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Why does the child cry? Why a newborn baby constantly cries: reasons and proven ways to quickly calm an infant Why does a baby cry

Child's cry. Tears. Bitter sobs. Moreover, in a seemingly empty place, at the most it is a real punishment for parents, at a minimum it is a test. Testing for parental competence.

How do parents react if a child likes to cry over trifles? Based on my own observations and monitoring of parent forums, I conclude that there are not so many ways. Another thing is that in most cases, the method of how to stop a child from crying for any reason is chosen intuitively by the parents or taken from the arsenal of old grandfather’s methods. And there would be nothing wrong with this if the main task was not an attempt to find the “switch off button” of a child’s crying, but the desire to understand the true reason for seemingly causeless tears.

Why look for a reason, the main thing is not to cry

In the collection of parental education methods on how to stop a child from crying for any reason, we find: ignoring tears, holding serious conversations on the topic “crying is stupid”, we give positive examples, if a boy cries, then we appeal to the fact that “real men don’t cry.” ", we visit a neurologist and arm ourselves with drugs that calm the nervous system.

Threats and manipulation such as: “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll leave you here,” “Stop crying, otherwise I won’t buy you a chocolate bar.”, switching the child’s attention: “Look at the elephants”, as well as direct physical violence and punishment, complete the picture of the measures taken by educators to solve the difficult problem of how to stop a child from crying for any reason.

Most often, parents achieve their goal: the baby stops crying, however, the price of resolving the issue remains behind the scenes. True, not for long. We will definitely reap the deplorable fruits of our upbringing mistakes, even if we have no idea what was the root cause of the child’s negative life scenario.

As you know, ignorance does not free us from the consequences of ignorance. When we do not realize what we are doing, we do not see the internal distinctive features of the child, then we cannot predict how our methods of education will work on him, how they will affect his psyche. System-vector psychology eliminates gaps in parental knowledge.

A trifle or not a trifle?

Let's start with the basics: all children are different not only in external characteristics, but also differ in internal mental properties. What is not important for one person may be the meaning of life for another person. The life values, type of thinking, and behavior of our own child can be radically different from our own. So, for example, the ordinary loss of an old toy is perceived by some parents as a trifle, tears about which, at the very least, are a waste of time. For a child, say, endowed with a visual vector, the loss of a toy is a real tragedy.

From memories

When I was a child, I had a favorite stuffed bunny, and somehow I couldn’t find it in its place. Either the brother played unsuccessfully and covered his tracks by throwing the bunny into the garbage chute, or the neighbor's children came to visit, but after a long search the toy was not found. My bunny Vasya has disappeared.

- Ah-ah-ah,- I cried.

The parents came to the screams.

- Just think, I lost a toy - what a trifle, we’ll buy a new one.

- I don’t want a new one, I want Vasya!

My parents didn’t understand what was going on in my soul, a girl with a visual vector. It was not just a toy, old and worn, it was my friend, to whom I told my fairy tales, whom I cared about, whom I loved. My parents' persuasion had no effect on me. If the words don’t reach my daughter, then let her sit alone in the room and think, the mother decided.

- As soon as you stop crying, you can go out,- she said.

I sat for a long time, crying not only from the loss of Vasya, but also from resentment. It’s good that my grandmother came to visit, she took pity on me, sympathized with my grief, and gave my parents an order:

- He’s crying, so let him cry. Don't punish her for crying.

Mom began to complain:

- So how not to punish? Doesn't understand words, cries for any reason and for no reason. I have no strength to watch.

- When he grows up, he will stop.

Vulnerable, sensitive children

Proofreader: Olga Lubova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

There is a joyful event in your family - the long-awaited heir has been born! A happy dad meets a smiling mother at the door of the maternity hospital, holding in her hands a bundle tied with a blue or pink ribbon... And finally the whole family is home. The months of agonizing waiting and the hardships of childbirth are left behind...

