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New Year's ball made of threads. How to make toys for the New Year from threads and glue

Hollow balls of thread look unusual and very beautiful. Today we will tell you how to make them and offer several ideas for making New Year's accessories using such decorations.

Balls of thread can be used as an independent decoration for a Christmas tree, turned into a sparkling garland, made into a New Year's character and much more. So arm yourself with threads, and then your imagination will do everything for you.

What do we need?

  • threads of any color and thickness (you should not take fluffy ones)
  • Balloons
  • PVA glue
  • starch


Previously, we told you how to make a lampshade from threads. The technique for making these balls will be similar.

The main difference is that you don't need to inflate the balloons too much. Make them very small - the size of a fist. Inflate as many balloons as needed. And tie them somewhere to make it convenient to wrap and dry the future craft.

In a bowl, dilute one and a half cups of glue with half a cup of starch and a quarter cup of water. Dip the thread into a bowl and wind it around the ball in any order.

Previously balloon The ik can be lubricated with Vaseline to make it easier to separate it from the thread. However, you can do without this.

When the glue dries and the threads harden, you just need to pierce the ball with a needle and carefully pull it out through the hole.

Make as many balls as needed to make the desired accessories. They can be used in different ways.

Balls of thread for the Christmas tree

This area of ​​application is the most obvious, but no less significant.

Simply attach loops to your balloons and decorate your Christmas tree with them. Additionally, during winding you can string various beads. Before drying, the balls can be generously sprinkled with dry glitter.

The thinner the threads are, the more beautiful decorations. Regular sewing thread will also work.

Christmas tree made of balls

We have already told you what beautiful compositions can be made from various Christmas balls. In any of the techniques described, you can use not only standard ready-made balls, but also homemade balls made from thread and glue. For example, you can assemble a Christmas tree from them. If not all of it, then at least part of it.

When making such New Year's decorations, it is better to use balls made from thicker threads - they are stronger.

New Year's interior decoration

Despite the obvious simplicity of the idea, the effect is simply amazing!

Make some balls different sizes and just lay them on the windowsill. Scatter pieces of tinsel, various stars, and gold ribbons between them. Place a few simple candles nearby (use precautions in this case) or lay out a garland (less fire hazard option, but still be careful). Turn off the lights and turn on the lights - the house will be filled with magic!

Snowman made of balloons

And even your favorite New Year’s character turns out to be especially beautiful using this technique.

Secure the balls with glue, and make the hands separately. For this we need thin wire and red threads. Fold the wire into mittens, coat them with glue and wrap them tightly with thread.

Ready-made snowmen can be decorated knitted hats, beads and other accessories.

Garland with balls of thread

One of the most beautiful accessories that can be made from these balls.

Just be sure to check the garland for serviceability. In addition, it must be of high quality, and best of all, with additional protection from heating. Make sure that the light bulbs do not overheat. If you doubt that your garland meets all safety requirements, it is better to abandon this idea.

To make such a garland with your own hands, you just need to move the threads apart a little, stick the light bulb inside and push the threads back. The main thing is that the light bulb does not come into contact with the threads.

This garland looks very beautiful on the New Year tree, on the wall, and on the windowsill.

Hanging decoration

Balls of thread can simply be hung from the ceiling.

If you don't feel like putting in the extra effort, just hang all your balloons over a table or door. It looks very unusual and impressive, adding coziness to the home.

Choose any of the proposed ideas or come up with something of your own. This Christmas decoration can be used in dozens of different accessories. And each will be beautiful in its own way.

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Multi-colored balls made of threads - simple and original idea for home decoration. They are very easy to make; even preschoolers can easily cope with this task.

DIY thread balls: master class

To make balls of thread you will need:

  • threads (preferably cotton);
  • PVA glue in a small plastic bottle;
  • needle according to thread size;
  • air balloons;
  • rope for drying;
  • narrow colored ribbons;
  • rubber gloves (preferably, but not required).

1. Blow up several small balloons.

2. Thread the needle without cutting it from the spool, and put on gloves.

3. Now pierce the bottle of PVA glue with a needle. The needle can be removed and you will no longer need it.

4. Pull the thread through the glue bottle and wrap the thread around the ball (if you have a large bottle and don’t want to spoil it, you can pour a little glue into a plastic cup and pull the thread through it). You need to wrap it in such a way as to evenly fill the entire surface of the ball with threads. To speed up the work and make colorful balls, you can pierce the bottle of glue several times and at the same time pull not one, but two or three threads.

5. Continue wrapping the ball with threads until relatively small windows remain between the intersecting threads.

6. Hang the resulting ball of thread on a rope to dry.

7. Wrap the rest of the balls in the same way and hang them up to dry. It is better if the balls hang closer to the battery - this way they will dry out faster.

8. Now you need to be patient and wait until the glue completely hardens. This will take at least a day.

9. Now deflate the ball and carefully remove it from the thread cocoon.

10. Attach a short narrow ribbon of a contrasting color to the finished balls of thread: any bright ribbon will suit white balls, dark green, cornflower blue, etc. will suit red balls.

