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In this interesting article, you will finally find out how long it takes to fly to Mars from Earth - years, months or days? How many flight routes are there and what are their distances, how much fuel is needed for the rocket and other interesting details about the flight time to Mars.

How long does it take to fly to Mars?

According to calculations by specialists working on the Mars One mission, the flight time will be about 210 days or 7-8 months.

Although no human has yet set foot on the Red Planet, many unmanned spacecraft and “Mars rovers” have already visited here. How long did it take them to fly from Earth to Mars?

To better understand the distance and time it takes to fly to Mars from Earth, you need to know something about previous missions to this planet:

  1. Mariner-4. Mariner 4 was the first to approach the Red Planet in 1964 ( Mariner-4, from English. — Sailor) is an automatic interplanetary station under NASA's program. The one way path was 228 days. The device took pictures of Mars from a distance of 16,800 km to 12,000 km to its surface - scientists watched with bated breath. After all, it was initially assumed that there could be liquid water on Mars, which means plants and other types of life. 21 images were transmitted by Mariner-4, and it finally became clear that the “Red Planet” is more reminiscent of the Moon than the Earth. The only living organisms here can be mosses and lichens.
  2. Mariner-6 (Mariner-6) hit the road in February 1969. For the flight he needed 155 days. The distance to the surface of the planet this time was only 3429 km. In addition to filming, this device was assigned an important task - to study the composition of the atmosphere and determine the surface temperature of Mars based on infrared radiation indicators.
  3. Mariner-7(Mariner-7) was a backup for Mariner-6, its journey to Mars lasted 128 days. He also studied the atmosphere and temperature of the planet.
  4. In 1971 he went to Mars Mariner-9 (Mariner-9). He reached the given point in 168 days. And it became the first satellite of the “Red Planet”. Using this apparatus, a map of Mars was compiled. He worked until October 1972. until he ran out of compressed gas supplies.
  5. Viking-1 (Viking-1). The first apparatus intended for landing on the Red Planet was launched on June 19, 1976, and reached 304 days.
  6. Viking-2 (Viking-2) launched on August 7, 1976 and traveled to Mars 333 days. It also consisted of an orbital station and a probe. The main task facing the devices of this space program was the following: the search for life. Also, about 16 thousand photographs of Mars were taken then. In the first color photographs, Mars confirmed its second name. The planet was a red desert, and even the sky seemed pink due to the dust that the wind raised.
  7. In 1996, he began studying the planet Mars Global Surveyor(Mars Global Surveyor), which reached Mars in 308 days. This was also a NASA project, and a very successful one. The device entered the circular polar orbit of Mars in 1999 and was engaged in mapping the surface of the planet. Worked until 2001.
  8. Mars Pathfinder (Mars Pathfinder), a US spacecraft launched on December 4, 1996, landed on the planet on July 4, 1997. It studied Martian rocks, surface temperature, wind and took pictures.
  9. Mars Express(Mars Express) - a station of the European Space Agency - set off on December 25, 2003 and reached its goal in 201 days.
  10. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(Mars Reconnaissance Mission) flew to Mars in August 2005, and entered its orbit in March 2006. The road took 210 days. One of the goals of the Scout was to find a place where people could land.
  11. Maven(Maven) - American interplanetary probe - was launched in November 2013 and flew to Mars 307 days. Its main task was to study the atmosphere of the Red Planet.

Watch a very fascinating video about attempts to fly to Mars and modern problems:

As can be seen from the above data, travel time depends on the relative location celestial bodies.

The technical level of spacecraft has little effect on the speed of their movement, since no technological leap has occurred in the production of engines.

Unsuccessful flights

In addition to these fairly successful projects, there were many others that ended unsuccessfully. For example, technical problems regularly plagued “ Mars", built in the USSR. Either the launch vehicle crashed, or the booster stage did not fire, or communication with the vehicle was lost. A " Zond-2", sent Soviet Union to Mars in 1964, did not get into the region of the planet at all.

