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International Nowruz Day. The spring holiday of Navruz Bayram is celebrated all over the world: its traditions and customs are amazing. Why is the President of Ecuador accused of treason?

On April 1, the Moscow citywide holiday “Navruz” will be held in pavilion No. 75 of VDNKh. Guests of the spring festival will enjoy a fascinating acquaintance with history and culture different nations, festival “Cult of Pilaf”, performances of Russian pop stars and national groups.

According to the already established tradition, delegations from the CIS countries, non-CIS countries and constituent entities will take part in the Moscow citywide holiday “Navruz” Russian Federation, as well as representatives of national public organizations of the city of Moscow. Just like last year, the holiday will pass at VDNKh, which historically served not only as a showcase of the achievements of a great country, but also as a symbol of intercultural and interethnic unification.

Guests of Navruz will be treated to a fascinating introduction to the history and culture of the peoples who form an integral part of the Moscow community. According to tradition, the festival will include an exhibition-fair of national crafts and souvenirs. Everyone will be able to take part in a variety of master classes, taste the original dishes of the cuisines of the peoples of Central Asia and enjoy colorful shows national costumes.

The colorful opening ceremony of the spring festival will be attended by People's Artists of Russia Lev Leshchenko, Larisa Dolina and other Russian pop stars. All day long groups representing the culture of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Tajikistan will perform on stage. The gala concert will be hosted by National artist Russia Vladimir Berezin and famous TV presenter Dilbar Fayzieva.

This year, as part of the holiday, the festival-competition “Cult of Plov” will be held for the first time. Participants in the competition - representatives of the diaspora - will prepare various variations of this tasty and aromatic dish according to individual recipes. Participants in the culinary competition will be judged in three categories: “ Best Chef", "Best Restaurant" and "People's Choice Award". Immediately after the jury tastes the pilaf, it will be offered for sale to the public. And the winners of the competition will receive ceramic products from Alisher Nazirov, a famous ceramist, master of “Nakkosh”, participant in many world exhibitions.

Holiday program:

  • 12:00 - 20:00 - exhibition-fair of national art, crafts and traditions;
  • 14:00 - official opening of the holiday;
  • 14:00 - 16:00 - gala concert with the participation of pop stars;
  • 16:00 — award ceremony for the winners of the “Cult of Pilaf” competition;
  • 16:00 - 20:00 - continuation of the gala concert with the participation of professional and amateur national creative groups.

"Navruz" - New Year among Muslims and Turkic peoples, an ancient holiday that came to us from time immemorial. It is celebrated in many foreign countries - India, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China and others, as well as in the Russian republics - Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Dagestan.

Nowruz cannot be called religious holiday- it is rather folk and it is dedicated to the spring equinox. Usually people on this day remembered the dead, in addition, Zoroastrians on Navruz worshiped the powers of fire, which in turn was considered vital energy, thus sent to us by heaven.

Date of Navruz holiday in 2017

Every year it is the same and does not differ from previous ones, and therefore Navruz in 2017 is celebrated on March 21. Over the many years of existence of this celebration, it was either canceled or reintroduced, and even today it is celebrated only in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Turkey, and Kazakhstan. But the Arabs do not celebrate Nowruz at all. But the duration of the holiday is different in each country. In some countries it is celebrated from March 21 to 23, and in others even for 6 days, that is, from the 21st to the 27th. In these countries, Nowruz is one of the most popular holidays and is revered not only as a day of spring, but also as the New Year.

Traditions of Nowruz

According to legends, Nowruz must be spent having fun and, as is the case in many countries, it is believed that work is not allowed. On the night of the 20th to the 21st, Muslims gather with their whole family and begin their celebration. Moreover, according to popular belief, if you spend this day outside the house, you will not see it at all for the whole year, and therefore they used to try not to leave their home and have fun with their relatives. In addition to traditional sweets (shekerbura, baklava, badamburoy, gogal) and pilaf, there are seven dishes that begin with the letter “s” (sabzi, semenya, sked, sumac, sirke, etc.)

Baraat Night in 2017 - May 11

It is a holy night in Muslim culture and is celebrated in the Hijri month of Sha'ban. According to the sages, the month of Ramadan is the time to collect fruits for one’s good deeds, but Sha’ban, on the contrary, is the period when it is necessary to sow them. Days 14 and 15 are considered turning points when it is necessary to pray and fast.

