180 (cm) – for scarves;
  • 90 x 90 (cm) – for headscarves;
  • 110x100 (cm) – for shawls.

The choice of products is not limited to standard sizes. Nowadays there is a huge range of neck scarves in different sizes.

The best ways to tie a light scarf around your neck

To give your image a certain charm and emphasize your individuality, you need to understand how to beautifully tie a light scarf around your neck. Depending on the style of clothing you choose, you need to be able to appropriately emphasize your style with the help of attributes.


Bohemian style is one of the most common. Anyone can tie a stole in this style, as this does not require any special skills. It is preferable to choose warm scarves in a large knit for the “Bohemia” style.

The principle is to casually wrap the stole around the neck area. The length of the stole should be sufficient to wrap it twice around the neck area and the ends should hang down. An important point is that tightening it tightly can ruin the whole look.

Therefore, you need to throw on the stole easily and freely. The ends of the accessory should be located on different lengths, regardless of which side the long part will be on and which the short one. The accessory is suitable for any outfit. In addition to being a beautiful attribute, a stole in this style also has a warming effect in winter.


The "Ring" style is so named because the scarf resembles the shape of a ring. Its ends are connected to each other. A scarf in this style looks original made of wool, although many fashionistas focus on light fabrics.

The scarf is elongated, which makes it easy to wrap 2 turns around the neck area. The product should not be tightly tied around the neck. The scarf should lightly touch it.

weaving loop

The weaving loop method of tying a scarf is simple. You need to fold the product in half and throw it around your neck. One end of the scarf is threaded through the loop and unfolded. Next, the remaining edge is threaded through the loop. As a result, the threaded ends of the scarf should look in a checkerboard pattern.

Tying a scarf using the weaving loop method can be done with both thin and warm fabrics. This style is suitable for both classic and sporty clothing.


The figure eight scarf is a unique product and has different ways wearing.

No. Description of the method Application area
1 Place the scarf in a figure eight pattern around your neck and, forming a second loop, place it over your head.The method is especially relevant during the cool period, since the product, with this method of wearing, retains heat well.
2 The scarf is draped over the neck area and a second loop is made, which should also be located on the neckThe method is one of the most popular. Suitable for any look.
3 A figure eight scarf, made in advance with two loops, is worn around the neck. In this case, place the loops at different lengths.Using this option of tying a scarf around the neck, you can always emphasize the lightness of the image.
4 The product is folded in half and wrapped around the neck. In this case, one edge of the clamp is threaded into the loop itself formed on the other edge.Designed to give an image a formal look and also goes well with classic clothing.
5 The arms are threaded through the collar, and the effect of a vest is obtained.This method favorably emphasizes the shoulder line and gives the whole image femininity.

Simple bow

The option of wearing a bow is in demand both among teenage girls and business women. This method may not work the first time, but it's worth it.

It is better to choose a relatively long product. You need to fold the scarf in half so that its ends are at different lengths. You need to create a loop from the long edge and clamp it in the middle. It is necessary to wrap the clamping area with the second edge of the scarf, passing the end through the middle of the loop. All that remains is to beautifully straighten the resulting bow. The bow scarf style is suitable for a casual or business look.

Double loop

The double loop scarf method fits absolutely any type of clothing. An accessory in the form of a scarf will highlight your style very effectively. The main thing is to choose the appropriate color scheme and fabric of the product so that the image does not seem colorful. The double loop style looks attractive with lightweight materials and comes in a variety of colors.

Fashionistas themselves may not know how to beautifully tie a light scarf around their neck, since many of the methods are quite intricate. But a scarf tied in the double loop style is both attractive and stylish.

It is necessary to wrap the scarf around the neck area 2 times and tie its free edges into a regular knot, which is placed closer to the neck.

Classic bow

This option is designed for any classic style.

To tie a scarf correctly using this method, you need to:

  • wrap a scarf around the neck area;
  • make one side of the scarf longer than the other;
  • create a loop by wrapping the short edge around the longer one;
  • throw the elongated edge of the scarf around the short one;
  • create a loop on the short edge;
  • unfold the loop at a right angle to the long edge;
  • Pull the long edge through the loop slightly up and inward;
  • make another loop on top of the edge of the scarf;
  • on the resulting 2 loops, which are on the same straight line, tighten the knot.

