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Positive thinking - what the power of thought can do. The power of the mind: how to manage life with the help of thinking Does the power of thought work?

The power of human thought: how to make your desires come true effortlessly? Learn about a simple and effective method!

Our thoughts have the ability to shape the space around us: with the help of the power of thought, a person is able to control life and create the events he needs.

How does the power of human thought manifest itself?

Recent scientific research brings surprising results: it turns out that thoughts do not stay in the head: they fly out into the surrounding space! The brain¹ is a radio frequency generator: when thinking, a person creates waves that fly into space.

The stronger the core of a thought, its very essence, the stronger the attraction it has. And the stronger the attraction, the more thought shapes space and future events.

In fact, thought has the same effect as hands - it can move material objects!

In addition, you need to understand the very nature of materiality. If you look deeper, any thing consists of atoms. Atoms are amazing in their structure: most of them are empty!

Only the tiny core is dense; but if you study it, you will find that it also mostly consists of nothing!

As a result, we can say that everything consists of energy. And thought by its nature is also energy.

This article describes a simple exercise, thanks to which the power of a person’s thought can become incredible, and in the future it will be possible to develop it!

How to develop the power of thought?

You need to blow out the candle with just the power of thought.

This technique is based on visualization.

1. The practitioner begins the lesson in a well-ventilated area. It is best to conduct the lesson in the early morning or evening, after dark.

2. He lights a candle; it is necessary that its flame be at the level of the eyebrows, between them (the third eye is located there), at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters.

3. Then the practitioner turns off the light in the room, sits in front of the candle and gets ready to work.

4. The person takes 5 deep breaths and concentrates his gaze on the candle for 5 minutes. You need to look with an unblinking gaze.

This look is the secret of many practices! It allows you to go beyond what people usually see, to increase the range of what is visible to the eye. The longer you look with an unblinking gaze, the more seriously the image of reality will transform.

At first, not blinking may be quite difficult: this skill is developed. When the urge to blink arises, you need to close your eyes a little so that the surface of the eye is moistened with liquid. But you can't close it!

5. After such concentration, the person closes his eyes and begins to visualize how this candle burns. He imagines how the candle in imagination and reality are connected, how they combine into one.

The better the visualization skill², the more effective the work will be and the faster the materialization of thoughts will occur!

6. The practitioner mentally blows on an imaginary candle and imagines how it flutters and eventually goes out. The same thing will happen with a real candle!

This technique for materializing thoughts will bring results if it is performed for a long time.

With this simple technique you can develop incredible mental power. Gradually, using the materialization of thoughts, you will learn to easily manage the events of your life.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The brain is the central section of the nervous system of animals, usually located in the head (anterior) part of the body and is a compact accumulation of nerve cells and their processes (

Have you heard that thoughts are material?

I once read the following expression: “Poverty of thoughts generates poverty of actions, poverty of actions generates poverty of life.” Think about how accurate this is!

It is our thoughts that determine our actions. And actions determine the result! The broader and bolder your thinking, the more impressive results you can achieve.

How to use the power of thought to the maximum and how to learn to think “correctly”?

Let's find out...

How to create a winning mindset?

Think about this. We all think different categories . It’s easy for someone to imagine that he or she can build their own, earn several tens/hundreds or even millions of dollars a month, travel around the world, buy expensive cars, save people/animals/the planet... And some even dream can’t talk about quitting an unloved low-paying job, looking like those smiling celebrities from the covers of glossy magazines, or going on vacation somewhere outside of their country.

Does this sound familiar to you? And now just compare your dreams and your results.

It turns out that people who have achieved outstanding success, and who have everything that many are afraid to even dream of, have a different mindset from these “many”. How?

Successful people:

  • They don’t get stunned if they don’t know or can’t do something. They immediately begin to think about how to find out/learn or who they can turn to for help. That is, they are looking for a solution, rather than feeling sorry for themselves.
  • Don't panic if they don't have the resources they need right now to achieve results. They don't have thoughts like, “Oh, I don't have the money for this, I can't afford it. OK". For them, this is just another challenge. And instead of whining and giving up on their desire, they sit down and develop a plan on how to get the necessary resources and achieve the goal.
  • They don't think anyone is luckier . Someone grabbed a better position, found himself in the right place at the right time, for someone the stars aligned in the right pattern. No. Seeing a person who has achieved more, they ask only one question: “What do I need to do to achieve the same high results?”

