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Oil e for eyelashes. Which oil is the most effective and beneficial for eyelash growth? Linseed oil for eyelashes

Oil is The best way make your eyelashes lush, long and healthy without constant spending on salon procedures. But which tool is better to give preference to?

Which oil is best?

Any essential oil pure form can damage your eyelashes. But when mixed with various ingredients, this remedy gains its strength.

The complementary component is selected, depending on what effect the woman expects from using the oil.

To determine which remedy is best, you can only try.

Strengthening the roots

For this purpose, the following oils are widely used:

  1. Castor. This ingredient effectively thickens the hairs, enhances their growth and makes them darker for a fairly low cost. Among the shortcomings castor oil you can distinguish a peculiar smell, density, persistence and possible irritation if it gets into the eyes.
  2. Coconut. The oil has a pleasant aroma, gives the eyelashes shine and strengthens the hair follicles. It must be purchased with extreme caution, as the preservatives included in the composition can harm the hairs.
  3. Linen. This cold-pressed oil contains a large amount of vitamins (F, A, B, E, K) and trace elements that are able to regenerate even the most damaged hairs, make their shape better and neater. The only drawback of this component is its rather sharp and unpleasant odor.
  4. Argan. This oil perfectly moisturizes the eyelashes, and the fatty acids present in the composition have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles and eyelid skin.

Enhancement of eyelash growth

To accelerate hair growth, the following components are best suited:

  1. Fish fat. Available for purchase component with a composition rich in useful substances. Fish oil makes hair thicker and stronger, but, like many other remedies, it has a strong peculiar smell.
  2. Rosemary oil. It is able to start the growth of all the "sleeping" bulbs and give the eyelashes shine. But when applied, careless movement can burn the skin around the eyes.
  3. Cinnamon oil. This fragrant remedy is considered the most effective for eyelash growth. But if used improperly, the product can cause a burn. And to avoid a sudden reaction of the body to cosmetic product, it is better to pre-test for allergies in the crook of the elbow.

Strengthening hairs

The following oils will help to make eyelashes stronger and prevent their fragility:

  1. Olive, cold pressed. The product contains a large amount of vitamins (A, E, D) and trace elements, has long term suitability and easy to apply. Find it quality oil quite difficult, but still possible. It can make eyelashes thicker and thicker, their shape is better, as it has a growth-stimulating effect.
  2. Sea buckthorn. Thickens and nourishes eyelashes, strengthens the bulbs, makes them shiny and moisturized. When choosing this product, you need to be careful not to run into a fake. It is better to buy it in pharmacies.
  3. Geranium. The tool restores the structure of the hairs, nourishes their roots, gives them a natural shine and fights inflammation. Unfortunately, finding a remedy in pharmacies is incredibly difficult.
  4. Camphor. Macro- and microelements in the composition of the product effectively nourish and restore the structure of the hairs. Camphor oil is a proven remedy that fights against the loss of eyelashes. Best of all manifests itself in combination with burdock or castor oil.
  5. Almond. The vitamins, proteins, amino acids and glycerides in its composition make the eyelashes elastic and shiny. The hairs are rejuvenated, and their growth increases. And the healing formula, applied to the eyelid, nourishes the skin and awakens the “sleeping” bulbs. Refuse this remedy is only for women with oily skin type. Almond oil is present in almost all medicinal professional cosmetics for eyelashes.

The effect of constant use

It is impossible to answer the question of which eyelash oil is better, but it can be argued that with regular use of the products, the effect will be as follows:

  • the hairs will become denser, and their color more saturated;
  • eyelashes will look thicker, shiny and well-groomed;
  • reduce fragility;
  • the look will become much more expressive.

Thanks to oils, the thinnest protective film is formed on the hairs, which visually makes the eyelashes larger. Which oil is best? Either will be useful if used properly.


Thinking about buying eyelash oil, you need to decide which one is better to choose. The price of the product always directly depends on the composition. If the component is not rare (orange, burdock, castor bean), then its cost should be low.