To make a scarf made of light texture look beautiful and appropriate, you need to skillfully select both the material and the color scheme.

Important to remember, that the scarf should not be the same color as the overall look of the clothing, so as not to spoil the image with monotony. And also when creating a bow from a light texture, it is better to choose a scarf with a length of at least 170 cm.


The way of wearing a scarf or stole in the form of a tie is a permanent attribute for people who prefer a formal style of clothing. It is especially important to tie a stole in the form of a tie onto a shirt instead of the tie itself. The tie combines softness and boldness at the same time. The length is chosen at the discretion of each person.

note That a beautifully tied light scarf not worn around the neck in the form of a tie will look stylish with a plain shirt or blouse. The main thing is not to overdo it with the color scheme.

To create this look, you need to throw a stole around your neck. The ends of the stole must be tied with a double knot in the space between the chest and neck. The knot itself should be neat. All that remains is to straighten the ends of the stole.

For lovers of extravagant clothing, you can create additional folds on the scarf and tie.


A wreath scarf, regardless of color scheme, will suit almost any outfit. The product can be either snow-white or with a variegated pattern. But thanks to the twisting effect, a scarf, even with a bright pattern, will not seem flashy, and will also set off other elements of clothing.

The principle is this:

  • you need to throw the scarf so that its edges lie on your back;
  • cross the edges in the neck area and throw them forward;
  • pass the edges through the top of the loop, while the ends of the scarf must be pulled out.

Knot with ears

This method got its interesting name “knot with ears” thanks to the hanging edges of the scarf, reminiscent of bunny ears.

To begin with, you need to wrap the stole 2 times around the neck area. The main thing is that one edge is significantly longer than the other. The free end of the product is pushed through a layer of stole and tied.

The style goes well with sportswear, and with a classic style of clothing.

Madeleine knot

This method is suitable for light fabrics. Tying a madeleine knot is quite simple and looks very impressive. It is better to use an elongated scarf.

You need to put the scarf on the shoulder area and use 2 edges to tie a double knot. Having turned the product, you need to throw the inner end of the scarf, located on the other side relative to the knot, over your shoulder. The node is ready.


A scarf that resembles a triangle shape is considered stylish. The method is quite simple and understandable to anyone who tries this method at least once. It is better to choose a scarf with a square shape and light texture.

The scarf is folded into 2 parts to form a triangle shape. The resulting triangle is wrapped around the neck area and the edges are tied at the back of the neck.


An accessory in the form of a scarf, tied in a chain style, will perfectly replace any neck decoration. The chain scarf is a favorite method for true scarf connoisseurs.

You need to fold the scarf into 2 parts. The loop is made on one edge of the product, and the remaining edge is held with a finger. You need to insert the edge into the first loop. Into the resulting loop, again pull the edge of the scarf, which was held with your finger.

Such manipulations must be repeated several times until a chain is formed. The fastening element will be pulling the free edge of the chain through the outermost loop and tightening it.

The resulting product can be secured with a pin or brooch, or simply made into a knot.

French knot

This option first appeared in Paris. Scarf lovers from all over the world appreciate this way of wearing a stole.

The method is suitable for people who love scarves that fit tightly around the neck. It is better to choose a long stole (if possible). The French knot is performed elementary and simple, but at the same time it looks very impressive. Fits this model for any style.

Place a stole folded in half around your neck. The edges are pulled through the resulting loop. By loosening and tightening the loop and edges, the distance from the neck area is adjusted depending on temperature changes in weather conditions.


The way of wearing a scarf tied with a bow tie is a favorite for fashionistas of any age. This method is suitable for females who have a short neck.

A butterfly-style product perfectly emphasizes the shoulders and at the same time hides possible imperfections in the neck. The color scheme can be absolutely any. A butterfly scarf looks attractive even in a bright color with a variegated pattern.