But the very next day new problems appear. The young family member behaves unpredictably. Parents constantly wonder: how to determine why a child is crying? Is he hungry or has a tummy ache? Maybe he is hot or cold? What if he is sick?

What to do, how to calm the baby? Is it really necessary to give him the breast right away anyway?

Of course not! Every mother gradually develops an instinct for her own child, thanks to which she can almost immediately determine what the baby needs at the moment. The most sensitive and caring fathers can also come to full understanding with the child. But usually the mother spends much more time with the baby, and besides, she breastfeeds him, thanks to which a very special contact is established between them.

True, it takes some time for such contact to be established. This usually occurs no later than three months of age. Therefore, for many parents, the third month of a baby’s life seems much easier than the first two.

In the first days and weeks, mother and newborn get used to each other. A caring mother learns to understand and respond to signals given by the baby. With each new day, she needs less and less time to recognize and correctly interpret these signals. And the baby, seeing that he is understood, becomes calmer and cries less.

However, the gas outlet tube should not be overused. If attacks of pain occur frequently, you can try abdominal massage, which also stimulates the removal of gases from the intestines. The massage is performed by gently pressing on the abdomen around. Mentally draw a horseshoe on your tummy, the ends of which point down. Your hand movements should follow this path in a clockwise direction.

A good way to prevent gas formation is to burp air during and immediately after feeding. During the break when you change breasts and after finishing feeding, hold your baby vertically on your shoulder for a few minutes. This prevents not only the formation of gases, but also milk, which affects many children. But in fairness, it must be said that this measure does not always avoid abdominal pain.

If massage and tubes don't help, the pain may not be due to gas. Try placing your baby's tummy on a warm heating pad wrapped in a diaper. However, make sure that the heating pad is not too hot.

Warm fennel tea or dill water also helps many children.

How to calm your baby

But now you have tried all the methods, and your precious baby continues to burst out screaming. Then you can only rely on time, which, as you know, heals, and try to ease the baby’s suffering. Hold him in your arms, rock him, dance with him. Some children find waltzing a relief, while others enjoy something like marching. Try different positions - hold the baby vertically, horizontally, tummy down. A position in which the baby's head rests on the crook of your elbow, and your hand supports him under his tummy, at the same time working as a heating pad, helps a lot.

After two months of age, your little one has a new reason to cry. Now your child often cries because he is tired and cannot fall asleep on his own. He still does not know how to relieve accumulated psychological stress without the help of mom or dad. To calm down, he needs either his mother's breast, or a gentle rocking in his arms, or a song...

Don't be afraid to spoil your child, rock him, sing to him. A calm mother's child also grows up calm and balanced. After a couple of months, he will learn to fall asleep on his own, and motion sickness will no longer be necessary. But for this he must be firmly convinced that when he feels bad, anxious, restless, his mother will always come to the rescue.

More on the topic “Why does a newborn cry: how to calm the baby”:

Does anyone have this problem? Tell us what measures you are taking? My child begins to roll when crying a lot, and once even lost consciousness (there was hypoxia). Now, when he cries a lot, I start tossing him up, and if he doesn’t go away for a long time, I splash cold water on his face. Of course, I try not to let it get to this point, but it’s still very scary... The neurologist said that this happens often, they say it will outgrow it.

I don’t know what to do with him first I thought he had colic. I passed the feces for carbohydrates, the result is 0.8. Well, I think this makes him scream, he can scream for 40 minutes so that he has no strength anymore.. Today I fed him with his legs, he doesn’t kick, but he screams every 5 minutes.. If I shake weakly in my arms, he screams so hard that I don’t know what to do. He calms down only when I shake him hard, and then for about 10 minutes... he screams and falls asleep... wakes up and again again... no longer has the strength, at 1 I visited the neurologist for a month, everything was ok..Can you recommend some sedatives?? who had this??

