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Funny birthday greetings to Philip. Happy birthday wishes to Philip in verse, in your own words


Philip may perceive your birthday greetings in different ways. The fact is that the owners of this name have a rather unique and complex character. It is difficult to restrain such people, and once they have decided on something, they go to the end. Philip is a man of mood, and his mood can change several times a day. He performs actions based on the emotions he experiences, so it is extremely important for him to give positivity and joy. In this case, Philip will show only his best qualities.

- This is a great way to give the birthday person a good day and some unforgettable experiences. Philip will receive birthday greetings based on the characteristics of the name most warmly. He is guaranteed to appreciate your efforts and originality, and he will remember such a gesture all his life. The birthday person will especially appreciate congratulations written in the form of poetry. Philip is a rare lover of rhyme and art, so he will be completely delighted with such a decision.

Hurry up and take it from our website. Give the birthday boy a real holiday full of bright emotions and positivity. Take advantage of this opportunity!

Happy Birthday, Philip!
May fate favor you.
May all misfortunes pass by,
And only happiness is knocking on the house.

We wish you to live your life without troubles,
At least a hundred years
Any wishes come true!
Congratulations! Happy birthday!

Congratulations, my dear Phil,
May fate give you on your birthday
Happiness golden miracle wings
And love strawberry jam.

So that the soul is always in flight,
So that the days and nights are sweet,
And at every turn in life
You received gifts from fate.

Your birthday is knocking on your door,
This is a great reason to have fun
Let your years be wealth for you,
Let your business go like clockwork.

Philip, congratulations,
May your dreams certainly come true,
Let life be a fairy tale for you,
May the Lord always protect you from troubles.

Philip, man, congratulations
I wish you a lot of girls and love
And may happiness be just around the corner,
The enemies are already underfoot.

You know, friends are always nearby
They will support and help if necessary,
You can rely on us
When suddenly something happens.

So that success sticks to you,
Be an optimist, Philip!
Don't be sad over trifles
Make time for your friends!

Be confident in your abilities!
Take care of what is dear to your heart!
Well, if we have it in our power,
Let's not let it get lost in bad weather!

All the best words to you, Philip,
Congratulations, compliments and flowers,
Today is your birthday,
The hero of the occasion today is you.

Let's drink a glass to the bottom for your health,
May life always be sweet,
Let luck not pass you by,
Always be cheerful and happy.

For you, Philip, today,
Gifts include anything:
Congratulations, wishes,
From success to recognition.

There are parting words, advice,
And envelopes with banknotes,
But those lines that you read
From me, you will recognize them!

Today is your wonderful birthday,
The day when all dreams come true
Let all doubts leave you,
Let nothing darken either reality or dreams.

May everything work out happily for you, Philip,
May fate be bright and beautiful,
Let the good news make you happy,
All the best to you, prosperity and goodness.

The meaning of the name Philip: lover of horses (Greek).

Philip is a whiny and capricious boy as a child. His parents spoil him a lot, and his tears are just a way to achieve what he wants. Philip has had artistic abilities since childhood. He often grows up to be selfish.

Even the adult Philip’s relationship with his family is not entirely successful; children’s tears eventually turn into resentment. If for everyone around him he is a friendly and cheerful person, then for his close people he is touchy and gloomy. Philip is a rather proud young man who will not allow himself to be offended and will not allow himself to be deprived of anything. He chooses a profession where he can show his character.

Among friends he likes to be a leader and be the center of attention. If this does not happen, then Philip quickly leaves this company. In his environment, he needs people through whom he could realize himself. He chooses his wife according to the same criteria. He needs a woman with whom he could appear in society, show himself and her. She must be beautiful and smart, otherwise she has no chance.

Other forms of the name Philip: Phil, Filka, Filya, Filippok, Filechka.

Congratulations, Philip,
Be happy forever
And go towards your dream
Through the mountains, across the rivers,
May good luck come to you
Will bring joy with it,
And let love find you,
It will give you light and sweetness!

