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Tender good morning wishes for a man. Beautiful good morning SMS wishes to your beloved husband Good morning to your husband at work

Dear women, today we have prepared a selection of beautiful SMS “S Good morning"To my beloved husband. Let there be an opinion that men are a harsh people, and they do not need the tenderness of a calf, tender words and manifestations of feelings. It's not like that at all!

Maybe your dear one will not show great joy, but he will be very pleased with such small signs of attention as an SMS, or a picture, or a “Good morning” video.

If you are just starting your family life or you’ve already celebrated more than one anniversary, you still want to do something nice for your loved one. Good morning wishes to your beloved husband can be quite original. We have selected for you the best, in our opinion, wishes, poems for SMS - touching and beautiful. Such wishes good day will bring special colors into our everyday routine.

My dear, my dear, have a clear morning!

Short SMS to husband “Good morning”

Good morning dear!
I woke up a long time ago
Mentally already with you
And touched you with my soul.

Good morning dear,
A new day has already arrived!
You can do anything, my dear,
After all, you are ideal in everything!

My dear, my dear, on a clear morning,
May awakening give you the joy of being.
May your day be both eventful and cool,
And your smile shines like sunshine for me!

Good morning hubby,
I send greetings to the huge me!
Have a lucky day
Today you will have it!
Tanya Larina

Good morning, beloved husband!
You can hear the birds singing around,
The sun pours rays on the bed,
This means it's time for us to get up.

Good morning, wake up, dear husband,
The sun is shining brightly, birds are singing all around.
And I wish you a good day,
May my husband please me with success.
Elena Yakovenko

Wake up, my dear husband!
Great things await
Coffee is waiting (so you have strength)
In a cup on the edge of the table.

Good morning, my beloved husband!
Running, exercising and taking a cool shower
Let them give you a boost of energy,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy.

My wonderful, beloved husband,
Wake up, darling.
Stretch in bed sweetly,
And come to me, dear!
Daria Mamonova

Good morning, my beloved hubby!
I'm sure you got a full night's sleep.
I know, my eyes have a cheerful sparkle
It will instantly help you emerge from sleep.

Happy new day! Wake up quickly
Smile at the reflection!
Go to the shower vigorously,
My dear, beloved husband!
Luck and luck awaits you,
If you got up in the mood!

It’s time, beloved husband, get up and drive away the rest of the sleep...

SMS “Good morning” to my beloved husband

You are my sleepy teddy bear
Good morning dear.
Happy new morning, my beloved,
My funny, my dear.

This morning will be easy
And good luck for you.
I kiss you tenderly, darling,
Loving you with all my soul.

The sun shines with the rays of mother-of-pearl
And everything around is replete with birdsong.
This morning greets you tenderly,
My dear, beloved husband.

Let it be a charmingly beautiful day,
Like impressions of a joyful ball.
Let it be cheerful, warm, clear
And the raging stream fills the soul with strength.
Bakulina Daria

The alarm clock will disturb your sweet sleep,
Days accelerating the carousel.
I'll steal a glance at you,
I straightened the rumpled bed.

May the morning please you, my love,
And it will be serene, soft.
And the day will drive the clouds past
And he doesn’t spare bright colors.

What, did you wake up, my beloved?
Finally opened your eyes?
Again the day is unstoppable
And native voices...

Good morning, my breadwinner!
My keeper, my hero,
Let the dew and the singing of birds
They wake up with you!

Wake up, beloved husband, and get up,
The night is beautiful, but the morning is also so pleasant!
Open your arms to this wonderful day,
May it go well for you!

Wake up, dear husband,
The sun is gaining power
A shower will help you become cheerful,
And tea wouldn't hurt either!

Let them wait for you today
Only joy, my love,
From these morning minutes
Let the happy day begin!
Sazonova Evgenia

Dear husband, wake up,
Get down to business more vigorously,
Never doubt -
Life is beautiful at any time!