A scarf, folded in half, is draped over the neck area. The edges of the scarf are passed through the resulting loop and slightly tightened. The edges move in different directions and straighten. One of the corners of each edge of the scarf, which is located closer to the back, is tied at the back with a regular knot.

Beautiful options for tying silk scarves around the neck:


Every self-respecting woman should know how to beautifully tie a light scarf around her neck from silk fabrics. Since it is silk products that emphasize lightness and femininity in the fair sex.

The most common way to tie silk scarves is a knot. The method is simple and understandable to everyone, which captivates women of any age.

You need to throw the scarf around your neck and simply tie the free edges of the scarf in a knot.

Square knot

Shawls, stoles, and silk scarves have deservedly won their place in the most fashionable houses. They go well with a variety of styles. The main thing is to choose the appropriate attribute for each style of clothing.

A square knot made of silk fabric fits stylishly and, most importantly, appropriately into the official style of clothing. It also hides (if necessary) a very open neckline in the chest area.

The option is effective, but it takes practice.

A square knot is created in the following way:

  • a silk scarf is rolled into a tube and a regular knot is tied in the middle;
  • the product is wrapped around the neck area so that the knot and edges of the scarf are in front;
  • the edges of the scarf are wrapped around an already tied knot;
  • The edges adjacent to the neck area of ​​the light scarf are beautifully tied.

Knot using a ring

A scarf tied in a knot using a ring goes well with business style . The method is quite simple and at the same time fashionable.

You need to fold the scarf in half, creating a triangular shape. Wrap the scarf around the neck area with 2 edges in front and 1 in back. Pull the resulting 2 edges through the ring. The upper edge of the product must be tied with a regular knot.

All that remains is to beautifully straighten the edges of the scarf. You can also tuck the resulting edges inside the clothing.

Secret knot

To create a secret knot, you need to take the scarf as long as possible. The scarf is twisted 1 turn around the neck so that both edges hang down in front. A regular knot is tied from the resulting edges of the scarf. The resulting knot is hidden under the product wrapped around the neck area. This method of a secret knot is suitable for different styles of clothing.

The hidden knot of the scarf looks impressive in a sporty style.

By using simple options When tying a product, you can choose the option that suits you for every day, and you don’t need to have a bunch of different scarves. The appearance and internal state of the person himself depends on the correct image. Accessories in the form of a scarf add femininity and flirtatiousness to female wearers.

Useful video on how to beautifully tie a light scarf around your neck:

6 the best ways beautifully tie a scarf around your neck:

Did you know that with the help of ordinary scarves you can create a harmonious and very stylish look, matching all fashion trends. All that remains is to figure out a couple of nuances and learn how to tie a scarf on your head.

How to tie a scarf the Hollywood way

This method is considered the most common not only among star beauties, but also among the most ordinary women. It is simple to do, but looks elegant and tasteful.

  1. We connect the ends of the scarf so that we get a regular triangle.
  2. We throw it over the head, leaving the bangs free.
  3. Cross the ends of the scarf under the chin.
  4. We bring them back and tie them in a knot.

Knitting a scarf in a peasant style

Despite changes, classics always remain in fashion. In addition, this option of knitting a scarf on the head is suitable for women of all ages.

  1. We connect the ends of the scarf so that a triangle emerges.
  2. We place it on the head, placing the fold line just above the eyebrows.
  3. We tie the ends at the back of the head with a single or double knot.
  4. We straighten the scarf, placing the ends on top of each other.

Figure 8

You can beautifully tie a scarf on your head in the shape of a figure eight in literally 10 seconds, but for this you will need not only a scarf, but also a special buckle. This option will be an alternative to hoops and headbands.

  1. We fold the scarf into a ribbon and place it on the neck, ends first.
  2. We thread both ends of the scarf into a buckle, which consists of two ovals or circles and looks like a figure eight.
  3. We lift both ends up and pull the clasp towards the head.
  4. We bring the scarf back and tie the ends under the hair.