I wish you fart
Forever stuck to you.
Be successful in your business
Our incomparable Philip.

May your body be healthy
Let your mind be sharp.
Be a cheerful optimist
Never be gloomy.

Let Philip achieve his goal,
Travel to the fullest.
Find a gorgeous girl
What will captivate your heart forever.

So that you don't have to take medicine,
Don't let the work exhaust you.
And let his life be more beautiful
So that sadness does not come to her.

Philip's birthday.
It's his birthday.
That's why, in due time,
Listen to the congratulations.

Let every day
Will be filled with happiness.
Wealth will come to your home.
The salaries are too big to bear
And sorrow cannot be found in life.

Let your eyes burn, Philip.
Fire of love, fire of desire,
Let happiness always accompany you,
The moments of parting will not be bitter.

Let it be a guiding star
Star of victories and happiness and recognition,
The world around you will not be empty,
May everyone have good wishes!

You are my protector and keeper,
Warrior against sorrows.
I call you when there is no hope,
And you will come, and there will be light.

You will open the windows, doors, even the soul,
You will launch a holiday and a dream.
Philip - you are the first on the planet,
And our children are the guarantee of that.

Philip, you are impetuous and quick!
It’s like you’re racing through life on a horse!
You will involve anyone in an argument,
So bright - you will distinguish yourself everywhere!

You like any drive,
It's easy to go on adventures.
You and I are not afraid either
Both adventures and cupids!

Birthday is your holiday!
You Philip are our hero!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and joy.

Health, money in all pockets.
And so that all your plans come true.
For us in the world there is no one more precious than you.
Let all adversity pass by.

Love, hope and warmth,
And so that the soul always blooms.
We wish you success in everything,
And on this day - fun, laughter!

“I will die for you” Kirkorov sang to us,
There is a lot of controversy on this topic.
After all, nowadays there are few of them,
Men, for such feats.

But my Philip, my reward,
He is nearby, and I am very happy.
And he will give his life, and everything in the world,
May my children and I be happy.

Thank you, dear, for being you,
I cannot count your merits.
We love you very much, we appreciate you very much,
And we will not cancel these words.

Philip, we will congratulate you in a moment.
You are all stately and beautiful,
Like the lord of all the beautiful,
Give us just a second
To hear congratulations,
Take some sweets and jams
And understand that Filya is the best Philip!

Responsible, principled,
Interesting, wise, strong,
You are brave, but not impudent,
You're just great, Filya!
No, brothers, “linden”
Doesn't work for Philip.
He smells linden like God,
Our beloved Filipok.

I'm in trouble.
I choked on a sob.
But Philip told me
(And I said to Philip):
Without a sword and with a sword
I will defeat the enemy.
I'm not sad about anything
Nothing to regret!
Amazing guy!
The rest is all fake.
You're right three times, Philip!
My glass is for Philip!

Happy Birthday to Philip

It grows among pitchforks and linden trees,
He loves “kir”, has tempers...
Happy birthday, Philip!
(You are good, at least not Kirkorov!)
I'll sing you greetings:
Be in elastic motion,
Always rejoice together,
Not with my wife, but with my best friend!

Philip, congratulations
All together from the heart!
You are a very nice guy
We value you.
Find a valuable treasure
Yes, give it to you.
But since there is no treasure,
We will give ourselves.
Friends will always help
They will support and understand.
It's more fun with friends
Than with a bunch of bills.
We wish you happiness
Be rich for everything!
Don't lose your health.
Everyone has one!

Crowned with a name like a hat,
You always act like a prince.
It's okay, I'm a little spoiled
Close attention of the girls.
You're supposed to be rich
To be both beautiful and loved.
And gifts from the winged messenger
Solemnly share with your neighbors.
It's divine to ride a horse,
For a horse suits someone like you,
And be happy, and not seem
Contrary to the customs of vanity!