However, it was not only the USSR that suffered failures in this field. In 1971, at " Marinera-8"(Mariner-8) The United States had a launch vehicle accident; in 1998, the Japanese failed to launch their vehicle into Mars orbit; in 2011, China had an unsuccessful launch attempt.

All this spoke about how difficult it is to plan and execute such a flight. And the responsibility multiplies hundreds of times when there are people on board.

How long does it take to fly to Mars from Earth?

Of course, you want to immediately know the simple answer, and it is (below), but to understand how long it takes to fly to Mars from Earth, you need to understand that there are different routes.

Celestial bodies are in constant motion, the distances between them can change.

  1. The greatest distance that Earth and Mars can “scatter” is 401 million km.
  2. On average, the Earth is located at 225 million km from Mars.
  3. The shortest distance to Mars is 54.6 million km.

Flight routes to Mars

The orbits of the planets are circles, so you can " cutting down» path and fly along a straight path. However, when flying on a rocket, you need to take into account solar gravity. To save fuel, spacecraft will also move at the greatest possible distance from the star.

Video: How and how long to fly to Mars and in what way

The shortest distance to Mars is 54.6 million km. This is possible if the Earth is at a point aphelion(this is the name of the place of maximum distance from the Sun). And at the same time, the Red Planet will be as close as possible to the star - this is the point perihelion. So far, such a relative position of these celestial bodies has not yet been recorded.

In 2003, the Hubble telescope took a picture of Mars, the distance was only 55 million km.

To find out how long it takes to fly to Mars, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • speed of planetary movement;
  • aircraft flight speed;
  • distance from the Sun;
  • the need for course correction ( for example, to avoid collisions with other celestial bodies);

The flight path is calculated so that the spacecraft is not directed directly towards the planet, but towards a point that it will reach after a certain period of time. It should be taken into account that it will be necessary to overcome the gravity of the Sun.

If you were offered to participate in the space program for the colonization of Mars, would you agree to go there with an expedition?

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How long does light take to get to Mars?

How long does light take to get to Mars? Let's do the math. The speed of light is 299 thousand km/sec. That is, at the moment when the distance between Mars and our planet is smallest, light will only need about:

  • 3 minutes to overcome the path from one planet to another,
  • 13 minutes– if the distance is average,
  • 22 minutes– if maximum.

The fastest rocket in the history of space flight - Saturn V, which accelerated to 64,000 km/h. Usually the devices reach a speed of about 20,000 km/h.

The fastest space automatic station to date " New Horizons", launched in 2006, has a speed 16.26 km/sec. She went to Pluto. If its goal was Mars, CAS would reach the “Red Planet” in:

  • 39 days– at a minimum distance;
  • 162 days– at an average distance of Mars and Earth from each other;
  • 289 days– at maximum.

That is, in best case scenario, the journey would have lasted a little longer than a month.

Traveling at the speed of light is impossible under any circumstances. The speed of movement of any object is measured relative to some system. The special theory of relativity indicates that moving an object faster than light will appear as an effect occurring before the cause. Such a paradox has never been observed.

Project Mars One

“Our traces will remain on the dusty paths of distant planets” - this song was once a real anthem of the USSR cosmonauts.

And perhaps similar imprints will appear on the paths of Mars in the near future. A project has already been developed according to which earthlings will go to the “Red Planet”. Mars One is privately funded and led by Bas Lansdorp.

The project plan involves several stages:

  1. Crew selection and training. 24 volunteers will undergo psychological and technical training that will allow them to survive the flight to Mars. Takes place in this moment.
  2. Launching artificial solar satellites to organize communications, sending necessary cargo to the Red Planet (living modules, life support systems, storage and cargo units, Mars rover). The implementation period is until 2024.
  3. The rover begins to prepare the base, launch power supply and life support systems. This stage will end in 2025.
  4. The transit module, the MarsLander spacecraft, engine stages and other parts are being launched into Earth orbit. The device is assembled in space. MarsLander occupies a crew of 4 people who directly conduct the flight to Mars. This will happen in 2026.
  5. In 2027, the first crew should land on the Red Planet, occupy a base and begin colonizing the planet.

