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Hairstyles for women with square faces. Women's haircuts for square faces

Each face has its own shape, which gives us individuality. Thanks to the correct determination of the shape, you can understand: what hairstyle is most suitable, how to most advantageously emphasize facial features with the help of makeup, what jewelry and clothes are suitable. What is your face shape?

Exists 7 face shapes:

  • oval
  • round
  • square
  • triangular
  • pyriform (trapezoid)
  • rectangular
  • diamond-shaped

For correct definition face shape, it is necessary to establish the basic proportions: the ratio of vertical to horizontal should be equal to 3:2. The shape can be determined by three main lines:

  1. forehead line
  2. cheekbone line
  3. jaw line

Oval shape

The proportions are ideal (3:2). The widest line is the line of the cheekbones, the less wide is the forehead, the narrowest line is the jaw.
Counts perfect shape, so representatives with this type of face do not need to change their shape. The sculpture of the face is emphasized. Suitable for almost any hairstyle and makeup.

All other face shapes must be “adjusted” to the ideal one, i.e. visually bring the face shape closer to oval.

Celebrities with oval faces

Round form

The vertical and horizontal are almost equal. The widest part is at the cheekbone line. The face has soft, smooth shapes.
The face needs to be enlarged vertically, stretched out.
Short recommended eyebrow with high rise ( long eyebrow will visually expand the horizontal).

Suitable hairstyles: high volume; from straight hair below the chin.
Avoid bob-type haircuts with rounded outlines that only emphasize the round shape of the face.

Stars with a round face shape

Rectangular shape

The line of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw are on the same vertical (like a square face), but the horizontal-vertical ratio is ideal. This type often has a high forehead and a narrow chin. Pronounced cheekbones.

It is necessary to restore the correct horizontal shape - to increase the line of the cheekbones.
A straighter shape is recommended brows.

Suitable hairstyles: haircuts middle length type of bob to the shoulder.
Avoid: long hair flowing on the sides - this will lengthen the face even more.
Stars with rectangular shape faces

Square shape

The vertical and horizontal are almost equal. The lines of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw are on the same vertical. Wide forehead, unfolded lower jaw, resembling a square.
It is necessary to soften the image and stretch the vertical.
Not long recommended eyebrow with a high rise.
Suitable hairstyles: not too much short haircuts with bangs, quite voluminously covering the ear area; Longer hairstyles with wavy strands around the face are also possible; for long straight hair - create as much volume as possible at the crown and along the entire length of the hair.
Avoid: high hairstyles; with straight long hair; haircuts with completely straight hair to the chin or above (a la the Valley).

Stars with a square face shape

Triangular shape

The widest part is the forehead line, then the cheekbones, the narrowest part is the jaw line. This shape is also called “heart”.
It is necessary to visually reduce the widest part of the face (forehead line).
Round shape recommended eyebrows, but it shouldn't be long.
Matching Hairstyles: chin-length hair with smoothly curved strands; with a straight or side parting; with hair combed behind the ears (drawing attention to the eyes and balancing the width of the cheekbones).
Avoid: high hairstyles; short curly haircuts.

Stars with a triangular face shape

Pear shape

The narrowest part is the forehead line, then the cheekbones, the widest is the jaw line. This shape is also called trapezoidal.
It is necessary to expand the forehead line.
It is recommended to lengthen brows.
Matching Hairstyles: it is necessary to hide the massive lower part of the face - the haircut should resemble the shape of the face upside down; The basis of any hairstyle is a “hat” that covers the top of the head and ends at the level of the middle of the ears.

Celebrities with pear-shaped faces

Diamond shape

The cheekbone line protrudes significantly, and the forehead and jaw line are narrowed. This shape is also called diamond.
It is necessary to visually expand the line of the forehead.
Recommended brows with a rise and a short tip.
Matching Hairstyles: high hairstyles with long bangs; a hairstyle resembling a triangle inverted with an acute angle upwards; the widest part of the hairstyle should be either at the level of the earlobes, or located slightly lower, but in no case higher. In addition, if the hair is long enough (just below the chin), it can be recommended to curl the ends of the curls towards the face.

If it is necessary to emphasize the shape of the face, the wide part of the hairstyle should be at the level of the top of the ears.

