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New New Year scenarios for children. Children's scripts

Today is script day! Let's aim for a fun holiday ahead! The New Year's holiday script sent by Yulia Belousova will help us with this. The fact is that on the last day of accepting works for the New Year's Trouble competition, two scripts were received from the young author. Yulia is 13 years old. Since the volume is quite large, I divided the submitted material into three creative works, which will all be published on the same day, one after the other.

So, the first scenario for the New Year's holiday for children 4-8 years old, proposed by the author.

Country "Latupia" - New Year's holiday scenario

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!
Hello, girls and boys, mothers and fathers, grandparents!

You have found yourself on a Christmas tree, on a holiday, in a country called “Latupia”.

Monkeys live here and are usually very polite and obedient.

But that was before today, and today the monkeys there are completely disorderly - they walk upside down, scream, make noise and play pranks from morning to evening, they squeak not like humans, they scream not like animals, and just howl, yes, that residents of neighboring countries are clutching their heads... The monkeys are bored!

Guys, let's go to Latupia and try to calm down the naughty monkeys and teach them to play happily and not disturb anyone..

And Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka will help us with this.

(monkey runs out)

Well, well, why don’t we dance, don’t play pranks, don’t have fun, don’t walk upside down, but just sit!? (the monkey starts to bother everyone, lifts them up, and then there’s a game)
Guys, let's play the game "Latupia haha"

Game "Latupia ha-ha"

The rules are as long as the music is playing, everyone runs and dances, and as soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, with open eyes, and the monkey will make you laugh, whoever laughs goes into the refrigerator, and to get out of the refrigerator you need to dance or sing a song and recite a poem.

Are the rules clear? Then let's go!
Music (playing the game “Laputia ha-ha”)
(A rooster named “Petya” comes out)
Hello, where did I end up?!

Children together:

to Latupia)

Rooster: I came to you from far away, I haven’t been seen for a long time, I New Year I let you in, Year of the Rooster!

Presenter: Petya-Petya Cockerel, have you seen Santa Claus?!

Rooster: No, I haven’t seen it, let’s call together?!

Children, Leader and Monkey:
Let's! (Scream Santa Claus, Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost,)

(Baba Yaga runs out)

Baba Yaga: Hello, everyone! Little ones, where did I end up?!

Presenter: Hello Baba Yaga, you have arrived in Latupia.

Baba Yaga: I heard that you are waiting for Santa Claus, (all: yes), no, I haven’t seen him.

Presenter: Come on, then let’s call the Snow Maiden (everyone: let’s)

All: Snegurochka, Snegurochka, Snegurochka.
(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden: Hello, I’m glad to see you all, (and sad)

Presenter: Why are you sad as the New Year approaches, and where is Santa Claus?!

Snow Maiden: Oh, my glorious grandfather, named Frost. The evil evil spirits stole him and took him far away.

Presenter: Let's go look for him, and the monkey and Baba Yaga will remain here, in case Santa Claus comes here.
(Rooster, Presenter, Snow Maiden - leave)

Baba Yaga: Monkey, let's steal Santa Claus ourselves and take the gifts!

Monkey: Come on! Children, let's call Santa Claus again!

Children: Let's

All: Father Frost, Father Frost, Father Frost.
(Santa Claus comes out breathing heavily)

Santa Claus: Oh, he barely escaped from the evil spirits. Hello, girls and boys, mothers and fathers, grandparents. Where is everyone, where is the fun, where is my granddaughter?

Baba Yaga: They left to look for you.

Santa Claus: Well... Let's start having fun for now, and you'll see they'll come to us. Who will sing me a song about the Christmas tree, and who will tell me a poem?!
(They sing a song to the little Christmas tree, it’s cold in winter)

Father Frost:
And now poetry!

Poems for the New Year holiday

Where does Santa Claus live?
Amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's look in the refrigerator!


Santa Claus, no matter how old,
But he plays pranks like a little one:
It stings your cheeks, it tickles your nose,
He wants to grab you by the ears.
Santa Claus, don't blow in my face,
Enough, do you hear?
Don't spoil!


The bunny washes himself
Going to the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
Put on a bow
He became a dandy.