In 2013, the selection of applicants began. About 202 thousand people wished to become such. An amazing fact, considering that it is known in advance that this is a one-way ticket: the road will be difficult, and life on Mars will also be full of hardships. However, thousands of people are ready to become pioneers. First, 1,058 people were selected, including 297 US citizens and 52 Russians. After the second round, there were 705 people left in the team, and after the third – 660 people.

How long does it take for people to fly to Mars, according to Mars One calculations? Scientists estimate that the flight from Earth to Mars will take 7-8 months.

Regardless of how long it takes to fly to Mars from Earth, returning along the same route is impossible. To date, there is no economically feasible solution to deliver resources to the Red Planet for the construction of a launch pad and the required amount of fuel. The mission's sponsors do not have the money for this, even in theory.

Famous businessman Elon Musk, who is the head of the SpaceX corporation, presented a program for the colonization of Mars in 2016. To implement it, it is necessary to seriously reduce the cost of flights, build a new heavy rocket, create a spacecraft to transport 200 people and other innovations. All this requires serious capital and the labor of hundreds of educated people.

SpaceX had only 50 people working on the entire project in 2016.

Elon Musk himself emphasizes that colonization cannot occur without terraforming the planet. Living conditions on Mars should be similar to those on Earth. This process will take several hundred years. And technologies have not yet been invented with the help of which it is possible to change the force of gravity of the planet, the gas composition of the atmosphere, etc.

Skeptics view this project with distrust, to put it mildly. There is not much time left until 2025, huge financial investments are required, the bill runs into billions. And so far no one is ready to provide such an amount. One may recall the infamous project “ Constellation" It was commissioned to be developed by NASA back in 2004 by the US President. George Bush. According to the project, the ship would deliver earthlings to the Moon in 2010, the first lunar base would appear in 2024, and from there an expedition to Mars would launch in 2037.

  • But the state of the United States budget was not even determined by the freeze, and a complete rejection of this program.

In addition, with the modern development of science, the risk for the crew of such a ship remains excessively high.

How much fuel is needed to fly to Mars?

But let’s say the flight did take place. It is already clear that volunteer astronauts on the “Red Planet” will not meet canals, palaces and golden-eyed Martians, as in the stories of Ray Bradery.

So how much fuel will a spacecraft need during its fairly long flight?

An interesting project for solving this issue Roberta Zubina. He sees a nuclear reactor as the main source of energy for a future spaceship. In this case, the ship will carry 6 tons of hydrogen from Earth. In the future, carbon dioxide will be used, which is part of the Martian atmosphere. Using the reactor, these components will be converted into methane and water. Water, with the help of electricity, will be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen, and the hydrogen will be used to produce methane. The resulting fuel - it is expected that its quantity will exceed 100 tons - will ensure the return of astronauts to Earth. All this will make the flight relatively short-term – about 18 months.

The issue of fuel economy is very important.

Because it is impossible to launch a spacecraft along the shortest straight line: from Earth to Mars. The planets are constantly moving in their orbits, and if such a ship flew up to a given point, Mars would no longer be there. That is, the flight path must be built “ahead” of the planet, which is the final goal of the path. In addition, in order to return, the ship must carry a huge amount of fuel.

How long does it take for a person to fly to Mars and back?

This task faces the flight organizers. The faster the ship moves, the less fuel will be needed, the load on the crew will be reduced - people will receive less radiation. And, of course, less oxygen, water and food will be required for astronauts.

For the flight to take place, the speed of the spacecraft must be at least 18 km/sec.

