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Holiday May 9th in the junior group. Plan of events for celebrating Victory Day in the second junior group

Natalia Antonova
Abstract educational activity"Victory Day-May 9" in the second younger group


To develop children's knowledge about the holiday « Victory Day»

To give knowledge that a long time ago, 70 years ago, there was the Great Patriotic War and the people defeated the enemy.

Vocabulary enrichment; new words - military orders, parade, veteran, "Katyusha".

Activating the dictionary is a holiday, Victory Day, country, heroes.

To develop in children patriotic feelings for their Motherland;

To cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude in children for everyone who defended our Motherland;

Develop speech, thinking, memory of children;

Foster a sense of pride and respect for warrior defenders.

View portraits of heroes of the Great Patriotic War (children's grandparents)

Preliminary work: Reading fiction about the Great Patriotic War; listening to war songs; conversations with children about the Day Victory; Design of a book exhibition and poster stand dedicated to the Second World War "My grandfather is a hero". Looking at illustrations "Military equipment", "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Parade Victory» . "Firework"

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: artistic expression, questions for children, teacher’s story.

Visual: Stand - poster dedicated to the Second World War, exhibition of military equipment.

Practical: drawing fireworks, group work of children.

Material: didactic game "Military professions", audio recordings "War Songs", photographs of war heroes, St. George's ribbons, caps. Poster with illustrations of war and day victory. Exhibition of military equipment toys.

The soundtrack of the song is playing « Victory Day»

Educator: 70 years ago, when your grandparents were still children, to our Motherland enemies invaded, they killed people, burned their houses, wanted to deprive us of our home. The entire people rose to defend the Motherland, including our army, women, old people and even children. It was very difficult for adults and children during the Second World War. Many people died. Many people went to war and not everyone returned home. Many cities and villages were destroyed

But the army with the help of the people won enemies and drove them out of Russia, and then from other countries

A long and terrible war has ended. – In distant May days – May 9. Our people fought bravely and won. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries celebrate every ninth of May Victory Day. -IN Victory Day Holiday parades are organized throughout our country. On the streets for us this day Elderly people with orders and medals will be met. Smile at them, congratulate them on their holiday, wish them health.

About the Day Victory many songs and poems have been composed. I'll read one of them to you.

Educator: I read a poem by T. Belozerov "Holiday Victory» .

May holiday

Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers are watching.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the poster on topic: "Heroes of War" and stops at each illustration of the poster, while stimulating the children's answers and leading the children to answer the question asked.

Educator: Guys, look at the poster we made, what do we see on it? (answers children: the soldiers marching at the parade are grandfathers and grandmothers, they have orders, fireworks, etc. hanging on their chests

Physical education minute:

We are funny guys (walk in a circle, raising their knees high)

We love going to kindergarten.

Let's tell everyone in the world “To the world - Yes!” (Raise your arms up, fan out your fingers, wave your arms.)

And war is prohibited! (Cross your arms, hug yourself)

Educator: Guys, but during the war there were also different military equipment. Look, we have put together an exhibition of military equipment toys that helped soldiers during the war win enemies are still protecting our Motherland.

We go to the exhibition of military equipment toys.

Educator: So we came to the exhibition of military equipment toys. See what cars you know? (children's answers - plane, tank, ship, gun, etc.)

Educator: - Guys, I still want you introduce with one military vehicle.

“Both at sea and on land along front-line roads

Russian walks "Katyusha" walks at a fighting pace"

The guys said that at that time about a military machine called "Katyusha". Now I'll show it to you. It has a rocket launcher on it, but it looks like a regular car. She fired several projectiles at once. Her enemies were very afraid of her.

Educator: Did you guys like the car exhibition? What kind of cars are these? (children’s answer: military)

Educator: Guys, May 9th - every year this veterans gather day, congratulations and songs are heard, and in the evening festive fireworks bloom over the cities of our Motherland in honor of victory. Let us draw now, but first we will show the festive fireworks.

Physical education for a minute "Firework"

Everything was quiet around. (stand up straight, lower your arms)

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! (raise your hands up)

Rockets burst into flames in the sky (open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head left and right).

Both here and here! Above the square, above the roofs, (sit down, stand up. Raise your hands with open fingers up 2-3 times)

Above festive Moscow

Soars higher and higher

The fountain of lights is alive.

To the street, to the street (light jogging in place)

Everyone is running happily

Screaming: "Hooray", (raise your hands up, shout "Hooray").

Admiring (open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head)

To the festive fireworks!

