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Congratulations on Nurse's Day. Nurse's Day When is Nurse's Day?

Among all the hospital workers, a nurse is exactly the person who will support and help in the most difficult times. For the armless she is the hand, for the legless leg, for the blind eye, for the deaf ear, for the mute mouth, for the mother the helper, and for the newborn child the first nanny.

Today, sisters of mercy, as they were called in the old days, celebrate their professional holiday - International Day nurse 12 May. This is a great opportunity to congratulate and express our gratitude to the smart women and beauties in white coats who follow the instructions of doctors and help their patients cope with pain, both in the soul and in the body. In our article you will learn about the history and features of this humane holiday.

History of International Nurses Day

In 1853, during the Crimean War, an Englishwoman named Florence Nightingale began organizing the service of nurses. The girls who volunteered, among whom were commoners, aristocrats, and nuns from the Moscow St. Nicholas Convent, went to the front where, showing extraordinary courage and bravery, they saved wounded soldiers.

After the war, doctors' assistants continued to work in hospitals; they acted as nurses, assisted doctors in treating patients, and were present at operations. Interestingly, no special education was required, because in those days it was believed that a woman was naturally endowed with the ability to help all those who suffer.

About one hundred and fifty years have passed since the birth of the nursing profession. However, only since January 1974, when sisters of mercy from 141 countries of the world created their professional International Council, the holiday was awarded the title International Day nurse celebrated on May 12th. This date was chosen in honor of the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the woman who went down in history as the organizer of the world's first group of nurses.

An interesting fact is that after the establishment of this holiday, many cities in Russia began to celebrate the Day of the Chief Nurse - the leader and mentor of all nursing staff.

Events for World Nurses Day

In almost every country on May 12, round table meetings, seminars, and conferences are held at which they promote healthy image life, call for work to improve professional competence, personal and professional growth, as well as creative development nursing staff.

Every year on the 12th International Nurses Day, the International Council of Nurses determines a slogan or theme on which it prepares information and announces the most relevant topic for the upcoming celebration.

The best and most distinguished nurses from all over the world are awarded the Florence Nightingale Award on their holiday, and in many countries, administration or representatives of local authorities present awards and prizes to the best nursing staff.

What can you give nurses on International Nurses Day?

As a rule, the most traditional gift for employees of medical institutions is considered to be chocolate, tea, coffee or something “stronger”. In many countries today it is customary to give gifts to nurses and doctors gift baskets gourmet. You can put the same tea or coffee and any sweets in the form of cookies, original cakes or chocolates. Also, a jar of caviar, pineapples, olives and a bottle of good wine would be very appropriate here. Of course, you can simply congratulate girls and women in white coats on World Nurses Day kind words and best wishes.

Observing a patient, carrying out medical procedures, showing care and sympathy, listening to complaints, risking your own health every day, caring for a stranger who is not always grateful and pleasant is the hardest work! International Nurses Day is a great opportunity to say “Thank you!” for the dedication and sincerity of all people who have chosen such a difficult path in life.

In 1820, on May 12, an extraordinary girl was born. She grew up like any young lady from a noble and wealthy family. An impeccable education, excellent manners, a crystal reputation and, to a large extent, the income of her parents - according to all the canons of that time, Florence Nightingale should have successfully married and be content with the role of wife and mother.

But the brave girl went against the will of her family and society. Having accidentally found herself in a hospital for the poor, Florence was horrified by the abundance of dirt, she was struck by the unbearable stench, the huge number of weak, dying people, abandoned and forgotten by the whole world. Florence lost interest in music and drawing, social events, dancing and an idle lifestyle in general. At the age of 19, she told her parents that she was going to become a nurse. A scandal in society, rejection and insults, scolding from her father and a heart attack from her mother - no one and nothing could influence her determination.

In 1974, Florence's date of birth was declared a holiday. Although nurses around the world began to receive congratulations and awards for their professionalism since the 1950s. But before 1974 these were scattered events organized at the local level.

Florence Nightingale made a huge contribution to the formation and development of nursing. The first nursing school was opened under her auspices. She convinced the authorities that banal ventilation, sewerage and simple norms Hospital sanitation is not a luxury, but an essential necessity. Thanks to her organizational skills, leadership qualities and amazing endurance, during the Crimean War the mortality rate in military hospitals decreased from 41% to 2%!