That is, such people do not think that something is not available to them, that they are unlucky in some way and can only come to terms with this state of affairs. They are always ready to act.

Yes, I agree, it is extremely difficult to change your thinking, which has been formed over the years. But probably! Do you want your thoughts to work for you, not against you?

Then watch this video right now:

How to make the power of thought work?

We figured out the general principles of thinking. Now let's be specific. How to launch this very power of thought and make it work to fulfill your desires?

  • State your desire clearly

A desire like “I want to lose weight and get pumped up” is a vague and not specific desire. Imagine it more accurately. For example, “I want to lose 5 kg and pump up to the level of Arnold Schwarzenegger.” With such a clear desire, the likelihood of its fulfillment is much higher.

Why? It's simple. Such a desire becomes crystal clear to the brain. This means that for him it turns into one of the many tasks that he is used to solving. And if you really want something and think about it constantly, the brain has no other choice but to find a solution.

And it doesn’t matter what you wished for yourself there. A body like a fitness model, or a new car, or a trip to the mountains, or... If this desire is clearly formulated, you will attract all the necessary resources to fulfill it.

By the way, I know that many people have doubts about material desires. Will it come true? Is it possible to wish for a car/apartment/yacht? Can. And even necessary. Especially if you are building your own business. You just need to desire material things. This doesn't mean you have to focus only on the $5,000/$10,000/$100,000 income and forget about everything else. No. But material desires help a lot in business development.

  • Focus on one dream

Yes, we all want a lot at once. And here it is easy to be deceived into believing in magical power thoughts. Even if you think every day (and 100 times a day) “I want to lose weight, have some chocolate, go to Italy, learn to sing and buy a house on the Pacific Ocean,” nothing will come of it. The power of thought will not work. Because in fact, among all these desires, there is no main thing for you. The one that will light you up and make you rave about this idea. You don't care what you get: a chocolate bar, a trip or a slim figure. Which means you don't really want any of this.

Do you understand the difference? The power of thought only works for strong desires. She attracts what you really want. That's the whole secret. So think carefully: What do you want?

  • Do not forget that the desire must be fulfilled

You may want to ride a unicorn, play Quidditch, or meet an elf from Middle-earth. But, alas and ah, at present these desires can hardly be fulfilled. Therefore, even the strongest thought will not bring results.

The same applies to more mundane, but still difficult to fulfill desires. For example, a desire in a day from absolute zero is, of course, bright, but hardly feasible. Especially if in its implementation you rely only on the power of thought.

  • Set specific time frames

This is also part of the concretization of desire. When you say to yourself “I want to lose 5 kg,” this is not yet a clear desire. So you can lose weight by those ill-fated 5 kg in a year, or 2, or 5. But “I want to lose 5 kg in 2 months” is already a correct, specific desire.

But It’s important not to set unrealistic limits here, otherwise your thought will not meet the previous criterion - feasibility. Losing 5 kg in half an hour is hardly possible. Even if “I-have-a-date-in-half-an-hour-really-really-need it.”

Therefore, set limits for yourself, but be objective. Be realistic about your current situation and where you want to go. Since, focusing on too long a period, you risk giving up your desire altogether. And if you set too strict limits for yourself, you can get stressed because you are not moving as fast as you would like.

  • Don't tell anyone about your desire

In fact, this advice is very controversial. I've met different points of view. Some people think that they shouldn’t tell anyone about their desire. Because by voicing it out loud, you convince your brain that you have already gotten what you wanted, and it stops working to achieve the goal.

However, there is another point of view. It’s not for nothing that all kinds of declarations and public promises are so popular now. The meaning is simple. By announcing to a large number of people that you plan to achieve something, you encourage yourself to actually work towards achieving your goal. After all, you must admit that publicly admitting that you were unable to fulfill your desire, did not try hard enough and did not take the promise seriously is somehow embarrassing.

What is the best way to proceed? I believe that it is worth talking about desire. But don't shout about it at every turn. And tell those who will support you, give you motivation, inspire you, and help you believe in your goal, even if you yourself begin to lose faith and strength.