Experienced mothers, please help me with advice. My daughter is 17 days old. I'm swaddling her. Before feeding, I put the diaper on my tummy, and the crying begins. It’s the same story when changing diapers, after a bath, when getting dressed. Moreover, the crying is very frantic. Swaddled feels good. Is she cold? Or what could it be?

Girls, I have this question. It is clear that all children cry, and there is always a reason for crying. And if the situation is like this - the child is full, he is not cold, not hot, he is dry and healthy. Cries because doesn’t want to lie alone, and at this moment you need to eat, for example, or load the washing machine or something else, there is no one to help. What to do? let him roar?

Since birth, my son (1.2 years old) always cries when he wakes up in the morning or after a nap. Now she immediately jumps up in her crib and sobs - tears pouring out. Until you take it in your arms. It’s so strange - he seems to be a cheerful, hooligan boy, and he falls asleep normally (though only in my presence). I always asked neurologists about this - they say all children cry. Tell me, what do you think about this?

Parenting tricks urgently needed!!! I have a problem. no not like that I have a PROBLEM! After I feed him and Duska falls asleep in my arms, I need to get up from the sofa, walk two steps and put him in bed. Previously, it was possible to do this without waking up. Now there is no. And if he wakes up, then the scandal will immediately grow. How do you put babies in cribs so they can sleep???

SOS.... The child cries for 4-5 hours, squirms all over and does not suckle (while screaming). This usually happens late in the evening or at night. We have already forgotten what it is like to sleep at night. If anyone has had similar problems, please provide some helpful advice.

We have the same problem every day! As soon as I start dressing my baby, he screams obscenities! But we are almost 3 months old! He did this from the very beginning, but after a minute he fell asleep. Now he just goes from screaming to choking squealing !

He fell and cried. They weren’t allowed to sit in front of the TV - she was crying. They forced her to put away her toys and she started crying again. In general, he always cries, for any reason and even without it. Yes, this is your child. Whiner, crybaby, capricious - you can call him whatever you want, but this will not change his behavior. At first it frightened you, then it irritated you, and now you are simply in a panic, because you understand that if the problem is not solved, then either you yourself will go crazy, or you will bring those around you to this state. Do not panic. You are not alone. In the sense that almost every second family experiences similar problems. So a child crying for any reason is not your personal punishment, this is the harsh reality of many Russian fathers and mothers.

Misconceptions and myths about baby crying

Most adults have already forgotten how difficult it is to be a child. They look down on their children and do not understand them at all. Misunderstanding leads, at best, to indifference, and at worst, to aggression. At the same time, adults are confident that they already know what needs to be said to a crying little person and how to behave correctly with him. Alas, they don’t know. Therefore, it’s time to debunk some myths about baby crying.

Myth No. 1. Children always cry over nothing.

In the world of adults there is a clear gradation: grief - problem - trouble - trifle. This classification is unknown to a child. For him, everything is grief. Losing a toy is a disaster. Can’t find the second sock – an absolutely hopeless situation. Mom, leaving for work, was in such a hurry that she didn’t have time to kiss her - how can you even live after that? This is a child's characteristic - a heightened perception of anything. So children don’t cry over trifles. They don't have trifles.

Myth No. 2. The phrase “men don’t cry” is the key to raising boys properly.

Who and when was the first to utter these words, for which more than one generation of men are paying with their health, is no longer important. It is important to understand that they are categorically incorrect and extremely harmful. After all, everything is quite the opposite: men cry, and the category of masculinity is not determined by the number of unshed tears. It is no coincidence that all psychologists unanimously recognize this method of raising boys as monstrously erroneous.

Myth No. 3. It will go away on its own.

Many parents are convinced that if you don’t pay attention to a crying and naughty child, then sooner or later he will calm down on his own. Like, the less you react to tears, the less often they will be shed. May be so. Maybe the child will actually calm down for a while. The only problem is that children’s tears always have a reason, and if they are suppressed, the reason will remain unidentified, and therefore the problem will remain unresolved.

