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Education portal. Classes on designing from building materials in the middle group of kindergarten

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type “Solnyshko” in the village of Ichetovkiny, Afanasyevsky district, Kirov region


continuous educational activities

with younger children preschool age

(3-4 years)

on LEGO construction

"Trees in the Forest"

Work completed:

teacher additional education -

Kytmanova Oksana Valentinovna


Target: Construction of a tree from a LEGO constructor according to a model.



    Introduce some types of trees growing in the forest;

    Continue to learn to design according to a model, to accurately connect parts;


    Develop an interest in design;

    Develop fine motor skills fingers;

    Develop attention, thinking, memory.


    Foster respect for trees and wild animals;

    Cultivate a desire to help.

Equipment: Illustrations of forests and trees (oak, spruce, pine, willow), audio recordings of forest sounds, sets of construction parts, a toy squirrel.

GCD move

Teacher: Hello guys! Guess the riddle.

Who was chewing cones on a branch?

And threw the scraps down?

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter?


Children's answers.

Teacher: Right.Today a squirrel came to visit, and now you’ll find out why.

Squirrel: Hello guys. Trouble happened in my forest. Some poacher cut down all the trees, and my neighboring animals now have nowhere to live. All the animals are upset and crying bitterly. But I found out that in your kindergarten there are children who help everyone. Can you help forest dwellers?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Don't be upset, squirrel, the guys will help you. After all, they know that the forest is their home for wild animals. For example, a squirrel lives in a hollow. What is the name of the house of a hare, bear, wolf, fox?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done, you answered everything correctly. And if animals don’t have a home, they, unfortunately, may die. How about we help the poor animals?

Children's answers.

Teacher : But as?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Let's construct trees from LEGO construction sets. But before we start designing, let's remember what trees grow in the forest.

The teacher accompanies the children's answers by showing illustrations of trees.

Teacher: But before we get to work, we’ll take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree.

Tilt right, left,

One - bow, two - bow,

The maple leaves rustled.

Teacher: You've rested, you can get to work. Look at the sample and tell me what color parts we need?

Children answer, select parts and get to work (the audio recording “The Sound of the Forest” plays). The teacher helps children who have difficulties.

At the end of the work, all the trees are placed on the table and the children examine them.

Squirrel: What a wonderful forest you have created, thank you very much. I’ll run and make the animals happy.

The teacher removes the squirrel's toy.

Teacher: And it's time to finish our lesson.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Reflection :

What did you build in class?

Who did they help?

Did everything work out for you?

Target. Develop children's design skills; practice in the construction of durable buildings with floors by building paper models with bricks, making floors from plates and boards, constructing superstructures on floors, decorating roofs with various details; practice distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes and shading. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences.

Material. Colored pencils, building material, flat paper models different sizes and colors (square, rectangular, round, triangular, oval).


Working with illustrations "Animals and Figures". Invite the children to help the animals trace the shapes. Look at the images in each picture with the guys (Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). Offer to circle geometric figures in frames, depicted with dotted lines, first with a finger, then with a pencil, and then painted.

Rice. 12

Rice. 13

Rice. 14

Rice. 15

Rice. 16

Working with illustrations. Read the poem to the children:

Early in the morning, at dawn,

The tower grew up on the mountain.

With golden domes

And the walls are painted.

Select illustrations that depict a variety of towers. Look at the pictures with your children and talk about the content. Remind the children of the fairy tale "Teremok" and offer to build little houses for the animals.

Build a tower from building material. Draw the children's attention to it: examine, analyze, clarify what shape its foundation is, how many floors, how many superstructures, how they are decorated.

Offer the children paper models (different foundations) - let them choose any. Encourage the children to select several models for the foundation and combine them to create a tower of unusual shape. For example, you can put a rectangle on the table, and in front of it two circles, close to each other at some distance from each other, etc. Let the children name the selected figures.

First, children build paper models, placing the bricks close to each other, vertically, and leaving space between them for windows and doors. Then they make floors using plates of different shapes (plywood, cardboard, etc.). Invite them to build various superstructures on the resulting floors and complete the construction by decorating the buildings and constructing related structures.

Help the children during the work process. Upon completion of construction, draw their attention to the fact that the result is a whole fairy-tale town of beautiful and different towers. Look at the towers with your children, populate them with inhabitants (toys, people) and invite the children to play.