A method for real pirates

This method is ideal for the beach and goes well with large earrings and big glasses. However, it also occurs at official events.

1. Fold the scarf into a triangle.

2. Place it on the head so that the fold line is on the forehead.

3. We bring the ends of the scarf back and tie it at the back of the head with a double knot. Most often, one end is longer than the other, and the knot itself is very low. If desired, you can form a bow, making the appearance even more interesting.

Like the gypsies

How to wear a scarf on your head to look like a movie fortune teller? This method is somewhat reminiscent of the previous option, but creates a completely different effect.

  1. We make a triangle out of the scarf.
  2. We lower it onto the head.
  3. We tie the ends to the side in the middle of the head.
  4. We form a lush bow from the ends. If the bow doesn't work out, you can simply hide the ends inside.

Using the “twisted turban” method

Methods of tying scarves on the head involve combining the accessory with the hairstyle. The end result is this option, which requires long braids.

  • Step 1. Comb your hair and divide it into two equal parts.
  • Step 2. Place a scarf between them, folded into a ribbon.
  • Step 3. We wrap one part of the hair with one half of the scarf, and the other with the other. The result is a tourniquet.
  • Step 4. Raise them to the forehead, cross them with each other and lower them again to the back of the head. If the hair length allows, we do it again.
  • Step 5. Tie the ends of the scarf with a double knot.

Head scarf

Another way that doesn’t require much effort, but gives the look a fresh touch.

1. Fold the scarf diagonally to create a ribbon.

2. Wrap it around your forehead with your forehead.

3. We tie the ends at the back in the center or move the knot to the side.

We tie a scarf in the form of a bandana

Bandana is the choice of the young and daring. It is also perfect for a sporty style.

  1. We tie carefully combed hair into two ponytails.
  2. Fold the scarf diagonally to create a triangle.
  3. We drape it over the head, placing the fold line above the forehead.
  4. We bring the ends back under the tails and tie them at the back of the head.

We tie a corrugated hat on the head

To use this method in practice, you will need a corrugated scarf.

  1. Fold the scarf diagonally. One end should be slightly lower.
  2. We lay the scarf on the head so that the fold line lies almost on the eyebrows.
  3. We bring the ends of the scarf back to the back of the head and tie it in a knot.

Now every fashionista knows how to tie a scarf on her head and always remain the most stylish and beautiful.

Any fashionista will need information on how to tie a neckerchief using several methods, in order to stay in trend and not catch a cold. A huge number of neck accessories can be tied to transform your appearance, decorate outerwear or a simple office suit. The wearing option varies depending on the size and shape of the selected accessory.

Methods for tying scarves and scarves around the neck

Fashion offers a lot different ideas how to tie a scarf around your neck. The shape of the knots or wearing options will depend on the accessory chosen. Pavlovo Posad warm accessories are worn for show with outerwear; a French scarf is combined in the image with casual clothes, and cowboy - with fashionable style casual. You can tie a scarf around your neck using light silk, chiffon or heavy stole fabric.

How to tie a Pavlovo Posad scarf

Fashionistas highlight several ideas on how to wear a Pavlovo Posad scarf, depending on its size and outfit. The following options look beautiful from the photo:

  • make a few turns, tie the loose ends to the side or leave without a knot;
  • form a triangle, tie the ends at the back, put on and straighten;
  • cover the neck and shoulder area so that the fabric hangs on one side, tie if necessary;
  • form a scarf, make a side bow, if desired, move it forward;
  • with a men's neck tie - make a narrow strip, throw it on asymmetrically, wrap the short side with the long part, thread the tip into the loop, tighten;
  • tie a knot, wrap the outer tip around the inner one, thread the end into a loop, straighten them for volume.

French scarf

For interesting option How to tie a French scarf around your neck, a small or medium size accessory is suitable. For thicker fabric, you will have to tighten the ends more loosely. Here are a few ideas on how beautiful a knitted French silk scarf will turn out and look:

  • make a triangle, twist it into a ribbon, hide the corner, hug the neck in front, cross it at the back, pull it forward and tie it on the side;
  • low knot - make a triangle, hide the corner, form a narrow ribbon, place it behind the neck, cross it, bring the ends forward, tie it on the chest;
  • triangle - make a triangle, bring the ends back, cross them, let them out;
  • in a businesslike manner - form a ribbon, bring it in front, cross it, release it forward, secure it.

