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Happy birthday greetings to a kindergarten teacher from parents. Birthday wishes for a kindergarten teacher Words of congratulations to kindergarten teachers

We trust you with our children,
They will be fine with you, we know for sure,
Read a book, sing a song,
You live the life of babies every day.
Please accept congratulations from your parents,
We wish you joy, happiness and patience,
Let every day be unique,
May your destiny be beautiful.

For a teacher, work is a calling,
You all need to be promoted,
You always greet children with a smile,
And, like no one else, you understand them perfectly.
All parents congratulate you,
We wish you a long and happy life,
Let what you do be good
He will definitely come back to you with a tip.

Ah, kindergarten, ah, kindergarten,
A fairytale house for all preschool children,
Like a mother hen teacher near children,
Prepares a lot of entertainment and activities for the kids.
All parents are happy to congratulate you on this holiday,
May children's laughter be your reward,
Let the kids always trust you,

From your smile, my soul becomes brighter,
Like family, you love all children,
Pay equal attention to everyone
You dream about the future with them.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
We reward you with parental gratitude,
May every day bring you happiness,
Let the rain wash away all bad weather.

Honor and praise to all teachers,
It’s impossible to do without teachers,
You give your heart to children,
You worship them, you live by them.
Accept flowers from your parents,
You deserve only respect
Low bow from each of us,
Happy holiday, dear teachers, to you.

For us, parents, you are an irreplaceable person,
Your soul is woven from affection and kindness,
You have been giving your heart for many years,
Giving warmth and happiness is your destiny.
On Teacher's Day, please accept congratulations,
Live long in joy and happiness,
Let your work bring you inspiration,

We trust you with our children without fear,
You give them tenderness, love and affection,
You give your heart completely to your children,
The kids always run to you with pleasure.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
All parents wish you happiness,
Let a weekday turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness fly to you often.

Teacher - children's shower tester,
He will always find a path to the child,
Plays in a group and on the playground,
It will calm the baby and wipe his nose.
On Teacher's Day, please accept congratulations from your parents,
We wish you a colorful life, endurance, patience,
May the brightest star shine on you,
May fate reward you fully.

We trust you and thank you for everything,
We would like to solemnly congratulate you on the holiday,
Our children love you dearly,
They feel comfortable and happy in the kindergarten.
May all your wishes come true,
May all worries be forgotten forever,
Let luck not pass you by,
May fate be the happiest.

It’s so good that there is a teacher,
His merits cannot be counted.
You give the warmth of your soul to our children,
They are very happy with you.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
All parents wish you happiness,
May every day bring bright moments,
May you always be in a great mood.

Compliments and flowers for the teachers today,
You are worthy only of admiration,
You understand every child perfectly,
You help me adapt to the regime.
Please accept congratulations from your parents,
Live long and happily
Let your work bring you joy,
Let the wind carry away all sorrows.

We jokingly call you deputies,
We confidently trust you with our children,
You are people of the kindest soul,
You help children make their dreams come true.
All parents value and respect you,
Hearty congratulations on the holiday,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May your destiny be the brightest.

Today, on autumn day, we congratulate you
Happy Teacher's Day. Good luck! For long years!
Your work is not easy, but we will glorify it.
Live happily, without grief and without troubles.

Congratulate you from the heart and with love
From all parents, we are sincerely in a hurry.
We wish you patience and health!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our children!

Today we congratulate you with all our hearts!
We are glad that our kids love you so much,
That the kids don’t want to go home from kindergarten.
The kindergarten is like a second home for our children.

We wish you health and patience,
This is necessary, without a doubt, with our children.
Your kindness never runs out,
Let the children always remember to listen to you.

On behalf of the parents, congratulations on the holiday! Happy teacher and everyone's day preschool workers! Thank you for your enormous work and contribution to our growing children. Your attention, care, help and ability to help out are priceless! We wish you good health, prosperity, love and prosperity in your families, fulfillment of desires and all the best!

Our children love you so much
Well, we want to say
What without our kindergarten
They couldn't exist!
Take a look, have fun,
Put them to sleep
Feed everyone properly
And you will read them a poem,
We are grateful for this
Congratulations now
Teachers and nannies,
They did a lot for us.

On Teacher's Day, our gratitude
To everyone who cares about our children.
To you, who is attentive to children's needs,
And for whom baby talk is not uncommon.