Many people know the expression that human thoughts are material, but few actually use this in practice to achieve certain goals. Psychologists assure that correct thinking helps to get rid of negativity and tune in to a positive wave.

The power of thought - what do we know about it?

Psychics, psychologists and people who work with energies claim that a person can control his life with the help of thoughts. Many are built on their power, for example, affirmations are popular - short phrases carrying a positive charge. The laws of the Universe, the power of thought and the energy of attraction are connected with each other, so it is believed that correct thinking can change a person’s destiny. By imagining your life as successful and happy, you can program yourself to realize your desires.

The power of thought - psychology

Scientists have been interested in this area for decades, wanting to prove that human thinking is important in life. Numerous studies have helped to learn how to take photographs of thoughts and auras, thereby proving the reality of the existence of matter. Knowing what the power of thought is capable of, you need to learn how to use it correctly in order to create a positive energy field around yourself. There are a few simple tips, which are worth considering.

  1. Use positive thinking by imagining everything you want to achieve in life.
  2. Fill yourself and the surrounding space with the positive energy of love, as it gives you a chance to achieve harmony.
  3. Stop considering yourself unworthy to have something, because this is a serious obstacle to your dream.

How does the power of thought work?

A person who changes his thinking triggers certain positive reactions that contribute to obtaining the desired result. Regularly repeated thoughts eventually become beliefs that evoke internal images. The power of thought is a force of attraction that has an impact on a person’s feelings and emotions. As a result, a person receives certain patterns of habits and behavior that influence the outside world, creating life experience. This is how, once you use your thinking, you can change it own life for the better.

The power of thought - is it real or not?

People who are asking this question, to get an answer to it, should simply use existing advice and evaluate the result. To begin with, you should stop reacting negatively to external stimuli and remembering the troubles of the past. So that the power of thought and energy does not have a negative charge, you cannot talk and think about yourself in a bad way.

It is forbidden to discuss and judge the people around you, and it is also important to overcome fears. Great value in happy life has a goal to move towards. Value yourself and your time by spending it only on things that bring you pleasure. You can't start anything without believing in success. Remind yourself regularly that everything will be fine and life will be wonderful. Often .

What can you do with the power of thought?

Many people do not even suspect what correct thinking is capable of. Knowing some techniques and rules for using your own consciousness can work wonders. For example, you can improve your financial situation by attracting cash flow. The power of human thought helps to reset excess weight and get rid of external unattractiveness. With its help, you can attract a person to you and return your lover. Correct thinking helps improve your health. To summarize, we can say that the power of thought helps to achieve any goal in life.

How to change your appearance with the power of your thoughts?

There are many different techniques, which can be used to change appearance flaws. It is important to say that you should not count on quick results, as they can be seen in about 45 days. If anyone doubts whether it is possible to change one's appearance with the power of thought, it is recommended to use a simple technique. Before you fall asleep, you need to imagine yourself with an ideal appearance. You cannot use the image of a specific person, but it is better to come up with something of your own or improve yourself.

Imagine how the ideal approaches, meets halfway and merges with the real appearance. To get results, it is important to see yourself in a new image even when looking in the mirror and not associate yourself with an appearance that you don’t like. The power of thought will work more effectively if you use the presented technique daily. The result will be obtained step by step.

How to attract money with the power of thought?

Financial problems arise periodically for many, but with the help of positive thinking you can change things. Studies have shown that rich people have different thoughts from poor people, so it is important to analyze everything and change your life. The power of thought, and the law of attraction implies the rejection of phrases that repel monetary energy, for example, there is no money or I don’t have enough money for this.

In addition, it is recommended to visualize your own desires. It is important to present images as clearly and clearly as possible. The most productive time for visualization is before falling asleep and after waking up. Imagine yourself as a rich person who has everything he wants. The power of thought involves the use of affirmations for money and success, the main thing is to speak the words in real time. Be sure to thank the Universe for your success.

The power of thought - how to attract a person?

You can also use your own thinking to get the attention of the person you like. There are some simple tips to help you get what you want. First you need to set an exact goal, which should eventually become a reality. The power of thought or the magnetism of a person depends on a positive attitude, that is, you need to be confident in the result. Visual perception is no less important, so it is better to have a photo of the person. Use affirmations and eliminate negative ideas. Try to visualize yourself with the desired object as often as possible.