How to tie a stole around your neck in different ways

A popular accessory in winter and autumn time is a stole. Here are some photo ideas on how to beautifully tie a stole around your neck to decorate yourself and outerwear:

  • Throw it over your shoulders, tuck the edges under your belt or simply wrap it around it;
  • throw it over the shoulder, tie it in a knot on the hip, tie the fringe, twist it in the middle - you get a double ring that warms you in cool weather;
  • flower - bend the light edge, gather it, tie it with fringe, put on a coat, throw on a stole so that the rose hangs down, secure with a brooch;
  • butterfly - throw the scarf back, twist it twice at chest level, secure it on the shoulders with pins, straighten it so the folds fall;
  • throw over the shoulder, secure on the other shoulder with a brooch;
  • wrap yourself several times, hide the edges under your coat;
  • throw over the shoulder, tighten with a belt at the waist, straighten;
  • Throw a scarf so that it hangs down your back, tie it in a knot if desired.

How to beautifully tie a silk scarf around your neck

For silk or satin products, thin cotton scarves with tassels, the following exquisite photo ideas are suitable for how to beautifully tie a light scarf around your neck for every day:

  • wrap twice so that the edges remain free, tuck one of them into the loop, tuck the other in the opposite direction of the loop;
  • wrapping - roll up the scarf, tuck it in, you get a ring;
  • braid decoration - fold in half, connect, put on, place the ends in a loop, pull out, twist the loop, connect the edges with the loop, pull;
  • assembly - wrap, tuck into the top loop to make a small hole, insert the other end into it, pull both sides to secure;
  • bohemian - fold in half, wrap, leave a loop near the front shoulder, pull one edge through this loop, the second through the other;
  • twisting - wrap one edge around the loop several times;
  • necklace - place at the back, wrap the ends several times, tie twice so that the knot remains in the middle.

Cowboy scarf

A square cowboy scarf looks impressive when tied as follows: in an original way, named by the same name:

  • fold diagonally to form a triangular shape;
  • lay with a wide knot in front, cross both ends at the back, leave straight;
  • tie the ends in front with a double knot, place it in the middle;
  • hide the corner under the collar of a jacket or blouse.

How to tie a square scarf around your neck

The neckline of the clothing you wear affects how you tie it square scarf:

  • for a dress with a boat neck or a blouse with a collar - fold the scarf into a strip, wrap it, cross the slightly longer part with the shortened one, put the elongated end on top of the short one, pull the long side into a loop, put the knot in the middle;
  • universal neckline, with the exception of a large collar - take it by the edges, fold it alternately towards the center to obtain a 5-centimeter strip, wrap it, place the short side under the long one, put it in a loop, alternately wrap both sides from the center to the back of the head, carefully lay it in a circle;
  • for a blouse with a collar or a large neckline - fold the work scarf parallel to the axis to the strip, bring the long part under the small one, pull it into a loop, pull it up, bring the same end under the short one, bring it out on the other side, pull it horizontally, make a double knot, place it in the middle.

Options for tying scarves

To make installation easier, there are patterns for tying scarves, where each step is clearly shown and illustrated. Step by step instructions help you learn how to beautifully tie a scarf around your neck, help you wear it with a coat, fur coat or other outerwear women's clothing. Particular attention should be paid to the rules for tying large accessories, as well as the possibility of using a special ring.

How to tie a scarf on a coat beautifully

Ideas on how to wear a scarf with a coat suggest the size of the women's accessory is about 1 square meter:

  • accordion - lay the fabric like an accordion, throw it on, make a knot, straighten it;
  • the second option for a beautiful accordion is to lay it, throw it on, make an unfinished knot, straighten it;
  • lacing bow - lay it with a scarf, throw it on, cross it in front, wrap it around the left side, bring it forward, bring the left end over the right, thread it in a loop;
  • Biedermeier - roll it up with a scarf, throw it on, make an unfinished knot, put the long tip over the short one, pull it through the loop.