The essence of the cosmetics market lies in the fact that any expensive product always corresponds to some cheap analogue. So, for example, you can safely replace Argan oil with an alternative from Macadamia, saving an average of 250 rubles.

What is the best eyelash growth product?

The main problem of most women is the decrease in the density and fragility of eyelashes. The occurrence of these factors directly depends on the environment, cosmetics used, procedures for building up and diseases of the body. The hairs become brittle, and their structure porous. When used correctly, the remedy allows you to restore the health of the eyelashes, make them better shape and start the growth of new hairs.

In addition to the previously mentioned eyelash growth products, the following oils are recognized as the most useful:

  1. Burdock. It contains proteins, tannins, minerals and natural inulin, which compact the scales of the hairs, bonding them to each other as much as possible. Another miraculous property of burdock oil is its fight against toxins, due to which the skin around the eyes becomes healthier. There is practically no allergy to it, but it is still worth doing a test on the bend of the elbow.
  2. Peach. This hypoallergenic product with a pleasant aroma not only restores damaged hairs, but also prevents their loss. Masks with the use of this oil should be applied not only to the eyelashes, but also to the skin of the eyelids, because it has a rejuvenating and anti-fatigue effect.
  3. Wheat germ. This thick consistency product glides on easily on lashes and is a rich source of vitamins.
  4. Jojoba. Rich in amino acids and proteins, the product is used in combination with other formulations. It gently strengthens the cuticles, moisturizes and protects the cilia. There are simply no analogues to this oil.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which oil is better, since the remedy has an individual effect on a different organism.

Complex means

When choosing a branded eyelash oil, you can find out which one is better from user reviews. Below are the most famous brands of cosmetics. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better, since many are highly effective, but quite allergic, and some are hypoallergenic, but at the same time they show results only months after regular use.


The Lor product is very popular, which takes into account all the needs of women and offers them three types of funds. Nourishing oil is designed to strengthen the bulbs and restore the structure of the hairs, prophylactic - for the growth of eyelashes and healing the skin of the eyelids, tinting - to give color.


The next most popular product is Vereya. The product contains grape seeds, burdock extract, castor, almond, rose and wheat germ oil. This tool can be safely used to remove eye makeup while nourishing and restoring eyelashes. To do this, it is enough to apply it on the hairs for only 5 minutes.


The composition of the product includes castor and sea buckthorn oil with vitamins B5 and A. The result of using this product will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. The hairs become stronger, the “sleeping” bulbs awaken, the density and shine of the eyelashes increase.

The tool is easy to apply, thanks to the consistency and curved brush. Before going to bed, according to the recommendations of users, the oil must be washed off, otherwise in the morning you may encounter the phenomenon of oily eyelashes.


it best oil for eyelashes, stimulating their growth. With regular use, “sleeping” bulbs are activated, the hairs become more elastic and shiny, an additional row of eyelashes appears.

Due to this property, a “building effect” is created. The tool has a relatively low cost, which is an extra plus in its favor.

When choosing an oil for eyelashes, you need to know which is best for an individual woman, what is included in its composition and whether there are contraindications. But it is better to draw conclusions after using several means.

The article has been verified by a beauty blogger. @lil4olga, on Instagram since 2016.

Probably every woman in the world knows that one of the main secrets of a mysterious and expressive look that can captivate any man is long and thick eyelashes. "Clap your eyelashes and take off!" - so it is sung in a famous song. However, in reality, in order for your own cilia to really reach such a dizzying length and volume, you need to make a lot of effort.

Eyelash care at home

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, the poor ecology of megacities and the daily use of mascara, paint, curling irons and other equally harmful tools undermine the health and beauty of our eyelashes over and over again.

Eyelashes become thin, brittle, often crumble and seem to even begin to lose their natural color. In order to preserve and increase the beauty, as well as maintain their healthy and blooming appearance, cosmetologists around the world advise using oil for eyelash growth.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rightfully well known as the best oil for eyelash growth. It is able to act on the root structure of the eyelashes and stimulate their growth. The oil also contains in its composition many useful vitamins that have a positive effect on their structure, strengthening and restoring the cilia. Castor oil helps the growth of eyelashes, and is also able to smooth mimic wrinkles on the eyelids and whiten small age spots.