Organize the construction of a fairy-tale town using the Lego Duplo constructor (add boards). Populate it with inhabitants (toys, people). Play with the kids, uniting their activities with a common plot of the game.

Tips for a teacher Create conditions for the manifestation of independence, initiative, and creativity; encourage children to engage in verbal and playful communication; Teach to take care of your buildings and the structures of your comrades. Offer to remove the building material into place, gradually carefully dismantling the structures.

Game tasks. Construction of towers, houses for fairy-tale characters (from building materials and construction kits). Invite the children to build houses for grandfather, woman and Ryaba the chicken; three bears, all heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". Show options for constructing two- and three-story houses; options for increasing structures in height (by overlaying, installing parts on top of each other or connecting them). Offer to build according to the conditions: “Build a high mansion so that this bunny can live in it.”

Teach children to analyze buildings (identify the main parts, distinguish them by shape, size, establish the spatial arrangement of the parts relative to each other). Introduce them to the laws available to them (the dependence of the stability of a structure on the strength of the base, the design capabilities of parts on their shape; the interchangeability of parts as a result of their combination, etc.).

Working with the illustration "Beads and flags". Offer the children the task that Kubik prepared for them: finish drawing and coloring beads and flags (Fig. 17). Practice them in distinguishing and naming shapes and colors, in alternating objects in a given order.

Rice. 17

Train children in the ability to find identical geometric shapes using comparison and selection methods (Fig. 18). Offer to find in a row of figures in a frame the same figure as the one drawn on the left, and paint it in any color. At the end of the work, check with the children that the task was completed correctly.

Rice. 18


Oval, dotted line, overlap, superstructure.

Topic 4. Forest kindergarten

Target. Teach children to organize space for construction; plan activities, model; design various pieces of furniture; unite buildings with a single plot. To encourage the creation of new versions of already familiar buildings, to introduce joint activities, develop design abilities, form ideas about geometric shapes, develop spatial thinking.

Material. Construction kits, glue, brushes, scissors.


Working with the illustration "Geometric Shapes". Offer the children the task that the Cube has prepared for them: find a sheet on which a strip with five geometric shapes is depicted (Fig. 19), cut it off and cut out the geometric shapes; then find the free space left for the figures in the pictures (Fig. 12 - 16) and stick them on (for example, you need to glue a ball (circle) next to the bunny).

Mirzoyan Liliya Romikovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: Municipal budget preschool educational institution Balashikha urban district “Combined kindergarten No. 44 “Strawberry”
Locality: Balashikha
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Abstract of GCD on technical design on the topic: “Forest town of the Smurfs” for children of senior preschool age
Publication date: 24.07.2019
Chapter: preschool education






GCD for technical design on the topic:

"Forest Town of the Smurfs"

for children of senior preschool age

Prepared by:

teacher Mirzoyan L.R.


Theme "Forest town of the Smurfs"

Senior group No. 1 “Why”, teacher Mirzoyan L.R.


developing the ability to work in a team, creating a joint and complete


Training tasks:

Develop the ability to choose the right parts for construction

Strengthen constructive abilities and develop fine motor skills

Developmental tasks:

Develop knowledge about connection methods and properties of parts

Develop the ability to analyze structure structures,

determine the shape, size, location of parts

Development of logical thinking and desire to invent

3. Educational tasks:

Cultivate hard work and patience

Encourage children to explore and become independent

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations depicting residential and public

Drawing and application on the theme “Houses on our street”

Conversations about fairy-tale buildings (palaces, castles, etc.)

Reading of the poem “Builder” by L. Razumova

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, conversation, explanation,

viewing, demonstration, play.

Materials and equipment: illustrations depicting different buildings

quantities, drawings and diagrams, Lego constructors, tape recorder

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part(surprise moment)

There is a knock in the group, a postman comes in and has an envelope in his hands.

Postman: Guys, I brought you a letter from the Smurf village.

The teacher invites the children to find out what kind of letter he brought them

postman? (the envelope opens).

The evil sorcerer Gargamel destroyed our wonderful village. He crushed

our houses and farms, now we have nowhere to live.

Guys! Help us please! Build a new village for us with

new houses!

Your friends are the Smurfs.

Educator: Guys! Can we help the Smurfs? Can we build?

Children: Yes, let's help them and build a new village out of construction sets.

