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▼Numbness of legs, arms and fingers.▲Unclench the “fist” of contracture.▲. Test: Clench your fist and reveal all the secrets of your character

Rheumatoid arthritis often begins with damage to small symmetrical joints

It often happens that a person wakes up at night because his elbow or shoulder ache or his knee twists. I did a massage, applied ointment - it became easier. But over time, the pain intensifies, attacks are repeated more often. Naughty fingers make it impossible to fasten a button, and several steps turn into an insurmountable obstacle because the leg does not bend at the knee. Doctors recommend replacing a joint destroyed by inflammation with a prosthesis.

“In order not to bring the matter to surgery, if you experience pain, swelling in a joint or redness of the skin at the site of discomfort, you need to go to an appointment with a rheumatologist,” says the head of the first rheumatology department of the Alexander Clinical Hospital, associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 of the National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets, candidate of medical sciences Alexey Ivashkivsky. — The specialist will find out the cause of arthritis - an inflammatory disease of the joint tissues - and prescribe treatment, which is important to start in a timely manner. This is especially true for reactive arthritis. It can occur after a sore throat, genitourinary or intestinal infection, if microbes enter the joint with the bloodstream and inflammation begins. It is also often provoked by an infection that gets inside the joint during surgery or manipulation, after an injury.

The inflammatory process that destroys cartilage, bones and ligaments also occurs with rheumatoid arthritis, but it is provoked by a malfunction in the immune system. It actively defends itself from an imaginary enemy, attacking its own tissue lining the inner surface of the joint. If a person does not see a doctor, he may become disabled within a few years. Without treatment, the joint is destroyed, and the pathological change limits mobility and limits movement to a minimum.

— What are the first signs of arthritis?

— With rheumatoid arthritis, the symmetrical small joints of the hands or feet initially suffer. Most often, the patient pays attention to the wrists and fingers, which are simultaneously inflamed and painful on both sides. A person complains that after waking up he cannot clench his fingers into a fist and has to stretch them for a while, or that in the morning he walks for a long time to overcome the stiffness of his joints. Reactive arthritis is more characterized by damage to large joints on the legs, and asymmetrically.

— Does inflammation also cause gout?

- Yes. With microcrystalline arthritis, due to metabolic disorders, nutritional errors, kidney disease, and stress, the level of uric acid in the blood increases. In this case, crystals of sodium urate are deposited in the joint, it swells, the skin turns red and any touch causes unbearable pain.

How to relieve pain during gout exacerbation? Is it true that it is better for gout to go on a “starvation” diet? Why does rheumatoid arthritis occur and how to treat it? What to do in case of advanced osteoarthritis?

I welcome all readers again and offer a test to determine the character and even fate of a person. First, clench your palm into a fist, without thinking about it at all, to see what fate has in store for you?

Now look at the drawing, compare it with the position of your fingers and learn a lot about your personality.

If your fist is completely clenched and your thumb is pressed against your index finger, then you can rejoice at how fate has given you. These people are endowed with modesty, but at the same time, they know a lot, are comprehensively educated to the point of genius. They are considered a walking encyclopedia.

They do not know how to focus on one subject, as they strive to learn the unknown, to embrace the immensity. Such people love to study, to study the world deeply, but most importantly, they have abilities that give them such an opportunity.

Such people are restless, active, and often become generators of all kinds of ideas.

But there is also a downside, despite the publicity of such people, they are closed at heart and only for some can they lift the veil of their secrets.

If the thumb is hidden in the fist, then these people can build themselves. Sometimes they seem gloomy and withdrawn. But if you get to know them better, it turns out that they are soft people inside, even slightly vulnerable.

Knowledge does not come to them very easily, therefore, they learn only what they need in life. They have a keen intuition, but it is not a sixth sense, but rather a technical intuition. Their brain is always solving something, calculating, comparing, studying, looking for better ways to solve problems.

The downside of such a personality: they can make mistakes in people. Therefore, it is better for them not to immediately start judging them, but to step back a little, or not to do it at all! It seems to these people that they are little appreciated, although, in fact, you are a rare bird!

When the thumb lies across the four fingers of the palm, it indicates that you are a practical, serious realist who stands firmly on his feet. Such people are economical, but this does not mean that they are looking for benefit for themselves, while substituting another person. They are loyal, reliable people with a creative mind that can be used in life, as these individuals know what they want from their lives. If your friends support you, then you are capable of any achievement.