However, despite the many useful qualities and the huge number of laudatory comments written about this oil for eyelash growth, reviews also indicate that it can cause an allergic reaction, swelling on the eyelids, and in some cases lead to eyelash loss. . To prevent such negative effects, it is often recommended to mix castor oil with burdock or olive oil.

Burr oil

Another well-known and popular remedy for growing eyelashes is burdock oil. It, like castor oil, contains many vitamins, minerals and tannins, as well as fatty and essential oils that have a beneficial effect on our eyelashes. With the help of castor oil, you can even remove makeup and make firming masks and lotions.

In addition, burdock oil has a positive effect on the structure and promotes the growth of not only eyelashes, but also hair. Thus, it would be a great option to simply apply this oil to your lashes as a mask while washing your hair.

Almond oil

Almond oil for eyelash growth can also be a good alternative to expensive commercial products. It contains in its composition a large percentage of vitamins such as F and E, which contribute to the strengthening and growth of eyelashes and hair. Almond oil also contains essential oils, oleic and linoleic acids, glycerin and a number of other components that are no less useful and important for eyelash health. Thus, this tool can make your cilia smooth and elastic, saturate them with moisture and stop premature aging.

Among other things, almond oil for eyelash growth is absolutely hyperallergenic and has no contraindications for use.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil, well known since childhood, can also prove to be a good fighter for the health and beauty of your eyelashes. This product has two directions for action: firstly, the oil nourishes and softens the eyelashes, and secondly, it makes them much thicker and promotes accelerated growth.

With regular use, this eyelash growth oil strengthens well, helps stop their loss and restores damaged ones. In addition, like almond oil, sea buckthorn oil does not cause allergic reactions.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a well-known remedy that every self-respecting housewife has in the kitchen. His beneficial features known for a long time, and even the famous Marilyn Monroe used olive oil as the most effective mask for face. Despite the general availability and democratic prices, such a product is also able to have a beneficial effect on your eyelashes.

Numerous studies have shown that with regular use, this oil can enhance the growth and nutrition of eyelashes, making them more fluffy and soft. However, in most cases, olive oil is still considered a rather delicate preparation, which is recommended to be mixed with other oils to enhance the effect.

Recipes for mixtures of oils for eyelash growth

Since it is definitely impossible to answer the question of which oil for eyelash growth can rightfully be considered the best, we recommend trying to use mixtures of several oils for daily care. Various mixtures of nourishing oils are not only the most effective, but also the most natural and cheapest means for eyelash care.

There are many various options mixtures of several oils. For example, you can use 2 teaspoons of castor oil, 3 teaspoons of burdock and 1 teaspoon almond oil. Such a mixture will stimulate the growth of eyelashes, in addition, it will help them maintain their firmness and elasticity.

In order to simply strengthen and improve your own cilia, you can mix 3 teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil and 2 teaspoons of almond oil, add liquid vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and 0.5 teaspoons of glycerin to this mixture. This composition can be applied to the eyelashes daily or make masks with it for 15-20 minutes once or twice a week.

To make a real salvation serum for your eyelashes at home does not take a lot of money and time. You only need:

  • a bottle of oil from a pharmacy (approximate cost 40-50 rubles);
  • old empty mascara bottle (free).

It remains only to carefully pour the mixture of oils for eyelash growth into a cleanly washed package, and you can start using it! It is best to apply the oil daily before bed. During the night, the cilia will have time to get all the substances they need, and in the morning you can wash off the remaining oil and apply your favorite mascara.

Professional eyelash care

Of course, the daily use of natural oils can bring a lot of different positive results. This will not only help strengthen and enhance the growth of cilia, but also solve many other problems. However, it must be understood that waiting for a positive result with such home care possible only after 6-12 months of daily use.

For those ladies who do not want or for some reason simply cannot afford to wait so long, it is better to pay attention to professional cosmetic products for the health of eyelashes.