We wish you great health,
Strength and patience, even though it’s difficult at times,
To make more funny things happen,
To avoid negativity.

Joy to you and peace of mind,
Even when children are very naughty.
We are grateful for your daily work
And for the smiles of our guys.

We're in a hurry all the time
We're all in a hurry somewhere,
And with a sad look at us again
The kids are escorted from the porch.

We are in your good hands
We entrust them with confidence.
After all, the teacher can handle it
With their pranks skillfully.

For children's smiles
And laughter in the evenings
Thanks a lot
From all of you dads and moms.

We bring children to you,
Our glorious babies,
And my soul is always calm,
For fathers and mothers!

They are waiting for children in the kindergarten,
There is order and comfort here,
Your caring hands,
They will never let you down!

Here it is, profession day,
Arrives right on time
Accept from your parents,
Our heartfelt congratulations!

We want to wish you
Never be discouraged
Be happy in life
You don’t know troubles and sorrows!

All workers, kindergarten teachers
Today we are happy to congratulate you on the holiday!
Thank you very much for your efforts,
For giving children attention,
May your work always be a pleasure,
May all your dreams and aspirations come true,
Smiles of children and big salaries
Let them be your highest reward!

We want to say thank you
Your work cannot be recompensed in words.
But still, we wish you
Take success into your own hands.

And with it, take happiness,
Live beautifully and not worry.
Every day you are in the garden with the children,
From eight in the morning until six.

From us, parents, please accept
And divide it into each other,
Warmth of love and gratitude,
As our solidarity with you.

Children's sleep he protects
He plays happily in the group,
Teaches songs and poems,
And he goes for walks with the children.

The teacher is ours,
He has a lot of experience.
He is not indifferent to children
Both to the capricious and to the obedient.

Both parents and children
We are very glad that in the world
There is such a man
May he live for a whole century!

Our dears, thank you,
For taking care of our children,
You teach them, you watch them,
And don't take your eyes off them.

On your day, we wish you happiness, patience,
Sometimes it’s not easy for you and the kids,
Happy Teacher's Day to you all,
We wish that bad things go away from you!

You are the best teacher kindergarten,
We don't need anyone else but you,
You give us your soul, warmth and affection,
Play games and read a fairy tale.
We love, appreciate, respect you,
Happy holiday today,
We wish you a happy life, inspiration,
Enthusiasm, endurance, patience.

It’s not for nothing that they call you the best teacher,
You have a kind, open soul,
You live the life of children,
You give them your knowledge and skills.
Today is Teacher's Day, congratulations,
We wish you only joy and good luck in life,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star,
Peace, prosperity, prosperity and goodness to you.

The teacher is the main link in children's lives,
Only for him to find mutual language with the baby, given,
You always greet children with a smile,
You are full of energy, enthusiasm and ideas.
Today a pleasant opportunity presented itself,
To present you with the order - the best educator,
Thank you for your affection, warmth and care,
Because you love your job so much.

Today in our garden there is a holiday, noise, fun,
Teachers are given prizes, awards,
For many years of contribution to work, for the warmth of the soul,
We hasten to say our sincere thank you.
You are the kindest teacher, the best,
You give your whole heart to your children,
We had a wonderful opportunity
To tell you about this in front of everyone.

You are the best teacher on the planet,
All the children speak about this with one voice,
It's so comfortable and easy with you,
It’s just good for the children to be with you.
May God grant you happiness, health and good luck,
Decent salary to boot,
May happiness always smile on you,
May your destiny be the most amazing.

You are the best teacher, just class,
You are a treasure trove of advice and wisdom for us,
Kind mentor, teacher and friend,
May your circle of luck expand.
Cheers to the best teacher,
May your children love and respect you,
May happiness always smile on you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

Low bow to the best kindergarten teacher,
He deserves only respect and gratitude,
A kind heart and an open soul,
It always attracts children like a magnet.
We are all happy to congratulate you today,
For us you are like an outlet, a joy,
The students lined up as if in a parade,
To give you a reward for your goodness.

You come here to raise children,
So that every little one is obedient,
We would like to call you among the educators
We are the best, because you deserve it.
You're at work all day long, head over heels,
You give a piece of your heart to children every day,
We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday,
After all, a teacher is the best thing in the world.