Stars with diamond-shaped faces

A little later I will look at each type of face in more detail, where more details will be given. detailed recommendations for makeup, hairstyles, etc.
In the meantime, you can determine your face shape. If it doesn’t work, write me, I’ll help :)

Face shapes can be divided into six main types: oval, elongated, rectangular, square, round, triangular. There are more detailed classifications containing ten (as in the picture above) and more options, but they are all special cases of the main ones. There are faces in the shape of a pear, a rhombus (diamond), a heart, etc. Let's look at the most common shapes and choose hairstyles for them.

1. Oval face

The proportions of a face that follows the geometry of an oval are rightfully recognized as ideal. The outlines are smooth, harmonious, without angularities. Representatives of all other types have to use various stylistic and hairdressing techniques in order to visually get closer to this perfect form.

5. Round face

“White-faced, round-faced...” The pretty round face looks very attractive. It's hard to resist the charm of Cameron Diaz, the beauty of Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Richie, admires. But there is no limit to perfection. The desire for the ideal, which is an oval for a face shape, has not spared those with round faces.

This type is characterized by widely spaced cheekbones, a small rounded chin, and convex cheeks. The distance from the forehead (hairline) to the chin is proportional to the distance between the cheekbones. Correcting such a face consists of visually lengthening it.

For those with long hair, this can be easily done with the help of flowing wavy strands that partially hide the cheeks. Asymmetry, which shifts emphasis, is very appropriate. And, of course, high hairstyles that visually elongate the face. If your hair is naturally curly, you don't have to straighten it. Make it heavy enough long curls mousse, not allowing them to turn into a curly cloud, and let them fall in a natural wave.

The ideal option for medium hair is a bob. However, from the abundance of varieties of popular hairstyles, you should choose only those that elongate your face. First of all, this is a bob lengthening towards the chin, or with strands directed towards the cheeks. A variety of asymmetrical bobs look very modern and advantageous.

Short haircuts need to be chosen with special care, since there is a high probability of emphasizing the roundness of the face rather than hiding it. Pixie haircuts with sufficient volume at the crown are acceptable. And once again the almighty asymmetry will help out, successfully masking the imperfection of features.

Moon-faced people (following the rhetoric of Eastern poets) need to avoid small curls that form a halo around the face, hair combed back and pulled into a ponytail, a flat crown, volume in the cheek area, and hairstyles with oval contours. Bangs are desirable: oblique, torn, asymmetrical; if long or up to the eyebrows, then they must be thinned out.

6. Triangular face

Another one geometric figure, which many faces resemble, is a triangle. Its base is a wide forehead, its top is a narrow chin. Looking at the beautiful faces of Naomi Campbell, Natalie Portman, or, you are imbued with the idea that every face shape, incl. and triangular, has its own charm and attractiveness, and the task of the hairstyle is to highlight the best in appearance, veiling the flaws.

To bring a triangular face closer to an oval one, you need to disguise the forehead, visually reducing it, and smooth out the sharp transition to the chin, which needs to be added volume. To achieve this goal, choose hairstyles with a trapezoidal silhouette, widening towards the bottom.

Long, free-hanging hair is given volume and soft wavy using a styler, starting from the ears. Or they can be tucked behind the ears and the ends curled large lush curls, concentrated in the chin and neck area. For medium-length hair, a bob with upturned ends is suitable. The parting can be side or central.

Haircuts are preferably feminine, smooth, without clear lines(there’s already enough sharpness in the face), not too short, voluminous at the chin. It is better to profile the ends of the hair, which will make them more voluminous.

Hairstyles combed smoothly at the temples (they will emphasize protruding cheekbones) or back (they will reveal a disproportionate forehead) are not suitable for a triangular face shape. Short “boyish” haircuts should be avoided so as not to enhance the masculine component. Lush haircuts that end near the ears are not suitable. They will visually enlarge the already relatively large upper part.

Bangs perfectly soften contrasts, hiding the forehead and placing emphasis on the lower part of the face. They should be long, straight or oblique; short ones should be discarded, as well as curly, curly ones.

7. Diamond face shape

Among the celebrities with a diamond-shaped face are Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kurow.

8. Heart face shape

With a heart-shaped face among the stars, Katie Holmes.


When leaving the hairdresser, women often wonder:
Why were they even asked what haircut they preferred?