Eyelash Growth Oil Gemene

One such eyelash growth stimulant is Gemene Eyelash Growth Oil. This drug was created on the basis of a whole database of bioactive components that act on the eyelash bulbs and contribute to their accelerated growth.

Among other things, the product contains physalis, which is considered one of the most powerful natural growth stimulants, castor, peach and almond oils and vitamin A. All these components also have a beneficial effect on eyelashes, preventing them from falling out and restoring their structure.

Oil for eyebrows and eyelashes DNC

Another product created by the DNC eyelash brand is DNC Eyelash Growth Oil. This product, unlike its predecessor, is softer and more gentle. It is designed not only to stimulate the growth of eyelashes, but is also great for eyebrows.

The composition of this product includes vitamins D and E, glucose, starch, polysaccharides, essential oils, eleutherococcus, pectins and trace elements. All this together can increase the release of the natural pigment of the eyelashes, which can restore and somewhat darken the natural color of your cilia. In addition, the vitamins contained in the oil tone and fill the bulbs with nutrients, which, in turn, contributes to the rapid and proper growth even hairs.

This oil, like serum, should be applied to the entire length of the cilia in the evening and left on the hairs all night. It is recommended to use such eyelash growth products in courses. After 2-3 months of daily use, it is necessary to take a break for a month in order to allow the eyelashes to renew themselves.

Homemade oils, like professional tools for eyelashes, largely contribute to their growth and restoration. With the right choice of preparation, you can not only keep your natural data in excellent shape, but also grow stunning eyelashes, far exceeding the current results in length and volume.

However, in pursuit of length and volume, one should not forget about one more thing. important rule- daily care. You can use expensive drugs as much as you like, apply oils and make masks, but if these actions are only episodic, then there can be no talk of any positive results.

In addition, in order to achieve eyelash growth, you also need to constantly take care of them. And this care is not limited to the application of serum. First, you need to try to minimize the use of mascara and eyelash primer. Let these funds be your only option. Try also to give your cilia a rest and arrange for them “days without makeup”.

Secondly, it is necessary to carry out make-up removal as carefully as possible. To do this, use special washes for the eyes, giving preference to two-phase products. Try not to rub your eyes too hard to avoid physical injury to your eyelashes.

Thirdly, make lotions and eye masks as often as possible. Even ordinary cotton pads soaked in tea decoction can strengthen and significantly improve your eyelashes. In addition, these lotions have an impact on the health of your eyes, relieving fatigue and inflammation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that only correctly selected means and daily care will allow your eyelashes to become long, strong and truly charming. Love and cherish your lashes and they will surely love you back!

What girl does not want to have beautiful, thick and lush eyelashes? After all, it is they who give the female gaze that very seductiveness and magical depth that is impossible to resist!

But, as usual, not all young ladies are satisfied with the look of their eyelashes - someone lacks length, someone lacks volume, and someone complains about their loss or not enough black color. Fortunately, building up is not the only way out of the situation! With due diligence, some of the problems can be eliminated with the help of ordinary natural and essential oils. Believe me, regular oil masks can change eyelashes beyond recognition, turning them into a luxurious fan! Moreover, most eyelash oils are multifunctional and allow you to solve several problems at the same time.

How to apply eyelash oil

The eye area is the most delicate on the face, therefore, when applying oil to the eyelashes, you need to be very neat and try not to get on the mucous membrane. Professionals advise to process the hairs starting from the tips to allow the oil to gradually drain to the base of the cilia. If there are lenses, it is better to remove them.

Do not scoop up too much - excess oil can cause swelling and redness of the eyes. And even more so, do not leave it on the eyelashes at night, so as not to be surprised by puffiness in the morning. It is quite enough to hold the oil mask for one to two hours. The procedure is recommended to be done in the evenings.

Can be used for application cotton swab, but it is most convenient to use a thoroughly washed and dried brush from an old carcass - this way the oil can be more evenly distributed over the hairs, gently combing each of them.

And in order for the mask to work more effectively, you should first slightly warm the portion natural oil on a steam bath or in a container of hot water.

And, of course, before cajoling, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face of makeup.

