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Can't be! Barack Obama is divorcing his wife. Barack Obama is divorcing his wife Is it true that Obama is divorcing his wife

Western journalists have repeatedly divorced the former first couple of America. It was said that Michelle was always burdened by the status of the First Lady of the United States and was even against supporting her husband in election campaigns. But over time, Michelle tried to support her husband in every possible way and accompanied him to all important political meetings. And, looking at the married couple, not even a thought arose about possible discord, everything spoke of idyll and harmony.

What made you start talking about this now? The culprit was an ordinary selfie with a little girl taken at the airport. The American portal The Gateway Pundit noticed that Barack Obama does not wear wedding ring, and suggested that not everything is so smooth in the life of the 55-year-old politician and his 53-year-old wife.

It is worth noting that the couple have been together for 25 years. They met back in 1989, when young Barack, immediately after graduating from Columbia University, got an internship in a law office. Guess who became its leader! So the future president literally had to follow Michelle’s orders. Barack fell in love with an ambitious girl at first sight, and Michelle for a long time left his advances unanswered. But after a few months (just that!) I gave up and went on a date with the stubborn guy. Three years later, the young people got married and soon had two daughters.

The couple was actually on the verge of divorce, but even before the presidency. Michelle was exhausted by everyday life, she was annoyed by the constant absence of her husband, as well as his sloppiness. And if the youngest daughter had not fallen down with a serious illness (meningitis), Michelle might not have become the first lady of the country.


IN Lately Melania Trump makes a lot of efforts to ensure that the world considers her marriage to the US President happy. However, sensational allegations allegedly received by Monica Byrne from an anonymous source are unlikely to help her in this.

On her Twitter profile, Byrne describes herself as a novelist, artist, playwright and human rights activist. She is vehemently opposed to Trump and everything she believes he represents. Monica claims that Melania is having an affair with the head of security at the Tiffany's store located in the lobby of Trump Tower. According to the lady, it was because of him that Melania did not immediately move to Washington after her husband was elected president. It was officially reported that the president’s wife remained in New York so that their 11-year-old son Barron, who had already had a difficult time with the excitement and stress of the presidential campaign, could finish the school year in peace.

Previously former employee White House spokesman Claude Taylor tweeted that he had learned from a reliable source that the Trumps signed divorce papers but did not file them because Donald won the election.

Byrne also addressed these allegations in a series of tweets, claiming that the Trumps had to "renegotiate the deal" and that the first lady "is a prisoner of this marriage while Donald remains president."

The White House press secretary, meanwhile, officially characterized these reports as false and said that the first lady has always and fully supported and supports her husband.

A touching photo with a baby in his arms sparked rumors of discord in the family of the former president.

Western journalists have repeatedly divorced the former first couple of America. It was said that Michelle was always burdened by the status of the First Lady of the United States and was even against supporting her husband in election campaigns. But over time, Michelle tried to support her husband in every possible way and accompanied him to all important political meetings. And, looking at the married couple, not even a thought arose about possible discord, everything spoke of idyll and harmony.

What made you start talking about this now? The culprit was an ordinary selfie with a little girl taken at the airport. The American portal The Gateway Pundit noticed that Barack Obama does not wear a wedding ring, and suggested that not everything is so smooth in the life of the 55-year-old politician and his 53-year-old wife.

It is worth noting that the couple have been together for 25 years. They met back in 1989, when young Barack, immediately after graduating from Columbia University, got an internship in a law office. Guess who became its leader! So the future president literally had to follow Michelle’s orders. Barack fell in love with the ambitious girl at first sight, and Michelle left his advances unanswered for a long time. But after a few months (just that!) I gave up and went on a date with the stubborn guy. Three years later, the young people got married and soon had two daughters.

The couple was actually on the verge of divorce, but even before the presidency. Michelle was exhausted by everyday life, she was annoyed by the constant absence of her husband, as well as his sloppiness. And if the youngest daughter had not fallen down with a serious illness (meningitis), Michelle might not have become the first lady of the country.


Lately, Melania Trump has been making a lot of efforts to ensure that the world considers her marriage to the US President happy. However, sensational allegations allegedly received by Monica Byrne from an anonymous source are unlikely to help her in this.

On her Twitter profile, Byrne describes herself as a novelist, artist, playwright and human rights activist. She is vehemently opposed to Trump and everything she believes he represents. Monica claims that Melania is having an affair with the head of security at the Tiffany's store located in the lobby of Trump Tower. According to the lady, it was because of him that Melania did not immediately move to Washington after her husband was elected president. It was officially reported that the president’s wife remained in New York so that their 11-year-old son Barron, who had already had a difficult time with the excitement and stress of the presidential campaign, could finish the school year in peace.