The flip side: don’t get carried away with your achievements beyond measure. Sometimes you have to come down to earth to know reality. You have a feature that can interfere. To correctly assess reality, you need to be in it.

Your thumb rests on the middle phalanx of your index finger. You are meticulous, observant, you can start with a grain of sand, but still build yourself a castle. You will start collecting a budget from a penny, but at the same time you know how to wisely spend not only money, but also the resources of your body. Your motto: “The slower you go, the further you will go!” You do not like to boast, you prefer silence and calm.

The flip side: you don’t have to isolate yourself, you need to communicate with other people to reveal your capabilities. You should not be afraid of communication, since your caution, given to you at birth, will not allow you to take risks in order to lose. At the end of a glorious journey, you can raise a glass of champagne - the main thing is that it is with someone!

Well, did your clenched fist open your eyes, did you learn a lot of new things about yourself? Give your friends a link to this test and let them take this interesting test too.

Inflammatory process in the joints of the fingers is the most common disease in the world.

According to unofficial statistics, it affects every seventh inhabitant of the Earth, and every third of them has passed the age of 50.

There are many reasons for the development of polyarthritis of the fingers. But the result is the same - progressive pain and gradual loss of finger functionality.

In this regard, timely treatment is of exceptional importance. But to do this, you need to understand the characteristics of the symptoms of this disease.

Variety of symptoms

The symptoms of this disease vary at individual stages.

Initial symptoms

Polyarthritis affects multiple joints. But before that, you need to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease, which appear on the fingers. At the same time, the symptoms also differ for different types of polyarthritis. Thus, against the background of psoriasis, psoriatic polyarthritis can develop. Its first symptom is pain in the joints that are located next to the fingernails. These joints are called distal.

The most common form of hand arthritis is osteoarthritis. Its first sign is the “wear and tear” of the cartilage that connects the joints of the fingers.

The main signs of polyarthritis of the fingers

The most common symptoms of this disease:

  • pain in different joints, such as fingers or wrists;
  • formation of nodular formations in the area of ​​the finger joints;
  • numbness in fingers;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in areas where joints are affected; the skin may even be hot to the touch;
  • inability to bend fingers, especially after rest or sleep (this is a characteristic symptom of rheumatoid polyarthritis of the hands);
  • nodular formations under the skin (also a sign of rheumatoid polyarthritis);
  • swelling of the fingers (characterizes psoriatic arthritis);
  • difficulty performing simple rotational or grasping movements with fingers (for example, the inability to open the lid of a box or jar, or pick up objects from the floor);
  • external deformation of the joints, which manifests itself in the last stages of the disease.

Development of the disease

Polyarthritis usually affects one joint first. But over time, the disease progresses. The muscles around the diseased joint atrophy. Tendons are also involved in the painful process. Gradually the joint(s) become deformed.

The patient is no longer able to perform full finger movements. Symptoms of polyarthritis include numbness in the fingers and the appearance of “pins and needles” in them, which indicates damage to the nerve fibers.

Therapeutic measures

Drug treatment

The point of treating this type of polyarthritis is mainly to maintain or restore mobility to the joints. In advanced cases, efforts are aimed at reducing symptoms.

The duration of treatment for the acute phase of the disease depends on a large number of factors. But taking the drugs lasts quite a long time. The disease is not completely cured. What is realistic is only inhibition of the destructive process in bone tissue.

From the very beginning, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. The best result is achieved by combining injections or tablets with external preparations (ointments, creams, gels).

If necessary, therapy is carried out:

  • antibiotics,
  • immunosuppressants,
  • antihistamines.

Rheumatoid arthritis requires treatment with glucocorticoids, which are sometimes injected directly into the joint.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Treatment of polyarthritis includes the improvement of chronic centers of infection. Physiotherapy procedures lead to good results:

  • ultraviolet exposure;
  • iontophoresis;
  • paraffin applications;
  • diathermy.

In the case of rheumatoid polyarthritis, medications prescribed by a rheumatologist are added to the treatment.

Treatment at home

How to cope with pain on your own

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of polyarthritis is joint pain, which makes it impossible to perform even the simplest movements. There are many simple ways to combat this severe manifestation of polyarthritis.

Damaged joints of the fingers are helped by cold and hot compresses, which should be applied regularly to the fingers. An effective remedy for pain is hot baths with salts for the hands.

A bath with softened paraffin helps relieve pain. It activates blood circulation and relaxes the arm muscles.