Important nuances

Allergy sufferers and girls with sensitive skin it is better to choose pure oil without extraneous additives, and before the first use try it on your wrist.

Be sure to check before buying best before date and do not ignore the instruction - it contains useful information how to properly store the product, and a list possible contraindications.

If the goal is to strengthen eyelashes or accelerate their growth, it is recommended to do this in courses of 10-15 masks in a row, then there is a monthly break and you can repeat it again. If you just want to nourish the cilia and make them more silky and elastic, to oil masks should be used 2-3 times a week.

And to choose the right oil that will allow you to quickly get the eyelashes of your dreams, our rating of the best, compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary users, will help.

Envy your friends because they have long, thick eyelashes even without? And after this procedure, you still can’t grow your own? Don't worry, the situation can be saved.

For this, mother nature has a special product - oil for the growth of eyebrows, eyelashes, and not one, but many! And manufacturers of cosmetic products are happy to use this "development" of the flora.

But which oil helps the most? You will learn about it from our rating.

natural oils

Beauties have long been using vegetable fats to improve the growth, density of eyelashes, eyebrows. They are still successfully used at home today, they are included in the composition of various masks, balms, elixirs. But which one is the best?


Without a doubt, if not the most effective oil, then one of them. In the people it is better known as. It costs mere pennies, and the benefits for the hair are enormous.

Castor oil stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle cells, helps in the fight against diffuse loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. Another useful property is high penetrating ability. If you add other substances to castor oil, then it will deliver them to the deeper layers, to their destination. Therefore, it is chosen as a component of cosmetic, medicinal products.


This is the second most popular product that is recommended for the beauty of eyelashes.

Some women will certainly not agree that the remedy was given second place. But the fact is that it is more appreciated for hair care. In his chemical composition there are tannins that give strength to the hairs.

After applying the oil to the hair, their scales are smoothed, which makes the surface smooth.

Usma oil

Usma oil is one of the beauty secrets of Eastern women. If they are asked what oil is best to use for hair and eyelashes, then they will surely name it. This product is one of the most effective growth activators. It is considered hypoallergenic and is used even for sensitive skin.


This oil is not fatty, but essential. It warms the skin, causes the flow of blood and nutrients to the follicles. Camphor reduces brittleness and prevents hair loss. Among its advantages are antiseptic properties. Thanks to them, camphor treats seborrhea on the eyebrows, eliminates inflammation.


prevents brittleness, thinning hair, improves the nutrition of the roots.

The effect is provided by a high content of vitamin E, proteins, essential amino acids, monounsaturated fats. To obtain vegetable fat in cosmetology, only sweet almonds are used, bitter varieties are unsuitable for care, as they are poisonous.

sea ​​buckthorn

Another remedy from folk recipes, which restores the structure of the ciliary hair - from root to tip. It contains carotenoids - precursors of vitamin A. These components enhance the regeneration of multilayered epithelium, affect metabolic processes in the skin. Sea buckthorn lipids eliminate fragility of eyelashes, surface roughness.

wheat germ

Universal oil is rich in vitamin E, which is often enriched with skin care products. The skin of the eyelids under its influence becomes soft, nourished, which contributes to better growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.


Contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, P and C. The mineral complex is represented by iron, phosphorus, calcium. Thanks to these substances, the bulbs receive the necessary nutrition. Peach oil is valuable for the rapid growth of eyelashes. With regular use, changes are visible after 2 months.


It is a rich source of vitamin E, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Also, the product protects against the negative effects of decorative cosmetics. Eyelashes become soft and strong.


An exotic product is increasingly included in the composition of caring cosmetics. The proteins and amino acids contained in it restore strength to the eyelashes, add thickness and help to make them longer. It goes well with other oils - castor, sunflower, grape seed.


Walnut oil is obtained from the fruits of various plants - nutmeg and walnut, pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts. Such lipids are enriched with various vitamins and minerals. From here you can get polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty extracts of nuts help with brittleness, dryness, dullness. It is useful to apply them on the eyelids during the period of spring beriberi, after a course of antibiotics.