Date of the holiday: Holy Night of Baraat

Every year it is different and is determined quite simply - for Muslims it is always the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban. In 2017, Baraat Night is celebrated on May 11th. This day is not only a symbol of goodness and philanthropy, but also a holiday of forgiveness of sins, correction and purification.

Traditions on Baraat Night

Muslims pray all night for the forgiveness of sins, and in the morning they perform the ritual of ablution. They prepare for this day carefully - they wash their clothes white, or simply buy new white ones, clean the house, wash everything and get rid of trash. And after the ritual of ablution, they put on clean clothes and go to breakfast, where the head of the family says a prayer. In this case, the table must be low and it is called dastarkhan. Festive dishes are usually light, they try to serve more vegetables, since intensive preparation for the month of Ramadan begins on this day.

Ramadan in 2017 - from May 27 to June 25

Ramadan is not one day, but a whole month, which Muslims sacredly honor and observe strict fasting all this time. According to all adherents of Islam, the month of Ramadan is considered one of the five pillars on which, in principle, their faith rests.

When does Ramadan start in 2017? Ramadan Bayram in 2017

As we have already said, Ramadan is the month that immediately follows the month of Shaabat. It is determined according to the phases of the moon and is the ninth month of the year. In 2017, Ramadan Bayram begins on May 27 and ends on June 25, respectively.

Ramadan traditions

Throughout the month, faithful Muslims pray and strictly fast. They try more than usual to do good deeds and cleanse themselves of filth. Moreover, in addition to abstaining from food, Muslims also refuse intimacy with their wives.

Eid al-Fitr in 2017

This is the second most important holiday for adherents of Islam. On this day, Muslims rejoice that Allah has given them the opportunity for spiritual growth - the whole month of Ramadan - and analyze the results of the past fast.

Date of Eid al-Fitr holiday

At the end of the month of Ramadan, namely on June 26, the Muslim people celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, or as it is also called Eid ul-Fitr.

Traditions of the holiday Eid al-Fitr

At the end of the fast, they throw a loud, rich and joyful holiday with no less generous treats. The holiday must be celebrated strictly in family circle, and a restaurant or cafe is not welcome. The first thing they do on this day is to put on festive clothes and go to the mosque, but only men do this, and women at this time prepare treats and the house for the celebration. After a family meal and prayer, many go to visit their family and friends, while others, accordingly, invite everyone to visit them. They also continue to give alms, sometimes this is a treat from the table, but most often it is a monetary alms. Don’t forget to visit the cemetery where relatives are buried.

Night of power and predestination (Laylatul-qadr) in 2017 - June 21

In Islam, this is the main and most powerful night, when you can ask for anything and the Almighty will fulfill it. And all because, according to legend, it was on this night that the Koran was sent down to earth, therefore, every year, according to the teachings of Muslims, Allah shows special mercy and blessing.

Date of Laylatul Qadr holiday

The date of the holiday usually varies, as it occurs ten days before the end of the month of Ramadan, and, accordingly, depends on the phase of the moon. In 2017, Laylatul Qadr is celebrated on June 21. It is worth noting that they have one peculiarity, because during this period the weather is usually good, everything is calm and not even a single star falls from the sky.

Traditions of Laylatul-qadr

It is advisable not to sleep at all or very little that night, which is what Muslims do. Free time It’s better to devote to prayer either for forgiveness or for blessing, each has its own needs. Also, if on some day a Muslim missed any prayer or prayer, he can perform it that night. It is imperative to spend time analyzing the whole year, drawing conclusions from your actions and the actions of other people. The menu on this day and the previous one should also be lighter and less greasy, since, according to them, heavy food does not draw you to the prayer mat, but makes you sleepy.

Eid al-Adha in 2017 - September 1

This is the second holiday that Muhammad commanded to celebrate and is the second largest holiday after Ramadan Bayram. It is also called the Feast of Sacrifice, Kurban Bayram, and Eid al-Adha. The holiday symbolizes absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him and approach.

Date of Eid al-Adha 2017

They remember the holiday in the month of Dhul-Hijjah on the 10th, that is, in 2017, Kurban Bayram is celebrated on September 1. All Muslims adhere to the lunar calendar, as a result of which all holidays are slightly shifted.