A ray of morning sun
May it inspire you to joy,
The day will start brilliantly
And luck will come!
Sazonova Evgenia

It's time, beloved husband, get up,
Drive away the remains of dreams,
Welcome the new day joyfully,
Stretching sweetly.

WITH beautiful morning, Expensive,
It promises good luck
May I spend the whole day with you
My kiss is hot.
Lena Marvina

Good morning - of course, good!
How could it be otherwise?
Everything that is close and dear to us with you,
Let it be connected with this morning.
Quiet in the apartment. I just hear breathing.
You sleep, smiling a little in your sleep...
May this early sunshine bring you
It will just wake you up with a beam on the wall.
You are my gift, my mysterious pass
In happiness and joy, a wonderful country.
Good morning, beloved, the only one!
Again I'm drowning in your gaze.
Let this day be the most ordinary -
Is this important for you and me?
Even in ordinary worries we will see
Our hope and our love.
The sun will pass through the alleys of the city.
"Good morning!" - I'll tell you.
Just like the morning, we are sunny and young.
Let's say “thank you” to fate for this!
Rusanova Ekaterina

“Good morning, honey!” - just one line, but your husband will not be able to stop smiling if he receives such an SMS at the beginning of the day. Imagine how pleasant it will be for your husband to read an entire message in verse.

My joy, I’m waiting for you from work, my sweetness...

SMS “Good morning” to my husband at work

My sunshine, my joy
I'm waiting for you from work, my sweetness.
Oh, how my heart misses you without you,
I feel happy with you!

I am writing to wish you
Good morning, bright day,
So that you can shine at work
And he hasn’t forgotten about me yet...

Good morning my man!
How did you sleep today?
I hope you got enough sleep, my love.
I wish you a good day!

My dear husband, wake up!
Don't forget to eat, my dear.
Get up, darling, get dressed.
May this morning be good!

I forgot to tell you this morning
That I will be waiting for you, my beloved!
I'm sending you an SMS
And I’m expecting you back from work soon!

Good morning dear!
I'm happy to be your wife.
My beloved, most desired,
Good morning, my beloved!

Do exercises to be more energetic
Wash your face cold water faster.
Have a hearty breakfast, get ready,
The work will be successful, no doubt about it!

I'm really waiting for you, my love,
When you come home from work.
I'll cook you a delicious dinner
No better than my husband all over the earth!

Open your eyes quickly,
Morning has come, my dear.
During the day, things and worries await you,
And in the evening I'll be waiting for you from work,
I'll feed you a delicious dinner
And I’ll tell you how much I love you!

And even if you are not with me now, you are the best and dearest!

SMS “Good morning” to your husband if you are at a distance from each other

My beloved is the only one in the world,
You are the best on the planet.
I love you so much
I can't live for a minute.

And even if you are not with me now,
You are the best and dearest.
When you're near I melt completely,
And good morning!

How did you sleep, my love?
I dreamed about you tonight!
You and I were spinning in the clouds...
I dream that my dream will come true,

And I hasten to tell you in the morning:
May love heal your sorrow!
Happiness cannot be conveyed in SMS, -
Only kisses when we meet!

Wake up dear
I'm always with you in my thoughts.
I hug you tenderly and sweetly,
I dream of meeting you soon!

My beloved, wake up
Enjoy a wonderful day,
I wish you good morning,
I send you my kiss!

Remember darling, you are the best
Carry out all your plans
May your day be easy
And all the bad things will go away!

This morning I woke up just before light
It immediately became more fun:
I smiled happily
Photos of you.
Your portrait is always with me,
Good morning, my dear!

So the morning comes again...
It's a pity that you are far from me!
It's a pity that the day promises separation,
And this is not easy for me to accept...

Your loved one will be pleased to receive a funny poem or a “Good morning” message in prose in the morning. And, probably, you will also soon receive something tender in return from him.

Good morning, my sun!