One of the advantages of the product is that it contains prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are included in the preparations to accelerate the growth of eyelashes. They also help protect against the harm of decorative cosmetics.


Proponents claim that already after the first applications, the hairs become thicker and stronger. And if you pass full course recovery, you can achieve the effect of false eyelashes.


Have your eyebrows thinned due to frequent plucking, become too stiff or thin? It doesn't matter if you have it on hand. linseed oil. With it, it is easier to style the hairs, to give shape and the desired position.

Branded oil blends

Often, the use of oils in their pure form is skeptical, and preference is given to finished products.

There is a healthy dose of rationalism in this, since cosmetic companies calculate the optimal composition and content of active ingredients.

What oil is suitable for eyelash care at home?


DNC Eyelash Nut Oil (Fortifying) is a blend of castor and sea buckthorn lipids, contains provitamin B5 and vitamin A. Eyelashes from serum become not only strong, but also smooth, and eyebrows retain their shape longer.

For accelerated growth

For those who want to increase the length of the eyelashes, Godefroy Growth Activator is recommended. Its action is provided by the beneficial properties of wheat germ fats, corn, castor beans, as well as vitamin E. To fully enjoy the result, 30 days are enough.


Elma - the most effective remedy for eyelashes, which can be bought from Russian manufacturer. In addition to castor, burdock oil, the composition includes extracts of nettle and milk thistle, as well as a complex of vitamins A, PP, H, E, hyaluronic acid.

Problem eyelashes

Gemene is a growth stimulator. It consists mainly of plant components - castor, peach, almond oil. Additionally, extracts of physalis, hops, calendula, lotus, as well as tocopherol are used here. Gemene takes care of problem eyelashes, strengthens their structure and gives them beauty.

Rules for applying oils

Even the best oil will not work if used incorrectly. The rules for applying funds are quite simple:

  1. Natural products often cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before the first use of the drug, a sensitivity test is carried out. Be sure to study the instructions, even if it contains only two sentences.
  2. In most cases, eyelashes are smeared with oil before going to bed.
  3. Make-up is removed from the eyes prior to application.
  4. The treatment is carried out 2 hours before bedtime, otherwise swelling may appear in the eyes in the morning.

Are eyelash and eyebrow products effective?

“I remove even waterproof cosmetics with a mixture of peach and castor oil, why eyelashes grow very quickly. And after such a wash, it is not necessary to apply a cream under the eyes - and without it, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

“I used DNC before, but I didn’t notice much effect. I switched to Elma because I wanted to slightly increase the density, and I succeeded. In addition, the mascara now lays down more evenly. In the interval between courses, the density and growth rate does not decrease.

“I never trusted growth stimulants until I experienced the drug from Gemene. In just two months, I grew long dark eyelashes. I didn't notice any side effects. The tool is used sparingly. I think girls need to remember the name of this oil.”

Pitch-black, fluffy, velvet - beautiful eyelashes are described by poetically minded citizens in this way. They do not compose odes to scanty, faded hairs on the eyelids.

You can grow beautiful eyelashes. At the same time, one must understand that most of the means will not work a miracle: the length of the hairs is programmed by the body and only a radical intervention can change it. But healthy eyelashes look more magnificent and worthy of poetic epithets.

Healthy eyelash habits

Weakened and brittle hairs will not grow better, no matter what means you use. Therefore, you need to acquire several habits that will help lengthen your eyelashes:

  • Always wash off the mascara at night, or better - immediately after returning home.
  • Massage your eyelids to improve circulation, but don't be fanatical about stretching delicate skin.
  • Change your mascara every three months to prevent bacteria from getting into your eyes and starting.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach: contact with the pillow can deform the eyelashes, making them weak and brittle.

Eyelash growth products

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is an effective and proven eyelash growth agent that stimulates hair follicles thanks to the acids in the composition.

First, let's decide how not to use it. Whatever the advice on the internet, don't put castor oil on your lashes at night. The oil irritates the mucous membrane of the eye and the delicate skin of the eyelids. Because of this, you risk getting red watery eyes and expressive eyes in the morning.

