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Repeated pregnancy. One child is good, but two is better

Quarrels and squabbles are a common occurrence in our lives.

One Fine, and two - better

D While training a baby nutria named Barbie, 6-year-old Kevin Morrell speaks to her in English. He gives commands to his tin soldiers lined up on the floor in Russian. There is a certain logic to this - obvious to Kevin, but inaccessible to others. Kevin, like his 9-year-old brother Seryozha, is a bilingual child.

Seryozha speaks Russian to Russians, and English to the rest of the world. For Kevin, such a gradation does not yet exist. He chooses his language depending on his mood.

Kevin was 3 years old when his mother, a Russian military journalist, married American Stephen Morrell, a former fighter pilot and now general director Russian pharmaceutical company "Vremya". By the time he married Galina, Steve had lived in Europe for 10 years and spoke three languages ​​fluently. Galina, who worked as a simultaneous interpreter in her early youth, spoke three others. However, Galina's children - Seryozha and Kevin, who spent most of their time in Moscow kindergarten and with the nanny, they only knew one Russian language.

Setting out to establish contact with the children as soon as possible, Steve hired himself a Russian language teacher. Soon he could communicate in Russian, which brought the children a lot of joy. Communication now took place in the family as follows: Steve spoke with Galina in English, with the children in Russian, and with his mother-in-law and father-in-law, who lived for many years in Germany, in German. In Russia, this order solved all the problems. But not in America. When the children arrived in California, they were shocked. 150 of Steve's relatives spoke other than English in the best case in Spanish. Not understanding what adults were telling them, Kevin and Seryozha made mistakes. Not understanding what the children were telling them (Steve has 30 nephews from 5 siblings), they were unable to participate in games that required face-to-face communication. Offended and indignant, Seryozha and Kevin went to Steve, who continued to speak to them in Basic Russian. Other children were having fun in the pool, and the "Russian" Morrells were holding Steve's hand.

Nevertheless, the world around continued to speak English and the language gradually accumulated in the subconscious of the little Morrells. However, a certain push from the outside was required, thanks to which the mechanism could be launched.

And such a push happened - when no one was expecting it. One early summer morning, Kevin walked into Grandma Fay's garage. Next to the car wheel, he saw a huge rattlesnake, which calmly stared straight into his eyes. Kevin did not move, remembering the rules of behavior when meeting a snake, but in a heart-rending voice he shouted to the whole house: “Grandma, quickly, help, there’s a terrible rattlesnake here.” He shouted it all in English. The grandmother, who immediately shot the snake in cold blood with one shot from a gun, was no less shocked than the boy. “Well, grandma, now I can speak English,” Kevin said happily. Of course, he spoke with great errors, using only the present tense or infinitives. But the whole family rejoiced wildly at this event. Following Kevin, Seryozha also spoke in English. Games with children, in which they now participated on an equal basis with everyone else, promoted their language every day to a new level. Communication with cousins ​​was the biggest incentive for boys to learn the language.

One Fine, and two - better

It's time to return to Russia. On the plane, the children spoke English to the passengers, but after landing at Sheremetyevo they immediately switched to Russian and no force could force them to utter even one English word. A month later, the parents hired an experienced teacher from the United States, specializing in teaching English to foreigners. The classes, which cost a cool $700 a month, were a life-or-death struggle. The children won - they continued to speak Russian.

Returning to America a few months later, the children quickly and painlessly changed their Russian to English. The desire to play and communicate with my cousins ​​did the trick again. However, this time the parents decided to change something. Steve and Galina also started talking to the children in English. The children were absolutely delighted with this. It seemed that this was what they were missing all the time. As a result, when the family returned to Russia, they already had a single language of communication - English. Moreover, the children demanded that their grandparents speak English to them. Now, instead of walking in the park, the children spent most of their time surfing the Internet, sending emails to their cousins ​​in America. Electronic correspondence quickly taught them literacy. It was in no way reminiscent of a boring textbook or a boring teacher who required me to memorize tenses and lists of irregular verbs.

Moreover, she did not come as an English professor twice a week, but demanded daily readiness to express her thoughts in writing. BBC, NTV, CNN and, of course, Cartoon Network, which became available in Moscow thanks to Cosmos TV, turned out to be, from the point of view of children, more attractive than Russian television. Children also like American interactive encyclopedias on CD much more than the thirty-volume TSB that collects dust on grandma’s bookshelves. With their help, writing an essay or abstract is a pleasure.

Now that English and Russian had become equal for children, another problem had to be solved: the languages ​​should not be mixed. This was the last but very difficult test of bilingualism. A family friend, American manager Ricardo Cabeza de Baca, who himself grew up in a bilingual family (his mother is American and his father is Ecuadorian), suggested that the parents use a system of financial incentives. If children mix languages ​​or address a family member in the wrong language (for example, grandma in English), then they do not get what they ask for. The system worked flawlessly.

There is probably no need to cite the sad statistics of childbirth in our country, despite the government’s “optimistic” assurances of guaranteed financial assistance mothers who have decided to have a second child. Let's try to give convincing arguments to those mothers who want to give birth to a second baby, but are hesitant.

One of the first benefits of having a second child is... your invaluable experience. If sleepless nights, colic, colds and other “pleasures” after the birth of your first child caused you panic, now you will feel much calmer and more confident. And if the difference between the children is significant, then the older child will be able to help you to the best of his ability. By the way, psychologists say that with the support of an older child, the baby develops faster.