SMS to husband “Good morning” in your own words in prose

My dear soulmate, admire what a beautiful morning it is and smile at it quickly! And it will answer you with good sunny weather, pleasant finds, new ideas and long-term plans!

The rays of the morning sun may warm other people's lives, but my life is warmed by the warmth of my husband's love. I love you my sun!

Like coffee without milk, a shower without soap, breakfast without bread, warmth without a blanket - my morning will not be complete without your kisses on my lips. Good morning, beloved husband!

The sky is very sunny today and do you know why? Because every ray is my compliment to you and a declaration of love. Happy warm morning to you, my love!

A pleasant morning does not mean coffee in bed or a bouquet of roses on the pillow. This is your tender embrace in the pre-dawn hour, beloved husband. I wish you good morning!

You are the happiest man in the world! After all, by putting just one stamp in your passport, you have acquired a unique alarm clock that wakes you up every day with a gentle kiss, prepares breakfast, and serves coffee. To ensure that the mechanism works without failures, start it regularly by kind words and passionate confessions. You can start starting right now. Good morning!

Those who snore, push and talk in their sleep all night are left without breakfast and an ironed shirt! But whoever brought his wife coffee in bed, hugged him tenderly, kissed him passionately, is considered completely rehabilitated! Good morning dear!

My general! By your order, I hasten to report: another morning has arrived in the approved order! The day is planning to be magnificent, so please accept my heartfelt good morning wishes! Private Wife.
Alexandra Shukarnova

The morning is already holding out a gift to us in the palm of its hand - a new day. Wake up, beloved, and accept this gift with gratitude, smile at the dawn, so that a good morning makes a good day.
Irina Artemuk

Darling, I hasten to remind you that the one who gets up early does not make his wife nervous, finds out where the socks are, puts on an ironed shirt, gets a hearty breakfast and a passionate kiss. So, take note wisely folk proverb and good morning!

It's easy to send a sweet message, but in doing so you will make the world a little better. Give your loved one surprises and take care of your other half!

In these articles, good morning wishes to your beloved man, beloved girlfriend, woman, wife:

And with SMS you can also send a video postcard “Good morning, darling!” For example, this one.

As always, your beloved husband left for work early, so you didn’t even have time to see him off. However, a man always needs attention, but his work requires too much, so he has to leave early and remain without the kiss and wishes of his beloved wife. This needs to be fixed urgently. If you don't want to disturb your husband by calling, then just send him a message with good morning words that will cheer him up. Let your husband know that you are always thinking about him and worrying about him. On our website you can find all kinds of good morning wishes for your beloved husband. Moreover, we add more and more congratulatory texts almost every day, and we make the site itself more interactive and user-friendly.

Good morning, beloved husband!
Happy new beginning to you,
Kind and most beautiful -
That's who I am.
May this day, my dear,
Everything is going well!
The day will be good, fine,
Love brought happiness!

My beloved, good morning has come
And it’s been light outside the window for a long time now
Sleep with you wasn't enough for me
But the sun has risen and it has long since dawned
So good morning, wake up dear!
Let's quickly go to the kitchen and drink coffee.
While it's hot and hasn't cooled down
And he starts with the positive in order to live a successful day.

This morning I woke up just before light
It immediately became more fun:
I smiled happily
photos of you.
Your portrait is always with me,
Good morning, my dear.

The morning is washed with dew.
The sun wakes up, gently.
Well, wake up, dear husband!
Look…. Beauty outside the window!
Do you want to sleep through all the beauty?
No, it’s not worth it, honey, it’s not necessary!
“Good morning,” the bed whispers.
She's waiting for you after dinner.