You are the best teacher in this kindergarten,
Your beautiful profession day has arrived,
Do you know how to work with children?
So that the result exceeds all expectations.
We wish you to keep this bar,
Just to teach the kids the best,
We wish you to become the best in the whole country,
Receive a reward for your valiant work.

Your element is kindergarten and kids,
To make children's souls kinder and more beautiful,
We would like to congratulate you on Teacher’s Day from the bottom of our hearts,
After all, for many years you have been the best in the team.
Your parents adore you, they bring you flowers,
They want to personally congratulate you on Teacher’s Day,
With my hard work I achieved this height,
He became a valuable personnel and an excellent employee.

Like God, you work with children all day,
And you serve your profession better than anyone else,
On Teacher's Day, on your holiday, accept
Words that everyone really needs you.
There are few people like you now, unfortunately.
So that in kindergarten worked with the same dedication,
Let there be no end in sight to the congratulations,
We wish you good luck with all our hearts.

You are the best teacher among us,
You always do your job brilliantly,
Let me congratulate you at this hour,
There is a holiday suitable for this.
Teacher's Day has come again today,
We want to say good words to you,
We wish you always have enough strength,
Keep this level high.

Day teacher knocks on the window in the morning
To you the strongest, the glass is shaking,
After all, the title of the best is not given to everyone,
It must be earned through hard work.
We wish you good health, strength, patience,
Let a good heart never tire of beating,
Let the kindergarten be both positive and inspiration
Gives you many years to come.

The entire kindergarten wants to congratulate you
Happy Teacher's Day, you are the best among all,
May this title be with you firmly,
Let only success await you in your work.
There are already many words of gratitude to you
For your valiant work you have heard, more than once,
After all, with experience it became easier to work,
And, if necessary, you will always teach us.

Working with children is hard but enjoyable work. Usually this profession is chosen by kind and desperate people. Kindergarten teachers are real magical fairies. They have more than enough patience. Therefore, you need to regularly express your gratitude and appreciation to them for raising children. New Year, Birthday, Workers' Day preschool education- all these are excellent reasons to present congratulations to teachers.

Parental committee

Kindergarten - every adult dreams of returning to this place. Delicious food, sweet sleep, games and entertainment - children feel comfortable and happy in such institutions. Experienced employees are responsible for their safety and development.

Our Maria Petrovna is beautiful, smart and savvy,

Like a rose she is noble, respected and benevolent.

Children love her like a mother

And they play all day - they don’t get tired.

In the morning they rush to the group to quickly say hello to her.

Stay as wonderful as you are

Charming and lovely,

Bloom like roses in May,

Let there be no thunderstorms in life!

Creative duet

The poem can be written on beautiful postcard to these pleasant words preserved for a long time. Involve the kids in creativity, and they will make a postcard together with you. Congratulations to the teacher in prose will also be relevant. It can be said by several parents, because everyone wants to express their gratitude.

“Happy holiday to you, everyone’s beloved second mother of our babies! We cannot express in words our gratitude and love for you. Always remain the same radiant and kind fairy! Children simply adore you and run to the garden eagerly! After all, such a result is difficult to achieve! You find kind word for every child, you know everything about them, sometimes even more than the parents! You have found your calling in life, never leave your post! We wish you success in your work, health and strong nerves!”

Maly Theater

If your children’s teacher is a creative person, then the congratulations should be appropriate. Prepare a comic skit with several parents. No one has ever presented such congratulations to teachers, they will be pleasantly surprised! You will need small props in the form of large bows, wide shorts with suspenders. Parents dress up as babies. The presenter announces: “Not everyone understands how hard, important and priceless the work of a teacher is! Let’s see what would happen in the group if such a profession did not exist!”

Parents in baby costumes come out into the middle of the hall, toys in their hands, pacifiers and bottles in their mouths. Dad will look funny wearing a diaper over his pants!

Today I will be in charge! Quickly eat all the candies, no porridge!

Why are you in charge? I have the most beautiful doll, that means I'm in charge!

You guys are strange! And I have the most beautiful mother, I will lead!

And our dad works at Gazprom - I’m a leader!

Children start a comic fight, clinging into a ball, screaming loudly, crying. After a minute they calm down and begin to reason: “If we behave this way, it means we are ill-mannered!” Then they shout in unison: “Invite a teacher!”