When Nurses Day is celebrated, the most honorable awards ceremony within the profession takes place around the world. Medal named after Florence Nightingale was founded by the League of the International Red Cross in 1912. Since 1974, the award has been presented on May 12, in an amount of no more than 50 pieces. in two years!

In addition to the hellish physical efforts, Florence worked mentally, wanting nurses in all corners of the planet to change their views on their chosen profession. In those years, the sister performed only the most simple care activities - fed, washed, changed bandages. It was considered the norm that nurses had no idea about human physiology and anatomy. Florence insisted that the nurse should be a professional and the main assistant to the doctor. She has written several books about what a nurse's duties should be and what knowledge every nurse should have. Florence taught girls who then traveled around the world as mentors.

Today, nurses account for about 80% of the efforts made to cure patients. Florence's scientific works and books are reflected in the modern Code of Nursing. Her appeal to young girls who have decided to become a sister of mercy is relevant to this day: “If dirt and stench scare you, if you are not able to empathize with a stranger, even someone unpleasant to you, if you put your own well-being above the good of others, choose a different path.”

At the international level, Nurses Day in Russia has been celebrated only since 1993. On May 12, the main events take place, and during the holiday week there are conferences, seminars and round tables. The main educational events corresponding to the chosen theme of the year are dedicated to this date. In 2010, seminars and other events were held under the motto “Prevention and combating the spread of chronic diseases”, in 2011 “Available health care for all segments of the population", in 2012 "From scientific evidence to evidence-based practice - bridging the gap." In 2013, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the holiday in Russia, events were held under the unofficial motto “I am proud of my profession!”

Informal congratulations

On Nurse's Day, congratulations are heard all over the world, from TV screens and newspaper pages, doctors thank their irreplaceable assistants, bosses issue bonuses, and corporate evenings are held locally. But the warmest and most welcome congratulations come from the lips of patients: knowing that your work is appreciated is the most important result of the past year. Don't forget to congratulate the nurses you know on their professional holiday, even if you have never had to act as a patient. How exactly?

1. Throw a party. Ask guests to memorize or write congratulatory poems on cards that they will read during the party instead of toasts. Guests not related to medicine can come dressed as patients: gowns and slippers, funny bandages. Prepare some funny competitions:

  • quickly bandage the “wounded”, using toilet paper instead of bandages;
  • compose a funny quatrain “Ode to the Enema”, “Song of the Cannula”, “Tale of the Naughty Patient”, etc.;
  • play Pantomime. One person uses gestures to depict an object (a syringe, a vessel or “duck”, a clamp and other medical instruments), and the rest of the guests guess;
  • compete in teams, guessing the continuation of proverbs and sayings about health. “If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy...”, “Trust not in illness, but in...”, “Where there is health, there is...” (beware, doctor, beauty).

Don't forget to include fiery dances and active competitions in the script. For example, you can dance while holding a stack of gauze bandages or a tray with a bunch of cotton swabs on your outstretched arms (if you drop it, you lose, the tampons can be counted at the end - whoever has the most left on the tray wins). You can have a speed competition by wearing ducks on your feet. Or an accuracy competition - syringes and a foam target in the shape of you know what. Have fun! After all, when professional holidays are celebrated at work, most of the time is spent on official congratulations from colleagues and superiors. When should you rest?

2. No time to party? Prepare an unusual congratulation. You can come to the hospital as a visitor, walk through the wards and ask patients to write on big poster your wishes. Or write a poem and order an engraving or inscription on a medical souvenir (remember the associations with the department where a nurse you know works).

Congratulations on Nurse's Day can be formatted as a video message, a humorous video or collage, a flash mob or a small performance (a scene with the participation of friends or friends' children, if a friend works in the children's department). Just because a young man or girl has chosen such a difficult and not always rewarding profession, they have already earned respect and admiration! Especially when it comes to Russia and the countries of the former USSR, where medicine can only be a vocation, but not a choice for the sake of banal money.

In our age of modern technology, when almost everything is based on a smart machine called a computer, people suffer from the lack of full-fledged human communication. At work, instead of colleagues, you have to communicate with the computer. But fortunately, there are still those professions that can never be replaced even by a machine such as a computer.