Educator: Guys, let's build the Smurfs as strong and

strong buildings, like in our city, so that the evil sorcerer can no longer


II. Main part:

The teacher invites the children to look at illustrations depicting

city ​​streets. There is a conversation about the city.

What buildings do you see in the illustration? (residential buildings, shop, pharmacy,

cinema, houses are tall and narrow, low and long).

How are the buildings and structures located? (there are passages between the buildings,

so that people can pass, cars can pass).

What kind of buildings should a city have to make residents feel comfortable there?

lived? (shop, pharmacy, post office, home, kindergarten).

The project of the city is carried out by the architect, who in the diagram denotes

location of buildings. And builders build according to the project.

What do you think architectural structures should be like?

(beautiful, durable, stable).

Let us also become architects and builders today to build

city ​​for the Smurfs. It is better to build buildings in groups, like construction

And now we will find out who will be in the group with whom, and what will be built. (Children

It is proposed to divide into groups and choose cards with the image

diagrams of the buildings they will build)

Educator: But to build a beautiful building, we need

construction parts and Lego constructors.

Children name what size and color parts they need, in what

the sequences they will carry out the construction are discussed in

groups, who will build what.

(Children's work is accompanied by music). During construction, the teacher

provides assistance, advises, monitors the activities of children (their

interaction in joint construction, as agreed,

distribute functions).

Educator: - “Where will you start building your building?”, “What parts will you use?

did you build the foundation of the house?", "What parts will you choose for the roof,

walls?”, “How many parts did you need to build the store?

Do the math."

The teacher invites the children to decorate the buildings (small toys and


III. Final part:

Examination of completed buildings.

Educator: Have you built a village?

Do you like the buildings?

How many buildings have you built?

What buildings were built?

What construction parts did you use?

Are all structures stable?

The teacher offers to send the Smurfs a photo of the new village,

which they built for them.

The teacher offers to play with the buildings.

Lavrinenko Anna
Lego design lesson notes middle group"Trees"

target: Learn to build according to a model. Develop spatial thinking. To help master the methods of fastening parts, installing simple designs.

Equipment: constructor« Lego» , multimedia installation.

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1. Autumn leaves

The sound of rustling leaves

IN.: (slide 1) Listen, what is this? Leaves underfoot rustling: "shur-shur-shur". Where did the leaves under your feet come from? Right! They fell from trees. (slide 2) And look how colorful they are! Let's look at the picture with autumn trees. They found yellow-clad birch, red bird cherry and orange rowan.

Laid out in front of the children lego cubes(yellow, green, red)

B. Let's sort the leaves by color.

Q. What do you think these yellow leaves are from? trees fell, and red, and orange? Let's get a look. (slide 3)

V. Yes, Yellow are the leaves of birch and linden trees. What do you think they look like?

B. And the red leaves from which they fell tree? Let's get a look. (Slide 4)

We discussed what these leaves look like trees. We found out what is the difference between birch and bird cherry leaves on one side and rowan leaves. We tried to build enlarged copies of leaves from Lego, discussing their main peculiarities: birch and bird cherry have one leaf on the petiole, it is pointed at both ends, but the rowan leaf is more elongated, the birch leaf is more rounded; The rowan leaf is complex - several leaves are attached to one petiole.

Q. Now let’s lay out these leaves according to the diagram.

Well done guys!

2. We build autumn Lego trees

B. Dressed in such bright foliage, trees look very elegant. Let's build elegant ones with you trees. The birch trunk is light with black spots, the rowan tree is brown, and the bird cherry trunk is almost black and very dense.

IN: (slide 6) Look at this. But on this tree the leaves have not yet changed color. Until late autumn this big strong tree will be green. What do you think this is tree?

Q. What do you think birch, bird cherry, and rowan have in common?

B. Birch, bird cherry, rowan, oak - all these are deciduous trees. What grows on their branches? That's right, leaves! Eat trees that have something else growing on their branches instead of leaves?

B. Yes, in conifers trees needles instead of leaves. Conifers for the winter trees - spruce, pines, cedars - they do not shed their needles and remain green all winter. In winter, when deciduous trees are becoming bare, conifers trees in the forest they become more noticeable. Look, the spruce branches are directed downwards, and the pine branches are directed upwards (looked at the pictures of spruce and pine in the book). Let's add these trees to our forest. The spruce will expand towards the bottom, and the pine will stretch upward.