Previously, former White House staffer Claude Taylor tweeted that he had learned from a reliable source that the Trumps signed divorce papers but did not file them because Donald won the election.

Byrne also addressed these allegations in a series of tweets, claiming that the Trumps had to "renegotiate the deal" and that the first lady "is a prisoner of this marriage while Donald remains president."

The White House press secretary, meanwhile, officially characterized these reports as false and said that the first lady has always and fully supported and supports her husband.

Are Barack and Michelle Obama aiming for divorce?

The last straw for the first lady of the United States could have been her husband's photo shoot with a Danish woman in South Africa

“Michelle Obama has had enough!” Sensational news about the impending separation of the first couple of America appeared in a number of Internet resources. According to data that has appeared on the Internet, Barack and Michelle Obama sleep in different rooms of the White House.

Rumors suggest that Michelle Obama is seriously discussing the possibility of divorce. The website writes about this, in particular, citing material in the National Enquirer, whose source allegedly stated that the marriage of the first family of the United States is “doomed.” But, characteristically, it is not possible to access the page with this material.

According to the source mentioned, the couple was kept together for many years by their children and the political career of Barack Obama, “but now Michelle has broken loose. She feels insulted in front of the whole world and shouts to him: “I've had enough!” "She met with divorce lawyers and told Barack she wanted to live separately from him."

It further states that "Michelle will remain in the White House until the end of her presidency for image reasons, but has made it clear that they will be on their own." Allegedly, the first lady has moved into a spare bedroom in the presidential residence and is preparing to remove clothes and other personal items from their multimillion-dollar home in Chicago.

Rumors are rumors. And it may very well be that the “source” promising a quick divorce in the White House is a fake. We didn’t hold a candle to the first US couple, but there is no smoke without fire. What could be the reason for the dissatisfaction of the wife of the President of the United States? Many drew attention to her dissatisfaction with the way Barack Obama cheerfully took pictures with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt during mourning events for the death of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

While the US President almost flirted with the 46-year-old Danish woman, the US First Lady maintained a gloomy expression on her face - and this expression was clearly caused by more than just sadness over the death of the great anti-apartheid fighter. Barack Obama joked with the head of the Danish government, frivolously touching her shoulder. While the American President and British Prime Minister Cameron, who were having fun with all their might, clung to the Danish blonde, were taking pictures with their smartphones, Michelle sat a little further away, pursing her lips, with a stony and emphatically indifferent face.

So the logic of those who saw Michelle Obama’s humiliation for the whole world in this “flirting” is understandable. “The fact that Barack embarrassed Michelle in front of the whole world will make him pay a very heavy price. Michelle stated that she wants a huge piece of his assets. The divorce will cost him a fortune,” says the source of rumors circulating on the World Wide Web about the possible separation of the first family of the United States.

But what do the official reports say? They inform us that Barack and Michelle Obama with their daughters Sasha and Malia, as well as their dogs Sunny and Bo, went on vacation to Hawaii. As for the First Lady, she took part in tracking the movements of Santa Claus around our planet - this is her fourth year participating as a volunteer in the North American Aerospace Defense Command's Tracks Santa program.

When Barack Obama won the 2012 presidential election, he said in his victory speech touching words dedicated to his wife: “I would not be the person I am today without the woman who agreed to marry me 20 years ago. Let me say this publicly: Michelle, I have never loved you more. I've never been prouder to see the rest of America love you too, as our country's First Lady."

And recently, Obama, in an interview with ABC, said that he and his wife Michelle have not yet decided where they will live after the end of their second presidential term in 2017. By this time eldest daughter President Malia will have to study at the university, and the youngest daughter Sasha will still be a schoolgirl. “We will have to make sure that everything is fine with her until she goes to university. They and Michelle had to make a lot of sacrifices to support my crazy ideas like being elected president and the like.”

True, several cases were noticed that could, if desired, give rise to talk about the fact that the family boat of the US President had cracked.

So, in May, at one of the events, Barack Obama appeared with a lipstick stain on his collar. The president himself joked, thanking him for the warm welcome, like this: “The sign confirming this warmth is the lipstick on my collar. I must say that I suspect the culprit. This is the aunt of American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez. Having said these words, Obama pointed his finger at Aunt Sanchez and proclaimed: “Auntie, yes, yes, you are the one. Look what you've done here!" I don't want to get in trouble with First Lady Michelle. That is why I call all of you as witnesses.”