If polyarthritis has damaged a small number of joints, then the pain can be suppressed with the help of topical painkillers. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. Taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) works well. In case of acute symptoms of polyarthritis of the fingers, it is recommended to take up to 4 g per day.

Movement exercises to keep joints active

The following exercises will help relieve symptoms and maintain finger activity:

  1. Clench your palm into a fist and slowly unclench it, stretching your fingers as much as possible. Next, slowly clench your palm into a fist again so that your fingers are in close contact with each other.
  2. Perform circular movements with your thumbs. Do not bend the phalanges and keep your fingers straight.
  3. Move your thumb away from your palm, and then touch the pad of your thumb to the pads of your other fingers.
  4. Move your thumb back and forth horizontally, trying to move it further away. The same is true in the vertical plane.

These exercises should be repeated several times every day. The number of approaches is 3-10. To increase the mobility of your fingers for gymnastics, you can first hold them in warm water.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of joint diseases are basic measures:

  • hardening (dousing and wiping with cool water);
  • daily hand exercises (and general);
  • fresh air while sleeping;
  • proper diet.

But once the diagnosis has already been made, it is necessary to get rid of the following factors:

  • drafts, cold, humidity;
  • unbalanced diet (the proportion of plant foods should be increased);
  • heavy loads on joints;
  • frequent injuries;
  • unfavorable climate (if possible, it is better to go to live in a place with a good climate).

Traditional medicine recipes should be approached very carefully. If you do them incorrectly, you can harm yourself.

Infusions for oral administration

Among the time-tested recipes there are many infusions for internal use.

Stinging nettle. Mix in equal parts:

  • nettle juice (preferably fresh),
  • medical alcohol.

Leave for two weeks in darkness and cold. Take 30 ml three times a day for half a year before meals, half an hour before meals.

Herbal platter. Pre-grind and mix:

  • chamomile, wild rosemary, succession (two doses each);
  • one dose each of lingonberry leaf and juniper berries.

Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over the collection (1 tbsp) and keep for 5 hours. After straining, take half a glass three times a day before meals, 30 minutes before meals.

Violet infusion. Boiling water (0.5 l) is poured into violet (2 tablespoons) and left for two hours. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals, half an hour.

Healing compresses

Herbs with salt. Dry and grind three tablespoons of each herb:

  • birch leaves,
  • rose hips,
  • knotweed herbs.

Mix everything and simmer in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Add table salt (4 tbsp) to the mixture. Wet the woolen fabric with the resulting mixture. After it dries, apply to sore joints.

Radish or horseradish. Night compresses made from grated black radish give very good results. You can use horseradish instead, but no more than three hours to avoid burns.

Usually, after two or three procedures, nothing remains of the symptoms of polyarthritis.

Ice applications

A plastic bag is filled with ice or snow. The package is wrapped in cloth. It is then applied to the joint for about 10 minutes. When the burning begins, hold for another minute, then remove the bag. Now you need to do a massage with kneading your fingers. As long as the cold remains, it is painless.

After 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated. Then the hands are wrapped in warmth. The course should last 20 days.

Timely treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers stops the development of the disease and prevents irreversible deformation of the joints. But the most correct thing would be to prevent the disease, which sounds banal, but gives a reliable result. It is built on three pillars - physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy sleep.

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Everything begins someday. This is such an incomprehensible illness, when you cannot clench your hand into a fist, it seems to come out of nowhere and suddenly. What reasons could there be for this phenomenon? As usual, there are many reasons. Let's name a few of the most important ones.

Spinal problems

Sometimes a person cannot clench his hand into a fist if he has problems with the cervical and thoracic spine, more precisely with the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical and first, second and third thoracic vertebrae. A computed tomography scan should be done; the pictures usually show everything at once.

Sore stomach or intestines

Yes, a diseased gastrointestinal tract can be the source of many health problems. For example, an infection that has entered the intestines and caused inflammation can cause complications in the joints and cause inflammation. It is possible that in this case, a diseased stomach or intestines gives such a side effect. It doesn't hurt to check.

This reason is perhaps the most serious. A person wakes up at night due to aching in the elbow or shoulder, or a twisted knee. After the massage he feels better. But over time, the pain not only does not disappear, but also intensifies, the fingers become unruly, the hand does not clench into a fist, the legs do not bend at the knees. The joints are gradually destroyed due to the onset of inflammation. It is important here not to bring the matter to surgical intervention. If pain, swelling, or redness of the skin appears in the joint area, you should contact a rheumatologist as soon as possible.