Traditions on Kurban Bayram

Just like on Ramadan Bayram, fasting is observed before the holiday itself, but its difference is that it lasts not 30 days, but 10. Then, at the end of it, Muslims also perform the ritual of ablution in the morning, put on clean clothes and the men go to the mosque. Moreover, no one eats anything in the morning. Also, during the day everyone goes to preach, but in the evening they slaughter the sacrificial animal and cook festive table. Killed livestock is usually eaten within the family circle and some is always left for the poor; food or money is also collected for them. In general, the holiday should take place in an atmosphere of kindness and sacrifice, and therefore whoever asks for help on this day cannot be refused.

Arafat Day in 2017 - August 31

According to legend, it was at the foot of Mount Arafat that Adam and Eve met after they were expelled from paradise. It is believed that on this day the significance and weight of actions doubles, that is, if you have done a good deed, the reward will be equivalent to the fact that you helped two people, not just one. The same applies to the bad ones, the punishment for them will be doubly stronger.

Date of Arafat Day 2017

Arafat Day is celebrated on the 9th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, in the lunar calendar used by Muslims it is the twelfth. Therefore, in 2017, Arafat Day is celebrated on August 31st.

Holiday traditions

Mostly on this day, Muslims strive to get to Mount Arafat to make a pilgrimage to holy places and, of course, to pray. Mostly believers turn to Allah for forgiveness of sins. However, we all understand that not everyone is able to get to the mountain, so those who did not succeed try to do as many good deeds as possible and pray at home.

Day of Ashura in 2017 - October 1

Ashura Day can be called a unique holiday, since at this time the Earth, the first man, heaven and angels were created. In addition, it was on this night that the Prophet Muhammad received most of his revelations.

Day of Ashura - date for 2017

According to the Muslim calendar, this is always the 10th day of the month of Muharram. At the same time, just before the holiday, fasting is observed, which lasts 2-3 days. So, in 2017, Ashura Day is celebrated on October 1st.

Holiday traditions

Since one of the prophets of Islam, Hussein, died on this day, the Day of Ashura can rather be called mourning. According to tradition, every time Muslims carry out a procession dedicated to him. Many cultural institutions try to tell visitors about the life of the prophet - these are theatrical performances, stories, songs, concerts, and so on.

Arbaeen in 2017 - November 9

This day is also dedicated to the Prophet Hussein - this is a wake that is held for 40 days of mourning after his death. This day recalls the heroism and courage of Hussein, who was able to resist the usurpers Umayds and Abbasids.

Arbaeen holiday date

From the description and meaning of the holiday, you can guess that it is celebrated on the fortieth day after the Day of Ashura. This event usually falls on the 20th day of the month of Safar, that is, in 2017 we will celebrate Arbain on November 9th.

Holiday traditions

This day is called by many one of the largest gatherings of people. Muslims in Arbain organize pilgrimages to holy places, and the most important part of the program is the reading of surahs at the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. This tradition got its name - Ziyarat; this part of the ritual also includes the obligatory decoration of the tomb and sacrifice. In addition, every self-respecting Muslim tries on this day to show his kindness and help those in need: give alms, food, money, and so on.

Miraj in 2017 - April 25

The festival of Miraj is dedicated to the dream of Muhammad, when the Archangel Gabriel ascended him to heaven. According to legend, Allah then showed him both hell and heaven, and then allowed him to appear before his throne. Also in this dream, Muhammad had the opportunity to communicate with other prophets.

Miraj holiday date

On April 25, 2017, all Muslims will celebrate Miraj. If we talk about the lunar calendar and Islamic traditions, they celebrate it on the 27th of the month of Rajab.

Holiday traditions

It is noteworthy that in different cities traditions and rituals may differ slightly. For example, in some it is customary to eat food as always, but in others, on the contrary, to abstain completely, and still others, perhaps, try to simply eat vegetable dietary dishes. However, they are united by one tradition that is observed everywhere. After sunset, in every Muslim family they set a rich table with an abundance of meat and fish dishes, and be sure to invite relatives and close friends. Hands are washed before and after the meal, and guests are given a special bowl of water to perform this ritual. Before starting dinner, Muslims say: “O Allah, bless this food and save us from hell.” But at the end: “Thanks be to Allah, who sent us food and drink and made us Muslims.” Only the head of the family and the owner of the house should start the meal, and then everyone else.