How to tie a large scarf

Sometimes it can be a problem how to tie a large scarf around your neck beautifully, because it doesn’t always look neat with a jacket. Suitable options:

  • frill - fold in half, roll across, throw over, tie with a fold, straighten;
  • roll the tourniquet, turn around, bring it forward, combine it on the shoulder, tie it, straighten the folds;
  • roll up to a 10-centimeter width, throw over the shoulders, bring forward, combine on the side, tie twice, straighten, carefully lay over outerwear;
  • fold into a triangle, throw the main part over the left shoulder, combine the ends, twist, tie;
  • Intertwine 2 scarves, connect the ends, place them so that the grip point is at the back, intertwine at chest level, wrap them around the shoulders.

Shawl under a fur coat

A women's scarf goes well with a fur coat, it looks luxurious and noble. Here are options on how to beautifully tie a scarf:

  • wrap, leave the edges falling freely;
  • fold, tie at the back, braid twice, tie at the back, drape, straighten beautifully;
  • make a knot in the center in front, cross behind your back, bring it forward again, pull the knot through;
  • if there is a hood, lay it on top of it, hide the edges under the hood or put it in a bow;
  • turn around, bring the rectangular end to the chest, lay it in front or behind, hide it under a fur coat;
  • wrap the collar, throw the edges over the shoulder;
  • Simply throw on a shawl accessory and secure it with a brooch or decorative button; similarly, you can place a scarf on a bag.

How to tie a scarf using a ring

There are ideas on how to tie a scarf using a ring. It can be a contrasting color or to match the fabric. Here are a few master classes on how to tie and beautifully style a scarf:

  1. Gangster - take the fabric by the middle so that the edges hang freely, put on a small ring. Straighten the fabric over the knot so that it faces down, pull both sides, and tie at the back. Looks beautiful with a jersey dress.
  2. Gangster 2 – lay the square accessory in a triangle, turn around, insert both edges into the ring, make a stylish knot, and straighten it beautifully.
  3. Butterfly - fold a triangle, throw it over your shoulders from behind, make 2 corners in the middle of the height, fold it into a ring. Straighten the ends and shape them into butterfly wings.

Video: how to tie a scarf around your neck in different ways

A great variety of colors, textures and complete uniformity of style can be found in only one part of a woman’s wardrobe - scarves. But this small wardrobe detail is the very final touch that will help you and add a “zest” to your look. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to choose this accessory correctly and it is equally important to know how to beautifully tie a scarf around your neck. Scarves perfectly decorate a woman’s head, waist, and chest, but it is the neck version that is most expressive.

Variety of women's scarves

Looking at the variety of showcases and stands with scarves hanging on them, it is difficult to stop making your choice. The assortment is huge! Plain, with classic polka dots or stripes, with Indian patterns and modest flowers, with exotic patterns and floral designs... We primarily focus our choice on color, but in order to beautifully tie a scarf around your neck, it is equally important to take into account the size of the scarf.

Advice. When choosing a scarf, be sure to approach the fabric from which it is made with all seriousness and knowledge of your skin type. This accessory usually fits tightly to the delicate skin of the neck. It is very important that it does not irritate, is not overly slippery, rough, disobedient or, conversely, sluggish and soft.

This adorable one women's accessory Available in a variety of fabrics. There are warm scarves made from natural wool, cashmere or cotton, and there are all-season ones made from natural silk, summer ones made of viscose or weightless chiffon, from various mixed fabrics or artificial threads. They are laid and draped differently. Therefore, there are subtleties in how to tie scarves depending on the texture of the fabric.

Traditionally, priority belongs to products woven from natural fibers(cotton, silk, wool or mixtures thereof), but the benefits of artificial additives should not be neglected. They impart strength, elasticity, and extend the service life of the product.