Darling, good morning!
The first ray of sunshine, stupid,
Touching your eyelashes
Jumped out of the window.
And I smiled
I repent immensely in my soul,
Which was the first to touch
Unfortunately, it’s not me who’s coming to you.
Let my tenderness say
About that boundless love,
Which I sent
It's destiny for you and me.
Darling, good morning!
You will snuggle up to me comfortably,
And a sweet kiss,
I'll wake you up.
And it’s already day to frolic,
Suddenly there is a bird outside the windows,
Will fly high into the sky,
It will beckon us, teasing us.
That bird's name is happiness,
We are in captivity of the authorities,
And every minute
For you and me, it is important.
Darling, good morning!
Let life pass wisely
And we love each other
Like the first time, always!

Good morning, dear and beloved,
Don’t be bored without me this day!
Let him bring you positive light,
All wishes come true, know!
Let the sun shine this morning,
Gentle rays give warmth,
Let adults and children smile,
May you be lucky today!

Good morning my beloved, wake up
Enjoy the morning dawn right away.
The sun sends its first ray of greetings,
Smile and you will answer him sooner.
Pack up and hit the road right away
Don't forget to call me too.
May this morning add vigor,
My love for you will, of course, guide you.

The horizon begins to shine
The fairy tale goes across the open spaces.
That your beloved husband is nearby - knowledge
Endows the soul with enthusiasm.
That we met once
Warms the soul and changes the heart,
Thoughts become cotton wool,
The expanse of desires invades.
You love me - deeply,
I love you - incessantly.
Good morning baby!
Happy long-awaited day to you!

My favorite person
I wish you a good morning!
He will be cheerful and carefree
This is the day, I promise!
Let them succeed today
All deeds and undertakings,
Let everyone laugh with you,
Your efforts will not be in vain!

Good morning, my beloved,
Good morning, my dear!
This day will be beautiful
Will bring you peace
And success and a lot of happiness,
To make you smile!
On this day the misfortunes will go away
And dreams come true!

The morning will be especially good if it starts with warm words from your other half. Even a stern and unromantic man at first glance will be pleased to hear them. You can simply tell him immediately after waking up: “Good morning, darling!” Or choose more original, bright wishes.

Every weekday and holiday should start with good morning wishes to your beloved man. Warm, beautiful words and confessions heard immediately after waking up lift the mood of a representative of the stronger sex for a long time. Such wishes can improve a man’s whole day, because if it started pleasantly, then it will probably remain so until the evening.

Beautiful good morning wishes for your man are quite easy to write yourself. Especially in prose.

You can add to them a declaration of love, wishes to spend the whole day in harmony, joy and happiness next to your beloved.

If the text includes an appeal to your significant other, let it be especially gentle, romantic, warm and sincere.

  1. Good morning, honey! It's time to get up, my dear. And for a good morning, I am writing to you, my dear! May this morning be good, May this day be good! I hope you wake up refreshed. Darling, you need to wake up!
  2. There is a beautiful sunrise outside your window, and the sun will gently wake up your home. And let him kiss you instead of me, Today he will conjure luck. I wish you good morning. I will say thank you to good fate, For bringing us together. I am forever in love with you, my love!
  3. The alarm clock rings as fast as it can. Yesterday I wished you Good night. Well, now it's time to get up. I hasten to wish you a good morning, May it be sunny! I love! Kiss! I hug you tenderly!

Romantic poems for boyfriend, husband

If you want to please your beloved husband or boyfriend with beautiful, pleasant poems from the very morning, then you should prepare them in advance. You don't have to write a romantic poem yourself. It will be much easier to choose it from a list of ready-made works from professionals.

If she wishes, a girl can start a wonderful tradition in her family - reading a beautiful poem to her beloved with good morning wishes, for example, every Saturday. Or, for example, Monday, to make this day less difficult and improve a man’s mood.

If you cannot find such a number of beautiful poems for each week, you can select them for one day a month. For example, on the date on which the couple met or got married.

A man will definitely like this tradition and will be perceived by him as another manifestation of love, care, and tenderness from a girl.

Surely, soon he will also begin to show reciprocal signs of attention - he will come up with his own tradition to please his beloved, or at least simply support her idea.