Children drawing fireworks (teamwork) to the music « Victory Day»

Educator: Victory Day, light and joyful holiday. We remember with gratitude our soldiers who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all the heroic defenders that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky.

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today? what new did you learn? (children's answers about the holiday Victory, about war heroes, etc.)

Educator: I liked the way you worked today, the way you answered the questions I asked. As a souvenir, I want to give you St. George's ribbons, which symbolize the holiday Victory Day! This is our class is over, thanks to all.

Publications on the topic:

Conversation on the topic: “This is Victory Day!” 1st junior group Pr. sod. : tell the children what kind of holiday “May 9” is. Introduce them to the concept of war.

1 Organization of the exhibition “Mini-Museum” in a group (parents, children, and teachers actively participated in the selection of material) 2 “Our grandmothers.

Photo report of the holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Look north and south And at this hour, remember Victory Day.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Victory Day” Goals. Foster respect for the feat of your people during the Great Patriotic War; form.

Goal: to continue to introduce children to wild animals. Objectives: 1. Teach children to distinguish animals by external features. 2. Develop phrasing.

Give children knowledge about the Victory Day holiday

Introduce them to the concept of war, defenders, enemies;

Develop memory, attention, speech;

Foster love for your homeland.

Preliminary work:

Sounds musical composition"Victory Day"

The teacher reads a poem on the topic “Victory Day”
Let there be peace
May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live.
Peace is always needed on earth

Victory Day
May holiday -
Victory Day -
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.
The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade,
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
T. Belozerov
The teacher draws the children’s attention to an album on the topic: “Heroes of War” and dwells on each illustration of the album, while stimulating the children’s answers and leading the children to answer the question asked.

Guys, look at the pictures, what is shown on them (children's answers)

All these pictures are about war. Who knows what war is (children's answers)

Right. So our homeland was attacked by enemies in 1941 and a war began between the Germans and Russians. There were many battles and battles. Many people died defending their homeland from enemies, so that you and I could live freely and happily. The war lasted until 1945. In honor of the Victory over the enemies, on May 9, 1945, a Para was held in Moscow, and since that year, every year, parades are held in all cities of our country in honor of the Victory over the enemies.

Physical education minute “Salute”

Everything was quiet around. (stand up straight, lower your arms)

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! (raise your hands up)

Rockets flashed in the sky (open your fingers, wave your arms above your head left and right).

Both here and here! Above the square, above the roofs, (sit down, stand up. Raise your hands with open fingers up 2-3 times)

Above festive Moscow

Soars higher and higher

The fountain of lights is alive.

Out into the street, out into the street (light jogging in place)

Everyone is running happily

They shout: “Hurray” (raise your hands up, shout “Hurray”).

Admire (open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head)

To the festive fireworks!

Collective work of children, application on the theme “Dove of Peace” to the music of the war years.

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today? what new did you learn? (children’s answers about the Victory Day holiday, about war heroes, etc.)

Educator: I liked how you worked today, how you answered the questions I asked. As a souvenir, I want to give you St. George’s ribbons, which symbolize the Victory Day holiday! This concludes our lesson, thank you all.

Short creative project in the younger group kindergarten"This Victory Day"

Problem: Children’s ignorance of the holiday - Victory Day, about veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Justification of the problem:
1. Insufficient attention of parents to the holiday - Victory Day.
2. Children have no knowledge about the Second World War, or about the existence of a holiday in Russia - Victory Day.
Project type: social and creative.
Project type: short.
Project participants: children of the junior group “Zvezdochki”, teachers, parents.
Target: Formation of moral values.
1. Provide children with basic information about the Great Patriotic War. To provide knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland and the functions of the army.
2. Activate auditory and visual analyzers, develop speech, imagination and thinking in children. Develop skills to interact with each other, encourage children to joint activities.
3. To instill in children pride and respect for WWII veterans, a sense of pride for the Motherland, and the ability to listen to adults.
4. Activate the vocabulary: Motherland, hero, veteran, victory, soldier, army, defender.
Expected results:
1. Children’s interest in the topic “Victory Day”, the manifestation of their cognitive activity.
2. Children take the initiative on their own: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; show creativity and detail in their work.
3.They enjoy drawing and playing.
4. Participation in joint activities of parents.
Product project activities: Group and reception design; creating a relief composition with children “This is the kind of fireworks we have!”; travel folder for parents “May 9 – Victory Day”, design of the album “Victory was ours” (children together with their parents), design of the newspaper “WWII Veterans” (photos of grandparents).
Project implementation:
1. Working with parents:
- folder – movement “May 9 – Victory Day”;
- conversation: “What forms of work can be used when introducing children to the holiday “Victory Day””;
- design of the album “Victory was ours” (drawings by children and parents);
- design of the newspaper “WWII Veterans” (photos of grandparents).
2. Working with children (see appendices):
1. Consideration of material on the topic “Victory Day”, postcards “Cities of Heroes”, illustrations and albums “The Great Patriotic War”;
2. Conversation “Getting to know the holiday”;
3. Drawing “This is the kind of fireworks we have!”;
4. Reading poems on the topic “Victory Day”;
5. Laying out fireworks, an airplane, a tank from counting sticks (you can use the overlay method);
6. Outdoor games: “Find your color”, game with handkerchiefs “Find yourself a pair” (to music);
7. Finger gymnastics“This finger”;
9. Breathing exercises “Flag”;
10. Physical education session “Salute”;
11. Role-playing game “Sailors”;
12. Listening to songs: “We are marching with flags” and “Our Motherland is strong” by A. Filippenko, “Song about Spring” by G. Fried.
Result of the work:
1. Design of the album “Victory was ours”;
2. Collective work with children “This is the kind of fireworks we have!”;
3. Design of the newspaper “WWII Veterans” (together with parents).