And in June, Michelle Obama skimped on her presence at the US-China informal summit in California with the participation of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan. This was explained by the fact that the summit coincided with the end of school year, and Michelle decided to stay with her daughters in Washington.

Newspaper headline: Framed wife wants a divorce?
Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 26420 dated December 26, 2013

Is Michelle Obama ready to divorce Barack?

Spouses Barack and Michelle Obama seem to be divorcing soon, writes Divorce could cost American taxpayers $100 million.

“Have you ever wondered why Michelle Obama always looks gloomy when she and her husband appear in public? Why isn't spending vacations with Barack in places that the average person can only dream of at least enough to make you smile? It seems, she's holding on to really big money“- writes the author of the article, Richard Anthony.

One of the publication's sources learned that Michelle's patience has run out, and she breaks up with her “flirty hubby.” She is conducting secret negotiations with her lawyer, with whom she has already prepare official documents for divorce. “It’s funny... I always thought the guy was homosexual,” the author of the publication sneers. The article notes that Michelle is ready to end her 22-year marriage. before the end of Barak's presidential term.“She would have done this a long time ago, but wanted to save the family for the sake of my daughters“- writes the journalist.

However, according to another source, Michelle will still wait until her husband’s presidential term ends in January 2017. " She has an incentive to wait- this will allow her to increase her fortune to more than $100 million!” However, the author notes, Michelle can no longer see her husband drooling over beautiful women.

Explicit adviser: Obama will persuade the British to stay in the EU

One of the Eurosceptic leaders, London Mayor Boris Johnson, in a column published by The Telegraph newspaper, called the behavior of the American leader an example of “outrageous hypocrisy.”

“Our most significant ally will inform us that it is in our best interests to remain in the EU, no matter what shortcomings this organization has. The loss of sovereignty is not important, our costs are not important, uncontrolled migration is not important,” wrote the capital’s mayor, who is often tipped to succeed David Cameron as Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Johnson is confident that the Americans themselves would never agree to live under the restrictions that EU membership imposes on the UK. “There is not a single country in the world that defends its sovereignty with such hysterical vigilance as the United States does. To this day, Americans refuse to submit to any kind of international jurisdiction. Can you imagine Americans subjecting their democracy to a regime like the one we have in the EU?” - asks the London mayor. In his opinion, Americans view the EU “as a bulwark against Russia.”

“Our Foreign Office mistakenly believes that we will be a more important ally for Washington if we can convincingly claim “influence” in Brussels. But every year this influence decreases,” Johnson stated.

Cooling down of the "special relationship"

According to the latest opinion polls, the number of doubters about how to vote in the June plebiscite has increased significantly. Of those who have made their choice, 35% support maintaining membership in the EU, and 34% are in favor of a “divorce” from continental Europe. Obama is considered a “master of persuasion,” and those in favor of the so-called Brexit (“exit of Britain”) fear that the speech of an overseas guest could tip the scales in favor of Euro-optimists.

“Although Great Britain is no longer as valuable an ally for the United States as it was back in the 1980s, its weight in the eyes of Washington is quite large,” Alexei Gromyko, director of the Institute of Europe, told RT. - It has always been important to the United States that Britain play a larger role in the EU decision-making process. If we assume that Britain leaves the EU, then the US will have one less tool to influence EU policy.”

Moreover, as The Washington Post emphasized recently, “it is not so difficult to imagine that, having broken with Europe, Britain will begin to drift away from the North Atlantic Alliance.”

“If the economic shock that could follow Brexit turns out to be severe enough, then the next elections in the UK will be won by Labor, whose current leadership adheres to radical anti-American views,” the publication noted.

As soon as the news of the April visit of the owner of the White House spread around London, votes began to be collected on the Internet in support of the petition “Prohibit the US President from speaking in our parliament on the issue of Britain maintaining its membership in the EU.” On the first day alone, 16 thousand people signed it.

“Every time the President of the United States interferes with our constitutional future, I reread the American Declaration of Independence. We will peacefully resolve in the voting booths the problem because of which their country once rebelled and started a bloody war. "I will listen to the President of the United States lecture when the United States recognizes the supremacy of any court over its own Supreme Court and allows free travel from Canada to Central America," said Conservative MP Steve Baker.

“Why does President Obama have to tell the UK whether we should be part of a European superpower or a sovereign nation? He should have kept his comments and thoughts to himself,” said Peter Bone, another member of the House of Commons from the Conservative Party.

Emergency brake

The referendum on the country's continued membership of the European Union was called by the British government after Prime Minister David Cameron managed to agree on a package of EU reform measures at a summit in Brussels in February, giving Britain a special status in the organization.