At the same time, the return flight will take approximately 9 months, And 17 months the ship will be in orbit around Mars. After all, you need to fly back on time " confrontation"when Mars and Earth come closer. The waiting period may take up to 500 days.

Therefore, scientists give this figure: a round trip flight will take at least 33 months.

Considering that people now work at orbital stations for about six months - and this comes at great cost to their health - humanity must take a serious step forward in order to begin the exploration of Mars.

To reduce travel time, the ideas of nuclear reactors (7 months of flight), magneto-plasma rockets (5 months), as well as rockets using antimatter - the most dense fuel ( only 45 days).

Mars is very similar in characteristics to Earth. Today there is a real opportunity to fly to this planet. A colonization project is already underway. If humanity begins to explore other worlds, then Mars will be the first of them.

So the time is approaching when humans will actually go to Mars.

Whether this will be a “one way road”, which will significantly save money on the flight, or whether the astronauts will return to their home planet – time will tell.

In general, the minimum expedition time at the current level of scientific development will be 7-8 months.

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Earth is the third planet from the sun, and Mars The fourth is a truism. This, as well as the unrelenting attention of the press and scientists to ““, has led to the fact that the name of our cosmic neighbor has become so ingrained that it has become too familiar. Mars is something self-evident, familiar and simple. And it’s close - just stretch out your hand... just in which direction should you pull it? In fact, the distance to Mars is not that small. Although, again, it depends on how you count and what to take as a starting point. Distance from Mars to Earth? Until the sun? Before... Let's try to calculate differently?

How far is it from Mars to Earth?

Mars and the Earth rotate around the Sun at different speeds: the Earth’s orbit is inside the orbit of Mars, so the Earth travels its circle around the center of the solar system much faster. In addition, both planets have orbits that are not regular circles, but somewhat elongated ellipses, which is especially noticeable in relation to Mars.

So the distance to Mars from the Earth can only be measured very roughly, and only for a specific moment in time, because it is constantly changing. Theoretically, these two planets are located on minimum distance from each other when Mars is located at the point closest to the sun (at perihelion), and the earth is at the farthest point (at aphelion) of their orbits. In this situation, the planets would be separated by a distance of “only” 54.6 million kilometers.

However, a theory is just a theory. In reality, at least in the history of mankind, such a rapprochement between Mars and Earth has never happened. The maximum approach was recorded in 2003, when Mars came within 56 million kilometers of our planet.

What could it be maximum distance between Earth and Mars? Again, we will resort to theoretical calculations and separate both planets by their aphelions - that is, the farthest points of the orbits, when both the blue and red planets will be on opposite sides of the sun. In this case, between Mars and Earth there will no longer be 54 million km, but all 401 million km - a distance exceeding the point of closest approach by 7.37 times!

On average, the distance from Mars to Earth is 225 million kilometers- greater than the distance from the Earth to the sun.

When is it easier to launch a spacecraft to Mars?

In its endless race around the Sun, the Earth, along its “inner path” of orbit, “overtakes” Mars every 26 months. It would seem that this very time is the “happy window” for sending the next one to Mars, because the distance between the planets will be the smallest. However, in reality, shortcut is not always the best... and the shortest one too.

So in our case - firstly, even 54 million km is a distance that the spacecraft will have to cover almost instantly. In fact, the journey will take him several months, and during this time our planets will “scatter”, and secondly, to fly in a straight line the ship will simply need a huge supply of fuel on board.

It is much simpler and more economical to send our hypothetical Mars mission not in a straight line, but in a wide orbit around the Sun. The gravity of the sun will pick up the device at a given point and, without any waste of fuel, accelerate it to the required speeds, giving a powerful impulse. A similar technique that makes the gravity of cosmic bodies work our hand is called gravity maneuver or slingshot effect.

At the right moment, the ship will correct its path with the help of an engine and “jump off” from the “solar path”, after which it will intersect with the orbit of Mars and reach its destination without any problems.

How far is it from Mars to the Sun?