Juma holiday

Juma is a day specially designated by Allah and dedicated to the Muslim community. It is believed that on this day Adam was created, introduced into paradise, and in the future, according to Muslim prophecies, the Last Judgment will occur on Juma.

Juma holiday date

Juma does not have a clear established date, since it is the same as Sunday in our understanding. This holiday occurs on every Friday of every week.

Holiday traditions

As we have already mentioned that Juma was established in honor of the Muslim community. That is, so that all believers on this day always gather and perform Friday Juma prayer, which, in fact, is what Muslims do to this day. Also, many believe that all good deeds done on this day will be more highly valued, which means the reward will double.

Muslim New Year 2017 (Hijri New Year)

It is from this day that it begins moon calendar among Muslims. Despite many differences in terms of traditions on this holiday, they still have something in common with us. According to folk superstition As you spend the month of Muharram, the whole year will pass.

Holiday date: Muslim New Year

Muslim New Year is celebrated on the 1st Muslim month Muharram. In 2017 it is September 22. Although this holiday is considered the New Year in Islam, it is official holidays it is not included and is not marked as they do here.

Holiday traditions

As you already understand, there are no special traditions on this day. Usually a special fast is observed throughout the month - As-saum. According to the canons of Islam, eating and drinking water, various entertainments, incense, bathing, smoking and sexual intercourse are prohibited during daylight hours. At night, all prohibitions are lifted, however, many clergy do not advise allowing yourself too much.

If we compare the number of holidays of Muslims and Christians, then Muslims lose greatly here. There's not much in Islam significant dates, but New Year or Navruz refers specifically to significant dates. So, Navruz or Muslim New Year 2017: what date is it celebrated, what traditions and customs and many useful information- in the article.

“Navruz” is the name of the New Year holiday that came from Persia (modern Iran), and from the ancient Farsi language it is translated as “new day,” that is, the first day that crowns the beginning of the coming new year. In 2017, all the peoples of the Muslim world According to the astronomical calendar, it will be celebrated on March 21, on the day of the vernal equinox.

The date was assigned to this New Year's holiday in the Muslim world, first in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan. And in such countries of the former USSR as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as in some Muslim states of the Caucasus and Russia (Dagestan, Tatarstan, Azerbaijan and many others), in our time this holiday is not celebrated in its secular sense.

But in such multinational states as, for example, Kazakhstan, Navruz is still a national holiday, when, like the Christian New Year, it is celebrated by Kazakhs, Russians, Germans, and Ukrainians. Respecting the traditions of the Kazakh people, everyone treats traditions with understanding (prayers in the mosque, abstinence in accordance with the requirements of Islam, and others), the residents of Kazakhstan consider it the same native holiday as everyone else, and they also celebrate Navruz in their own way.

history of the holiday

If you turn your attention to the origins of the Muslim New Year (what date is in 2017 - you will find information at the beginning of the article), then its date will turn out to be completely different. The fact is that the Muslim calendar begins on October 3, 1438. This calendar was called “Hijra” (translated from Arabic as “migration”). And it comes on the first day of the Month of Muharram.

And the calendar is called “migration” because it is dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad to Medina from Mecca. It is from this day that the chronology of Muslims opens, when everyone gathers in mosques to hear a sermon dedicated to this event and cleanse their souls from sin with prayer. This calendar was compiled in strict accordance with the Koran, therefore every follower of Islam is obliged to strictly comply with its requirements.

It is important! Since the Hijri is based on the lunar calendar and its annual cycle, it will accordingly be 11-12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. For this reason, Navruz also falls in March. In addition, unlike all calendars of European countries, the months of the Muslim Hijri calendar do not depend on monthly seasonal work at any time of the year. Therefore, New Year's eastern calendar can start at any time of the year.

Traditionally, like all peoples, the inhabitants of the Muslim world believe that the way you spend this day, the whole year will pass. According to the Quran, the first month of the New Year is the best month for fasting after the month of Ramadan. By the way, the month of Muharram refers to the four Forbidden months, when it is forbidden to commit evil acts towards others and oneself.