Formation in Russia

There are two options. The first relates directly to Russia.

N.I. Pirogov was the world's first organizer of women's care for the wounded in combat conditions. It was he who participated in the organization and formation of the “Exaltation of the Cross Community of Sisters for the Care of the Wounded and Sick.” The community of Sisters of Mercy was organized in 1854 in St. Petersburg. Its charter was approved on October 25 of the same year. The opening took place on November 5, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This is where the name came from - Exaltation of the Cross.

Becoming abroad

The Germans credit their nation with creating the nursing profession. A lady named Florence Nightingale created a community of women who cared for the wounded in 1855. Moreover, those nurses did not have any medical education. Frau Nightingale herself studied nursing in Europe. Her relatives were against her chosen profession, because in those days it was considered of a low level. The patients were cared for by former drunkards and women of easy virtue who decided to end their past lives.

Despite the family's protests, Florence achieved her goal. She learned the intricacies of nursing. And during the Crimean War, the newly minted nurse went to the front, where she fully realized her skills, while creating a women’s community to care for wounded soldiers.

In 1850, Nightingale opened her own school, where girls could learn the art of nursing and pass on their knowledge further, disseminating it throughout the world.

When is the holiday celebrated?

Nurse's Day is celebrated on May 12th. And this is no coincidence. On this day, the German founder of the Sisters of Charity community, Florence Nightingale, was born.

Who runs it

Nurses Day has been supervised by the International Council of Nurses for many years. The main directions of their activities are the following:

  • Promoting humane treatment of patients.
  • Attracting public attention to an industry such as nursing.
  • Choosing a theme for the annual celebration. This topic allows us to reflect the pressing problems of nursing.

Holiday symbol

Nurse's Day has been associated with a white heart for decades. It was chosen as the symbol of the International Council of Nurses. It is a symbol of dedication to your work and patients. And as you know, White color symbolizes cleanliness and hygiene.

Holiday in Russia

Russia has been celebrating International Nurses Day since 1993. On this holiday, junior medical staff are congratulated. Nurses are given certificates and gifts. It cannot be done without a bonus, because everyone understands perfectly well that without the hard-working sisters, the medical business would not be so strong and prosperous.

international day

What date is Nurse's Day in the world? May 12 junior medical staff different countries and nations celebrates its professional holiday. In Russia, sisters are congratulated in the same way as throughout the world. Namely May 12th.

Nurses are different. No, not black, white and red. And each of them has its own degree of responsibility.

  • Chief nurse. On her shoulders lie the main concerns of the hospital regarding patient care. The head nurse is responsible for the work of her subordinates, middle and junior medical personnel.
  • Head nurse. She deals with administrative and economic issues, directly, in interaction with the head of the department to which the senior nurse belongs. Organization of the work of ward nurses and control over it lies with the head nurse.
  • Ward or guard nurse. She is assigned to certain rooms in the department, in which she monitors the patients, carries out the doctor’s instructions for them, and organizes care.
  • Procedural nurse. Intravenous injections, infusions, blood sampling for examinations - this is her area of ​​responsibility.
  • Operating room nurse. She is responsible for preparing the operating room: instruments, materials, linen. Participates in operations where he assists the surgeon.
  • Dietic nurse or dietitian. Responsible for medical nutrition, draws up menus, organizes food processing for patients, as well as the dining room and kitchen where food is prepared.
  • District nurse. This nurse helps the local doctor who sees patients in his assigned area. On her shoulders - paperwork patients.

How to congratulate a nurse

On Nurse's Day, you should definitely congratulate your friends who work in this difficult field. How to surprise a nurse you know?

You can bring congratulations in poetic form. Or maybe in prose. Write a beautiful speech. Buy a bouquet of flowers, something tasty for tea. Or give a coffee (tea) set.

The main thing is not to forget about this holiday. The work of a nurse is usually invisible. But it is very complex, and no less responsible than that of a doctor.

What congratulations can you give to colleagues on Nurse's Day? This could be a ceremonial feast. And of course, warm and sincere words addressed to them.


Nursing is a special profession. You cannot go into it without love for people. “Angels in white coats” is a very capacious and true description of this medical staff. Many responsibilities fall on their shoulders, often not particularly noticeable to patients. Therefore, it is worth appreciating such a modest but very necessary work of nurses.