B. Needles in conifers trees gradually too are changing: They turn yellow and fall to the ground, and new ones grow in their place. Therefore, the trunks of spruce and pine trees in the pine forest are soft - these are fallen needles.

B. Look at this tree. It looks like spruce, but it's yellow. Do you know what this is? tree?

IN. (Slide 7) this is larch. Also coniferous tree, but its needles are softer. than that of spruce and pine. In autumn they turn yellow and fall off. Let larch also grow in our forest. Our forest is in autumn, what blocks will we need to make it?

B. Let's get to work.

V. What a wonderful forest we have! It's time to take a walk! Maybe we'll notice something else interesting. Well done!

Bottom line classes: Which leaves trees we designed today? Which trees did we succeed in our little forest? Name them?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for Lego construction “Aquarium”(block constructor) Purpose: To teach children individual and joint construction. Program content: Learn to build according to the suggestions.

The lesson is conducted with the participation of parents. Goal: Development of children's fantasy and imagination through LEGO construction sets. Objectives: To form in children.

Lego building lesson notes “Invitation to the Circus” Goal: Developing children's ability to visually model through LEGO construction sets. Objectives: 1) Develop visual and spatial skills.

Lego design lesson notes for the senior group Goal: to teach children individual design Program content: To teach to build according to the proposed schemes, instructions, taking into account.

Summary of a lesson on Lego construction in the senior group “Our friend from Mars” Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to play role-playing game– builders, build models space rocket, robots, plants. Tasks:.

Summary of a lesson on Lego construction in the middle group “Beautiful yard for Lego people” Summary of a lesson on Lego construction in the middle group. Educator: Malakhova A.I. Educational area: cognitive development.

Lesson notes on design in senior group .

Subject« Winter forest » .

Program content :

Target. Strengthen children's ability to create images using cutting techniques. Learn to fold the shape of a Christmas tree.

Training tasks :

1. develop the ability to follow oral instructions;

2. teach various techniques for working with paper;

3. continue to introduce children to basic geometricconcepts :, square, triangle, corner, side, vertex, etc.;

4. .Form ideas aboutwinter forest.

5. Teach children to hold scissors correctly.

Developmental tasks :

1. develop attention, memory, logical thinking and spatial imagination;

2. develop fine motor skills of the hands;

3. develop artistic taste, Creative skills and fantasies of children;

4. develop in children the ability to work with their hands, accustom them to precise finger movements;

5. develop. ability to reason.

Educational tasks :

1 To develop children's interest inpaper design;

2 Take part in collective work, find the place of your craft in the overall composition.

3 help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Preliminary work : Looking at illustrations of a Christmas tree and a coniferous treewinter forest. Oral conversation about Christmas trees.

Material and equipment foroccupation: Colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick, sample of the basic form.

Moveclasses. Reading poems aboutwinter forest.

Elochka complained :

"I'm seriously frozen" .

Winter heard her

And she gave me a fur coat.

Winter has come - the snow lies,

The birds have long since flown away.

The blizzard is circling in the forest,

The spruce trees fluffed up under the snow.

Winter evening, Moonlight.

The whole forest is dressed in white snow.

In white fur coats, in white hats,

And the frost whispers sweetly to them :

Sleep, birch, sleep, pine,

Wait for spring to come

The sun's ray will warm you

And wakes you up from sleep.

The teacher talks with the children about what they have read poem :

What is the poem talking about? What grows in a coniferous forest? What trees are mentioned in the verse? What coniferous trees do you know? In what months does winter begin?

Children's answers.

Educator : And now I will show you how to hold scissors correctly and cut out a Christmas tree.

The teacher shows all the stages of cutting. Children watch with interest and are trying remember the cutting order.

Educator : Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.


There's a lock on the door -

Who could open it?

(Quick connection of fingers into a lock.)


(Pull your hands to the sides.)


(Wave-like movements.)

They knocked...

(Fingers clasped together, children knock with their palms.)

And they opened it!

(The fingers unclasped.)

Educator : Let’s not waste time, now everyone will take scissors and cardboard and cut out their own Christmas tree.

The teacher supervises the children's activities(instructions, explanations, individual assistance, explains cutting steps) .

Bottom lineclasses: Analysis and assessment of children’s activities, the teacher asks questions: What did we talk about? What did they make of paper with you? How? The teacher encourages the children: You did well today, I really liked how you listened attentively and we got a wonderfulwinter forest.