Traditions celebrating Navruz

Nowadays, the New Year is celebrated, like any other holiday, solemnly, and they prepare for it long before it begins. The house is cleaned, food is prepared and relatives and friends are invited to visit. It is on this day that people try to visit parents and help loved ones in need, as well as remember deceased relatives.

Therefore, we can rightfully consider that Navruz is, rather, a secular holiday, or rather, rooted in pagan beliefs (as well as New Year holidays or Easter for Christians), and not directly related to Islamic traditions. But the main thing that is an obligatory element of the holiday is visiting the mosque and praying for cleansing from sins. Pay attention to .

In everyday life, according to ancient popular beliefs, long before the holiday, wheat or lentils are sprouted and the table is decorated with them, thereby symbolizing the beginning of both the New Year and a new life. Well, bringing cleanliness and order to the house was considered obligatory because it symbolized the purity of the inner world of the owner of the house, his thoughts, and his desires.

There should be seven products on the festive table as a gift to the Sun, who gives the future harvest. They are different among different nations, but the number is the same - seven. These days were also considered prosperous for weddings and good new beginnings. Fortune telling, belief in omens - everything is connected with this bright holiday.

So, from our article you learned what date is the Muslim New Year in 2017, and what celebration traditions exist among Muslims. In our time, this wonderful holiday has absorbed all the best traditional features, and has given people of non-Muslim nationality the opportunity to celebrate another New Year together with Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Tatars, because friendship between peoples of different nationalities and religions is alive. And it is difficult to defeat it artificially, sowing discord and scandals, inciting wars.

Navruz — National holiday Iranian and Turkic peoples, one of ancient holidays in the history of mankind. Celebrated in many Muslim countries of Western and Central Asia, in the Caucasus.

Nowruz is not a religious holiday and is more associated with folk tradition.

History of Navruz celebrations

Historians estimate its age at more than three thousand years; the birthplace of this holiday is Ancient Iran.

Translated from Farsi, Navruz means “new day” - the onset of the New Year according to solar chronology, coinciding with the spring equinox or.

Holiday names may vary depending on different countries- Novruz, Nowruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nowruz and others.

It is believed that the origin of the holiday is ancient Iranian, associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the legendary prophet Zarathushtra (spelling options - Zarathustra, Zoroaster, Zardusht). In the state of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC) and Sassanids (III-VII centuries AD), Navruz was considered the main holiday.

The ancient Greek historian Strabo wrote: “In the most ancient, ancient times and to this day, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia (Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya) gather on this day in the Fire Temple. This is the most revered holiday, when merchants close their shops, artisans stop working, everything having fun, treating each other to those drinks and foods touched by the fire."

According to legend, many legendary events took place on this day: Zarathushtra was chosen by God to bring happiness to people; the first living creature Kayumars - the First Man in Iranian mythology - was created by God from clay; the mythical king Tahmuras “sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison.”

God in the ancient Iranian religion was called Ahura Mazda (Ahura Mazda - Lord the Wise). “Goshtasp, Princess Katayun and Jamasp accepted the faith of Mazdayasna,” that is, Zoroastrianism (the religion of Ancient Iran before the advent of Islam).

The origin of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whose golden throne the rays of the sun fell on this day.

After the spread of Islam in Iran and Central Asia, Nowruz was not prohibited and was widely celebrated among the people. His rituals associated with the practice of farmers were especially popular, for example, the ritual of the first furrow - the beginning of spring sowing.

In the Middle Ages, the Muslim clergy tried in every possible way to dissociate itself from Navruz, considering it a holiday of Zoroastrians.

In 2009, Nowruz was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and on March 23, 2010, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 “International Nowruz Day.”

UN General Assembly resolution on International Day Nowruz was adopted at the initiative of Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

Navruz has been announced in a number of countries public holiday, and the Vernal Equinox Day is a day off.

In ancient times, the time of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now they have been replaced by astronomers who calculate the onset of the holiday to the minute. In 2017 the vernal equinox will occur on March 20 at 10:28 UTC.

The essence of the holiday is the solemn celebration of the astronomical New Year, which in the northern hemisphere of the Earth begins on the day of the spring equinox.

How to prepare for the celebration of Nowruz 2019

© Sputnik / Amir Isaev

About two weeks in advance, wheat or lentils are sown on the dishes. By the holiday, their green sprouts should reach 5-7 centimeters and become a table decoration, a symbol of the birth of a new life, the New Year. Closer to the holiday, the grain is sprouted again to become the basis for the holiday dish.