Why do children cry?

First, let's rule out medical factors - we take the child to a neurologist and endocrinologist. If doctors discover health problems, we will get treatment. If the child is fine from a medical point of view, we look further for the reasons for children’s tearfulness.

The following options are possible:

  • Your child is a great manipulator. Once he realized that his tears did not leave you, the parents, indifferent, he began to shed them at every opportunity to get what he wanted from you. And you are happy to be deceived, as long as your dear blood doesn’t get upset or, in the worst case, just shut up.
  • The child is actually in pain. Mentally or physically, it doesn’t matter. It is important that you feel this and understand that tears are not a whim, but a medicine. This is exactly the case when “it won’t go away on its own.”
  • The child lacks your attention. He knows that as soon as he cries, everyone will fuss around him. The first time it happened by accident, and then, driven by loneliness or some other negative state of his, the child called you to him again and again through tears. Maybe he just wants to be close to you, and you don’t even know it.
  • Your child has increased sensitivity, so his tears are always somewhere nearby. His hyper-emotionality simply does not allow him to react to the world around him with more restraint. Therefore, the child will learn about him through crying - both when he feels good and when he feels bad. And it is unlikely to change with age, which should not be a cause for concern for you. After all, sensitive people are kind. And kindness is in short supply these days.
  • Your child has low self-esteem. He cries because he feels sorry for himself, and he feels sorry for you too, because he is sure that you are unlucky with him: he is a bad child.
  • There is an unhealthy atmosphere in your family. Adults at home are constantly arguing, shouting at each other and at the children. What else can children do in such a situation but cry with or without reason? Their nervous system becomes more unstable day by day, and tears are almost the only means of protection from the aggression of the outside world, crying as an emotional release.
  • The child has not developed social communication skills. He does not know how to establish contacts with other children, and other children feel this, they begin to tease and bully the loser, who bursts into tears, which causes another wave of bullying, and so on in a circle.

Do you still think that children cry over nothing? No? Then let's decide what to do next.

How to help a child who is crying

It is forbidden

  • Suppress, shout, threaten, resort to physical violence. “If you don’t shut up now, then I don’t know what I’ll do to you!”, “Stop crying, I said!”, “If you don’t stop crying, that stranger over there will take you away” - familiar phrases, right? But by saying them, you yourself become a manipulator. And very aggressive. Meanwhile, the child will withdraw into himself and harbor a grudge. And she won’t stop crying.
  • Ignore the tears. It’s like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, and a child, in case of danger, folding his hands over his head and saying: “I’m in the house.” The illusion of not being involved in the problem will only make it worse.
  • Forbid the child to show his feelings. Suppressing emotions can lead to a nervous breakdown.
  • Succumb to obvious tearful provocations and follow the lead of the little manipulator.

It is possible and necessary

  • Talk to your child as often as possible - he must learn to express his desires in words, not tears. He will be able to cry later, after he tells what worries him. True, then he most likely won’t want to cry anymore.
  • React calmly, without shouting, to a child’s cry. If a child’s crying is joined by an adult’s hysteria, the result will be collective hassle. The rule of silence and calm will be especially useful if the child tries to pressure you with his tears. As soon as he realizes that nothing is working out for him, he will calm down himself.
  • Switch the child's attention. Was the baby upset, offended, or hurt by something? Distract him from this childhood tragedy, find a reason for childhood joy. Children have short memories. A few minutes - and he will forget about the reasons for his tears.
  • Accept a sensitive child for who he is. Do not reproach him for weakness, but, on the contrary, praise him for his kindness and sensitivity.
  • Be there when the child feels bad, and rejoice with him when he feels good. This way he will have before his eyes a personal example of an adequate emotional response.
  • Strictly, clearly, but without malice, explain to the child every time in case of whims that crying is allowed only for a reason, and crying for no reason is no longer good.
  • Come up with a reward system for the child’s good behavior. Celebrate every day without whining and whims.
  • Reconsider your own parenting behavior. In the end, children's crying is a reaction to our adult world, which children cannot change yet.