Conversation “Getting to know the holiday”
Objectives: To give children knowledge about the Victory Day holiday, about how the Russian people defended their country during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them; intensify emotional sphere children and thereby make them want to participate in the conversation. Activation of all mental processes by asking children questions. Enrichment of vocabulary. To cultivate respect and love for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, and take care of them.
Progress of the conversation.
Educator: May 9th is the most main holiday, celebrated in our country. What holiday is it? what kind of victory is this? Over whom? Victory Day is the greatest and most important holiday both for Russia and for many other countries of the world. It was very difficult not only for Russian soldiers and officers, but also for all residents of our Motherland, adults and children, during the war. The army, with the help of the people, defeated the enemies and drove them out of Russia, and then from other countries. On Victory Day, people lay wreaths and flowers at military monuments. Now listen to the poem:
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Happy, bright spring day!
All the streets are dressed in flowers
And sonorous songs are heard.
Educator: It was a terrible and long war. Early on a June morning, Nazi Germany attacked our peaceful country. The entire people rose to defend the Motherland, including our army, women, old people, even children. (During the course of the conversation, the teacher gives an explanation, approves the children’s answers, summarizes them, shows visual material, etc. The conversation should be emotional, lively, and increase the children’s activity. During the conversation, the teacher provides new information in order to clarify or deepen the children’s knowledge about those objects and phenomena in question.The vocabulary work techniques used are the teacher explaining the meaning of individual words, repeating the word in chorus together with the teacher). Our brave soldiers did not allow the Nazis to approach Moscow, but themselves went on the offensive. This war was difficult, difficult and terrible; many people died in it. But the long-awaited Victory Day has arrived. Our valiant warriors drove out the Nazis and themselves came to Berlin. This happened on May 9, 1945. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries celebrate this holiday.
May holiday - Victory Day
Celebrated by the whole country
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.
(T. Belozerov)
In this war, as I already said, not only adults, but also children took part. Writers and poets wrote many poems and stories about their exploits. Our people fought bravely and won. But not everyone lived to see Great Victory. So that no one forgets the valiant heroes and their exploits, many monuments were built throughout the country in memory of war heroes, mass graves in which soldiers killed in battle were buried (show illustration). There are few participants in the war left: many years have passed since the Victory Day. Our government takes care of its heroes and helps them. You, too, must treat the war veterans and all older people with respect and gratitude. They defended our Motherland and preserved peace on Earth. And we have one Motherland.
Poem reading:
If they say the word Motherland
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river birch tree - shy
And a chamomile hillock...
And others probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud joyful horn.
Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!
Take care of your Motherland, grow up honest and courageous, brave.