As noted earlier, the orbit of Mars is very far from perfect circle, and is extremely elongated relative to the center (sun). In the solar system, only Pluto can compete with Mars in the degree of “ovality” of its orbit, but Pluto is not a full-fledged planet from a scientific point of view, so here Mars has no competition.

Due to the uneven curvature of the orbit, Mars either approaches our star or moves away from it. At the farthest point (at aphelion) Mars is separated from the Sun by 249 million km, and at the closest (in perihelion) – approaching 206 million km. The average distance from Mars to the Sun is 228 million km - no wonder it's so cold on Mars!

A complete revolution of the red planet around the star occurs in 687 Earth days, respectively, the Martian year is 1.88 times longer than the Earth's.

Who first measured the distance to Mars?

The distance from Earth to Mars was first calculated by an astronomer Giovanni Cassini in 1672, using the parallax method. He made observations from Paris, and his colleague Jean Richet, at the same time, made observations from French Guiana. Since the exact distance from Paris to French Guiana was known, they simply had to accurately detect the position of Mars in the sky at these two points and make simple calculations. The error of Cassini's calculations was 7% - a very good result for the 17th century!

We can safely say that Mars is the only planet in the intergalactic space that attracts the increased attention of scientists around the world. And if earlier earthlings were only engaged in studying the planet, then recently they have seriously thought about settling the “Red Star”.

In the article we will tell you how long it is to fly to Mars, what grand expedition is planned to land selected volunteers on the territory of the “Fire Planet”? What obstacles may stand in the way of its implementation?

What is the distance between Mars and Earth

The “Red Planet” is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second farthest from Earth. On average, Mars and Earth are at a distance 225 million km from each other. However, this is a floating value that changes regularly. This is due to the fact that the planets revolve around the Sun. The closest “neighborhood” was observed in 2003. Then the planets were at a distance of 56 million km from each other.

This is interesting: the maximum possible distance between Mars and Earth is 401 million km.

Who first measured distance

Modern instruments of researchers are very accurate, but in the 17th century (or rather, in 1672 they were not). Therefore, Giovanni Cassini resorted to the so-called parallax method. To do this, he remained in the capital of France, and his fellow scientist Jean Richard went to French Guiana. It is noteworthy that the accuracy of the measurement results carried out by scientists was only 7% less than the readings of modern equipment.

What time is considered the best time to fly?

In theory best time for planning a space flight to Mars is the period when it is at the perihelion orbital point, and the Earth is at the aphelion point. In this case, the distance between the objects of interest to us would be almost 55 million km. But these are just “calculations on paper.” After all, humanity has never been able to witness such an arrangement of planets.

How long does it take to fly to Mars: numbers and facts

If you don't have the patience to endure a half-hour drive to the nearest shopping center or amusement park, then you shouldn't become an astronaut.

It is known that the automatic interplanetary station NASA New Horizons, which went to Pluto in 2006, is currently the fastest vehicle in the history of space flights. It is noteworthy that New Horizons left Earth's orbit at a speed of 58 thousand km per hour.

Let's use these data to make simple calculations and find out how long this NASA interplanetary station would fly to Mars:

  • at the so-called “opposition” (when Mars and planet Earth are as close as possible to each other), the travel duration would be 39 days;
  • with an average distance of about 162 days;
  • and at the maximum distance between the planets from each other, a flight to Mars will take 289 days.

Attention: all calculations were made in a straight line and, of course, these are only theoretical calculations. It is necessary to understand that neither the Earth nor Mars stands still. It is impossible to send a rocket or other spacecraft from point A directly to point B (due to the fact that the planets are constantly moving in their orbits around the Sun). To hit the target, it is necessary to take into account the trajectory of the Red Planet. Otherwise, a mistake can be very costly.