Now your DIY thread balls are ready. They are light enough, so you can hang them from the ceiling, make garlands from them for windows, assemble a New Year’s “tree of happiness” or a composition to decorate the center of a holiday table.

Decorate New Year's balls from threads with sparkles, sequins, bows, snowflakes, glue beads to them, place shiny tinsel inside, glue funny figures of snowmen or bunnies from them - in a word, do not limit your imagination in any way!

If you have a garland that you are confident in the quality of, you can use balls of thread as mini lampshades for each bulb of the garland - you will get original New Year's lighting.

Another simple craft that you can make with your children is Finnish. Straw is an inexpensive material that does not require special skills to work with, so you can work with it even if your child is not yet very good at handling a needle and thread.

Things made with your own hands, or, as it is fashionable to say now, handmade, have gained popularity and confidently hold their position. Home decorations made with one’s own hand retain the warmth of the craftswoman’s hands, her love, and can bring connoisseurs of beauty and originality to catharsis.

We will take a detailed look at the technology for making a simple, but such an extraordinary ball of thread for the New Year, we will talk about its decor and ways to decorate an apartment.

Ball of thread - how to make

For the manufacture of original decor There will be no need for scarce or difficult-to-work materials.

We prepare the following components:

  • balloon of the required size;
  • Knitting;
  • PVA glue;
  • cream or Vaseline;
  • scissors;
  • glue container;
  • needle;
  • materials for decoration.

Now let's be patient and start working on New Year's ball from threads with your own hands:

  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size.
    Please note that the size finished product will be almost equal to the size of the ball, and it must be round.
  2. We treat the surface of the ball with cream so that during the deflation process, the threads easily detach from its surface and the shape is not damaged.
  3. At the next stage, thread the needle and thread it through the package of PVA glue.
    We put the needle aside; we won’t need it anymore. Now the thread, passing through the packaging, is impregnated with glue and at the output we get a finished adhesive blank.
  4. Next, carefully, in random order, wind the thread around the balloon.
    The winding density depends on personal preference. To get tender air craft, do not wrap it too tightly.
  5. As a result, we get a blank that looks a little like a cocoon.
    We cut the thread and glue its tip to the ball.
  6. If the decoration involves the use of sparkles, then you should sprinkle them on the craft at this stage so that the glue dries along with them.
  7. The finished, still wet product must be placed on a glass or jar and left to dry for about a day.
  8. A day later, after making sure that the strings are dry, carefully pierce the balloon with a needle and remove it from the sphere.

Then all that remains is to decorate the ball to your liking: stick on beads, bows, feathers and other decorations. By attaching a rope with your own hands we will get a Christmas tree ball. You can leave it as is, in any case, even an undecorated ball looks quite complete.

New Year's balls with your own hands.

We decorate the apartment with balls of thread

  1. Many small balls can be placed in a wicker basket and decorated with Christmas tree branches.
  2. By adding loops to the balls, you can decorate the Christmas tree with them, hang them on a chandelier or in another place.
  3. You can actually build a snowman out of three balls of different sizes.
  4. All that remains is to cut out eyes, a nose, a bucket for the head and buttons for the chest from paper. And your imagination will always tell you how to decorate it.
  5. By stringing the balls on a thread at a certain distance, we get a nice garland.
  6. It is possible to take an electric garland as a basis and put a small ball on each light bulb.
  7. A bare branch from a tree standing in a vase and decorated with balls and ribbons will bring a feeling of celebration to your home.
  8. It is also possible to make a vertical garland by stringing balloons on a long thread and hanging several similar threads from the ceiling.
    The composition hanging beautifully from the ceiling looks magical. But this idea will not work if there is a playful cat living at home.
  9. You can cut out a window in the ball and place inside a figurine of Father Frost with the Snow Maiden and other decor.

But never put a candle inside the ball; the materials are fire hazards and can lead to tragic consequences.

Imagination will always tell you how to decorate your apartment using New Year's balls made of threads. They are appropriate in any decor because they look delicate and weightless.

Even undecorated balls made of multi-colored threads have the ability to please the eye and bring such a warm New Year's mood.

Bottom line

After spending a little time, you will not regret seeing the amazing result. DIY balloons will bring the magical atmosphere of the New Year to your home.

They look great both on the Christmas tree as toys and in the interior, giving it a festive mood. You just need to do the work carefully and show your imagination in the process of decorating the ball.

We hope the article was useful and in the coming year your home will be decorated with these wonderful things.

If you are wondering how to make a New Year's toy, then the New Year is approaching. Very simple and quick way, which is gaining popularity, how and what to create with your own hands is to make bright and stylish New Year’s crafts from threads and glue. No special skills are required when working with threads, and the toys turn out beautiful and fashionable. They will not only decorate the interior or Christmas tree, but will also make wonderful gifts.

So, to make a ball of thread with your own hands, a star or even a heart, you will need a minimum of materials and tools, a great desire, good mood and just some free time. Available various options work in such a technique, but the result is excellent and, what is very important, right the first time.

