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“Christmas bells” (master class). Do-it-yourself New Year's bells: how and what to make from Do-it-yourself New Year's bells

During the New Year's Eve, children get a lot of pleasure from preparing for the holiday. At this time, you and your child can make a craft from colored paper. Snowflakes, garlands and Christmas trees are undoubtedly loved by everyone, but you can try to do something new. For example, do-it-yourself paper bells. They turn out bright and beautiful. They can even be used to decorate the Christmas tree New Year.


  • colored paper;
  • thick thread - 30 cm;
  • beads (red, green) – 12 pcs.;
  • glue.

Instructions for use

We cut out several circles from red colored paper, the diameter is 1 cm. We make two leaves of any shape from green paper. We will need these elements to decorate the bells.

We cut out two circles with a diameter of 8 cm from yellow colored paper. They will serve as the basis for New Year's bells.

We take a thread 15 cm long. We collect several beads on each edge. We tie knots so that the beads do not jump off. We cut off the excess. For the second bell we make the same preparation. The bell tongues are ready!

Roll up the yellow circle into a ball. We put a cord with beads inside. We position it so that a small loop peeks out from the top edge. Glue the bell with glue.

At the base we glue a leaf and a berry.

Decoupage(from the French découper - “to cut out”) is a way of decorating objects by gluing on them various motifs or images cut out of paper and suitable to the artist’s artistic intent. Using the decoupage technique, you can create things of stunning beauty! It could be something completely new - for example, Christmas toys in the form of a bell plastic bottle. Having created such a thing yourself, you can present it to friends and family as an interesting gift.

Materials and tools

1. Preparing the mold for the toy

From any plastic bottle (carbonated drink, milk, etc.) we cut off the top part about 14-15 cm long with scissors.

2. Preparing the surface for decoupage.

It is better to degrease the surface of the bottle before starting work. Simply wipe with a cloth or napkin, sprinkling the surface with any alcohol-containing substance (both vodka and glass washing liquid are suitable). After this, apply acrylic primer in two layers. After applying each layer, dry thoroughly. You can speed up this process with a hair dryer.

The first layer of primer can be applied with a wide flat brush, and the second layer can be applied using tamping movements with a regular dishwashing sponge. After drying, the primer can be sanded with sandpaper, after which another layer of primer can be applied, so we will achieve greater smoothness.

3.Coloring with background color.

After the soil has dried, we cover our form. acrylic paint background color (for us it is blue). Apply two layers, allowing each layer to dry.

4.Preparing napkins.

We cut out the desired motifs from decoupage napkins. Separate the excess layers of paper.

Note! Typically, decoupage napkins are two- or three-layer. For gluing, we only need the topmost, colorful layer of the napkin.

5. Gluing the napkin.

We apply the top layer of the napkin to the place where, according to our plan, the design should be located and coat the top with decoupage glue from the center to the edges. Let it dry. The glue saturates the napkin and the image is firmly fixed on the jar.

Note! This gluing method, the simplest, is suitable for decorating small surfaces and gluing small design elements. For gluing large surfaces, the most commonly used method is transferring a napkin to the surface through a plastic film.

6. Protective varnish coating.

To protect the surface, apply acrylic varnish.

7. Additional decor.

We dip the bottom edge of the bottle into a prepared container with boiled salt to give an edge in the form of frost.

Nowadays, hand-made products are becoming more and more popular. This applies to jewelry, souvenirs, and any accessories and gifts. Winter came? Are you preparing for the upcoming holidays? Make your own New Year's bells. They look beautiful on the Christmas tree, on the wall, door and just anywhere in the interior. Things made with love will be an excellent gift for friends, family and friends.

Below is a list of what a New Year's bell can be made from:

  • from beads;
  • thread;
  • fabrics;
  • paper;
  • plastic cup.

Accordingly, different processing techniques are used:

  • Weaving.
  • Sewing.
  • Knitting.
  • Application.
  • Decoupage.
  • Stained glass.
  • Quilling.

It is worth noting that the completed souvenir can be either completely voluminous, embossed or flat. All decorations will take their rightful place on the Christmas tree or other place in the festive interior.

Materials and tools

If you decide to make New Year's bells with your own hands in different techniques, then the set of necessary funds will be required differently. The list, organized by group, is presented below.

To sew a souvenir, prepare this:

  • textile;
  • patterns;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • threads with a needle;
  • sewing machine

For the decoupage technique you will need the following:

  • The base is made of papier-mâché or a plastic cup.
  • Primer (acrylic white).
  • Sponge (sponge).
  • Napkins with thematic designs, or decoupage cards.
  • Brush.
  • Acrylic paints for applying additional patterns.
  • Stencils (optional).
  • Clear nail polish.

For beading you only need to prepare:

  • beads;
  • fishing line or wire;
  • thin needle.

To work with paper you need:

  • pencil;
  • designer decorative sheets;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

To knit a bell, just take a hook and yarn of the corresponding numbers. For quilling, in addition to the listed tools for processing paper and the sheets themselves, you will need a cutter (it is more convenient for them to prepare even, identical strips) and a torsion device (special or improvised, such as a toothpick or knitting needle).