Rules for choosing a scarf for clothes

Choosing one important detail your image, you just need to follow four rules to look stylish and elegant:

  1. You wear a monochromatic outfit without a pattern. This means you can let your imagination run wild and choose the boldest colors of the scarf.
  2. If your clothes are full of flowers, then it is better to beautifully tie a scarf around your neck in the color that is least in the color scheme of your clothes.
  3. There are no more than three colors in your clothes. This means that one of them must be repeated in the tone of the scarf. It could be the tone of a handbag, shoes, tights, it doesn’t matter. It is important that their tone is present in the color of the neck accessory.
  4. A plain dress will be better decorated with a scarf in a contrasting color.

And of course, every girl understands how important it is to tie a scarf around her neck beautifully and correctly. More on this later..

Basic ways to tie a scarf around your neck

There are happy women who, having approached the mirror, can quickly, gracefully and beautifully tie a scarf around their neck with a few subtle movements of their hands. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a rich imagination and Creative skills. This means that we will follow the rules and video instructions on how to tie a neckerchief, which include the basic fashionable options this season.

We will not delve into the jungle of complex knitting and inconvenient piles. Let's consider only those methods that will be available to any woman and will give her outfit a new look.

Classic French knot

Step 1. Fold the scarf “along the diagonal axis”, i.e. From opposite corners of the scarf, alternately fold it into a narrow strip, approximately 5 - 6 cm. Place the middle of the strip to the front of the neck.
Step 2. Wrap the strip around your neck and bring the ends of the scarf forward. Align the length of the ends, they should be at the same level.
Step 3. Tie a simple knot under the chin. Move the scarf slightly to the side. Secure the single knot with a second knot. Straighten out the loose ends.

This classic knot goes well with plain scarves. With him, a woman sees tenderly, elegantly and romantically. Fits almost any neckline shape.

Blind cowboy knot

Step 1. Fold the square scarf diagonally to form a triangle.
Step 2. Place the wide angle on your chest and wrap the other two around your neck.
Step 3: Tie the ends at the back of your neck.
Step 4. If the size of the scarf allows, you can tie the ends under the large triangle in front, wrapping it around your neck. An alternative is to place the knot on top of the triangle, in the center.

Well suited for blouses and jackets with high collars, as well as for outerwear (coats, jackets).


Step 1. We fold the scarf as in the classic French knot (along the axis).
Step 2. Place the resulting strip around your neck. One end should be slightly longer. Tie a simple knot.
Step 3. Next, wrap both ends around the part that is adjacent to the neck. Do this in one direction from the knot to the back of the head. Hide the protruding ends and straighten the resulting tourniquet.

A very effective option. Fits almost all cutouts. Not compatible with high collars only.

Square knot

Step 1. Fold the scarf diagonally, as in the option. Place the wide end over the back of your neck, placing the ends in front so that one end is slightly longer.
Step 2. Take the shorter end of the long one and throw it over it. Insert the long end from the bottom up into the loop between the short end and the part of the scarf that is adjacent to the neck.
Step 3. Tighten the knot. Spread out the wide part.

Pioneers once tied pioneer ties this way. The knot is elegant and multifunctional. You can tie it close to your neck and hide the ends under your clothes, you can tie it over a sweater and spread it wide, in this case the knot should be located lower.

Simple method with a ring or buckle

Scarf of any size. Place colors and textures on the neck in a strip folded along an axis or in a triangle. Place the ends in front and align.

Take any buckle or ring that matches the texture and size of the scarf. Insert the loose ends of the scarf into the buckle. Stylish decoration ready!

These are just a few traditional ways to tie a scarf around your neck. Each woman can have her own secrets and personal inventions in this vast area for creativity and imagination.

Advice. Try any knot that you choose for yourself first at home. Tie a scarf and walk around in it at home. Check it out in dynamics. After all, no matter how beautifully you tie a scarf around your neck, without a feeling of comfort and confidence you cannot feel like a real lady.

Coco Chanel paid a lot of attention to this accessory; she argued that it was scarves that made a woman a lady. Let's agree with her. With their help, we can easily look feminine and fresh. Always irresistible in a new way!