Gently apply the oil to the eyelashes with a brush. You can wash the old one from the carcass, but it’s better to order disposable ones: they don’t need to be washed and stored after use, risking staining the whole apartment with oil.

Leave the oil on for 15-45 minutes, then wash off with makeup remover. Once will not be enough. You need to apply castor oil in courses. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month before evaluating the results.

Castor oil is good on its own, but you can increase its effectiveness with the help of components that are sold in a pharmacy for just a penny or are available in almost any home.

Mask with burdock oil for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes

  • 1 teaspoon burdock oil.

Mix the oils in the container in which you will store the mask: this way you do not have to wash extra dishes. These ingredients are enough for several applications. Apply the composition to the eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.

This tool is useful to those who periodically suffer from. But you can make this mask only in the intervals between relapses of the disease - for prevention.

  • ½ teaspoon castor oil;
  • ½ teaspoon of aloe juice.

Mix oil and juice, apply to lashes for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. It is not recommended to store this composition for a long time, as aloe juice may begin to deteriorate.

Mask with calendula

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 10 g dried calendula flowers;
  • 100 ml of water.

Place the calendula flowers in a small bowl and cover with water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then cool. Measure one teaspoon of strained broth, mix with oil. Apply in the same way as the previous masks.

2. Burdock oil

Burdock oil strengthens eyelashes and accelerates their growth thanks to sitosterol and stigmasterol - vegetable stearins that stimulate the process of cell division. It should be used in the same way as castor: apply to eyelashes for 15-45 minutes, then rinse.

Burdock oil will be effective only with regular use.

3. Serums for eyelashes

These preparations usually consist of oils, herbal extracts and vitamins. In fact, these are almost the same compositions that you could make at home, but ready to use and placed in a convenient package with a brush.

Depending on the manufacturer and the volume of drugs, the price for them starts from 100 rubles. Serum from Eveline 3 in 1 will cost an average of 250 rubles. The eyelash growth stimulator from Alerana costs about 500 rubles, and the promoted Eyelash booster costs 1,500.

4. Serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

This is the most controversial item in the collection. Bimatoprost is used as a medicine for increased eye pressure. Eyelash growth is a side effect that has been actively used in cosmetology.

The essence of the action of bimatoprost is to irritate the hair follicles and stimulate blood circulation. Due to this, the growth of eyelashes does not stop when they reach the length laid down by nature. Apply such funds with a brush on the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes.

Now, on the basis of bimatoprost and similar prostaglandins, many drugs are produced under various trade names: Latisse, Careprost, Maxlash, Dreamlash, and so on. You can buy them at a pharmacy, some formulations are available only through distributors. They cost from 600 rubles.

Researches show A Retrospective Review and Observational Study of Outcomes and Safety of Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.03% for Treating Eyelash Hypotrichosis that in 27.4% of patients in the treatment of eyelash hypotrichosis with a drug containing 0.03% bimatoprost, side effects, including hyperpigmentation of the skin, itching, erythema of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. And yet, scientists have recognized such formulations as safe for long-term use and effective.

5. Gels for eyelashes

Treatment gels for growth and strengthening of eyelashes are used before or instead of traditional colored mascara. In the first case, they perform a protective function. Mascara, especially waterproof mascara, can dry out your lashes. The gel not only creates a protective barrier, but also nourishes the hairs throughout the day.

Using this tool instead of mascara will allow you to curl and fix your eyelashes, make them natural color more saturated - all this without side effects.

In terms of composition, gels, as a rule, are a light version of colored mascara with the addition of herbal extracts, ceramides and other hair-strengthening ingredients.

You can find eyelash gel in the lines of companies that produce decorative cosmetics, and in a pharmacy.

6. Vitamins

Previous funds were for external use, vitamins need to be taken orally. For eyelash growth, any complex that contains:

  • B vitamins - stimulate the activity of hair follicles.
  • Vitamin E - improves oxygen microcirculation in the vessels, improves blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Vitamin A - restores the elasticity of hairs.