Options for making Christmas toys with your own hands from threads


This is the easiest way to work with threads to get stylish Christmas balls. If you make a lot of these balls, then you can use them for garlands and simply for decorating the holiday room in general.

To work, you will need to buy inflatable balloons (put them small until they are round), any threads and PVA glue, and a container for glue. By the way, it is recommended to use threads of different thicknesses to make the balls more fun. Also, after finishing the main work, it takes 10-12 hours for the workpiece to completely dry and be ready to be used for its intended purpose.

Pour PVA glue into a container and dilute with a small amount of water. Inflate the balloon and, passing the threads through the glue in a chaotic manner, attach them to the balloon until there are almost no gaps left on it. Next, hang the ball and let it dry. After this, lower the ball inside and carefully remove it from the workpiece. with your own hands.

Important points on how to make toys from threads correctly:

1. The thread must be soaked in glue, but the glue must first be diluted with water. Because if you ignore this advice, the glue will grab tightly and then it will be impossible to remove the thread ball from the balloon blank.
2. Don’t cheat and coat a balloon with glue, then wind threads around it. Because this will leave large free areas, and the glue, spreading over the ball, will not be able to saturate the threads in sufficient quantities and the New Year’s toy will end up not being neat.
3. Alternatively, you can pour a little water into the glue tube, then carefully pierce it with a needle and draw a thread straight from the inside before winding it around the workpiece. This will speed up the work process and allow everything to be done as carefully as possible.
4. The larger the balloon, the more threads will ultimately be required for work, and the longer the workpiece will take to dry.


These thread crafts look beautiful, you can see it in the photo. You will first need to make the shape of a snowflake out of wire, and then, using colored threads, wrap it around it. Additionally, decorate the snowflake with sparkles and tinsel. After complete drying, tie a ribbon, and then hang it on the Christmas tree, on the window or on the curtains, and wrap it as a gift.

Advice! From a large number of snowflakes or balls made using the described method, you can make a stylish festive garland. Moreover, the balls can be attached to ready-made and burning light bulbs of a regular electric garland, it looks incredibly stylish and beautiful, creating an atmosphere around New Year's magic and a Christmas miracle. How to make it yourself

New Year it is magical holiday! Not only children, but also adults are looking forward to it. And decorating a Christmas tree with toys, garland and tinsel is very exciting activity. Especially when you do it with your kids.
On the eve of the New Year 2017 in our kindergarten The competition for New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree has begun. And so my eldest son and I decided to take part in it. We spent a long time choosing which New Year's toy we should make. In the end, we decided on a Christmas tree ball made of threads. When I was at school, we made these in the Skillful Hands club.
To make our Christmas ball we will need the following:

  • balloon;
  • yarn or thick threads;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • glitter;
  • tinsel;
  • sequins;
  • needle with a wide eye;
  • fat cream;
  • ribbon.

1. First you need to inflate the balloon to the size we need. Remember that the size of the ball directly determines the size of the future toy.

2. Then we lubricate our inflatable ball with rich baby cream. It’s even better to lubricate it with Vaseline, but, unfortunately, I don’t have it at home. This is done so that the threads with which we wrap it will easily come off the ball after drying.

3. Next, insert the thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the bottle with PVA glue, approximately in the middle, so that the thread of yarn gets wet as it passes through it.

4. Now we begin to carefully wrap our balloon. First, leave a large distance between the threads of yarn. Then we gradually reduce this distance. As a result, our balloon should be well wrapped and look a little like a cocoon. We cut the thread and glue it to the top of the ball.

5. While the threads are not dry, you need to sprinkle the ball with glitter, which you can make yourself from tinsel or rain. But you can do without it. My son and I decided to sprinkle it to make our Christmas tree ball brighter and more beautiful.

6. That’s it, now you need to leave it to dry for about a day.
The next day, we carefully pierced the ball with a needle and removed it from the workpiece - the “cocoon”.

7. Now comes the fun part, namely decorating the toy.
We make flowers from ribbons - simply by twisting them. We had a blue ribbon available at home, that's why we have flowers blue color. And carefully, using super glue, glue them to the “cocoon” ball in a chaotic manner.

8. We only have silver sequins, so we glue them on, also with super glue, so that they end up between the flowers.

9. On top of the “cocoon”, where the balloon was tied, it didn’t turn out very nice, so we simultaneously disguised and decorated this place with a twisted narrow ribbon and a large shiny button.

10. And so that our ball toy can be hung on Christmas tree, we also make a loop from a ribbon, only green so that it does not merge with the flowers, and decorate it with a small piece of tinsel. The size of the loop should depend on the size of the toy.

11. So that our ball could not only be hung on the Christmas tree, but also used as interior decoration, we glued a little green tinsel to the bottom. And this is what we got.

We don’t yet know whether our ball toy will take any prizes at the competition in kindergarten, since the competition is not over yet. But my eldest son said that we made the most beautiful ball, he had never seen such a beautiful one. And for me this is the best praise.

Happy New Year 2017 everyone!!!