The hats blown from our heads by the spring wind, huddled in the most remote corners of our closets, built-in shelves and wardrobes until the fall, revealed what fashion-conscious people can, with great stretch, call the height of designer hairdressing art. Therefore, many inevitably face the threat of visiting a beauty salon or the hairdresser closest to home or work - dissatisfaction and the desire for change and novelty drive the human race to more expensive establishments and places. But experts in beauty salons now have no time to analyze your appearance and carefully select the best hairstyle options for your unique head, like fingerprints, and beautiful, like an ancient goddess. IN best case scenario- the master will guess your aspirations and even exceed them, but it is better, nevertheless, to have a little idea of ​​how your dream, embodied in reality, will look in the eyes of others. Therefore, let's see which type of face which haircut or hairstyle is more suitable for, for this, as an example, we will use ready-made hairstyles of famous women.

The shape of your face should be your main starting point when choosing a new hairstyle.

I. Oval
It is a very softly rounded shape, slightly narrower at the cheekbones than at the temples. If you have this type of face, then almost any hairstyle will suit you. Your face type allows you to wear more hairstyles and cuts than any other type. Most of the faces of famous models, famous for their beauty, belong to this variant. You can wear short, medium or long hairstyles as long as your facial shape is well balanced and proportional.


Jennifer Aniston Cindy Crawford Cox Arquette Sharon Stone Julia Roberts Uma

II. Rectangle
This is a long and thin oval of the face when the distance between the temples is equal to the distance between your lower cheekbones. This type also often has a narrow chin or a very high forehead. Medium-length bob-type haircuts are suitable for you, since voluminous hairstyle on the sides of your face will make up for its lack of width. You should avoid long lengths of hair flowing down the sides - this will lengthen your face even more. The best option is shoulder-length hairstyles, which will allow you to make the strands more voluminous, as a result of which your face will look more harmonious.


Kirstie Alley Janet Jackson Niki Taylor Gwyneth Paltrow Stephanie Seymour

. III. Circle
Such faces are distinguished by a round chin and have the widest distance just between the cheekbones at ear level. High voluminous hairstyles are recommended for you - in this case, the shape of your face will give the impression of being narrower and longer. Straight hairstyles will also suit you, but the length of the haircut must be below the chin. Bob haircuts with rounded outlines are strictly not recommended, as they will only add unnecessary “weight” to your facial shape. Since the widest part of your face is at the ears, you should avoid wearing your hair in these areas to avoid making your face appear wider.


Ingrid Bergman Kate Winslet Drew Barrymore Christina Ricci Charlotte Church

IV. Square

This type of face is characterized by clear parallel straight lines from the temples to the chin. High hairstyles are not recommended as this will enhance the already overly symmetrical elongated shape of your head. It won't be very helpful short options with bangs, quite voluminously covering the ear area. Longer hairstyles with wavy strands around the face are also good models. You should in every possible way avoid styles with straight long hair, as well as haircuts with completely straight hair to the chin or above, this will only emphasize the excessive squareness of the oval. If you have long, straight hair, try to create as much volume as possible at the top and throughout the hair.


Kristin Scott Thomas Helena Bonham Carter Sandra Bullock Demi Moore Holly Marie Combs

. V. Triangle

This type of face is widest at the eyebrows and above, gradually tapering along the temples and cheeks towards a small, delicate chin. High hairstyles will only emphasize the lower narrow part of your face, so it is better to choose a hair length that reaches the chin, while balancing the lower jaw with smoothly curved strands. Longer options are also suitable for you. Hairstyles with a straight or side parting are recommended. You can try combing your hair behind your ears, which will draw attention to your eyes and balance out the width of your cheekbones in that part of your face. Short, voluminous haircuts are not recommended, as they will only weigh down the upper part of the head and make it too bulky. But increasing the volume of hair on the back of the head can very well balance both a narrow chin and wide cheekbones.


Naomi Campbell Michelle Pfeiffer Claudia Schiffer Lucy Lawless

VI. Diamond

The main thing is not to cover your face too much with your hair, so that the beauty of your facial oval is not obscured and lost for contemplation. Of course, any style is suitable for this type of face, because it’s not the face, but real diamond. Notice how good some fullness looks at the temples, giving the hair a heart-like look. It is also advisable to increase the volume of hair on your nape, which will come in handy to balance the line of your wide cheekbones. Things to consider: Are your hair naturally straight, curly, stiff, soft, thick or thin? This knowledge, combined with determining the type of structure of your face, will give you the opportunity to better imagine the initial result when changing your appearance.