The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly.
This means New Year,
This means a Christmas tree!


Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday!
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

(While the children were reciting poems, the monkey hid the gifts)

come - Rooster, Presenter, Snow Maiden

Monkey: Santa Claus came, and you were looking for him.

Presenter: Well then, let’s play the game “patron of the year”

Several children come out and portray the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster (here you can organize a costume contest or a song and poem competition about the rooster)

Well done, the guys completed the task, and now the game “Toy of Wishes”

Game “Toy of Wishes”

For this competition you need to prepare a soft toy.

When music plays, children pass it around to each other. The music stops and the person who is holding the toy at that moment must say a wish.

Then the song begins to play again and the toy again begins to be passed from hand to hand.

And now let's play the game "Lunokhod" (TL note: description of the game “lunar rover”, you will find)

And now Santa Claus will give you gifts.

Santa Claus: (screams) Oh, oh, the bag is gone!

Children: It was the monkey and Baba Yaga who stole it!

Presenter: Come on, quickly give us the bag!

Monkey: We’ll give it back, but only if you guess our riddles, and the riddles are difficult, we’ve been preparing them for a whole year! Will you guess?!

Children: Yes!

New Year's riddles for kids

Baba Yaga:

Christmas tree with toys, Clowns with firecrackers.

All the people are having fun! What kind of holiday? (New Year)


Decorated with toys

Balloons and firecrackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine tree,

And the festive one... (Christmas tree)

Baba Yaga:

He comes with gifts

He leads round dances with us.

Overgrown with a white beard

Good Grandfather... (Frost)


It sat on the shelf for a whole year,

And now it hangs on the tree.

This is not a flashlight

And the glass one... (ball)

Baba Yaga:

On the beauty of the forest

The rain is coming in waves

From a silver cord

Hanging down... (tinsel)


And now the most difficult riddle
All of it sparkles in gold,
Everything sparkles under the moon,
Decorates the Christmas tree with beads,
And draws on glass.
He's such a big prankster -
He'll pinch you right on the nose.
He came here for a holiday...
Who is he, children? …(Father Frost)

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's give away the gifts, we deserve it, we solved all the riddles, well done guys!

Presenter: And now grandfather will sing you a song, and (child’s name) will tell you a poem!

Children sing the song “while the clock strikes 12”


Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree,
Hides his head in a bag.
Don't torment us too long -
Untie the bag quickly!

Father Frost:

I will give gifts to everyone!
(A song plays, everyone receives gifts)
I had a good time, it's time for me to join the other guys.
Bye Santa Claus!

The final part of the holiday


Guys, our holiday has come to an end, we completed the task, made us laugh and now in Latupia they don’t walk upside down - but walk on their feet, there are no more naughty monkeys there, and everyone here is obedient and dances every day. Finally, I want to wish you fulfillment of your desires, happiness, luck, love, listen to your parents, study well!

(narrates the poem)

This good winter holiday
enters every home like a fairy tale.
It's silver and beautiful
smells like Christmas tree and fire.
smells of snow and champagne,
more tangerines.
Congratulations on this holiday,
We are waiting for Frost to visit us.
New Year is a great occasion
make peace and forget
about everything that darkened
life for all people that year.
Let all the grievances and disputes
are left behind
well, in this new life
only happiness lies ahead!
Let the troubles be forgotten
and retreat into the darkness.
The New Year is just around the corner,
opens up a new path.
Goodbye friends, happy new year to you!
The script for the New Year's holiday 2017 was written by Yulia Belousova (13 years old)
From Samara region. Art. Klyavlino
Scenario for children aged (from 4 to 8 years)

I must say that such a New Year's holiday scenario is quite suitable for celebrating any new year. All you have to do is change the main characters - the monkey and the cockerel for animals, according to the eastern calendar

You can talk about the New Year a lot and for a long time. But, no matter who and what they say, first of all, the New Year is a holiday of childhood. It is enough for us, adults, to remember with what greedy impatience we were waiting for him. With what trembling excitement they climbed under the tree in the morning, because they could not live until midnight. And how we rejoiced at the candy gifts and various treats that the caring Santa Claus gave us!