It is especially important to start treatment on time when reactive arthritis . This type of arthritis appears after a sore throat, after an intestinal or sexually transmitted infection, as well as when an infection gets inside a joint during surgery. With reactive arthritis, large joints on the legs are affected, the treatment is asymmetrical.

Cartilage, ligaments and joints are destroyed when rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammatory process usually occurs due to a malfunction of the immune system - the so-called. autoimmune disease. With this disease, the human immune system begins to actively protect the body from an imaginary enemy and attack its own cells inside the joint. Left untreated, it can lead to wheelchair use. You can name the signs of rheumatoid arthritis. The wrist and fingers suffer, and they hurt on both hands at the same time. In the morning, a person cannot clench his hand into a fist; his fingers have to be stretched for a long time. A person “paces” for a long time, getting rid of stiffness of movements.

Gout, or microcrystalline arthritis (salt deposits) Caused by metabolic disorders, dietary errors, kidney disease, and stress. With gout, there is an increased level of uric acid in the blood. Sodium crystals begin to deposit in the joints, the joint swells and gives severe, sometimes unbearable pain.

This cause can be easily tracked by taking an x-ray or MRI.

Heart diseases

In these cases, side sensations occur in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade and chest. You can try taking Corvalol and artificially inducing a cough - this should help.

In the morning I can’t clench my hand into a fist, it hurts, what should I do and what kind of disease is it?

This is how rheumatoid arthritis can manifest itself, affecting primarily small symmetrical joints (polyarthritis), which is why pain occurs when clenching the hand into a fist (especially during waking hours).

It is necessary to take tests for rheumatic tests and calcium tests, as well as take x-rays of the hands. But such symptoms can also occur with osteoarthritis, and sometimes they arise due to prolonged stress on the joints associated with the characteristics of a particular person’s life (for example, working a lot on the computer).

In any case, you need an accurate diagnosis from a specialist and timely treatment to prevent joint deformation.

It could be carpal tunnel syndrome. It manifests itself as pain in the wrist and a feeling of tension in the tendons in the wrist area. And also numbness in the fingers.

The cause (etiology) of the syndrome is swelling and thickening of the tendons and pinching of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (carpal tunnel) or swelling and thickening of the nerve itself.

This occurs due to prolonged stress on the corresponding muscle group, when the hand was worn, served, cleaned, scraped or moved with a mouse on the table, etc. for a long time.

This disease is diagnosed by a neurologist.

Treatment: gentle position of the hand while working on the computer, wearing a special bandage, medications that improve blood circulation.

If the interphalangeal joints of the fingers are thickened and deformed (twisted), with such symptoms, one should think about nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid polyarthritis. Age matters. In old age, all kinds of arthrosis develop. If the day before there was heavy physical work with stress on the fingers or physical exercises, then God himself ordered that after that it was difficult to clench your fingers into a fist. This is a functional passing state.

Something similar happened to me here and lasted a week, then it went away on its own (I didn’t have time to get to the doctor):

I woke up on the morning of the New Year holidays. My right arm (hand) was noticeably swollen, sensitivity was gone, I couldn’t even move my fingers especially, I couldn’t clench my fist either! Only in the “half-fist”, then it’s painful and scary.

There were no injuries, I searched and searched for the cause in my head, but I couldn’t find it.

Clinics are closed during the New Year holidays; going to an ambulance seemed “hot.”

I read a lot on the Internet: the signs look like arthritis, arthrosis, and everything like that.

I'M YOUNG.)) What the hell is arthritis. Ahhhh!

I couldn’t use the keyboard or write with a pen, of course.

The hand came off only if it was held in warm water or after taking a hot bath.

In the morning things were very bad, but in the evening they got better.

When I waited until the end of the holidays and came to the clinic, the obvious signs and symptoms had already passed (they went away on their own! I am against the thoughtless use of medications (I try to abstain from them in principle). I didn’t take anything).

All the doctors (therapist, surgeon, vascular surgeon, neurologist) threw up their hands. We still don’t know what it was.

Good day. The news is not very good. It could be an intervertebral hernia, gout, or microcrystalline arthritis (salt deposition) caused by metabolic disorders, dietary errors, kidney disease, and stress. With gout, there is an increased level of uric acid in the blood. Sodium crystals begin to deposit in the joints, the joint swells and gives severe, sometimes unbearable pain. Maybe the heart is making itself known, in any case, you don’t need to look for an answer here, but go to the doctor. The further it goes, the worse it will become and will not resolve on its own. Eventually the hand can turn into an umbrella.