(prepared based on materials from the site

When choosing a haircut, it is important to focus not only on your preferences, but also on your face type. This will help you hide some of the shortcomings of your appearance and highlight all the advantages. In this article we will find out which haircuts are suitable for a square face, we will provide photos of some of them for clarity, and also consider their types.

Features of haircuts for square faces

Who needs haircuts for a square face?

Naturally, such haircuts are suitable for girls with a similar appearance. Also, some types suit girls with round and triangular face shapes. In addition, you need to focus on your age and style. Below we will give you the types of haircuts, and this will help you choose the option that will suit you in all respects.

bob without bangs

Haircut styles


For a square face, the presence of bangs in the haircut is acceptable. However, it is important that it is not long and straight. In this case, short tousled bangs or oblique bangs, both long and short, are suitable.


In this case, it is not recommended to wear your hair with a straight parting. It is better to move it a little to the side to even out the proportions of the face. In addition, a zigzag parting is acceptable. It will look original and creative.

Extended strands

Elongated thin strands going down along the face will look good in this case. They will help hide angularity, which will have a positive effect on appearance. In addition, elongated strands will visually elongate the face, thereby evening out the proportions.

cascade on long hair

Haircut selection

There are several rules that should be followed when choosing haircuts for a square face.

  1. You can't completely open your face. The strands should flow over the cheeks to hide sharp features. If you place all your hair on the crown and back of your head, you will expose the angularity to everyone.
  2. It is not recommended to concentrate the entire mass of hair at the level from the middle of the ear to the chin. This will make your face disproportionate and highlight all your flaws.
  3. There is no need to choose haircuts with straight long hair. Otherwise, it will make your jaw heavier and your face will become unattractive.
  4. It is not advisable for the length of the hairstyle or its individual strands to be located at the level of the chin. Otherwise, the jaw will visually look massive and this will spoil the appearance.
  5. You should not have haircuts that are too short and completely reveal your face, otherwise it will emphasize its angularity.

short bob with side bangs

Laying methods

Haircuts for a square face, photos show this, should be styled in a special way. In this case, the bulk of the hair should be concentrated on the top of the head, but the face should not be completely exposed. To create this hairstyle you will need a hair dryer, a round comb and a fixative. To begin, wash your hair and style it the way your haircut requires. Next, make a small backcomb on the top of your head and secure it.

In addition to this, for square type faces will suit hairstyle with light waves. They can be done using curlers or curling irons. The curls should also flow along the face, and a small backcomb should be done on the top of the head.

middle length

Types of haircuts for square faces


This is one of the best haircuts for a square face if done correctly. The “ladder” in this case should go from the middle of the temple. The bangs can be either oblique or short. As for styling, in this case it is best if the ends of the curls “look” outward.


A bob for a square face type is performed as follows. The back of the head opens slightly or completely, and the strands in the front lengthen, falling below the chin. The bulk of hair is concentrated on the top of the head. Elongated oblique bangs are allowed, merging with the strands on the cheeks. A short, ruffled fringe is also acceptable if the style allows it to be “wearable.”

Asymmetrical haircut

An asymmetrical haircut will help you “disguise” facial imperfections, such as a strong jaw, large nose and massive cheekbones. It will even out the proportions and make sharp features smoother. Asymmetry can be done on any side; it is not of fundamental importance. In this case, bangs are allowed both short straight and oblique of any length. The parting is either straight or zigzag, depending on preference.

Long hair

As mentioned above, long straight hair is unacceptable for a square face. However, if you make curls, it will look good. Sharp facial features will be “smoothed out” and you will get beautiful proportions, not angularity. In this case, it should be taken into account that the curls should not be too large so as not to “weight down” the jaw. Medium curls or waves are suitable. For long hair, they can even be done with an iron, but straightening it is not recommended.

pixie with bangs

cascade for medium length hair

cascade for long hair

cascade on curly hair without bangs

short bob with thick bangs

bob with classic styling

bob with extension

bob with ombre dyeing

with volumetric styling

bob with side bangs

cascade for straight hair without bangs

bob on blonde hair

bob on dark hair

graduated bob with extension

long cascade curly hair

cropped A-bob

classic bob without bangs

Haircuts for a square face, the photo confirms this, should be voluminous, and the bangs should not be straight and thick, as you can already see. Please note that the examples of hairstyles we have given have no age or style restrictions. Knowing the rules for their implementation and installation, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.