The main task of adults

And today, having become adult uncles and aunts, it is very important not to waste that feeling of festive anticipation that accompanies children throughout the entire preparation for. And, of course, do not disappoint your children’s expectations.

Gifts placed under the tree are very wonderful. But it is worth remembering that the New Year is a fabulous holiday. And therefore, at this time, a variety of miracles can happen. And for these miracles to really happen, you should carefully prepare for their appearance. Specialists can help with this children's New Year scenarios.

How to entertain children for New Year

No one will argue that the most important guest at a children's party is Santa Claus. Without it, the gifts are not so interesting, and the holiday itself may seem boring. IN family circle It’s worth thinking about who exactly will be this “highlight of the program.” Or you can call the artists - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - and develop a scenario around their visit.

It is clear that long time These artists will not be able to be in the house. But today there are a variety of children's scripts New Year's holidays . And in these scenarios there are a lot of competitions, charades or practical jokes with which you can fill the time until Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear. And after the most important representatives of the New Year's program have left, it will be possible to slowly seat the children in their places.

You can create scripts yourself, or find a ready-made version. Of course, not every person can come up with an interesting dynamic children's script. But, as practice has shown, our mothers sometimes show miracles of creativity, creating real masterpieces of the entertainment industry out of the blue. And all this is done only so that their one and only child in the world will rejoice from the heart and receive a lot positive emotions from New Year's celebrations.

If you don’t have creative ideas, you can borrow them from professional presenters of children’s matinees and parties. In any case, a holiday organized from the heart will definitely turn out to be bright, colorful and very interesting.

You can talk about the New Year a lot and for a long time. But, no matter who and what they say, first of all, the New Year is a holiday of childhood. It is enough for us, adults, to remember with what greedy impatience we were waiting for him. With what trembling excitement they climbed under the tree in the morning, because they could not live until midnight. And how we rejoiced at the candy gifts and various treats that the caring Santa Claus gave us!

The main task of adults

And today, having become adult uncles and aunts, it is very important not to waste that feeling of festive anticipation that accompanies children throughout the entire preparation for. And, of course, do not disappoint your children’s expectations.

Gifts placed under the tree are very wonderful. But it is worth remembering that the New Year is a fabulous holiday. And therefore, at this time, a variety of miracles can happen. And for these miracles to really happen, you should carefully prepare for their appearance. Specialists can help with this children's New Year scenarios.

How to entertain children for New Year

No one will argue that the most important guest at a children's party is Santa Claus. Without it, the gifts are not so interesting, and the holiday itself may seem boring. In the family circle, it is worth thinking about who exactly will be this “highlight of the program.” Or you can call the artists - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - and develop a scenario around their visit.

It is clear that these artists will not be able to stay in the house for a long time. But today there are a variety of Scenarios for children's New Year's parties. And in these scenarios there are a lot of competitions, charades or practical jokes with which you can fill the time until Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear. And after the most important representatives of the New Year's program have left, it will be possible to slowly seat the children in their places.

You can create scripts yourself, or find a ready-made version. Of course, not every person can come up with an interesting, dynamic children's scenario. But, as practice has shown, our mothers sometimes show miracles of creativity, creating real masterpieces of the entertainment industry out of the blue. And all this is done only so that their one and only child in the world will rejoice from the bottom of his heart and receive a lot of positive emotions from the New Year celebrations.

If you don’t have creative ideas, you can borrow them from professional presenters of children’s matinees and parties. In any case, a holiday organized from the heart will definitely turn out to be bright, colorful and very interesting.

While it's hot summer and most of us are looking for shade to hide from the sun, our authors are working for you to cold winter You celebrated the New Year 2017 – the year of the rooster – in a bright and unusual way. And that's why they write new script new year 2017 kindergarten for children of secondary and senior group. This scenario will help you celebrate the year of the monkey and meet the year of the rooster. Children will play with the characters, save the cockerel and drive away the cunning fox. They will also have a meeting with Santa Claus and the bright lighting of the New Year tree.