List of the most important space missions

November 28, 1964 became significant date in the history of flights to Mars. After all, it was on this day that the American NASA spacecraft Mariner 4 set off for the “Red Planet”. The unit arrived at the study site on July 14, 1965. It was then that the first series of photographs of Mars was taken, consisting of 21 photos. It is noteworthy that the total flight time was 228 days.

No less successful was the flight of Mariner 6, which set off on February 25, 1969 to conquer the Martian expanses. The duration of the trip was 156 days.

But the next spacecraft, Mariner 7, needed 131 days to achieve the goal.

The flight duration of the Mariner 9 spacecraft, which successfully entered Mars orbit, was 167 days.

Viking 1 is the first spacecraft to land on the surface of the Red Planet. This happened in 1975, and the total flight duration is 304 days.

Mars exploration has continued at a similar pace for 50 years. Each space journey takes from 150 to 350 days. For example, in 2006, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter flight took place, which lasted 210 days. And in 2008, Phoenix Lander returned to Earth in 295 days.

Is it possible to fly to Mars at the speed of light?

Most likely, this question came to your mind while reading the article. Let us recall that this value is 299,792 km per second or 1 billion kilometers per hour. And this means that Sun rays reflected from the surface of Mars will reach our planet:

  • with the “opposition” – for 3 minutes;
  • at an average distance - within 12.5-13 minutes;
  • at minimum approach - about 22 minutes.

Since there is no other limit to the speed at which earthlings can travel than the speed of light, let's imagine that we still managed to avoid the problems associated with the construction of ultra-high-speed rockets and spaceships. However, in this case, we are faced with a much more serious problem. The fact is that the human body, consisting mainly of water, is not ready for such serious tests of speed.

And even if humanity discovers a physical law that can give us such acceleration, it is necessary to understand that we will have to quickly pick up speed and just as quickly reduce it. And such fluctuations pose a mortal danger to the fragile human body. The following symptoms may occur: fainting, partial or complete loss of vision and other symptoms. Many of them are familiar to airline pilots. Moreover, there are even known fatal cases where pilots crashed due to a black veil before their eyes or loss of consciousness.

How to get to the planet with minimal fuel consumption

The primary task facing engineers is not reducing the time spent in intergalactic space, but saving fuel. NASA engineers have been using a method called the Homan trajectory for decades. This method implies minimal fuel consumption. To begin with, engineers launch a rocket or satellite into solar orbit.

After some time, the orbit intersects with the orbit of the “Red Planet” and it ends up at the desired point in its orbit. Of course, before launching the satellite, it is necessary to make serious calculations in order to correctly calculate the speed of movement of Mars.

How to fly faster

Unfortunately, a flight lasting 250 days poses a serious danger to astronauts. During the flight they will be constantly exposed to background radiation. In addition, storms occur on the Sun. Such a phenomenon can kill all crew members within a few hours of being in outer space.

One of the solutions that engineers see is the production of nuclear missiles. It is on such devices that the first people will go to Mars.

This is interesting: At the moment, some world-famous scientists believe that if you equip a spacecraft with an engine powered by nuclear energy, it will be possible to reduce the duration of the trip to Mars by up to 39 days.

Currently, former astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz is developing another technology that will allow people to travel the distance from Earth to Mars relatively quickly. If he manages to introduce variable-momentum magnetic-plasma rockets, space travel to the “Red Planet” will last 5 months.

How many years will it take for man to set foot on Mars?

In 2013, it became known about the new Mars One project, which would launch the first spacecraft with passengers on board in 2026. And although about 200 thousand residents expressed a desire to participate in such an important expedition for earthlings, after several qualifying rounds there will be no more than 20 of them left. It is known that everything that happens on the territory of the planet, which is a lifeless desert, will be broadcast online.

Responsibility for the technical base of the project rests with Lockheed. It was she who developed the lander for the NASA satellite that landed on Mars in 2008. It is known that in this case the flight to the fourth planet from the Sun will take 7-8 months.