How to make someone fall in love with you with the power of thought?

Many psychologists study the influence positive thinking on human life, which became the basis for the appearance of many books. The work of H. Amarga “Seduction by the Power of Thought” is popular. The essence of the concept proposed by the author is that it is necessary to visualize a scenario of sex with the object of adoration. Seduction by the power of thought is important to begin with the use of practices to open energy channels. In addition, it is worth periodically meeting with the object of adoration in order to exert a non-verbal influence on him.

The power of thought - fulfillment of desires

It is difficult to meet a person who does not have a dream, and many remain unfulfilled and often this is due to incorrect thinking. There are some simple tips on how to make your wishes come true with the power of your thoughts, and to begin with, it is important to clearly formulate your dream and focus on it. It is important that the goal be realistic. In order for the desire to become real, it is necessary to regularly conduct visualization sessions and the most popular option is to create a wish map. Another piece of advice is to concentrate your energy, so don’t tell anyone about your own desires.

Self-healing with the power of thought

It is generally accepted that everything in the world has vibrations that can influence a person. The body is a certain bundle of energy, which is characterized by vibrations. When vibrations in the body die out, various diseases begin to arise and the person ages. The power of thought and health are two interrelated concepts, since the first can create vibrations, influencing a person, and it can reach the most immobile tissues, affecting stagnation.

It is believed that the energy of thought can heal the body from diseases. It creates certain nerve impulses that create movements within organs and tissues. The simplest and most affordable option for every person is to create a pulsation. Do your workouts daily to get results. Eat simple instructions to create pulsation:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and look carefully at your forefinger on right hand. Examine the skin, nail and stop at the end of the finger.
  2. Place your finger on your knee and concentrate on the sensations at the point of contact.
  3. Breathe calmly and imagine how a small fire lights up on the tip of your finger, sending impulses to the brain.
  4. When the feeling of pulsation is bright, you can move your gaze from your finger to any other object.

You may not be able to feel the movement the first time, but the effort expended will certainly yield results. Thanks to regular training, you can make not only your finger pulsate, but also any organ, which will make it cleanse and renew itself. Vibration helps activate intercellular fluid, improve blood circulation and restoration processes in cells.

How to develop the power of thought?

To get results and see progress, you need to learn to control your own thoughts. Do not forget that they not only bring benefits, but can also cause harm. Many people suffer from a chaotic movement of thoughts, which makes it impossible to concentrate energy on a specific goal, so training the power of thought includes developing the ability to suppress and sweep away unnecessary information in your head. There are a couple of exercises that will help you achieve good results.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. For a few minutes, observe your own consciousness, as if from the outside. Be sure to evaluate your thoughts without losing track of them. It is important to learn to regulate your ideas. Repeat the exercise daily.
  2. For the next exercise, you need to try to keep only one thought in your head. This should be done for as long as possible. You can't be distracted by anything. A good result is holding one idea for 10 minutes.

Ecology of consciousness. When a person says “my thoughts,” a paradoxical thing happens: a series of thoughts “claims” to own other thoughts.

- one of the central facets of our life. This article will talk about how reality, events, people and all phenomena are created by the power of thought.

The power of thought and "I"

There are manifestations of "I". But there is no “I” itself. Manifestations of “I” exist on their own. They seem to talk about “I” as about a certain separate entity, of which they are manifestations. But this essence does not exist. There is only a bunch of these manifestations. The “I” is created by the power of thought. Thoughts revolve around a dummy that a person does not see, but believes that this is where his “I” is located. When a person says “my thoughts,” a paradoxical thing happens: a series of thoughts “claims” to own other thoughts.

The power of thought and experience

Fears have no real objects. Fears, just like thoughts, exist on their own. When fear seems to have a real object (the cause of fear), it is an illusion. Fear exists as an independent phenomenon without a real “object” to fear. The object of fear is created by the power of thought. When it seems that the cause of fear is an event, this is an illusion. “Events” release fear that sits in the unconscious layers of the psyche, like a subtle “conscious” energy that a person digests into this moment not yet capable of life. The same applies to other experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant.