Happy birthday to Philip

Although Philip is not a jockey,
He doesn't drive around Mustangs.
But his name means:
"Big horse lover."
A valuable gift was given to him by fate:
His doubts do not gnaw -
He will put the horse on the right one
He is in any situation.
There's always a secret favorite.
No matter how they hide him from others,
But the favorite is in a skinny nag
Our birthday boy will take a look.
On the contrary, I'm in trouble,
I won’t get used to this problem -
Whatever I say, wherever I point,
I never get there.
I raise my glass
For flu prevention!
Do you want for Philip?
Well, I guessed wrong again.

You, Philip, are a horse lover,
May you have good luck
Will carry you like a celestial being
Through the lead and the fire.
Let love not leave
And fate blesses
So that the business started
Continue easily and boldly.

Fire of love, fire of desire,

Congratulations on Philip's Day

Philip, you are impetuous and quick!
It’s like you’re racing through life on a horse!
You will involve anyone in an argument,
So bright - you will distinguish yourself everywhere!
You like any drive,
It's easy to go on adventures.
You and I are not afraid either
Both adventures and cupids!

Philip! Happy Birthday
We are in a hurry to see you today!
We wish you happiness and luck,
And a passionate, fiery soul!
Today you are so beautiful
You just can’t take your eyes off it!
You with all our strength
Today we will congratulate!
Today we wish Philip,
To be generous and fair,
To be loved and respected,
And so that he loves his friends!
We'll raise a glass to you,
May you never be sad!
And let’s move all the glasses together
For our friendship, forever!

How nice it is to congratulate friends!
Phil, happy birthday, dear!
Pour the glasses full quickly
Let's drink your gold to your character!
We offer a toast to strength and good luck,
For being who you are!
Handsome, smart, humorous, reliable
We consider it an honor to be friends with you!

Cool congratulations to Philip

Philip, man, congratulations
I wish you a lot of girls and love
And may happiness be just around the corner,
The enemies are already underfoot.

You can rely on us

Birthday is your holiday!
You Philip are our hero!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and joy.
Health, money in all pockets.
And so that all your plans come true.
For us in the world there is no one more precious than you.
Let all adversity pass by.
Love, hope and warmth,
And so that the soul always blooms.
We wish you success in everything,
And on this day - fun, laughter!

Happy Birthday, Philip!
May fate favor you.
May all misfortunes pass by,

We wish you to live your life without troubles,
At least a hundred years
Any wishes come true!
Congratulations! Happy birthday!

Happy name day to Philip

A wonderful holiday at Philip's,
After all, you were born today!
We wish you happiness and success,
Let your dreams come true!
We wish you a bright ray of light
On this life's path,
A moment of dawn in your window
It will help you get through everything!
You won't forget your friends,
May everyone always be with you
And let it be with you in my heart
Only unearthly kindness!
Love will wash over you like a wave,
Let only one warm the soul,
After all, without love there is no need for light
And in life there is only complete darkness!

You are not Kirkorov and your wife is not Pugacheva.
You don’t sing and she doesn’t sing.
But I repeat, again and again:
That couple in front of you is still pale!
Kirkorov knows how to love a “bunny with a basin.”
Filya is handsome and slender, finally.
But this boy turns pale before you:
What kind of father is Kirkorov?!
And you, Philip, are a first-class parent!
And we need to learn from you.
You are a teacher, a coach, and a wonderful friend to children.
There are literally only a few such fathers!
Alas! We see fathers of this type less and less often!
So, how can we, friends, not drink to Philip?

You are my protector and keeper,
Warrior against sorrows.
I call you when there is no hope,
And you will come, and there will be light.
You will open the windows, doors, even the soul,
You will launch a holiday and a dream.
Philip - you are the first on the planet,
And our children are the guarantee of that.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Philip

Our Philip is a dashing rider.
He's so adorable on horseback!
Smooth figure and gaze with fire -
Everything about him delights us.
How good is he at moving?
Fast to the point of exhaustion
Agile and swift,
He is an amazing athlete.