Drawing “This is the fireworks we have!
Tasks. Arouse interest in drawing fireworks in collaboration with the teacher. Create conditions for experimentation with different materials. Mastering the “print” method (printing) and drawing using a stamp. Learn to draw in unconventional ways - make prints with a rag, a cotton swab, a cork and a star made of carrots; navigate on a piece of paper. To cultivate interest in observing beautiful phenomena in the surrounding world and displaying impressions in artistic activities using accessible visual and expressive means.
Preliminary work. Looking at images of fireworks. Games with colorful balls. Mastering the “print” method.
Materials, tools, equipment. The basis for the collective composition is a sheet of large format paper, gouache paints, materials for experimenting with prints - cotton pads, swabs, rags, corks, signets, carrot stars.
The teacher reads O. Vygotskaya’s poem “Salute” to the children:
Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!
Rockets burst into flames in the sky
Both there and here!
Above the square
Over the rooftops
Above festive Moscow
Soars higher and higher
The fountain of lights is alive!
To the street, to the street
Everyone is running happily
They shout: “Hurray!”
To the festive fireworks!
The teacher lays out on the table the basis for a collective composition - a sheet of dark blue or of blue color. He says: “This is heaven! Where are the fireworks? He takes one by one different materials prepared for experimentation and begins to make imprints, saying: “I take the cork, dip it in the paint and... slap (puts an imprint) - it turns out to be a light! I take a star, dip it in paint and... slap (puts an imprint) - what a sparkle!
Encourages children to experiment with different materials. Helps with the “hand in hand” technique, gesture, word. Children choose materials for drawing at their own discretion.
At the end you can read the excerpt:
There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.

Reading poems on the topic “Victory Day”
Let there be peace
May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live.
Peace is always needed on earth

Victory Day
May holiday -
Victory Day -
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.
The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade,
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
T. Belozerov
What kind of holiday?
(N. Ivanova)
There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
The whole country congratulates
Glorious veterans.
And the blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious day in May?

May greets joyfully
Our entire country.
On the roads of the Motherland
Spring is coming again.
Hello hello,
Warm, clear,
Victory Day,
It's a beautiful day.

Thank you, our beloved Motherland,
For all your worries and deeds,
For the clear sun, for the blue sky,
For everything you gave to the children!

Frontline songs,
Military awards,
Red tulips,
Veterans' meetings
And fireworks in half the sky,
Huge as Victory.
Victory Day has come to us,
The best holiday on earth.
Very fun today
Both big and kids!
M. Poznanskaya

The boundless distances are in radiant color,
And the songs ring across the vastness of the country.
Both the sun and the song were defended in battles
Heroes of a long-gone war.
M. Gettuev

Outdoor game "Find your color."
Goals of the game: development of coordination of visual, auditory and motor analyzers, training of the mobility of nervous processes, the ability to navigate in space and distinguish colors, raising the mood.
What you need for the game: flags of different colors, tokens of the same colors, chairs according to the number of children.
Progress of the game. Attach flags to chairs (or place them on chairs) that are placed in different places in the room. Give each player a token of the same color as the flags. After the words “Go for a walk,” the children disperse throughout the room. But as soon as the words “Find your color” are said, they must gather near a chair with a flag of the same color that matches the color of their tokens, and everyone must name that color.

Game with handkerchiefs “Find yourself a match”(accompanied by music)
Goals of the game: development of coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, formation of correct posture and training of the vestibular apparatus, training of the mobility of nervous processes, the ability to distinguish colors, raising the mood.
What you need for the game: handkerchiefs of different colors according to the number of children.
Progress of the game. Give each player a handkerchief different color. When the music plays, children dance freely, performing different movements. After the words “Find yourself a partner,” the children disperse throughout the group and approach the child with whom they share the same color of scarf. Everyone should name this color.

Finger gymnastics "This finger"
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.
Children are asked to bend the fingers of their left hand into a fist, then, while listening to the nursery rhyme, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.

Breathing exercises “Flag”
Goals: strengthening the orbicularis oris muscle; skill training correct breathing; formation of deep rhythmic exhalation.
Equipment: red flag.
Look at this, my friend,
This is our flag!
Our flag is beautiful,
Bright bright red.
The teacher demonstrates the correct execution of the exercise: inhale through your nose, purse your lips and blow for a long time.
Repeat 4-6 times.

Physical education session “Salute”
Everything was quiet around. (Stand up straight, lower your arms)
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! (Raise your hands up)
Rockets flashed in the sky (Open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head left and right).
both there and here! Above the square, above the roofs, (Sit down, stand up, raise your hands with open fingers up 2 times)
Above festive Moscow
Soars higher and higher
The fountain of lights is alive.
Out into the street, out into the street (Easy jogging in place).
Everyone is running happily
They shout: “Hurray! ", (Raise your hands up and shout “Hurray”).
Admire (Open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head left and right)
To the festive fireworks!