In particular, he defended London’s right to pursue an independent monetary policy and not provide financial assistance countries that use the euro for payments. The British Parliament was given the opportunity to reasonably reject or amend pan-European treaties in order to defend its trade interests. Brussels also agreed not to extend to the United Kingdom the fundamental principle of the EU about the course of its member states to “create a European superpower.” Finally, London was given the right to freeze social payments to migrant workers from the EU, called the “emergency brake”. Ordinary Britons consider it one of the most important concessions that Cameron managed to extract from Brussels. The "emergency brake" allows migrants to be denied substantial social benefits (from £70 to £120 per week) for the first four years of their stay in the country. A system has also been agreed whereby child benefits sent by migrant workers back home will be calculated at the rates in their home country rather than the UK.

"Awkward Partner"

In addition to Boris Johnson, the charismatic figures of the Eurosceptic movement are the head of the Independence Party, Nigel Farage, and the leader of the House of Commons, Chris Grayling. Members of the Tory cabinet are also in favor of Brexit - Minister for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers, Minister for Work and Pensions Ian Duncan Smith, Energy Minister Andrea Lidson. According to them, London has always felt like an “awkward partner” in the European Union and has never played a leading role in shaping the agenda. Although London remains influential in certain areas of decision-making (for example, in matters of pan-European security and finance), in general it has failed to create an alliance within the EU that would oppose Franco-German hegemony and the fiscal laxity of Southern Europe. Eurosceptics are also extremely irritated by the excessive regulation of markets by Brussels officials, who develop guidelines on the permissible curvature of cucumbers and standards for tea packaging. According to the UK Independence Party, EU regulation costs the country 5% of GDP per year.

Against the backdrop of the refugee crisis and a wave of immigrants from other EU countries, the Brexit referendum has become one of the most important issues in European politics. So important that the moderate Euro-optimist Cameron ordered to postpone Queen Elizabeth II's annual speech in parliament for the sake of it. As The Times notes, the head of the cabinet expects that a successful outcome of the plebiscite will allow him to “reboot his premiership.” At the same time, the consequences of the referendum, even if the British say “yes” to the EU, will go far beyond the borders of Foggy Albion. As The Financial Times predicts, countries such as Italy, Poland and Hungary may use Cameron's tactics to reconsider their terms in the European Union or begin the process of leaving it.

According to Alexei Gromyko, Euro-optimists will prevail in the referendum with a slight advantage.

“After reaching agreements with the European Union, the Cameron government turned on administrative resources and launched a broad campaign involving politicians and prominent representatives of the business community to convince ordinary Britons that the benefits of EU membership outweigh the negatives. This, of course, does not guarantee a positive result for the government, but in the decades after the collapse of the British Empire, the imperial mentality of the majority of the country's residents has evaporated. They will decide that in these troubled times, being part of a fairly stable and powerful organization is better than the uncertainty that comes with leaving the European Union,” Gromyko believes.

Barack and Michelle Obama were brought to the brink of divorce

Rumors about the divorce of Barack and Michelle Obama began to spread again when photographs of the former US president with a six-year-old child in his arms, taken at Alaska International Airport, appeared on the Internet. Internet users noticed that the politician’s hand was missing a wedding ring and Michelle was not nearby, RadarOnline reports.

Gossip Cop has already denied information about the divorce. According to a source close to the situation, the spouses have no problems in their relationship. Journalists noted that the scandalous news was fabricated: the photographer took advantage of the temporary absence of the former first lady of the United States next to her husband.

This is not the first time that the alliance between Barack and Michelle has cracked. In 2014, Obama, who led America, visited the Land of the Rising Sun without his wife. After this, a message appeared on the blog of Japanese parliamentarian Kazuyuki Hamada: “It is common knowledge that the couple is discussing the terms of the divorce. Now they are waiting for the end of his term to disperse.”

Let us recall that at the beginning of June 2017, Michelle Obama told interesting details about life during the “presidential” period. According to the former first lady, her style was often the focus of media attention, but almost no one cared about Barack Obama's clothes. This is not surprising considering that he wore the same tuxedo for eight years.

The tabloids claim that the couple only maintained the appearance of a relationship for a long time, but in reality they each lived their own lives.

The American tabloid National Enquirer, citing an anonymous source in the White House, reported that the wife of the US president was planning to file for divorce. The world media quickly picked up the sensational message, which, most likely, will turn out to be another “duck.”

According to journalists, the couple have long only maintained the appearance of a relationship because of Obama’s children and political career. In fact, the American president and his wife have supposedly been living their own lives for a long time. According to a source in the American tabloid newspaper The National Enquirer, Barack and Michelle even sleep in separate bedrooms.