Happy birthday, Philip,
Well, my friend, you're in trouble,
We will read congratulations,
You will understand on your birthday!
We want to live richly
Drink as much vodka as you need,
And take the girls to the dacha,
And be healthy to boot,
Live for the joy of everyone around you,
To be a friend for your spouse,
To be a god at work,
Was loved and loved
So that everyone is surprised:
Where did this come from?

My dear, beloved,
The only Philip!
These tender lines for you,
To the sweetest, most
To the beautiful on this earth,
May this birthday
who you meet
Everything you dream about will come true.
You know I believe in you
And I love you very much.

Happy Angel Day to Philip

Happy Birthday, Philip!
May fate favor you.
May all misfortunes pass by,
And only happiness is knocking on the house.

We wish you to live your life without troubles,
At least a hundred years
Any wishes come true!
Congratulations! Happy birthday!

Philip's birthday.
It's his birthday.
That's why, in due time,
Listen to the congratulations.

Let every day
Will be filled with happiness.
Wealth will come to your home.
The salaries are too big to bear
And sorrow cannot be found in life.

Philip, man, congratulations
I wish you a lot of girls and love
And may happiness be just around the corner,
The enemies are already underfoot.

You know, friends are always nearby
They will support and help if necessary,
You can rely on us
When suddenly something happens.

Congratulations to Philip, poems with the name Philip

Someone gave us a "linden"
Like, Phillip is so old...
We can’t believe our eyes: no -
Phillip is not many years old!
Twenty or twenty one -
Despite the tuft of gray hairs,
What sticks out among the bald head...
Why is Philip sitting and being silent?!
We wish you in a toast,
Our dear friend Philip,
To invite us to visit more often
And so as not to get caught up in a scam!

My dear, beloved, only Philip!
These tender lines for you,
To the sweetest, most beautiful on this earth,
May this birthday that you celebrate,
Everything you dream about will come true.
You know I believe in you, and I love you very much.

Let your eyes burn, Philip.
Fire of love, fire of desire,
Let happiness always accompany you,
The moments of parting will not be bitter.

Let it be a guiding star
Star of victories and happiness and recognition,
The world around you will not be empty,
May everyone have good wishes!

Your birthday is knocking on your door,
This is a great reason to have fun
Let your years be wealth for you,
Let your business go like clockwork.
Philip, congratulations,
May your dreams certainly come true,
Let life be a fairy tale for you,
May the Lord always protect you from troubles.

All the best words to you, Philip,
Congratulations, compliments and flowers,
Today is your birthday,
The hero of the occasion today is you.
Let's drink a glass to the bottom for your health,
May life always be sweet,
Let luck not pass you by,
Always be cheerful and happy.

Sincerely, with great excitement,
Happy birthday to you, Philip,
We wish you a lot - a lot of happiness,
Pure and mutual love,
Let there be no worries and bad weather,
On your long journey of life.
May fate be favorable to you,
May the good angel always protect you.

The sun is shining brightly on your birthday,
The clouds sparkle blue,
With love, we sincerely congratulate you,
All your family and friends.
Philip, we wish you happy years,
Good health, joy, movement,
Good luck and big victories in everything,
Always in a great mood.

Today is your wonderful birthday,
The day when all dreams come true
Let all doubts leave you,
Let nothing darken either reality or dreams.
May everything work out happily for you, Philip,
May fate be bright and beautiful,
Let the good news make you happy,
All the best to you, prosperity and goodness.

Happy birthday, Philip, congratulations,
We wish you all the best,
So that old age does not creep up unnoticed,
So that youth stays with you for a long time.
So that my heart ache less,
So that you have enough strength for everything,
Despite any sorrows and obstacles,
Go towards good luck and success.