The onset of the New Year is preceded by symbolic rites of purification. On “Joyful Wednesday” (the last Wednesday before Nowruz), bonfires are lit on the streets of cities and villages, and people must jump over one bonfire seven times or over seven bonfires once. On the last night of the old year, it is customary to splash each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself of last year's sins.

There is a belief that with the advent of Nowruz, good angels (fereshta) descend to earth. They give people abundance and prosperity, joy and hope. But angels, according to legend, went around houses where enmity was hidden and where they forgot to tidy up for the New Year. Hence two very important rituals of Nowruz: thorough cleaning on the eve of the holiday and the need to forget hostility and quarrels. Also, on the eve of the holiday, you need to receive the blessing of parents and elders, distribute or forgive debts.

According to popular belief, on the night before the first day of the holiday, all household members had to be at home, otherwise they would have to wander in a foreign land for seven years; It was not supposed to go to visit and receive guests. The whole family, having put on new holiday clothes, gathers at the traditional table, puts out new dishes, a mirror and lights candles according to the number of family members.

These candles cannot be extinguished until they burn out completely. Everything that is put on the festive table is, in one way or another, associated with the symbolism of spring revival, fertility, prosperity, fun and joy.

Seven symbols of Nowruz 2019

In addition to numerous dishes, it necessarily contains seven items, the names of which in Persian begin with the letter "sin" ("s"): rue seeds - sipand, apple - seb, black seeds - siakhdane, wild olive - sanjid, vinegar - sirke, garlic - seer and sprouted grain - sabzi.

Another set of seven items is possible, for example, in Iran it includes a sekke - a coin; serke - vinegar; sir - garlic; sumac - spice; samanu (among other peoples sumalak) - a dish made from sprouted wheat grains; sanjed - oleaster berry; sabze - greens, flax and cereal seeds sprouted in water, symbolizing the revitalization of nature. In Afghanistan, this set includes mushrooms (somarek).

Be sure to serve on the table a large festive bread or flatbread, a bowl of water in which a green leaf should float, a bowl of rose water, fruits, nuts, almonds, fish, a rooster, milk, curdled milk, cheese, and colored eggs.

In Iran, on the festive table there must be a vessel with water in which a live fish swims, symbolizing happy life, full of activity and movement.

On the holiday, traditional pilaf is served, but the main dishes of the New Year's table everywhere remain special dishes: guja (for some peoples, halim or khalisa) and sumalak (sumalak, samanu). They are prepared only once a year, exclusively for New Year's table. Guja is made from seven types of grains with the addition of meat, which are boiled until smooth.

Halim (khalisa) is a porridge made from wheat and meat, in some peoples with the addition of peas and vegetables. Sumalak is halva made from sprouted wheat with small additions of flour and sugar. Only women prepare sumalak, and guji or halima (khalis) are prepared by men.

To prepare sumalak, all the women of the village (in cities - housemates) gather in the evening and prepare food in one common cauldron, stirring the cauldron in strict order. The prepared dishes are divided among the housewives, and each takes her portion home to her family.

As a rule, they try to serve as many different dishes and sweets as possible on the festive table. Everyone should be well-fed and happy: then the year will be prosperous and fruitful.

Gifts for Navruz 2019

© Sputnik / Stas Eotvos

In Navruz, it is not customary to lend money, so as not to deprive the house of wealth. At the same time, there was an unwritten custom on the days of the spring holiday to give people Navruz-payi - a holiday share. A tray of holiday treats is sent to neighbors and friends and is not supposed to be returned empty.

The festive ritual is not limited to the feast. On this day, children go from house to house and sing songs about Navruz, and they are given sweets. Artists perform on the streets, wits compete, songs and jokes are heard. Relatives exchange visits and give gifts.

In rural areas, after the celebration of the first day of Nowruz, field work usually begins. The first furrow is made by the most respected and oldest member of the village community. Relying on Navruz in the best possible way to feed domestic animals, planting any trees, especially chestnut, fig and mulberry, was a good deed. It is customary to visit the sick and lonely.

How many days is Navruz 2019 celebrated?