You probably have a lot of things left over from your older child. Even if the first child is a boy and the second is a girl, then you will not have to buy a stroller, crib, playpen, toys, etc. And this, you see, is a considerable saving of money. At the same time, keep in mind that you will no longer spend money on extra clothes or shoes, since you will know exactly what the child needs today.

Psychologists note interesting feature: mothers with several children are more efficient and punctual than mothers who are childless or have one child. Moreover, such mothers already have decent experience, allowing them to instantly pacify a raging naughty boy. To this should be added diplomacy, persuasion and teaching skills.

After the birth of her first child, any mother wants the baby to talk, walk and eat on his own as soon as possible, but time seems to stand still. Rarely do any mothers remember when the first child cut his first tooth, when he took his first step, etc., but the memory of the second child remains the most detailed information. And all because the mother lives by the principle “there is a time for everything” and wants her baby to remain a cheeky toddler smelling of milk longer.

One should not discount the fact that both children also gain invaluable experience. For example, an older child helps his mother and younger brother or sister, learns responsibility, kindness, etc. positive qualities. And the younger one develops faster and, like the older one, acquires communication skills.

And one more thing: it’s nice for you to have a brother or sister, so don’t deprive your only child of this pleasure!

The SM-IVF clinic has been effectively treating infertility in women for many years.

That's why stars are stars, to do everything to the highest standard. This applies to everything, including parenting. Some of them were generously gifted by nature, and in someone’s life she played the role of a wonderful wizard surrogate mother or an IVF specialist. “Letidor” will tell and show how life is for the most famous twins and their equally famous parents.

Jennifer Lopez: daughter Emma and son Max

On February 22, 2008, not only Jennifer Lopez and her husband (now former) Marc Anthony could not sleep.

The staff and security guards of the New York clinic on Long Island were on alert, it was hot in the People editorial office, and Lopez Guadalupe’s mother was rushing to her beloved daughter with a valuable burden in her purse. While the singer was giving birth to twins, the maternity ward guards were combing the perimeter of the building centimeter by centimeter (Jennifer was afraid that her newborn twins might be kidnapped), the magazine editors were negotiating with the star's agent regarding the final amount for the right to publish the first photos on the pages of their publication Emma and Max, and the children's grandmother brought with her bracelets, which individual order their names were inscribed.

Since then, little has changed: the paparazzi are still hunting for the twins and their star mother, the guys receive expensive gifts and bask in the love of their parents (yes, yes, and this despite the fact that 3 years ago Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony divorced) and a solid army of their own fans.

True, this does not make Emma and Max any more fun, because their mother has many times more fans, which means that she must also devote time to them (to maintain her popularity). And sometimes - to the detriment of the family. The artist stated this on air:

My son asked me to include holidays with him in my schedule. This week he accompanied me to New York, but still he said, “Mom, I would like... to plan a picnic with you this week. I understand, and you know it, that you are very busy, you work a lot.” I replied: “Of course, my boy.” You know, they always come first for me. Everyone around understands this hierarchy.

“Letidor” hopes that soon the star will delight her Instagram followers with photos from a picnic or maybe even from a joint vacation.

Alla Pugacheva: daughter Lisa and son Harry


September 18, 2013 is a day that Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin will remember forever. No, this is not another award ceremony. Although... According to “Letidor”, the birth of twins is another gift from the Universe, or rather from a surrogate mother.

The fact that the 64-year-old singer would become a mother for the second and third time (for 37-year-old Maxim Galkin, the twins became the first-born) was carefully hidden from prying ears. Only a couple of relatives and friends knew about the imminent addition to the star family. For almost two years, the Diva and the comedian “held the line” and did not show their twins to fans. The star spouses lifted the veil of secrecy only in December last year, when they and their children came to the Turandot restaurant to celebrate the 4th birthday of Alla Victoria, the daughter of Philip Kirkorov.

One head is good. And two are even better! Such words can also be applied to the number of children in a family. In addition to the quantity, the quality of raising children in the family also increases. How this happens, and why two children are better than one - you can read further.

Develop faster

A constant example from an older brother or sister, communication and interaction contribute to the accelerated development of the child. Unfortunately, you are not an Indian goddess with a huge number of hands, who can cope with everything, keep track of everything, and also engage in development and education without interruption. Children, playing with each other, will not only spend their leisure time usefully and not interfere with their parents doing their own thing, but will also hone important communication and interaction skills. Also, while still at home, they will become acquainted with collective activities, mechanisms for regulating conflicts, such as cooperation, concessions, and compromise.

Useful qualities

Along with accelerated development, children also acquire important qualities. For example, they learn to share, they do not get used to the fact that everything goes to only him, the only one. The older child begins to take responsibility early, because he is also the “educator” of the child. The eldest will already have the skills to care for and care for small children; this is an invaluable experience for their future “adult” life.

Thoughts from teachers

The great Russian teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko radically stated that a family should have at least two children. In his books he emphasizes, exclaims and insists on this idea. Makarenko advises “getting” a child by any means - giving birth or adopting. Also, he gives us a sad example that if suddenly something happens to just one child in the family, then the grief of the parents will know no bounds. The second child will inspire you to live and move on. Makarenko has many years of experience behind him and, perhaps, he is right. But in any case, it’s up to you and your spouse to decide.

In conclusion, among other things, think about it - there are two of you: you and your spouse, and one child. The result is an incomplete replacement of the demographic fund. Make love, give birth to children for yourself and for everyone’s joy!