In general, in order to teach your child to adequately perceive the world around him, without hysterics and crying, you first need to pass the parental aptitude test yourself. And then the child’s crying will no longer be a punishment for you, but will become a signal that the little person really needs help.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers treated infant crying quite philosophically, believing that during crying child“develops the lungs,” and therefore she will cry and stop. However, nowadays the more popular point of view is that crying is a request. baby for help, a message that he has problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible. Parents should not be afraid to spoil their child by responding to his every cry. According to child psychologists, spoiling baby up to a year is impossible. Before the age of one year, you can either create baby confidence in the safety and reliability of a new environment and environment, or destroy this confidence. An attentive mother, listening to her baby, gradually begins to distinguish the reasons for his crying. These reasons may be different, but they have one thing in common: the discomfort that the baby feels at this time and about which he tries, as best he can, to tell adults.

When a child is missing something...

Perhaps most often child crying, when he wants to eat. The most natural, healthy and necessary food for a small child is breast milk. In addition, during breastfeeding there is contact between the baby and the mother. Nowadays, more and more often, doctors advise feeding a child “on demand” - it is believed that nature itself will tell you the correct feeding regimen. Need for physical contact with mother– also one of the main reasons for children’s crying. Taking the breast child feels mother's warmth, mother's hands. In general, he feels good, warm, safe, comfortable. And he calms down. It is not for nothing that in primitive civilizations, which have survived to this day in some African countries, mothers, at the first cries of a child, take him in her arms and immediately breastfeed. Children of Americans and residents of Western Europe, according to anthropology and sociopsychology, cry much more often and longer, which is due to the mother’s slow reaction to the baby’s crying. A child may just cry from boredom and loneliness. According to educators, the big mistake parents make is that they do not communicate much with the baby when he is awake. The baby is really looking forward to your attention. Therefore, do not remain indifferent when he calls you crying. In each of the three cases described, the mother will hear the so-called invocation cry, which consists of alternating periods of screaming and pauses. Moreover, if you don’t pay attention to the child, the pauses become shorter and the screaming becomes longer. Take baby in your arms, stroke his back, move your hand over his tummy (it’s best to make these movements clockwise), then over his chest and head. Has the baby calmed down? This means he needed your attention. Does he keep crying? Then take him in your arms, press him to your chest, rock him. If child turns his head, opens his mouth and smacks his lips, then most likely he is hungry. Hungry cry starts with the draft. But if the baby does not receive food, the crying becomes angry, and then turns into a choking cry. One of the main rules of behavior for a mother when child cries, is to take him in your arms and give him the breast. If child cried in your arms, give the baby your breast and rock him. If the baby does not calm down and refuses to take the breast, you should look for other reasons for his dissatisfaction.

The child is crying because something is bothering the baby...