This cool congratulations educators from parents will strike them on the spot. Both adults and children will have a lot of fun.

Fun and laughter

You can express your gratitude in an original way to the staff of a children's institution with the help of ditties. The most active parents they will learn the quatrains and sing them cheerfully at the matinee. The performance will look more fun if both moms and dads tie scarves on their heads. Be sure to involve grandmothers, because they definitely know how to sing beautifully! Such congratulations to teachers will be remembered for a long time!

You girls are mischievous, dear educators!

Your eyes are kind, your hands are golden!

And our manager is simply top class!

We respect and love you very much!

Our girls are pampered girls, you are masters at handling them!

And you can put the boys to bed at a quiet time!

We wish you warmth, exorbitant goodness!

May you have love! Well, there’s a mountain of money!

Success awaits you all in life! Smiles and happy laughter!

We wish you a smooth life, without losses and without interference!

Such cheerful congratulations teachers will like everyone. Kids will be delighted with their parents' performance.

Photo for memory

Everyone loves to take pictures of their children. Together, create a collage of children’s photos, make interesting inscriptions, wishes, and present this memorable gift to your teacher. It’s good if the guys take part in the process of creating a collage. You can dip their palms in gouache and leave fingerprints as a keepsake.

Celebrate holidays in a fun way that your children will remember for a long time. Prepare congratulations to preschool teachers in advance. Do it from the heart, sincerely, involve children in this activity. Such moments are priceless, because childhood will never be repeated!

[in prose]

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

Raising children is the most difficult, time-consuming, but at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. Seeing how your students grow, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let only the best be in your destiny, and let life be so affectionate and kind to you that you will always be lucky! I wish you find great gifts on your life’s journey, and may your students remember you for many years to come!

The winds carry away words, and the years carry away memories. We wish you that they are only light, bright and long - for life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. May dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! Let all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring person, so we are very glad that you are leading this group. We wish from all parents family well-being, good salary, excellent health! We are always ready to support you - in any business or endeavor. Always remain so active and cheerful!

Every year, at the most romantic time - the end of September, Teacher's Day is celebrated. Even nature itself gives these wonderful people who raise our children dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day I would like to wish you the same bright mood and the same beautiful life. Let your work be your only joy, the children will be obedient, and their parents will be just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you so need. Love that will help cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best children, and hope for the best.

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Teacher's Day is a wonderful occasion to sincerely congratulate you and wish you new success. You were not mistaken when choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and that’s wonderful! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and study with the kids. It’s nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, happy and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional successes and enjoy your work. Let your students love you, your parents support you, and your management appreciate you!

Each of us gets to raise our own children. But there are people for whom education is a calling. A teacher is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. A teacher is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, condescension and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze people in this profession. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new student can draw from this source, like from a well, what is good, wise and eternal. And may fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we entrust the most valuable things to educators. Be happy!

Our dear teacher! On this day, allow me to congratulate you on the professional holiday of all who are rightly called the blacksmiths of human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you deal with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you foolish and cocky now proudly say that they were your students. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, not become scarce! Happy holiday! Happy Teacher's Day!

Words of gratitude and warm, sincere wishes are all for you today, our dear teacher! You lead the children to the beginning life path Holding your hand tightly, make sure they don’t stumble. You are always ready to explain, show, help with advice and, of course, forgive pranks. Thousands of apologies and tears of repentance were real only thanks to your fair decisions, which at times are not easy. We wish you on your professional holiday, Teacher's Day, Have a good mood and gratitude from the students! Be happy, healthy and successful! Share your wisdom, teach children to be fair, honest, and reliable, so that they can confidently enter life as real people.

Our dear teacher! Exupery wrote in his fairy tale: “We all come from childhood.” And how right he was! Everything that is important in us, adults, was laid down in childhood. And how lucky is the one with whom a kind and wise mentor stood next to him at the very dawn of his life. We are happy that our children have a person like you! Every day you give our children your warmth and energy, childlike spontaneity and passion! You open your heart to them, and the children are drawn to you, just as timid spring shoots are drawn to the clear sun. So may God grant you health, patience, inexhaustible creativity, kindness, and all the brightest things in your life! May your days be filled with the same light that you give to our children every day and every hour! Happy Teacher's Day to you! Be happy!