The snow is swirling outside the window,
White blizzard,
But don't be sad, my friend,
Soon everything will change.
The Christmas tree will shine
bright lights,
And they will start a round dance,
Snowflakes are with us!
(at the last words, music starts playing and snowflakes run out)

Dance of snowflakes.

Snowflake 1:
How much fun you have here!
Will you take us in?


Snowflake 2:
It was not by chance that we arrived -
We wanted to congratulate you on the holiday!

Guys, do you know
What holiday is approaching?

Children in chorus:
New Year!

Well done boys! They said it right!
Does anyone know what New Year is?

Game "What is New Year"

What is New Year?
Round dance around the Christmas tree?
Laughter, fun, dancing?
Feeling like a fairy tale?
And there are gifts under the tree?
And when is it really hot outside?
When are flowers given to all mothers?
When are boys only congratulated?
When do you say goodbye to winter?
Are the candles on the cake blown out?
Santa Claus when he comes
And does he bring you gifts?

You are all so great!
Now let us
Let's join you in a round dance
And we'll sing a song about the New Year.

Any New Year's song.

After the song, when the children are seated, a monkey runs out and cries.

Wait! Do not rush!
What happened, tell me!

Monkey (crying):
Oh poor, poor me!
The fox is driving me out!

Kicks you out? Why?
I don't understand anything.

Don't you recognize me?
I have been with you all this year.
This was the year of the monkeys
But he's about to leave!
And I would leave with him,
But the fox kicked out first!

To the accompaniment of the song of Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat, the Fox comes out.

Were you waiting for me? Here I am!
Come on, welcome me!
Clap your hands louder!
Oh, how good you are!

The monkey cries even more and runs away.

Why are you ahead of time, Lisa,
Did you drive away the monkey?

Who did I drive away?
You are confusing something, friends!
I came to you on a different route,
I am the symbol of next year!
And I order you,
Do a dance for me!

You Fox wait
We will not follow your orders.
After all, the new year will not be yours, Lisa
And there will be a new year - the year of the Rooster!

Lisa (laughs):
There will be no year of the rooster!
I stole it a long time ago
And I hid it well!
So this year will be mine!
And why are we still sitting?
Let's all dance
And dance to make me laugh!

Children are dancing some kind of New Year's dance.

That's it, I'm tired of dancing,
Now it's time to play!

Game "Breadcrumbs"

Take the cookies and crumble them onto plates. The players' task is to collect all the crumbs from the plate without using their hands and using only(!) the tip of their tongue. You can't lick it!

But the fox, naturally, did everything in its own way and licked it off.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"
Christmas trees are drawn on two Whatman papers. Children line up in a row with painted balls next to them. These balls need to be attached to the Christmas tree. To attach them, you can cut out these balls from multi-colored self-adhesive paper. The children's task is to decorate their Christmas tree ahead of the Fox.
And the fox will have balls on buttons (to quickly attach to the “Christmas tree”)
In the end, the fox wins again.

You're not playing fair, Lisa!
Why do you offend guys!

I don't offend anyone
I play as best I can!
Don't you want to play like that?
Nobody will force you!
Better yet, let's
Guess my riddles!

The fox makes tricky riddles.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha,
I deceived you all!

No, Lisa, that won’t do!
Soon Santa Claus will come,
He hits you with his staff
Will freeze until spring!

At this moment, the song “Barbariki - Russian Grandfather Frost” is turned on, and Grandfather Frost comes out with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:
Guys, I hear they are offended,
Who is stopping you from enjoying the holiday?

Fox (scared):
Sorry, oh, sorry!
I won't do it anymore
I beg you to have mercy,
Don't freeze me!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, don't be so strict with her,
After all, the new year is coming soon!

Father Frost:
Look at me, don't play pranks anymore,
And ask the guys for forgiveness.

Sorry, I won't do this again
I will remember the lesson for a long time!

Lisa leaves.

Father Frost:
And now with you,
Let's decorate the Christmas tree with lights!
Let's say together:
One two Three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, what a wonderful Christmas tree you have!
Let's dance for her now!
They perform a round dance around the tree.