  1. Good morning, honey! The sun has already risen. And I sent you my smile. Rejoice in the morning and dawn minutes. Smile at people, Open up to the light. The sky will be clear, don't doubt it. It will be a wonderful day. Honey, wake up!
  2. The sun will touch you through your slumber, your tanned shoulder, I will cuddle up to you, my dear, and kiss you warmly. Good morning, my beloved, my only hero! You are unique in everything, the most, dearest.
  3. Are you awake yet, my dear? Did you greet the morning, even smile? How I would like to call such a morning “ours”... And make coffee in the morning, And wake up not with words, but with lips... So that the morning comes to US! So that it greets only US!

Short wishes in your own words

You don’t always want to turn your good morning wishes to your loved one into a whole performance with the reading of long romantic poems. For such cases, you can use short texts in prose.

It is enough to tell your chosen one about your feelings from the very morning, and also wish them a successful, calm, joyful day in your own words. This option does not even require preliminary preparation. It is enough to simply say what comes from the heart.

If a girl is afraid of stuttering and getting confused or is afraid that all the words will simply fly out of her head during a conversation with her lover, it is worth preparing the text in advance. For example, write it on a beautiful miniature card.

By the way, such a preparation can be put in a man’s pocket or bag in the evening. Then he will find wishes on the way to work and will probably smile, remembering his beloved.

  1. Only thoughts of you brighten up this beautiful morning! Baby, are you awake yet? I’m not a sorceress and I can’t transfer you to my bed now, but if I could do this, then, believe me, it would be a hot summer in our bed! Let nothing darken your day, and let your morning begin with delicious aromatic coffee! Greetings, my love!
  2. So the morning has come, my dear and beloved. May your day be filled with only positive emotions, and may you take one more small step towards your big goal. Good morning, honey!
  3. The sky will smile only at you, the sun will wink playfully, look - a dream in the window, your day will begin beautifully! The morning will fill your world with freshness, bring joy, fulfill all your desires, dear, may only happiness await you! Good morning, honey!

How to touchingly wish good morning to your loved one

You can not only beautifully wish good morning to your beloved man in your own words in prose, but also do it in an unusual way. Certainly, the best option To do this, take care of a delicious hearty breakfast from your other half’s favorite dishes. While the man is still sleeping, it is worth preparing delicious golden toast with meat and vegetables, squeezing orange juice, and brewing strong aromatic coffee. If the smell of the drink does not wake up your loved one, then all that remains is to do it with a gentle kiss.

You can wish a man good morning while having breakfast or simply put a note with tender words full of love next to a cup of coffee. He himself will discover it as a surprise and read it with pleasure.

If your lovers don’t see each other in the morning, you can leave a beautifully decorated or already packed breakfast in the refrigerator with the same note.

A simplified option is to put your wish out of magnets on the refrigerator or write it with a special erasable marker. You can endlessly fantasize and come up with new options on how to please your loved one and cheer him up in the morning. Even a toothpaste inscription on a bathroom mirror or a carefully prepared ironed one will do. office clothes with a note on top. A man will definitely notice and appreciate all these signs of attention.

  1. The birds are singing outside the window, And the sun is knocking on the house, And I’m knocking on your heart, So that I can take my place there. I dream about this very much and wish you a good morning!
  2. Good morning to you, my hero! Have a great day, dear! Let all the work and affairs argue, Empty problems will go away forever. Morning coffee will cheer you up. Let the bird of happiness fly out the window, May joy and success not leave you. You are the only one like me in the world... I confess my crazy love to you!
  3. The night has passed. It's already dawn. I'll say to my dear one: - Hello! Good morning, dear, Wake up, my dear. Hug more tenderly, Kiss quickly, Give warmth and affection. Make our morning a fairy tale.

Beautiful and touching wishes good morning to your loved one is another great way to talk about your sincere feelings. After such words, he is guaranteed a charge of happiness for the whole day.