Role-playing game "Sailors"
Goal: To develop the ability to perform, with the help of an adult, several game actions united by a plot outline. Learn to act independently in improvisation. Foster friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork.
Vocabulary work: anchor, captain, ship, helm, helmsman, sailor.
Previous work: reading fiction about ships, sailors, viewing photographs and videos about the sea, sailors, ships.
Equipment: naval collar, captain's cap, medical gown, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, building material.
Progress of the game:
- Guys, I suggest we go on a trip together today. What can you go on a trip with? (By plane, by train, by car, by ship)
- To get ready for a trip on a ship, what do you need to do? (Build a ship)
- What will we cost the ship from? (Made from large wooden builder and soft modules)
Children, together with the teacher, build the side of the ship, place a steering wheel on the deck, install a gangway, an anchor, and seats for passengers.
- The ship is ready. Who's on the ship? Who needs what for work? (The teacher takes on the role of captain and helps distribute the roles of who will be who. Then you can invite one of the children to be captain).
Children: For the captain - binoculars, for the sailors - caps, for the doctor - a suitcase with
tools, medicine, koku - dishes and food.
- What is the captain doing? Determines the course of the ship and gives commands. Right hand drive, left hand drive! Full speed ahead! The helmsman is at the helm. The sailors are scrubbing the deck. The radio operator reports the movement of the ship. A doctor monitors the health of the crew on the ship. The cook prepares food for the whole team.
The music “Sound of the Sea” plays.
The captain gives the command: “Everyone get ready to sail, undergo a medical examination.” The doctor examines the entire team. After being cleared for navigation, the team boards the ship. The captain gives the command: “Passengers take their seats!” They take up space on the ship. The captain gives the command: “Raise anchor! Raise the ladder! Full speed ahead! " The captain constantly gives commands to the helmsman: “Full speed ahead!” Turn to the left! The captain asks the cook to prepare lunch for the crew.
The sailors saw it -
There is land ahead.
The captain calls to the pier,
The navigator is at the helm (Children put their palm to their forehead and peer into the distance).
Everyone returns home, the passengers, the doctor, the sailors leave the ship first, the captain is the last to leave.

Alexandra Shirokova

« Let there be peace»

1. Foster a sense of pride in the heroism of our people.

2. Develop visual and auditory perception.

Into the hall to the music of A. Ostrovsky and others. L. Oshanina "Sunny Circle" Children enter and stand in a semicircle.


Victory Day has come to us,

Best holiday on earth.

Very fun today

Both big and kids!


Above the ground here and there

Fireworks light up.

Adults and children

They thundered together.

Leading: (show presentation slides 1-14) Victory Day is the most important holiday in our country. It was very difficult not only for Russian soldiers and officers, but also for all residents of our Motherland, adults and children, during the war. The army, with the help of the people, defeated the enemies and drove them out of Russia, and then from other countries. On Victory Day, people lay wreaths and flowers at the monuments.

Let the sky be blue,

Let there is no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns are silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people and cities can live.

Peace is always needed on earth!

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers!


We need peace - you and me,

And to all the children in the world!

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.


We need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood.

We need peace, a beautiful world,


Leading. Guys, now let's play. I have pictures - symbols of peace, but the trouble is, they fell apart. We need to collect them. (2 teams of 2 people)

A game "Fold the picture" (dove, sun)

Leading: Well done! Now let's show our dance with flowers.

Children to the song of Yaroslav Evdokimov "Viennese Waltz" perform a dance.

Leading: I have already said that not only adults, but also children took part in this war. They helped adults. It was very difficult, but they coped with the most difficult tasks, performing feats. Let's play a game "Secret Report". 2 teams of 6 people play. You need to go through everything obstacles: crawl under barbed wire, pass "minefield", jump over the ditch. Pass the package along the relay. The team that completes the task faster and more successfully wins.

A game "Hidden Report" (with parents)

Well done! Everyone is smart and fast! Now let's see which of you is the most attentive. The army has land, sea and air forces. We marked them flowers: green – land – crawling; blue - sea - sailing; white - air - fly; at a red flag - we shout "Hooray!")

Game "Four Flags"

Leading: Well done boys! You are dexterous, fast, attentive. And who is the most accurate, we will now check. Listen to the task - you need to hit the target with the ball.

A game "Hit the target"


So that again on the earthly planet

Not that disaster happened again.

We need,

So that our children

They remembered this

I have no reason to worry

So that she is not forgotten war:

After all, this memory is our conscience

We need her as strength...

Today the holiday enters every home.

And joy comes to people with him.

We congratulate you on your great day,

Happy Day of Our Glory!