The history of the Nurses' Day holiday goes back to the beginning of the 19th century; on May 12, the founder of the nursing service, Florence Nightingale, was born. During the Crimean War, this woman was the first to organize a service for caring for wounded soldiers, which contributed to a significant reduction in mortality during combat operations. She also organized a charitable foundation to create the world's first school of nurses. In 1934, the International Foundation was created. F. Nightingale, on whose initiative International Nurses Day became an annual holiday.

It is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, since a person’s life and health are the main values ​​for everyone. They are the ones who carry out all the doctor’s orders; their caring word plays a significant role in the patient’s recovery process. According to statistics, nurses account for about 80% of all patient care.

Show congratulations

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Our dear nurses! On this day, we are pleased to congratulate you on your professional holiday and sincerely thank you for your enormous work, which you carry out with dignity. You are good fairies in white coats, beautiful saviors of human health, real squires of doctors. Without you, the work of medical institutions simply would not be possible. Thank you, charming sisters, for the fact that your fragile shoulders can withstand all the hardships given to you by fate!


Today we congratulate our lovely and caring nurses, beautiful women with a gentle smile and with kind hands who fight for life every day with diseases and illnesses. May your health always be good, may you always have personal happiness.


Today we celebrate a day dedicated to representatives of the most humane profession - nursing. They were the ones who dedicated their lives to selflessly helping other people. We wish them patience, obedient and respectful patients, and simply great human happiness.


Arriving at the hospital, everyone understands that the patient’s recovery depends not only on the doctor’s qualifications. Nurses fight diseases no less, and sometimes many times more, than the doctor himself: they administer IVs, give injections and collect tests, carry out all the necessary procedures and often have considerable treatment experience, allowing them to make independent diagnoses and, in emergency cases, adjust treatment and save lives. So let your work be appreciated, and on International Nurses Day you will receive all possible congratulations from colleagues and patients.


Everyone knows how difficult and troublesome your work is, because you are the ones who are especially affectionate and patient with the sick, no matter how capricious you may be. You try to give injections without hurting, bandages quickly. I wish you excellent health and happiness, may your children never have to use your professional skills.


Let not only on this day, but also always, words of gratitude be addressed to you for helping people in the difficult hours of their lives, when it is painful and scary. I would especially like to wish you health, goodness, optimism, just positive emotions at work and at home.


We often say thank you to the doctors for ensuring our health, but we often forget those who came into the room at night to check our temperature and our well-being. Let your patients get better and never forget that you were nearby during the days and nights of illness.


Happy Nurse's Day
We must remind you about the profession.
Health is their concern.
Let there be fewer sick people every day.
Once there is a shift, let it go smoothly.
And the bonus is once a month and worthy!
Always keep up with your heart's call,
Forget about the difficulties of working at home.
Good health "excellent"
Joy in business and personal life!
Let luck be reliable and familiar.


We congratulate you on this holiday,
Happy International Nurses Day,
We are simply proud that we exist on the planet,
Our saviors are you.

Night and day you are on guard for your health,
We are confident in your help,
And everyone needs you,
We will trust your hands.

Happiness and joy, the best emotions,
Today we wish you,
May you succeed in everything in your life,
And all problems are resolved.


Nurse like a prima donna
With a kind, gentle smile in her eyes.
Her caress, her sensuality are bottomless,
And cruelty and fear are unknown to her.

Procedures, all tests, dressings -
This won't surprise her for a long time.
But her eyes still shine brightly,
And she is ready to help the sick.

International Nurses Day
Today the whole earth is celebrating with joy.
We wish you good luck, good health,
Lots of happiness and warmth.

May the heavens smile on you today,
And they will give you a lot of joy and love.
May all kindness return to you a hundredfold.
May your angel protect you from sorrow.


There are different moments
In the working day of a nurse:
Injections, enemas, documents -
Movements are precise and fast.

She's the first assistant
Everyone in the country has a doctor.
But sometimes my nerves give way -
How not to lose your temper?

Let all patients wait -
Nurses need to rest
After all, these moments are so rare,
That allows you to sit down and breathe.