Feeling tired, general discomfort is often the reason why the baby is capricious and whining. Crying when wanting to fall asleep is accompanied by yawning, child closes his eyes and rubs them with his hands. Rock the stroller or crib baby, sing him a lullaby - after all, mother’s voice soothes best. If to kid cold or hot, he can also express his dissatisfaction by crying. There are several ways to “identify” such a situation. Touch the baby's nose (in such cases, you need to touch the baby's skin with the back of your hand, since the skin there is more sensitive). If the nose is warm, then its owner will feel warm and cozy. If the nose is hot, the baby is most likely hot and needs to remove one layer of clothing. If you are at home, undress baby, give him something to drink. If the nose baby cold means child freezing. A sure sign that a baby is cold is hiccups. You can also touch the hands baby, just not the hands, but a little higher - the forearms, since the hands can be cool when the baby is generally warm. A frozen baby needs to be covered or dressed warmer. Another common reason for a baby to cry is wet and dirty diapers. Usually just before urination or defecation child makes a sound similar to a squeak or whimper, and after the action itself, if the mother does not provide help, such sounds of discontent can turn into a scream. Discomfort in this case can be aggravated by skin irritation. Many parents note that their baby starts crying every day closer to six o'clock in the evening. Crying at the end of the day a unique means of relaxation, providing an outlet for accumulated fatigue and nervousness. Take the baby in your arms, rock him, sing a lullaby, give him something to drink, and when he calms down, put him in his crib. Negative emotional states arise in children due to disturbances in the daily routine, changes in the usual course of life. The baby will be capricious both when he did not sleep well, and when he is overexcited and cannot fall asleep. Negative, conflictual family atmosphere has a detrimental effect on behavior baby: It’s not surprising that when adults quarrel, child crying. Trying to calm the child, the mother herself must be calm: her anxiety and excitement are transmitted to the baby. Improper care It can also be the cause of dissatisfaction and crying of the child, his bad behavior during feeding, bathing, and changing clothes. The child cries when bathing and even with one type of bathing equipment, if he has acquired a negative experience during this activity - for example, the water was too hot or the soap stung the eyes. If adults accidentally pinched the child's skin when they fastened buttons or snaps on clothes or pulled the handles, the baby may resist and cry when getting dressed. Loss of appetite, crying and other defensive reactions can be caused by force feeding, very hot or cold food, situations when an overfilled spoon is placed in the child’s mouth, or the next portion is brought to the mouth too quickly while the baby has not yet swallowed the previous one. The habit of sucking a pacifier often calms the child, but this interferes with the proper growth and development of the jaws and the formation of a correct bite. Children with increased excitability can be given a pacifier before falling asleep, but after sleep occurs, it must be carefully removed from the child's mouth.

Alarming symptoms

Child's ailments, pain– the most unpleasant reasons for a child’s crying. As a rule, there is no clear localization of pain in infants due to the imperfect development of their nervous system. Therefore, if there is pain in any part of the body, a small child behaves the same way: cries, screams, kicks his legs. Based on the baby's behavior in response to a painful stimulus, it is impossible to say with certainty that he is in pain. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult even for a specialist to determine what is actually causing the concern. baby. Crying in pain is crying with a hint of hopelessness and suffering. It is quite smooth, continuous, with periodic bursts of screaming, which probably correspond to the sensations of increasing pain. The most common and common ailments that cause a baby to cry include pain in the tummy (colic), pain during teething, headache (the so-called infant migraine) and increased sensitivity of the skin when it is irritated, diaper rash, and “diaper dermatitis.” Bloating and abdominal pain (colic) Usually bothers babies up to three to six months of age. At this age, the process of digestion and movement of food through the intestines is imperfect due to insufficient contractility of the muscular layer of the intestine, low enzyme activity, and intestinal microflora that is not formed or is disturbed for some reason. Other reasons may be errors in the diet of the mother who is breastfeeding; erratic, unreasonably frequent feeding baby; introducing into the diet crumbs of food that is not appropriate for his age. Colic can also be one of the signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The occurrence of colic is due to the fact that food does not have time to be absorbed by the intestines and gases are formed in increased quantities. With each feeding, this process intensifies and reaches its peak in the evening hours. At the same time, children cry, twist their legs and pull them to their stomachs, and their sleep is disturbed. In case of colic, it is necessary to allow the gases to escape: massage the stomach in a circular motion clockwise; put the child on his stomach, bend his legs at the hip and knee joints (frog position); You can place the gas outlet tube in the anus, lubricate it and the tip of the tube with oil, and with a slight twisting motion, insert the tube into the anus 3 cm. You can also place it on your stomach baby soft warm cloth, take him in your arms and press him with your stomach - the warmth will ease the colic. Try offering your baby a special dill-based children's tea that helps relieve gas. If colic recurs, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, prescribe medications that help reduce excessive gas formation, restore normal intestinal microflora, which will also lead to a decrease in gas formation, normalize stool, and, if necessary, adjust nutrition. Headache, or “infant migraine”, occurs most often in newborns with perinatal encephalopathy syndrome (PES), including increased intracranial pressure, increased or decreased muscle tone, and increased excitability. Such children often react to changes in atmospheric pressure and weather changes. They behave restlessly in windy, rainy, cloudy weather. Like an adult, a child with a headache may experience general malaise: nausea, vomiting, upset stomach. In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist who will select the right treatment. Teething– always stress for the baby. The child may be capricious, cry, his temperature may rise, and loose stools may appear. At this time, the baby is very susceptible to infections. To make teething easier, there are special teething rings with liquid inside. Usually they are cooled (but not frozen!) in the refrigerator and given to the baby to chew on. Even simply stroking your gums with your finger will reduce the pain. But if all this does not help, and even more so, if this process has led to an increase in temperature and abnormal stool, consult your pediatrician. You may need a pain reliever (such as a gum gel). Skin irritation may cause baby significant concern, so the condition of the child’s skin should be given considerable attention. Diaper dermatitis is manifested by redness and the appearance of an inflammatory rash on the skin of the buttocks and perineum. baby, child becomes irritable and cries, especially when changing diapers. Urine and feces in contact with a child’s skin disrupt its acid-base balance, causing irritation and damage to the skin. To prevent such complications, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the child’s skin and change diapers more often (for newborns - at least 8 times a day). In cases of severe irritation or development of an inflammatory process on the skin, you should consult a pediatrician. As your baby grows and matures, he will cry less. In the meantime, mother’s affection, mother’s hands, mother’s voice, mother’s warmth will be constantly needed to calm the baby; Nothing and no one can replace them for your baby. Remember that you can solve “educational problems” only if your child surrounded by love, attention and in constant contact with the people closest to him.