© Sputnik / Stas Eotvos

In ancient times, Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. This tradition has been preserved in Iran, where out of 13 days, the first five are dedicated to celebrating Nowruz and visiting family and friends. The ninth day is known as Shahriyaran Nowruz (Shah's Nowruz), and the thirteenth day as Sizdah-bedar ("The Thirteenth Outside the House").

On the thirteenth day of the new year, people leave their homes and go out of town, or gather in parks and gardens, where the holiday continues. They spend this day outside the house so as not to bring trouble into the house. This belief has remained since ancient times and is associated with the number thirteen.

During these unique picnics, people eat sweets and sherbet to make the year sweet and happy.

Along with traditional rituals Currently, such ritual and festive events of Navruz as festivals, competitions, mass processions, sports games and so on have received recognition.

Nowruz is a national holiday of the Iranian and Turkic peoples, one of the oldest holidays in human history. Celebrated in many Muslim countries of Western and Central Asia, in the Caucasus.

Nowruz is not a religious holiday and is more associated with folk tradition.

History of Navruz celebrations

Historians estimate its age at more than three thousand years; the birthplace of this holiday is Ancient Iran.

Translated from Farsi, Navruz means “new day” - the onset of the New Year according to solar chronology, coinciding with the vernal equinox or the astronomical beginning of spring.

The names of the holiday may vary in different countries - Novruz, Nowruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nowruz and others.

It is believed that the origin of the holiday is ancient Iranian, associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the legendary prophet Zarathushtra (spelling options - Zarathustra, Zoroaster, Zardusht). In the state of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC) and Sassanids (III-VII centuries AD), Navruz was considered the main holiday.

The ancient Greek historian Strabo wrote: “In the most ancient, ancient times and to this day, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia (Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya) gather on this day in the Fire Temple. This is the most revered holiday, when merchants close their shops, artisans stop working, everything having fun, treating each other to those drinks and foods touched by the fire."

According to legend, many legendary events took place on this day: Zarathushtra was chosen by God to bring happiness to people; the first living creature Kayumars - the First Man in Iranian mythology - was created by God from clay; the mythical king Tahmuras “sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison.”

God in the ancient Iranian religion was called Ahura Mazda (Ahura Mazda - Lord the Wise). “Goshtasp, Princess Katayun and Jamasp accepted the faith of Mazdayasna,” that is, Zoroastrianism (the religion of Ancient Iran before the advent of Islam).

The origin of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whose golden throne the rays of the sun fell on this day.

After the spread of Islam in Iran and Central Asia, Nowruz was not prohibited and was widely celebrated among the people. His rituals associated with the practice of farmers were especially popular, for example, the ritual of the first furrow - the beginning of spring sowing.

In the Middle Ages, the Muslim clergy tried in every possible way to dissociate itself from Navruz, considering it a holiday of Zoroastrians.

In 2009, Nowruz was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and on March 23, 2010, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 “International Nowruz Day.”

The UN General Assembly resolution on International Nowruz Day was adopted on the initiative of Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday, and the Vernal Equinox Day is a day off.

In ancient times, the time of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now they have been replaced by astronomers who calculate the onset of the holiday to the minute. In 2017, the spring equinox will occur on March 20 at 10:28 UTC.

The essence of the holiday is the solemn celebration of the astronomical New Year, which in the northern hemisphere of the Earth begins on the day of the spring equinox.

How to prepare for the celebration of Nowruz 2019

© Sputnik / Amir Isaev

About two weeks in advance, wheat or lentils are sown on the dishes. By the holiday, their green sprouts should reach 5-7 centimeters and become a table decoration, a symbol of the birth of a new life, the New Year. Closer to the holiday, the grain is sprouted again to become the basis for the holiday dish.

The onset of the New Year is preceded by symbolic rites of purification. On “Joyful Wednesday” (the last Wednesday before Nowruz), bonfires are lit on the streets of cities and villages, and people must jump over one bonfire seven times or over seven bonfires once. On the last night of the old year, it is customary to splash each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself of last year's sins.

There is a belief that with the advent of Nowruz, good angels (fereshta) descend to earth. They give people abundance and prosperity, joy and hope. But angels, according to legend, went around houses where enmity was hidden and where they forgot to tidy up for the New Year. Hence two very important rituals of Nowruz: thorough cleaning on the eve of the holiday and the need to forget hostility and quarrels. Also, on the eve of the holiday, you need to receive the blessing of parents and elders, distribute or forgive debts.