Accumulate knowledge, nerves, strength -
It’s absolutely impossible to live without them.
Let them be on this dear holiday
All the troubles are nothing.


May sun in a hospital room
Plays with a beam on the wall.
And the nurse in a short robe
It flutters like a white butterfly.

"Come with me, dear patient,
You have biochemistry. Urgently!"
After you? Great! At any moment I
I'll run headlong, even at night!

“A little patience, my sick friend,
It might hurt a little..."
Believe me, from your divine hands
I will accept all tortures with dignity!

The trembling in my body is not from fear, no.
It's more like she's nervous.
I would like to find support for my hand
On your beautiful knees...

An opponent suddenly appeared at the door -
The toothless grandfather laughs.
Naughty, he didn’t wilt at all from illness:
“Are you jamush or not?”

After all, sometimes just from looking at you
The patient feels better.
And the light that shines from fairy eyes,
It will cure any illness.

Happy Nurse's Day today!
Congratulations on behalf of all patients.
An ocean of kindness given to us
Let it come back to you with interest!

Let's write a recipe for your destiny:
Let happiness be poured into your life!
There - an immense love potion,
Extract from passion! Cito!


Someone bites me or I suddenly cut myself,
I’m going to the hospital with a rainbow dream,
That I will bask in your eyes again,
That I have a date with a nurse.

These white clothes won't hide
No long legs, no cello stan,
And sweet hopes will not perish
Go to a hospital bed healthy.

Well, today is a noble occasion
Raise the test tube to a high degree,
Celebrate this international day,
That the nurse became a family holiday.

For your super sterile gowns,
For your views, they drive you crazy,
For clean hospital rooms,
Which without you is almost a prison.

Live long, happily, richly,
Married, divorced and nobody's,
For now it's a draw, free girls
My beloved nurses!


Wait, little sister,
I really need it!
I will say this word for you
It's your day
Work as a reward
And fatigue sets in again!
Your look is kind
Comes from the heart
How did you do all this have time...
Joy and work go together
It’s your holiday today, you know?


You make the sick sick
Just sensing it a mile away,
Tongues in mouths go numb,
Seeing this beauty...

Dear nurse,
Happy holiday to you again!
Be airy like a bird
Without passing us!

Let injections or enemas
They'll wait at least an hour,
And all our bodies
They will say “bravo” for your work!


How to live without a nurse
In white mourning hospitals?
I'll pinch it out of habit,
So that sparks from the eye sockets.
From the most tender message
The bruise is growing
You are very cute today
They answered me like this.
I won't be offended one bit
Yet your holiday has come,
Pour it, come on, drop by drop,
Until the doctor saw it!

In 2020 regular (65th anniversary) song competition Eurovision 2020 will be held in the Netherlands (Holland).

Chosen as the venue for the show multifunctional arena "Rotterdam Ahoy" with a capacity of more than 16 thousand spectators, located in Rotterdam, the country's second largest city after the capital Amsterdam.

The event format includes two semi-finals and one final, which are traditionally held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the second full week of May.

In 2020, the dates for the Eurovision semi-finals and final will be as follows:
* 1st semi-final - May 12, 2020 (Tue).
* 2nd semi-final - May 14, 2020 (Thu)
* Final - May 16, 2020 (Sat).

Who will represent Russia at Eurovision 2020:

The musical group that will go from Russia to Eurovision 2020 was named on March 2, 2020 in live"Channel One", in the final story of the information program "Time".

Will represent our country at Eurovision 2020 group "Little Big"(literal translation into Russian - “Little Big”).

The group's musical style is quite unusual. The musicians themselves call themselves a “satirical art collaboration” (a satirical art project), which combines music, images and spectacle. After watching several videos of the group, I am confident that the guys will definitely conquer the European podium of popular music. Or, at a minimum, they will make an unforgettable impression on the prim Western public.

Current lineup of "Little Big":

  • Ilya "Ilyich" Prusikin.
  • Sergei "Gokk" Makarov.
  • Sofya Tayurskaya.
  • Anton Lissov.

That is, when and where will Eurovision 2020 take place?who will go from Russia:
* Dates: May 12, 14 and 16, 2020
* Place - The Netherlands, Rotterdam.
* Representative from Russia - "Little Big".