  • Before each feeding, take care to prevent colic and the natural release of gases: tighten your legs baby to the stomach and do a light massage, apply a woolen scarf (heated diaper, heating pad) to the stomach, place the child on the stomach for a few minutes (on the sofa, or even better on your or dad’s knees), while stroking the back.
  • When eating, make sure that your baby wraps his mouth tightly around the nipple or pacifier. If bottle feeding is necessary, purchase special nipples that do not allow air to pass through with food. After feeding, do not rush to put the baby to bed, but hold him upright for a while (as a rule, he burps up “extra” air).
  • Try playing melodic, calm music. Many mothers claim that the music they listened to during pregnancy, wanting to relax, becomes their lifesaver during periods of uncontrollable crying of the child.
  • Sometimes you need a change of scenery. First, leave the room with your child. Let him see another room and objects that might attract his attention. If possible, we recommend taking your baby for a walk.
  • The bath has a calming effect on both children and adults. Moreover, if your child loves to splash around in the water, bathing can be the best way to calm him down.
  • The most important thing is to never lose your temper or yell at your child.
  • And the last, although the most difficult, recommendation: try to anticipate your child’s wishes. Almost all children unconsciously make certain gestures when they want to eat, sleep, etc. Try to remember them and satisfy the child's desire before he bursts into tears.
The main thing is never let to kid scream until exhaustion.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Article last updated: 08/18/2019

After many months of waiting for the baby to be born, mother and newborn were finally home. However, literally after a few days, parents have to look for an answer to the question of what to do if the child constantly cries. Maybe something hurts and he needs to urgently call a doctor or can he solve this problem on his own?

Why might a newborn cry?

Many parents learn to understand without words what may be causing their baby to cry. In some families, not only mothers, but also fathers achieve complete mutual trust with the baby. However, due to the fact that the mother spends much more time with the baby than other relatives, plus she also breastfeeds him, they develop a special bond.