Father Frost:
Oh, I'm a little tired.
I'll rest a little.
Tell me a poem
And not just one, but many.
I'll listen to everyone, friends.
And I will treat you with a treat!

Children recite poems.

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, trouble, trouble!

Father Frost:
What is it, my granddaughter?

Snow Maiden:
After all, the fox left us,
But the cockerel didn’t return!

Father Frost:
Ay-ay-ay, it’s okay,
We will return it ourselves!
Let's clap our hands
Let's stomp our feet.
And we’ll shout: “Petya, Cockerel!”
Come quickly, my friend!”

Everyone is clapping, stomping and screaming. And so three times! Then the music sounds and the cockerel comes out.

I get up early in the morning
And I shout to everyone: Ku-ka-re-ku!
I have the most colorful tail,
There are still spurs on my feet,
Red beard and comb,
Tell me who am I?

We saved the cockerel
Let us all shout together: “Hurray!”
And let's go to the cockerel together,
Let's sing a New Year's song!

There is a round dance and a New Year's song is sung.

Father Frost:
Well done guys!
And now it's time to say goodbye
We're hitting the road,
It's time to part ways.

Snow Maiden:
But don't be sad for us,
We will return to you in the new year.
And the cockerel will stay for a year,
And he won't go anywhere!

Father Frost:
Well, it's time for us to hit the road.

Snow Maiden:
Friends, goodbye!

Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year, all schools and kindergartens hold New Year's matinees. And in order for the matinee to be very fun and interesting, you need to think about the scenario for the New Year 2017 for children in advance in order to choose costumes for the characters, as well as buy small gifts.

We have prepared an interesting New Year's scenario for children in the year of the Rooster with funny characters. Such Christmas story The kids are sure to like it.

Scenario for the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster for children

Kikimora: (screams in the direction from where she was coming out) You better tap your forehead, he congratulates me on the New Year. You can’t go to the store normally, everyone around you is screaming, laughing, throwing snow. (indignantly) Monsters!

(Leshy enters)

Goblin: Why are you so angry, Kikimora?

Kikimora: Look what these kids did to me. (shows the torn dress with Koshchei) You see, they Snow Baba I wanted to make some blinds and play in the snow. Ugh…

Goblin: Why did you go outside? It’s not safe there now, everyone is preparing for the New Year.

Kikimora: (mysteriously) Yes, I needed the ingredient for one spell, so I went to the store to get it.

Goblin: Why are you looking so mysteriously? Do you want to steal gifts again or Santa Claus?

Kikimora: Yes, your old man has given in to me and I don’t need gifts. Not all of my bruises have gone away from the last time.

Goblin: (laughs) Yes, Frost taught you a lesson last year. What did you come up with again?

Kikimora: (rubs his hands) This time, Leshy, I will make it so that the New Year will not come at all.

Goblin: And how are you going to do this?

Kikimora: (takes out grain) With the help of these wonderful grains.

Goblin: (perplexed) Zeren? Looks like you got hit hard by the staff, your head isn't working at all.

Kikimora: Shut up and better listen to the end. Whose year will it be? Rooster! What do Roosters love most?

Goblin: Well, grain and what?

Kikimora: We will come to visit Santa Claus, distract him, throw grains at the Rooster, and he will follow us.

Goblin: And what are we going to do with it? (as if he realized something) Wait, are we going to see Santa Claus?

Kikimora: Exactly! While the old man is looking at his Christmas trees again, we will kidnap Cockerel.

Goblin: Oh, I don’t know, I don’t like all this. Maybe we'd better celebrate the New Year together? Let's set the table and watch cartoons, shall we?

Kikimora: (surprised) What cartoons, Leshy, how old are you? And what should we celebrate? What is the New Year for? To receive gifts, and did this Santa Claus at least once bring you a gift? No, there won’t be a New Year, period! Get ready, we're going to visit.

(Kikimora and Leshy leave. Father Frost appears on the stage, approaches one tree, then another, examines them, sings something along. The Snow Maiden comes out, leading Cockerel by the hand)

Snow Maiden: Here we are! The cockerel really wanted to see the beautiful Christmas tree.