If you are freeing yourself from bad experiences, you should remember that exposing them through methods of developing consciousness also leads to exposing worldly joys. If the power of thought is deprived of its negative charge, its positive charge also burns out quite quickly, which leads to non-duality and enlightenment of consciousness.

The power of thought and events

There are manifestations of events. But there are no events themselves. Manifestations of events exist autonomously, by themselves. There are no events outside of thoughts. Everything that a thought narrates occurs within the framework of its manifestation. Any event in general has only a mental coloring. Beyond thoughts is an indescribable reality, which has a wave nature beyond mental description.

The power of thought and physical experiences

Physical experiences cause pain or pleasure due to the habit of reacting to them mentally and emotionally. Without mental evaluation, something happens beyond description. Life is the movement of particles against the background of consciousness (the feeling “I am”). However, the movement of the particles that make up life is also created by the power of thought. Beyond thought, life cannot be expressed.

The power of thought and the law of attraction

The connection between physical sensations (which are projected in consciousness using the power of thought) and our thoughts is direct, so we can talk about the law of attraction (events to thoughts) in practical application. As a rule, a person believes that thoughts are a consequence of events. However, this is an illusion. Occurring “events,” as mentioned above, are created by the power of thought. A person separates “thought-event” and “thought-reaction”. A person considers a “thought-event” to be something absolutely real, which is supported by the corresponding energy of the thought, which carries a serious attitude. This is due to the fact that the “thought-event” arises as a reflection of physical reality.

The point is that physical reality is adjusted for each individual person in such a way as to correspond to his “thought-events.” The power of thought attracts into life what we think about. If a person is able to perceive his own “thought-events” as illusions, he can influence his life. Visualization of what you want promotes realization. The power of thought attracts the physical embodiment of what a person is thinking about. Therefore, you should not pay attention to bad thoughts. It is worth paying attention to your thoughts. The equation with the answer “life” is added relative to the charge of your state. This is how the laws of karma work. There are a number of articles on this topic on under the tag “karma”.

Autonomous power of thought

Everything that happens in this life is thoughts about thoughts. The current thought appears after the previous one, because one narrated about the other. This is an endless series of images that induce sleep in the mind. When I talk about the illusory nature of thought, I want to emphasize that the main illusion is a person’s delusion about the nature of thought. The very nature of thought and the nature of what is happening can be conditionally called real. Real energy creates mirages - unreal objects, events and relationships. Any assessments occur at the level of thoughts. The power of thought creates what we know. Beyond thoughts is a non-dual reality that defies any description. published


Most the right way bring the fulfillment of your desire closer

Elizaveta Volkova

His book fell into my hands just yesterday and, to be honest, nothing surprises me, but he surprised me.

Attention! All the techniques described here give amazing results. But if you

Why do you need to think?

“The fact is that often, when you tell people that they need to think about what they want, for some reason they hear the following: “You need to constantly desire, you need to imagine, you need to want.”

Thinking is an action that is much more meaningful than simply imagining something. This means that when we say “think”, we are not just talking about imagining, dreaming about how you have already achieved what you wanted, but about generating a variety of thoughts, ideas and much more about your desires and goals . What is “thinking”?

Thinking means:

write, speak, discuss, reason, THINK and much more. That is, it means generating some thoughts in your head. This is your normal mental activity during the day. You have to change the way you think.

Filling consciousness does not mean visualizing.

The activity of consciousness is much broader than its imagination. You just change the way you think and start thinking differently, and then you get different results."

What does a moment in a dream mean? This is when I visualize or when I meditate using the Silva Method (I wrote about this in this article).

And the rest of the time what do I do?

Well, of course I think about anything, just not about my dream. And God forbid about something completely opposite.

And this is exactly what is wrong to do. In this case, the power of thought is not enough to realize the desire. The power of thought lies precisely in thinking correctly, strongly, that is, a lot, constantly.

Niko also writes about affirmations as a very weak and insufficient element for the fulfillment of desires:

The power of thought versus affirmations

"This interesting topic with affirmations, it is very revealing. I have heard stories of people finally getting their dreams fulfilled after years of visualization and affirmations.

But I taught people who received the materialization of their dreams a few tens of minutes after using techniques for adjusting the thought process.

And it's not a joke! This is true. This could be a revolutionary breakthrough in the theory of the materiality of thoughts! This was facilitated by a real understanding of the true mechanism, or rather the lever, that affects what you have in your life right now.