Only the best, original, beautiful and tender good morning wishes in your own words in prose to your loved one.

Good morning 🙂 Sorry it’s so early, but I really wanted to wake you up first, 5 minutes before the alarm)) and remind you how much I love you =*

Good morning, my beloved, dear, priceless, most courageous and cool man! I wish that this delightful morning sets an equally wonderful mood for the whole day!

Good morning, my love! May the new day bring you nothing but positive emotions and fun, and I’ll take care of a wonderful evening myself 😉

So the morning has come, and all my thoughts are about you, my love! The dream of you awakens in me all the tenderness, warmth and affection that I am capable of. Good morning, honey!

I wish my beloved man to fully enjoy this morning and the coming day! Delicious coffee, delicious breakfast and no traffic jams on the way!

I wish that this beautiful morning inspires you to conquer peaks and make your cherished dreams come true! I love you, kiss you.

Hello, my love! I just really wanted to wish you good morning and remind you how much I love you. Get up, get ready, don't be late!

I wish my man good morning, so that he is cheerful, positive and energetic. Let difficulties and problems not bother you, because you have already saddled yourself with luck by meeting me 😉

I wish you a great and invigorating morning, positive moments, funny situations, great mood and conclusion of important deals. Be the first everywhere!

Good morning! I wish you today to implement everything you have planned and finish all your work early, so that we can be together longer 😉

My beloved, desired, dear, courageous, impeccable man, good morning!

Good morning, my cutie! Get out of bed quickly, because today is such a wonderful day! I promise a sea of ​​impressions, unforgettable moments, a bunch of cool photos and everything that you love so much!

On this page we have collected good morning wishes for your beloved man - these are short poems for SMS, small wishes in prose, as well as beautiful pictures with inscriptions.

A new day comes at dawn.
The earth shook from sleep.
I tell you: “Good morning!”
I hug you tenderly, lovingly.

Get up, my love, wash yourself,
And smile at the sun!
Drink coffee, or maybe tea,
And don't forget about me.

Darling, good morning,
My dearest.
I every minute
Sick of you alone.

It's time to wake up
See me.
I want to touch you
Both with heart and hand.

My beloved, may it be a good morning,
The coming day will bring good luck.
The worries of the day will not cool the ardor of the heart,
The day will pass easily and carefree.

I'll make the message short
And I’ll send the news on the flight.
Good morning, gentle, dove!
May you be lucky today.

Good morning, my beloved,
Open your eyes quickly.
About unstoppable love
I'll whisper the words to you.
After all, from my mutual feelings
My head is so dizzy!

May a ray of sunshine come for me
He caresses you, my beloved,
A bright start to the day
By magical power charging!

My joy, I will kiss you,
I wish you good morning, my love.
I will hug you very tightly
And I will never give it to anyone!

Good morning, darling,
Affectionate, gentle dear,
Open your eyes, sleepy one,
You are my little bear.

I wish you good morning,
My dear man,
And let there be luck
Always by your side.

I've been writing to you since morning,
To say: I understand!
Why am I cold alone?
I want to wake up with you!
Good morning honey!

Let the day be unusual
And a little strawberry,
Good morning, my beloved,
The bravest and most beautiful!

Macho - my sweet, dear!
Good morning, dear!
Get dressed quickly, quickly
Come visit me!

Let the sun's kiss wake you up,
And the rays will write on the window:
That I really need you now,
I miss you too!

Good morning my sweet one!
I really want to be with you!
I'm really looking forward to our meeting,
I adore you and love you madly!

I'll look at you with the young dawn,
I will caress you with the morning sun.
Wake up my dear, I'm in a hurry with greetings,
I'm starting to get bored again without you.

Good morning wishes to my beloved husband

I'm the happiest person in the world
Due to the fact that in the heat and cold
I can say “Darling, good morning!”
To my dear and only husband.