In this case, understanding between parents and baby usually improves by two or three months. Whereas in the first weeks the newborn and parents get used to each other. That is why each subsequent month, the process of raising and understanding the child seems to the mother much easier than the first weeks after birth.

Despite the fact that every baby is different, there are several most common reasons for newborn babies crying:

  • hunger;
  • discomfort from heat or cold;
  • stomach pain.

The most common reason why a baby constantly cries is hunger. To understand whether this is really so, you can touch the corner of his mouth with your finger. A hungry newborn will begin to turn his head, opening his mouth and trying to grasp his finger. This baby needs to be fed immediately.

The newborn usually expresses discomfort from heat or cold in the form of a prolonged whimper. You can check the child’s condition by touching his hand in the wrist area (if you feel the baby’s fingers, you can draw the wrong conclusions). If the wrists are too cool, the child should be warmed up. If the wrists are sweaty and too hot, it is necessary to remove excess clothing from the child.

We should not forget that in the heat newborns feel much worse than when hypothermic. This point must be taken into account when dressing your child for a walk or at night.

What to do if your child constantly cries from tummy pain?

It’s rare that parents manage to avoid colic - they bother the baby in the first months. The cause of pain in the tummy, which prevents the child from sleeping well and the parents from fully resting, is the digestive system that has not yet become stronger and has not established itself, because it only begins to function after birth, digesting food.

A newborn may scream and cry a lot from such abdominal pain. He may fall into hysterics from crying, kick his legs, draw them in and strain them a lot. He even turns red from crying so hard. Such crying from colic is difficult to confuse with crying caused by other reasons.

It is very difficult to help a child get rid of this problem. You can try to put your baby to the breast, but if the newborn starts crying after eating, this method most likely will not help.

In some situations, you can use a gas outlet tube. It is sold in almost all pharmacies. The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • the baby is placed on his side;
  • the thin end of the gas outlet tube is lubricated with baby cream (vaseline is also excellent) and inserted into the anus (approximately 1 cm);
  • the other end of the tube is lowered into a container filled with water (for example, a glass).

In the case when the cause of a child’s strong crying is gases accumulated in the tummy, bubbles will appear in the glass. In addition, the use of a straw promotes bowel movements, which can also alleviate the child’s condition.

At the same time, you should not use the gas outlet tube too often. If your newborn cries too often, a tummy massage may be helpful. This method also helps get rid of gas and colic. When massaging, you need to gently press on the tummy, massaging it in a circular motion.

After feeding the baby, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to burp the trapped air. This is important in preventing the accumulation of gases in the intestines. During the feeding process, as well as after finishing feeding, you need to hold the baby upright. For this purpose, you can put it on your shoulder for 3-5 minutes. However, it should be noted that not in all cases this procedure can relieve and prevent problems with colic in babies.

What to do when massage, regurgitation and a gas tube do not bring results? You can try to place the baby on his tummy, placing a heating pad under him, after wrapping it in a towel or diaper. Before placing your baby on the heating pad, you need to make sure that it is not too hot. Some newborns benefit from dill infusion.

If all options have been tried, and the newborn is still crying, you need to try to calm him down in other ways. And colic will go away after a few months when the digestive system works properly.

To calm the baby, you can rock him or dance while holding him in your arms. Some kids like it when an adult’s dance movements resemble a waltz, others like it when the dance looks like a march. You can hold the baby in different positions - upright, on his tummy, placing him on your lap or placing him on the stomach of an adult. Most children like to be placed on the arm so that their head is located on the elbow, and their tummy is warmed by the palm of their mother or father.

From two months of age and older, babies begin to cry from fatigue. Then the baby may suffer from the fact that he cannot sleep as a result of overwork. This is due to excessive emotional overstimulation, which parents should help the baby reduce. To calm down and fall asleep, he needs to be rocked, sung a lullaby, given a pacifier, or put to the breast by his mother.