Philip! Happy Birthday
We are in a hurry to see you today!
We wish you happiness and luck,
And a passionate, fiery soul!
Today you are so beautiful
You just can’t take your eyes off it!
You with all our strength
Today we will congratulate!
Today we wish Philip,
To be generous and fair,
To be loved and respected,
And so that he loves his friends!
We'll raise a glass to you,
May you never be sad!
And let’s move all the glasses together
For our friendship, forever!

How nice it is to congratulate friends!
Phil, happy birthday, dear!
Pour the glasses full quickly
Let's drink your gold to your character!
We offer a toast to strength and good luck,
For being who you are!
Handsome, smart, humorous, reliable
We consider it an honor to be friends with you!

You are not Kirkorov and your wife is not Pugacheva.
You don’t sing and she doesn’t sing.
But I repeat, again and again:
That couple in front of you is still pale!
Kirkorov knows how to love a “bunny with a basin.”
Filya is handsome and slender, finally.
But this boy turns pale before you:
What kind of father is Kirkorov?!
And you, Philip, are a first-class parent!
And we need to learn from you.
You are a teacher, a coach, and a wonderful friend to children.
There are literally only a few such fathers!
Alas! We see fathers of this type less and less often!
So, how can we, friends, not drink to Philip?

Someone gave us a "linden"
Like, Phillip is so old...
We can’t believe our eyes: no -
Phillip is not many years old!
Twenty or twenty one -
Despite the tuft of gray hairs,
What sticks out among the bald head...
Why is Philip sitting and being silent?!
We wish you in a toast,
Our dear friend Philip,
To invite us to visit more often
And so as not to get caught up in a scam!

Happy Birthday, Philip!
May fate favor you.
May all misfortunes pass by,
And only happiness is knocking on the house.

We wish you to live your life without troubles,
At least a hundred years
Any wishes come true!
Congratulations! Happy birthday!

Philip, we will congratulate you in a moment.
You are all stately and beautiful,
Like the lord of all the beautiful,
Give us just a second
To hear congratulations,
Take some sweets and jams
And understand that Filya is the best Philip!

Happy birthday, Philip,
Well, my friend, you're in trouble,
We will read our congratulations,
You will understand then, my friend!
We want to live richly
Drink as much vodka as you need,
And take the girls to the dacha,
And be healthy to boot,
Live for the joy of everyone around you,
To be a friend for your spouse,
To be a god at work,
Was loved and loved
So that everyone is surprised:
Where did this come from?

My dear, beloved, only Philip!
These tender lines for you,
To the sweetest, most beautiful on this earth,
May this birthday that you celebrate,
Everything you dream about will come true.
You know I believe in you, and I love you very much.

It's Philip's birthday -
He'll bring us jam
And put it in the corner,
Will listen to congratulations -
He will always be rich
And mustachioed, bearded,
And the owner will be prominent,
And he is a respectable man,
Let's wish him happiness
Don't get caught in bad weather along the way,
Always gather friends -
Life will be more fun this way!

Philip, man, congratulations
I wish you a lot of girls and love
And may happiness be just around the corner,
The enemies are already underfoot.

You know, friends are always nearby
They will support and help if necessary,
You can rely on us
When suddenly something happens.

Our Philip is a dashing rider.
He's so adorable on horseback!
Smooth figure and gaze with fire -
Everything about him delights us.

How good is he at moving?
Fast to the point of exhaustion
Agile and swift,
He is an amazing athlete.

In life, as for me, he
On a good horse.
We quickly write congratulations,
Konik jumps skok-skok!

Philip, congratulations
All together from the heart!
You are a very nice guy
We value you.

Find a valuable treasure
Yes, give it to you.
But since there is no treasure,
We will give ourselves.

Friends will always help
They will support and understand.
It's more fun with friends
Than with a bunch of bills.

We wish you happiness
Be rich for everything!
Don't lose your health.
Everyone has one!