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Olga Buzova after breaking up with her husband: “Even if you want to howl... Olga Buzova divorces her football player husband with a scandal It is true that Buzova divorced her husband


Buzova and Tarasov news today: Olga Buzova is divorcing Tarasov? Did Tarasov break up with Buzova?

Passions around the separation of Olga and Dmitry are heating up in the discussion supposedly the upcoming divorce of a famous married couple.

Buzova herself still does not comment on rumors about a divorce from her husband, and Tarasov does not want to talk about such a sensitive topic, waiting until his wife speaks out.

Olga Buzova and Tarasov broke up - Possible reasons for the breakup

After 4 years family life Well-known TV presenter Olga Buzova and athlete (football player) Dmitry Tarasov, unfortunately for many fans, have they really broken up? What was the reason for the separation?

Facts that suggest the separation of Buzova and Tarasov:

  • Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov filmed wedding rings .
  • * Tarasov appeared in the world (and on latest photos) without a wedding band. In principle, Dima sometimes took off his wedding ring even in the most cloudless periods of his family life. For example, during vacation or while training at the gym.

    * Buzova published a video online showing the disappearance of ring finger wedding ring. Perhaps this is a response to Dmitry, or maybe the reason is that Olga signed the video “We are making a movie” and this was done for the sake of the role.

  • Olga Buzova stopped posting joint photos online with her husband, although she used to do this with enviable regularity.
  • Buzova’s usual radiant smile disappeared somewhere.
  • The last time the couple was seen together was at a concert three weeks ago.
  • Olga Buzova was not with Dmitry Tarasov when he was admitted to the hospital.
  • His mother was next to him.

  • D. Tarasov was not present when Olga Buzova was presented with the award for the best Russian Instagram.
  • Perhaps you were in the hospital?

  • Buzova’s publication of a poem about angels on Instagram.
  • Despair, pain, sadness, regret were evident from the lines of the verse...

    A lot of opinions are expressed about the reasons for the breakdown of relationships in Internet research:

    • Tarasov was always ill-mannered, rude and prone to treason.
    • According to the statements of former participant of “Dom-2” Rustam Solntsev.

    • The relationship lost its freshness and it is possible that Dima could begin to cheat on Olya.
    • Again from the words of Rustam Solntsev, as well as from comments on the Instagram social network.

    • Buzova has accumulated claims and grievances, since in a couple Olga loves her husband more than he loves her.
    • When his wife was in the hospital, Dmitry hung out in clubs.

    • After a major operation, Tarasov has not worked for six months, but Olga is constantly at work.
    • It is not easy to maintain an exemplary marriage when you and your husband see each other figuratively once every five years, or at least a month.

    • Buzova and Tarasov have been married for 4 years, but the couple still has no children.
    • And Dmitry has a daughter from his first marriage, with whom he maintains a relationship.

    • Buzova disappeared from the football player’s list of friends on the social network, and he completely closed his page.
    • Tarasov asked Buzova to pack her things and leave his apartment.
    • Some sources claim that Olga Buzova found a new home and began collecting her personal belongings.

    • The reason for the divorce could be the size of Olga Buzova’s breasts.
    • With a hint that new girl Dmitry Tarasov has big breasts.

    What Dmitry Tarasov responded to reports of a breakup with Olga Buzova

    Footballer Dmitry Tarasov did not confirm his separation from Olga Buzova

    In principle, conclusions about the separation were made from monitoring social networks, and neither spouse directly reported the breakup.

    Media journalists, when contacting the 29-year-old football player, were refused comments about this issue. Dmitry Tarasov suggested turning to his wife, saying: “Call Olya - she likes to comment on everything... And if you need to write something scandalous, write what you want...”

    But on his Instagram page, Dmitry Tarasov recently published a photo of himself in a hospital bed (after surgery to reconstruct his nose). And he signed: “Thanks to mom and everyone who supported me.” And about his wife - either just not a word, or he referred to “everyone”.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been one of the most discussed couples in the media for more than six months. Long time the spouses did not expose what was happening in the house to people, and fans hoped until the very end that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve their relationship, but a miracle did not happen.

In January 2014, Dmitry Tarasov got a tattoo on his wrist, forming the initials of his name and the name of Olga Buzova, and below was the date of their wedding. Such a gift touched the host of “House-2” to the depths of her soul.

At that moment, Buzova published a photo showing her husband’s hand with a secret design, and signed it like this: “My husband’s act yesterday moved me to tears. Not a single person dedicated a tattoo to me! I really appreciate it... I love you, dear. Together forever.” . For a long time, the TV presenter created the image of an exemplary family on social networks, although in reality everything turned out to be not so romantic and, after a while, fans of the famous spouses noticed that their lovers stopped appearing joint photos. Later, Dmitry did not come to support his wife at the award ceremony for the best “Instagrams,” having gone with friends to one of the capital’s bars at that time. The last straw in the overflowing cup was the athlete’s act: once again in the hospital ward, Tarasov thanked his mother for her support, and not his wife, who had always been his main support.

And on November 29, the host of “Dom-2” drew the line and filed for divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The family idyll of the famous TV presenter collapsed. As it became known, Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov divorced after four years of married life. The separation of the spouses was accompanied by a lot of scandalous details.

According to the couple’s friends, the football player initially did not want to marry Olga, because the day before he had gone through divorce proceedings. The main reason why Tarasov was nevertheless inclined to marry was the condition under which Buzova would bear him children. However, the TV star never gave her husband the promised offspring.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova: assumptions of disagreements in a couple

During discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally ran out. Others argued that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively focused on her career. And then the football player’s patience ran out.

Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the notorious reality show “Dom-2” had health problems, which is why she was unable to give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about her ill health. Some are sure that Olga Buzova is simply promoting herself on her marriage , like Ksenia Borodina, who forgave her husband after publicly admitting his infidelities.

And after a while, new interesting details were revealed from the personal lives of the stars. It turns out that the TV presenter and the athlete had a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a breakup, everyone remains, as they say, to their own.

However, Tarasov himself insists that the reason for the divorce was the exposure of the relationship to the public and... money! As it turned out, all property acquired during the marriage will be divided in half. “There is a marriage contract. Half of our property goes to her... The car was my gift for her..." Dmitry said in an interview.

The athlete is disappointed by the inevitable circumstance that he will have to share with Olga the country house, the construction of which they Lately They worked hard: “The result of my work, all kinds of training... And she needs to return half of it. For what? I don’t understand such moments, such people. Money is the main reason for our disagreements!” In addition, Tarasov also said that he ex-lover completely different outlook on life.

Fans of the ex-couple watched as Olga Buzova cried and became hysterical because of the breakup, and came to the conclusion that Dmitry Tarasov was on this moment completely satisfied with life, but the football player says the opposite, claiming that he simply does not consider it necessary to advertise his real emotions.

The main reason for the separation of the “tarabuziks”

As previously reported by the media, the high-profile divorce of Lokomotiv Moscow football player Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova was provoked by many reasons, but the main one was his wife’s infidelity. From the correspondence that became public, we can conclude that Buzova, while married to a football player, cheated on him with showman Dmitry Nagiyev.

This is evidenced not only by messages of a provocative nature, but also by videos of a naked TV presenter, which she sent to a colleague. Buzova herself considers the hacker’s trick a cruel and vile act towards her. But Tarasov said that he was shocked by the news about his wife’s betrayal, although he had foreseen this for a long time. Tarasov also says that he had long noticed the indecent and immoral behavior of his wife, but then no one believed him, since his words looked like an excuse against the backdrop of Buzova’s statements. Now the athlete has finally declared that he can officially be considered a free man.

Buzova divorces Tarasov 2016: rumors that Dmitry cheated on Olga have been circulating on social networks for a long time.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are getting divorced 2016: The media learned the name of the couple's homewrecker

Rumors that Dmitry Tarasov cheated on Olga Buzova have been circulating on the Internet for a long time. At first, the football player was assigned second vice-miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Kostenko as his mistress, but the girl said that she had nothing in common with the athlete.

Then the attention of fans switched to another beauty - model Anna Ushakova. Previously, Buzova’s subscribers had already noted that the girl received as a gift exactly the same bouquets that Tarasov had previously given to his wife, which only reinforced the public’s suspicions.

At the same time, the presenter of “House 2” herself not long ago addressed the participants of one of the beauty contests with a request “not to take their husbands away from the family.”

Anna Ushakova became the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 competition. She is a frequent guest of social events, and she has already been dubbed a hunter of star husbands.

Buzova and Tarasov separated and divorced 2016: Dmitry’s mistress was generously paid
Buzova and Tarasov broke up and are getting divorced 2016 - the whole truth about the marriage of the Dom-2 presenter and the football player. The divorce of Buzova and Tarasov was truly a sensation of the year. However, fans think that this is just a PR campaign to drum up attention to Olga and Dmitry.

Divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov 2016 - latest news. Praa has not appeared anywhere together for more than a month, she took off her wedding rings, and Dmitry, according to rumors, has a mistress. Meanwhile, Olga doesn’t cry into her pillow all day long: she runs Dom-2, participates in a wide variety of projects and doesn’t get bored. And the apogee of all her activities was the release of the song “To the Sound of Kisses.”

Fans believe that everything that is happening and Buzova’s divorce are far-fetched. It's just PR. The same as Ksenia Borodina and her husband had this summer. Then the second presenter of Dom-2 was also divorcing her husband, but after Kurban Omarov released his several projects, the couple reconciled and live amicably and happily.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up 2016 - news. Fans think that Olga pulled off something similar. In anticipation of the release of her song, she decided to stir up interest in herself. And the best way to do this is by creating problems in your personal life.

Some even suspect that Tarasov’s imaginary mistress is not his girlfriend at all. Anastasia Kostenko is suspected in connection with the football player. Followers think that the girl was simply paid for her role.


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Marriage Olga Buzova(30) and a football player Dmitry Tarasov(29) . And not only for the public, but also for Olya herself, who even wrote a book “ The price of happiness”, in which she talked about how to maintain a marriage relationship. But it seems her advice didn't help.

Just a week ago, that Buzova and Tarasov were not doing as smoothly as we would like: for three weeks, Olga did not post photos of her and her husband on social media, and a little later she ended up in the hospital. And in such a difficult time, only her sister Anna supported the TV star.

Then Tarasov ended up in the clinic. Olya did not come to visit her husband. Everything seemed more than strange, and tonight Buzova posted a photo on Instagram in a white dress and signed it: “You know, Angels one day get tired of someone’s lies, betrayal and pain. From the promises you make, which you don’t have the will to keep... From small humiliating insults, from bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile, from long waits in silence that torments you with terrible torture. They suddenly understand that they are not needed. The one to whom they were sent was not waiting for them. And the wings that are wounded, sick - they stood in vain in trouble. Everything is in vain - like a death sentence. And, folding his wings, the Angel disappears. And only then will you understand that you are alone. There is no more Angel, no one is covering..."

Myself Dima this is how he commented on the situation when I contacted him “Olya likes to comment on everything, so call her. And I’ll comment on this right after it.”

We sincerely hope that the couple will overcome all problems.