(The cockerel jumps for joy and looks at the decorated Christmas tree)

Father Frost: Hush, hush, my little Rooster, we are not alone here, behave well.

(Actors turn to children)

Father Frost: Hello guys, do you recognize us? We came to you for the holiday to wish you a Happy New Year and give you gifts. Have you been good this year? (children answer) Then I invite you first to dance a little and please the old man with a New Year's song.

(Children go on stage and begin to dance around the Christmas tree, sing a pre-prepared song or any known one)

Father Frost: You are all so smart and sing so beautifully. Have you pleased Grandfather Frost, but want to play a little? Our Cockerel knows a lot of games, doesn't he?

(The cockerel jumps and nods his head)

Father Frost: And his favorite one is called “Crocodile”. Now the Cockerel will portray some animal, and you must guess it. Do you think you can handle it? Then let's get started quickly.

(Children begin to play to the music)

Snow Maiden: (laughs) Oh, this Cockerel really amused us. It's time for us, grandfather, to please the kids. Where is your big bag of gifts?

Father Frost: (looking around) I seem to have forgotten him in my hut. Cockerel, please bring the big red bag, it’s standing near the door.

(The cockerel leaves)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, while we are waiting for gifts, would you like to sing us a song?

Snow Maiden: With joy, grandfather!

(Children are invited to their seats, and the Snow Maiden sings a song about winter)

Father Frost: Our Cockerel has been gone for a long time, is the bag really that heavy?

Snow Maiden: I'll go and see where he is.

(Snow Maiden leaves and returns with a feather in her hands)

Snow Maiden: (scared) Trouble! There is no Cockerel anywhere and there are no gifts either. Here's what I found. (shows everyone the feather)

Father Frost: (looks at the children) Who dared to steal them?

(The children answer that it was Kikimora and Leshy)

Father Frost: It can’t be, I taught kikimora a lesson last time. Is she really back to her old ways again?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, don’t be upset, we will find Cockerel and return the gifts!

Father Frost: Where to look for these pranksters?

(A snowman appears. He leads Kikimora and Leshy, their hands are tied)

Snowman: I've already found them!

Father Frost: (joyfully) Snowman!

Snow Maiden: Where is the Cockerel and the bag of gifts?

(A happy rooster appears, carrying a bag on his back)

Father Frost: Where did you find them?

Snowman: I knew that Kikimora would try to ruin the New Year again. I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday and I see these two walking through the forest with Cockerel and a big sack. That's where I caught them.

Father Frost: Thank you, snowman, you helped us out. (approaches Kikimora and Leshy) What should I do with you?

Goblin: Don't ruin it, Grandfather Frost, it's not my fault! It was Kikimora who came up with the idea of ​​ruining the New Year, and forced me to help her.

Kikimora: Shut up, you unfortunate coward.

Father Frost: Well, Kikimora, won’t you calm down? Why are you so angry?

Kikimora: Why should I be kind? I was not invited to the holiday, no one gave me a gift.

Father Frost: Why should I give you a gift? You’ve been behaving badly for a whole year: you’ll throw frogs in the soup, or you’ll start a fight. Only the kind and obedient receive gifts for the New Year, but are you like that?

Kikimora: (offended) But maybe no one taught me to be kind...

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I think I know why she's so angry. (addresses Kikimora) You know, Kikimora, Grandfather Frost also has a gift for you, but only you need to earn it?

Kikimora: How?

Snow Maiden: Tell him a poem.

Kikimora: (surprised) Quiet... what? How is that?

Snow Maiden: Now you'll find out. (addresses the children) Well, guys, let's teach her how to recite poems?

(Children recite poems and receive gifts)

Kikimora: It is so simple! (sad) It's a pity, I don't know any poems.

Snow Maiden: Then be sure to learn it by the next New Year, but in the meantime, sing a song with us.

(Everyone stands around the Christmas tree and sings “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Kikimora: Oh, how fun! How amazing! Goblin, we quickly ran home to set the table and celebrate the New Year.

(the cheerful Leshy and Kikimora run away, and the Snowman, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday)

Father Frost: See you again, friends! Happy New Year!

We hope you liked our script for children for the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster. With coming!