According to popular belief, on the night before the first day of the holiday, all household members had to be at home, otherwise they would have to wander in a foreign land for seven years; It was not supposed to go to visit and receive guests. The whole family, having put on new holiday clothes, gathers at the traditional table, puts out new dishes, a mirror and lights candles according to the number of family members.

These candles cannot be extinguished until they burn out completely. Everything that is put on the festive table is, in one way or another, associated with the symbolism of spring revival, fertility, prosperity, fun and joy.

Seven symbols of Nowruz 2019

In addition to numerous dishes, it necessarily contains seven items, the names of which in Persian begin with the letter "sin" ("s"): rue seeds - sipand, apple - seb, black seeds - siakhdane, wild olive - sanjid, vinegar - sirke, garlic - seer and sprouted grain - sabzi.

Another set of seven items is possible, for example, in Iran it includes a sekke - a coin; serke - vinegar; sir - garlic; sumac - spice; samanu (among other peoples sumalak) - a dish made from sprouted wheat grains; sanjed - oleaster berry; sabze - greens, flax and cereal seeds sprouted in water, symbolizing the revitalization of nature. In Afghanistan, this set includes mushrooms (somarek).

Be sure to serve on the table a large festive bread or flatbread, a bowl of water in which a green leaf should float, a bowl of rose water, fruits, nuts, almonds, fish, a rooster, milk, curdled milk, cheese, and colored eggs.

In Iran, the festive table must include a vessel with water in which a live fish swims, symbolizing a happy life, full of activity and movement.

On the holiday, traditional pilaf is served, but the main dishes of the New Year's table everywhere remain special dishes: guja (for some peoples, halim or khalisa) and sumalak (sumalak, samanu). They are prepared only once a year, exclusively for the New Year's table. Guja is made from seven types of grains with the addition of meat, which are boiled until smooth.

Halim (khalisa) is a porridge made from wheat and meat, in some peoples with the addition of peas and vegetables. Sumalak is halva made from sprouted wheat with small additions of flour and sugar. Only women prepare sumalak, and guji or halima (khalis) are prepared by men.

To prepare sumalak, all the women of the village (in cities - housemates) gather in the evening and prepare food in one common cauldron, stirring the cauldron in strict order. The prepared dishes are divided among the housewives, and each takes her portion home to her family.

As a rule, they try to serve as many different dishes and sweets as possible on the festive table. Everyone should be well-fed and happy: then the year will be prosperous and fruitful.

Gifts for Navruz 2019

© Sputnik / Stas Eotvos

In Navruz, it is not customary to lend money, so as not to deprive the house of wealth. At the same time, there was an unwritten custom on the days of the spring holiday to give people Navruz-payi - a holiday share. A tray of holiday treats is sent to neighbors and friends and is not supposed to be returned empty.

The festive ritual is not limited to the feast. On this day, children go from house to house and sing songs about Navruz, and they are given sweets. Artists perform on the streets, wits compete, songs and jokes are heard. Relatives exchange visits and give gifts.

In rural areas, after the celebration of the first day of Nowruz, field work usually begins. The first furrow is made by the most respected and oldest member of the village community. It was believed that Navruz was the best time to feed domestic animals; planting any trees, especially chestnut, fig and mulberry, was a good deed. It is customary to visit the sick and lonely.

How many days is Navruz 2019 celebrated?

© Sputnik / Stas Eotvos

In ancient times, Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. This tradition has been preserved in Iran, where out of 13 days, the first five are dedicated to celebrating Nowruz and visiting family and friends. The ninth day is known as Shahriyaran Nowruz (Shah's Nowruz), and the thirteenth day as Sizdah-bedar ("The Thirteenth Outside the House").

On the thirteenth day of the new year, people leave their homes and go out of town, or gather in parks and gardens, where the holiday continues. They spend this day outside the house so as not to bring trouble into the house. This belief has remained since ancient times and is associated with the number thirteen.

During these unique picnics, people eat sweets and sherbet to make the year sweet and happy.

Along with traditional rituals, such ritual and festive events of Navruz as festivals, competitions, mass processions, sports games, and so on have now gained recognition.