This is interesting: About a quarter of the candidates who have expressed a desire to go to Mars are Americans; residents of Russia and other CIS countries make up only 4%.

Elon Musk's plans to populate the "Red Planet"

The head of the world famous company Tesla and SpaceX has similar plans. However, he stated that the first people will land on Mars in 2024. His project is large-scale. After all, he set a serious task for the engineers - to build a spaceship that could simultaneously accommodate 200 people and transport 450 tons of cargo.

Of course, the pioneers will have the great honor of becoming the first people to set foot on the surface of Mars. However, they should not be envied.

What difficulties await a manned expedition:

  1. Experts believe that the hardest thing for crew members will be in a psychological sense. Unfortunately, little has been studied so far about the processes that occur in the central nervous system in the absence of contacts with loved ones.

    On a note: Previously, Russia conducted the Mars-500 project, during which six volunteers were locked in a confined space for 500 days. Russian scientists built a prototype spacecraft especially for the experiment. As a result, many of the people were diagnosed with various sleep disorders and depression.

  2. Representatives of the mission will need to constantly maintain their body in good physical shape. The fact is that in space, muscles, bones and even the cardiovascular system of the human body function differently. To maintain their function, you should exercise every day for 2-3 hours.
  3. Many people who live as if on autopilot, thinking only about their daily affairs and problems, do not even pay attention to what surrounds us: the sun's rays, clouds, stars in the night sky and... fresh air. Unfortunately, members of the space crew who will have the opportunity to visit Mars will be deprived of such happiness. The fact is that the atmosphere on the “Red Planet” is very rarefied (about 1% of the Earth’s). More than 95% of it consists of carbon dioxide with a small amount of oxygen.
  4. It is known that before each mission to Mars, all rovers are thoroughly wiped down and disinfected. Such measures are necessary to prevent infection from Earth from reaching the surface of Mars. But if an astronaut becomes infected with an unknown disease on the Red Planet, unfortunately, we will not be able to take him back. Such a tough and even a little ruthless measure is necessary in order to prevent the development of an unprecedented infection and not provoke an outbreak of an epidemic on Earth. Alas, the sick astronaut is destined to die far from family and friends.
  5. People who dream of offspring are better off not leaving the Earth and not going to Mars. Since scientists do not yet know how pregnancy will proceed and labor activity in Martian conditions. Are mutations possible?
  6. Gravity is painful. It is known that on the territory of Mars the gravity is two-thirds less than on Earth. A person gets used to everything - both good and bad. During adaptation to the Martian gravity, a process of muscle and skeletal systems. Therefore, returning home - to their home Planet - will cause crew members not only tears of joy, but also true physical torment.
  7. Perhaps one of the most serious dangers that awaits the Mars expedition is radiation. The fact is that there is no magnetic field on the “Red Planet”, so every time you go to its rusty brick surface you will be exposed to radioactive radiation.

Now you know how far Mars is from our Planet, and how long it will take to get into orbit. Of course, due to the overpopulation of the Earth, humanity will be forced to look for new “promised lands” for its further existence. However, for now, the expedition to the “Red Planet” is being carried out to study the features of Mars and its differences from our habitat. Since the “Fire Star” to this day is a little-studied object of intergalactic space.

Mars The World That Wasn't There

In the video you will learn about what hypotheses scientists are building about the origin of Mars. What was this cold and lifeless desert like before? Is there water there, and is the planet suitable for settlement?

From Earth to Mars in 4 minutes. 19 sec.

In this video you will see the rover flying to Mars. It landed on a lifeless planet exactly 229 days after launch. You will see a flight to Mars at the speed of light.

Mars Red Planet

Humanity has known about Mars since the times of ancient civilizations. Even the ancient Chinese called the planet “Fire Star”. But despite the fact that Mars has been studied for a long time and despite dozens of aircraft sent into its orbit, people have not been able to learn most of the secrets hiding “under the veil” of Earth’s cosmic brother.