You went to work again
And now something is missing
Enjoy your good morning now,
And come home soon!

Good morning, my beloved,
Wake up, the world is calling
Breakfast is unimaginable
Waiting on the kitchen table!

Happy new day! Wake up quickly
Smile at the reflection!
Go to the shower vigorously,
My dear, beloved husband!
Luck and luck awaits,
If you got up in the mood!

This morning, remember me!
Tell me, did you see me in a dream?
Wake up darling, look around,
My husband, I congratulate you on the new day!

Dear husband, come on wake up,
Open your eyes quickly!
Smile boldly on this beautiful day,
And do some exercises, come on!

Good morning dear,
A new day has already arrived!
You can do anything, my dear,
After all, you are ideal in everything!

Good morning, my beloved husband!
Running, exercising and taking a cool shower
Let them give you a boost of energy,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy.

Good morning, my beloved,
My lord, husband.
In the early hour let him give joy
Definitely all around.

Let the morning give you vigor,
A surge of emotions and ideas.
To have enough strength today
For your big plans.

Good morning to you my darling,
Get up my sleepyhead, stop sleeping,
The morning has been knocking on your windows for a long time,
You just don’t want to let him in.
Get up dear, given to me by fate,
Many things await you ahead,
Precious husband, joy and happiness,
Start your day today with a smile.

Good morning, my husband!
Wake up, dear friend.
Get up quickly.
Will you have coffee or tea?
Look what a morning!
Every minute is valuable.
New calendar day
Waiting for you, my love!

Good morning wishes to your loved one in prose

The best part of my morning is thinking about you. The worst part of my morning is being somewhere far away. Good morning, honey!

The smartest and affectionate guy It's time to wake up and give everyone a little happiness! Good morning, my love!

I wish you the best morning and good mood for the whole day! Let it go the way you want! Smack.

Good morning my dear little man! Believe me, every new day in difficult times you are accompanied by my affectionate approving glance and an encouraging word. After all, I always think about you!

I love you very much and miss you every night. I want to wake up in your favorite arms, pamper you with a delicious breakfast and wake you up with a tender kiss. Good morning, baby!

Good morning, honey! I miss you, I just sigh without you! I want to hug you, kiss you and hear your voice!

I send you a surge of vigor and a charge of energy! Charge yourself with positivity! I send a kiss and follow-up words of love! Good morning, honey!

Good morning, honey! I missed you because I haven't seen you all night. Do you feel the breath of a light breeze? This is me sending you mine blowing kisses.

My beloved, incredible, smart, strong, brave, sexy and damn attractive man! Good morning!

In order for the morning to be good, I send you, my beloved, my kiss! Let my love, together with the first rays of dawn, envelop you and bring endless happiness. I wish that luck always shines on you like the sun, and that all your wishes come true, because you know that I believe in you, which means that everything will definitely work out!

Good morning! Have you already opened your eyes!? Wake up, I already miss you and I want to hear your voice as soon as possible!

But people don’t know that good weather in our city comes from the fact that you wake up with a smile and good mood! Rise and shine! Good morning, darling!

Strong, smart, generous and affectionate man It's time to wake up and give us all a little happiness! Good morning, my love!

Good morning, honey! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood! And I hug you tightly.

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping. It’s morning outside, we need to get up!”

I envy the first rays of the sun - they can kiss you silently while you sleep, dissolve in your hair and hug every curve of your most beloved body. And I can only wish you the very best morning, my love!

My dear, have a wonderful morning! I wish you a speedy and easy awakening! Remember that I love you very much and am always with you in my thoughts!

You may not answer me this morning, and maybe I will be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you. Good morning, honey!

Morning is the beginning of something new, good. No wonder they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. This morning we have so many plans and hopes. Wake up, my love, and greet a new day. Let the morning be the beginning Have a good day, may all your wishes come true today and your dreams come true.

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Pictures - good morning wishes to your beloved man

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