This lever is called thoughts, I also call it “mental activity” (and I call it the power of thought - note from the blog author).

It's her, not something else.

Our thoughts are primary, and everything else is what we think about it.

However, now people are so distracted and unfocused that they simply cannot adjust their consciousness and thinking correctly, and therefore have the wrong thoughts. Or, not understanding the mechanism of generating thoughts, they make mistakes.

For example, they resort to affirmations about wealth and abundance, but at the same time they continue to saturate their consciousness with poverty by talking about it. They write about it and absorb into their consciousness various multimedia that are dedicated to poverty or lack (meaning books, films, music, etc.). Their attention is misaligned: no matter how many times they repeat these meaningless words of affirmations, their mind is focused on something else.

In reality only thinking process will affect your results and nothing else. Well,

The power of thought and focus

Now, as you see, the root of everything is mental activity, focus of attention, power of thought. By setting them up correctly, you can get truly impressive results that you had only heard about before.

I will try to explain in even more detail how it all works. You convince yourself that you are a millionaire, but all day long your consciousness is filled with poverty. Are you feeling lacking? Do you think about her? Do you see it everywhere? This means that everything you do with your thinking is a waste of time. By restructuring your perception, you can adjust your consciousness so that you will always get what you want from life. Until you do this, life will remain the same. You need to change your perception, and your consciousness will begin to fill with other thoughts, only after this lasting changes will follow.

Affirmations would be a panacea for the whole world if they really worked effectively. People often write to me in response to this: “But I have significant results from visualization and affirmations, although you say that they don’t work...”.

But what I'm trying to convey is that, most likely, something else worked. The point is that you need to understand: what fills your consciousness manifests itself in your life in the form of people, events and things.

Affirmations are a poor method of reconfiguring perceptions. Logic, deduction, reflection are a good method of changing consciousness. By directing your logic and other thought processes towards what you are striving for, you will materialize it. The first method differs from the second in that it is simply memorizing some statements without understanding them. Understanding occurs through reasoning. What will materialize if there are no thoughts about this, but only a continuous repetition of some words?

We say that THOUGHTS MATERIALIZE, but affirmations bear little resemblance to reflection, note this. You need to fill your consciousness with the desired projections, then they will become reality.”

These are the elements the thinking process consists of:

  1. Thoughts about something
  2. Memories of the past (including what happened yesterday)
  3. Planning for the future
  4. Situation analysis
  5. Imagination (including visualization)
  6. Everyday everyday thoughts
  7. Reading
  8. Watching a video (it occupies your thoughts, doesn't it?)
  9. Conversations with people
  10. Scripture (for example SMS)
  11. Listening to music or radio

Think about how you can bring your dream to each point?

And how do you need to clear your mind of negativity?

For example, stop discussing with your friends how terrible the city you live in is if your goal is to live in a wonderful city.

Stop planning a New Year's vacation with your friend if you dream of meeting your betrothed before winter.

Correct focus on desire

Proper focus of thoughts gives good results.

Focus on positive changes in your life when you apply any method, and in the end it will all help you get exactly what you want, thanks to your thoughts about it.

Another thing is that at the moment only exceptional people know how to correctly direct their thought process so that their desires materialize. This is exactly what you need to learn.

To increase the effectiveness of the power of thought and get results more tangible, you need to refocus on your wealth (its presence) and thereby get rid of all resentment about your state of affairs. What you observe, what you focus on, where you direct your attention, grows and fills your life. What you see everywhere is what materializes.

It all depends on what you see around you, and what you see depends on your perception. One sees a problem and the other sees an opportunity. These are different perceptions of two people, and their world is, accordingly, different. The first one has only problems and failures, while the second one has life filled with opportunities and successes. What we pay attention to grows.


In order to have positive results, focus on your progress, but if you mentally focus on regression, then you will get worse, despite the wonderful images you imagine at night. This is almost the main rule of getting what you want to have. When one thing improves, everything else always begins to improve. Success in one area leads to success in the next. So gradually a person “overgrows” with success. The avalanche of success and good results is gaining strength and scale. As a result, the person gets better life, which everyone dreams of. The main thing is not to lose sight of success.