To the soundtrack of a song "Victory Day" the children leave the hall.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated educational activity “Let there always be a mother” in the preparatory group Program objectives: To develop qualities such as empathy, responsiveness, justice, collectivism. Increasing spiritual education.

Kolmakova Natalya Anatolyevna Report on the holiday “Mother’s Day” Topic: “Let there always be a mother” second junior group “They don’t bloom without the sun.

Civic-patriotic education is one of the most important components of the formation of a child’s personality. Promotion plays a big role here.

Scenario of holiday leisure “Russian Unity Day” in a compensatory group for children with mental retardation Goal: Introducing children to the history of Russia. Objectives: 1. To form children’s ideas about the state flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation 2. To generalize knowledge.

Calm music sounds, birdsong, sounds of nature in the soundtrack) Presenter (child): I saw such beauty for the first time: Colorful on green leaves.

Yulia Baturina

Victory Day in younger group. Scenario

Celebration script for Victory Day for children in the younger group

Festive party script dedicated to Victory Day for children 3-4 years old(junior group)

1. Foster a sense of pride in the heroism of our people.

2. Develop visual and auditory perception.

Preparation of the event

Flags are selected for each child; Budyonnovkas for boys, pictures depicting military equipment.


Leading (adult).

Children with flags enter the hall as they march and stand in a semicircle.

Victory Day has come to us,

Best holiday on earth.

Very fun today

Both big and kids!

We go with flags

Singing songs.

All the guys love

Ninth of May!

Your flags

Let's lift it up

Congratulations to everyone,

Congratulations to everyone!

Exercise with flags to the song "Flags" to the song "Our army is strong" Fidgets

Our parade begins with cavalry soldiers (on children who came out to recite poems, I put on budenovki)

Skok-skok! - on a horse.

I have a star on my hat

I have a machine gun behind me, Because I am a soldier!

Gave me a horse

Mom on her birthday.

I have a wonderful horse -

Just a sight for sore eyes!

I'm proud of my horse

He flies like the wind.

I overtake on it

All the horses in the world!

Let's see how fast our cavalrymen are, and how fast their horses are. Let's play a game "Bring a letter"

A game "Bring a letter"

Two envelopes, two horses, two chairs. Children, on command, must run to the chair, take the letter, and return to the starting position. You can play 2-3 times.

After such a serious task, we need to arrange a halt.

Soldiers, take a rest.

Look at the funny dance.

Our dolls will dance

Dance of the dolls:


(song-dance of Dolls - for kids)

1) We are little dolls, we know how to dance.

Shake your head, blink your arms and eyes

Pa-pa, ma-ma, and blink your eyes

2) We were lying in a box and no one knew us,

He didn’t put on our dresses, he didn’t curl our curls

Pa-pa, ma-ma, I didn’t curl my curls


3) But this morning we came to kindergarten,

There are so many toys here, so many kids here!

Pa-pa, ma-ma, there are so many guys here!

Pa-pa, ma-ma, how many guys there are here

Now let's check on our dads. Contest "Gather your equipment"(pictures depicting military equipment cut into several parts are collected by dads)

The boundless distances are in radiant color,

And the songs ring across the vastness of the country.

Both the sun and the song were defended in battles

Heroes of a long-gone war.

M. Gettuev

There are many different songs

About everything in the world,

And now we’ll sing a song for you

Let's sing about the Motherland.

"Our homeland is strong"

Legs are shaking

They don't stand still.

Well, come on, friends,

Let's all dance together.

Boys dancing Horse Dance

What is Victory Day

What is Victory Day?

It's the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

Soldiers marching in formation

What is Victory Day?

This festive fireworks:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table,

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

We remember the feat accomplished once,

Sons continue the path of fathers.

Be calm and happy, soldiers,

Heroes of a long-past war!

Song “We march like our soldiers”

Publications on the topic:

I present to your attention didactic games on sensory education of children of the 1st junior group. All.

I would like to show a photo report of the GCD with its implementation educational field"Physical Culture". It took place in our favorite sports hall.

GCD "ambulance" in the second junior group of kindergarten MADOU "KINDERGARTEN No. 88" TEACHER: TATIANA SERGEEVNA LIPINA. TYPE OF PROJECT: Creative, informational. PROJECT TYPE: by composition of participants:.

GCD in the junior group of the kindergarten “Farewell to Autumn” Video DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY CONSOLIDATING PREVIOUSLY ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS “FAREWELL TO AUTUMN” Goal: Development of sensorimotor.

Long-term plan for the week in the junior group of kindergarten The content of the work