The same additional decor can be used for all methods:

  • satin ribbons;
  • bows;
  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • tinsel;
  • snowflakes, paper stars made with a figured hole punch.

Papier-mâché or plastic cup decoration

A New Year's toy (a bell or a whole garland of them) can be made using an existing base or from scratch. Most often, ordinary plastic disposable cups are used as a blank. They have a similar shape and are easy to decorate different ways.

If you do not have the required quantity of plastic containers, you can use an alternative method - make blanks from papier-mâché. The point of the work is that small pieces of thin paper prepared in advance are glued onto the existing form (you will definitely have one glass or a purchased bell) in layers, with the previous layer having been pre-dried. Regular office sheets, magazine sheets and even newspaper sheets will do. For gluing, you can use PVA or prepared paste. The base should be pre-wrapped with cling film to make the “shell” made easier to remove.

Sew a toy

It’s easy to make your own New Year’s bells from leftover fabric that every needlewoman has in her closet. The product can be double-sided and fully voluminous. For the first option, the pattern will simply be the shape of a bell; in the second case, several parts will be required for the bottom, side surface and top. You can develop templates yourself. The sewing process itself is not particularly difficult:

  1. The parts are sewn together on the wrong side, leaving a hole for turning inside out.
  2. Afterwards this operation is performed directly.
  3. The resulting form is filled with holofiber or other material.
  4. The hole is sutured.
  5. The souvenir is decorated.

New Year's bell made of beads

Such a souvenir can be either flat or voluminous. Usually they do the second option. It looks much more impressive. Both openwork and continuous weaving are used.

The simplest option is done like this:

  1. Make a triangle out of wire by first collecting, for example, 12 beads, and in the last row only 2 (it all depends on the number of rows and, accordingly, the size of the bell).
  2. Continue to make the same shape on the same wire only in the opposite direction (mirror), starting with 2 beads and ending with 12.
  3. Bend the resulting “bow” in half.
  4. Weave the sides into one piece.

From several such blanks, connected into a single whole, you will get a more voluminous bell. Complex options, openwork and patterned, are woven in a circle using special patterns.

Crochet New Year's bells

Such products can be, just like beaded ones, solid or openwork. The latter look much more attractive. Knitting is done in a circle - from the top of the bell, where the tongue and pendant are attached, downwards.

The shape is obtained by evenly distributing additional loops and cuts throughout the ring. Openwork decorations should be knitted according to a special pattern with careful counting of the pattern loops.

As you can see, you can make New Year's bells with your own hands in different ways. WITH simple options even a child can handle it. Complex but beautiful ones will require the help of an adult. In a word, there are opportunities for creativity for everyone: for those who love to sew, knit, weave with beads, do decoupage, stained glass or appliqué.

Alena Turyeva

A wonderful and long-awaited New Year holiday! Children and adults are looking forward to it, with that sweet feeling with which children wait for gifts and fun. If you decide to prepare original DIY Christmas crafts, then start right now - time runs forward without looking back, 2017 will come very soon.

Bells or balls! That's what they told us at school. For the New Year, both in schools and kindergartens, parents make New Year's crafts. Just like we did last year New Year's ball , then in this we decided to do bells. The idea of ​​how to do it came immediately. I made the ball out of thread and bells I decided to do it using the same technique.

So. will do bells made of threads(you can use floss). They will be elegant, airy, bright and will decorate your home interior for... New Year. To work for us will be needed: a sheet of whatman paper (wallpaper or the like), scissors, office glue (PVA glue, hot melt adhesive (you can replace it with any other glue), cling film, skein blue thread(you can use any color, ribbon (depending on what kind of bow you want, wide and thin braid, ready-made bows (you can make it yourself, New Year's beads(determine the size yourself, decorative ornaments optional, tape, a plastic cup.

Take a sheet of cardboard or wallpaper (depending on what you have on hand) and make two frames in the form of a cone. Secure with tape.

To prevent the glue from sticking to the paper, we wrap the cones with cling film.

To prevent the cone from bending, I stuffed it with wallpaper scraps.

Now we take a plastic cup and make two holes at the bottom and thread a thread through it. Pour office glue into a glass.

It turns out that there will be glue along with the thread. We wind the thread around our cone.

One cone is ready, take the next one. Let the cones dry (I placed it near the battery)

When the threads have stuck together and dried, we remove them from the frame. We remove it carefully, as if breaking out the frame. We got two cones from thread.

It's time to decorate. Along the edges of the cone we glue a wide band with hot glue.

Then we take a thin braid and glue it a little higher.

Here's how I did it. Take the second cone and do the same.

Next decoration - New Year's beads(I had them in silver). Cut it and glue it onto a cone in the shape of a ball.

Decorate with bows. I bought them at the store.

To make it bells they need to be connected to each other. We thread a thin braid through the hole and tie a knot, fixing it with glue.

This is what happens

Let's make a bow. We take a ribbon and glue thin tinsel along the edges.

We tie a bow and in the middle of it we make another bow from a wide braid.

Glue it in the middle of the resulting bow New Year's beads in the shape of a ball. We tie the cones and tie a bow to them. Here are my most beautiful ones ready bells!

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