According to journalists, the initiative to dissolve the marriage belongs to the first lady of the United States - allegedly, her already unimportant relationship with her husband was further worsened by the recent episode at the funeral of Nelson Mandela. There, the American leader was too carried away with a photo shoot with the Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt, which aroused the obvious disapproval of his wife.

According to the publication, Michelle Obama has already discussed divorce with lawyers and is preparing to move.

By the way, gossip is gossip, and this is not the first time that stories about serious problems in the life of the first US couple have appeared. So, last year, former editor of the New York Times Magazine Edward Klein published a book dedicated to America's first family. In it, the author claims that in the eighth year of their married life Michelle was going to file for divorce, and Barack therefore fell into such wild despair that he wanted to take his own life.

Barack and Michelle themselves do not hide the fact that there were disagreements in their marriage, but they never mentioned the fact that it was on the verge of collapse.

As you know, the wedding of Michelle and Barack Obama took place on October 3, 1992. In 1998, the couple had a daughter, Malia, and in 2001, a second girl, Sasha.

The wife of the American president was clearly unhappy with his behavior at Mandela's funeral [photo]

Users social networks, who were the fastest to receive photographs from the funeral ceremony dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela, were surprised to discover that some world leaders who arrived at the funeral of the first black president of South Africa found time for displays of emotions that were inappropriate for such an occasion. US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and the head of the Danish cabinet Helle Thorning-Schmitt happily posed for a “selfie”, i.e. photographs taken independently with a mobile phone camera.

If you study the entire series of photographs, you can understand that first the Danish woman tries to take pictures of herself with Obama and Cameron, then the US President helps her set up the camera, after which the cheerfully laughing trio, huddled close to each other, takes pictures of themselves on the phone.

While the fun was gaining momentum, Obama's wife, Michelle, frowned more and more, after which she defiantly moved to the other side of her husband, thus sharing him with the blonde Thorning-Schmitt.
By the way, this is not the first time that heads of state and government, as well as their other halves, are found laughing at funeral ceremonies. Thus, Israeli and world media circulated a photo of the laughing wife of the then Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, Judy Nir-Moses-Shalom, who took part in the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

Rumors about the divorce of Barack and Michelle Obama began to spread again when photographs of the former US president with a six-year-old child in his arms, taken at Alaska International Airport, appeared on the Internet. Internet users noticed that the politician’s hand was missing a wedding ring and Michelle was not nearby, RadarOnline reports.


Gossip Cop has already denied information about the divorce. According to a source close to the situation, the spouses have no problems in their relationship. Journalists noted that the scandalous news was fabricated: the photographer took advantage of the temporary absence of the former first lady of the United States next to her husband.

This is not the first time that the alliance between Barack and Michelle has cracked. In 2014, Obama, who led America, visited the Land of the Rising Sun without his wife. After this, a message appeared on the blog of Japanese parliamentarian Kazuyuki Hamada: “It is common knowledge that the couple is discussing the terms of the divorce. Now they are waiting for the end of his term of office to separate.”

Posted by NBC Nightly News (@nbcnightlynews) Jul 10 2017 at 8:27 am PDT

Let us recall that at the beginning of June 2017, Michelle Obama told interesting details about life during the “presidential” period. According to the former first lady, her style was often the focus of media attention, but almost no one cared about Barack Obama's clothes. This is not surprising considering that he wore the same tuxedo for eight years.

Source: Wikipedia

According to the American tabloid National Enquirer, US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are thinking about divorce.

Obama is divorcing his wife

As journalists found out, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have been sleeping in different rooms for a long time, but have not officially separated because of their daughters and the president’s political career. Meanwhile, there are rumors that Michelle is still ready to leave her husband and even met with lawyers to discuss divorce. Until the end of Obama's presidential term, Michelle will remain in the status of first lady, but then she intends to live her own life.

Obama's divorce

The crisis in the presidential family could have worsened after Barack Obama attended Nelson Mandela's funeral. It is known that during the ceremony, the American leader flirted with Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmitt, although his wife was nearby, and also took pictures with his colleagues on a smartphone. The photographs were later published in the media.

The White House does not comment on the report about the president's possible divorce. Currently, Barack Obama is on vacation in the Hawaiian Islands with his wife and daughters. On Wednesday, December 25, in a joint televised address, the family congratulated Americans on the holidays.

Note that Barack and Michelle Obama have been married since 1992. In 2010, there were already rumors in the media about Michelle Obama’s dissatisfaction with the role of first lady and her intention to divorce if her husband was elected to a second term.